darrowbyeightfive · 6 years
Marble Halls, Part 4
The next instalment of the as-yet-unnamed story (I really need to think of a title for this soon.) I finally managed to merge all my random plot threads together, yay! The downside is that this is getting really REALLY long...
EDIT: It now has a name, too! Yay!
James was surprised to see a young woman following the Doctor into the Skeldale living-room.
"Siegfried, would you mind very much if my young friend joins us for lunch? Her name's Vera Wilkinson. Perhaps you saw her yesterday – she's Mr Partridge's niece. We've both been working hard this morning and I'm afraid we quite lost track of time"
"Certainly, Doctor," said Siegfried. "A pleasure to meet you, my dear," he said to Vera, taking her hand and giving her his most charming smile. “Tristan seems to have been held up at Micklethwaites', so you can have his place.”
James had listened patiently that morning as Tristan had told him,  enthusiastically and at length, about this new object of his affections. Business as usual, he had thought, trying conscientiously to nod in the right places and make encouraging comments even though he had heard it all so many times before. This time, of course, it was different; it was true love. As it had been all the other times. Tristan, for all his laziness in other aspects, seemed to live his emotional life with an intensity that James, even as a passive observer, found exhausting. Nonetheless, it would be a shame for poor Triss if Siegfried did his usual trick of turning his nonchalant charm onto this girl and making her fall for him instead. It had happened several times before, and although Siegfried had sometimes deployed his attractions deliberately, much of the time he had appeared oblivious to his effect on the female of the species. With the usual sort of girl who went to dances with Tristan, it probably wouldn't have mattered all that much; he seemed to have an endless supply of nurses from up at the hospital and Siegfried was not usually especially interested in any of them. But this girl did seem a little different, and according to what Tristan had told him, things had already progressed rather well between the two of them.
"Pleased to meet you, Mr Farnon," said Vera. "My uncle and your brother have been telling me about your practice here." She didn't look or sound to James as if she had become an immediate victim of Siegfried's powers of attraction, the usual symptoms being blushing, simpering and a sudden onset of inarticulacy. Instead, her tone seemed pleasantly interested and businesslike. Perhaps Triss still had a chance, after all.
As the meal went on, James began to feel less confident on behalf of his friend. When the Doctor was talking about some of his past adventures, Vera listened to him with what looked to James like rapt attention and deep admiration. Poor old Tristan – when it wasn't his own brother who was upstaging him, it was a traveller from outer space who looked like his more dashing but otherwise identical twin and who had no interest whatsoever, as far as James could tell, in acquiring admirers. The Doctor, with his gentle, polite manners and friendly enthusiasm was almost impossible to dislike, unless you were one of the cosmic tyrants whose dastardly schemes he regularly thwarted. From what James had heard of his adventures, it seemed as if he had a tendency to pick up around him a small group of orphaned or otherwise bereft young people from various corners of the universe, caring for them with a kind of disinterested benevolence. James really couldn't imagine him engaging in anything as self-indulgent as a love-affair, although he could quite easily imagine him unwittingly and entirely innocently leaving a trail of unrequited admirers behind him.
Much as he enjoyed the Doctor's company, James had begun to feel that it would be best for Tristan if he were to resume his travels in space and time. Quite apart from any adverse effects on Tristan's romantic prospects, James had also noticed that Siegfried had begun to treat the Doctor in a friendly, fraternal sort of way, but with the respect that he usually didn't extend to his brother. It seemed only a matter of time until Siegfried made an overtly unfavourable comparison between his brother and the Doctor and provoked an unpleasant episode.
It was at this point that Tristan entered the room, his face and clothes liberally smeared with some brownish-green and unpleasant-smelling substance. James could see him running through various deductive processes after noticing that Vera was sitting at the table.
“Umm, hello, Vera. I'm afraid you don't really see me to my best advantage. I've just had a rather difficult time with a sow...”
“Tristan! What is that dreadful stench? Clear out of here and clean yourself up! Can't you see that we have a lady visitor?” said Siegfried.
Vera looked up from the table and directly at Tristan. “I suppose that anyone living with veterinary surgeons has to get used to a wide range of interesting fragrances. Hasn't that been your experience, Doctor?”
“Indeed,” said the Doctor, “although I have to say that after some of the species I have experienced on my travels, the substances and smells produced by the animals in Yorkshire seem very innocuous in comparison.”
“And it's not just veterinary practice. Anyone who wanted to throw his lot in with me would probably have to be able to tolerate the smell of turpentine and linseed oil.” She smiled at Tristan, who had still not cleared out of there.
“Ah, linseed oil,” said the Doctor. “A delightful aroma. Redolent of cricket matches on long summer evenings.”
“I suppose I could make accommodations for someone with a very sensitive sense of smell, and paint only in watercolours.”
