kathrynharinger · 7 months
FOR: @sawyerdecker WHEN: 28th of Feb, 2024. WHERE: The Black Rabbit.
Kathryn couldn't run forever.
The words echoed through her mind, a reminder of that last night in New York. The worst, and potentially, best night of her entire life. Carlos, on the job too, had screamed that as she'd ran. Money and her fearing for her life, she fled. It was keeping her up at night, the nightmares slowly following her into waking day until the bags under her eyes, smudges of purple, were poignant on her porcelain features. With a sigh, she pushed the blonde sweeping pony over her shoulder and pushed through the doors of the Black Rabbit.
Her arrival in Tonopah had been a whirlwind, something she'd never comprehended could become home until it just did. It was a combination of the people and the freedom she'd allowed herself to feel. And Kathryn Haringer hadn't felt such unbridled freedom since she was eighteen years old, working in a diner and praying she made it to the next day.
But everything was well on its way to becoming a fucking shitshow.
One letter. Unsigned. A warning.
The inside wasn't quiet. In fact, it was the busiest she'd seen it in a while. The soft drone of a jukebox shuddered in the corner while the corner of her lips tugged into something of comfort. She liked this place. It took her to a time long since dead, the 1920's something she held close to her heart. Checking her watch, she hummed a sigh before her eyes scanned the room.
And landed on the person she was looking for. Sawyer Decker, in the flesh.
Was it legal for someone to be that pretty? What the fuck.
"Um, Sawyer? Hey." she closed the distance, standing before a table situated close to the bar. "I'm sorry, my lyft didn't arrive and my cars in the garage. Wait, I have the right person...right?"
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isaacgonzalez · 10 months
FOR: @sawyerdecker WHEN: 25th of November, 2023. WHERE: Side meeting room at the Jail.
The heavy iron door clanged shut behind Isaac as he was led into the dimly lit room. Arms still bound by cuffs that linked to his feet, and sang with every step he took, a reminder of where he was. What he was. A criminal. The cold, sterile air of the prison seemed to seep through every crack, making the atmosphere more oppressive. If that was even possible. Looking around, taking in the barren walls and the narrow table with two chairs on either side. The anticipation hung thick in the air as he waited for his lawyer, Sawyer, to arrive.
Isaac was more than grateful for Sawyer, and for Cole getting her on his case. She was the best of the best that this town had to offer. He knew it and so did everyone else. Even the officers eyed him. Sawyer had been a friend long before she became his legal counsel.
Sitting down, the rigid metal chair biting into his back, Isaac's mind began to churn. He should've stay far away from Zeynep. He didn't even know how he'd let himself get here. Because it was his fault. He knew that, and he didn't need people to keep telling him. The weight of the accusations against him pressed heavily on his shoulders. He'd destroyed her home in a fit of rage. But he'd never have touched her. Even if he'd thought of killing her more than once over the years. A sigh broke from between his lips with a grumble when he heard the door open.
"Well, thank god. You look like a literal angel right now." He wasn't hitting on her, he saw her more like walking hope.
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genevievericci · 10 months
FOR: @sawyerdecker WHEN: 25th of November 2023. WHERE: La Mancina
"I don't think I'm going to be able to call defamation on this one," It was a quip, as she sipped at her wine, lips pressed into a grim, thin line masking as a smile. She was still in public, and she still had an image to maintain. If there was one good thing that had come of that night, it was this. Sawyer Decker. "Thanks again for finding the time to grab drinks. I bet you're dying to hear everything," And although her demeanour was cold and stoic, her tone was anything but. She was genuinely glad to have this break, this reprieve.
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camilowylders · 1 year
FOR: @sawyerdecker
WHEN: 03rd of September, 2023.
He really didn't want to do this, albeit, here he was.
Pushing open the doors to the rival firm of Decker & Associates, Camilo tried to keep that calculated confidence he wore when he was overseeing his team. He was a man of dark charisma, draped in a deep blue tailored suit which saw him tugging at the lapels. His sharp, penetrating eyes surveyed the surroundings as he approached the sleek, polished front desk.
The receptionist looked up from her computer screen as Camilo approached. She was the epitome of professionalism, but the presence of this man from Wylder & Co. sent a tiny ripple of visible unease through her. Here he had to play the game.
"Good morning," Camilo leaned his arm on the counter.. "I'm here to see Sawyer Decker."
The woman blinked, momentarily taken aback by the request, it seemed, and he understood why. "May I ask what this meeting is regarding?" Emily inquired cautiously.
