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im so brave <- asked a friend to watch smth with me.
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once you're in the hive, the other bees assume you're supposed to be there
Virgil accidentally gets absorbed by his best friend's brother's polycule.
In his defense, they keep feeding him every time they see him, and Patton's cooking is really good.
Chapter 1: Halloween Party
Wordcount: 1.9K
There are a lot of people Virgil doesn't know at this party. Remus is here, somewhere, and Virgil needs to find him again before the party ends, because Remus was his ride and he doesn't want to get left here. Janus is here too though, and Virgil doesn't think Janus would let Remus leave without him, and he's sure Remus wouldn't desert Janus, so he's trying not to worry too much about the fact that he doesn't currently know where Remus is.
But that's it for people Virgil knows, and Remus didn't even bother to introduce him to anyone before fucking off to who knows where, and Virgil’s certainly not going to walk up to a random stranger and introduce himself, so he's currently appreciating the snack table. If he's eating or deliberating on what to eat next, he can't be expected to talk to anybody, right?
“’Scuse me, itsy bitsy,” someone says from behind him, and Virgil turns to see a vaguely familiar man in a dazzling prince costume holding a fresh plate of deviled eggs.
Virgil moves so that the prince dude can set the plate down on a clear spot on the table, and frowns. “I'm taller than you, Princey.”
Prince dude shrugs, plucks one of the eggs up, and takes a large bite. “Lucky you, or we'd've had to ask you to vacate the premises,” he says. “No little spiders allowed, real or fake.”
Which, yeah, now that he's mentioned it, Virgil had noted an extreme lack of spider-themed decorations, which is unusual for Halloween. Usually there'd at least be spiderweb cupcakes, but the cupcakes at this party are mostly cute ghosts.
There's probably a good reason for that, Virgil realizes with a sinking feeling. “Should I change?”
“You got another costume handy, or were you planning on spinning a spider-silk cocoon and metamorphosing into a butterfly?”
Virgil grimaces. “No,” he admits.
Prince Dude considers him. “It's not very realistic,” he says, which is true. Virgil hadn't been going for realism, he'd been going for passable costume I can make on short notice. He's wearing black jeans and a black hoodie, and he'd cut some pool noodles in half and wrapped them in more black cloth and stuck them to his back for the other four legs. It had been a pain to get them to stay in place properly, actually, and he'd ended up sewing their wrappings to the back of his hoodie in order to keep them where he wanted them. He'd been pretty proud of it, given that Remus had dropped “we're going to a costume party at my brother's house” on him like an hour beforehand, but now he's wishing he'd come up with any other idea. He could have put a sheet over his head and been a ghost, or something. Granted, that would have required him to have a sheet that was both white and that he was willing to cut holes in, which he didn't, but still.
Prince Dude continues to quietly scrutinize Virgil, and he wants to squirm under his gaze. Eventually, the guy shrugs and says, “Might be best to ask the scaredy-cat himself. Wait here, I'll be back.” And he saunters off before Virgil can answer.
For lack of anything better to do, Virgil picks up a deviled egg and shoves the whole thing in his mouth. It's really tasty, actually, and now he's wishing he'd taken smaller bites rather than horking it down in one.
Virgil had thought that Princey was just being mean with the “scaredy-cat” thing, but the guy he's talking to now actually is dressed as a calico cat. Prince Dude points back at Virgil, and Mister Calico Cat glances in his direction, then turns back to Princey. Virgil can't hear what they're saying, but he supposes Prince Dude must've asked Calico if Virgil’s costume was too creepy crawly scary.
They talk for way longer than Virgil had expected, and he can't tell if Calico's response was more like “No, he's fine,” or more along the lines of “Yes, that's terrifying, please have him removed immediately from my sight and also my home.”
He occupies himself with another deviled egg. If he's going to get kicked out, he might as well enjoy some more of this tasty food first.
Oh, fuck. Remus.
Remus isn't going to want to leave early just to take Virgil home, and Virgil still doesn't know where he even is! Fuck!
Well, Remus could have warned him not to be a spider, so if Virgil gets kicked out of the party it'll be at least partly Remus's fault. Virgil doesn't know anybody here, but Remus knows at least half these people, and if Calico’s spider aversion is enough that there are no spider-themed decorations in the house on Halloween, that sounds like the kind of thing Remus would know about.
Granted, Remus revels in being gross and annoying, but still! He's not a total dick. He should have told Virgil.
Calico vanishes into the other room, and Prince Dude comes back over to Virgil. He doesn't look like he's about to kick Virgil to the curb, at least. Virgil braces himself anyway.
“Good news!” Princey says with a grin. “Li’l Mister Muffet says you don't look like a creepy crawly death dealer and he doesn't have the urge to remove you with arson!”
Virgil blinks. “...gooood?” he says slowly. He hadn't even considered kill it with fire being a potential response to his costume. That would have been worse than just getting kicked out of the party, actually.
“Honestly you're much more Doc Ock in silhouette, Spider-Man,” Princey continues. “That helps a lot.”
Virgil glances back at where Prince Dude and Calico had been chatting. “So he didn't leave the room because he can't stand the sight of me?” he asks anyway.
“Nah, he wanted to make another plate of horse devours,” Princey says, reaching past Virgil to grab a cupcake off the table. This one has a little frosting bat.
“A plate of what?” Virgil says, because surely he didn't hear that right.
“Little snacks,” Prince Dude clarifies instead of repeating himself. “Our fridge is crammed with delicious bits and bobs. It's been so hard to resist the temptation to eat them before the party.” He bites appreciatively into his cupcake, then adds with his mouth full, “You'd think he wouldn't notice what with how much he made, but nooo, sneak one chocolate covered cherry before party time and it's a lengthy scolding for you!” Princey sighs dramatically, then cheerfully devours the rest of his cupcake.
