#scaffolding props
Formwork Scaffold Push Pull Prop Manufacturing Video - Wellmade China
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boredsoup · 4 days
Chat newsies is really growing on me! I kinda love the show it’s really fun
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jkscaffolding · 5 months
Scaffolding solutions for your Constriction
One of the pivotal offerings by J K Scaffolding is the provision of adjustable span on hire in Bangalore. These adjustable spans play a crucial role in providing support and stability to structures during the construction phase. For more details visit here :- https://jkscaffolding.wordpress.com/2024/04/18/scaffolding-solutions-for-your-constriction/
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vccshuttering · 11 months
Call Us: +91-9915353218
We manufacture all kinds of Scaffolding Props Jacks in a very robust quality. Our Prop Jacks are known for their load-bearing capacity, durability, and high performance. Please call us for any kind of requirement of Prop Jacks.
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espada-co · 11 months
How many volts are required for a tower crane?
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sanjanaopstech · 1 year
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paamgroup · 1 year
In the realm of running, every stride brings a unique journey of perseverance, determination, and personal growth. For runners seeking a supportive and empowering community to fuel their passion, look no further than Silverwood Runners by PAAM Group. Embrace the spirit of camaraderie and achieve new heights as we delve into the world of these inspirational athletes and discover how PAAM Group's Silverwood Runners is transforming lives one step at a time!
Section 1: Where Community Meets Running
At the heart of Silverwood Runners lies a powerful bond – the love for running and the desire to uplift one another. PAAM Group has curated a vibrant community of like-minded individuals, bringing together beginners and seasoned runners alike, fostering an environment of motivation and encouragement.
Section 2: Embracing the Journey
Whether you're lacing up your running shoes for the first time or preparing for a marathon, Silverwood Runners embraces every runner's journey. From training sessions tailored to individual needs to group activities that celebrate progress, PAAM Group's community empowers each member to chase their goals with unwavering support.
Section 3: Coaching Excellence
At the helm of Silverwood Runners stands PAAM Group's team of experienced coaches. These running aficionados are not just mentors but passionate advocates, guiding members with personalized training plans, technique refinement, and invaluable tips to reach peak performance.
Section 4: More Than Running
Silverwood Runners transcends the track, extending its embrace to holistic wellness. PAAM Group nurtures a wellness-oriented approach, promoting mental strength, nutrition, and injury prevention. The community becomes a haven where runners not only conquer miles but also conquer their inner hurdles.
Section 5: Events and Celebrations
The excitement never stops with Silverwood Runners. PAAM Group organizes exhilarating events, races, and virtual challenges that ignite the spirit of competition and camaraderie. From local races to destination runs, members come together to celebrate their passion for running.
Section 6: A Tribe of Inspiration
Silverwood Runners is more than a running group; it's a tribe of inspiration. Members share their triumphs, setbacks, and breakthroughs, creating an environment where everyone is uplifted by the collective spirit. Together, they redefine the boundaries of what's possible and unlock the champion within.
In the world of running, the journey goes far beyond the finish line. Silverwood Runners by PAAM Group is the heart and soul of a passionate community, uniting runners from all walks of life under one common goal – to become the best version of themselves. With a support system that celebrates every milestone, inspires resilience, and embraces growth, PAAM Group's Silverwood Runners is not just a running group; it's a transformative experience. So, lace up your shoes and join this empowering tribe, where every step brings you closer to discovering the champion within!
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soarrenbluejay · 6 months
Can’t remember where I’ve seen the idea first but I’ve had this idea of Regular Clowns taking offense to joker’s bullshit for a while now and exacting Vengeance. The man doesn’t even has an egg! His ass never been to clown school! He’s a disgrace to them all!
So four buddies leaving the traveling circus business decide as people who have loved every second of this and are Deeply Insulted by this wanker to Do Something About It.
Three of them are showmen- an acrobat, a juggler, a fire fanatic, the works.
The last one, Jerry, is a stage hand. He is their most powerful member- not only does he have the superpower of self care, but he’s a meta! Minor telekinesis is actually really useful when shuttling stuff around in a stage in a hurry! (And that whole thing of our idea of ninjas coming from stage hands in all black being ‘invisible’ yeah. Cryptid vibes, except it’s just Jerry)
So. A clown car pulls up in Gotham, in the middle of a Joker attack, presumably despite ever Gothamite on the road who saw it making their best effort to take one for the team and mow them down. This is a no good awful sign for Gotham.
But it gets better.
Because out does not step a bunch of goon reinforcements in masks, or some jokerified poor soul, but instead someone in one of those historical jester costumes, bells and dramatic ass sleeves and all. Also, they’re bright orange. It is slightly eye searing. In one hand is the end to a long line of tied together handkerchiefs in clashing neon colors which appears to be infinite bc it just keeps coming. In the other is a comedically oversized hammer with a squeaky sound effect installed but no spring to soften the blow- it in fact has spikes with little Mayfair banners hanging off.
