#saw someone request this and id thought about posting it earlier but held off for some reason
f1-stuff · 5 years
12 Oct 2019: Hoppy Toews
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Innocence - Spencer Reid x Reader
Agegap!femreader w post prison Reid One of the agents suggest the team go clubbing & Spencer was all like nahhhh man I’ma go home but reader isn’t all like “please Spencer, I want you to come so badly” w an innocent look on her face & he’s like fuck fine I’ll go idk if that makes sense lmaoooo
so uhhh you mentioned age gap and so i made that kinda intrical bc i LOVE a good age gap. anyway porn below!! 
“Are you really not coming?”
You heard Garcia’s voice walking down the hall towards you.
“Yeah, I’m sorry. I’m just gonna head home for the night.”
You peeked around the corner and Garcia noticed, calling your name and frantically motioning for you to come over to her.
“Y/N, you’ll come to the club with us right?” She asked excitedly.
“Uh, yeah!” You smiled. You figured you deserved a nice night out. “Who all is coming?”
“Everyone.” Garcia turned to Spencer, glaring jokingly. “Except for our resident genius over here. He’s turned me down twice now.”
You raised a brow, turning to face Spencer, who was putting his hands up and shaking his head. “Clubs just aren’t my scene,” he explained. You pouted. You wanted Spencer to come. Not for any particular reason. Of course.
You considered for a moment and Garcia nudged you, asking for you to help her convince him.
“Spencer, you really should come,” you met his gaze, the height difference forcing you to look up quite a bit, and frowned. “I really want you to come.” You spoke softly, feigning innocence, utilizing your young age to your advantage. You looked so pure. How could he say no?
“I-I really don’t know…” you could tell your plan was working, he was already giving in.
“Please please please.” You continued over-dramatically. “Who’s gonna make sure I don’t drink too much and get home safe?”
He rolled his eyes, sighing. “I’m sure Morgan would be more than happy to do that, but if you really want me to go then fine.”
You and Garcia squealed with excitement, high fiving each other for your success. “Hell yeah!” I’ll see you tonight, then!” You grinned.
Spencer just shook his head in defeat. “See you tonight.”
When you arrived at the club you saw your co-workers huddled around a table. And fuck, you couldn’t help but notice how good Spencer looked. You were glad you convinced him to come. “Hey!” You said loudly ad you approached your friends.  
“There she is! I’m surprised they let you in, you must have a pretty convincing fake ID.” Morgan teased. You were of age, of course, but you were pretty young and you definitely looked it, and he never missed an opportunity to make a joke out of it.
“All I had to do was show them the identification.” You joked back. “Told them it was for a super secret FBI mission.”
You gave everyone a hug, leaving Spencer for last. “You look good,” you said sweetly as you wrapped your arms around him. He chuckled and you could feel it reverberate through his chest. “You too.”
As the night went on the group separated a bit, each person going off to flirt or dance with a stranger, except for you and Spencer. You had kept close to him and you weren’t even sure if it was intentional or not. You were seated at the bar together, exchanging casual conversation.
“This is our first time out of a group since you left,” You told him over the music at some point.
“Yeah? I didn’t realize you were keeping track,” he replied, leaning down a bit to hear you better.
“I missed you, you know,” you admitted, face turning a bit red. Had you drank enough to be telling him these things? No. It was normal. Everyone had missed him. He wouldn’t find that strange. “Thought about you a lot.”
He didn’t speak for a moment and you were scared you might’ve said something wrong. When you looked up at him you saw his jaw was tense. Was he upset? “I thought about you a lot, too.” He said eventually. “Sometimes I think I thought about you too much,”
You almost choked on your drink. “Oh, really?” You questioned. “What, um, what type of things did you think about?” Why were you doing this? What were you implying?
He coughed a bit, readjusting himself. “Things I definitely shouldn’t have thought about. Especially not about you.”
“Why is that?” You asked, using the same innocent voice you had used to convince him earlier.
“You’re my colleague. It’s unprofessional. And you’re… young. It’s fucked up.”
You nibbled your bottom lip, suppressing the surge of heat that was forming in your belly. “Does that mean that I shouldn’t have those types of thoughts about you, either? Am I doing something wrong?” You poked at his chest, the collar of his shirt, the buckle of his belt, fingers wandering absentmindedly.
“I suppose it’s not wrong as long as we don’t act on them.” He was watching your every move, trying to maintain composure. But he wouldn’t last for long, you knew, because you had already proved your abilities to work your magic on him.
“So, it’s not wrong that I would think about you late at night while you were away?” You prodded, pushing him further over the edge. His hand was in a fist and he was tense. You held down a smirk. He was flustered, you could tell. “I guess it’s just.. I can’t help it. When I see you, when I think of you, my body just… reacts on its own.”
Before you could recognize what was happening you were being pulled off of your seat by your wrist. “W-Woah, what are you doing?” You were shocked by the switch in his mood. He looked hungry. Starved even.
“If you’re going to tell me all the dirty thoughts you’ve had about me, I might as well tell you what I thought about, huh?” He was weaving through the crowd at the club, pulling you towards the bathrooms. “Sometimes I would think about fucking you for hours on end. I’d think about how tiny you are. I’d think about how I could ruin you, strip you of that innocent little act you always put on and watch you become the greedy little slut I know you are.” He was practically growling, and when you arrived at the door to the bathroom he took a moment, taking you in, eyes filled with desire. After he was done, though, he pulled you inside, locking the door behind him.
“You like it, don’t you? You like the power you have over me. Bigger, older, stronger, more mature. It makes you want me more.” You scoffed. “You’re right. That is pretty fucked up. Preying on me just because you know you can.”
He narrowed his eyes at you, searching for something in your face. He knew you were just saying things to heighten the situation. He knew he was letting you win, but you were right. He knew it was wrong, he knew that you calling him out on it should’ve made him uncomfortable, but it didn’t.
“I guess you’re lucky, though. Because I like it too.” You crashed your lips onto his and he responded by cupping your face in his hand roughly, his fingers squeezing your jaw tightly enough that you couldn’t move if you tried.
You used your hands to unzip the dress you had thrown on for the club, and he let you go to allow it to fall down your body and pool at your feet.
