#scanlan shorthalt x pike trickfoot
overthefroggymoon · 2 years
Na Clocha ar Trá - Pikelan One-Shot
Summary: Scanlan can't skim stones
Word Count: 700
with a teansy pikelan fic <3
Read on AO3!
“Scanlan, this shouldn’t be this hard” Pike said, tinges of pity in her tone, a look of pure love and appreciation plastered on her face. She was currently waist deep in the water of Glendalough Lake, which, despite the warm summer temperatures of the early morning, was freezing. 
Her hands shook slightly as they held her baby blue dress in bunches by her chest, but the cold was nothing worthy of note, when before her on shore, her husband, adorned in an outfit of a similar shade (which she lovingly informed him looked like a children’s sailor costume), was starting an argument with the ground he stood on. 
“It’s just that the damn pebbles here are too small-or big-or misshapen-or something!” Scanlan responded, frustration filling his own voice. His shaggy hair hung over his head as he turned it downward and shook it from side to side. 
In his right hand, Scanlan held a light brown sunhat, a gift from Pike which he hadn’t taken off once since arriving in Ireland; except for 10 minutes ago when in an act of disbelief and frustration, he ripped it off his head; "But I-I did everything right" he had whispered with confusion, as for the sixth time in a row the pebble he had thrown did not skip over the water and instead promptly sank with an unsatisfyingly quiet plop.
10 tries later, and it seemed Scanlan had officially snapped. “No, No, NO!” he exclaimed as he began to analyse the ground below him, using his hat to point to various rocks of differing sizes, shapes and colours as he did, “All of them. Completely insufficient.” He said wistfully, moving his hands to his hips in a move of what could only be described as disappointment. 
“Honestly, Pike, I think it’s just something about Irish rocks….they weren’t made for my beautiful hands to hold them…” he said, tearing his eyes from the ground and moving them toward his wife as he did. 
And then he completely forgot about rocks.
Before him, she stood a vision. The sun was setting between the mountains which lay beyond the lake, framing her in such a way that the eye, even if trying to look at the mountains or sky, could only ever be drawn to his Pike. The remaining rays of sunlight surrounded her head perfectly, and reflected off her platinum blonde hair as it lay unbrushed on her shoulders. From his spot just a few feet from her on shore, Scanlan's breath stopped as he felt himself fall in love with her all over again. 
“So now it’s Ireland’s fault you can’t skim stones, is it? Does that mean there are also Irish stones back in Emon?” She retorted, a teasingly wicked grin on her face. It only took a moment before she realised he was lost in a trance. Again.
"Oh, Saranrae" She whispered to herself, mentally chastising him for his current state as she did. This was nowhere near the first time she had found him frozen in place, really it was a state she found him in more than once a week. She couldn’t say she didn’t do the same, but her moments of blissful admiration were ones she was still able to function through. Scanlan’s, however, were always more paralysing and obvious - the showman in him not shying away from the chance to fully and dramatically embody his emotions outwardly at every chance he got.
“Exactly….” Scanlan assured, voice breathy and mind not fully conscious of what or who he was responding to. 
Pike trudged back to shore, freeing her sundress from her hands as she exited the water, and replacing the cold, still fabric she had been clinging to with her husbands warm, worn hands as soon as she found herself before him. 
“Okay then, Scanlan. It’s Ireland’s fault” she indulged, smiling into his brown eyes as they jumped from each of hers, unsure which one he should look into, before finally settling on her lips.
For a moment she expected him to kiss her. But then he mirrored her shy smile back at her, his eyes returned back to her own, and they each simply did nothing.
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ghostpainters · 1 year
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Vox Machina Plays Mario Kart 
Vex’ahlia is obviously winning. Keyleth is better at this game than she gives herself credit for and isn’t doing half bad. Grog is being a little too aggressive with the turns and keeps crashing into things; and yet somehow, he’s still a place ahead of Scanlan. The game is clearly rigged! 
