#sc lizard man
devileaterjaek · 5 months
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yourlocalspacecryptid · 9 months
I have a couple Tpp mutuals who have exclusively listened to Junoverse and I get it, but please listen to Second Citadel I am insane about it
so im going to list some propaganda for why you should listen to it along with Juno
Less time between episodes you can listen to
theres 2 weeks in between every episode anyways, you might as well fill the podcast less void with SC
We have…
Himbo knight
poet always in the midst of a mental breakdown
Sir Caroline
lizard man (autistic)
science lady (autistic)
small shape shifting child must protec
witch wife
worlds most anxiety ridden aroace
horse guy, victim of micro aggressions
sword Druid with 0 self preservation skills
also a genuinely good and inspired fantasy setting (with some sprinkles of sci-fi starting in season 5)
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rugops · 4 months
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Lizard Man of Scape Ore Swamp, SC 🦎 Another character in my book, Deja Ross Speaks to Freaks!
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bthebeachboi · 10 months
SC look hc and some other smaller hcs
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Since like the first 2 things I learnt about South Carolina were "IMAKEMOREPEACHESTHANGEORGIA" and "OMG LIZARD MAN" - have at it.
South Caro has a similar feeling to him as Florida in the early eps, I feel like he was a troublemaker young, but grew too tired to be as bad as he was.
PA n MA were obviously the worst tho, lets not lie to each other ;)
Even if they're not in the best contact nowadays, they were once the worst of the litter type of people, especially on any fancy parties and balls.
Also am a ginger South Caro truther bc "Red, yellow - kill a fellow...", since he is Naga! For me <3 (bout Naga/Nāga! SC ill talk more later :DDD) n i put him as "Eastern Coral Snake" aka silly underground guy
Years ago someone tried to ripp his jaw from its hinges and the scar is all that's left.
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damienthepious · 1 year
so ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ummmmmmmm ahhhhh. megamind fic that hasn’t been updated since 2019. sdfsdffsdlfjadslfkaskdfjdfalksf
Die Clean and Pretty (chapter 3)
[ch 1] [ch 2] [ao3]
Fandom: Megamind (2010)
Characters: Megamind, Metro Man, Roxanne Ritchi, Minion, Brainbots
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Role Reversal, Fake Character Death, Not Really Character Death, Angst, Eventual Happy Ending, (this will… have a happy ending SOMEHOW. even if i don’t currently know. where the fuck it’s going), Megamind Makes Bad Decisions, (also i tagged this as gen because i have NO CLUE what relationships are gonna happen here if any.), (roxanne is likely low key in love with megamind), (and megamind is p much canonically and perpetually in love with roxanne), (but i don't know if the romance will actually feature heavily), (so i'll just change the category if anything changes), Suicidal Thoughts, very indirect descriptions of a body
Summary: What if Megamind had the bright idea to fake his own death before Metro Man did? Turns out, the author who struck upon the idea would cry a lot and then inflict it on others.
Chapter Summary: Roxanne is not coping. Because Roxanne does not need to cope. Because Roxanne is fine, actually. She's just busy.
Chapter Notes: okay look okay look okay look okay. look. we don't need to talk about it. we don't. it's. fine. i'm posting megafic on lizard kissin' tuesday and it's SAD SHIT. it's. FINE.
Roxanne can’t stop thinking about the explosion.
That’s perfectly normal, a part of her mind murmurs. It’s the part that sounds like the grief counselor the station insisted she talk to when she came back to the office this morning, and that thought makes her scowl.
It’s not a trauma thing. She glares at the footage, grainy and a little too distant, and she watches for what must be the thirtieth time as the fire curls out of the center of the suit, as Wayne disappears into super-speed, as he rockets back in alarm and collides with the pavement, as the suit itself detonates completely. It all happens in less than two seconds, and Roxanne could play-by-play those seconds down to the pixel by now.
There is nothing at all in the footage to indicate anything amiss, to indicate that anything else happened besides exactly what Roxanne already saw.
There is nothing at all to suggest that Megamind could have survived.
Still, though.
Roxanne rewinds the footage again. She plays it at half speed, for all that it helps. She gets a better picture of Metro Man’s trajectory, but little else. She plays it again. She scowls, and leans closer, and plays the footage again.
(Hiding in a meeting room with her laptop and footage no one wanted to give her, because everyone keeps looking at her like she's fragile, like she-)
Something just feels wrong about all this.
Obviously, that same part of her mind murmurs again. He’s dead. Of course it feels wrong.
She grits her teeth, and plays the footage again. It’s not that. It ’s not just the idea of him- it’s not just that. There ’s something about the whole damn situation that doesn’t sit right with her. Something that pings on her radar as an investigator. It’s not personal-
… Okay, so that’s too much a lie to excuse. She can’t pretend that her reactions aren’t personal. This- losing- the game altering so dramatically- of course it’s personal. It’s basically her entire life, and every part of it is going to change, now. She can’t pretend that isn’t a factor.
It’s personal. But that isn’t why something feels wrong.
She rewinds the footage. She plays it again.
She watches Megamind die, again, and she looks for any sort of crack, the smallest seam that she can pry her nails into.
Maybe Roxanne isn’t sleeping. Maybe. Honestly, she doesn’t know how anyone could expect her to sleep. Metro Man is still missing in action; he’s back in the atmosphere somewhere, but no one has seen him since he careened back down to earth. Roxanne suspects that he’s gone home, but she doesn’t know Lady Scott well enough to justify calling her. She doesn’t know what the Lady thinks- thought of Megamind, she can’t imagine what she would say, how she would approach asking-
Is your son there? Is he coping alright? Is he coping at all? Does he blame himself? Would he let me see him? Is he okay?
