#scar shouldnt have said that its his fault okay iM NOT SORRY FOR THIS
stiffyck · 2 years
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Easy there, cowboy.
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ivyuns · 4 years
after hours ❆ ✰
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han jisung
genre: angst and fluff
word count: 1.6k
warnings: language + self harm
A/N: since you guys asked for it, heres part two of moral of the story (: repost
listen to after hours by the weeknd
part one | part two
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thought i almost died in my dream again.
right after you left changbin’s embrace to hop onto your plane back to korea, he was furious. he didnt even knew jisung was cheating on you. as a cousin, he went to yell at your ex lover.
“han fucking jisung.” changbin muttered out. the younger one lifted his eyes and saw his hyung. quickly wiping his tears and waits for changbin to continue speaking. “did i just witnessed y/n catching you cheating on her? are you serious jisung? after everything she done for you, for us, and you did this in return!?” changbin ran his fingers through his hair and let out a heavy sigh.
“i wont hurt you or anything, just at least talk to y/n and fix some things alright?” jisung immediately nodded as changbin left the room. jisung got up and changed into a casual outfit and met up with his manager to talk about some things.
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without you, don't wanna sleep. cause my heart belongs to you.
after meeting up with his manager and convincing to continue the tour without him, he finally agreed. jisung dashes through the hallway, into his hotel room and gathers his stuff and gets his belongings then heads to the airport.
handing in his ticket and sitting in his seat in the plane, he pulls our your promise ring that you threw at him a few hours ago and remembers your pained face the moment you saw him cheat on you. the way the tears fell onto your cheeks. the way you wanted to hold back your tears but couldnt. jisung kicks the seat in front of him and starts bawling his eyes out, earning a groan from the elder who he kicked, immediately starting to apologize to the boomer.
wanting to fall asleep so time can pass by, only to have nightmares of you, taking your own life of his yet another stupid mistake. forcing himself to stay awake by looking back at all the memories you two shared.
baby where are you now when I need you most? i'd give it all just to hold you close.
after the plane has landed, he made his way out of the gate and hailed a cab and gave the driver the address of your apartment. few minutes pass by and jisung looks up and sees his destination. thanking the driver and giving them money and tip, he gets his stuff and unlocks your door. everything looked normal. you had to be here. quickly going to each room to see where you were, you were unseen.
memories start flooding in his mind and sees the first fight you two had. seeing your pale body on the bathroom floor. bunch of tubes connected to your body to regain the nutrients needed. he ran his hands through his hair and yelled, not caring about the neighbors. he needed to find you before his nightmare in the plane could actually happen.
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i know it's all my fault, made you put down your guard.
he ran to the dorm, thankful you decided to live a few blocks away from them. taking out his keys to unlock the door and smells a familiar scent, knowing you came here recently. he goes to his room to see a box on his bed and the pictures hung up of you two hidden in his drawer.
seeing the note placed on the box made him feel even more worse. he let out another scream and pulled out his phone, seeing if you still share your location with him.
entering the passcode for his phone and opening his friends locator app. he searches for your name only to find only you can see his location. he threw his phone on the bed and fell on the ground. not knowing where you could be. who knows if youre in the streets all alone.
knowing if youre upsetting at something, jisung always knew you wouldnt have the appetite to eat and ruin your healthy life. even if you came back to korea a few hours ago, your body could make you sick, especially since you didnt eat anything before you left for japan.
i know i made you fall, they said you were wrong for me
remembering how you acted towards him after telling stays about your relationship with him made him guilty. he knew how insecure you felt since the beginning of high school. after the mean comments stays made about you, you felt everyone was coming at you and that you didnt deserve jisung.
until jisung stepped in and defended you. he brought in the light when you fell into the darkest time. even til before he cheated on you, whenever you would fall into a dark time, he would be your knight in shining armor and bring you back to light.
