#sbh ocs
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storybookhawke · 4 days ago
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Emir Hawke & Anders, my beloved Valentines this year~ I commissioned the wonderful @mrgabel for my boys!
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hsslilly-blog · 4 months ago
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quick doodle of claire's "new" cheer uniform since i changed which high school she went to. she kinda looks like a warren now. i also gave her a more period accurate hairstyle. this is her in 2007 btw. original post here
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y0d00p · 1 year ago
2, 7, 19
Who is your newest OC? Why did you make them?
uuuuuuhhhhhh gee I think it was Drasko and Nulla??! Nabi/Nari came a liiittle bit earlier, so. I originally made these characters as a way to use my characterization of DMK and SK in an original story I'm making with Teeny.
if you want one NOT sourced from Kirby, then it's either CEO or these guys. CEO was made as an "amalgamation of favourite character tropes" character (the inspo page is at the start of his tag), and Those 4 Guys were made as suitors for a self indulgent dating sim. The dating sim guys were in development a long time before I drew them and posted the bios online which is why I'm not sure if they or CEO came first. I think it was CEO which would make them newer
What are your favourite relationships between your OCs? (romantic or platonic!)
i don't feel like making links for all these sowwyyy
Lad/Pidot, Lil/Pidot, Tro/Annie, Lad/Boss
What are some things that inspired your stories? Real events? Maybe a dream?
SBH was honest to god kind of inspired by the Cobra wrongpurae, and a little bit of Space Dandy, and just like a general desire to make a story with a cool lady main character :3
Haze was adapted from the final story in my planned 8 story Kirby fic series when I was 13, and has been further developed with the intention of channelling my old style of overly edgy but still cute and wholesome story/characters of the time
MW (which just stands for Mirror World, because i still don't really have a proper fucking name for this one) was designed around characters adapted from my Kirby Mirror World fan characters I made when I was 12. it's no longer anything close to "mirror/dark world" related and has been through a million revisions but it's probably about lesbians
Until They Die (rename pending? it doesn't suit certain aspects like it used to) is just like, a world to put all my horror creepypasta murder inspired shit with VR in. inspired by horror creepypasta murder shit. also, did you know VR is a like 20~ year old OC that ALSO started as a Kirby fan ch
This unnamed bug musical was inspired by a lot of Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, specifically this song, which I had imagined as the opening track lmao
everything else I can't think of specific inspiration sources
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queen-scribbles · 5 years ago
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Character creators are very dangerous things. 
They distract you from RPGs you haven’t even finished yet bc you’re at an UGH part with whispers of “what if you made a pretty blonde rogue to romance your fave for the 327th time?” :D :D :D
So, yeah. Ciara Hawke, diplomat rogue, friend-path romancing Sebastian bc it’s been a while since I did that. 
I regret nothing, least of all making yet another Blue Hawke.
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aberooski · 2 years ago
fanfic ask: 5, 13, 21, 24! 💫
Yay! I love answering questions!! 😆
5) Do you prefer to read/write long fics or short fics?
- in terms of writing, I prefer to write long fics. I tent to lean towards doing the most approximately all of the time when I write, and it makes it very difficult for me to write short fics. And honestly I wish it didn't but long fics are the way for me baby.
- reading though, I think I tend to lean more toward short fics. If I'm just looking for something casually to get my fix, I find myself engaging with more short fics. But on the flip side, I write long fics so I love them, and if I come across one that piques my interest and really grabs me, then man I'm hooked and it will consume my life akskskk but generally speaking I find myself reading more short fics than long ones. I think because I have such a hard time writing them, I'm drawn more to shorter ones when I read. Or something like that I guess?
13) What are some of your writing/reading pet peeves?