They immediately attempt to strangle/bash Joker to death with a winning smile firmly in place, and actually survive the attempt of which by apparent virtue of being made of rubber or something. And out slides our fire master, in all teal for contrast, who promptly throws smoke bombs at the crowd of goons around and starts all but boa staffing them down with his fire wand, paired with a dramatic speech about how Joker is in insult to the idea of circus and also the most unfunny bitch to ever walk the earth.
Lastly, the juggler. They have come armed. With glitter and hackysacks. A dramatic beatdown ensues, with much shrieking and yelling on all sides. A gif is made of Joker being bonked right through a concrete wall with a move right out of a video game. Several goons get concussions a la bowling pins. It’s all being live streamed by someone through their apartment window and is rapidly going viral. It’s a good time mostly because this attempt at vengeance against the Clown Bitch Gotham did not immediately involve some one getting very anticlimacticly shot.
No really takes note of the guy in all black and ski mask, calmly standing in the middle of the flaming chaos. He occasionally holds out a new set of props for the juggler, an oversized great sword for our acrobat jester, some nitroglycerin for blowy uppy efforts, the works. Until he starts calmly putting together a three story set of scaffolding for the gang to use for the purpose of beating the crime king’s skull in in even more ridiculous ways and also so jester can showcase their absolute lack of a spine.
And Jerry goes back to standing in the middle of this chaos, apparently unaffected by Literally Everything going on. His friends are fucking crazy, he’s used to it.
Meanwhile, Ghost King Danny gets a new urgent appeal at his ghostly royal desk- someone is attempting to enact vengeance against the joker and move approximately 46363883 souls along doing it, except it’s not the Red Hood this time! It’s Some Random Guys that a minor mischief god is now attempting to fast track layering with blessings! Said minor god is officially appealing for the Ghost Monarch’s support. Danny is conflicted- on one hand, he Fucking Hates Clowns. And has a major hero worship thing going on for Red Hood, a fellow supernatural hero (in the dead’s eyes) much his senior. However, the idea of a bunch of nobody’s beating the joker to death at the same time as declaring how shit of a clown he is IS pretty hilarious.
He gives it the stamp of Yes, provided others seeking vengeance (aka red hood, the thousands of joker victims in Gotham, anyone who wants to go spectacular viral) can still intervene to catch some own hands, a minor merriment/will of the people god does a jig on the spot, and back with the Justice Circus Brigade, ghouls and Spectors alike start popping up to join in on the fun! Which our beloved ren faire rejects are actually pretty okay with- big enough circus events in the DC universe have a bad habit of becoming possessed/very obviously haunted/Ooky Spooky like, every few months. And these guys look much friendlier than whatever the hell has been in the house of mirrors these last few months!
Red Hood isn’t sure how he’s suddenly in the middle of upper Gotham when he’s was decidedly Nowhere Near three seconds ago, but that’s a problem for later when the Bitch Ass Clown Extraordinaire is Right There!! So he tables it to be very paranoid about later, shrugs, and starts shooting. Jester starts shouting out points for accuracy/comedy, Jerry calmly asks if he wants some of their backup silver bullets just in case The Target really is an unholy being of some sort. (They have taken Precautions. For Everythinf. Or at least Jerry did.) Jason can’t say no to free extra ammunition and also That’s Hilarious, man he has to hire these guys!
Then fire juggler molotov’s the joker, and he decides these idiots are ABSOLUTELY worth saving from the big bad bat. Fuck it, this morons are the BEST.
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teecupangel · 11 months
Why not just Desmond being an angel.
And it freaks everybody out and everybody thinks he's holy or something and he's just like "all right okay why not"
It had happened by accident.
It had to be an accident, right?
Altaïr had been thrown out of the room and the Templars had unsheathed their weapons. Malik had been focused on protecting his brother, shouting at him to run as he tried to keep all of the Templars busy.
Robert de Sablé didn’t even look back when he walked away after ordering their death.
Malik didn’t know what happened.
He saw Kadar freeze when he neared the scaffolding that would lead to the treasure and Malik swore his eyes glowed gold for the briefest of moments.
Before one of the Templars charged at him.
Kadar snapped out of it and tried to block, his stance unstable enough that he slipped backwards.
Into the scaffolding…
Taking the Templar with him.
The Templar’s sword struck one of the wooden pillars keeping the scaffolding stable and…
Malik didn’t have any explanation for it.
It shouldn’t have happened.
The scaffolding started to crumble, making Kadar and the Templar run away from it as fast as they could.
And then…
The wall next to the scaffolding began to break apart, golden light coming from the cracks before the entire thing fell down.
Together with the treasure and the ark where it had been resting.
The ark broke in half, splitting in the middle to reveal an egg shaped thing made of stone that was around the height of perhaps Malik when he was sitting on the floor.
The treasure fell on top of it, shattering like it was made of glass.
Where the shards fell on the stone, the stone changed and spread.
What had been stone had changed to seemingly three pairs of wings with white feathers that seemed to shine gold all curled together.
The wings twitched…
Before slowly opening, stretching to its full size.
Revealing a young man seemingly sleeping, the three pairs of wings attached to his back. His head was resting on his propped up knees.
No one could speak.
No one could move.