(Wayne is her friend, he's her best friend, and he hadn't even let her touch him, he'd slipped out of the timestream to stop her from comforting him, he'd left the planet, and he hasn't come to see her and he-)
(Where is he?)
She isn’t sleeping. She can’t sleep. She closes her eyes and-
She isn’t sleeping. She doesn’t bother pretending after the first hour or so. She rises from her bed again and pulls on slippers and a robe and goes to sit in her kitchen, wide and cool and empty, and she plays out the clip in her mind again, plays out the moment as she saw it from near the press line, plays it out frame by grisly frame in her head.
She gets up after a few minutes, restless, and starts pacing the apartment. Nothing for it, really. Nothing for it. She goes to fetch her laptop, setting it on the island and half-leaning on one of the barstools as she starts searching through the local news outlets, the police response, social media chatter.
(She ignores her own report from the immediate aftermath. She knows what she said. She knows how blank and flat she looked with her ash-dusted dress and her heat-singed hair, her voice running on autopilot in its Professional Reporter tone as she ran through the facts of the situation. She knows the way her face twitched when Leah back in the studio said something limp about Roxanne not needing to worry about being kidnapped anymore, the way Leah had immediately tried to backpedal when Roxanne hadn't managed to say anything at all in response, leaving an uncomfortable chunk of dead air between them.)
(Nothing useful for her in there.)
Much of the immediate response, beyond surprise, seems to be a sort of shrugging well-it-was-bound-to-happen-eventually sentiment, which- Roxanne's jaw hurts a bit, from clenching her teeth. Because.
Failsafe after failsafe after failsafe and no, actually, this was not fucking bound to happen. Supervillain is a dangerous position, sure, fine, but Megamind is-
Megamind was. Megamind was always so careful.
... not to say that Megamind didn't make mistakes. His battlesuits frequently had glaring weak points that Metro Man could exploit (which Roxanne privately thought may have been intentional- an extra safety precaution, even. Safer if Megamind knew how the suits would be dismantled, allowed for easier exits if need be, but- that's a hunch. A theory. She doesn't have any proof of that). He often thought too quickly, too, and failed to remember crucial logistics when it came to the timing of death rays and traps for the hero, but-
Once, only one time, Roxanne had been hurt during a plot. Fairly early on, Metro Man had misjudged a sweep with his laser-vision, slicing right through a weird swarm of mechanical flying fish and accidentally carving though the ceiling above Roxanne's kidnapping chair, too.
She had managed to tip herself sideways before the bulk of the debris could hit her, and Minion had moved faster than she'd ever seen him move to help shield her from the worst of it, but a laser-sharp shard of a beam had still caught her in the thigh. Not so bad as it could have been, but-
She remembers that Megamind had been terrified. He had shouted, a wordless exclamation with his eyes so wide on her, and then he pressed a button on his communicator watch that had (she learned later) made a noise at a pitch that stopped Metro Man short, just long enough for the villain to point out what happened and scream at him to get Roxanne to a hospital.
At the time, Roxanne hadn't exactly been in the best state of mind, what with the adrenaline and the pain. She vaguely remembers trying to say something about being okay, she was okay, it wasn't that bad, but she'd been too busy putting pressure on the wound to really protest as Minion carefully lifted her into Metro Man's arms before he shifted them into superspeed and then- the hospital.
Megamind had been quiet, for a while, after that. Roxanne had been back on her feet in less than a week, completely fine in two, but- Megamind hadn't kidnapped her again for nearly a month. And when he did, she remembers noticing-
(Roxanne isn't as smart as Megamind, of course. No one on the planet is. But Roxanne is observant, and she pays attention to Megamind's inventions. She's gotten enough monologues on their functionality over the years, of course, and honestly they really are brilliant, even if the applications border on insanity. She's done plenty of her own research, too, and she knew-)
There had been new failsafes, after that. Subtle, yes, but not subtle enough to escape Roxanne's notice. There had been more brainbots in the vicinity, perched and watchful and quiet, and new mechanical sea-urchin-looking mechanisms arranged carefully on the ceiling, on the support struts, on the columns holding up the ceiling of the abandoned warehouse Megamind chose for this particular plot, and Roxanne-
Roxanne knows Megamind's technology. She knows that spikes mean a situational force-field, and considering the number of spikes per urchin, and the number of urchins-
He hadn't been taking any chances with something like that happening again.
Roxanne scrolls, and scrolls, and scrolls. Something in her stomach does a weird lurching pulse when she notices a few genuinely mournful sounding social media posts.
So. Yes.
Megamind was careless in the ways that really didn't matter, careful in the ways that did.
Which is why none of this makes sense. Even if there had been some sort of mechanical failure so as to allow the very predictable turn of Metro Man using his laser vision to cause a real fire, there should have been at least three failsafes in place to eject, to douse the flames, to auto-dehydrate Megamind into one of those near-impenetrable cubes. There should have been something. There should have been. There should have been.
Articles from later in the day discuss the reactions, not only of the populace (Roxanne skims; she does not want to read people gloating, celebrating- supervillain finally defeated-), but also- the brainbots.
The brainbots are clever things. Roxanne has paid a lot of attention to them over the years, too. Of course she has; Megamind is- Megamind was clearly more proud of them than almost anything he's ever made. From the different reports around the city, they must have all gotten the news at the same moment, falling into confusion and dropping whatever their current jobs had been to chatter their little mechanical chatter and then fly off in a way that, now, almost seems... coordinated?
