galaxyglitchchic · 6 years
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lovelytayforce · 5 years
I know I said I'd be e*dg*me spoilers free [well I did on Twitter] but this topic can't really be vagued so hopefully you got the tag endgame spoilers blocked and filtered for your dash.
This is your warning.
I'm serious.
I think its wild we had a WHOLE tag and dialogue about why hydra cap was bad and borderline dangerous yet I probably will not see similar outcry against it since the mcew just let cap say the thing. I hope everybody can at least be consistent when and if they start that stupid storyline. Don't excuse it just because its from a bland movie franchise you like.
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frankie2902 · 6 years
Send an email to [email protected] if you think NaziCap is a disgrace and trampled on the very foundation of why his character was created!!
God knows I just sent a scorcher. I’ll keep sending these emails, every single day, until they relent. They have to see our anger past their pride at some point.
Also!! Make a 3.99 and up donation to the Holocaust Memorial as well!! And take a screenshot of your reciept to post!! Once my paycheck comes in I’ll be making a donation as well!
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andarthas-web · 7 years
So how do we keep the white supremacist far right from co-opting Captain America?
One idea?
Make it VERY clear that THIS is Captain America.
And that he’s coming for them.
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seraphcrowley · 7 years
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i’m petty
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iamnmbr3 · 7 years
So Marvel won’t give Steve a boyfriend because it would offend some people, but they’re willing to offend people by making him a Nazi?
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veliseraptor · 7 years
did u hear that marvel comics debunked all that nazi hydra cap as non canon because mmmmm sign me up
is this referring to that “marvel tweeting out the bio of Steve Rogers” thing from the official marvel handbook because actually…that was not marvel’s official twitter account. as you can see from the screencaps there, the handle for that account is @therealmarvelcomics where the actual, official marvel account is just @marvel. 
so, yeah. no dice on that one. 
well, we’re only two months away from secret empire being over, after which I assume a lot of this will be retconned because, well, they kind of have to. at least, I hope. 
but for now we’re still stuck in this shitty “cap was a nazi all along, actually” alternate universe.
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dchan87 · 7 years
Ok, let’s talk Marvel. First off, I’m glad the whole HydraCap bulkshit is over, but I feel bad for RealCap, who now has to redeem his name after his evil doppelganger tainted his image.
Hydra!Cap is a big reason why I’m not spending my money on any Marvel books for at least a year. nick spencer and whomever greenlit that arc should be fired.
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portraitoftheoddity · 7 years
My letter to Marvel today
sent to [email protected]: ---
Dear Marvel,
I think somehow, at some point, someone in change there forgot the entire point of superheroes.
Superheroes give us hope. They teach us how to be human; how to be our best selves; how to be brave and how to stick up for others and for what is right. They teach us that there is reason to believe in others, and in the innate goodness of people who will step up and do good when we need it. 
We need them. And Captain America has always been the pinnacle of that heroism in marvel's canon, going back to when two jewish men created him for the explicit purpose of fighting fascism and standing up for everything good, and for everything America had the capacity to stand for and represent, in the best version of itself. 
I remember first falling in love with Captain America as a character and a hero when I was an anxious, self-destructive teenager. Depressed and struggling, superheroes gave me hope and strength then. More than a decade later, they still do. Or they should...
Back then Steve Rogers was a man who wouldn't hurt me. A man who I could love and respect and trust. Someone who would stand up and protect me, and others I cared for, even if only on the pages of a flimsy comic book. Steve Rogers was hope, and strength, and moral fortitude. 
And now, according to you, Steve Rogers is and always was a nazi. Recently Marvel decided that diverse books weren't profitable. This is bull. If Marvel is failing to profit from diverse books, it's because the people like me who love diverse characters and wish to support these books struggle to reconcile that desire with the disgust we feel at putting money in the pockets of an editorial giant that thinks it's "cool" and "edgy" to promote fascism for profit, and who put the short-term benefit of shock value over a 75 year legacy of a character that has deep meaning to millions. 
Yesterday, at the store, I paused while looking at a pair of Captain America sandals I'd meant to buy for my four-year-old nephew. He loves Cap, you see, almost as much as I do. But if Marvel is doubling down on the idea that Cap is a fascist nazi-supporter, then how can I in good conscience deck him out in that symbolism? 
What's next -- Tony Stark, in a "gritty twist", turns out to be a serial rapist? That will be great to explain to every child in a plastic iron man mask come halloween. 
Maybe this will be retconned or resolved in a year or two. But the stain is there. You took something good and pure and constant, and perverted it for the sake of an event no one wanted, because we're all burned out on the constant events and gimmicky world-wide crossover plots that get in the way of actual interesting stories. 