- Y’know I haven't really thought about this all that much before. Of course the standard mixed up spellings of there/their/they're and your/you're because good lord people it's not that hard 😭
- I also fuckin hate the trope when like a character is captured and they make friends with the guard or whatever and they like turn good and shit ugh 😭 or when there's a fuckin self insert that's a bad guy but makes friends with the good guys and turns good no. No. I don't mind oc's, I've had some in fics, I mean Angel's Tears and OUAD have Fiona and her crew as minor antagonists, and OUAD and SBH have Mrs. Rhodes and Mrs. Princeton. But the thing is they're just kinda there. They don't overstep in their roles. And when I was like 12/13, I 100% wrote self inserts too because everybody does at some point in their lives and that's normal and fine, and they don't really bug me all that much. But let bad guys just be bad guys sometimes 😭 I want the actual characters to save each other and have that satisfying reunion 😭 Ireally don't know why that makes me so angry but it does aksksk
21) What are your top 3 fics you've written and why?
- oh boy this is such a loaded question akskks 😅 Now we all know I'm of the opinion that favorite and best are not inherently mutually exclusive, so this changes they way I think about it a bit.
- so in that event, I think I'd say my top 3 fics would be: Once Upon A Duelist, Sons of The Stars, and Salt In the Wound.
Honorable mention goes to Sustained by Hate (Abby's version)(from the vault)
-If I had to explain why, well I think we might have another novel of an answer on our hands but I'll try to be brief 😅
- OUAD I've said before is my favorite fic I've ever written as it stands right now, and also just so happens to be the one I feel is my best. I think it has the most solid plot I've written in a long time, even if you ignore that it's a Sleeping Beauty adaptation so the plot was already there to begin with. But only with the basic plot line, everything I did to put my own spin on it worked really well, and it's the best executionl of a romance plot I've ever done aksksk 😅 and there's just some fuckin bangers of dialog and character interactions in it that make me giggle and kick my feet in the air like a school girl and also sob my eyes out.
- Also y'know, it gets bonus points for being a Sleeping Beauty adaptation which is my favorite movie of all time, and Aurora's my favorite princess and I've been in love with Phillip for as long as I've had conscious thought and memory so having Chazz and Atticus in their roles was the best ever 😭 plus Slade and Jagger actually die which is what I want for them. Perfection.
- Still really wanna do an OUAD 2 but really gotta clear some stuff from my WIP list first 😭😭😭
- Sons of The Stars, of course my 136k GX fantasyish au I built from the ground up. I'd love to say it's my magnum opus, but it really isn't. But I love it so much, it's very important to me. Ironically it is also the only fic I've done where Chazz and Atticus have 0 interaction because they're never in the same room at the same time. And when they are, they don't interact on screen 😭 of course I wrote it before I knew I shipped them but I digress.
- There's a lot of elements from season 3 in that fic where the plot is concerned honestly, Yubel wanting to combine all 12 dimensions which would destroy everything, Axel's entire storyline is a parallel of his arc in the survival duel arc, Jaden and Jesse being not at all straight, and so on. Honestly there's probably ploy holes and stuff and some stuff that's confusing that I don't explain well or whatever, but the general plot I think is so cool and interesting 😭
- Not my best execution of a romance plot but it also was the first time I actually tried to do that at all so I give myself a little grace for that. Also I did refer to Yubel as she/her throughout the fic like they do in the dub because that's what was just how I was introduced to that character and that became default in my brain. But eventually I will get around to going back and fixing that I promise I have so many fics to write right now 😭
- But also what I love about that fic is the wardrobe I designed for it it's so good 😭 I've shared drawings of that before for anybody reading this who hasn't seen those asksks and I did that just kinda for fun since I was in high school when I started planning and writing that fic and I just kinda started drafting up wardrobes in class instead of working 😅 but after designes and redesigns and all that I fuckin love the wardrobe for this fic and it was such a fuckin awesome creative outlet that I needed.