Vox Machina House Rules: 1). No loud music before 9 AM 2). Butter knives are NOT weapons 3). PLEASE try the doorknob first 4). Whoever breaks the door down, pays for it.
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demigoddessqueens · 1 month
Aaahhhhh!!!! This is just the trailer but already it’s packed!! Omg 😱!!!
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twinklestarss · 26 days
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The Legend of Vox Machina (2022-) 2x07 “The Fey Realm”
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al20-art · 2 years
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innocent-cat · 1 year
Sort of, but not really, a crossover between The Legend of Vox Machina and The Owl House
Headcanons for how you think Vox Machina would react to having a member who is a witch (that suffering from a curse like Eda’s) from the Boiling Isles? Rather it’s about learning more about their magic or helping them manage their curse?
I love this idea, and i'm also trying to get through all the requests in one day so watch me do a magic trick guys
Vox Machina x TOH Magic Reader
Warnings - none
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"The fuck do you mean you have a bird curse?", Vox Machina x Reader
Head canons!!!!
OBVIOUSLY when they first learn about it they're all like
"Is there a cure??"
"Does it hurt you:(?"
(Only Pike Vex and Keyleth ask if it hurts you..)
(It's okay cus the boys are immediately asking about how to make the potion)
Once they realize that since you've settled for the potions, it's usually top priority to restock your potions when they go shopping.
"You sure you have enough?? We might not get another chance to shop!"
They're too caring for their own good sometimes
When your curse DOES erupt, Keyleth keeps you down with vines while they bottle feed you the yellow liquid.
Sometimes they'll purposefully not give it to you when you guys are going on some dangerous adventure so your curse snaps during battle.
real clutch when you guys are all about to die
Grrr woof woof
OTHER than that, you're a wild witch, so you have all kinds of magic.
Percy is he only one who's even heard of the boiling isles, unsurprisingly.
"Is it really a titan you all live on?"
"Yes. It is."
So so so many questions about it all.
You have a small amount of sludge with you for abominations, so you've been letting them simmer so they get bigger.
A lot of times they think you're weird for it, but you have to explain it for a few times till they have a "ohhh" kind of reaction
Scanlan defo bonds with you over your bard magic.
":O???? YOU TOO???"
You just kind of look at him confused until you laugh at his hand magic.
expect duets during battles so he can pitch in more.
Keyleth likes how connected you are with animals, she feels like it gives you two more to connect about
"Have you heard about what happened to Benard?"
"Which one? The wolf or the rabbit?"
"The rabbit. He cheated on Lani."
They also have you fix stuff a lot around the house just because you can control mud n stuff.
you 100% throw mud at them when they say stupid shit
"Yeah so this girl I f- god damn it- why?!"
Scanlan hates it, everyone loves it
You also lend a huge hand when it comes to healing.
literally pike 2.0 with your shields n stuff
you trick them with your illusion magic.
"Wait- i thought you were going to the woods?"
You look at Vax, staring at him for 5 seconds.
"Not again!"
They learned about your psychic ability recently when Vex asked about your necklace.
"What's that, birdy?"
You touch your necklace, rubbing the glass orb on the centerpiece.
"What are you doing?" (You said it in sync with Vex.)
"Its a Oracle orb." You smiled and went on a little rant about it.
they all call you birdy because of your feathery curse.
They defo make you predict battles and ask what theyre supposed to do about losses.
"Why would I know? Change it yourself, duhhh"
Keyleth loves your plant magic because when she speaks with your vines, flowers, grass, or trees they all sound and act like you.
"They're like your little babies! haha.."
lots of smiles and laughs from her.
You teach them how to make certain potions because you think it'll help them.
For example, you gave Vex a potion that'll make her more charismatic and she cleared a tab for all of you guys for free.
Could have been her natural charisma, but who knows.
i forgor about grog oops
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justafandomgvrl · 2 years
What about a head cannon where the members of Vox Machina are sitting around when reader suddenly start to play with their hair?