Maybe that was the protocol, if anything ever happened to Megamind. Drop what you're doing and go...
Go home?
Roxanne frowns, tugging out a pen and a notebook from her laptop bag.
That's where they would have gone, right? Home? She skims a few more articles, taking notes, trying to pay attention to-
Okay, yes. The ones near Midtown had all swept away to the east, a group by the river had all gone north... she pulls up a map of the city in another tab as she goes through another article. And the ones in the park at the edge of the bay- yeah, okay. Southeast, following the coast of the lake. She angles her pencil, tracing the general routes, and the hunch at the back of her mind resolves when every brainbot trajectory aims at least arguably towards the industrial area on the waterfront. Which-
Roxanne has suspected for years that Megamind's lair must be in one of the old warehouses down by the docks, so she isn't all that surprised. She's been in the lair a few times, but Megamind doesn't like to have Metro Man invading his space unless strictly necessary, unless the deathtrap was too big to build anywhere else, or unless he wasn't actually planning on confronting the hero directly. She knows, from those few times, very little, but- she knows that it's near the water, knows the architecture is old, knows that it's big, and very little else. The industrial waterfront just makes sense.
(Roxanne starts printing off a blown-up map of the area; it'll take quite a few pages and she'll need to clear some wall space, but-)
Next. The morning after the- the explosion. She had been pulled into a meeting with the grief counselor for the better part of the day, despite her best efforts, and so she couldn't really keep an eye on what was going on in the city until later. They'd insisted on keeping her from reporting on anything else to do with the "incident," citing it as a conflict of interest, despite the fact that no one at the station has ever had a problem with Roxanne reporting on Metro Man or Megamind before. What, it's too real now? Please.
Anyway. While Roxanne had been busy.
In the early hours of the morning, just around dawn, a small pack of brainbots and, maybe unsurprisingly, Minion himself had broken into the morgue and stolen the- stolen Megamind's body. Before the autopsy, before-
(There was supposed to be a sample of Megamind's DNA (equivalent) on file, but- it had been misplaced at some point within the last year. Missing.)
(Roxanne's instincts ping at her. Aggressively.)
They stole the body from the morgue, and disappeared again. Which-
Maybe there's some sort of cultural funerary traditions that a human morgue would have violated. As far as Roxanne is concerned, Minion has every right to take- to take Megamind home.
(Minion. Minion. She can't let herself think about Minion too hard, can't let herself acknowledge that part of things, she just- she can't. She can't.)
She swallows, forcing the lump in her throat back down into her stomach again. She's too busy to stop and address it, just now.
She takes a few minutes and a number of thumb tacks to put the map up on the wall adjacent to her wide window, arranging them and then plotting the loose trajectories of the brainbots to get a vague idea of which section of the industrial waterfront might be a good starting point, if nothing else. She returns to the laptop, then, systematically plotting out the buildings' owners and associated businesses. It takes a few hours, yeah, and a lot of flash cards and sticky notes, but it's not like Roxanne was sleeping, anyway. It's not like she can sleep.
Nothing stands out immediately, which isn't terribly surprising. This is Megamind, after all. His lair isn't going to have giant neon arrows pointing towards it, and just because Roxanne is familiar with a handful of the shell corporations Megamind owns or owns by proxy, she wasn't expecting to see any of those names involved in a way she could find in a search engine. No, he's smarter than that.
She crosses off the buildings she knows aren't right, the ones where there's no way he could hide his lair. Warehouses and factories that are still operational, mostly, as few of those as there are still in the area. She crosses off a few more, owned by Scott Enterprises (or its shell corporations). It would be funny if Megamind's lair were tucked away under Wayne's nose, but... it doesn't make much sense, to her. He'd want his lair to be free and clear, safely his own. She marks off buildings that are too dilapidated, as well, broken walls and caved-in ceilings, or buildings that are too small.
She steps back, rubbing an eye and looking at the whole of the map.
Half the buildings ruled out. A good start, at least, but... not enough to get her anywhere. It's still too many buildings to try to check individually, especially without attracting any attention. The brainbot trajectories had been too distant and too vague to pinpoint, too. At least-
From the news reports, they had.
Roxanne turns back to facebook, twitter, local message boards. Searches for mentions of the brainbots, searches for videos in particular. Tracks down three or four from closer to the waterfront, watches through and matches the landscapes in the videos to street views.
The brainbots all seem to move in very straight lines. Which is convenient.
She narrows her circle further, reducing the possibilities, and then she goes through the remaining buildings again. Ownership records. She knows when Megamind was officially designated a supervillain, she focuses on finding any buildings that changed hands in the five or so years around that date. Narrows further.
And one building sticks out.
(Not in any way a sane person would notice, Roxanne thinks. But-)
An old power plant, abandoned for a number of years before a startup development firm bought the place at just about the right time, and then proceeded to sit on the land. The same firm, she notices, also bought up three buildings directly surrounding the plant in the decade after, failing to develop or sell any of them.
It's big enough, there shouldn't be any thru-traffic from the other functional plants and warehouses that would make the are even passingly busy, it's close to the water, the timeline matches up...
She zooms in on her laptop, changing to satellite view to get a better look, noting the fairly recent date of the pictures, and...
There's nothing incriminating. No smoking gun, so to speak. No neon arrows.
Roxanne has gotten far, though, trusting her gut. And her gut tells her that she's right.
She checks the clock, checks the window and the grey pre-dawn light creeping across the city skyline and bleaching out the limited handful of stars that pierce the light pollution in Metro.
