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quietlyem · 1 year ago
meet my loser hsr oc!! savriel m, 19, transmasc, not a self insert (yes he is) this is a draft for his design!! i've yet to finalise anything but here we are
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next will be his lore!!!! (no one will see this)
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peaceful-roadkill · 5 years ago
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have a Modern Sav with his stop sign Battleaxe
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goldenmeany · 6 years ago
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siblings (Hervira, Savriel and Salem)
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james-apparently · 7 years ago
April fools
Fandom: Supernatural
Ship: none really, hint of Sabriel (Sam and Gabriel)
Word count [approx.]: 770
"It was the heat of the moment" blared through the speakers of the bunker and Sam shot up in a panic. He scrambled out of bed and looked for his phone which read clearly 'Sunday 1st April'.  Sam was so relieved to see it wasn't Wednesday that the date itself was lost on him.
After calming his breathing he turned to leave his room and check on Dean, who had also been awoken by the blaring music. He stumbled out of his room just as Sam reached it, shirtless and disheveled, gun in hand. Cas came out from his room in his suit pants and shirt. He didn’t need to sleep, of course. His eye brows furrowed and he inclined this head to the side in question to the music that flooded their halls.
Sam theorised that the music was to distract them from something bigger. Dean had the same thought as he indicated for them to follow as he walked down the hall, gun raised and steadied. Sam ducked into his own room for his nearest gun and followed close behind Dean. Cas has somehow managed to present his angel blade, from where the brothers didn’t bother to ask. The trio were in their fighting stance, ready to defend and attack.
They followed the corridor to the kitchen where they found the door closed. The door was never closed.
Dean went forward to open it but Sam pulled him back, feeling protective having been made to remover the case of many Tuesdays. Cautiously, Sam pushed the door open, hearing the rarely used hinges creak. He stepped through the door. His vision was for a moment taken by a sprinkling of shining silvers. When he opened his eyes once more, and before him he saw an amazing tower of sweets.
Chocolate and marshmallows and gummies and biscuits and cakes. A true sugar mountain.
Behind him Dean and Castiel crashed through the door. The music suddenly stopped and although confusion and mild fear still clouded the room, Dean couldn’t help but laugh at Sam. Though this may not have been the first time he’d seen his Sasquatch of a brother covered in glitter, it didn’t seem to stop it being funny. Even Castiel smiled at the sight.
“APRIL FOOLS!” Cried the short man as he rounded the pile of food. The men lowered their weapons, each expressing a different emotion to the arrival of their guest. Dean was annoyed but luckily found the joke on Sam quite funny. Castiel was overjoyed with seeing his favourite brother alive. Sam had mixed feelings.
He was thankful that the bunker wasn’t under attack, annoyed that he was covered in glitter, that still rained from his hair and cloths when he moved. There was an awkward silence between the four of them, Gabriel grinning proudly at his prank. After a short forever he was the one to speak first, “oh come on you guys!” He pleaded, “It’s April fools day! That’s like a tricksters Christmas.”
“You’re not a trickster, Gabriel, you’re an angel,” Castiel states matter-of-factly. Gabriel pouted at him. “And you’re my brother.” Castiel finished and went over to embrace the short golden haired man. When they moved apart Gabriel did finger guns to Dean exclaiming, “Deano!” And they shook hands. All attention then turned to Sam.
He looked down into the whiskey coloured eyes of the shorter man in front of him, his hair falling in front of his face slightly. Gabriel shied away slightly.
“Was the song a little much?” He asked, fear evident in his voice. Sam finally laughed.
“No but the glitter? Like really?” He replied though didn’t sound annoyed. Gabriel beamed back at him, “come ‘ere Samshine.” He said and he practically jumped getting his arms around the Sam’s neck in a hug. Sam held Gabriel in a tight lingering embrace. Over his shoulder Sam saw his brother and Castiel silently walking over to the table where there were many cakes and pies. They shared a look and the three knew what to do.
As Gabriel stepped back from Sam his face was met but a wet and sticky cream pie! “April fools!” The other three cried as the room filled with cackling laughter.
Also available on my wattpad JJIsTrash
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stephaniecost · 7 years ago
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Photoshop. Experiment!
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campgender · 2 years ago
hey so i just watched camp rock for the first time in 12 years, went to check ao3 for giggles, found your page and saw that in NOVEMBER 2022 you have written about jarchie (based) and SAVRIEL???? this is so funny to me. youre so awesome. rock on rockstar
LMAOO listen i’d never seen supernatural before because i was raised in one of Those christian households so my best friend & i just finished watching through s5 and to my deep chagrin i think gabriel is so hot. gay guys with a mean streak who ran away from their abusive families will really look at him and go wow i want that dick immediately.
anyway thank you so much for this it absolutely made my day, as well as what i’m assuming are your ao3 comments!! i actually have drafts in the works for riverdale, camp rock, and spn so there’s more where that came from if you wanna stick around 🥰
folks interested in the wild ride that is my ao3 account, proceed stage left
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kere-and-claarff · 8 years ago
An Ominous Letter
A letter arrived for Kere one day, the messenger sprinting up to deliver it personally into her hands. A young boy, he looked quite started to see her elbow-deep in skinning her latest kill; Claarff's hut needed updating, and Kere thought the creature had a fine hide suitable for dressing it up a bit. The huntress blinked, just as surprised to see a lad in Silvermoon finery staring at her. "Far from home, aren't you? What's your business out here, boy?"