Vox Machina x Reader
Reader plays with VM's Hair
Percy isn't quite sure how to respond when your fingers brush through his short hair, pushing it back out of his face. He tenses up for a moment, not used to something so tender. But when your fingertips drag across his scalp he relaxes, leaning back into your touch.
Vax is very happy the first time you touch his hair, twisting it around your fingers in an attempt to make it curl. The first time you braid it catches him off guard but he loves it, not taking his hair out of the braid until you want to brush it again (it's a curly mess).
Vex is a bit more hesitant at first. She likes to have her hair exactly where she puts it, so your gentle touch is almost unwelcome at first but she relents, because it's you. You gently brush her hair, humming a song your mother used to sing to you, and nobody dares disturb you. For once, Vex almost seems at peace.
Pike loved when you started to play with her hair. She loves the way your fingers drag across her scalp, almost as though you're trying to massage the tension away. She will always, always, make time for it after a mission.
Scanlan is surprisingly iffy about other people touching his hair. So when you do it for the first time, it takes a lot for him not to flinch away from you. After a while of you gently running your fingers through his hair on a morning, he settles into the new routine.
Keyleth is so happy when you start to play with her hair. She leans into your hand immediately, silently giving permission for you to do what you pleased. You twist it round your fingers, braid parts of it, brush it through, twist sections up into buns. It's a fun way for you to relax together.
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Vox Machina + Valentine’s Day
Percy De Rolo
Finds the whole holiday rather frivolous.
A whole day just to coo and moon eye at each other? Seems completely wasted.
But, he is a man of tradition. And traditions must be followed.
The obvious choice is jewelry. Something clean and elegant.
Or, if he was getting more in tune with the spirit of the whole thing, a music box. Hand crafted of his own design to play your song.
Incredibly flirty any other day of the week, so be prepared for it to be ten-fold.
Her mission in life for the day is to tease, taunt, and tempt her lover all day with her wiles.
Of which there are many.
The entire day would be like foreplay. Culminating in an almost violent passion of love making; followed by many other more gentle bouts.
Her gift would be an ornate arrow that she had carved out of one of her bolts, as a symbol of the cupid’s arrow that had struck her heart for you.
Never was a day more made for Scanlan.
Aside from being hopelessly addicted to ‘love’, Valentine’s day is a bard’s bread & butter.
A lot of coin to be made sing sweet songs to love struck couples.
He’d invite you to the inn he was playing at and dedicate a special song to you. One he wrote of course.
The rest of the evening is yours, where he’ll be at your mercy, for all the toe curling fun the two of you can cook up.
Genuinely forgets about the holiday. But he’s so suave that he plays it off like he hasn’t.
He forgot because he’s terrible with dates & holidays. Not that he doesn’t love you.
Vax thinks about you all the time, so one day out of the year didn’t even register to him.
Rattles off some silver-tongued lie about a surprise he had in store for you. One he is clearly making up as he goes along.
It works out in the end as he led you on some far fetched journey to the top of hill or tower, where he presents you with some night blooming flower he had snatched long the way (like he planned it).
Oh….our poor little turtle duck….
Extremely confident in the planning phase, but looses her nerve as the day comes around and she has to ask you to be her Valentine.
Wastes most of the day running away, or darting around corners, or babbling on as she can’t get her words out.
Eventually, she does. In true Keyleth earnestness.
Gives you a potted plant she grew on her own, and enchanted to always thrive & bloom. Like her feelings for you.
Happy to just be around you. No matter what day it is.
Pike loves her friends but they can be….a bit much. So a day with just the two of you would be wonderful.
Would like to, for once, do tourist-y things around the town your staying at. She never gets the chance.
Take a break to make a small offering to the Everlight for her loving comfort and her continued protection of you.
Makes a small cake for the two of you to share while you’re out. Grog was the official taste tester.
Has zero idea what Valentine’s day is.
He doesn’t get it. Doesn’t get what it’s about. Doesn’t get why this is a holiday.