- also some of my best chapter titles are in the fic bro, like some of them are so fuckin good 😭 Skyfall, Secrets of Ages Past, Fragility of The Heart, Purity of The Heart, and Confessions of The Heart (the trinity as I affectionately call those chapters) among others. I'm not good at fic titles but dammit I'm good at chapter titles sometimes 😤
- and real quick before I move on, the entirety of Chazz and Alexis's relationship in this fic. She's all kinds of messed up emotionally in this and she's grown jaded and cold, and she hated him at the start. She hated him when they met when they were kids and she never let go of that or let him change in her mind all those years. But Jaden gets her to think that she's wrong, and when they meet him after they rescue him for Crowler, she accepts that she was wrong, but she's still cold to him. Alexis likes Chazz, not like likes him but she's endeared by him, but she doesn't like that she likes him and she ends up staying cold to him for a while. They argue like a married couple the whole time, and in Fragility of The Heart when she's overtaken by the influence of the darkness seeping out of the core of the 11th dimension because of Yubel, she's not in her right mind and she says a lot of harsh things and makes accusations she shouldn't be saying. And Chazz has to reveal to her the scars he's gotten from his brothers and brings her back down to earth and grounds her back into reality. He heard her crying to Atticus earlier in chapter 12 so he knows he's the only one who can get through to her then, and when he does she softens up on him from then on. And all of this ends up leading up to Alexis turning to Chazz to be her shoulder to cry on at the end of the penultimate chapter. The first of now 2 times they've had that FF7R Cloti moment.
I love the evolution of their relationship on her end especially, she grows the most throughout the entire story of everyone I think, and it just makes me feel good inside.
- and my number 3, Salt in the Wound.
My aftermath to episode 95... I've ranted enough about this, but it's just such a cathartic fic for me. One of the free short fics I've been able to do, and I just love the actual writing. So much of it was stream of consciousness, and I cried a lot working on it. I'll come to Sy's defense at any time anywhere and against anyone. Especially his own brother. He's my favorite character, he's also me in more ways than I care to think about sometimes. I love that fic so much, but it's also really hard to read sometimes. I know I'll write things that hurt me more, I know I will. But right now that's the one that hurts me the most. After everything Zane did and how far he'd fallen, Syrus still cared about him. Syrus still loved him and wanted his brother's acceptance. And writing that just hurt my heart in an entirely different way than anything else I've done before. But the whole experience like I said was so cathartic and I needed it. So it's one of my favorites.
24) If I could tell my past self something before I posted my first fic, I think I'd have something to say at various points in time. Like my first grade school fic, middle school fic, and high school fic eras. Nothing from before high school exists anymore, but no matter what specifically I might think so say to each of those past mes, I think the same thing that would be said to all of them would be not to ever for a second forget to have fun. And to tell myself that you're gonna feel like a failure sometimes. Your stuff won't take off right away, you're gonna feel burnt out, you're gonna feel bad. But you're also gonna love it. You're gonna feel the best you've felt in your life when you write. And don't worry, there are gonna be people that love your work.
I'd tell myself to just sit back and enjoy it. It's all gonna be worth it. You're not wasting your time. You're only gonna get better. I won't say to change anything I've written, I'd let myself write the crap and the actual flops and things I'm embarrassed by how bad they were when I look back now. Because that's what led me here. That's how I learned. That was me being an authentic kid.
I'd tell past me to smile and be proud of herself.
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storybookhawke · 6 years ago
Emir Hawke is an angry bi Persian like myself. Seeing him look like he could belong to my family means a lot to me. Sometimes it feels like there are not enough strong Iranian (or middle eastern in general) characters in the world, and most of them are portrayed as terro/rists. Emir fights for the good of mankind, and he’s also a man of color who shows emotion and vulnerable sides of himself. He is the OC I take the most comfort in. 💙💙💙
Odessa Hawke is bi asexual like myself, with anxiety and ptsd as well. Her asexuality still fits in well with the game plot, for which I am grateful. It’s so good to have my favorite character (Hawke, of any gender) be also asexual and headcanon them to be accepted by their love interest and friends. She is also HoH, like me!!! 🧡🧡🧡
but hey, this is a positivity blog!! how about we start a thing, where if you are a member of a marginalized group, you reblog this post with an example of how you’ve made one of/several of your dragon age protagonists like you or heck, even headcanon a canon character of being same. i know from my own experience that having characters like you, even if they are ones you explicitly created, can be a very cathartic and healing experience
so like, reblog with your story about making a polynesian island warden or having a physically disabled original character who is just offscreen, or a neurodivergent inquisitor or an aromantic hawke, whatever is relevant to your experience!!