"A-a letter, miss. From Lady Ketana Dawnsinger to her daughter."
Kere regarded him carefully, curiously, as she slowly stood and wiped off her hands. "Suppose that's me. Any idea what's in this?" She took the scroll from him and shook it experimentally, as if expecting something to fall out of it.
"No, ma'am, I was paid well to deliver it fast...with no distractions."
She narrowed her eyes. "I don't believe that for a second. But go, your job's done."
The boy spluttered, "P-please, ma'am--"
"Don't call me 'ma'am.'"
"P-please. I am told to wait for a reply."
Kere groaned, throwing her arms up in the air. "Light, she's persistent! Alright, listen, boy. Go inside and tell the pretty blonde at the bar to get you a drink and a snack. I gotta finish this--" she gestured at the bloody mess of half-skinned mammal, "--so I'll get your reply soon as I'm not covered in guts."
The redhead waited precisely two seconds after the messenger boy scampered off to unfurl the letter.
Dearest Kereandra, my daughter,
I do hope this finds you well, wherever your journey has taken you. I have paid well to have this message received.
Shortly after the Noblegarden celebration, your sister Savrielle will be announcing her engagement to the esteemed young Lord Sunblaze. It is our wish that you attend the party and represent the Dawnsinger family. Your brothers shall be in attendance with their families, as well as your grandparents, and they should like you to make an appearance.
Additionally, Lord Silverwind will be in attendance and makes a firm request to speak with you.
Kereandra, do not disappoint us on this. Come see your sister off into the next chapter of her life.
Lord Perinnien and Lady Ketana Dawnsinger
Kere let out a loud, frustrated exclamation, shoving the letter roughly into her belt. All of the things she liked least had just been presented to her in her mother's scrupulously neat handwriting. A fancy party, having to deal with her disappointed parents and grandparents, and Lord Silverwind, all in one night.
"A firm request?" She snorted to herself. "Where does he get off making a firm request to me?" She whirled neatly on a heel and paced two steps before spinning again and dropping to the ground to finish her task, her frustration evident in her newfound frenzied energy and ragged cuts. Her mother had "paid well" meaning she'd sent out over all Azeroth to find her daughter, and right where Kere had expected to not be found some boy in her mother's service had delivered the piece of parchment currently getting flecks of blood on it from her work.  
She turned to Claarff, dozing not ten feet from her. "She's got that tone, y'know? It's even in her writing. 'Do not disappoint us,' 'it is our wish,' as if Dad gives a damn." She threw her skinning knife down and dragged the pelt from the animal. "And I gotta go deal with that asshole now, too. And you can't even come! It's a disaster!"
Muttering similar things, she cleaned up her workstation, set the pelt out for cleaning later, and headed inside the Salty Vulpine. Ave was sitting at a table, her lips pursed as she, too, regarding the messenger boy with some suspicion as he ate the snack she'd brought for him.  
Kere threw her filthy gloves aside and in a smooth motion pulled the letter from her belt and slapped it on the table before the paladin. "Read this. I'm disgusting and I'm gonna go change."
((this is the setup for a small arc my partner and I will be running. Maybe I’ll post it? I don’t know yet. Just wanted to put something on her blog that isn’t aesthetic related for once :P ))
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wetookanoath · 7 years ago
for what it's worth i made a bfu blog exclusively because of your blog, your recs and the library! i value your contributions to the fandom a lot and i personally really appreciate what you do. so i'm sorry that folks are getting you down but i wanted to extend my thanks! hang in there!
That is so nice of you, man. I’m glad my bullshit inspired you to get closer to the fandom. When shit like this ain’t happening, it’s really nice and I hope it’s treating you well.
I’m glad what I do gets to you, too. I need to remind myself more often that is what is actually important in here.
Thanks again, sweetheart!
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byuprincessguild · 8 years ago
The Assumed Prince Eric
Is kinda adorably helpless sometimes.
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goldenmeany · 6 years ago
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The golden trio are at it again
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byuprincessguild · 8 years ago
Yik Yak is for sad life forms.
Savriel got on Yik Yak and YAKKO to find out what all the fuss was about. It's basically people complaining about their lives and looking for hookups. I think I'm going to delete the apps and stay away from the vulgarity.
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byuprincessguild · 8 years ago
Savriel's conundrum
When you might like a human-the one playing the snarfblat, to be precise-but he's a human and you're a mermaid so you can't date him until you have legs...
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byuprincessguild · 8 years ago
Sooooo we haven't posted recently
Updates: Kidagamegan is BACK! Crystelle found the Beast and is now married. Rapunzie is helping homeless people write books! And Savriel is as single as ever. Also, we would like to officially welcome Hannulan!
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byuprincessguild · 10 years ago
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"Can we just take a moment to talk about his legs??" ~Savriel commenting on a dude dressed as Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes.
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byuprincessguild · 11 years ago
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With 10 days before returning to Provo, Savriel can finally see the light at the end of the Summer tunnel.
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byuprincessguild · 11 years ago
Will the reuniting of the BYU Princess Guild be epic? Is Captain America a hottie-mchotpants?
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