iinmortales · 2 years
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       ‘ honestly, it figures. ‘ he’d sat himself down on the edge of a lake, wanting to be alone while simultaneously desperate for someone to talk to. he’d been rolling a pebble between his fingers for about twenty minutes, his father’s shield sitting beside him. he didn’t want to look at it, really, not now. ‘ it figures i would make it to another world, only for both of them to be dead. again. ‘ he’d just wanted to meet them. to talk to them even if they didn’t know him, even if he wasn’t their son in this world. ‘ the multiverse sucks. ‘
@scarletthrone​ asked for james!
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castsrunes · 2 years
@scarletthrone​ liked this post!
How long had she been stuck within Westview, left without memories from the time before? Truthfully, Agatha wasn't sure. It all came flooding back within an instant the moment delicate digits press against her temple, releasing the witch from the other's spell. An exceptionally wicked grin now etches into her features, scanning Wanda's form as she stoof before her. Her outfit is certainly different, darker and more sinister. Her fingers, blackened as Agatha's had become over the years. She had been reading the Darkhold, she had been practicing Chaos Magic. It's contents had certainly taken hold of the Scarlet Witch she once knew. How perfectly excellent.
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Wanda wouldn't come back here for no reason, she wouldn't free Agatha just because she could. She wanted something, desiring the help of the elder witch to achieve it. ❛ I told you, you would need me. ❜
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cosmicveiined · 2 years
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@scarletthrone​ asked: a kiss after grabbing the other’s arm and pulling them back close |  another kiss prompt
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Lena had to work up the nerve for this. Before Wanda, she had never had any experience with dating or even kissing. Hell, she didn’t even know if Wanda reciprocating her feelings was all in her head but she couldn’t be a coward. 
She was a Stark, dammit! Starks aren’t cowards!
Swallowing, she reached over and gently grabbed Wanda’s arm, pulling her away from the sink and closer to her. “ Wanda, I- “ She cut herself off, staring at the witch, tongue wetting her lips as her heartbeat picked up. She could do this, and if Wanda rejected her, hopefully they could at least keep being friends. 
One hand still holding her arm, the other gently cupped Wanda’s face and she leaned up on her toes, pressing her lips to the others. She did it, she was kissing Wanda and she swore she heard fireworks going off in the distance.
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sunveiins · 2 years
@scarletthrone​ | plotted starter!
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troye wasn’t sure what was happening to her. she had been having weird dreams and day visions lately with someone who looked exactly like her and yet, was not her at all. this person seemed to haunt her day and night and no matter what she did, they kept coming back. however, she wasn’t about to let her kids know about that. for all troye knew, it could be some odd trick that the gods decided to play on her, she was a demigod, after all. her husband, oliver, had some sort of sense that something was going on but he never had those day visions like she did. he didn’t understand. 
it was a fairly normal wednesday. the kids were at school, husband was at work, and she was in her at-home pottery studio working on some pieces for her clients. that was when that weird sense struck her again. like she was being watched. like she was being followed. troye stopped in her tracks, near her pottery wheel, and when she took a deep breath, she could have sworn there was a small gust of air on her neck. 
“i can feel you!” she exclaimed before whipping around and facing whoever it was. 
and whoever it was, was the same person that kept popping up in her dreams. the same red-headed leather cladded woman that seemed to be an identical copy of her. troye almost had to laugh. 
“so is this what future me looks like?” 
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angerbuilt · 2 years
@scarletthrone + starter call.
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“you’re probably off to do some awesome ass kicking but i just gotta say, that out fit is incredible.”
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tommyofspeed · 2 years
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@scarletthrone​ asked: ❝ i can’t believe it’s really you! ❞
confusion floods thomas' mind as soon as he hears the all-too-familiar voice. he turns around and sees her, and in that moment, he doesn't notice—or doesn't really care for—the barely perceptible differences in the woman standing there and the one he used to know. he's just so happy to see her again, he runs towards her without a second thought. “mom ! ” he hugs her as tightly as his arms allow him. he missed her so much he could hug her forever. he feels billy joining them, and it's his brother's presence that makes him pause for a second.
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as the older twin, it was his duty to protect his brother, and ensure that nothing would happened to him. and something there wasn’ right. he could feel it. their mother was dead, as was their father. it was the whole reason they were there, in that orphanage.  reluctantly he pulls away from her. he takes billy by the arm and pulls him along, staying beside him as he gives Wanda a look. “what’s– what’s happening ? ”
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astrapure-a · 2 years
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     The sudden knock to her door comes unexpected, brows furrowing in curiosity as rift is swift to vanish from existence before her. She’s felt it recently; an oddity in existence. The multiverse is something she only knew so much about from her recent travels; something being wrong with them was something of high concern. 
     Blanket is tossed upon the couch as she arises from it, careful to open the door just a few centimeters before recognizing a familiar presence. 
     “Oh Wanda, hey! What are you. . .what time is it?”
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stars-wandered · 2 years
“I’ll protect you.”
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America never wanted to admit that she was scared, certainly not in front of the Avenger but she found herself hiding behind Wanda like a small child would with their parent. The brunette puts her fists up at the ready for self defence, waiting to sock anyone to comes to close but realizes she may not have to with the Scarlet Witch guarding her now. "Is it bad that I'm actually kinda excited to see you kick ass?" The young girl jokes as she tries to distract herself from the growing worry welling up in her chest.
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thenamesallison · 2 years
thank you!!!!! it was lovely and will continue on the weekend and thank you so much for stopping by to wish me birthday wishes!
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castsrunes · 2 years
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@scarletthrone​​​ said: the things that are happening here are above my paygrade .
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❛ You and me both, sister. But it’s all worth it, right? Anything to see your children again. ❜ 
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castsrunes · 2 years
@scarletthrone​​​​ liked this post!
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❛ Kids. You can't control 'em. No matter how hard you try. ❜
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castsrunes · 2 years
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@scarletthrone​​​ said: ❛ and why should i care? ❜
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❛ You have no idea what you’ve released. You’re dangerous, Wanda. That’s reason enough to care. ❜
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castsrunes · 2 years
listen..... ♡
this meme.
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