“...hors d'oeuvres?” Virgil says hesitantly.
“Yeah, a couple ordervs of deviled eggs, cheese and crackers, and those scrumptious little pinwheel things,” Princey says. Virgil’s not sure if Princey actually doesn't know how hors d'oeuvres is pronounced, or if he's messing with him, but then Princey gives him a mischievous grin that one, confirms that yes, Princey does know what he's doing, and two, is so familiar that it freezes Virgil in place as the pieces click together in his brain.
The lack of a mustache makes Prince Dude's face look different, and so does the way he did his makeup, and he carries himself differently, but it's undeniable all the same: Virgil knows that grin.
This is Remus's twin brother.
Now that he's connected the dots (you haven't connected shit) the family resemblance is clear even to Virgil’s honestly rather faceblind eyes.
This is Remus's brother, and it's his house they're partying at.
… Virgil doesn't remember the guy's name.
Fuck, he should've made sure he at least knew who the party hosts were, especially the one related to his mischief goblin of a best friend.
Well he can't exactly ask now, can he?
“Also like, five types of cupcakes,” Princey continues, oblivious to Virgil’s inner turmoil. “Seriously, have you tried the cupcakes? Chef Boiardelightful made multiple separate batches of different flavors, from scratch. And they're all delicious!”
Virgil smirks. “And did you try to snitch them before the party too?”
Princey gasps theatrically, pressing a hand to his chest. “How could you accuse me of such a thing!?” he protests with exactly as much dramatic emotion as Virgil would expect from Remus's twin. “For your information, I did not! I merely sampled a portion of the batter left on the spatula after the cupcakes had gone into the oven. Also some of the frosting.”
“He means that he licked the bowls clean,” says a new voice, and Virgil does not jump out of his skin, thank you very much. And even if he did jolt a little, it's nothing to the startled squawk Princey emits.
Calico's back, holding a platter of little finger sandwiches on toothpicks. He offers them up to Virgil, who takes one. “Thanks.”
“No worries, kiddo!” Calico says cheerfully, and puts the rest of the platter down on the snack table. Princey plucks up two sandwiches by their toothpicks, and gets a stern look in response. “Make sure to leave some for the guests,” Calico scolds.
“My delightful and beloved Patissier,” Princey says, cupping Calico's face gently with his free hand. “I assure you that each of our guests could have a heaping plateful of food and we would still have leftovers until next Tuesday. No-one will be going home hungry.”
It really is an impressive spread. Everything Virgil’s tried has been really good. Remus really could have played up the ‘free food’ angle more when trying to convince Virgil to come. If he'd known the food would be this good, then overriding his usual party-related reservations—it's gonna be loud, there will be a lot of people, I don't know anybody, etc—would have been a lot easier. Then again, Virgil probably wouldn't have believed him. He'd mostly been expecting pizza and cheap beer, honestly, not– not homemade delicacies.
The tiny sandwich Calico gave him is lightly toasted, with some kind of sliced-meat-and-cream-cheese filling, and a little green leafy garnish on top. It definitely looks much fancier than most things Virgil eats, and he can understand why Calico doesn't want Princey to eat them all. That probably took a decent amount of effort. He almost feels bad eating it himself, except that Calico had offered it to him specifically, and it would probably be more rude at this point to not eat it.
“Are you sure my costume is okay?” Virgil asks, interrupting the minor squabble Princey and Calico had fallen into.
“Oh, yes, you're fine,” Calico assures him. “Trust me, if you were pinging my brain as an actual spider I wouldn't be in the room right now, let alone standing next to you.”
“Really, cause most cats I know would eat a spider soon as look at it,” Virgil quips, and is rewarded with Calico laughing.
“That wouldn't be very good host-ly of me, now would it?” he says. “I would never eat a guest!”
“Not unless they're a reptile with scallions,” Princey teases, and Calico flushes.
“Hey!” he protests, swatting Princey's shoulder with one hand and trying to cover his extremely red face with the other. Virgil wonders what the reference was, exactly, but doesn't think it's his place to ask. It seems rather personal, from how hard Calico is blushing.
…maybe he'll ask Remus later if he knows what the story there is.
Chapter 2: The Morning After
#nb octopus writes#Accidental Polycule Infiltration Fic#sanders sides#creativitwins#Virgil POV#multichapter#1#royality#mociet#(implied)#polysanders
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27…as a suggestion for the kiss game. Derek ship of your choice!
send a ship and a number, get a kiss || Open
27. …as a suggestion
"Boring!" Stiles called out as Kira spoke. "I thought the game was called 'Truth or Dare', not 'Only Stiles picks Dare because everyone is a scaredy wolf'."
It had been the third truth in a row and no one was asking any good questions. Everything was all PG things he knew from just stalking their Facebook profiles - even the dares were something you'd see in a teeny bop romance movie.
"She doesn't need to pick a Dare, Stiles." Scott warned, but Kira sat up a little straighter on the couch.
"No, I change my answer. Dare."
Erica shot Stiles a look of thanks and leaned forward. "Take off Scott's shirt with your teeth."
The crowd oo'd and Kira's face flushed as she leaned down and began awkwardly taking Scott's shirt off. It didn't take long until she had taken the white t-shirt off and spat it onto the floor. Stiles could see Scott's ears turning pink and knew at least he was having a good time too.
Kira reached over and spun the bottle, watching as it landed on Stiles. "Oh, Stiles. Truth or Dare?"
"Dare. Naturally."