Camilo's lips curled into a sly smile, revealing a glint of white teeth. "She doesn't know I'm coming, but tell her she'll want to take the meeting."
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fallonlandry · 2 years
Closed starter @sawyerdecker​
Fallon double checked the address even though the massive house before her could only belong to a handful of people. Well, a handful of people that weren’t deeply entrenched in the gangs. Which to Fallon’s knowledge, Sawyer was not. Once she knew this was Sawyer’s place she got out of her beat up truck, holding a nice bottle of chardonnay. She knocked at the door before holding the bottle of wine in such a way she was a presenting it like it was a reward on a game show. Sawyer opened the door and Fallon practically started singing. “I’ve brought you one of my favorites,” she smiled. “Sadly it’s not local but I sold probably a hundred or so of these when I was in Vegas.”
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celalyilmaz · 4 months
FOR: @sawyerdecker WHEN: June, 2024. WHERE: Outside Decker & Co Law Firm.
It was what he liked to call an official, unofficial visit.
The second he spotted a mass of blonde hair, he knew from the description he'd been given exactly who that was. Sawyer Decker lived up to the reputation. A woman who could wear a suit and dominate had always kept his interest — but that wasn't why he was here. Not even if she had him swiping a quick glance over the rims of his sunglasses, pushing off his car. She was the legal shield for his prime suspect,
Coming here may have been a slight conflict of interest. Or was he pushing boundaries regarding his job? Regardless, he was there to get it done, not wait for someone to ask him why he hadn't already completed it.
Celal steeled himself momentarily as his lips parted. "Sorry to disturb you, ma'am, but are you Sawyer Decker?" He was already reaching for his ATF badge. He wasn't undercover, thankfully. He was here to research, and if that meant safeguarding the integrity of his case by doing what he needed to? Then so be it. "You got a minute?"
It took only seconds to flash the badge, discreetly, checking over his shoulder: he wasn't here to show off or have prying eyes questioning them. This was private. And he wanted it to stay that way, especially with the track record of this place and what he'd been told about the previous months leading up to this.
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aelinstrand · 10 months
FOR: @sawyerdecker WHEN: 28th of November, 2023. WHERE: Tonopah Crossing.
Aelin had been strolling around through Tonopah Crossing for the better part of an hour, her eyes dancing from window to window, taking in everything she could. Pretending that she could afford the luxury brands, as she peered through like a child at Christmas. One day, she told herself, one day she'd have enough that she wouldn't have to worry about if the next paycheck would cover everything her mother gambled or drank away. That she'd have enough to live in a house made with brick walls, and a fireplace just as she'd dreamed as a little girl.
Wandering on past, her head in a daydream of a future she was clawing to keep a hold on, her attention was once again ensnared by a new luxury boutique, like the ones she could never afford, and probably never would be able to. Its windows were adorned with an array of glamorous accessories. An air of exclusivity that only those of Glenn Estates would be able to afford.
Her gaze lingered on a particular bag that seemed to radiate an aura of elegance—a masterpiece of leather and gold accents. And a sigh heaved from her chest, head tilting to the side as she imagined herself with something so beautiful. Its design was a harmonious blend of modern chic and timeless grace. The color, a deep shade of midnight blue. A delicate chain adorned the handles. That was just the finishing touch.
"Imagine having the money to afford somethin' like that," Aelin said.
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colemonroe · 4 months
WHERE: Sons of Silence Clubhouse, Rooftop WITH: @sawyerdecker
“Jesus Christ,” Cole drawled out with a warm, genuine laugh as he glanced over at the little baggie Sawyer held out for him. “Now this is a throwback,” he chuckled, trusting she knew what he was referring to as he took the bag and tugged it open. Of course, he’d been referring to one of the only, if not the only, actual interaction they’d had back in high school, when they’d found themselves on the roof at a house party and decided to shoot the shit while passing a joint back and forth. A lot had transpired since then– back then, they’d been little more than strangers, and now they were family. Cole couldn’t hide a little smile at the thought as he helped himself to rolling them a joint. “What’s the occasion?” He asked with a snort, wetting the thin paper and sealing it into place, “Or do ya just bust this out for ev’ry rooftop chat ya have?” 