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i lied to you, i lied to you, i lied to you. Can't hide the truth, I stayed with her in spite of you.
he knew he shouldnt had cheated on you. but something that jiseo gave him made him fall harder for her and started cheating behind your back. the times he cancelled the dates and plans was only to hang out with jiseo. with the excuses he used was just he needed to practice more or make a new song. all the lies he said to you. all the unsaid i love you.
you did some things that you regret, still ride for you. cause this house is not a home.
currently on the bridge you were sitting at, with the han river under your dangling legs and with park near the bridge, where you two met when you were a little kid. with a blade in your hand, you rolled up your over-sized button up flannel to reveal a fresh canvas to place the scars. each memory and tear that fell, you would cut into your flesh. you promised yourself you would never cut youself or try to harm you, but you felt weak and nobody was there to help.
jisung, who was running around trying to look at the places you would always go to relieve some stress or just for fun. remembering you would always go to the park next to the han river always made you feel so calm since it was the place you and him landed eyes on each other. running to the park, only to find nobody. looking up afar, he sees a figure. a very familiar figure. noticing the same flannel you would always wear.
making his way to the bridge, he hears the sobs which pains him. going up to you, he sees blood coming out of your fore arm. widening his eyes as he approaches you, he takes the blade and throws it in the river and hugs your trembling body.
“its okay y/n” he tries to make you calm. slowly sinking into the hug, relaxing. you then remember what happened. with your shaking body, you push jisung back to where he isnt hugging you anymore and falls on his side. “how can you say that as i caught you cheating on me?!” you yelled out, which you shouldnt have, making you see more than one jisung.
“y/n, let me explain!” due to lots of blood loss, you fainted. having jisung to press on your wounds and take you to the hospital. “please y/n, not again. please i cant lose you again.”
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jisung waited in the waiting room with his elbows on his knees and bloody hands on his hand. as the doctor was walking towards him with papers in his hands, he stood up. “ah so jisung. y/n is fine but due to the lost of blood she lost which was almost half a gallon, she will be having blood transmitting to her body. you can go to her room now” jisung thanks the doctor as he pats jisungs back.
walking to your room, only to see you looking at the window. jisung grabs a chair and places it next to your bed. jisung grabs your hand and starts speaking.
“im sorry y/n. i-i shouldnt have cheated on you. if i didnt, we wouldnt have to be in this situation. i dont know why i did it in the first place but after seeing you hurt, it just made me feel so guilty. i didnt return you the love you gave me and seeing your pained face, i just felt my heart shatter. and after having to keep stray kids continuing their tour without me and coming back here to talk to you. just because i love you and i dont know what life ill be doing without you.”
you turn your head to see jisungs face full of regret of what he did in the hotel room. you smiled after hearing ‘i love you’ after months. “i love you too jisung”. he lifts up his head and sees you smile. he gets up and hugs you. “if you do this again jisung, i wont hesitate and break up with you.” and kiss jisung on his lips. he sits back down and grabs your left hand. “i believe you need to put this on again, sunshine.” and slides in the promise ring you threw at him.
and finally, he goes on his knees and pulls out the small black velvet box you found earlier. without jisung even asking, you immediately say yes. “baby i didnt even ask you” jisung laughs.
“i dont care, yes is my answer.”
jisung smiles and puts the engagement ring on your ring finger.
“thank you for this second chance baby”
sorry that i broke your heart, your heart. and I said, baby, i’ll treat you better than i did before, i'll hold you down and not let you go, this time i won't break your heart, your heart, no.
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END <3
a repost since first try didnt show up in the tags but ty for reading
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i-writing-is-hard-i · 6 years
Blood Traitor pt7
Summary:  You are Draco’s older sister.  A pureblood Witch, without the prejudice and anti-muggle beliefs of your family. Who just so happened to fall in love with none other than a blood traitor, just to complicate matters more Voldemort has returned.  What will you do?
okay, I suck at writing descriptions,
[Disclaimer] Mentions of sex, violence, and hints of torture, I may have screwed up the timeline somewhere along the way, and no one dies, because, thats sad
[Begining]  - [Previous] - [Next]
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Part 7
Days had passed since George’s love confession, yet you still had a spring in your step.  You had noticed George looked happier than normal too.  The two of you managed to meet up every two days.  Thankfully.  Even if it meant sitting in silence to do homework.  Well, you did homework, he goofed off, but he let you get on with it without much fuss.  Sometimes you would read while he worked on something for his shop.  It was nice, and you couldn’t hope for more.