Kira looked over to Erica, cocking her head as if she was asking a question. Erica nodded and Kira turned back to Stiles. "I dare you to kiss the next person to walk through the door."
Stiles snorted, looking around the room. Everyone who had said they were going to be here was here. The next person to walk through the door would either be Jackson (big nope since that little lizard was still slithering somewhere in London still) or Derek and there was no way in hell Derek was going to just show up without-
The door opened and Derek walked in, eyebrows furrowed and mouth set in a deep frown. "Isaac, why did you text me 911?"
Stiles whipped his head over to see Erica, Isaac, and Boyd trying (and failing) to hide shit eating grins on their faces.
Oh Stiles was going to fucking murder them.
"Stiles are you a Scaredy Wolf?" Boyd asked as he motioned to Derek. "It's called 'Truth or Dare' not 'Stiles chickens out'."
He narrowed his eyes at Boyd, pushing up from the armchair so he could saunter his way to where Derek was standing confused. This was it, this was how everything ended.
"Hey honey bee," Stiles crooned, kissing Derek on his lips firmly. Derek's arm wrapped around him tightly, pulling him closer before breaking the kiss.
"Hi, Wildflower. What's the emergency?"
Stiles wished he had a camera for their faces.
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my baby boy gets his own masterlist because i have too many elliott works (and there's gonna be more so) but yeah, enjoy!!!
KEY LEGEND: ☆ = fluff, ✭ = angst, ✦ = smut
☆ thoughts on elliott x plus-sized!farmer
☆ big spoon or little spoon?
☆ elliott’s appreciation for a plus-sized!farmer
☆ foodie elliott
☆ elliott and his book hiding antics
✦ sensitive spots
☆ guilty pleasure
☆ freckled!farmer
✭ thoughts on yandere!elliott’s conclusion
☆ scaredy mouse
☆ can elliott draw?
☆ chocolate disaster
✦ pillow princess
✦ top or bottom?
☆ old man elliott
☆ feather experiment
☆ bedtime poems
☆ glass pens
☆ elliott, duck feathers suck as pens
☆ plushies
✦ pussy eating champ
✭ dealbreakers || pt 2.
✭ elliott in a zombie apocalypse
☆ elliott can’t keep his hands off his pregnant wife
☆✦ elliott and his goth!spouse
☆ how bee sees elliott’s appearance
☆✭ elliott with a farmer who speaks english as their secondary language
☆ elliott with a schizophrenic!farmer
☆ elliott with a thrill seeker!farmer
☆✭ elliott and cigarettes
☆ assortment of elliott hcs
☆ elliott and focal hand dystonia
☆✭ elliott with a short/under 5’0”!farmer
☆ the first of many
✦ elliott helping you climax
☆ tongue tied
☆✭ family woes
☆✭ elliott with a leanan sidhe farmer
✦ save a horse, ride a cowboy
✦ dummy’s guide to bdsm
☆ an ode to the turtle dove
✦ what a tease
☆✭ scared to love
☆✭ to be a dad
☆ rest is for the best
☆ endless pages
☆✦ virginial bliss
☆ sinatra
☆✦ ballad of scylla
✦ shut your mouth
✦ gonna make you a mommy
☆ sweetness
✭ home is where the heart is
✦ frunk duck [drunk fuck]
☆✭ hallowed by thy name
☆ honeysuckles and pomegranates
✦ no talking in the library
✦ the sunscreen incident
✦ attitude
☆✭ chapters in a story called life
★ keeper of the glistening sea
features: merman!elliott x plus-sized!reader
genres: fluff, angst, smut
warnings: fatphobia
the warning list will be updated as the series progresses
next chapter release: TBD
#honey-crypt#stardew valley#sdv#stardew#sdv elliott#stardew valley elliott#sdv elliott x reader#sdv elliott x farmer#stardew valley elliott x reader#stardew elliott x reader#stardew elliott x farmer
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My MC Beatrice!! She's so much fun, I guess. I'll do her mini bio and some doodles of her since I have terrible writers block ATM.
So Bee, or Beatrice, is a little rough around the edges. She's late to every class, mouthy, and overall seems to just say the first thing that comes to her mind. She's an okay kid besides that, but her dad is worried it'll get her in trouble so he outsourced money from elder relatives to help fund her education. Bee is a California native, but she lives closer to the beach area. Prism Vista to be exact.
I have a few versions of Bee where she goes to SSB and ends up in the jerk group, if only because she seemed a little to forward for others taste, or others where her dad keeps her in public school but moves her in with her much stricter grandparents upstate. Either way, she primarily works at the hobby shop so Jeremy is her main love interest. Pran is also a possibility, but they seem better off as friends (Ironically she can't stand his attitude).
Bee has a doberman named Anubis, who's a massive scaredy cat, two loving grandfathers, a single dad, and no siblings. Her dad is also worried there might be another reason Bee is so bad at socializing, but he doesn't have the time to figure it out.





#xoxo droplets#xoxo droplets oc#jeremy king#gb patch#oc posting#hopping on the bandwagon#digital art
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Hey hey it's welcome home!
May or may not be doing this cause its a description of one of my ocs, but uuuh- Wally, Poppy and Frank with a 'reader' who is basically Robbie Rotten from Lazytown, just an obligatory 'villain' who lives to cause trouble and come up with 'schemes' for the rest of the cast to deal with even though... Uh... They would also completely bail out on whatever they had planned if they got sick because they don't wanna spread it to anyone else shfjsjfhd
In the show, you're basically the villain character who has a knack for causing many of the plights/perils in each episode.
Like you could be out to sabotage Sally's plays, ruin Wally's pompadour, take a wrecking ball to Home, etc.