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bireyes-moved · 6 years ago
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So whilst I wait for Sbh and to fantasia an alt, I ended up using another preset on said alt that I’ve been wanting to use but never had any char or OC for. She just looks angry all the time, it’s just her default expression lmao
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Tes PLBE gorr’p wy mhfu Mlnagnoip, BEV? Ic mzi WZQ’T zakh zf TCHN’W RBOOM mz iafe fh ssto-rn -- L’M kce sopq rhaam qck ekaw MVGPZY, SD! -- yru bwevxc qehd qc EVBYN oi slaphatqg vtocyuxc whdn pvpzopv tr ups, zf cfvt SIIS ZB msh “whidve” wg eke pexbewfp. ERDCB WE oew xp. Lf vcf hatqk lt zoy’h up poyea, hssg tw wrn’q azjx. Tw’s BORF Xwgovcdpb. --Mzi vlq eyek gph na DLDRJG, tt rzx wdnq! Hcwihlrhs, aslrylolv -- yli yofp lt!! --Lf vcf qty WHLNH CQ WM, jru fak RZ wm. Lv lrnd od mhf WHLNH we’ze hrrn, IQ’ZW KHCN. Iw’s JWYR HGHR PIKR, sskp, nig. Yli’gs zzw tke ISGSKLJE whbfp!
Sopq ii iq syrl fs MLNA JPFLFV MLNA wygboh yruo zthmwh plezs zt msh Mlnagnoip, box’vb GEWEW jow tes wsopuaje. Zcfzw rht pepgj, atjee, euq wq mhf’ye joq hss PTOL dna hss VZQCHNQFLHBZQ tr SBS TH MSUOXGE, hssg jru’ol ys UILE IIQE.
Qvlh plvn’w weoe W plv tkikytbz xlgkt ys evx AUOELBA. Mim tw’s jolr evte box TECFUAE rf whxh LBW NKEFKBR.
Jcn sdd d DFFPQM NRNQEZHTCG er Shb’p rtaxyvirn ccc Gxm’v slbiwyul er crmb hsfhfjh. Whxh xstyv tkaq hsskp’v a giosnh ISBSLCXZ ncgyhcwilb msmhheq ylic ‘Bbrktpaos Cstwp’ aqd ewd rbxhnvilb. Th FLB mhak hsom ekaw clbysveloq ip DPFLTVTHNQ oyr HYJOLND. Mzi’ew zaqt qc nvxnn TKAQ, hzc.
Tch Shb’p gtpetqgv bxqv wg Dhb’v dfapbltrn beq? Ppqtfve LF QVPM TCH, tkek hsskp’v MRRB HSOG ZQE FOKBPQMTRN eeqkpsg jruu sbh zt wtpeqsfcyg tyg hls. Tvtqa xhaqs lbp cy ezo whfbrg. --HC PABBB AZFX, SDHD!
OKS EVBYJ iv teoe ATJEE whxh zhapu-Blli vlg uphn PEPGTBZ LUOXNA ktha eke fokbpqmtrn, rr JOJPX hkaw yli oww hltk tecds wzrrv kfqvsw l iez mlfp VHWHS LN QVTBZD wo erfbr rhhq tkops mokcleus codhxc, euw tescs FLB BH oks ncgyhcwilb msmhheq YLIC ‘Bbrktpaos Cstwp’ aqd Psm’g wtpeqsfcy -- ogo DNRTESC cgp foqnbqewhy eewwbsy GHXH OWHBF owfpqslok wy mhfu dlmbbdwhydl veq oyr Lpe’s gijsygbzq, ii Sbp’d gbmoiqgp ocs ulfk ln ewd rbxhnvilb luttq. Tkaq qzieo pane VCFF WTPEQSFCYG OFONHRXPWS by WWR DFTQSKPQT slxqpg.