And then she turns to pull on her shoes, and her coat.
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Asm collection... /Spider-Woman/ Spider-Gwen/ Miles Morales
Vol. 1: Coming Home (#30-35/471-476)
Vol. 2: Revelations (#36-39/477-480)
Vol. 3: Until the Stars Turn Cold (#40-45/481-486)
Vol. 4: The Life and Death of Spiders (#46-50/487-491)
Vol. 5: Unintended Consequences (#51-56/492-497)
Vol. 6: Happy Birthday (#57–58,500-502/498-502)
Vol. 7: The Book of Ezekiel (#503–508)
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Vol. 8: Sins Past (#509–514)
Vol. 9: Skin Deep (#515–518)
Vol. 10: New Avengers (#519–524)
Spider-Man: The Other (#525–528; Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #1–4; Marvel Knights Spider-Man #19–22)
Civil War: The Road to Civil War (#529–531; New Avengers: Illuminati (one-shot); Fantastic Four #536–537) ( read 📚)
Vol. 11: Civil War (#532–538) (read 📚)
Vol. 12: Back in Black (#539–543; Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #17–23, Annual #1)
Peter Parker, Spider-Man: Back In Black
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Spider-Man: One More Day (#544–545; Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #24; The Sensational Spider-Man #41; Marvel Spotlight: Spider-Man – One More Day/Brand New Day)
Brand New Day Vol. 1 (#546–551; The Amazing Spider-Man: Swing Shift (Director's Cut); Venom Super-Special)
Brand New Day Vol. 2 (#552–558)
Brand New Day Vol. 3 (#559–563)
Kraven's First Hunt (#564–567; The Amazing Spider-Man: Extra! #1 (story #2)
New Ways to Die (#568–573; Marvel Spotlight: Spider-Man – Brand New Day)
Crime and Punisher (#574–577; The Amazing Spider-Man: Extra! #1 (story #1)
Death and Dating (#578–583, Annual #35/1)
Election Day (#584–588; The Amazing Spider-Man: Extra! #1 (story #3), 3 (story #1); The Amazing Spider-Man Presidents' Day Special)
24/7 (#589–594; The Amazing Spider-Man: Extra! #2)
American Son (#595–599; material from The Amazing Spider-Man: Extra! #3)
Died in Your Arms Tonight (#600–601, Annual #36; material from Amazing Spider-Man Family #7)
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Red-Headed Stranger (#602–605)
Return of the Black Cat (#606–611; material from Web of Spider-Man (vol. 2) #1)
The Gauntlet Book 1: Electro and Sandman (#612–616; Dark Reign: The List – The Amazing Spider-Man; Web of Spider-Man (vol. 2) #2 (Electro story)
The Gauntlet Book 2: Rhino and Mysterio (#617–621; Web of Spider-Man (vol. 2) #3–4)
The Gauntlet Book 3: Vulture and Morbius (#622–625; Web of Spider-Man (vol. 2) #2, 5 (Vulture story)
The Gauntlet Book 4: Juggernaut (#229–230, 626–629)
The Gauntlet Book 5: Lizard (#629–633; Web of Spider-Man (vol. 2) #6)
Spider-Man: Grim Hunt (#634–637; The Amazing Spider-Man: Extra! #3; Spider-Man: Grim Hunt – The Kraven Saga; Web of Spider-Man (vol. 2) #7)
One Moment in Time (#638–641)
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Origin of the Species (#642–647; Spider-Man Saga; Web of Spider-Man (vol. 2) #12)
Big Time (#648–651)
Matters of Life and Death (#652–657, 654.1)
Spider-Man: The Fantastic Spider-Man (#658–662)
Spider-Man: The Return Of Anti-Venom (#663–665; Free Comic Book Day 2011: Spider-Man)
Spider-Man: Spider-Island (#666–673; Venom (2011) #6–8, Spider-Island: Deadly Foes; Infested prologues from #659–660 and 662–665)
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Spider-Island Companion hc
Spider-Man: Flying Blind (#674–677; Daredevil #8)
Spider-Man: Trouble on the Horizon (#678–681, 679.)
Spider-Man: Ends of the Earth (#682–687; Amazing Spider-Man: Ends of the Earth #1; Avenging Spider-Man #8)
Spider-Man: Lizard – No Turning Back (#688–691; Untold Tales of Spider-Man #9)
Spider-Man: Danger Zone (#692–697; Avenging Spider-Man #11)
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Spider-Man: Dying Wish (#698–700)
Amazing Spider-Man: Family Business
Spider-Man: Life StorySpider-Man: Life Story
The Amazing Spider-Man Full Circle
Superior Spider-Man Hardcovers dan Slott
Vol. 1
Vol. 2
Vol. 3
Amazing Spider-Man vol. 1 hc Dan Slott
Amazing Spider-Man vol. 2 hc Dan Slott
Amazing Spider-Man Worldwide hc Dan slott...
Vol. 1
Vol. 2
Vol. 3
Amazing Spider-Man Venom INC.
The Red Goblin HC
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Spider-Man / Fantastic Four
Marvel Knights Spider-Man: Fight Night
Fear Itself: Spider-man
Civil War II Amazing Spider-Man
Spider-Men (read 📚)
Spider-men 2 (read 📚)
Astonishing Spider-Man & Wolverine
Secret Invasion: Amazing Spider-Man
Edge of Spider-Verse (2014)
Marvel 1602: Spider-man
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Sensational Spider-Man Vol. 1: Feral
Spider-Verse hc
Spider-Verse Warzones!