Your home has an underground lair with a bunch of high-tech inventions that help you carry out these "evil deeds".
Oh, and you absolutely have a villain song, too.
You can even "hijack" Wally's introductions and proclaim to the viewers that you're gonna take over the neighborhood by the end of the day.
In some episodes, you'd kidnap him and keep him hostage--only for the rest of the neighbors to come to the rescue.
It's a game that you seemingly always lose, but you find it fun!
Yet even as a villain, you have standards.
For instance, Wally was expecting you to show up and interrupt his painting session...but he sees you off in the distance going to the pharmacy with a mask on and wonders what you're up to.
It turns out you got the flu, so you wanted to forego whatever scheme you plotted until you felt better.
"You won't try...spreading your sickness to us?" He tilts his head, confused.
"....I'm a villain, Darling." You huff in a tired, stuffy voice (yes, you refer to everyone by their last name). "Not a monster."
As the main "villain" of the show, sometimes you'll pick on Poppy for being a "big scaredy chicken" and thwart her cooking attempts.
You might discreetly add something to her food that makes it taste yucky, or remotely crank the oven 100 degrees extra so her pie turns to charcoal.
Of all the cast, she's the most intimidated by you. The others usually come to her defense.
However, one day you visit her barn, and while she freaks out at first...she notices you look rather exhausted and sickly (not to mention keeping your distance), and her motherly side still manages to come out.
"O-Oh, are you okay, dearest? You don't look well.."
"...I caught a cold. Do you..have any tea?" You ask softly.
Of course, she can't say no and turn you away. So she makes you some hot tea, which you sincerely thank her for, and you two chat for some time before heading back home without incident.
Since then, your schemes against her became just casual teasing and stealing a few of her ingredients.
Maybe you're not so bad after all, she thinks.
You like targeting Frank solely because your antics make him furious.
He acts like you don't bother him..but when you make a giant butterfly-catching contraption and abduct all the butterflies from the park? He'll be seething red and demand you to release them.
Or if you release a swarm of bees/wasps/hornets when he's trying to have a nice picnic with his fellow neighbors? He'll be shouting at you as he runs the other way.
You just grin, finding delight in pissing him off at every opportunity.
However, one day you catch a cold and decide to put a pause on your evil schemes, opting to sleep in and leave your neighbors alone.
Yet that day so-happens to be the day that Frank plans to give you an earful about your behavior, as he marches over to your house to confront you.
But since it's locked behind a high-tech security gate, the system asks him for the entry password and he keeps getting it wrong.
In the end he storms back home, but that's where you call him and explain you were sick and didn't want him getting infected.
You do admit that seeing him shouting random words at your security system made you laugh the sickness out of you, so you felt much better now--and you thank him for that.
He just grumbles a "you're welcome" and hangs up.
#clanask#welcome home x reader#wally darling#wally darling x reader#poppy partridge#poppy partridge x reader#frank frankly#frank frankly x reader#platonic#headcanons
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Hi I so happy your open can you do the tfa team prime react to sentinel prime falling in love with a female cybertronian who came to life by an allspark fragment , she is a kind and a total sweetheart to everyone but is very oblivious to his feeling
I know Sentinel is a jerk in the show. But he deserves love. Everyone does😢 (kinda)
Warnings‼️: well, I’m using ‘Y/N’ tho. So for ppl that don’t like that being used I’m sorry, idk what else to use honestly 😢
-he’s so cute. Love him sm🤞
-At first he was surprised. He was surprised Sentinel could ever even fall in love.😭
-he’s happy for him though, watching an old friend of his that was a jerk fall in love. Deep inside Optimus would think you can do way better. But your life yk!
-when he first witnessed you and sentinel talking he noticed Sentinels actions.
One day Y/N and Sentinel were just talking, that was until Optimus walked in and saw the two.
He noticed Sentinels stance and awkward look on his face, he then realized the stammering he’d do when replying back to you.
-it was obvious. Especially to Optimus, he’s never seen Sentinel like that.
-Sometimes when you’re gone Optimus would just smirk at Sentinel, obviously he’d deny his crush on you but it wasn’t believable.
-I feel like Optimus would be the type to like Tease Sentinel or try to help out ykyk.
-he’d sometimes randomly ask you abt how you and Sentinel are doing, and the oblivious person you are, you just say you’re both fine.😢
-Sentinel won’t stop crushing on you though. He’ll be patient (sometimes)
-yeah he can still hear guys😒
-at first he don’t gaf. Sure he’d be a lil surprise, but like he don’t care.
-he also thinks you can do so much better, he’d even say it out loud once. Of course, you didn’t understand what he meant since you were oblivious about Sentinels love for you </3
“she can do so much better..” ratchet grumbled. You then turn your head to look at him and raise an eyebrow, wondering what he said.
-when he’d see you and Sentinel talking he’d see how sentinel looks at you. It’s like a puppy in love🤧
-sometimes when you company Ratchet when you’re bored he tries hinting to you how Sentinel is acting with you. But, you're oblivious about it. :(
-sentinel in love?? Impossible.
-he’s shocked, he never thought somebody like sentinel could fall in love with a fem so..much different then him
-just like ratchet, he thinks you can do better. Even if you and sentinel aren’t dating (bc you’re oblivious abt his feelings) he still thinks you can do so so so much better.
-he does watch the two of you though, romance is something that caught his eye since the bots arrival on earth.
“Fascinating..” prowl mumbled as he saw you and sentinel talk.
-he wouldn’t really intervene with your guys alone time, he just watches from afar like a lil weirdo.
-he’s just interested 😢
-“SENTINEL COULD FALL IN LOVE?!?!” <- bees reaction.
