#saving people queueing things the family business
shotgunscn · 2 years
continued from here with @tricohven
               HE'S TOO LATE. Lifeless body falls toward ground and Sam swallows against the bitter knowledge that he couldn't save them. Weight of the gun is heavy in his hands, silver bullets adding just a little bit more. He knows they won't protect him-- that Hope is more than just a werewolf ; she's a tribrid-- but he hasn't had time to find the red oak that would end her for good, he can only pray that Dean has and he's on his way with it. "You don't have to do this, Hope." He encourages, standing ground as female turns, emerald hues glued to her figure. "You don't have to kill to feed." He knows there's a better way, Sam's met plenty of vampires, werewolves and witches who've chosen a life of peace, IS IT TOO FAR FETCHED TO ASSUME HOPE COULD BE GOOD TOO?
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nocek · 5 months
Another month of silence when things were going so well but well, life happens. I actually managed to draw a bit through all that happened and couldn't bring myself to like post or interact. I'm sorry for that. I'll throw some things in queue now that I'm procrastinating looking for a new job while having a lot of free time.
I mean tbh I'm oddly good now? Idk how long will it last but compared to like 6 years ago (last time I really had to look for job after working in small family run businesses that fucking sucked as much as you can imagine and then some) I must say people are right, things do get better. And it creeps up on you. I'm slightly baffled about that.
Like honestly. I'll actually miss my old job. And compared to 6 years ago now I have savings, reasonably rented apartment and they will still pay me for almost 2 months of not working. I even have (maybe naive) hope that the looking for a new job process won't be so bad :)
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zerozeroren · 10 months
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Bbs on an adventure! :3
The gist of the pokemon au (after playing a single game) under the cut
This au turns out a lot more Tony-centric, actually XD it's his character journey more than Sophie's
The two of them meet in a Minor League fighting type gym. Sophie's there as a regular challenger getting ready for the proper Gym Challenge, she had just embarked on her journey. Tony is a trainer in the gym, aka one of the guys Sophie has to take down before challenging the gym leader. She can't help but notice him immediately: every single gym trainer she's ever met boasts a chipper overexcited attitude, but Tony gives off a strong "I hate every second of me being here" aura. He clearly goes through the motions in challenging her, and seems almost afraid of his own pokémon. Fighting type does not suit him, especially with the fact that the gym itself and the gym leader especially play it off extremely macho and toxically masculine, and Tony sticks out like a sore thumb. Sophie actually feels bad for him. Her and Mr. Mime put on a little funny pantomime for Tony, to which he cracks a smile, and Sophie thinks that it's nice.
Sophie quickly deals with him, though, as well as the rest of her competition (given that her ace is a fairy type) and fully intends to move on with her day. But she can't get this encounter out of her head, so after the challenge Sophie asks some other trainers about Tony, and they tell her where he usually has his lunch.
She meets him there and they have a long conversation about how Tony's stuck in the gym because it's a family business, the gym leader is his dad, and his own """ace""" Machamp is his grandfather's. He also slips and accidentally mentions that he secretly has some other mons, not fighting types, that he likes to spend his time with when nobody's looking, and Sophie immediately challenges him to a battle with them. He's hesitant at first, but then agrees, and the match between them is the tightest most exiting one he's ever had. Turns out that it's completely different to battle alongside pokemon he formed a genuine connection with.
Sophie suggests she'd steal Tony away from what is clearly stifling him. There are other people who'd happily take the place he hates being stuck in, and he clearly needs an adventure to shake him out of his depressive state. She just started the journey herself: they can take on the Gym Challenge together and see where it takes them. Tony doesn't know what to do: his legacy and sense of duty weigh on him heavily but he just can't with it all anymore. Dreading every new day became so much it is too hard to handle. And here comes this absolutely random person who suddenly wants to land him a hand. He is confused and doesn't know what to think or how to feel. Sophie wants to give him space to think things through and tells him she'll be waiting for him in the same place tomorrow, and if he doesn't show up by a certain hour, she'll know he decided not to go, and will go her own way as if they've never met. He agrees, and they part ways.
Queue in that scene from The Hobbit where Bilbo runs uphill joyfully yelling "I'm going on an adventure!"