It was now time for the first Quidditch match of the school year.  Gryffindor v Slytherin, even if your boyfriend was on opposing team, you had to root for your own house right?, though most were nothing but thugs.  Today was the first time you had ever felt embarrassed by the other supports.  They had come up with a cruel chant for Ron, he already had confidence issues, this was not helping.  As the crowd chanted, Lee Jordan tried to drown it out.  You could faintly make out a lion’s roar, scanning the Gryffindor crowd you found the source, someone was wearing a large lion’s head,  it actually looked pretty cool,  you quickly enchanted it, without being noticed so that the roars would drown out the noise of the Slytherin’s but it only made them sing louder, they were pretty much screaming at this point.  It was deafening
You were actually a little disappointed when your team was winning, you had a feeling it was because of the chanting, but the snitch still had to be caught, that would turn it around and just as you were thinking that, Harry dove, followed by your brother.  Harry caught it.  The Gryffindor’s won.  The crowd erupted into cheers and complaints.  You watched the teams land, Gryffindors players swarming Harry.  Your heart sunk when you watched Draco walking towards them.  Just as you guessed, he said something, probably cruel.  Whatever it was angered the twins, from here you couldn’t really tell who was who, but one of them was being held back by two people, while Harry held the other.  Suddenly Harry and the Twin he was holding back dove on to Draco, you instinctively stood up, he was an arse, but he is still your brother.  You didn’t have to do anything though, Professor McGonagall intervened.  The two were ushered away from the rest, while Draco was seen too.  
You had reached the common room, before Draco, but he as soon as he entered everyone bombarded him.
“Draco what did you say to them?” Pansy asked
“Nothing, I only spoke the truth” Draco feigned innocence.
“Then why would they attack you like that, That Potter really is crazy, and those blood traitor Weasleys” someone spoke, you felt yourself become defensive.
“You were talking about their mothers” someone explained, in an indifferent tone
“Well, of course, they got angry you insulted their loved one’s idiot.  You don’t get to play the victim when you do something like that” you pointed out.  Some people agreed with you, others just glared.  
“Well, I only told the truth” Draco lied.
“Really? And what was it you said” you continued.
“I simply pointed out that their house stink” Draco smiled
“You insulted a dead woman Draco, that’s pretty shameful” you were getting annoyed at how calm and okay with that he was, but you didn’t let it show.
“And? why do you care?” Draco asked defensively
“Why do I care that my brother is acting like a right dick? Because it’s embarrassing” you kept your cool,  the people around you stiffened, turning their attention to other things, but of course, they were still listening.
“Since when did you start caring so much about the Weasley’s and Potter?”
“It’s not them, its the fact that you're, well, you are a childish bully and it’s embarrassing, and I am not going to argue with you, especially in front of everyone, so I am going” you stood up leaving Draco and heading to your room.
The next day you were waiting for George, he had detention, thanks to his ‘outburst’ you knew it would be after curfew, but you didn’t mind.  You kind of wanted to apologise on behalf of Draco.  Finally, he came in rubbing his hand, like he was in pain, you looked down to see the scarring. instinctively you ran over to him, grabbing his hand to get a better look.
“What is this?” you asked, looking up at his face.  He looked annoyed.  You looked back down to his hand, though it was healing, you could tell it was, words, layered on top of each other.
“Did Umbridge have something to do with this?” you asked.
“It’s fine don’t worry about it” George went to pull his hand away, but your grip tightened, pulling out your wand
“Hold still” you ordered.  You used Episkey on it, healing the remaining scarring and easing the pain it had caused then you kissed it.
“I know Draco insulted your mum and Lily Potter” you mumbled, “I am sorry, he’s an arse”
“Forget it, it wasn’t your fault” George was blushing bright, from your kiss.  Your eyes drifted back to his hand.
“So, what happened?” you repeated.
“Eh, Umbridge’s new punishment” George explained,
“Excuse me, Umbridge’s new punishment? it’s abuse, she hurt you” you were clearly annoyed.
“Well, who’s gonna stand up to her about it, besides’s Fred and I will get her back for this” George smiled, he kind of liked it when you were being protective
“Well, it better be good, but it’s still wrong, do the other teachers know? we should tell them, she can’t get away with this, the old bat” you ranted, pacing the room.  George’s smile grew, but then he quickly looked sad again
“This isn’t the worst of it” he muttered.
“What?” you turned to him again, he could see the anger in your eyes.
“Fred, Harry and I have been permanently banned from playing Quidditch while we are at Hogwarts, she got our brooms locked up”
“What!” you practically yelled, “But that leaves your team with no beaters of seeker!”
As annoyed George was, he couldn’t help but smile at your reaction “Gah, you two better make her life a living hell here” you ordered.  This made George burst out laughing
“You are adorable, sometimes love” he breathed, “But don’t worry we have it all planned out”.  
You joined in on the laughing.
“Good, but this is Draco’s fault and for that I am sorry” you spoke.