-he’s surprised, and disgusted at the same time. He’s like a boy who saw his parents kiss😭
-he notices how sentinel stutters around you so he’d giggle to sentinel’s nervousness.
Y/N and Sentinel just talking, but Bee notices how shaky and stuttering Sentinel was.
“PFT. Scaredy cat.” Bee mumbled
-he wouldn’t intervene, he wouldn’t really care honestly. Just don’t kiss In front of him if y’all ever get together.
-butttt, if he’s ever bored he’d run to sentinel and give him advice. (His advice kinda sucks but🤷🏻♀️)
-same reaction as bee😭
-“HE FELL IN LOVE?!” <- his reaction
-he’s mostly similar to bee, and they’re buddies for a reason-
-Instead of snickering or anything while seeing sentinel struggle, he’d feel a little bad. This bulkhead is to sweet 🥹🤍
-I feel like he would definitely try to make sentinel feel better if he had the chance.
Sentinel grumbling in embarrassment after stuttering infront of Y/N
Bulkhead noticing and walking over to him, “Hey, don’t be upset! I’m sure she didn’t care you were stuttering”
Sentinel giving him a confused face, “you were watching us?-“
-he wouldn’t intervene as much, but if he does it won’t really affect you and Sentinels relationship.
#transformers#tfa#tfa bumblebee#tfa optimus prime#tfa prowl#tfa ratchet#tfa bulkhead#tfa sentinel prime#tfa sentinel prime x reader#oh#requests open
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A Ship Template!
a shipping template (a fancy + a simplified/more readable version) that I made for fun
so here! have fun too :3
originally inspired by @awfulalignmentcharts and [their ship chart]; I borrowed the general layout and some of the wording, otherwise the graphics & rest of the words is me ^^
more + explanations down under vvv
> a general note: you can fill this thing out any way you want; you can write the answers, draw them, you also don't have to fill out everything, and you can even delete/replace stuff you don't like (it's not like I'd be able to stop you lol) ((also the title, you can edit the [--] or the whole thing too))
> you don't need to tag me or reblog the post if you fill it out
> if anyone wants a different combination of the graphical parts or different font or something else let me know, I'll see what I can do <3
= Explanations =
(I explained everything just to be sure, feel free to skip parts)
Top part – Introductions:
the big squares → you can put their faces or profiles or whatever of theirs there
the small square (“describe their vibes”) → what their dynamic is like, what vibes do they give off when next to each other etc; for example, are they a cat-person & dog-person kind of duo, or it's a scary dog privilege kind of situation, or do they look like enemies, etc
ship name → their ship name, or their ship names if they have multiple
age+difference → what are their ages + how big their age gap is
height+difference → what are their heights + how much is one taller/shorter than the other
fandom(s) -> what fandom are they from, or fandoms if it's a crossover ship
name → their name, full or nickname or other
gender → their gender
sexuality → their sexuality; you can specify if it's a romantic, sexual, both/neither type of attraction
alignment (of your choice) → what the character’s alignment/personality is, up to you if you want to use the classic DnD alignment chart (good/neutral/evil x lawful/neutral/chaotic) or if you want to use whatever else (like add in bastard/fish/pirate etc)
Left Column (the many sliders):
big spoon <--> little spoon = when sleeping or cuddling; who is the one hugging <--> the one being hugged
actually functions <--> messy mental wreck = how well they are doing mentally; are they mentally well adjusted/stable <--> are they a mess/have mental issues
ball of stress <--> YOLO = what their general attitude to life is; are they stressed/worried about things constantly <--> are they carefree/careless/going with the flow
hermit <--> social bee = how social they are; not social at all <--> very social
scaredy-cat <--> fears no god = are they afraid of everything <--> do they fear nothing
bleeding heart <--> then perish. = how sympathetic they are; almost too sympathetic <--> don't care at all
incompetently competent <--> competently incompetent = basically: their attitude x their actual skill (with the middle being “normal”); look clumsy/careless but are very competent <--> look competent/confident but are actually useless
the world is ending (I fell in love) <--> blushing giggling kicking feet = what their reaction is when they realize they have a crush/fell in love; is very upset/miserable about it/hates it <--> very happy/giddy about it
allergic to PDA <--> sickeningly affectionate = how they act in general situations/around others; acting like they're strangers <--> constantly holding hands/kissing/complimenting each other
wants to get matching things <--> would rather die than change their style = they want to get something (very visible) to signify they are a couple <--> they like their style and won't change it no matter what
cuddles<3 <--> the table is broken again = the horniness meter; they have little to no sex (or it’s an ace/qpr ship) <--> they have sex as often as physically possible
has zero game <--> has insane game = how attractive they are to other people; cannot get a date no matter what <--> everyone wants to date them no matter what they do
crime doer <--> crime stopper = how likely they are to engage in 'bad' activities (either actual crime or just being a nuisance/prankster to their friends); constantly doing something nefarious <--> is actually more likely to stop crime/pranks from happening
watcher <--> meddler = are they more passive in conversations/situations <--> do they have to take part in everything
doomed by the narrative <--> blessed by the narrative = how much has the universe fucked them over (in canon or fanon); their life is/was pretty miserable <--> they are/were doing very well
Questions pt.1
what brings them together? → what do they have in common / what might have brought (and kept) them together in the first place
what keeps/kept them apart? → what is/was preventing them from getting together (themselves, outside forces, etc)
Right Column:
Questions pt.2
(badly) describe their meetcute → describe how they met, you can make it funny if you want