And for Sophie, she decided to manic pixie dream girl Tony out of his situation because she had been in a very similar situation herself. Her parents (in this au both Sophie and Tony have completely different parents and family situations BTW, nothing like OG Attitudes) were really pushy about her interest in Pokemon and Pokemon battles and wanted her to have "a real job" someday, so they made her study and study everything hard and boring, and their position was always this disingenuous kind of "do anything you want once you graduate but until you do you owe this to yourself (read: us)". So Sophie took them up on their words, graduated, took her savings and immediately went away to take part in the Gym Challenge. When she met Tony she saw a lot of her own struggles in him and wanted to help him because nobody did the same for her. She knows how scary it is to go through such a change all alone.
The rest of this au is simply the two of them doing the gym challenge together, camping in the wilderness, having little adventures, catching and playing with pokemon and bonding (falling in love too, ofc😈)
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ysabelmystic · 10 months
Please tell me about the boat story. Oh and can you also tell me why your family made you get drunk when you were a kid I forgot to ask about that
Okay so basically my grandparents had a time share in at those old condo Hawaii thanks to my grandpa’s “service” in the navy. Every other year, all six of us would cram ourselves into this one-bedroom condo and spend a week or two fucking around on the beaches of Kauai. This particular year, we got to do something Extra, and go on a snorkeling tour out at the more remote islands. A tour complete with an 8 hour round trip boat ride, fancy sandwiches and fresh fruit, and unlimited mai tais.
So, for background, my grandpa is the most obnoxious, self-absorbed dumbass I’ve ever met. He wants to be Elon Musk, he’s a flat-earther, he’s an mlm hon who tries to sell his products to strangers in public, he tried to cure his skin cancer with essential oils, he’s ex military, he cooks hamburgers to rare, he’s Chevy Chase in national lampoons vacation franchise, he makes a 500+ photo long slideshow every holiday that includes his cousins open casket funeral and pictures of the car vs train accident that killed them, he flirts with waitresses, he gets mad if you out-pun him, he thinks the silent treatment is a punishment, he’s friends with a local self-taught artist who draws like the average 5th grader (it’s not a stylistic choice), he maims squirrels for fun, he tailgates cars on purpose, he hates animals… basically, his greatest contribution to the world will be dying since he’ll no longer be a waste of oxygen. And what does a waste of oxygen do on a boat ride with unlimited mai tai’s?
Get fucking CRUNK of course
Now, not only did the tour have fancy sandwiches, but they also had unlimited red Hawaiian Punch. That drink was a forbidden and thus very coveted thing in my house so my brother and I probably drank 8 cans apiece. We also ran into rough seas during the last leg of the trip. I guess my grandma took one for the team because she somehow ended up below deck with two sleepy, seasick children on her lap.
This, unfortunately for us all, now meant that my grandpa was left unsupervised.
I don’t know how long we were knocked out for, but I woke up to my mom standing over us, whispering to my grandma with a very concerned look on her face. (Fake names from this point).
“Bev? Bev. Bev. Your husband is-“
The loudspeakers turned on and she was interrupted by the captain.
“Sir! What you’re doing is just stupid. If you fall in the ocean, we will not be coming back to help you. I repeat; we will not stop this trip to save you. Get back in the boat and stop being stupid.”
“Don’t do that again”
Queue my mom and grandma looking absolutely fucking mortified.
Apparently that dumbass saw the waves and thought it’d be fun to walk the plank. Every time the boat went down off the back of a wave, he’d jump, and somehow, he did this several times without actually falling into the water.
My grandma does not believe in showing emotion. After getting off the boat she was the maddest I’ve ever seen her. She ripped the keys out of her husbands hand, pushed him into the back seat, and drove him to the condo while the rest of us went out for dinner.
Quite frankly I wish he had fallen off the boat, and the captain had followed through. Because the next time we went to Hawaii, he spent a 9 mile hiking trip harassing different people to buy his mlm granola bars and vitamins since his “business” had just gone international…
Anyways… to answer the other question.
My parents believed that wine knowledge was an important life skill. So when I was like 12 I was allowed to have tiny sips of wine, and at 15, once or twice a week, I’d get a half glass of wine with dinner (occasionally more if I agreed to help my mom grade papers).