The Amazing Spider-Man by Nick Spencer Omnibus vol. 1
Amazing Spider-Man Beyond Omnibus (reading 📚)
Spider-Woman: Origins
Spider-Woman: Agent of S. W. O. R. D
Spider-Woman: vol. 2 New Duds
Spider-Woman 1: Baby Talk
Spider-Woman: Shifting Gears Vol. 2: Civil War II
Spider-Woman: Shifting Gears Vol. 3: Scare Tactics
Ultimate Spider-man: Ultimate Six (Read 📚)
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Spider-Man by Chip Zdarsky Omnibus
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ask-cloverfield · 1 year
With the original Kamen Rider done here is Takeshi’s on screen kill count
Rider Takeshi Hongo KC
SC=Shocker Combatant 
GC=Gel-Shocker combatant
Shocker Henchman 1: Knocked unconscious before body fell into river
Spider Man 2:Thrown off a building
Shocker Henchman 3-6: Thrown off a different building
Bat Man 7: Thrown off another building
Shocker Henchman 8-10: Spine crushed
Scorpion Man 11: Thrown headfirst into a boulder
Shocker Henchman 12: Thrown into a ravine
Shocker Henchman 13: Run over by Cyclone
Shocker Henchman 14: Lethal Injection was not something I was expecting
Shocker Henchman 15:Used as bait to lure in a plant monster and promptly devoured
Plant Monster 16: Rider Kicked
Mantis Man 17: Rider Kicked
Shocker Henchman 18-22: Collapse and die once Mantis Man is dead for no discernible reason 
Shocker Henchman 23: Neck broken
Shocker Henchman 24-25: Thrown off rollercoaster
Shocker Henchman 26-31: Kamen Rider found a sword
Chameleon Monster 32:Head very literally shattered
Shocker Henchman 33-39: Stole Another sword
Bee Woman 40: Rider Kicked off Cliff
Shocker Henchman 41: He just got beaten to death it was kind of a lot for this show and his corpse is just on the stairs for the rest of the fight
Shocker Henchman 42-43: Thrown off ledge
Shocker Henchman 44-45: Thrown into landmines
Shocker Henchman 46: Thrown off a building
Cobra Man 47: Rider Kicked off a building into a landmine
Shocker Henchman 48: Cliff thrown
Shocker Henchman 49: Cliff ocean throw
Revived Cobra Man 50: uh I have no idea 
Hongo threw him in the ocean and he exploded
Gabracondor 51: Hit by motorcycle turned into a cutout and blew up
Scorpion Man Revive 52: Threw into hole? I don’t fully understand
Spider Man Revive 53: Stabbed in gut
Fly Man 54: Mortal Kombat Scorpion fatalitied
Cobra Man revived 55: Thrown and gutted (do not know where Hongo got a sword but k)
Chameleon Man 56: Rider Kicked in Neck
Plant Man 57: Stabbed in shin
Bee Woman 58: Off screen
Bat Man 59: Neck Broken
Tokageron 60: Bomb kicked back
4 Kaijin 64: knocked out offscreen and killed by subsequent bomb 
An unspecified number of SHOCKER cells he is stated to have destroyed across Europe
Snowman 65
SC 66-85 Hongo found a sword and refused to let it go
Armadillong 86 Beaten to death
Ghostar 87 I don’t know his head just kinda exploded
Anemone 88 Double Rider Kicked
SC 89-98 sword
Unicornos 99 double rider kick
Gillcrow 100
SC 101 Cliff throw
SC 102 Cliff explosion
SC 103 Cliff throw
Jaguar Man 104 Rider Head Crushed
Sea Snake Man 105 Rider Kick
SC 106 Human shield against aging toxin
SC-107 Blows up his car
SC 108 Roof throw
ROACH man 109 Thrown off Roof
SC 110 Human Shield (venom dart)
SC 111  Kamen Rider found a bomb
SC 112 Takeshi found a knife 
SC 113 Takeshi Made a bomb
SC-114-120 Sword
SC-121 Kicked a solid 20 feet into the air off a cliff
Gireela-122 Rider Kick
SC-123 Thrown apparently dies from thaT
Purseweb Man Spideron 124 Rider Kick
SC-125 Broke his neck
SC-126 Knocked unconscious before thrown into ocean
Worm Man-127 Rider Power whatever that means
SC-128 Cliff
OWL MAN-129 Rider Kick
SC-130 Unconscious thrown in the water
 SC-131 Thrown into electric child 
Catfigiller-132 Rider Reverse Kick
SC-133-136 unconscious water
Sonic T. Hedgehog Man-137 Riser Lightning Kick (?)