“Your brother said some mean things, but we shouldn’t have gone for him like that, bloody deserved it though”
“I should really say no to that, but if the tables were turned I would have probably done the same” you mumbled feeling a little guilty for agreeing
“By the way, where did you learn that spell?” George changed the subject for you.
“Charms, Weasley, some of us pays attention in class” you smiled, George simply shrugged,
A few days later, you were sitting in potions working on the brew in front of you, when you felt eyes watching.  You had expected to see George looking at you, but it wasn’t him, it was Tommy, a Slytherin.  He used to flirt with you all the time, but Ignis had warned him off you since then he barely talked to you let alone.  He wasn’t a bad guy.  He seemed to have gained confidence again because recently he had started flirting with you since the start of the year.  When you looked up he gave you smile, you quickly smiled back as to not be rude, then turned your attention back to the colourful liquid.
After class, he caught up to you, as you left the room
“So, huh, Y/N, I know we are pretty busy with all this school work, but I was thinking we could head to Hogsmeade this weekend,” Tommy asked, smoothly, with just the right amount of confidence that most girls would love, not you of course.  He slowly leaned into inter the pretense that it was so he could hear your reply over the crowd, but it was a little too close for your comfort.
“Actually, I uh, have plans” you replied, you actually hadn’t.
“Oh, well we could hang out after class, it’s not like we have much time left at school to spend together,” Tommy asked
Your eyes darted up to see George watching you could really read his expression, it made you smile.
“Well, maybe pretty busy with school work, but I will let you know, when I am free” you smiled sweetly at him, you had no intention in hanging out with him but you didn’t want to be rude.
You weren’t aware that George was now in earshot of your conversation.
“Great, I look forward to it” Tommy looked pretty happy the outcome, you felt a bit guilty, but it wasn’t like you could tell him ‘Sorry I’m dating someone’  after that rather awkward moment you headed down the corridor towards the library, it was a free period, before Dinner.  There was so much work to do.  Just as you reached the door, a certain redhead slid a note into your hand, you quickly read it, ‘Meet me’ it was all it said.  You were supposed to meet BFF/N but decided you could come up with a good excuse later, besides the two of you had agreed to meet later on anyway so you assumed it would be quick.
Pretending you forgot something in potions you made your way down the corridor, slipping down another without being seen until you reached the far empty room.  George was pacing around inside.  Once you had closed the door, he had you pinned up against the door.  Kissing you harshly.  It took your breath away and caused you to drop your bag.  
“George?” you breathed, but he moved his lips to your neck, sliding kisses down while his hands gliding down to your arse.
After some more intense moves from George, he pulled away.  Looking sheepishly at you.
“Sorry, Tommy has been flirting with you too much for liking”  he mumbled.  Looking at your slightly annoyed expression.  The reason of which was because he pulled away.  To show this, you pressed your lips to his, just as urgent as he had.  Pushing him back onto the table.  He didn’t put up a fight as he stumbled back, you took the opportunity to remove your jumper and his before pressing your lips against his.  Part of you was doing this because you simply wanted him, but the other part of you wanted him to know you only cared for him.  George didn’t complain at all, lifting you up letting you wrap your legs around his waist.
Things only heated up from there.
The two of you laid in breathless silence beside each other.  Your clothes were scattered around the room.  It wasn’t exactly the first time the two had done it, but it was never quite as intense.  Once you two caught your breath, you both quickly got dressed, rushing down to dinner, looking a bit of a mess, but you covered yourself by saying you had fallen asleep when BFF/N asked.
Later before you were to meet up with George again you headed up to your dorm room to get changed.
“So, What is going on?, I know you are seeing someone, and I am guessing it’s someone you shouldn’t be seeing” BFF/N suddenly asked.  You froze mid-change.
“What makes you say that,” you asked, returning, tossing your shirt on the bed.
“Well those marks are a dead giveaway” she continued.  You quickly looked in the mirror, finding love bites scattered around your body.  You stared wide-eyed at yourself, you hadn’t even noticed them earlier when you were getting changed.
“Uh, well, I” you stuttered what were you going to tell her? You knew she wouldn’t tell anyone, or even judge but was it still the right thing to do?
“Oh, great Godric, is it a teacher, but who would it be?” she started pondering to herself.
“It’s not a teacher” you stated, blankly.
“Oh, then who, if you can’t tell me then that’s okay” she smiled, at you with a slightly sad expression.  
“It’s not that I don’t want to tell you, it’s just” you did really want to tell her.  She looked so sad, and a little hurt.
