#scene i wanna write where pupusa goes into a dusty forgotten room and finds a bunch of forgotten stuff
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hqmillioncorn · 11 months ago
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Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
Poppette packed the very last things they needed into their bag and ran out the door to her room. Her dad was waiting to see her off at the front door. "Do you have everything?" He asked. There was a hint of nervousness to his voice. Poppette knew exactly why. It was probably because she was traveling so far away by herself There was probably the part where she was visiting the part of her family that had been purposely forgotten about because of the whole dragon blood thing. Regardless, Poppette assured him that everything would be fine and in turn her father agreed with her. "Besides dad I don't think the Warrior of Light has ever eaten anyone!"
Lalapril 4/2: Season i think its probably spring or something!
Cherrypit watched as a butterfly flew past and landed on a dandelion. It was a fairly windy day which threatened to blow the poor butterfly off the flower. Cherrypit crawled over to the flower and stared at the butterfly. “Hello! Butt fly!” He leaned in closer and stared.
The butterfly flapped its wings lightly. 
Cherrypit waved his hand at it, “Go way’!” he urged the butterfly. The butterfly refused to relinquish its spot for a few seconds before finally giving in. Cherrypit watched as it flew away, getting smaller and smaller. “Bye-bye!” The butterfly had already flown out of view by the time Cherrypit finished waving at it.
Then Cherrypit sat in silence for a few seconds, staring at the flower.
“Is anywa gonna ea tis?” He pointed at the flower and echoed a question that he had heard many times during dinner. Right before plucking the dandelion from the ground and sticking it in his mouth.
“Yummyy! Yummyy!!” Cherrypit chewed the flower in his mouth and looked around. His sister and this other strange person were still busy looking at the water behind him. 
Cherrypit would have happily joined them but the new person and Babycorn were talking about something that sounded kinda boring to him.
He would much rather run around and look at flowers and rocks and bugs and anything else that was fun to chase around. There was so much energy in him that had to go somewhere! He couldn’t just stand around talking! He had things to do!
Cherrypit finished eating his flower and crawled around the ground to look for any things that looked tasty. A Brina doll that had been following Cherrypit around since they had all arrived at their picnic spot walked carefully behind him. “Yip-yip-ho! Don’t wander off now!” She warned. 
The danger of Cherrypit running off was almost non-existent but it didn’t hurt to remind him to stay close once in a while. 
Cherrypit hunched over and sniffed a strange shaped looking rock. He lifted it up and revealed a wriggling worm that had been hiding away. “Womry!” Cherrypit yelled out and swiped at it. The worm burrowed itself underground to escape. 
“Bye-bye wormry!” Cherrypit gave the dirt a patpat and pushed himself up onto his feet. His clothes were pretty much caked in dirt now but that was okay because he knew that they would get clean later when he got home! 
Cherrypit decided he wanted to go and be with Babycorn again. 
But found himself surprised to discover that there was no one there. 
Before Cherrypit even had the chance to panic he heard the sound of splashing water. “Huah?” He ran over to get closer to the lake, with Brina trying her best to keep up with him. Once he reached the edge of the railing he knelt down to get a closer look at the water. 
Cherrypit grabbed onto one of the railings columns and the Brina doll grabbed onto his coat, making extra sure he didn’t fall in. He looked down to see the person he didn’t know very well standing in the water. 
“Oh! Hey Cherry!” She waved up at him. They were carrying Babycorn under one of their arms, just like someone would carry a popoto sack. Babycorn was soaked from head to toe. It was almost as if she had tripped and fallen straight into the lake. 
“Your sister just tripped and fell into the water! But don’t worry she’s fine! Just a little wet!” 
Babycorn crossed her arms and puffed her cheeks out. “I thought I saw something shiny in the water and I wanted to get a closer look!” She grabbed a wet leaf from her hair and dropped it back into the water. “Not my fault that some dumb fish jumped out of the water and pushed me in!” 
What had really happened was that while a fish really did come out of the water it didn’t push Babycorn into the water. Instead it had smacked Babycorn right in the face, causing her to lose balance and fall straight down into the lake. 
“Thanks for saving me Poppy!” Babycorn wiggled happily. She really was grateful. The lake was a scary place to be trapped in, especially because of all the different terrifying fish swimming around in it.
“Poppy?” Cherrypit didn’t recognize that name. He climbed up to the top of the railing and stood on it. The person he didn’t know was knee deep in the water, so they were really tall! Just like a lot of his other friends and if his tall friends were nice then maybe this person was nice too.