RHINOGANG-138 Rider Drill Shoot
SC-139 Killer Sound Wavesa
SC-140 Roof throw
Cicadaminga-141 Rider Kick
SC-142-148 sword
SC-149 thrown off bridge
Professor Rhinobeetron-150 Rider Kick
Jaguar Man-151 thrown and dies fsr
Rhinogang-152 punched to death
Bearded Lizard Man-152 Rider Throw
Slug man-154 rider thrown into hedgehog man where the explode
Hedgehog man-153 see above
Mantiskid-155 Rider Dill Shoot
SC-156 Motorcycle accident
SC-157-159 sword
SC-160 Ocean ate him
Sawsharkus-161 Rider Drill Shoot
Squidevil-162 Rider Drill Shoot
SC-163-169 sword obtained
Gillercricket-170 Rider Kick
SC-171-173 sword
Electrifly- 174 Rider Throw
Gadflygomez-175 Rider Knee Block
Mosquilas-176 RiderDouble Kick
Fiddler Crab King-177 Rider Double kick
SHOCKER Scientist-178 Human Shield against corrosive blood
Blood Sucker-179 Rider Dropkick
Roseranga-180 Rider Screw Block
SC-181 Building throw
Sc-182-1 91sword
Seadragon 1-192 No idea but he got set on fire after it
Seadragon 2-193 drill to the head
Seadragon 3-194 Rider Punch
Newtgeth-195 Rider Crew Kick
Urchidogma young-196 Crushed under heel
Urchidogma-197 Rider Drill Shoo
SC-198-199 Hidden bombs
Ambassador Hell-200 Rider Kick
GC-201 Bike Explosion followed by unrelated health issues 
Crabbat-202 Rider exploded him with an ability idk
|Realized I skipped an episode by accident so I am just going to put its count here as opposed to going back 40 episodes and adjusting everything| 
SC-203 Unconscious thrown off bridge
SC-204-206kicked off of construction equipment to their death
Bearded Dragon-207 Rider Head Crusher
Scorpiolizard-208 Rider Reverse Kick
Jellywolf-209 Rider Drill Shoot
GC-210-215 sword 
Boarbeeton-216 Cyclone Attack
GC-222 Rope Jump crash explosion genuinely no idk how else to describe what happens
Anemonaguar- First Augment to live after fighting the First Kamen Rider, breaks free of SHOCKER brainwashing
GC-223-224 sword
MorayTurtle-225 decapitation (survived) followed by Rider Kick 
Eaglemantis-226 Cut in half
GC-227-232 sword obtained 
GC-233 threw spike at his heart  (he also bragged about it)
Spiderlion-234 Rider Flying Chop
Ratcondor-235 Rider Lunar Kick
GC-236 Human Shield against snake arm 
Canarycobra-237 Rider Lunar Kick
Centiger-238 Rider Suicide Bomb was absolutely not something I expected to write
Flytrapbee-239 drowned
SHOCKER Rider-245 Rider Deception Wheel
Slugshroom-246 Rider Double Kick
Crowox-247 Rider Lunar Kick
Crabbat 2-248 he threw hum off a lift
General Black-249 the double riders just kinda hit him till he dies
Morayeel-Vanishes during fight
Jellywolf-Vanishes during fight
CactusBat-250 Rider beats them to death
Oxcrow-Vanishes during fight
Boarbeetle-251 Rider Kick
Flytrapbee-252 Rider drown attack
Centiger-253 Rider beat you to death attack
Great Leader of SHOCKER-Suicide Bombs the Riders, whether or not Takeshi is accountable is debatable
Also eventually revealed to have survived so
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sennaverstappendiary · 7 months
singapore grand prix ✩ 17.09.2023
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so... this is where it ends 🥺🥺 this is where it allll ends... when i needed her (max win) most... she disappeared (KIDDING) 😭😭😭💔💔💔 nah for real i came into this weekend being hopeful but cautious, knowing max and rbr have already achieved everything i wanted them to achieve this year, except all podium finishes for max (and ofc the championships, but like, come on man) 🥺🥺🥺🥺 so like... i wasn't going to enjoy seeing max lose but it could've been worse‼️‼️‼️‼️ fun fact: this was the first race i watched while enrolled in my internship. sigh. after this my experiences will probably get shorter bc internship like blended my life and i genuinely don't remember much 😭😭😭
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soo before getting into qualifying... lets talk about fp. yeah yeah every fucking weekend id say OUR PACE IS SHIT AHHH IM SO SCARED‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ but like... now i was for real scared. for good reason of course but SJGHDF 😭😭😭😭😭 anyway we got da lizard on da track... love that for us 🦎🦎🦎🦎🦎🦎 other than that no comment
qualifying!!! yeah what the actual living fuck did i just watch‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ what the fuck was that‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ U DONT UNDERSTAND OKAY i was watching w my dad and we were just... not sure if max would get pole but i joked and said lets see if max will even make q3 lol (spoiler. he didnt). ALSO MAX WHATTT THE FUCK WAS THAT TERRORISM???? TO YUKI??? jonathan i owe u my everything like im on my knees bc idk how u talked him out of 184877364 penalties 😭😭😭😭💥💥💥💥💥 like genuinely couldnt believe my eyes when i saw no grid penalty. 😁😁😁😁😁 what the hell man. ANYWAY. liam lawson q3 my fucking beloved COME BACK LIAM WE MISS U QUEEN 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
i almost didnt want to watch the race. also because ajax was on at the same time. lost twice in one weekend guys 💔💔💔💔💥💥💥💥💥 nah but i genuinely had hope was the awful part. race pace wasnt even bad genuinely it was fine. and then we just so happened to have the worst luck ever with sc. logan ily but i will not forgive u... 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 "they are sacrificing leclerc!" was gen hilarious tho like idc that he crashed george was the main character this weekend and no one will ever convince me otherwise. love him SO much my silly goober 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 the race itself was boring as fuck btw the best part was george absolutely smashing it that made it worth watching TO ME 🙏😁 and carlando was cute too,,,, ☀️☀️☀️ but i was too fucking mad at max breaking not only his win streak but also his PODIUM streak that i truly didnt care... sorry.
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✩ song of the race: why are sundays so depressing - the strokes
no comment. yall can figure it out i think...
✩ extra: a small photodump
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radioactivepeasant · 2 years
Fic Prompts: Folklore Friday
Spooky Season is nearly upon us, my loves! And so in advance celebration of the air finally freaking cooling down a couple degrees, I bring you badly retold ghost stories from my home state of South Carolina!