At 17 I was allowed to have alcohol whenever the family was drinking (so like if my mom made margaritas on a Friday night I would be allowed a margarita or two) so I wouldn’t go overboard when I got ahold of it in college.
Unfortunately this did not stop me from going overboard I just knew that 1) I could be very productive after 2-4 shots of rum and 2) the optimal “good time” range was 5-8 shots and that’s how I lowkey became an alcoholic until I discovered weed!
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deatherella · 10 months
Delilah's Days 25
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Tellerman, now, keeps coming over looing for a fight. Don is happy to kick his can while being cheered on by various family members.
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Either my game crashed or I forgot to save it the last time I played and some things happened over again. Friday, Rani turns child, and there's Tippi showing off her new dress - that stretches funny.
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Don and Nancy were abducted.
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Saturday evening, Cillian joined the family. On Sunday, Don invited PT to visit since his wants said he wanted to be friends with him, but PT doesn't show up in the friends queues so I don't know if that'll work. Mayhem got promoted to Nanny in his teen job. Forgot to take a Sunday Family Portrait, but one is coming on Tuesday.
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The kids are busy enjoying their overcrowded little lives.
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Delilah keeps herself busy while Dawn's at work.
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On Monday, Wolfgang joins the family.
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On Tuesday, Delilah has twins. Xyla and Xena. This week's babies will have fathers in the remaining hair color categories, as I try to finish off all the daddy candidates. We'll be going into the alphabet a second time around to try and get them all.
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Rani got her first A+. Don helped Uhtred turn into a toddler.
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Here's the family portrait on Tuesday. Eighteen people in the present household.
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dreamingsushi · 1 year
Till the End of the Moon - Episode 4
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I’m on a roll today with drama reviews, that’s crazy. Obviously, I queue my posts so they don’t come out all at the same time but mostly so when I can’t write any reviews I’m still posting. I haven’t been doing this for long, but I hope it’s going to help me feel a little less overwhelmed when I haven’t posted in a while or when I’m super busy. So, a quick recap of what happened previously during last episode. Some monster is kidnapping people from town to grow flowers that will allow it to transform into a demon. Amongst them are two important people for now: Ye Bingchang, Ye Wuxi’s (Susu) sister and Yingxin (Tantai Jin’s nanny). Tantai Jin and Susu both get taken away by the demon and in the forest, they end up entering Yingxin’s dream.
It seems like Tantai Jin’s mom and dad were very much in love, very happy to be able to have a child together. However, the delivery didn’t go as planned. Tantai Jin’s mom wanted to save the mother’s life, but she wanted to save her baby. When he came out of her, the midwives yelled that it was a monster and Tantai Jin’s mom died. Her maids begged to spare the life of the child, so there’s still a part of their mistress in this world, because the father wanted to get rid of it since it caused the death of his beloved wife, plus it’s a monster apparently. Both Susu and Tantai Jin are witnesses in the dream, until the monster woman comes to drag Tantai Jin out. Turns that he can’t dream because he has no ties of affection. He was born without it. That’s quite sad.
Going on with the dreams. Tantai Jin almost died, but he revived when he drank some blood from his mom’s maid. The two ladies, Yingxin and her aunt I think, take care of him and sell all of their belongings to provide him with food. Other children in the palace make fun of him. He already asks if he can kill some people. Yingxin thinks that he’s weird. The older one says she’s getting out to return to their tribe and retrieve them later. However, they are sent to Cheng kingdom before she ever comes back. In the palace, the nanny is harassed by the creepy official that died. The children hurt Tantai Jin. Xiao Lin comes to help him. Since everyone likes Xiao Lin, he tries to imitate him. It’s so sad to see actually. Seriously, no wonder he becomes a demon. Poor thing. As soon as Xiao Lin leaves to cultivate for three years, he has no one again on his side to protect him. But when Xiao Lin comes back, his country is at war again so it’s not going to protect him so much anymore. He tried to imitate Xiao Lin in every aspect, but he never understood feelings either way. It’s probably all because of the evil bone. Maybe there’s a way to remove it from his body? Yingxin agrees to help Tantai Linglang get rid of Tantai Jin so she can go back home. That’s the end of the dream.