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nelliedecker · 5 months
who: @sawyerdecker where: decker & associates (again)
Why wouldn't her hands stop shaking? No matter how many times she had looked down and willed them to stop, they wouldn't. God she felt like a diabetic who needed a fucking candy bar. She couldn't hear much over the thrumming of her own blood in her ears, making the calls of the receptionist once again fall upon deaf ears, although this time Nellie wasn't taking any pleasure in it. In something of a dramatic entrance, the blonde practically threw her niece's office door open, words spilling out of her mouth in a way that was flustered and extremely uncharacteristic of the older woman. "Is it true that if I need you to represent me I have to give you like a fucking dollar or something?"
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ender-yilmaz · 5 months
WHERE: Tonopah Valley PD WITH: @sawyerdecker
Stepping out of the small, overcrowded office that Tonopah PD had graciously afforded to the ATF, Ender strolled over to the coffeemaker, pouring himself a cup and not really caring how it tasted when all he was in need of was a small bump to make him feel a little more alert. Raising the cup to his lips, he couldn’t help but be distracted by the scene playing out in front of him– a Son, not a local one if the bottom rocker on his cut was anything to go by, being escorted away from the drunk tank…all while a certain blonde signed the paperwork, helping to seal the man’s freedom. Ender didn’t blame her– surely a drunk and disorderly charge was a walk in the park compared to what Sons were normally targeted for. Still, he saw this as an opportunity to strike up casual conversation with the highly coveted club lawyer. Making his way over, Ender leaned into the counter, resting his forearms on the hard surface, “Ah, sweet freedom, huh?” He chuckled, watching as the California Son passed by them, well on his way to freedom after a wild, destructive night. That didn’t really bother him though– not really. Ender didn’t give two shits about a drunken bar fight because it did absolutely nothing for a RICO case. It was just yet another example of a biker being…well…a biker. And so this little introduction with Sawyer Decker? It felt more amusing to him than anything, judging by the slight grin on his face as he addressed her again, “Don’t you ever get tired of it?” He wondered aloud with a soft chuckle. He figured he would’ve, had he been a lawyer– specifically, a lawyer who’d signed up to defend members of a notorious motorcycle gang. There really was no rest for the wicked. “They give you a run for your money, no doubt.”
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valentina--ricci · 6 months
"I'm just saying, everyone talks about eternal sunshining themselves for romantic partners. But imagine if we could delete every memory of our fathers?" Valentina let out a snort of a laugh as she poured Sawyer and herself another shot. They were of course drunk safely in the comfort of Valentina's home. Away from any prying eyes. Lorna's return to Tonopah Valley had been such a nice surprise and no matter how much she wanted to talk to Sawyer about it, she knew that Lorna was on her own timeline of introducing herself into the life of the Deckers. But it was all she could think about as they sat in her home and caught up. "Anyway, I think we should order food. I'm fucking starving. And I'm too drunk to cook." She sat back in her chair and kicked her feet up. "You pick what we eat, I can't think any more today." @sawyerdecker
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fearthereaperx · 7 months
WHERE: Laura's Home WITH: @sawyerdecker & Cole Monroe
Laura didn’t know that she’d ever actually said two words to Sawyer Decker– not because she had anything against the blonde, but because their paths had never really crossed before, despite how connected Laura had always known them to be. But now that the truth was out, she felt a need to bridge that gap, mostly because it was important to her nephew– the closest thing to a son that she’d ever have. It'd be harder to bridge than that gap with Shepherd, she felt quite sure. And so as the knock sounded against her front door, she found herself smiling wide before she even opened it. Quick to greet her nephew, she held him tight for a moment, but soon moved onto the more unfamiliar presence in her doorway. “Sawyer– hi, I’m Laura,” She greeted, leaning in for a brief hug because that was just who she was– fuck a handshake; no one was a stranger once they were welcomed inside the house she and Michael had built, “Good to finally meet you. C’mon in.”
Waving them both inside, she didn’t waste any time jumping to the drink menu, “I’ve got some wine– maybe a Merlot, I’m not sure, to be honest,” she chuckled, having never been much of a wino, “or we can cut the shit and go straight to whiskey?”
That was enough to elicit a soft chuckle from Cole as he strode in alongside Sawyer. Lightly elbowing her, he offered up a crooked smile, “Told ya she was cool,” he murmured just out of earshot, turning his focus back to his aunt. In that short amount of time, Laura had managed to snag that bottle of wine that she thought was Merlot– though she wasn’t quite sure– and her favorite whiskey. Weighing them both between her hands, she turned her attention to Sawyer, leaving the decision solely up to her, “Up to you, darlin’.”