“Poppy? Poppy poppy poppy.” Cherrypit repeated to himself. 
Poppy giggled, as she started her walk back onto dry land. “Cherry we already met, remember? It’s me Poppette!” The Elezen plopped Babycorn back onto the dock and struck a pose.
She grabbed the brim of her sun hat and did a twirl around and despite her hat (and entire outfit really) being drenched in lake water, she was looking just as stylish as she had been on land. 
It was no surprise, since Poppette had made it herself.
Despite Poppette’s reassurance that they had met before, Cherrypit remained confused.
Poppette slouched, “ Aww…Do you really not remember me?” Their eyes started to water up. Had her first introduction really not made an impression on her new younger cousin? She had shown up early and everythiiing. 
Up on the dock Babycorn gave Poppette a reassuring pat on the back. “Don’t worry! Cherry probably doesn’t remember you cause he fell asleep a little bit after we got to your house!!”
Both cousins distinctly remembered the problems that Babycorn had run into getting to Ishgard. 
“I remember we had to help a knight with a monster attack. Then we had to help a little kid find a missing pair of earrings they lost. And then Cherrypit really wanted to make a snowman before we got there so we stopped and did that and then I ended up falling down into witchdrop again!” Babycorn laughed to herself. “It took me a long time to climb my way out of there!” 
“Woah!” Poppette was amazed, starstruck and even at a loss for words despite having way too many to say about this. “You climbed your way out of witchdrop all by yourself?! And you survived the fall?!” 
“Yeah! I’ve fallen in there lots of times!” 
“That’s incredible! No wonder you’re one of the Warriors of Light!!”
Cherrypit laid down on the railing, since he was small enough to. Something about Babycorn’s story sounded familiar. Especially the part about making a snowman and falling into witchdrop. Except he didn’t remember the part about Babycorn climbing out by herself. Instead he remembered calling Lunya by linkshell and asking her very nicely to help fish an unconscious Babycorn out of her precarious situation. 
He would have gladly gone down there himself but ever since they first re-visited Coerthas around seven years ago Babycorn had asked him to avoid using any of his powers there as much as he could. 
After that he remembered being really sleepy, since it was almost night. This didn’t used to happen. Ever since he woke up in that Old Sharlayan place, things had been just a little bit different. 
Cherrypit watched as Babycorn and Poppette ran back to where he was. Babycorn had shaken off most of the water off of her, though her clothes were still a little damp. It was a pretty hot day today so that was part of the reason Babycorn didn’t really mind all that much. 
Except that whoever’s turn it was to do laundry at the mansion was probably not going to be very happy with her. 
Babycorn walked up the Cherrypit and stretched her arms out. “Bebe!” Cherrypit jumped into Babycorn’s arms without even a moment's hesitation. “Can wa eat now?” He pointed at the picnic basket that had been carefully set near the patch of flowers.  
“Yeah! Of course we can!” Babycorn declared. Falling into the water had really made her hungry. Well, most of everything made her hungry but that’s neither here nor there. 
Poppette was so excited she skipped over to the basket ahead of Babycorn. She had made this lunch herself as a gift to the Starsinger siblings. In actuality it was a sort of apology gift to both of them for how her own family had treated them when they came to visit. 
That night Babycorn and Cherrypit had been yelled at and blamed for pretty much all of her family's problems. While it was true that they had fallen on some hard times ever since the end of the Dragonsong war, Poppette was adamant that most of those problems were not Babycorn’s fault, let alone Cherrypit’s.  
Poppette had herself, left the dinner in tears, running outside into the cold and convinced now more than ever that absolutely none of the heroes that she looked up to would ever want anything to do with her. 
Poppette carefully knelt down and opened the flap of the picnic basket she took out the picnic blanket she had made especially for today. It was orange in color and had patterns of all different types of mandragoras on it, one of Poppette’s favorites. 
In Poppette’s concentration and Babycorn staring absentmindedly at a dragonfly flying past her, neither of them noticed Cherrypit staring right at Poppette, his eyes starting to turn a slight shade of purple.
‘It was a cold scene. The wind was blowing colder than ever. The snow was almost up to Popette’s knees. A part of her blamed this all on Babycorn and Cherrypit. She knew she shouldn't but the snow was much too heavy. To blame all of this on them would make her no more right than her grandparents were.’