“It’s George” you, blurted out.  Feeling a little bit better already.
“George who?” just as she asked that realisation hit her. “George Weasley?”
You nodded as she stared.
“Ah, I see, that’s why would can’t tell anyone” she looked sad again.
“Yeah, well, after this year we won’t have to worry about keeping it hidden” you smiled.
“So, how long as it been going on?, is this who you're with when you disappear?, who asked who out” BFF/N bombarded you with questions, it felt normal.  You smiled at her, maybe sharing somethings wouldn’t be bad.
“Well, we’ve been dating since the ball, George made the first move and yes he is who I am with when I go off, I am not telling you where I do” she shared, as you continued to get ready.  BFF/N wanted to know more and more details but you were going to be late.
“Don’t worry Y/N, I won’t tell anyone and I can help cover you, when you go know” you were grateful for it, you said goodbye and left to go meet George.
You were sitting there for a while before he arrived.  
“Sorry I am late, Fred wouldn’t get off my case, he’s eventually going to notice” George replied, he gave you a kiss on the cheek then plopped down beside you.
“You can tell him if you think that’s okay,” you said.
“I think I will if you are really okay with that,” he asked
“Well, thanks to you, BFF/N knows” you pulled down your shirt revealing one of the love bites he had left.  George's face went the same colour as his hair.
“Uh, Sorry” he was smiling a bit pleased with himself but then he caught on.
“She won’t tell anyone” you reassured.
George relaxed, laying his head down on your lap,
“I thought we were going to homework” you smiled.
“I have an idea, you read and I listen” he suggested.  In Transfiguration, you had to read a few chapters of the textbook, for a quiz tomorrow so you agreed. Reading the book out loud.
George loved the sound of your voice, he could listen to you talk all day, and somehow he managed to take in every word you said and remembered it all.  You quizzed him every so often to see if he was actually listening, and he got it right, then again it might have been because you gave him a kiss every time he got a questioned right.  All in all, it was a rather productive night.  George was the first to get up, helping you up.  He quickly gave you a kiss and a hug.
“I love you” he smiled
“I love you too” you kissed him quickly then left.
The next day at breakfast, none of the Weasleys showed up, it was the same at lunch and dinner.  Maybe they went home early?.  Later that evening you were supposed to meet George again before the Christmas holidays, but he was a no-show.  You were getting worried, but who were you to ask?  BFF/N tried to reassure you but nothing she said worked.  
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trouvvaille · 7 years
Clams; Talk to your moirail.
brackishbarracuda [BB] began trolling lonelySeahorse [LS] at 5-44 AM BB- 3B* lonelySeahorse- Yesterday at 5-45 AM Hey u I uh I gotta talk to u brackishBarracuda- Yesterday at 5-46 AM well thats yeah aight whats up clams
lonelySeahorse- Today at 2-38 AM I miss my kids. Can we get them back... Please? Its too quiet. I wworry. I mean I'm sure dirk takes god care of them i just uh Need them So Yeah brackishBarracuda- Today at 2-56 AM i can bring em back to visit clams but look i know its quiet and it fucking sucks and i miss them too i still dont feel like theyre safe here love and no dirk dont do shit dave keeps em have you seen dirk with a kid its hilarious lonelySeahorse- Today at 6-41 AM I mean pike I dont doubt it but i wwant to see em Wwho are wwe hiding from noww I thought condy wwas not an issue anymore or somethin Is it sal brackishBarracuda- Today at 6-51 AM no shes still a fucking thing there were two problems but the orginal ones still there lonelySeahorse- Today at 6-51 AM godamnit howw about if wwe just movve not forevver brackishBarracuda- Today at 6-51 AM thats lonelySeahorse- Today at 6-51 AM but pike to loz's brackishBarracuda- Today at 6-52 AM love thats not the problem lonelySeahorse- Today at 6-52 AM or i knoww brackishBarracuda- Today at 6-52 AM she doesnt know where we are its me wanting to give fel and her fam someplace to go lonelySeahorse- Today at 6-52 AM i just wwant to put up solutions and feel like im helpin ZZ3B( brackishBarracuda- Today at 6-52 AM i could kiss you you know i kno its naut been easy bein with me lately or ever lonelySeahorse- Today at 6-53 AM some nights are easier than others <> the 24 hours after u cut off chos arm noww that was rough shit evverything