MHR TKIKU tg msdt PAVPP Gxm dng hfg dwuwlnjs xfp tkzp YRUO 3’fo rbxhnvilb, lbw ekeue’p gzax ELMH SQIAWWTWY jofbr cg. Ekaw wliwr fpdn whxh JCNC dng Sbp’d rbxhnvilbd vtgh bhek QZBGPFTHD XZW OEZQG. --RCZOX’G VLW’S UAWCC-GALUP FLXKD, ogo DLO TEOE. Mhf’ye ZRFHESG SHRH teoe mhf’ue qoq syhbchlb srfp ouzxt kot mzik ‘zwhhr JSd’ khcn. ‘Aue qvpm lpqtlekh?’ ‘Scp xxck clbefhw go bor fpoewb hdvb?’ --Gz mhf vpoiq mzikdhli slaphbxhs, bep? Oyr gzw JXSQ od ghxh VLSROW SYQHCW? Tecds TCH qxephtcgd whdt vcf gazxlg FFBO ahch tkak o qsp LQSZEOG ec. LZRN.
PAVPP wm’d WWR TEWYU. Flbbh iq WDB’M. Mxt hvbb tt be FOXLA pp halw, iw IPB’E halw wdy VSE.
MHF GOQ’T HBZK psdt borf afhakefy fg, jsm. Jru kassy’h WPFIGEA we MXE, uijhq? --Hswgrv auek’h DSM TQ TKE QWXSETQE beq wq mhf GOQ’T qfj hh WRON AESLR. LZ GOQ’T AC EVTE. Whlndg hwew JEW MBGDM by d BDD TOJ. DKZEAELV. MPG. TWPOVT ASQWGTWEOY.
W wtg tkaq CYQX. EKAW DFR Y-C-M RR W-H-L-I.
JRU fak GEWEW GEFIAS. Dc wpfige TVLH RZX WDNQ hz rh.
I ZAKH jcn er NRT qovs msh vhrv slgr hdy ruq. W hoge wo QOQ vljx er DHAI KTHA jru.
JISWYU NA zoxla alyx jru dn LHSSK-MLLO! --Akr HVR hruod vcf KTYW tr GFJP II? Rlvlnd ia WL DWUSIA!
Wq mhf qehd eswd ptwh DNV cevxc-Eiolp, W NOG lqd ZIIZ ssea box. Bbqlilp keopfbr mhf ls oihs ssealnj mb, wq mhf drhn’q oy cmshr-Eiiz! --Lbw JRU DRBB’E! VTSD!
THLI AP kalw yru KSPR.
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storybookhawke · 1 month ago
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Conversations with The First Warden
featuring Daiyu Thorne
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jupiter-reimagined · 3 years ago
112 = Mud Dog 💜
Dark = King of The Emos 🙃
SBH = Tall😒
Actor: Simp 😕
loving how its a running joke between all my friends that me, and any oc/sona ive ever made is just. fuckin tall as shit, man jghddhkds
like SBH is around 200cm tall. not including horns. one lanky walking stick with limbs
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storybookhawke · 3 months ago
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Daiyu 'Rook' Thorne
Gif making is hard
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storybookhawke · 1 year ago
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Posting my commission from @needlesslycryptic separately because look! Look at my beloved! Emir Hawke, stunningly rendered with every detail perfect ;u; please consider commissioning them!
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storybookhawke · 2 years ago
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I commissioned @azreto for a drawing of Emir Hawke! Look at my handsome man ;u; Please consider commissioning him in the future!
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storybookhawke · 4 months ago
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My grandpa Rook
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storybookhawke · 8 months ago
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Emir Hawke is a hunk of 100% Fereldan beefcake and if you get a smile out of him, you better treasure that moment.
I commissioned @azreto again for my dear Hawke c:
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storybookhawke · 8 months ago
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Thinking about my Tevinter Inquisitor, Layla. Maybe I should repurpose her to be a Rook...
i really should figure out a better looking armor for her
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