Good timing. The cultivator calls out to the monster lady, just right before Susu wakes up, alone. She gets Tantai Jin, but he’s already growing a flower. In his dreams, he sees himself with a happy family. And then everything gets taken away from him. Happiness, he can’t feel it. Sadness, can’t feel it. That’s so sad. But it’s annoying. Because the wig makes everything... It’s so bad seriously. Why is the top hair brown and everything else black? WHO DOES THEIR HAIR LIKE THAT? I can’t focus on what’s happening because the bad hair is screaming in my face “LoOOOooOk! WEE LOOook So bAd lolilol!” And I mean... it’s quite the moment because a vision of Xiao Lin is telling him to commit suicide so he can meet his mom, the only person would loved him until the end. That’s quite dramatic. Susu stops him by holding the blade and telling him he can’t die. And then, they disappear and they’re not in the forest anymore, somehow?
Xiao Lin and the other useless guy are having trouble fighting the monster. Xiao Lin manages to drive her away somehow and she runs back to her den. I must say I liked the fighting, the choreographies were nice. That’s my favourite part about xianxia dramas. Okay, maybe one of my favourite parts. There are many. Anyways, she decides to eat Tantai Jin, because he weakened her. He ends up back at the same place as when he fainted in the snow and Susu saved him. And there’s an annoying taping sound which is driving me crazy. Combined with the creepy music, I’m definitely going to have nightmares tonight because of it, as if I didn’t have enough reasons already to have some... The creepy voice tells him that is blood can weaken demons and that he can control their powers as long as he can’t be killed by them. As promised, he really enjoys the feeling of power. And once he’s done absorbing the monster, the garden vanishes, freeing everyone. They all get brought back home safely. And when he wakes up, Tantai Jin can feel the power again, I guess he really likes it. Susu is thorn between two choices: getting rid of Tantai Jin before he becomes the demon lord or preventing him from becoming it by treating him with kindness. It’s difficult for her since the future him kills all of her loved one, but the man in front of her hasn’t done anything bad, yet and he led a miserable life. She shares my opinion that it’s no wonder he went the wrong path.
And that’s it for this episode. I wonder what were the nightmares of Ye Bingchang and why does she have the mark of a demon, just like Tantai Jin. I was kind of turned off by the first episode, because of all the CGI and bad wigs, but I’m glad I pushed through, I think this is going to be interesting.
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galeythecutest · 54 minutes
Hi dear donors ! ❤️
I would like to extend my thank and gratitude for the support you have been offering over the last eleven months. ❤️☺️
My family and I have been suffering and going through the hardest days we have ever experienced in our life . Things are very hard to get and and sometimes unattainable.😭😓
Our sufferings and hardship started on the first days of the war when all our possessions were completely destroyed and burned. We have become displaced and homeless , finding ourselves in a small tent in streets with no means of life. We lack every single necessary thing of life; food, water, hygiene essentials, and other necessities have become scarce and rare.
A photo taken to show how incredibly harsh our life has become after the war. We are struggling and facing lots of barriers to obtain the simplest necessities for living. Everything single thing is a complete story.
You can't imagine what difficulties we have been going through all these days of war. No cooking gas , nor cooking tools exist . We struggle to prepare a small meal of food.
No bakeries are available. Everything seems a miracle and unbelievable.😭 The war has stolen our joy and smile, leaving us busy thinking only of staying safe and alive. Our future has gone with the wind and our kids lost their dreams and ambitions.
This is a part of burying the dead. We also face some problems in the process of buying our dead people as no place is there for the family. Tombs aren't enough for the number of people living on a small spot of land.
A photo taken for the morning queue of filling our gallons with drink water. We wait hours to get some water for drink. Our life is full of tragedy and sadness.
All what we need is to survive the war and be safe. We are trying to secure the daily basic living necessities and this can come true with your contribution and support. Please don't spare this moment of supporting the people in need in Gaza in this tough and dire time. You can help us by either donating however small it is or sharing my posts. Your support makes a big difference for families in need.
It’s so sad that in order to get people to care about Palestine, we completely ignore the thousands of innocent men who have been killed in this genocide. We have to say “children”, or “women and children”, with slightly lower numbers, because the full death count is somehow seen as less tragic when we include men.