“I knew you were a slut.” He groaned, undressing himself from the waist down as well. He pushed you up against the wall, hands roaming over your bra and down to the waistband of your panties. “I bet you’re so fucking wet.”
“Find out for yourself.” You challenged, panting, and he did, dipping a finger underneath the fabric. You arched your back, moaning, as he ran a finger over your clit. You were grinding your hips into his hand, desperate for more.
“I thought you said we shouldn’t act on our dirty thoughts?” You panted out.
“You were practically throwing yourself at me. If you’re going to act like a whore then I have no choice but to fuck you like one.” And with that he was pushing your panties to the side, lining himself up at your entrance, and thrusting his hips against yours. You were absolutely paralyzed, the pain and pleasure of him stretching you out overwhelming you. “You’re so fucking tight,” he breathed out.
You moaned in response, one of your hands reaching behind him, nails raking down his back over the fabric of his shirt. “Fuck, is this what you thought about while I was gone?” He whispered in your ear. “You think about me fucking you? Did you think about me throwing you around and calling you mean names?”
You didn’t reply, opting to moan instead, and he slowed. “Answer me.” He placed a hand on your chin, forcing you to meet his eyes. “Is this what you wanted?”
You whimpered, nodding, your hips moving to meet his in an attempt to urge him to keep going. “Y-Yes.”
“Good.” He smirked contently, thrusts picking up speed again. You were close, your moans loud enough that you figured someone walking by the bathroom might hear, and he was relentless in his pace.
“I’m g-gonna..” you whined, and his hand shot up to your throat, wrapping around it and cutting off your oxygen. You sputtered, a hand moving up to pull his away but to no avail.
“Cum for me, slut.” He commanded, and your body responded quickly, moans catching in your throat as your orgasm washed over you. Only a few thrusts later Spencer was pulling out, his grip around your throat easing up, as you watched him finish himself, the warm substance coating your stomach and chest, dripping down. He let go of your neck completely, focusing on your body like he had just created a masterpiece.
“Let me clean you up,” he said after a moment, grabbing some paper towels and wetting them in the sink. You rubbed your face in your hands, in shock about what had just happened.
“Aren’t you glad I convinced you to come tonight, Spencie?” You asked sweetly as he wiped you down.
He chuckled. “Definitely. Your methods of persuasion never fail to impress.”
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Unromantic Love - Cubicles CYO Ending #5
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(As requested by readers, I’m posting all the endings for Cubicles! I hope you enjoy them, and I am excited to bring you more choose your own ending fics in the future. Shoot me a message if you want to be tagged. Stay tuned! xoxo, Bri)
The sun streamed in through your bedroom window and slashed right across your eye line, waking you instantly. You groaned, rolling over and trying to escape the golden heat. How had you gotten back to your bed? You held your phone up and blinked blearily. Multiple messages left on your voicemail. Sighing, you opened the visual voicemail app and found that you had 4 from unknown numbers and one from Lily. It was about 10 am and you didn’t usually show up at Lily’s until lunchtime, but you listened to her message first. She reminded you that she would be rather upset if you didn’t show up to Lazy Saturday, and to call her when you were on your way over. Lily also suggested a cold shower and lots of water, assuming you might be hungover. Unfortunately, she was correct.
You pressed the next message after that, sitting up in bed and noticing a glass of water on your night table. You were truly confused now. Suddenly, a man’s voice began speaking boisterously.
“Goooooood morning, dearest! This is James, your favorite co-worker! Just checking to see that you woke up alright and that you’re not still on a bender from last night! You were quite a riot! -chuckles- Anyhoo, I’m sure the rest of the lads will have left you messages because we’re all very chatty, but if you need anything, well… now you have my mobile! Thanks for making last night fun and well-decorated, see ya Monday!”
Oh, Merlin… what had you done to elicit such a bubbly response from James Potter? You grumbled again, getting up and heading to the loo to pop a few aspirins into your weakened body. You shook your head and pressed the next message, after registering James in your contacts.
“Shut up Prongs! Er… sorry Y/N love, you know how James can be! Just wanted to drop you a line and make sure you drink the water on your side table, yeah? You’ll definitely need it considering that third shot really threw you for a loop, I think. Very cute though, and that gave me an excuse to ring you and give you my mobile, didn’t it? Feel better, see you Monday, and please also apologize to your owl for our intrusion.”
WHAT?! You stared at your phone incredulously for a moment before scurrying out of the bathroom, down the hallway and into the kitchen, where your owl was asleep in his cage. The only thing amiss was that the door was open. Had… had the group been in your flat last night with you...unconscious? You’d had the guys over for dinner before, but that was entirely different and in your control. You paused for a moment, looking around wildly, before gasping aloud.
“Oh, Merlin’s knickers! I must’ve gone out on the lash and they had to bring me home. Oh no... how dreadfully embarrassing.” You sunk onto the kitchen floor with your head in your hands. Steeling yourself after a moment, you decided to play the last two messages, which you could only assume were from Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew.
“Hi Y/N, it’s Remus from work. I’m calling to fill you in on what happened last night because I imagine the others will take the opportunity to say some silly, unhelpful things… oh shut it, you know you’re just using it as an excuse to… Sorry about that. Anyway, James and Sirius had a drinking contest with you and you were completely out of it afterward, so we decided to make sure you got back to your flat okay… We just looked at your ID to find your address and you had your key on you so… Sorry, I know it’s not really appropriate, but I… -coughs- we were all rather worried about you and they felt bad for basically poisoning you THAT’S HOW ALCOHOL WORKS LADS so we set you to bed and put water and the trash bin around in case you needed. Sorry again, and please give me a ring to let me know you’re okay. Cheers.”
Honestly, at this point, your life couldn’t get any worse. Not only had you thought it was a good idea to try to drink James and Sirius under the table, but you proceeded to roll off your trolley and need assistance making it back to your bed. You were honestly surprised that they all collectively decided to bring you back and take care of you, but they were basically your only close friends at work besides Lily. You dragged yourself off the floor and darted back to the loo, rushing to take a shower and get yourself somewhat together so you could Floo over to Lily’s flat in 20 minutes. You didn’t bother to put on real clothes, as you were just going to be lounging on the couch with Lily. As you cobbled together snacks to bring over, you played the final message.