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giovanniiricci · 8 months
WHO: @sawyerdecker LOCATION: Decker & Associates
People could be so predictable; once they'd acquired a habit, it was hard to break it. Like many nights before this one, the light behind the shades in Sawyer Decker's office were the only ones lit at such an hour when the rest of the office was as quiet as the night, void of people. He made his way into the building, closing and locking the front door behind him. He wanted to speak with her when no one was around who could potentially overhear.
Walking down the hall, he came to the door of her office, clearing his throat. "No rest for the wicked, hm?" He stepped inside without invitation, sitting in the seat opposite her desk as though this were any type of business interaction. "Have you always worked this late or is this a recent development since you put a bullet in Dante Parker's head?"
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genevievericci · 11 months
FOR: @sawyerdecker
WHEN: 16th of October, 2023.
WHERE: The Ice & Fire Gala.
Genevieve was sitting elegantly at a table, her eyes flitting across the bustling hall of the Ice and Fire Gala. So far, it'd been like many events she'd attended in her life, except everyone looked divine. Even she couldn't stop, her eyes trailing over every person's attire as they meandered past. The event was an excellent fusion of opulence and sophistication. There'd been a time when she'd hosted events like this, before she was married, that'd been for different causes and such.
Now she planned things, if and when Giovanni asked her. With a grown she found her compact mirror as she assessed herself, crinkling her nose as she placed it down and riffled through her small clutch as a groan left her lips, turning to the first person passing.
"Excuse me, do you happen to have a spare mascara?" Genevieve's voice was barely audible above the lively conversations and the soft, melodic music playing in the background. She leaned slightly toward the woman, her expression a careful blend of politeness and urgency.
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camilowylders · 1 year
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Camilo adjusted his suit jacket, pulling at the lapels which made him even more uncomfortable than he needed to be, his tie sitting lopsided from the amount of times he'd tugged and pulled. Still, he was ensuring every detail was in place before he stepped foot into the bustling corridors of the courthouse, a place he still never felt right walking into. As the owner of a legal firm, Wylder & Co, he'd seen his fair share of battles under this very roof.
But today was different.
Today, he was not just an observer; he was there to witness the clash between his firm and a short-standing rival with none other than Sawyer Decker.
Though Camilo hadn't ceased practiced law himself, his passion for the legal world burned brightly as ever, because it worked out well for the Los Santos Cartel. His sharp mind, keen eye for detail and sharp tongue had earned him a reputation as a strategist.
Stepping through the doors, suddenly hit with the overwhelming heat and too white walls, he couldn't help but notice the charged atmosphere. Air crackled with anticipation. Lawyers from both firms scurried along, exchanging nervous glances and hushed whispers.
He was quick to find his seat among the spectators, acting as if he was simply an onlooker. Camilo felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand, scanning the room until his eyes darted toward Sawyer Decker, who stood at the center of the storm.
Sawyer Decker was renowned for her cunning and ruthless tactics. Her silver tongue and ability to bend the law to her advantage had propelled her garner a name for herself. But for Camilo, Decker's success was a constant reminder of the fine line between justice and manipulation. It was a line that Wylder & Co. crossed many times to get the results they wanted.
However, he was interrupted when he encountered one of his firm's clients waiting anxiously beside him. Mr. Thompson, a middle-aged man with worry etched on his face making his wrinkles appear deeper than they needed, approached Camilo with caution.
"Mr. Wylder, thank you for coming. Your team has been incredible, I can't express how grateful I am for all your efforts."
Camilo smiled warmly, a rare sight to behild.
"It's been our privilege, Mr. Thompson.'' And the money has been our delight, but he of course left that out. ''Your case was of utmost importance to us, and we are dedicated to ensuring justice is served."
"Let's see what tricks she has up her sleeve this time."
Camilo's snarky comment betrayed his confidence in his team's abilities, ready to take on the challenge posed by Decker and her legal firm. With renewed determination, he pushed to stand and strode forward, ready to face whatever obstacles lay ahead, both in the courtroom and beyond.
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gabriel-knox · 4 months
This happens once every few lifetimes, These chemicals hit me like white wine.
What if I told you I'm back? The hospital was a drag, Worst sleep that I ever had. I circled you on a map, I haven't come around in so long, But I'm coming back so strong.
So when I touch down, Call the amateurs and Cut 'em from the team. Ditch the clowns, get the crown, Baby, I'm the one to beat. Cause the sign on your heart Said it's still reserved for me. Honestly, who are we to fight the alchemy?
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