Aren’t you supposed to tell someone you love them all the time? Are you supposed to be around them all the time too if you love ‘em?
Tries to play along, but is really a disaster at stuff like this.
Gives you a big bear hug and takes you out drinking. If your going to celebrate there’s no better way to do it than with ale!
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themperor-rome · 2 months
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I'm gonna try to turn these into stickers lol
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simplysparrow14 · 8 months
I'm sorry, but He is the head of the Tortured Poet's Department
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sapphiregem01 · 1 month
OKAY!! The Beauyasha kids are almost finished (at least one of them is FJFJFJF), and I plan on doing the Callowmoore kid(s?) next, but NOW the question is-
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anonymousonlyanonymoud · 10 months
The Lost de Rolo
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"I wonder... if you will ever find... Ciara?" Ciara de Rolo. Fourth-born child of the de Rolo Family, younger sister to Percy de Rolo, older sister to Cassandra de Rolo, and was believed to have been killed with the rest of the de Rolo family the night the Briarwoods attacked. But, Delilah Briarwood had choked on her blood to spit out those words. Whether to send them on an impossible search for someone who had survived the massacre, or send them on a goose chase for someone long dead.
TW: Death and murder
Next Chapter
Chapter One: At the Start
Vox Machina had defeated an army of the undead and killed a vampire and his necromantic wife which stopped them from unleashing an entity they called the 'Whispered One.' They had avenged Percy's family and liberated the people of Whitestone.
And helped rid their friend of his literal inner demon.
They had returned to Emon via Sun Tree teleportation thanks to Keyleth and cleared their names to Uriel and his council.
Afterward, they were allowed back to their Keep, given a parade, and seats on the Sovereign's Council. The taverns and brothels were once again open to them and they were awarded a small fortune for their work against the Briarwoods.
The Sovereign had even taken Percy aside and apologized to him personally for bringing the Briarwoods to Emon. And while Percy stiffly accepted it, the rest of the team could see that much still weighed on his mind.
He returned to his workshop in the Keep and began work on a gun to replace his original pepperbox and an electric glove he had dubbed 'Diplomacy.' The metallic clang of his hammer echoed from the basement, louder than before they had left for Whitestone since he kept the door open and did not lock himself in.
But as his creations took shape, his mind became more tangled as Delilah Briarwoods' last words rang in his thoughts. In all of theirs.
"I wonder... if you will ever find... Ciara?"
Ciara de Rolo.
Fourth-born child of the de Rolo Family, younger sister to Percival de Rolo, older sister to Cassandra de Rolo, and was believed to have been killed with the rest of the de Rolo family the night the Briarwoods attacked. 
But, Delilah Briarwood had choked on her blood to spit out those words. Whether to send them on an impossible search for someone who had survived the massacre, or send them on a goose chase for someone long dead.
Either way, Delilah Briarwood had found a way to haunt the siblings until they died.
Percy and Cassandra had spoken on the matter for hours before Vox Machina left Whitestone, on the possibility that their sister was still alive.
The siblings agreed that since Cassandra would be staying in Whitestone to help rebuild and lead the people, Percy would look for any sign of Ciara.
But, there had been an agreed-upon deadline of three months. Cassandra had insisted on it,
"You've spent your life devoted to avenging our family, Percival. While I do wish for our sister to be alive and have her found, I don't want you to be devoured by this quest either,"
He could not fault her worry, and agreed, asking that the three months only began when he had replaced the weapons he had lost.
That bargain had been struck, and now, with Percy carefully placing the four-barreled pistol on the table before him and staring at the jeweled glove on his left hand, he knew it was time.
Originally, Percy had intended on going alone as he felt that his friends had done enough when it came to his family. But, when he declared his intentions to Vox Machina the next morning, Percy was met with disagreements from all sides,
"You honestly think we would let you do this alone?!" Vex questioned in disbelief as Trinket growled from where he sat,
"Vex... Look, I appreciate everything you have done-"
"You better fucking be! We've fought zombies, vampires, and even a fucking demon!" Scanlan exclaimed while Grog piped up,
"Yeah! And I let you shoot me!"