“Why am I going last?! OH! Hullo Y/N! I hope you’re feeling better this morning. Not that you weren’t having fun last night hanging out with us at the party but you seemed pretty sick by the end of it… Moony probably already told you we brought you home and woke up your owl. You didn’t throw up though, and we made sure to leave you on your side so you’d be okay! That was my idea! Your flat is very nice, I really like your posters! WHAT?! WE WERE THERE, I’M NOT GONNA LIE ABOUT LIKING WHAT I SAW! ...Sorry, that sounded creepy. Your decorations, I meant… not that you’re not lovely too… ugh, I’ll shut up now. Anyway, Y/N, I’ll bring you extra sweets Monday to make up for us breaking-and-entering. We really are sorry, but friends don’t leave friends alone when they’re knackered! Have a great weekend! Oh, it’s Peter by the way! Bye!”
You were finished by the end of the message, and you were pretty damn sure you would never be able to look any of them in the eye again after that shitshow. It was pretty funny that they all seemed to have recorded their messages together and were yelling at each other during that. You stepped into your fireplace with a sigh and shouted for Lily’s flat. Green flames licked up over you and whooshed you away, spitting you out in the lobby of Lily’s apartment complex. You gave her a ring to let her know you were downstairs. In a few minutes, the redhead appeared, giving you a once-over that was rather like a mum who thought her child was up to something suspicious. You blinked at her and gestured to go upstairs, and she shook her head before acquiescing. Lily lived on the third floor… and was apparently pet sitting?
“Right, I um… I needed a favor from Potter for this upcoming piece I’m writing, so I was obliged to babysit his cat Algernon for the evening while the party was happening. He’s actually much more agreeable than Potter, and you know I love making new ginger friends.” Lily chuckled nervously as the orange cat called Algernon wove his way around your legs appreciatively. You gave her a pointed look before reaching down and scratching Algernon behind the ears. He pawed at your leg, so you walked through to Lily’s couch and sat down, with Algernon hopping up onto your lap. Lily took the bag of snacks you brought with you and laid the things out on the coffee table. You flipped on the tv and scrolled to Witchflix, too embarrassed to bring up last night’s incident to Lily.
“What did you want to watch Lils? I don’t think I’m in the mood for another romantic comedy, I’m not gonna lie. I think I could do some interior decorating or baking or something…” You took a sip of the water bottle you’d brought along, feeling somewhat better than you had earlier in the morning. Lily appeared from the kitchen with a bowl of Chex Mix and gave you a once over before she settled in with you and Algernon. She snatched the remote and rolled through her queue, making reactionary noises at everything before stopping and looking over.
“Okay, out with it. What happened last night? You look like hell, didn’t take the mickey out of me hosting Algernon, and you haven’t said much since you came in. Did someone make an awkward love confession to you? Better yet… was it more than one of them?” Lily chuckled at the end, but she was fairly serious when she questioned you. You sighed.
“I just got rather drunk and…” You gulped, remembering the voicemails from earlier. You knew Lily was going to roast you for them. “The boys had to bring me home and tuck me in. Spooked Aidoneus and apparently checked out my decorating scheme. Nothing major. Honestly, I shouldn’t have done shots with James and Sirius because they’re notorious for how trashy they are when they drink.” Lily listened silently the whole time before she closed her eyes and sighed.
“Honestly… that’s much better than I expected. Not that being carted home by a bunch of bozos from work is okay in my book, but considering none of them tried anything and you just blacked out and went to sleep, I’m pretty much fine with giving the whole night a pass. Plus that means I didn’t have to babysit you!” She stuck her tongue out at you and you smacked her with a nearby pillow, almost dislodging Algernon from your lap. She held up her arms in surrender, laughing. After a fair bit of ribbing between the two of you, you enjoyed the rest of the afternoon cuddled up and laughing at the flailing and friendships of Muggle British bakers, and didn’t think about boys or work at all. It was absolutely lovely.
Credit to @ghost-of-bambi​ and @fetchalgernon for letting me borrow their boy!
Tag List
@supremequeenofthenerds​, @wizardwritings​, @couragetocontinue​, @fudgefight​, @lionnottheanimal​, @crtreg​, @shehassomuchsoul​, @formersovietunion​, @serenefreakgeek, @bibimagines​
(In an effort to keep the “secret” element of the stories, I will only be linking to each ending in the main post, so check there if you want to read more endings!)
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holidaywishes · 6 years
I Never Saw It Coming...
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  Requested: 👍 kinda
  Summary: Jamie Benn mending your heart after Tyler Seguin and/or Mat Barzal break your heart.
  Warning: angst, swearing, some fluff, drinking. This one got a lot more angsty than I thought it would, so there may be a trigger warning in here.
  Author’s Note: This one’s for @seggstars and @pucksandfics. Fun fact, I wrote two fics (one for Mat and one for Segs) and I’ll post them both. It’s not my best work but it’s not terrible. Anyway! I hope you like it and you can find the Seguin version in my masterlist!
  You had gone home with Mat in the postseason with every intention of having the best summer of your lives but two weeks in and you’d barely spent any time together. It’s not like he was ignoring you, he was just upset that his season ended so soon and he wanted to get some extra training in before heading back to Brooklyn.
  “Hey sweetie,” Nadia, Mat’s Mom, greeted you as she strode into the kitchen, “how are you doing today?”
  “Good. Have you seen Mat today?” you asked
  “He’s at the rink…” you thanked her and grabbed your stuff to head down to meet him.
  “I’ll see you soon, Nadia!” On your way to see Mat, you wondered why his Mom seemed to be acting so strange but you eventually just forgot about it. When you finally saw Mat, you felt the same butterflies in your stomach that you always did and you smiled to yourself as you watched him rush across the rink.
  “Jamie?” you said as you scanned the seats and saw the tall brunette sitting there
  “(Y/N)! Hey kid!” he greeted you with a hug
  “What are you doing here?” you asked
  “Well.. I’m from here.”
  “You’re from Kelowna…” he smiled as you pushed him and he laughed
  “Close enough” was his only response as you sat down and watched your boyfriend continue his training, smiling every once in a while.
  “You’re really happy aren’t you?” Jamie said after a while, breaking the silence
  “Shut up,” you nudged, giggling, “but yeah. I think I might love him, Jame…”
  “Whoa, big words. You sure?”