else compared to that is pike cuttin through a cloud its just the fuckin brackishBarracuda- Today at 6-54 AM im sorry lonelySeahorse- Today at 6-54 AM its gamzee all the fuck ovver again u knoww what they say third times the charm brackishBarracuda- Today at 6-54 AM 3B( lonelySeahorse- Today at 6-54 AM ZZ3B* just kinda fuckin i unno i almost got enough of ur biolum for u to bathe in ivve started movvin them to one a the tanks ur gonna have to pike... sleep in it or just sit in there ww ur palmhusk and blog for hours ill uh join u if u wwant i dunno if the tank'd hold tho but i can put them in the big one if i take archie out lonelySeahorse- Today at 7-03 AM you uh you'll be okay u knoww its hard but you'll pull through it wwasn't ur fault you knoww that right i think i think u should spend some tide with kad u knoww they'll help u feel better brackishBarracuda- Today at 7-13 AM how the fuck wasnt it my fault clams i love you but the knife was in my hand lonelySeahorse- Today at 7-13 AM kads alwways good for a pickmeup did you knoww the knife wwas in ur hand brackishBarracuda- Today at 7-15 AM i remember picking it up lonelySeahorse- Today at 7-15 AM wwe are not responsible for our instincts they wwere responsible for aya and they hurt her and you hurt them in turn both of these wwere wwrong but neither more than the other both of them wwill scar and both of them are traumatized you wwere angry brackishBarracuda- Today at 7-18 AM stop making excuses for me lonelySeahorse- Today at 7-18 AM im not makin excuses for you it was everyones fault thats wwhat im tryin to get at cho was responsible for ayas wwellbein an they should not havve had her in the same room as a psion wwho couldn't control their powwers and you wwere supposed to do the right thing but you didn't you cut off their arm and ran awway and that is your fuckin fault but im not makin excuses for you because fuckin honestly at this point wwhat good is that shit going to do anyone you wwant to talk to them again? talk to vvis? sal? then you gotta fuckin accept that it wwas an accident and evvery single one a you wwas at fault, evven sal, evven vvis three fuckin adults in that house and not one a them coulda been wwatchin her wwith cho? bullshit its your fault but it ain't entirely yours either you knoww i havve nightmares about it and i wwasn't evven fuckin there howws that brackishBarracuda- Today at 7-22 AM what what are they about lonelySeahorse- Today at 7-22 AM that doesn't matter read wwhat i said abovve brackishBarracuda- Today at 7-22 AM it does i read it lonelySeahorse- Today at 7-22 AM yeah why brackishBarracuda- Today at 7-22 AM this matters lonelySeahorse- Today at 7-23 AM whys it matter to you so you can beat yourself up more aboat it? brackishBarracuda- Today at 7-23 AM whys it matter to me clams i am your fucking moirail it matters please lonelySeahorse- Today at 7-32 AM and as your owwn moirail i don't think you should beat yourself up ovver nightmares i havve caused by things that wwere your fault because i knoww you wwill and i don't wwant that y you got enough on your plate brackishBarracuda- Today at 7-33 AM baby please lonelySeahorse- Today at 7-33 AM tell me wwhy you're insecure then i wwill brackishBarracuda- Today at 7-33 AM which part lonelySeahorse- Today at 7-33 AM in general wwhy are you so insecure about yourself you hurt someone big fuckin wwhoop you bleww up your planet and you didn't really care about cho anywway you tried to i knoww but you didn't is it just because you lost sal? because you think you'vve lost vvis? brackishBarracuda- Today at 7-35 AM i am trying to be better clams and yes its because of that lonelySeahorse- Today at 7-35 AM once upon a time you told me u lovved me just as i am hemoism and all brackishBarracuda- Today at 7-35 AM i dont loose people well lonelySeahorse- Today at 7-35 AM and im here to tell you the same fuckin thing i dont care if u cut off my owwn fuckin arm i wwill lovve you until the day my essence dissolvves into nothing and i cease to havve the capacity to hold lovve in my soul i lovve you regardless of wwhat you do wwhose arm you chop off wwho you lose or wwhy you lose them i lovve you meen not wwhat you do or wwhat you say but because of wwho you fuckin are a free thinker wwho doesn't hold back, wwho wwould dance in the moonlight wwith her girlfriends, wwho tells people they're pretty af and means it wwithout it bein empty. ur home to me evven if you become someone you dislike you don't need to change and be "better" for me to like u i already like you vis already