I'd have suggested Florida, since that's where I spent my early childhood, but tbh Florida is just so...Florida...that ghosts can't upstage the shenanigans of the living.
1. The Lizard Man of Scape Ore Swamp
My dude starts out in 1988 with police reports about a woman's car having claw and teeth marks, with muddy footprints and hair left behind. Ah yes, lizards: famously hairy creatures. After a teenager calls the cops about a seven foot tall "green" "wet-ish" critter doing its darndest to go car surfing -- and maybe snack on some teenage drivers if he gets the munchies -- the two reports kinda get conflated and the Lizard Man was born. Very shortly thereafter, the local chamber of commerce realized they could capitalize on a local cryptid, and he’s been a regional meme ever since.
Worth noting: 2 years before our scaly friend debuted, The Swamp Thing was filmed in the same state 🤔
2. Lavinia Fisher, the Demon Barber Innkeeper of Fleet Street Charleston
Because who doesn't like beds that are secretly trap doors, right?
That's the legendary modus operandi, at least. This was the 1800s, so what we know now might be as badly retold as anything I could make up, as a disclaimer.
The story goes that John and Lavinia Fisher ran an inn called Six Mile House, which is a strange thing to name a house, except when you have built it six miles from Charleston. Nice little place, but people started noticing that it seemed to be a branch of the Hotel California: you could check in anytime you liked, but you were never going to leave. But considering the lack of a Yelp column in the newspaper, this took a while to be noticed.
Lavinia would welcome wealthy guests in, make them comfortable, make them feel at home, and then make them poisoned tea. Not enough to immediately kill, just enough to drug them.
Now, you may be wondering what I initially wondered: But Radio, wouldn't they have tasted something odd?
And now I regret to inform you of the peculiarity that is South Carolina Sweet Tea.
Sweet Tea is definitely a Southern Thing around here, but I'll say this: the sweet tea I've had in other typically southern states at least tasted like tea. The stuff we have here around the capitol? It's syrup in a cup. You could put it in a feeder and attract hummingbirds. Pour it on some decorative ivory and your knickknacks will develop cavities. Its served cold because if you drank that much sugar while hot your teeth would instantly mutiny and flee your mouth.
Lavinia could've put whatever she wanted in that stuff and it probably would've been hard to tell. And Southern Manners would mean those poor saps would just pretend not to notice the taste. Either that, or their taste buds were already so destroyed by their own preferred blends of sweet tea that they wouldn't have known the difference anyway.
Once a guest got sleepy, John and Lavinia would show them to a guest room and leave them to go to bed. But seeing as you read the beginning of this section, you already know where that bed is going: straight through the floor.
I don't know how they set that up, but I'm picturing like, the frame just opening and dropping the whole kit and caboodle down.
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Supposedly, they kept a row of spikes in the basement for the guest to drop onto. Honestly though, that would tear up the mattress or pallet wouldn't it? That's not a cost effective way to mug your inn guests and still hide evidence. So unless they had an unlimited supply of replacement bedding, we can probably ignore the spikes in favor of the rather more Sweeney Todd theory: that John was waiting downstairs with an axe to finish what the blunt force trauma started.
It all had to come crashing down eventually, of course.
The scheme, not the trapdoor, mind you.
Eventually a guest with taste came along: a word here used to indicate that he could tell the difference between tea and syrup in a cup. When Lavinia made her special brew, he took a sip and had a perfectly reasonable reaction:
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But he didn’t want to hurt his host's feelings. After all, we can't all be skilled in measuring an Appropriate Amount of Sweetener. So he waited until Lavinia was busy, and dumped the tea down the sink. Of course, this had the side effect of him not being sleepy when he went to his room. He was still up and puttering around when John and Lavinia pulled the lever, and saw his bed disappear into the floor.
Naturally, he beat feet and informed the authorities that Six Mile House was not, strictly speaking, up to code. As a result, John and Lavinia were arrested and charged with highway robbery and mass murder, for which both were later executed. Nobody actually knows how many people died in the inn, nor exactly how involved Lavinia actually was.
3. One more for the road: Bigfoot
Yes, I said Bigfoot.
Generally, we stick to our Lizard Man, and maybe the Catawba River Runner. But there have been just enough Bigfoot Incidents for police in 2017 to put out a warning for locals not to shoot at any Bigfoots (Bigfeet?) Lest they harm a prankster in a monkeysuit.
Aaaaaand then September arrived. And with it, a surprise cameo by the big fella himself at Hunting Island State Park. I, personally, stand by my theory that many "Bigfoot" sightings are Regular Animals In Places They Definitely Shouldn't Be (like the monkeys that live in Wekiwa Springs, FL). I personally find that explanation both technically still a cryptid, and also very entertaining. Brownish black fur, five or so feet tall, walking upright, according to witnesses.
The park superintendent says he's taking it as a "credible incident", so make of that what you will.
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I'm almost done S2 of penumbra, just the sc finale left, so I'm sure his situation probably gets much more batshit, but Sir Damien is quite possibly the single funniest character in any media ever from an outside perspective. This fucking pathetic half drowned kitten of a man is one of the most renowned knights in the Citadel and usually very competent. He was also a poet. He somehow missed the fact that "salamander" was in reference to the fact that Marc could not fucking walk. He had One homerotic knife fight with a lizard and fell madly in love with him, and instead of realizing this like a normal person he immediately concluded that God/the lizard had cursed him. The lizard then kidnapped his fiance, for completely unconnected reasons. He rambled incoherently and/or waxed poetic about this lizard for over a week, specifically about his eyes, while intermittently shouting his fiance's name dramatically and breaking down whenever she's mentioned in conversation. His fiance lived in the lizard's house for all that time, and also gained feelings for the lizard at a more reasonable pace. He went to the end of the fucking earth chasing this lizard and didn't sleep for a week. Meanwhile, his fiance confessed her love for the lizard to the entire monster court, directly after the lizard was sentenced to death. Upon finding the lizard and attempting to kill him (lizard) for cursing him (Damien), his fiance bursts into the room begging him not to. He sees she is also in love with the lizard, and decides in the culmination of his weeks long existential crisis that she's an illusion made by the lizard and he'll kill them both. He was even bisexual.