My heart aches for the innocent men of Palestine who have been slaughtered. You mattered just as much as anyone else. And for the men who are doing everything in their power to help their fellow Palestinians, we love and respect you. Thank you for all that you do
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rainbowywitch · 25 days
I am Ehab Ayyad ❤ a palestinian youngman from Gaza🍉🇵🇸, seeking to find safety and peace ☝️for my family if twenty members. We have been ❤🇵🇸🍉passing through all forms of torture and pain for almost ten months because of the war on Gaza.
Life is very miserable and tragic❤🇵🇸 as we are now deprived ❤🇵🇸🍉of all means of living. Drink water, healthy food health care and medicine❤🇵🇸 have become things 🇵🇸🍉❤of the past. We are dying dear friends. That is why I am asking you to help us break through this tough situation.Life in hot tents is incredibly sad and miserable. We are now experiencing the worst circumstances we have ever had in our life. The war has stolen happiness and life from us.
Please don't leave us alone in such dire times. Your kind contribution either through donating whatever you can or sharing my posts will be highly appreciated and valued.❤🇵🇸🍉
Hello my supporting friends ! ❤ I am Ehab Ayyad , 22 yrs , a Palestinian youngman, from Gaza, seeking to save my 20 _ member family from the hell of the war by moving to a safe place till the gruesome war ends. Our suffering and hardship started on 14th October, 2004 when my family was forcibly displaced from the north to the south under a life-threatening situation. As a result, our houses were completely destroyed and demolished, and our business accordingly went with the wind. Nothing has been left to be a source of livelihood. No shelters to house us nor a livelihood source to live on. The two houses were completely destroyed and nothing has been left for the family to live in. We have been living miserably in tents since the early days of the war. Life had become very hard and tough. No means of life still exists. Getting the least level of life is now hard and impossible. All our hope is to secure the daily basic necessities but this seems more often impossible that is why we are suffering the hardship of life. You can't imagine how hard it is to get food, drink water, medicine and other facilities. Life has become dire and sad in addition to the hot weather inside the hot tents that adds to our pain and unbelievable sufferings. Words can't show the miserable situations and circumstances we are experiencing nowadays due to the unfair war. A part of our daily sufferings to get the least of what we need. Imagine how you feel when you wait for at least four hours in queue Things are the worst one has ever experienced. That is why I am asking for you generous contribution to help me secure the least of what we daily need and to find safety and peace for the twenty-member family who are now tasting all forms of torture and sorrow. Every day we wake up to find things move from bad to worse. No sign is there for the war to end and this add to our unhappiness and miserable life. Despair and hopelessness have become new forms of our life as we are now homeless , displaced and jobless. Please don't spare this moment of helping a family in bad need. You add happiness and hope to people who lost every single thing in their life. You can help us by donating whatever you can or by sharing my link to other generous donors. Thank you so much for supporting us in these dire times.❤
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nadezhda-wexler · 2 months
Thank you so much 🍉🍉for being generous and supporting for my family that is now undergoing to all forms of pain, torture 😞😞and hardship. Please don't hesitate to help the miserable, hopeless and jobless 😢😢people of Gaza in such hard and dire time We need your kind help 😍😍through donating whatever you can to enable us to cover some of our daily basic necessities or through sharing my posts to other. Your contribution will be highly valued. ❤❤❤
I cannot find a verified source, so until then just posting this. If anyone could help with the verification please do.
Hello my supporting friends ! ❤ I am Ehab Ayyad , 22 yrs , a Palestinian youngman, from Gaza, seeking to save my 20 _ member family from the hell of the war by moving to a safe place till the gruesome war ends. Our suffering and hardship started on 14th October, 2004 when my family was forcibly displaced from the north to the south under a life-threatening situation. As a result, our houses were completely destroyed and demolished, and our business accordingly went with the wind. Nothing has been left to be a source of livelihood. No shelters to house us nor a livelihood source to live on. The two houses were completely destroyed and nothing has been left for the family to live in. We have been living miserably in tents since the early days of the war. Life had become very hard and tough. No means of life still exists. Getting the least level of life is now hard and impossible. All our hope is to secure the daily basic necessities but this seems more often impossible that is why we are suffering the hardship of life. You can't imagine how hard it is to get food, drink water, medicine and other facilities. Life has become dire and sad in addition to the hot weather inside the hot tents that adds to our pain and unbelievable sufferings. Words can't show the miserable situations and circumstances we are experiencing nowadays due to the unfair war. A part of our daily sufferings to get the least of what we need. Imagine how you feel when you wait for at least four hours in queue Things are the worst one has ever experienced. That is why I am asking for you generous contribution to help me secure the least of what we daily need and to find safety and peace for the twenty-member family who are now tasting all forms of torture and sorrow. Every day we wake up to find things move from bad to worse. No sign is there for the war to end and this add to our unhappiness and miserable life. Despair and hopelessness have become new forms of our life as we are now homeless , displaced and jobless. Please don't spare this moment of helping a family in bad need. You add happiness and hope to people who lost every single thing in their life. You can help us by donating whatever you can or by sharing my link to other generous donors. Thank you so much for supporting us in these dire times.❤
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miyu-writings · 4 months
Guess who's still being distracted by webcomics/manhwas...?