what are their fandom tropes/their ship appeal → what are their most common fan depictions (whether they are canon or not), or what about their ship dynamic is appealing to you/everyone
Questions pt.3
who fell first? → which one of them was the first to fall in love with the other
who first Realized (they're in love)? → which one of them had The Realization happen first, when they actually realized they are in love with the other person (basically the Oh. Oh. moment)
who confessed first? → who was the first to confess their love
who cleans up more messes? → who takes care of the mess they make/the trouble they get into more often
who is the first to apologize (after a fight)? → who apologizes first if they had a fight (where both of them might’ve been at fault)
who steals the bed covers? → who ((un)consciously) takes all the pillows/blankets/etc during the night/when they're sleeping together
who's the headrest? → example: A likes to rest their head/chin on B's head/shoulders/chest/etc, so B’s the headrest
who's the chef? (what they cooking?) → which one of them makes their food (and what the food is)
who takes charge of home decor? → which one of them is more likely to set up/design their home (pick the house, furniture, decor, etc)
who's the 3AM texter? → who's more likely to text the other in the middle of the night (for whatever reason)
who randomly brings home a new pet? → who's more likely to adopt random animals as pets / bring animals home to help them / etc
who's more likely to just straight up trip and die? → who is more clumsy/accident prone
“The Touchzone”
no touch <--> yes touch = in general circumstances, how do they feel about others touching them
the figures → you can draw on them or replace them with the characters, then you can color/otherwise indicate where and how they feel about touch on their body (either from their partner or in general, up to you)
you're dead → “I despise this”
do not → “I don't like this / I hate this”
not really → “I'd prefer no touch but it’s tolerable”
…eh… → “I have no strong feelings about this”
mayhaps → “I don't mind this, actually maybe even like it”
yes please → “I like this a lot”
YESss moreE → “I love/adore this”
note for the uncolored version of this: you can put your own colors/symbols/etc in the -[ ]- square next to the words
…and that's it, let me know if you have any more questions <3
#template#ship template#shipping template?#character template??#for funsies#putting this together made my brain very happy
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And now, vines but Smurfs addition.
(I don't own the vines or smurfs)
Brainy: Toss me my keys!
*cauldron suddenly drops*
Brainy: I said my keys.
Blossom: I thought you said Cauldron.
Brainy Why the Smurf would I say cauldron??
Grouchy: The Smurf are you doing?
Vanity: I am doing my eyebrows.
Grouchy: that's a big smurfing mirror.
Vanity: I have big smurfing eyebrows.
Harmony: And now, 24/7 Christmas music.
Brainy: Halloween was yesterday.
Harmony: CHRISTMAS!!!
*All I want for Christmas is you trumpet version*
Meteorite: and the roommate being voted out of the apartment is....
*drum rolls as Glammy and Rocky look nervous*
Meteorite: Harmony! Cause you won't stop playing my freaking drums dude!
*Harmony runs off crying*
Brainy: Okay, please state your name.
Scaredyb: My name is Scaredy with a B, and I've been afraid of everything my whole life-
Brainy: Stop stop stop! Where?
Scaredyb: hm?
Brainy: Where's the B?
Scaredyb: THERE'S A BEE!?
Dimwitty: Smurfs said I can't do what I love without college. I DON'T NEED NO DEGREE TO BE A CLOTHING HANGER!
*cue Dimwitty hanging upsidedown in a closet*
I know this was short, but I thought it'd be funny.
#the smurfs#brainy smurf#smurfblossom#harmony smurf#Scaredy smurf#Dimwitty smurf#Grouchy Smurf#vanity smurf
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I am tough! Just because I was gone for 10 years don't mean I'm weak!
Yeah... Sure buddy.
Would you like it if someone made fun of you for being afraid of bees?!
Hey! My fear is completely reasonable, you're the one afraid of a single cat!
You're both scaredy cats! The end!
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Can we hear more about bash? Specifically if bash was a yandere mascot or costume+makeup worker.
You do your best to console Bash as he clutches your shirt. "It's okay, Bash. It was just a dream."
The fox whimpers, rubbing his tears into your hair. "Oh, but it was a terrible Dream, Y/n. A nightmare! I remember someone screaming, and I must've beeing running through the farmer's tomato field because I was covered in red stains. Please don't leave me again. I'm sure my dreams will be better long as you're around."
You rub circles into the poor thing's back as he holds you tighter, thin endoskeleton pressing your sides. The design team really pulled out all the stops with him. As the next addition of the Ruthie gang following twenty years without a new face he was a gamble. A scaredy cat with an appearance and weapon to prove otherwise, but always there when his friends needed him.
The younger crowd was scared of him until a slight redesign, but teens and adults took to him well enough - you being on one them. He seemed to be quite fond of you as well as whenever he was in need of comfort he'd look to you first. The guy was afraid of his own shadow, but quick to step in if anyone gave you trouble. Safe to say Bash needed you.
"I can't stay forever, but I will always do what I can to help you out when I'm here..." Your hands freezes. "Lemme see if I can go find some wet wipes or something, your fur feels sticky right here."
Bash pulls away from you. "Oh... it's fine. You know how the kids are and they clean my fur every night."
"Are you sure?"
"I'm positive." He snaps, backpedaling with a whine. "I just need you to hold me."
#Ruthieland#Bashy my oc#yandere#yandere imagines#yandere x you#yandere scenarios#yandere x reader#yandere headcanons#yandere oc#male yandere#yandere insert#yandere blurb#yandere robot#yandere drabble
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first post 😔
i don’t think I need to do an intro post cause like,, you guys already know what I post
(EDITED: Screw it I made an intro post.)
so uhm I’ll just start with what species the sprunkis probably are!!
1 - Durple
-SPECIES: Dragon/Reptile
-Carnivore, being a dragon lol
-If he couldn’t talk he could usually speak in clicks, roars, grunts, etc.
