#saw matilda and bttf in person
pixeldinostorytelling · 4 months
also top 5 songs at the moment :)
Ohhh this is exciting!
Big Finish: (in no particular order) Gallifrey 4.2- Disassembled, Main Range 52 and 54- Scherzo and The Natural History of Fear, UNIT Silenced (can't pick just one, I binged it so it all bled together a bit), aaaand Ninth Doctor Adventures 1.6- Planet of the End.
Music: so I'm a weirdo and only listen to songs from musicals 99.9% of the time, so it's all gonna be that, bare with me. (Again in no particular order) Epic- Warrior of the Mind, Ride the Cyclone- It's Just A Ride and What The World Needs, Matilda- Quiet, and Back to the Future: The Musical- Put Your Mind to It.
I make no claim for consistency in picking faves, but hey I won't complain about liking too many things. Thanks for the ask!
ask me my top 5 of anything!
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