As Poppette began to unfold the picnic blanket she recalled more on what happened that night. 
Just as Poppette had given up hope, she turned around to see Babycorn calling out to her. She was carrying a sleeping Cherrypit on top of her head. By the time she caught up she was almost completely out of breath.
Babycorn tried to crack a joke about what had just happened but fumbled it so hard that the joke looped back around to making Poppette laugh about it. Poppette could barely bring herself to apologize for what happened. Especially since it was her who had invited the siblings here in the first place.
Poppette was sort of glad that Cherrypit didn’t seem to remember a majority of that visit. 
‘Why are you sorry!? You didn’t yell at me! Besides, I’m used to it! I’m just glad you and your dad are nice to us Poppy!’ 
Poppette decided then and there that maybe her visiting Babycorn would probably be the better move on both their parts and that was how this picnic plan came to fruition. Making sure to ask ahead of time what each sibling’s favorite food was a genius move on their part.
Poppette carefully knelt down, the phase of caring about her clothes was long past her, considering they were already covered in dirty lake water and mud anyway. 
“Do ya need any help?” Babycorn sat down and plucked a flower from the ground and took a bite of it. “Mpghh I’m realph good at picnics you know?” It wasn’t too long ago that she had put together a feast much like this for her friends at her own home. 
The only difference in this case was that Poppettes food was actually edible. 
Poppette’s eyes lit up. “I would love your help!” She dug into the basket and pulled out some cutlery she swiped from the kitchen of her home. It was the extra fancy kind. “Here! You can set these up! It’s easy I think!” 
Babycorn nodded, carefully taking the cutlery from Poppette’s hands. If there was anything in the hundreds of things she had learned over the years it was that plates tended to break very easily so you had to be careful. ‘Okay I got this!” Babycorn began to carefully walk her way over to the side. By taking the longest and slowest step known to man. 
“You don’t really need to be that careful!”
“I really do!” 
Lest she trip on another pebble and send an entire stack of plates careening towards the ground again just like last time she helped serve food at her friend's restaurant. 
“Surely you’re jesting!” 
“No, I'm serious!” 
Cherrypit blinked, his eyes were purple. 
‘The snow around Poppy began to melt as her father apparend next to her, assuring her that everything was going to be okay. The entire world felt just a little bit warmer. "That's right! If dad can change his mind then everyone else can too! I just have to believe!" Their family would be closer than ever after this!’
Suddenly Cherrypit’s concentration was broken by a familiar scent, the next time he blinked his eyes were back to their familiar white emptiness. “Woah!” He sniffed the air and recognized that smell immediately. “Choca!” There was no doubt about it! There was chocolate cake nearby!!
Cherrypit looked around. In front of him he could see Poppy with a plate in her hand and Babycorn lying flat on the ground. Clearly he had missed something because the chocolate cake he had sniffed out was now lying on the grass and surrounded by flowers. 
“I’m s-sorry…” Babycorn managed to muster out. She had tripped on her own foot and in turn had fallen backwards into Poppette, which caused her to drop the cake and then bump Babycorn forwards to falling on her face.
“Nooo! I apologize!! Forgive meeeeeeee!” 
Cherrypit didn’t know what was going on but he wasn’t wasting any time on eating his absolutely favorite food ever. “Choca! Choca!” He ran past Poppy and Babycorn with a high pitched squeal and used his tiny little hands to dig into the cake. He would have just bitten into it but he remembered Pancake telling him once that it was funner to eat using your hands. 
Babycorn sprang up from lying on the ground with a gasp. “Cherryyyyy!” Babycorn whined very loudly, “Save some for me too!” She ran ahead on all fours and used her own hands to start eating the cake. 
Poppette could do nothing but stare ahead at both siblings devouring the chocolate cake. “I’m pleased you’re enjoying it…?” She was happy they did but it was still a little surprising to see them eat it just like that. There was a warm breeze in the air and Poppette couldn’t help but giggle. 
“...You both are so funny.” 
Cherrypit heard Poppette laughing, turning to look at her he noticed the pretty hat on top of their head. He pointed his chocolate covered hat up at her and smiled, “Pre’yy haa! You have a pretty hat!!” Cherrypit moved his hands around his hair and imagined himself wearing a hat just like it. 
Poppette adjusted their sun hat. “You like it? I can make one for you when I come visit again!” 
Cherrypit smiled as wide as he physically could. “Yeah! Yeah!”
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