-Probably has a dragon hoard, since he likes collecting things
-A Drake/wyrm
2 - Oren
-SPECIES: Insect (Hornet/Wasp)
-His antennae can’t hear, but can smell or move around to express emotion
-His two visible eyes are compound eyes, the smaller ones are hidden
-FLUFFY!! (because BEE.)
3 - Pinki
-SPECIES: Bunny/Rabbit
-Honks whenever she’s happy, bunnies do that as well
-One of the fluffiest sprunkis
-Would probably like cabbage/lettuce more than carrots.
4 - Simon
-SPECIES: Insect (Grasshopper/Katydid)
-Due to being a grasshopper or katydid, he’s one of the fastest canonically!
-Actually has mandibles, they’re just retractable/hidable
-His mandibles also helped him rip off the chunk of Brud’s head in horror mode.
-Bites the sprunkis with his mandibles from time to time (harmlessly)
5 - Raddy
-SPECIES: Horned Lizard/Bearded Dragon
-Also as fast as Simon, they race together probably (and raddy would try to eat Simon as he is an insect)
-Would probably use his horns to stab in combat.
-Omnivore, but leaning to carnivore
-The most territorial and aggressive sprunki
6 - Clukr
-SPECIES: Rhinoceros Beetle
-Omnivore, leaning to herbivore
-The smartest sprunki, along with Garnold (they both built complex, sentient(?) robots)
-Would probably fight raddy mistaking him for a beetle sometimes
-Likes eating corn
7 - Garnold
-SPECIES: Insect (Hornet)
-Would fight Oren from time to time, in competition for the best flowers
-Not aggressive, but istg DO NOT LET HIM STING YOU.
-One of the smartest, along with Clukr
-Fuzzy, but not as much as Oren
8 - Jevin
-SPECIES: Insect (Ensign Wasp)
-Not aggressive, and doesn’t use his sting or mandibles in combat. (Ensign wasps do not sting in real life.)
-Could easily drown if placed in deep water, being an insect
-Gets attacked by Oren or Garnold while feeding
-Doesn’t attack back in many situations, and just skedaddles if intimidated
-9: Sky
-SPECIES: Sun Bear (Juvenile)
-Don’t ask me where his mother or father went, not making lore for that
-Likes salmon and cod, able to catch them by himself
-Loves sleeping
10 - Tunner (I ALMOST FORGOT MY BABY 😭😭)
-SPECIES: Unknown, but a hybrid of reptile and mammal.
-A mix of scavenger and omnivore.
-Faster than the average sprunki, but not as fast as Simon or Raddy
-His species lives in deserts, that’s why they have large ears
-Has the best hearing out of any sprunki, due to his four ears
11 - Wenda
-SPECIES: Cat (White Shorthair)
-A little mischievous dumbahh who steals Gray’s kills
-Grew up with barking sprunki species, so she doesn’t meow a lot
-Does NOT like gray. She hisses whenever he approaches (if he even does)
12 - Gray
-SPECIES: Melanistic Fox
-HATES Wenda, will run away if he encounters her
-Grew up with cats, but still yelps and barks
-Eats mice and birds, but they get stolen by Wenda sometimes
-fluffy as well.
13 - Brud
-SPECIES: Pigeon
-Can’t fly, he’s too dumb to know how to use his own wings.
-Pecks the ground from time to time
-Eats anything that he thinks is edible
-Loves bread and moss
14 - Black
-SPECIES: Insect (Bullet Ant)
-Wasn’t evil at all, his venom was just able to infect people he stung in fear. (and he was a freaking scaredy cat)
-His venom somehow also made the dead characters still live and create music.
15 - Vineria
SPECIES: Insect (General Beetle)
-Kinda feels guilty when she eats plants, she loves nature
-A literal Rapunzel when encountering birds
-Eats her wig sometimes
-SPECIES: Hedgehog
-Head quills are the most longest, sharpest and venomous
-Really scared of almost everything
-Stole one of Vineria’s wigs
welp that’s it
#sprunki biology#sprunki hc#sprunki raddy#sprunki oren#sprunki simon#sprunki owackx#sprunki vineria#sprunki sky#sprunki jevin#sprunki durple#sprunki pinki#sprunki wenda#sprunki gray#sprunki brud#sprunki tunner#sprunki black
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Prompts: Animal Metaphors
Strong as an ox
A cold fish
Deer in the headlights
In the doghouse
Water off a duck’s back
Butterflies in the stomach
Scaredy cat
Straw that broke the camel’s back
At a snail’s pace
Queen bee
Two birds with one stone
Red herring
Wouldn’t hurt a fly
Going cold turkey
Smelling a rat
A fish out of water
Counting sheep
Can’t teach an old dog new tricks
The world is your oyster
When pigs fly
Wolf in sheep’s clothing
Sick as a parrot
Straight from the horse’s mouth
Sly as a fox
A lone wolf
Innocent lamb
Busy as a bee
Puppy love
Stubborn as a mule
Chickening out
Hair of the dog
Plenty more fish in the sea
Wild goose chase
The elephant in the room
A different kettle of fish
Opening a can of worms
A dark horse
Just monkeying around
A bull in a china shop
Proud as a lion
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hey! could we get a lvl 5 headmate package for an angel/catgirl persecutor? one of our members is feeling less “real” and wants something more to latch onto. she would also like as many neopronouns and xenogenders as possible if that’s ok to ask for.