Pike put her hand on Grog's arm and turned to Percy, "What they mean, is that you shouldn't expect us to let you do this alone,"
"They're right, Percy," Vax nodded, his tired gaze meeting the equally exhausted eyes of Percy,
"I mean, it's like Scanlan said, we just defeated an army of the undead. So how hard can finding one person be?" Keyleth asked with a slight laugh.
Percy sighed while placing his hands on the table,
"Given the fact that no one has seen her since, the Briarwoods attacked, and all we have to go on is the dying words of Delilah, very hard, Keyleth,"
The druid's expression fell at his words as Vax rolled his eyes,
"Well, Percival, if you were planning on doing this alone, what was your first step?"
Percy didn't have an answer,
"Could scrying work to find her?" Pike questioned, "I've never attempted to do it myself, but we could ask someone at the Temple of the Everlight. Or Lady Allura?"
"Yeah, but, I think we don't exactly have the best relationship with Allura?"
"What? C'mon, Scanlan!" Exclaimed Grog, "She totally likes us!"
Percy sighed and glanced at Pike, "If, you are willing, would you go with me to the temple this afternoon?"
The gnome smiled and nodded, "I'd be happy to,"
A hand was placed on his shoulder as Vex said, "You're not going through this alone, darling. We won't let you,"
Agreements were heard around the table as Percy sank into his seat, disbelief crashing over him.
He'd thought that, after what happened, they would agree to let him go on his own.
What happened at the Ziggarut was a bit of a blur, but most prominent was when he'd pointed the pepperbox at his friends. As the barrel spun, and that thing showed him name after name in fiery lettering.
The names of his friends, and Cassandra.
The only family he had, this new one he had built and what remained of his old one, and he had almost killed them! 
But each of them was willing to put their trust back into him.
Percy didn't think he deserved it, but he would not squander this second chance. He didn't know what would happen if he lost it.
"Thinking about your sister?"
He looked up at Vex's question, realizing that everyone else had left the room which left him and the ranger by themselves,
"Yes," He sighed, placing his head in his hands, "With Cassandra... I, could at least begin to understand what she went through. Since the two of us were kept together before our attempted escape. But, Ciara, I... know next to nothing,"
Vex carefully reached out, grasping Percy's gloved hand, and held it tightly with silent encouragement,
"The last time I saw her, was at that, damned dinner," Percy hissed, "She was standing next to Julius. She'd... Ciara had..."
The ranger squeezed the hand she was holding as Trinket nuzzled against Percy, placing his armored head in the gunslinger's lap with a huff,
Percy slumped further against the table, his free hand resting on Trinket's head as he returned the grip Vex had on his fingers,
"They killed our parents first. A sword through the chest for my father, two bolts to the neck for my mother," The hand Vex held was shaking, "Julius saw what happened and tried reaching us. But, he had been next. Ciara had been standing next to him, his blood hit her face, and she froze. I..." Percy glanced up at Vex, "The last I saw of her, was when our sister Vesper grabber her and Whitney's hand, and ran out of the room,"
The kitchen was now silent as Percy's arms shook while he attempted to gather what fragile grip on his emotions he had,
"Then I saw Whitney being, tossed onto a pile with Ludwig and Oliver as if they were nothing more than trash and then- Vesper..." His glasses fogged from the tears as he forced out, "I heard her scream, followed by her body hitting the courtyard,"
Percy's voice fell into a broken whisper, "I never saw Ciara's body. But I'd...
Vex closed her eyes, once again imagining the horrors her Percy had faced before pressing her lips to the cold metal on his left hand,
"If Ciara is alive, we'll find her, Percy,"
"And what if she's dead? What if she'd been killed?"
"Then we find who killed her, and give them the same treatment as the Briarwoods,"
The determination in her voice brought a small smile to Percy's face, but it fell as quickly as it appeared when he asked,
"And what if it was the Briarwoods who killed her?"