“If I've understood the culture of the current era correctly, that would be perceived as being a very ladylike pursuit,” said the Doctor, “but perhaps not as cutting-edge and avant-garde as painting in certain other media.”
“I've never really aspired to be terribly cutting-edge,” said Vera.
“Novelty for its own sake is, in my opinion, rather overrated,” said the Doctor.
James grinned, realising that this double-act was being performed for Tristan's benefit.
“Tristan,” said the Doctor, “do go and clean up and join us! Although I've dealt with far worse smells in the past, I'd much rather talk to you here at the table. The repairs to the TARDIS really are almost finished now, and I'd like to tell you about my plans for our test flight!”
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scenicverse-blog · 7 years
☾ = angst
☼ = fluff
➶ = written scenarios
⇲ = bullet point scenarios
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Tumblr media
Unforgiving  ⇲ ☾
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darrowbyeightfive · 6 years
Marble Halls, Part 5
Another snippet...
"Where in space and time would you like to go?"
"The Renaissance or Ancient Greece," said Vera. "Or somewhere beautiful on another planet.""The time of the dinosaurs," said Tristan. A cloud passed over the Doctor's usually sunny countenance as he heard this and his hearts felt a twinge of pain, but he pushed away his regretful feelings and forced his face into a smile.
“James and I have a little game to liven things up when they get dull,” continued Tristan. “We imagine that we're vets in the prehistoric world, treating herds of brontosaurus rather than cows. It's a little silly, but it cheers us up and relieves the monotony on cold winter mornings. I suppose, Doctor, that if you've been travelling through space and time for several hundred years, you've probably developed some strategies for relieving boredom too.”
“One would think so,” said the Doctor, “but it seems that there is always someone chasing and attempting to kill or imprison me, so I rarely seem to suffer from boredom.”
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darrowbyeightfive · 6 years
Marble Halls, Part 3
So, OK, here is the first instalment... This is the long-overdue story from the writing prompt by @edgeofthedales who asked for a story about Tristan with the words ‘marble’ and ‘silence’. (None of which figure in this section, which is a bit of a bridging piece.)
"My usual form of exercise is running away from creatures who want to kill me. And cricket. I prefer cricket, all things considered."
"Hmmm. Well, you seem in very good shape for someone who is, what did you say, several hundred years old. A fine figure of a man. I would have had you down as about thirty. If it weren't for the double heartbeat, I would have suspected that this was one of young Mr. Farnon's pranks. A very lively sense of humour, he has. If a little bizarre on occasion." "So it appears. But you don't think there's any cause for concern?" "About his sense of humour, quite possibly. About your state of health, not at all, as far as I can gather. Of course, I know nothing about the biology of your, er, species, and I'm just extrapolating from what I know of my fellow men, but you seem to be fully recovered from the influenza-like illness you described, and the slight lethargy you report may be down to your becoming too, shall we say, comfortable. And possibly just a little overindulgence in Mrs. Hall's cakes, which is entirely understandable. She's an excellent cook. Perhaps what you need most of all is to get back to your life of high adventure." "That's as I suspected. Thank you, Doctor." "Thank you, Doctor. It's always a pleasure to broaden my knowledge. I've enjoyed this little chat. You'd be most welcome to come round for tea any afternoon."
"Without cake, I assume?" "Well, we doctors don't always practice what we preach, do we?" said Dr. Allinson with a conspiratorial wink.
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darrowbyeightfive · 6 years
"My usual form of exercise is running away from creatures who want to kill me. And cricket. I prefer cricket, all things considered."
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darrowbyeightfive · 6 years
Marble Halls
An organisational post. I’ve written various snippets of a sequel to my other Fifth Doctor/All Creatures crossovers and the nature of Tumblr’s (dis)organisation means that they are all over the place, so I have put them in one place here.
The story now (finally!) has a title which comes from the writing prompt from @edgeofthedales: a story about Tristan, featuring the words ‘marble’ and ‘silence’.
This is shaping up to be really long and to have more angst and romance and less surreal comedy than my usual output so it is somewhat experimental in nature... It includes a character who doesn’t appear in the real All Creatures or Doctor Who, an art student called Vera.
Part 1: Tristan and the Doctor make a new acquaintance
Part 2: Tristan gets to know Vera better
Part 3: The Doctor has a consultation
Part 4: Vera has lunch at Skeldale
Part 5: (a short snippet) Our heroes discuss their plans
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scenicverse-blog · 7 years
- Be specific as to which format you want the au to be in (e.g. bullet point scenario, written scenario, etc.)
- Requests for au’s such as: cheating, abuse/stalking will not be taken
- Don’t request smut
- Be nice while requesting
- The requests may take a long period of time to be created
- Primarily focused on writing angst + fluff
- I don’t write explicit nsfw but nsfw content may be implied
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