— 🌲/🍥
a new flower has blossomed! 🌹
angel/catgirl, persecutor, lots of neos & xenos ... [LVL 5 PACK]
name(s) ;; lilith, cass, raven, sara, vic
pronouns ;; she/her, they/them, xe/xem, ze/zir, shx/hxr, thxy/thxm, meow/meows, paw/paws, cat/cats, soft/softs, gray/grays, wing/wings, ey/em, fly/flys, fade/fades,🐾/🐾self, 🕊/🕊self
age ;; 22
species ;; angel/catgirl
gender(s) ;; fxm, graygender [colour], piercedcatinvi, catbeing, cutangelcattic, persecuticfem, dovething, sacrilege chalice
orientation(s) ;; aromantic, shadowlesbian
role(s) ;; persecutor
source ;; brainmade
sign-off(s) ;; 🐾📱
appearance ;; 5'10", with a lean muscular frame. light scars and stretch marks across light tan skin. grey eyes & hair. grey cat ears & striped tail. white dove-like wings can grow out of back. nose piercing. casual dress & sleepwear. see below for picrew.
personality ;; soft and a bit shy. xe's easily frightened and made anxious [one could say shx's a... scaredy cat? sorry]. cat hates being sick, even a little bit, and will do anything to avoid it and to treat it once it's happened. fade's jumpy around people.
likes ;; scrolling on wikipedia & web md, medical dramas, strawberry candies, sad pixar movies [shx just gives me that vibe?]
dislikes ;; headaches, being away from phone/computer
possible front triggers ;; getting sick
cisid(s) ;; permascarred, ciswhite, hypochondriac
transid(s) ;; transwasian, permaonline, transtroll (homestuck), transchronicallyill, oceanbreezescentian, transfeedingtube, transdepression
trisid(s) ;; trischronicallyonline
kink/fetish/para(s) ;; dacryphilia, masochism
moodboard ;; found here
playlist ;; "the way things go" - beabadoobee / "keep you safe" - the crane wives / "hospital beds" - florence + the machine / "again & again" - the bird and the bee / "not yet titled" - emhahee
kinlist ;; dove therian
bonus info ;; harms the sys by looking up/reading things that purposefully trigger them, and by googling even the most minor medical symptoms. interested in learning french. emetophobic.
#build an alter#build a headmate#alter packs#headmate packs#radqueer#rq 🌈🍓#rq safe#endo safe#pro endo#🌹 a new flower 🌹#🌹 planted an ask 🌹#lvl 5 pack
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Answering @buttercuparry 's ask under the line because it might need some trigger warnings.
So... trigger warnings for... the triggers.
Plus, this is about a fic thing, not canon, so...
Bee asks:
Bita wow. Wow wow wow. What a chapter. I think I ached for Joe here. You are just a stuntman living your life and you got raped for looking like someone's rapist. This someone- your abuser became obsessed with you and followed you into the dark of the forest. Somehow unthinkably you gave him a chance when he crawled to you. He is your abuser and it is fucked up you care for him a little bit. It helps that he said he would sponsor you and so you have a sort of a camaraderie with him...or at least you think you do. Till again he slaps you in the very loft he raped you. What can Ming ever be to Joe now? Not a friend. Not a friend with benefits who sponsors you. Not a lover. Definitely not a boyfriend. Joe is reminded that he is just a piece of flesh caught between two sharks. And Ming the shark pushed him back into the maws of megalodon from whom he promised to protect Joe. Also I am very curious about what Tong said: " oh so now you are going to cherry pick what you remember. I know what you are capable of. " I wonder if it is just plain old victim blaming- you wanted it/ it was consensual. Or is it that Tong went so far into the mask of playing the nice guy to be in the industry, that he truly has started to believe that this is what he is. That he wants to protect Joe the moneymaker/ Joe the object of his twisted desire from Ming (even in nice guy mode Joe is a pound of flesh). Or is it that even back then, back when they were in Bright fields itself Tong saw nothing wrong in what he did...? But what does I know what you are capable of mean... Came to comment here because these couldn't be contained only in ao3 comment box.
This ask is just *chef's kiss*. Blow my head up why don't you?
I don't know what they're going to be yet. Some days I wake up and imagine that Ming takes a bullet for Joe and leaves him billions. Other days I imagine that by some miracle, Ming gets worthy of Joe and they live happily ever after. It depends on the day, to be honest, so I can't really tell you if they'll ever be boyfriends or even friends. But they will be lovers. Is that confusing? Like, they'll be sexually involved and some intimacy might seep in. but I don't know if they'll ever label it more than just two dudes boinking. Still working on that.
As for Tong remembering things very differently from Ming, that's a... complication. They'll sort that out soon, dw.
Oh and Tong is so aware that he's a horrible person. This ask just made me remember that canon Tong has a nice guy image. In ep1, he was busy greeting everyone and dropping compliments. Ugh, the fake asshole. Well, in CAS, he's leaned into his ep3-4 era and knows that everyone would beat him to death if they could. But they can't. Because he's engaged to a rich woman (and yes, May has MONEY in CAS. MSI will not take that from me)
Yes, Tong saw absolutely nothing wrong with what he did. However, he expected some kind of reaction from Ming. Something more than the scaredy cat routine.
You should know what it means when someone says to Ming "I know what you're capable of". I know I've woobified him. But think back to chp2 of CAS. What he did to Joe wasn't a first time occurrence for Ming. And spoiler/hint: if Tong knew Ming in high school, what do you imagine that might mean?
My head is mostly jumbled right now, but... some of it kinda makes sense. Most of it is gibberish. But I'm hoping that when the chapters churn out, they make sense. I'm glad you're enjoying it. Your comments give me a boost every time.
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Why were FwoOT and BuTter hiding? Were they scared?
BuTter iz a Scaredie Cat, so I liek to be thare for them. Beeing by their Side makes me feel lesss scared too.
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