  “I mean.. I think so. He makes me happy and he gives me butterflies. That’s gotta be something right?”
  “Maybe. He’s young though. Younger than you…” you scowled at him sarcastically
  “Thank you Captain Obvious” you joked and he shrugged
  “I’m just sayin’...”
  “Well, don’t worry. It’s only a couple years difference…” You went back to watching Mat, glancing at Jamie every once in a while and furrowing your brow. Shortly after, you met Mat outside the rink, Jamie right beside you and the three of you went for lunch together. It was quiet and a little more awkward than you thought it would be but eventually it evened out and you were all laughing at stupid jokes, Mat’s arm wrapped around you and you leaned your head on his shoulder; finally, the summer feels you had been hoping for.
  “So, Jamie. Some of my friends are having a party tonight. You’re welcome to come. I mean it’ll be a… younger crowd,” Mat teased and Jamie scoffed, “but it’ll be a good time.”
  “Yeah, me and this oldie will pop by” he gestured to you and you threw a plastic fork at him and you felt Mat squeezed your sides playfully. You parted ways with Jamie and hung out with Mat by the lake for a bit before heading to his friends party and he wasn’t lying when he said it was a younger crowd; the smell of Smirnoff Ice and Bacardi Breezers filled the air and it made you feel like you were back in College. When you noticed Jamie in the corner, you giggled and it forced Mat to look down at you and then over to where your eyes went and he whispered in your ear.
  “Maybe you should go save him…” he laid a quick kiss to your neck and you agreed, greeting Jamie with a sympathetic smile  
  “We’re the oldest people here…” Jamie complained
  “We can handle our liquor better than anyone here” you argued and he tipped his beer to clink your Solo Cup. A few hours passed and you had lost track of Mat but you could tell that everyone was getting out of control so, Jamie offered to get rides for everyone while you looked for Mat. You headed upstairs, amazed at how quiet it was for being so close to where the music was coming from, and you called for Mat.
  “Babe! Hey…” he came out of one of the bedrooms and tried to divert your attention
  “What’s going on…?” you said slowly, concern growing by the second
  “Nothing, I was just resting. Trying to sober up a little..”
  “No… Mat who’s in there?” you gestured to the room behind him
  “What? No one, don’t be stupid,” you stepped back and dropped your mouth at him, “no I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant there’s no one in there.” You almost let it go when you heard a small squeak and you pushed past Mat to open the door.
  “(Y/N) wait! Shit” he whispered as you opened the door. What you saw disgusted you. His friends, hovered over an unconscious girl, holding up cameras and egging each other on. Only stopping briefly when they saw you.
  “What the hell is this?!” you screamed, rushing to the girls aid
  “Mat! What the fuck dude?! You were supposed to be the lookout…” one of the guys said and Mat forced his eyes shut as you glared at him
  “Babe, listen to me,” he tried talking to you but you were too focused on getting this girl home safely, thankful in that moment when Jamie walked through the front door.
  “I need you to take her home. Here’s her ID, her address should be on there…”
  “Everything okay?” he asked and you shook your head, glancing up at Mat as he walked down the staircase.
  “(Y/N) listen to me, I tried to stop them,” you scoffed, “I did! I pulled them off her, I got in between them”
  “Oh yeah. It sure looked like it Mat”
  “It’s not like I did anything! I never fucking touched her!”
  “No?” you said calmly, “so why did your friend say you were supposed to be the lookout?”
  “He’s drunk!!”
  “Not good enough. I get that they’re your friends, Mat, but maybe you should consider new friends…”
  “What you mean older friends that you can hang out with?”
  “Do you think I’m blind, Barzal?!”
  “This isn’t working”
  “I thought you’d just let go of whatever weird hangup you had about my friends if I brought you here. But you’re worse than I ever thought you’d be. You’re overreacting! Nothing happened. But, whatever, it’s not working.”
  “Are you fucking kidding me? You’re dumping me because I’m not okay with you or your Frat Boy friends raping someone?”
  “Not exactly” you rolled your eyes and waited outside the door for the cab you called before you yelled at Mat, tears streaming down your face from both anger and sadness.
  “(Y/N)?” Jamie called out to you as he pulled up in front of the house, “what happened are you okay?”
  “Is she okay? The girl?”
  “She’s home, she’s safe”
  “Good. Can you take me home?”
  “To Mat’s?”
  “No, to my parents place. Mat and I broke up…”
  “Too young?” Jamie said, trying to lighten the mood and you broke down into a fit of sobs and incomprehensible words, “okay okay. Let’s go. Get in the car…”
  “I never saw it coming…” you said, tears still falling down your cheeks as you sat on your porch with Jamie, “the break up was bad enough but, god, Jamie, you would’ve snapped if you saw it. They were taking turns with this girl. They had cameras! It makes me sick. What’s worse? Mat has a sister that girls age!” He rubbed your back as you continued
  “I’m sorry, kid”
  “I don’t know how to feel about him. He was such a good guy yesterday, earlier today, he wasn’t this guy. The guy who watches his friends rape a drunk girl unconscious at a party. Or lets them do it. He’s not that guy. That’s not the guy I loved.”
  “Well, maybe you didn’t love him then?” you let out a violent sob and Jamie held you close, “it’ll get better… I’m here if you need someone to complain to or cry on.” You looked up at him through your eyelashes and caught a glimpse of something soft you’d rarely ever seen in Jamie. You pulled your head up to look at him a little closer before pulling his lips to yours. You had just enough alcohol in your body to know this was a mistake but also just enough not to care. When he kissed you back, you adjusted your body just enough so you could wrap your arms around his neck and he responded by pulling you into his lap. You knew it was a bad idea, and even worse timing, but right now you couldn’t stop yourself. Your heart was broken, your ideals were shattered and Jamie’s lips seem to make all the bad stuff fade away.
  So, for right now, just for a little while, you’d let his hands roam your skin and follow his tongue with yours, combing your fingers through his hair and pushing your chest against his. Because damn it felt good.
  But more than that, you needed him.
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Forensics to Romantics (Magnus Martinsson x Reader)
Chapter Three: The Present Reflects the Past
Part 3/?