The ranger, as if expecting this question, answered quickly,
"Then you and Cassandra mourn Ciara. Without either the Briarwoods or Orthax hanging over your minds,"
Trinket let out a light grunt as he licked Percy's hand, then nuzzled the man hard enough that he fell into Vex's side as she wrapped her arm over his shoulder,
"One way or another, Darling, you will get answers to what happened to her,"
"I... Thank you, Vex'ahlia,"
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ogdoadfates · 2 years
Vox Machina College AU
These are more so rough ideas and such, I’m hopping to write fanfic drabbles and at some point a true fanfic for it (They might not be connected fully :’3 we’ll see) Also even tho I am 22, I did not go to college so most info I get on that front is coming from light research and my friends experiences :’3
Percy and Keyleth have been best friends since high school
High school was rather rough for Percy and Keyleth causing them to have a very close bond to each other.
For a good chunk of their time in college they live together.
Cassandra though she wouldn’t outwardly admit it she does think of Keyleth like a sister. Percy also thinks of Keyleth like a sister but is more likely to admit it.
Percy is in engineering and has a tendency to make fidget toys for Keyleth in this spare time
Keyleth is in botany, she sometimes makes special teas for Percy to help him relax and sleep.
Keyleth is on anti anxiety meds but has a nasty habit of forgetting to take them.
Vex is in zoology/vet med
Vax is in mortuary science
Pike is in Med
Scanlan is in music and business
Grog is in sports and  physical education
Vex, Vax, and Trinket live in a rather old run down apartment a ways from campus.
Trinket is a very large fluffy dog.
Percy has a photography hobby, his favorite people to take pictures of are Keyleth and later Vex.
One of keyleths hobbies is drawing/painting, usually she draws/paints animals and plants but she has drawn Percy before and later does draw the rest of her friends at times, the twins more then others.
It’s rare for both Keyleth and Percy to be drunk at the same time but it always flabbergasts the group when they are and how chaotic the two will be together.
Keyleth has bad sensory issues.
Pike lives on campus but doesn’t have a dormmate.
Grog and Scanlan are dormmates.
Percy has a car thats roof can go down, when he and Keyleth are feeling bad sometimes they’ll just drive around at night with the top down and music playing.
Keyleth and Percy both like 60-80s music.
Romantic relationship focus is on Vaxleth, Percahlia, and kind of pikelan
Pikelan eventually leads from romance to a close bond instead.
All platonic ships are focused on.
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demigoddessqueens · 10 months
Hi! I love your work, can I request vox machina headcanons for them sharing a room in a inn and waking up to being held by reader, pre relationship
Of course! I always love the fluff 🥰
A while back I did one with them holding you so now it’s reverse
Aka, they’re all touch-starved
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She doesn’t want you to let go, not just yet. If you can hold onto her just a little bit longer till the morning sun, she would appreciate that
His first instinct is to wake up automatically but that would mean waking you, and he wouldn’t want to disturb you. But gentleness is welcomed even if it’s rare for him
She feels so protected and cherished bring held by you, and peeking though tired eyes to see a ghost of a smile on your face is rewarding too
Honestly it’s funny and cute in it’s own way because chances are you’re smaller than him and you can barely hold all of him. But that’s alright, he’ll scoop you up in his arms anyway
Such a cutie and a sweetheart! Of course he returns the gesture, curling more into your side or resting his head on your chest where he hears your heartbeat
Chances are she’ll feel your grip tighten unconsciously around her, only to peek through at your sleeping form. It’s an endearing act from you and she pulls back to sleep with a hand around yours
It’s a bit of an unusual gesture because he’s not one to be a total cuddler, but he’ll allow for this because it’s you and he’s working through what he feels for you
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twinklestarss · 25 days
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The Legend of Vox Machina (2022-) 2x12 “The Hope Devourer”
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annemarieyeretzian · 2 years
pike flirting with scanlan and scanlan completely losing his entire mind
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