They still got me.
And it's a bummer since I had a few goals. I mean, there are some ship weeks happening and I wanted to join in on them. One I only discovered basically in the eve or super on top of it (dreamling week). I had a bit more for the FT smut week and I did write down 6/7 plots. Of course that the writing for that one is at... 0.3/7 (or maybe more accurately one third of the first story).
Am slightly better in regards to gratsu week as I'm halfway through one of the prompts. But haven't plotted all the stories yet so that's less good. And I had some plans to post a few more things in July. And maybe be all caught up on the year of gratsu by August. xD
It is doable. I think.
Alas this week has been slightly busy as I'm also doing some mild prep for the European Elections. Sunday is going to be such a long and boring day. I have to be at the voting table site by 6 am and I better be back home by 8 pm... this thing with the computers is easy but also a bummer. I'll be going to bed early on that day, for sure.
The worst part is that I must be there since I receive the computers, set them up and until I pack them and hand them back again. The fucking car that's gathering the computers better pass here quickly, not last like on saturday when we did the test trial. The members of the table can excuse themselves from the table to go have lunch at home or whatever but I have to be there the whole 15h. (A table can work as long as there are 3 members)
I'm definitely taking a book, my notebook (I'm shameless enough to write porn there lol. As long as I have a table to set my shit up), some music, food and water and in the morning the medicine. Hopefully the toilets will be working or I'll fucking walk home and keep pretending things are "green". The only saving grace is that the weather will be colder - at least that. When we were doing the test it was so damn hot (35ºC, not super hot but quite hot for the 1st day of June) and we were stewing. The prediction of 26ºC or so is much better.
But this whole thing... it could and should be better organized. Most people probably haven't noticed that the election is happening on sunday. And that you can vote at any voting table, it's on "mobility" but the illuminated people who do the ads keep repeating the whole "mobility" shit and what does that make a normal person think? Not that they can vote at the beach, or the town where they're attending the wedding or christening or whichever place they've decided to go (like visiting the family) on the long weekend.
Sometimes I just feel like facepalming at the idiocy. It's generalized and contagious, it seems.
But, back to writing... I'll just try to have as many fics ready as possible. I think that this time around I'll be able to break the porn-writing block!
I hope.
I should hurry to write down the entitled rich brat and slave story. That one's a bit out there... ^^'
Also, spend more time here. I don't like seeing my queue so small. xD
And it's a nicer place to gather my thoughts to get some words. Well, maybe I should go spend more time on the gratsu server... :3
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shotgunscn · 2 years
@manhattanopus continued from here
           BROWS KNIT TOGETHER, AMUSMENT ETCHED ACROSS FEATURES AS SAM WATCHES MAYVEN. Her comment forces small chuckle from his lips but as she edges closer toward him the hunter feels a spark of concern flash through his chest. He'd catch her should she fall, but the fact remained he'd be happier if she didn't have to fall at all. "Alright, you twisted my arm." He chimes and quickly makes way around side of house to find ladder perched against wall. She'd need help coming down anyway in her condition and Sam wasn't against the idea of a beer or two.
                Youngest Winchester finds his way along sloped surface and parks himself comfortably next to the artist, emerald hues gazing over supplies. She'd had everything she was going to need to map the night sky, but artistic tools had been abandoned in favour of booze and snack-- it happened sometimes, nothing wrong with a bit of a good time. A smile graces his lips and Sam's arms find their way around his knees, hands clasping forearm. "DIDN'T TAKE YOU FOR MUCH OF A STAR-GAZER."