Words: 2,660
AN: I am so so soooo sorry I haven't posted in so long. Life and school have been crazy, but it should be calming down at the end of the month. To help make up for it, I made this chapter a bit longer than usual. Hope you guys enjoy. Love you all!!!
Warnings: Death and Angst
Magnus and I had arrived at Amy's address and saw that there was also another patrol car just pulling in.  I got out of the car, followed by Martinsson over to where the other two officers had just gotten out of their car as well.
"Dickson," One of the other officers, Jake Lance said as we approached them. "We have the warrant and were told to wait for you."
"Great," I said with a nod. "Thank you, Lance. You and Hairston," The other officer and Lance's partner, Jenna Hairston. "Take the back door while Martinsson and I go to the front."
With that, the two of them made their way around the back of the moderately sized one-story house. Martinsson walked behind me as we made our way up the four steps that led to the front door, and I could see that he had his hand on his gun. I knocked on the door three times then waited for a response. After a few seconds a woman, Amy, opened the door.
"Hello?" Amy asked when she saw Martinsson and me outside.
"Hi, Miss Bloom," Martinsson said. "I am ID Martinsson and this is DI Dickson. We are here to ask you a few questions about your late ex-husband, Mr. Richards."
"Oh." She said and her mood changed. "I was sorry to hear about him, I really was, but we haven't spoken in two weeks."
"Ma'am," Martinsson started to say. "We need to come in and look around."
"What?" She asked looking almost scared. "Why? I mean, you can't, you need a warrant."
"We do," I said flatly unfolding the paper and holding it out for her to see. "Now please, we need to have a look around."
She lowered her head and stepped out of the way so Martinsson and I could enter her house. I was met with the strong smell of alcohol and the sight of things scattered all over the floor. Clearly, she was in disarray, and if I was right, killing two people only added to it. I was on high alert, and I knew that at this point she could do anything.
"I am going to ask you a few questions," Martinsson said as we walked in. "Please sit down. Dickson is going to look around while I ask some questions."
"Alright," Amy said moving a pile of magazines off the couch and sat down. "What....What do you need to know?"
I walked out of the room as Martinsson began questioning her so I could look around. I could see Hairston and Lance coming in the back door into the kitchen and they walked over to me.
"Dickson," Lance said quietly as to not disturb the questioning Martinsson doing in the other room. "Do you need us her any longer? We were just requested for back-up on an actual arrest with basis."
I knew that like most others at Scotland Yard, Lance didn't really think I could figure out a suspect quickly and that any idea I had was a waste of time. I was used to it by know so his comment about having an arrest with basis didn't really bother me, but I could see a sympathetic look in Hairston's eyes.
She had joined the Yard about a year ago and she was one of the few people who didn't hate me and we had even shared a few lunches together. She was sweet and had a good head on her shoulders, and was one of the best shots in the Yard.
"I understand," I said to Lance and without a second glance, walked out the door. "See you around, Hairston."
"You too Y/N," She said softly and began to walk to the door. "Good luck."
I gave her a nod and she walked out the door to follow Lance. Now it was just Martinsson and me in the house with Amy.
I looked around the kitchen for anything that could help prove what I already knew about her. I saw empty beer cans in the sink and on the counters. Besides the mess of beer cans and magazines, the cabinets of plates and silverware were completely organized. I looked down at the counter and saw that knife block was just as organized as the cabinets, except for one thing.
Two of the bigger knives, like the kind you would use for cutting turkey, were missing. I first I thought they could be in the dishwasher but when I looked inside of the dishwasher, there was nothing in it. Then I looked at how big the slot for the knife was and could tell it was almost, if not, the same size as the one used on Duke Richards and Julie Patterns, now all I needed to do was find the knives.
I walked down the hallway and saw the door to her bedroom was open. I stepped in and was greeted with a different order that I recognized a metallic smell. blood.
I looked around the room for any signs of blood, even though I knew even the drunken, disorganized woman wouldn't leave evidence out in the open. I put on a pair of gloves and a face mask so that if I did find anything, I wouldn't contaminate it. As I looked around more than a few things caught my eye.
There were a few pictures of her and Duke but his face had been crossed out and so had the area where his hard would be. That was probably an emotional motivation, emotion is a strong motivation.
I walked into the joint bathroom and the smell was even more prominent than before. I pulled back the curtain in the bathtub, but there was nothing there but soaps and hair products. Knowing that there was a large amount of blood somewhere in this room, I decided to look around more closely. I looked in the linen closet, but once again, nothing. Then I saw the small hinges on the side of the mirror and knew that it was a door. A lot of homes had these types of mirrors, they would have a medicine cabinet behind them.
I opened the cabinet and before I even had it all the way open, a heavy object fell into the sink with a thud. I looked down and saw the knife that was missing from the kitchen, and it had some faded red marks on its wooden handle. I did not touch it because the CSI would need to photograph it and take it to the lad for a blood test.
I looked inside the cabinet and saw balled up blood-stained clothes. I quickly closed the cabinet door and walked out into the bedroom. I took off one of my gloves and took my phone out of my pocket to call Lestrade.
One thing was still bugging me though. Where was the other knife?"
Hello?" I heard Lestrade's voice come over the phone after a few rings. "Dickson?"
"Yes," I said back hastily. "I need a CSI team over here as fast as you can. I found bloody clothes and a knife that looks about the same as the one we suspected in her bathroom."
"Damn," He breathed out as he spoke. "Alright, they should be there in about fifteen minutes. Until then, you have the right to arrest her and bring her in."
"Certainly sir," I stopped when I heard some noise for down the hall where Amy and Martinsson were. I knew something was wrong. "I have to go; I think something is going on with the suspect."
I hung up and quickly shoved the phone back in my pocket and made my way back into the hall. I took my gun out of my holster and held it in front of me sturdy. I rounded the corner and saw what I had been worried about.
Amy had a large knife to Martinsson's through and he had his hands up as to not make her do anything rash.
"Amy Bloom," I said forcefully while having the gun trained on her. "Put the knife down and we can talk about this."
"Talk about what!" She yelled out, her whole body shaking. "I know you are going to put me away! There is nothing else to say or do!"
"If you kill him it won't help you any," I say as calmly as I can. "Look, I know you feel stuck. I know you feel betrayed, but killing won't make it any better. You don't have to do this; trust me it will only make it worse for everyone."