I know this letter will probably be ignored and that no one will ever read it through. I know because you've already received a boatload of angry correspondence on this topic, and have made it clear that you don't care; it's obvious, when Ike Perlmutter supports fascist-populist rhetoric and Nick Spencer defends Nazis on twitter, and you insist on doubling down on this insulting, stomach-churning plotline. 
But I'm writing it anyway, because it's the one means I have (besides cancelling my subscriptions and no longer giving you my money) of standing up and speaking out. And those are the values that the real Steve Rogers taught me:
You always stand up.
And maybe, just maybe, someone at Marvel will remember that. Will remember why people love superheroes; why we need them, and need their goodness. Why in a climate of hate and fear, where fascist nationalist groups are seizing more and more political power across the western world, we need someone who will punch Hitler on the jaw instead of giving a heil salute to "Hail Hydra."
Please, remember.          - Someone once saved by Captain America.
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rebootkirk · 5 years
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thestuckylibrary · 7 years
Is it bad that I sorta want Hydra cap? Obviously not cap willingly being apart of it but maybe similar in a way that Clint was brainwashed?
If what marvel was doing was akin to Clint being brainwashed, with a scene where Steve was forcibly mentally overwhelmed via comic book science it would be a different matter, but that’s not what marvel’s doing. What they are doing is monstrous, they are blatantly using Nazi imagery, influences from Nazi propaganda and a complete disregard for everything Cap is meant to be to create a narrative where fascism is the new exciting thing and our hero is and has always been our oppressor. This isn’t darkfic published under heavy warnings on AO3 intended as an exploration of character and morality under stress, Hydra Cap is intended as a deeply shocking and deliberate corruption of a character with incredible meaning to the oppressed, to be sold as the official byline of an influential company. More than that, Marvel is saying one of their historically most moral and justice loving characters is and has always been a Nazi. They have removed a powerful symbol of allyship and told us he was never with us foolish oppressed people anyways. They have made a character steeped in Jewish culture into a Nazi. They have explicitly shown Hydra Cap as “righteous” holding Mjolnir, thats literally saying Nazism is just and explicitly glorifying it. Its telling any white supremacist and racist and Nazi that they are righteous. That is incredibly, monumentally disgusting and inexcusable.
The fact that they have also made Magneto, a holocaust survivor into a Hydra operative is evil. It’s part of an effort to move Hyrda away from it’s alignment to Nazism, which honestly just makes Nazi ideology even more appealing to white supremacists. While they try and distance Hydra from Nazis, they also have really doubled down on their use of Nazi imagery, ideology and rhetoric in Secret Empire. I mean they have Inhumans being put in camps and operatives hail-ing all over the place for fucks sake, marvel it’s not subtle. By attempting to remove the association with Nazis, Marvel is making the ideals of Nazism something exciting, entertaining and appealing to a larger audience. It’s much easier to be a Nazi when you don’t consider yourself one and Captain America is backing you up.
If marvel was presenting Steve as having been brainwashed and his unwilling support of Nazism as a horrifying thing, I still wouldn’t be thrilled, but i wouldn’t be angry and afraid the way Hydra Cap makes me. Marvel is empowering real life Nazis through this storyline, and I can’t think of anything more incredibly monstrous and sinister. 
Don’t support it. Ignoring Secret Emipre’s connection to the rise of fascism in the real world is reckless and ignorant at best.
@marvelentertainment and @nickspencerly have ignored the Jewish roots of the characters they are dealing with with cries of “it’s just fiction, don’t take it so seriously” and “good you’re angry, that means I am successful”. (i am paraphrasing here, their irl replies are much nastier) while either ignoring or revelling in the strong negative effect their explicit support of fascism has.
So Hyrda Cap in fic, before it was canon, with Steve as an unwilling participant is a whole different beast than the canon, loaded with Nazi rhetoric Hydra Cap. I’m not sure it can anymore be considered just to give any support to any form of Hydra Cap, even in fic, even in your scenario. 
Real life Nazis use Hydra symbols and Hydra cap as images to justify their cause! It’s terrifying and marvel doesn’t seem care at all about the effect they are having on real life facism! I’m an art historian i KNOW how powerful images are and this is fucking terrifying especially since the creators are denying the power of their images!
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dklogaround · 7 years
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andarthas-web · 7 years
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....goes for tumblr too.
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therothwoman · 7 years
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So that FCBD Secret Empire from yesterday (see tags) is going Elsewhere, but then I remembered I also had this from last year, so I'm going to make good on that plan anyway.
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iamnmbr3 · 7 years
Me @ Marvel’s Hydra!Cap Ridiculousness
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dchan87 · 5 years
You know it’s a slow day when you get pissed off about nick Spencer’s run on Captain America , the Secret Empire storyline and hydra!Cap. (#saynotohydracap) Thank god for Ta-Nehisi Coates.
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