likes you sal liked you and so did chosis yes there are things you can improvve yes there are things you can't improvve but here and noww wwith all your insecurities and wwhen you falter, wwhen ur candle is loww, i am still here for you and don't u fuckin forget it i am your moirail and eridan fuckin ampora aight and i am right fuckin pale for the roughest, prettiest diamond i'vve evver fuckin seen brackishBarracuda- Today at 7-40 AM i love you lonelySeahorse- Today at 7-42 AM noww about those nightmares its really quite simple vvis has nightmares if wwe're sleepin at the same time wwe share em thats it thats the wwhole explanation brackishBarracuda- Today at 7-43 AM do you know what those are about or look i just want to know where hes viewin himself in relation okay is just me being dangerous is it him just watchin is it him eelin like he could have stopped me and cant like i dont care what it is i just want to know lonelySeahorse- Today at 7-44 AM hes conflicted because he lovves both of you and he thinks you hold animosity towwards him if he showws too much support for chosis and not for you thats wwhat i can glean the recurrin theme is the classic "choice" dream u knoww u can only Savve One an all that chos his kurloz, lovve, pike i don't know if you get it more wwhen i put it that wway or its pike if i personally chopped off loz's arm wwhile you wwatched thats just howw he feels an it's basically just that he doesn't fuckin knoww howw to feel i think he just needs time but thats my fuckin answer to evverythin brackishBarracuda- Today at 7-47 AM fuck lonelySeahorse- Today at 7-47 AM does that put it into more perspectivve or brackishBarracuda- Today at 7-48 AM yeah actually i fuck lonelySeahorse- Today at 7-48 AM yeah yeah im glad that helps brackishBarracuda- Today at 7-50 AM clams what have i fucking done lonelySeahorse- Today at 7-53 AM you chopped off the arm of your inclade, your moirails matesprit, wwho he has twwo eggs wwith and plans to swwap rings wwith, in defense of said matesprit's negligance towwards your owwn child wwith your dead matesprit, wwhich resulted in possibly lifelong scarrin and trauma due to their said negligance defense? offense somethin pike that you uh also faught ur best friend and bloodied him up a bit and noww he doesn't wwant to speak wwith you i guess thats wworth mentionin i mean if u ask me sal and u needed a break anywway brackishBarracuda- Today at 7-55 AM i dont like breaks clams i like fixing shit or getting it over with i like shit in the air not festering i like honest real fucking answers and not hiding behind shit and lying to yourself and im fucked lonelySeahorse- Today at 7-56 AM okay so u knoww howw i compared chosis to kurloz there right, for vvis noww i need you to think a me or actually think a kad if u cut off kads arm and lil sal wwas there wwatchin an the twwo a you fought brackishBarracuda- Today at 7-57 AM i wouldnt be alive clams lonelySeahorse- Today at 7-57 AM see to me that says sal still fuckin lovves you brackishBarracuda- Today at 7-58 AM he shouldnt lonelySeahorse- Today at 7-58 AM no he shouldn't but he does evven if he aint realize it yet he just needs time maybe you could send him a couple of anon asks to see howw he feels about it evveryonce in a wwhile brackishBarracuda- Today at 7-59 AM he doesnt deserve the shit i bring to his doorstep clams he deserves people who are gonna make him happy and that aint been me for a while lonelySeahorse- Today at 8-01 AM then i guess u got an oppurtunity here but u gotta ask urself howw happy is he gonna be wwith you gone howw happy are you gonna be wwith him gone the twwo a you are older than me and you you do fuckin realize that right pike you'vve been together since before u evven met me hell probs before rez or fangs or around that time he's the only one left besides cro and tuna wwho knowws You so if you wwant to leavve him thats up to you he's already made his choice but i fuckin promise you in twwo months he's gonna be wwaitin to see if you'll try to get back in his life and fuckin honestly i'd be disappointed if you didn't an he wwould be too and you fuckin knoww it don't kid urself howw many times has he hurt us howw many fuckin times has he hurt me put vvis through a wwall broke my nose gavve you scars but howw many times did he come back, huh or helped you evven if u twwo wwere havvin trouble you think a that brackishBarracuda- Today at 8-06 AM i miss him i miss who we were lonelySeahorse- Today at 8-06 AM wwhen did it change wwhat happened wwhy brackishBarracuda- Today at 