I was getting worried about her shaking; it was getting so violent that she could have cut Martinsson easily with her shaking.
No, this can't happen. Not again.
"Put the knife down," I said again. "You know it's the right thing to do."
She looked at me then at Martinsson and then at the knife in her shaking hands. After a few seconds, she dropped the knife and Martinsson quickly grabbed his cuffs and placed them around Amy's writs.
I felt so stupid for not knowing that she would use the knife, I should have figured it out sooner.
*Time Skip*
(Magnus' POV)
We had Amy Bloom in one of the holding cell's and the lad results from the blood would be coming in any minute now. I can't believe within my first week on the job someone got the jump on me, and in front of Y/N no less. She must think I'm a really great cop now. She did seem to change moods once we had Amy in custody and was left alone to think.
Y/N talked to me briefly after the incident, asking me if I was alright and things like that. I told her who Amy had a knife hidden in the couch where we were sitting, and that's how she was able to get me where she had. But after that, she had been keeping her distance. Even back at the station, she would barely even look at me.
She probably doesn’t want to be seen with the screw up new detective who managed to be a hostage on his first case.
I saw two of the other officers from earlier, Lance and Hairston walking by. Hairston stopped and looked at me with a smile.
"She's really something isn't she?" Hairston asked, and I assumed she was talking about Y/N.
"Yeah," I said thinking about all the things I had seen her do. "I have never seen or met anyone like her."
"We haven't formally met yet," She began with a warm smile and sticking out her hand. "I am Janna Hairston, but please call me Jenna."
"Magnus Martinsson," I said, shaking her hand. "And call me Magnus."
"You know," She started looking around to make sure no one was coming. "I think she has taken a liking to you, well as close to a liking as you can get with Y/N."
"I don't think so," I said softly. "Not after today at lest."
"What do you mean?" She asked.
"I mean," I began taking a breath and ruing a hand through my blond curly hair. "I don't think she was very impressed by my being a hostage on my first case. That's why she has been avoiding me since we got back."
"Oh," She said softly as if she was remembering something. "That's not it at all, Magnus."
She pulled up a chair and sat next to me, looking into my eyes sadly.
"It's not that she doesn’t like you or doesn’t want to be seen with you," Jenna said to me with a sad tone. "It's just, well, something happened to her about two years ago, and I think what happened today reminded her of it."
"What happened?" I asked, now very curious to know. 
"It was before I started working here, but I heard about it for the others here," Jenna began. "And Y/N did talk about it with me once. You know how Y/N doesn’t have partners, they all can't take working with her and request to work with someone else right?"
I nodded and gave her a sad look.
"Y/N is fully aware of that fact as well," Jenna said. "In fact, after what happened two years ago, she requested that she would not be assigned a partner."
"So," I began to ask. "What happened must have been pretty bad, right?"
"Yeah, it was," Jenna said. "Y/N and her last partner, officer Hailee Baxston, were going after a suspect. They had all the evidence they needed to convert them, thanks to Y/N, and so they sent Y/N and Hailee in first, they were the closet and no one else was there yet. Everything seemed to be going great, it looked like they would get in, arrest him, and get out without problems, but that didn't happen. Hailee and Y/N spit up so they would corner him, but when Y/N got back to Hailee, things went south."
"In what way?" I asked, even though I had an idea of where this was going.
"The man they were supposed to arrest had snuck up on Hailee," Jenna began after looking around once again to see if anyone was nearby. "He held a gun to her head and waited for Y/N to find them. He demanded that they let him go or he would kill Hailee where they stood. Y/N tried to talk him down, but he knew he wasn't going to be able to get out of this one. Y/N told him that if he didn't put the weapon down then she would have to shoot. Before Y/N could react, he shot Hailee right in front of her and then shot himself. She died a few seconds later right in Y/N's arms."
"That's awful," I said after taking in what Jenna told me. "I can't imagine what that would be like."
"The two of them were close," Jenna said after a few moments of silence. "She was the only one who stuck around with Y/N. It also didn't help that Hailee was spotted to be off that day, but Y/N asked her to help with the arrest because they had both spent so much time trying to nail the guy."
I let out a breath and looked over to where Y/N was talking with a few other officers about the arrest.
"I know Y/N won't say it out loud," Jenna said to me softly. "But she blames herself for what happened. She doesn’t like to show emotions or get close to people, but Y/N and Hailee had a bond, so losing her took a toll on Y/N."
"I can imagine," I said shaking my head. "That would shake up anyone."
"See, it's not you Magnus," Jenna said looking at me. "I think it just reminded her about that day. I know that you have only been working with her for two days, but I can already tell you are different. She likes you and I can tell you like her; most people won't want anything to do with her after the first few minutes. You two seem to work well together as well."
"You think?" I asked."Yeah," She said with a nod and stood up. "I really do."
I gave her a smile as she walked away and then I turned my gaze back to Y/N. I had a new understanding of Y/N and was amazed that she still stayed in this line of work after everything she had been through. I still couldn't see why no one wanted to work with her, I may have only known her for two days but she seemed like a great person. I think her intelligence just scared people off, but to me, I just found it more admirable.
Seems like there was so much more to know about Y/N Dickson then meets the eye, and I planned on sticking around long enough to find out.
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stayextrafrosty · 7 years
Good Friends Die
Request: Would you be interested in doing a Patrick x reader one where the reader is his internet friend and they've haven't got a chance to meet yet. The reader loses someone close to them, your choice. Patrick finds out about the death and he flies out to support the reader for the wake of funeral, what have you. I just lost my Grandma and I feel utterly alone...
Warning: Angst, family member death
Pairing: Patrick x Reader
Words: 2957
Stumpomatic is online
The notification pinged in the corner of my laptop. Of all the names he could have given himself, he called himself the same thing he called his guitar. Patrick was a weird one, but he was my friend. I would almost call him my best friend. Even though we haven’t actually met.
We were testing out this messaging system that was like the old AOL instant messaging back in the day. His friend designed it and it seemed to work well. No viruses had attacked my computer yet.
Stumpomatic: hey (Y/N)! what’s up?
Patrick and I met through Tumblr. He didn’t really use it that often, we just met when he commented on a post I made about music. That got us talking but with Tumblr’s messaging system being shit at the time, he sent me the link to test out this one instead.