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Convenience Delivered: Exploring the Flourishing Landscape of Home Delivery Services in India
In a world characterized by hectic schedules and evolving consumer preferences, the concept of home delivery services has become a game-changer in India. From piping hot meals to daily essentials, electronics to fashion, a wide array of products and services can now be conveniently delivered to your doorstep. This article dives into the dynamic landscape of home delivery services in India, highlighting the key players, popular sectors, and the factors driving this rapidly growing trend.
The Rise of Home Delivery Services
The rapid proliferation of e-commerce platforms and the increasing penetration of smartphones have laid the foundation for the explosive growth of home delivery services in India. What once started as a convenience for ordering food has expanded to encompass an extensive range of products and services, transforming the way Indians shop and access amenities.
Online Food Delivery: The pioneer in the home delivery arena, online food delivery services have revolutionized dining habits. With a few taps on a mobile app, consumers can explore a plethora of cuisines and have restaurant-quality meals delivered directly to their homes.
E-commerce Deliveries: From electronics and fashion to household items and groceries, e-commerce platforms offer a diverse range of products that can be ordered online and delivered to your doorstep. This has not only expanded the choices available to consumers but also provided a lifeline for small businesses to reach a broader audience.
Medicine and Healthcare: Home delivery of medicines and healthcare products has gained significant traction, especially during the ongoing pandemic. Consumers can now have their prescribed medications and wellness products delivered without leaving their homes, ensuring both convenience and safety.
Grocery Delivery: Grocery delivery services have made the weekly or monthly grocery run a thing of the past. With a wide assortment of products available online, consumers can have their groceries delivered on a regular schedule, saving time and effort.
Beauty and Personal Care: Cosmetics, skincare, and personal care products can now be ordered online and delivered straight to your vanity. This convenience has transformed the beauty shopping experience.
Factors Driving the Trend
Several factors have contributed to the burgeoning popularity of home delivery services in India:
Convenience: The primary driving force behind the rise of home delivery services is the unparalleled convenience they offer. Consumers can avoid traffic, long queues, and time-consuming shopping trips while having their desired products delivered with minimal effort.
Time Efficiency: In today's fast-paced world, time is of the essence. Home delivery services save valuable time that can be redirected towards work, family, or leisure activities.
Digital Penetration: The widespread adoption of smartphones and the internet has created a tech-savvy population comfortable with digital transactions and online shopping, further fueling the growth of home delivery services.
COVID-19 Pandemic: The pandemic-induced lockdowns and safety concerns pushed more people to explore online shopping and home delivery services, accelerating an already upward trajectory.
Competitive Landscape: With numerous players competing in the market, service providers continually innovate to attract customers. This competition has led to better offerings, discounts, and enhanced user experiences.
Food Take Away Services India have transcended mere convenience to become an integral part of modern life. They have not only redefined how Indians access goods and services but have also fostered economic growth by opening up new avenues for businesses to reach consumers. As technology continues to evolve and consumer preferences shift, the home delivery landscape is poised for even greater expansion, promising a future where convenience truly knows no bounds.
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atdmoney · 1 year
ATD Money - Apply for Microfinance Loans Online
ATD Money is a leading micro-finance lender in India, providing loan approval with easy process and minimal documentation. ATD Money offers a variety of products, including the best salary advance loan and unsecured business loan.
Payday Loan
ATD Money is a micro financial solution provider that offers a range of advance cash loans to salaried individuals. Its services include payday loans, same day loan, and unsecured business loan. The company’s main goal is to help customers solve their financial problems and ease their financial burden.
The company’s online payday loan application process is fast and easy. All you need to do is provide a few basic details and submit some documents. Then, you’ll be notified of the status of your application. If you’re approved, the lender will deposit the funds directly into your bank account.
Once you’ve received the funds, you can use them to cover any emergency expenses. This includes medical bills, school fees, or even a new car. If you’re not able to pay back the loan on time, it may be possible to roll over the repayment term. However, be aware that payday loans typically have high interest rates and are not recommended for long-term financing.