8-06 AM i dont know i dont fucking know lonelySeahorse- Today at 8-07 AM i do you wwant to knoww? brackishBarracuda- Today at 8-07 AM why naut lonelySeahorse- Today at 8-07 AM wwhen he finally stopped puttin you up on that pedestal wwhen he finally had to come to grips wwith the fact u wweren't and are not perfect wwhen he finally had to fuckin realize that you are not his rescuer but his friend he put u up on a throne and u didn't wwant it and he couldn't see that and evvery single fuckin time you twwo fought it wwas because u didn't see eye to eye because you wwere still twwenty feet abovve him, to him cho thought it too wwe wwere talkin they said sal wwas upset because "he lost his rock" an i said buddy if u think meenah wwas his rock ur wwrong" because u wweren't and if u think that you're wwrong a rope throwwn to him maybe givven him hope givven him a friend but somethin to hold onto wwhen the lights go out nah u wwere his lighthouse like u are mine you light the wway but he doesn't cling to u wwith his problems he clings to cho and YOU fuckin knoww that and you need to stop thinkin that cho isn't fuckin wworthy or somethin of bein sals moirail an also simultaneously thinkin that u gotta measure up to chosis wwith sal are you pale for salinx? no? then you ain't gotta brackishBarracuda- Today at 8-12 AM i was once i know you remember lonelySeahorse- Today at 8-12 AM yeah and i wwas flushed for u once too its hard to stop those feelins but u just gotta grit ur teeth and go at it brackishBarracuda- Today at 8-13 AM i mean im naut anymore but yeah lonelySeahorse- Today at 8-14 AM just in case, i gotta say it stop bein fuckin envious of wwhat they got an the fact that sal is tellin cho evverythin an not u brackishBarracuda- Today at 8-15 AM i fucking hate myself for it but i cant even tell you youre fucking wrong lonelySeahorse- Today at 8-19 AM i knoww just you knoww stop it nerd <> brackishBarracuda- Today at 8-19 AM look they werent fucking worthy when i met them just to be straight with you lonelySeahorse- Today at 8-19 AM but you aint givven them the chance since u think i dont knoww that they bruised me, pushed me ovver brackishBarracuda- Today at 8-20 AM im naut done lonelySeahorse- Today at 8-20 AM aight im wwaitin tho brackishBarracuda- Today at 8-22 AM chosis wasnt shit when i met them but if i can stand back away from my own shit for two seconds theyve grown a hell of a lot they grew into it which idk is probably the point or something just cause i couldnt sea it and i can admit that to you but trying to say that to anybody else pisses me off ive got problems the point im making is that they arent a bad kid and clearly they take decent fuckin care a sally an sal them i was just idk i reely dont like thinking aboat this lonelySeahorse- Today at 8-26 AM yeah wwhale suck it up and talk to me about it ZZ3B\ brackishBarracuda- Today at 8-27 AM ive p much made my point theyre betta than they were and im recognizing that ive known that for a while lonelySeahorse- Today at 8-27 AM but u still assumed they wwere the one wwho hurt aya brackishBarracuda- Today at 8-28 AM when i got there there was all of two people and i knew it was sal i jumped to a conclusion an it was the wrong one lonelySeahorse- Today at 8-29 AM yeah but u wwere alwwavves more heart than head brackishBarracuda- Today at 8-30 AM yeah for betta oar worse lonelySeahorse- Today at 8-31 AM this just happens to be one a the wworse ... you'll be okay and so wwill sal, and so wwill cho, and so wwill vvis, and aya too it just takes time an lovve an determination don't givve up on them aight? lovve u <> brackishBarracuda- Today at 8-32 AM i love you too <> just so fucking much clams lonelySeahorse- Today at 8-32 AM ZZ3B* brackishBarracuda- Today at 8-33 AM i couldnt tell you if i tried you are my rock you know no pedestal no rope no lighthouse lonelySeahorse- Today at 8-37 AM yeah i do brackishBarracuda- Today at 8-37 AM youre my rock lonelySeahorse- Today at 8-37 AM ur my rock and my lighthouse brackishBarracuda- Today at 8-37 AM where i build home lonelySeahorse- Today at 8-37 AM ur my evverythin ... what are u gonna do brackishBarracuda - Today at 8:41 AM whatever i have to lonelySeahorse- Today at 8:42 AM yeah? brackishBarracuda - Today at 8:46 AM as fuckin always lonelySeahorse - Today at 8:47 AM come on more than that brackishBarracuda- Today at 8:49 AM i dont know clams but im naut givin up lonelySeahorse- Today at 8:49 AM good <> brackishBarracuda - Today at 8:50 AM <>
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