MusicisLife: oh not much. Trying to work on this homework but I seem to be procrastinating
Stumpomatic: Sorry should I let you work on that?
MusicisLife: Nah, don’t worry about it. If I wasn’t talking to you, I’d be looking at something else.
Patrick and I were about the same age. He said he was in college for music theory but did some stuff for a band on the side. We would talk for hours at a time. He would even try to help me with homework. We’ve had our fair share of late night conversations where we stay up until four in the morning.
I helped him through a bad break up a while back. He was drinking a lot and didn’t seem to care whether he lived or died. Once he was able to find himself again, he made a point to make himself heathy. He told me that he lost weight and was able to cut back on his drinking. I was proud of him.
Later that night when I was finishing up homework at almost one, Patrick messaged me.
Stumpomatic: I really wish I could meet you. You’re so cool and one of the few people that understands me. Hopefully soon.
MusicisLife: Yea. Hopefully soon.
A couple weeks later, I was sitting in astronomy class. Our professor was talking about stars and how they were formed. Stuff other than they were a giant, burning ball of gas. But that’s the general and pretty accurate summary.
My phone started buzzing with a call. I jumped slightly because people rarely called me. I glanced at the caller ID and saw my mom. She was probably calling to remind me to go visit my grandmother in the hospital. I silenced it and focused back on my notes. The professor was a bit picky when it came to calls in class.
About a minute later, my phone was buzzing again. Ok, I’m pretty sure my mom knew I was in class. I silenced it one more time. She texted me next.
Mom: It’s important
My eyebrows drew together in worry. I heard a throat clear and I looked up to my teacher.
“(Y/N), whatever is so interesting on your phone, can you please take it outside?” He nodded his head toward the door. Did he really have to call me out? I blushed as I hurried out to call my mom back. It only rand a couple times before she answered.
“I know you’re in the middle of class but this is important.” She sniffled into the phone.
“Mom, what is it?”
“It’s your grandma, dear. She’s gone. Passed while she was asleep.”
I froze. I mean, this wasn’t a surprise. She hadn’t been eating. She drank minimal water and wasn’t all there most of the time. I guess that’s what cancer did to you. It’s not like she was young either. She was eighty-one.
I felt my shoulders start to shake. The tears slipped down my face and I wiped them away quickly. I couldn’t break down in the middle of the hall. My heart hurts. Everything seemed to hurt.
“Your father and I are at the hospital now. Get here as soon as you can. I love you so much,” she said.
“Ok. Love you too.” I tried to walk back into the room as calmly as possible. I began to pack up my things quietly. Of course, this didn’t go unnoticed by my asshole teacher.
“I hope you have a good reason for leaving, you know that you can’t make up labs.” I had to stop myself from bursting into sobs. I looked at him after pulling my backpack on. I smiled sweetly but felt a tear slip out.
“Well my grandmother just died so if that’s not a good enough reason then I don’t know what is.” His face changed in an instant. Looking guilty and apologetic, he resumed teaching, paying me no mind.
I hurried out of the classroom. Everything I passed was a blur. Maybe that was just the tears in my eyes. I didn’t remember the drive to the hospital. I didn’t remember running to the room. I pushed open the door.
My parents sat in the chairs, my mother crying into my father’s shoulder. I looked over to the bed. She laid there peacefully. Her eyes were closed and her mouth was open slightly. I couldn’t stop myself from looking for the rise and fall of her chest. Of course, there was none.
I walked over to my parents as we all hugged. I could only hope that she was in a better place or that she could see my grandfather again, who passed a long time ago. We waited for the people from the funeral home to come. They would take care of her. Make her look like she did when she was alive.
When we got home, my mom called her brother who lived a few hours south of us. Him and his wife would be coming up for the wake in a couple days. Before I could run to my room, my father stopped me.
“You know it’s ok for you to stay home for the next couple days. Just be sure to let your teachers know it’s a family emergency.” I nodded slowly. I never really saw my father cry. But today his eyes were red and puffy, just like mine. He pulled me in for a hug and kissed my head. We held each other tightly for a moment.
“She loved you so much. And so do I. I’m here for you when you need it.” I smiled at my dad.
“I love you too, daddy.” I hadn’t called him that in almost 18 years. He ruffled my hair and I turned to head up to my room.
I shut my door quietly and dropped my laptop bag next to my bed before I fell onto it. I laid there for a bit before letting it all out. I cried into my pillow, screaming and asking why. It hurt so much. I don’t usually pick favorites but that’s what she was. She was my favorite grandmother. She was just like me. She loved music and learning new things. She never scoffed at my music taste. She encouraged me to learn as much as I could, even if it seemed pointless.
I stayed like that for an hour and a half at least, crying on and off. My dad knocked on my door to offer me dinner but I said that I’d eat later. I glanced down at my laptop bag. I should tell Patrick. He knew about my grandma and the cancer and would even ask about her every few days or so.
I pulled my computer out of the bag and turned it on. I waited for the messaging app to load and almost instantly there was a message.
Stumpomatic: Guess it was a busy day for you today. You know we should really exchange phone numbers or something…
I chuckled at him. It showed that he was still online, but I didn’t know what to say. I don’t think it would be the best idea to just drop the bomb on him. I jumped at the ping my computer made as he sent another message.
Stumpomatic: There you are! I was beginning to worry haha
Stumpomatic: Sorry, was that weird?
I laughed a bit more. He was sweet and I liked him a lot. I responded quickly so he didn’t have to worry anymore.
MusicisLife: No, don’t worry about it! I think it’s sweet that you were concerned for me.
Stumpomatic: Well you are one of my best friends.
MusicisLife: Awww. That means a lot to me.
Stumpomatic: Well tell me about your day! Was I right to be worried? Haha
I paused for a moment. He meant for this to be lighthearted. I didn’t want to throw reality in his face. He was a happy guy generally. Very positive and hopeful. I didn’t want to dull that shine. I took a deep breath. He deserved to know. He knew a bunch of other stuff about my personal life anyway.
MusicisLife: Well, you don’t need to be worried. But I haven’t had the best day. In fact, it’s been pretty shitty.
Stumpomatic: Oh no… I’m sorry. What happened?