“Altaïr?” Kadar whispered hesitantly and Malik could see why he would call out that fool’s name.
The man looked too much like Altaïr for it to be a coincidence.
Almost as if hearing the name, the man…
The divine being in front of them opened his eyes.
Instead of Altaïr’s golden eyes, his eyes were light brown with specks of gold in them.
And Malik wondered how he could see them from where he was standing, a few meters away from the winged being.
The divine being looked around and blinked.
His eyes met Malik and his lips parted.
“It’s an angel!”
Before he could speak, the Templars all knelt and began to pray.
The Templar who had attacked Kadar took off his helmet and…
It was a woman.
A woman who was praying fervently at the divine being who…
… looked at Malik with wide confused eyes.
Unorganized Notes… I mean… sorta notes?:
Desmond is surprised for a few seconds then he goes “Be not afraid” and tried to sound super impressive “Ye are in the presence of…………… the will of God.” and he’s just bullshiting his way to uuhhh. He has no plans.
He glanced at Malik and Kadar and oh yeah, alright.
“Ye shall not harm these… men of justice for they are… under my protection…?”
At that point, Desmond knows he is ffuuuccckkeedd. Malik is obviously onto him. Kadar is super confused and just keeps staring at his face. Then…
Maria, of all people, agree and even goes as pledge her sword to him which is super weird and Desmond’s just “???”
In the end, Desmond accidentally takes the Templars about to kill Malik and Kadar with him as he leaves the temple with Malik and Kadar. It’s a very awkward journey and Desmond has no idea what else to do other than…
Oh wait… there were other Templars stationed nearby and they all saw him leave with his ‘entourage’.
Before he could try to say anything, Maria speaks for him, calling the messenger of God and that he had been sleeping in the Ark of the Covenant which sounded like a super big deal (and he can’t even whisper to Malik to ask what the hell she was talking about because the Farm was never religious and the only time Desmond even heard of the Ark of the Covenant was from Indiana Jones) and…
… why does it feel like Maria was converting people into becoming his personal army???
Oh god… Was this…
Was he going to take his own army to Masyaf???
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vkelleyart · 6 months
Hi! forever ago, I downloaded WTTHTM. It was the fic that got me through quarantine as a high school sophomore. I'm now a college sophomore (hmm. gross. The passage of time.) I go back and read it every now and then, because, even though Simon and Baz are in my past, they influence everything I do. I'm in college for dramatic writing, and all the stories I write are some variation of fics I wrote in quarantine, but adapted to be their own independent story, like what you did with WTTHTM.
I woke up this morning with a pressing need to read it again (absolutely no clue why, just one of those random things, I guess) and I just felt like I had to reach out and thank you, because your work helped get me here. So,, thank you for writing and drawing, and I can't wait to read the published version when it hits shelves
Gosh, it's wild--and humbling--to read an ask like this on the eve of submitting my 2nd editorial pass of WTTHTM to its publishers. 😭Thank you so much for sharing this with me, and apart from my glee at connecting with someone who loved the story when it was a fic, I'm just so happy to hear it's encouraging you to pursue your original work! Fanfic deserves more props as an art form; not only does it give us space to develop our skills and collaborate with other writers, but it's also the ideal proving ground for exploring voice and producing the stories we really want to read.
It was during rewriting WTTHTM that I realized how little of the story's heart and soul had anything to do with Simon and Baz. The scaffolding was my own struggle for agency, identity, and freedom, and writing in the context of fanfic gave me permission to be vulnerable within the [relative] safety of fandom. It ultimately gave me the confidence I needed to do what I've always dreamed: write and sell an illustrated adult work of fiction.
I genuinely hope that this next chapter of your writing path delivers similar awakenings about your ability to create from the heart and share it with the world. Whenever your original work hits shelves--and I absolutely believe it will--I hope you'll come back here and tell me all about it. Thank you again for reaching out with such a lovely ask! 💖
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Scaffolding Prop Inner Tube Manufacturing - Concrete Formwork Shoring -...
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holdingachilles · 1 year
listen, if your theatre production is comprised of a cast of like maybe a dozen people total and the singular set is like, entirely boxes/piles of literal garbage/scaffolding that never moves and maybe some chairs and a couple of props that will be recycled 20 times over in different ways throughout the show, it slaps! it simply just is an incredible production. I think this is a law of the universe or something.
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jkscaffolding · 5 months
Adjustable U Jacks Manufacturer-J K Scaffolding
Adjustable U jacks are indispensable tools for providing vertical support and alignment in construction activities such as slab formwork, beam formwork, and column formwork. As a leading manufacturer of adjustable U jacks Manufacturer in Bangalore. For more details visit here :- https://medium.com/@jkscaffolding/adjustable-u-jacks-manufacturer-j-k-scaffolding-b9c30cff6161
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vccshuttering · 11 months
Prop Jack Manufactures in Chandigarh
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Call Us: +91-9915353218
We are a renowned manufacturer of Shuttering Scaffolding Prop jacks. We manufacture and Deal in all kinds of Shuttering Prop Jacks in a very fine quality.
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espada-co · 11 months
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