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churippu · 7 years
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gigabats · 7 years
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Look at this shirt my Grandmother owns!!
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hopeshoodie · 3 years
ok assigning the islanders cryptids based on their vibes with no elaboration (fair warning they’re all American because those are the only ones I know lmao) 
Chelsea - Hodag light of my life little forest beasties <3 <3
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Ibrahim - Pepie my beloved <3 
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Priya - Bray Road Werewolf
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Blake - Chupacabra
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Rocco - SC Lizard Man
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Carl - Van Meter Monster
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Henrik - Lovelace Frog Man 
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Lucas - Mothman
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Lottie - Jersey Devil
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Gary - Stink Ape <3
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shogas · 7 years
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hey south carolina what the fuck
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danfarrensfauxhawk · 2 years
Easiest way to pit the Scientologists against the MAGAs is to find a way to convince the ones running the Church (whatever rich fucks have that title now) that the MAGA crowd (specifically the Qanon lunatics) have serious and potentially career destroying information on them
Scientologists have no issue with infiltrating any groups to further their agenda (including the fucking US govt) so they would end up getting people involved in the Q group. From that point it’s a matter of convincing the Q’s that there’s Scientologists hiding in their numbers who want to further a secret liberal leftist communist socialist lizard Silicon Valley transgender agenda in the upper echelons of DC and intend on doing that by finding and killing Q and thus destroying the only resistance against their evil plot
At that point it’s a matter of watching as the Qanon freaks start turning on each other and ripping themselves and each other apart while directly instigating what would essentially be gang warfare against the Church, who I assume pay out the cunt for armed security forces because theyre a multimillion dollar cult
Let it happen for a few months until one group or the other have fully eradicated the opposite and then pick off the stragglers to finally kill off two of the most annoying groups of cunts in the US, if not the world
Bonus points if you can get the mormons involved and get those assholes wiped out as well, fuck them
My toxic trait is thinking that I could be the one to finally take Sc*entology down.
The reason they don’t get audited and have their tax-exempt status revoked is because they have literally infiltrated the IRS and the IRS is legitimately scared of picking a fight with them, which is WILD, and it makes me wonder how many of J*e B*den’s thousands of new IRS agents are Sc*entology plants.
I’ve been listening to Leah Remini’s podcast and apparently a big part of Sc*entology is that they believe everybody’s spirits are like thousands of years old and are just constantly reincarnated which means children aren’t actually children so they’re all spoken to and treated like adults, so there’s like hella p*dophilia going on in the organization, so maybe if we also let MAGA know that then they’ll go completely fucking feral and start trying to infiltrate Sc*entology too to take them down.
In the end I think it would come down to Sc*entology’s disturbingly efficient Office of Special Affairs (basically their CIA) versus MAGA’s absolutely clinical fanaticism and complete disregard for reality/self-preservation.
D*vid M*scavige is such a fucking psycho and might be the most pathetic man in history (not hyperbole, he might actually be), he’s on my “It’s On Sight” list.
What we need is a Battle Royale of Sc*entology vs. MAGA vs. LDS/Mormons vs. Old School Catholicism, and we need it televised somehow.
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podcastlimbo · 4 years
Favourite parts of that episode (and oh boy there are So Many)
First of all can we just talk about that episode summary “four humans and a lizard-bug-man-thing” thank u for my life kabert
Arum trying to emphathise with Rilla despite everything being so new to him!! He’s got the spirit and he’s trying so hard!!!!
Whenever Damien calls Arum and Rilla ‘my loves’
Marc airhorn noises 100/10
Sir D
‘Brother in law’ ‘Rilla and I aren’t technically-“ MARRIED?? THEY R MARRIEE???
“Saints why don’t we take our dinner in a barn” “THATS A GREAT IDEA SIR DAMIEN :DDD!” Tal bby... ily
Imagining the chaos from the first half of the dinner but the camera is focused on Tal’s facial expressions and Arum sneaking food into his mouth the entire time
Mom said it’s my turn on the narrative
Arum’s completely sincere attempt to salvage the conversation with “carp make terrible conversation partners 😔”
Rilla smokes weed
Damien’s little sighs whenever he thinks about how much he messed up.. baby..
Rilla.. and her missing parents.. the Angste tm
Sir Marc the Blazing Salamander
And can we talk about THE LOREEEEE. THE LORE. IS SO GOOD.
Arum saying the “until the saints rise again” line bc he’s the one who celebrated the fewest Saintsrises idk it just gets me for some reason 🥺
Rilla loving her weird family but also refusing to take shit from them and being super straightforward about her feelings and always talking things through i admire her so much
Arum graduating from making plans to destroy the citadel to getting his new family to attend a monster festival with him but in an evil >:3 way. We stan character development
And his sinister lil ‘joyous saintsrise’ at the end ,,,,,
And last but not least
Sir Marc the Blazing Salamander
Idk I just. I love this episode so much I’m gonna listen to it another 200 times like the previous SC holiday episode
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