MusicisLife: Well, you know my grandmother?
Stumpomatic: Yea…?
MusicisLife: Well she passed away today. While she was sleeping. The wake is on Thursday and the funeral Friday morning.
Stumpomatic: Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I know how close you two were…
Stumpomatic: What’s the name of the funeral home if you don’t mind me asking? I’d like to send flowers.
MusicisLife: Oh Patrick, you don’t have to do that. Your thoughts are enough. I just felt I should tell you.
There was silence on his end for a while. Long enough that I started working on homework to try and distract myself. Almost an hour passed before he messaged me back. Not that I was counting or anything.
Stumpomatic: Please, (Y/N). Let me do this for you.
I sighed and sent him the address for the home. He was really one of the best friends I could ask for.
Stumpomatic: I want to say thank you.
MusicisLife: For what?
Stumpomatic: For telling me about this. About your personal life. Thank you for trusting me.
MusicisLife: Well of course. Like you said earlier, you’re my best friend.
Stumpomatic: And another thing…
MusicisLife: ?
Stumpomatic: I really like you. Like… More than a friend…
Stumpomatic: I’m sorry. Totally inappropriate time to drop that on you. just ignore me. Sorry, good night. I’m so sorry about your grandma
Then he was gone. He either logged off or turned off his computer or something because he was just gone. I read over his message again. And again. And again.
Patrick liked me? Maybe it was a bad time for him to tell me. But for a second, I felt something other than hurt. Reading those words, I felt happy.
Patrick wasn’t online the next day at all. Like he was avoiding me. I distracted myself by helping my parents send out cards and planning for the wake and funeral.
It was funny actually. I was using Patrick as a distraction from my grandma and now I was using my grandma as a distraction from Patrick. I felt bad. Because I knew I should be focusing on her. But there were plenty of tears from me and many more to come.
I pulled on my black and red dress the next day along with my simple black boots. The fall was starting to get cool so I wore a jacket. The wake was going to go from three to six. My grandma was a quiet person. She had friends but only a few. I had no idea who was going to show up.
My parents and I were there about fifteen minutes before the wake to make sure everything was presented acceptably. My uncle and his wife walked in shortly after. He hugged my mom and dad before pulling me close. My uncle wasn’t much of a hugger so I tried to hold on as long as possible.
I walked over to the casket. She laid there looking as alive as I’d ever seen her. I hoped that she would sit up suddenly and say boo. I laughed at the thought because that would be something that she would do. There was even a small smile on her face. She looked so at peace.
Some tears rolled down my face. My mother came and held me for a bit before people started showing up to pay their respects. I didn’t know most of these people and none of them really talked to me unless I was with my parents.
I spent most of the time walking around and reading the names of people who sent flowers. And again, mostly names I didn’t recognize. I looked for one in particular though. I couldn’t seem to find his name anywhere. That was when my mom came and tapped me on the shoulder.
“Hey, do you know that guy by any chance?” I turned to look where she was. There was a man standing there. He looked almost uncomfortable. His sandy blond hair was swept across his forehead and he wore a dark grey dress shirt with some black skinny jeans and nice shoes. Cute. But I shook my head.
“No. I don’t recognize him. I’ll go find out.” My mother nodded and went back to mingling with the other guests. I took a deep breath and walked over to the stranger.
“Hi. Do you know Millie?” I asked with a smile. His eyes were a blue-green and they seemed to light up a bit when he smiled back at me. His smile took my breath away for a moment.
“No. I’m just here to support a friend. You might know her.” His voice was smooth but not too deep. I cocked my head slightly.
“Well I don’t know many people here so chances are I won’t,” I said, laughing. It was nice talking to him. Comfortable and familiar. He chuckled a bit.
“Did you know the deceased?” My smile turned sad and I nodded.
“She was my grandmother. I loved her so much.” A few tears found their way down my cheeks. A gentle hand brushed them away. I looked up at the familiar stranger.
“I’m sorry, (Y/N).” I raised an eyebrow at him. How’d he know my name? He smiled sadly at me.
“My name is Patrick. You might know me as ‘Stumpomatic.’” I froze and stared at him in shock. Patrick? The Patrick that I told everything to? The Patrick that wanted to meet me? The Patrick that told me he liked me?
“Patrick?” He looked like he just remembered something and turned to pick up a vase of flowers from the end table behind him.
“I decided I wanted to present these in person. I’m so sorry for your loss.” He handed the blue flowers to me and I took them. Tears started flowing down my face. I didn’t know where they came from but they were here. I walked past him and set the flowers back down where they were. His sad smile broke me.
I covered my mouth with my hand to stop myself from making too much noise. He pulled me close, cradling me. One hand pet my head while the other held me tightly. I wrapped my arms around his torso, hugging him back.
We stayed like that for a bit. He would hand me tissues occasionally, and every time I would laugh a bit and apologize. Then he would laugh and tell me that it’s what he’s here for. Once my blubbering had finished, I tried to think rationally for a moment.
“While I’m thinking clearly… how and why are you here?” He laughed awkwardly and shrugged.
“Well I flew here from Chicago. I wanted to be there for you during this rough time like you were there for me. That and I figured it was about time that we met after more than a year of talking online. I do wish it was under different circumstances but I got the nerve to do it and I told myself I wasn’t going to chicken out anymore.” A light blush coated his cheeks. I smiled at him.
“Well then, I guess it’s a good thing that I like you, too.” It took him a moment to realize what I said but when he did, his face turned almost red. I giggled a bit.
I looked back towards the casket again. A few tears began to fall. Patrick pulled me close again. He kissed my head gently and began to pet my hair again.
“I know it hurts right now. But it’s gunna get better. Just think. She’s probably in a better place now. If I know anything about her, I know that she wouldn’t want you to mourn for too long. She would want you to be happy. Live life for her. And you want to know the best part about her being gone?”
“What’s that?”
“She’s not suffering anymore. She’s free from the pain. She knows that she had a beautiful granddaughter that loved her and that’s all she wanted.” Looked up at him as happy tears ran down my face instead of sad ones. He still knew exactly what to say.
He was right. She was happy. She lived a full life even though the cancer wanted to stop her. She loved life and now it was my turn. I would love living in her place. I miss her. I will always miss her but I know that it’s better. She’s happy.
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