ATD Money offers a variety of personal loans to salaried employees in India. These loans can be used to fund a wide range of expenses, including home repairs, debt consolidation, or buying a new car. To apply, simply log in to the ATD Money website or download the mobile app. Once your information is verified, you’ll be able to receive the loan amount within 24 hours. The best part is that you won’t have to wait in a queue or pay any processing charges. Plus, you can easily repay the loan with a flexible schedule and a low interest rate. This makes it an ideal choice for people who need a quick cash loan.
Advance Salary Loan
When you find yourself in a money crunch, it can be challenging to decide the best way to fill the gap. Should you borrow from friends or family? Charge it to a credit card? Or take out a payday loan? Whatever you choose, there are some important things to consider.
Unlike payday loans, an advance salary loan is an open-end, variable rate financial product that lets you borrow as much or as little as you need. You can also use it to pay bills, start a savings plan or get access to financial counseling. And you can repay the full balance and accrued interest with a funds transfer from an LGFCU share or deposit account on your next pay date.
However, be aware that your employer may not approve a salary advance request if it would reduce your hourly minimum wage below the legal amount. And if your employer agrees to an advance, be sure you have a written agreement that clearly outlines the terms and conditions of the loan.
ATD Money is a leading online micro finance solution provider, offering mini cash loans for salaried individuals. These loans are of a small amount and have an affordable interest rate. You can easily apply for these loans by filling in the necessary details on the website. If your application is approved, the loan amount will be credited to your bank account within 24 hours. The company offers various other micro finance solutions as well, including payday loans, zip loans, instant personal loan and unsecured business loan.
Unsecured Business Loan
Many small businesses need access to extra funding at some point – whether it’s to cover working capital or take the business to the next level. There are many ways to get funding for a business, including secured or unsecured loans. However, each type of financing has its own pros and cons. Secured loans are typically more cost-effective and offer lower interest rates than unsecured ones. However, it’s important to weigh up the risks before applying for a secured loan.
Unsecured loans are ideal for SMEs because they don’t require any property to be used as collateral. This means that personal assets like a home or car will not be at risk if the business fails to repay the debt. Moreover, unsecured loans are easier to get than secured loans because the lender does not need to appraise the value of assets or the borrower’s creditworthiness. This makes it faster to obtain a loan than secured options, but it’s important to consider the terms and rates carefully before applying.
There are many different lenders who offer unsecured business loans, including high street banks, peer-to-peer lenders and specialist business finance companies. It is important to find a lender that offers competitive rates and has the experience to assess your business’s financial position. It’s also important to choose a lender that reports to each of the major business credit bureaus to help you build your business’s credit score.
While there are several benefits of unsecured business loans, they are not without their own downsides. For one, they are often more expensive than secured loans because the lender is taking a higher risk with this type of lending. Additionally, unsecured loans may be discharged in bankruptcy, so they are not as protected as secured loans. In addition, it’s important to remember that unsecured business loans are not a permanent solution to your cash flow problems. Eventually, you will need to pay back the loan, and if you fail to do so, the lender may seek to repossess your business’s assets.
Mini Cash Loan
If you are facing a financial crisis, and need immediate cash then a mini loan can be your saving grace. These small loans are easy to get and do not require any lengthy documentation. In fact, you can even borrow such loans if you have a low credit score. These loans are also much more affordable than personal loans from banks. These loans can help you cover your urgent expenses and improve your credit score at the same time. The best part about these loans is that they are easily available online.
ATD Money is a fast-growing microfinance company that offers quick loans to salaried professionals in India. Its range of services includes payday loans, instant loans, zip loans, and advance salary. Its loan approval process is entirely web-based and takes less than 24 hours. Moreover, it does not conduct any surveillance on the applicant’s credit history.
This loan app provides instant and hassle-free loans to salaried employees, who need cash during the month. Its loans are based on the average monthly take-home salary of the employee. This app is a great way to solve financial emergencies and meet the short-term financial needs of working class people. Its customer service is also excellent and it can help you through the entire application process.
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Often, the salaried class faces financial crunch in the middle of the month due to unexpected expense. These expenses may include bills, car repair, or other emergency costs. To help them in this situation, ATD Money has launched an innovative app called “Payday Loan”. This app helps the employees of the corporate sector during the financial crunch by extending short-term financial support on their monthly income basis.
Unlike other lending institutions, ATD Money does not run credit checks on the applicant’s credit report and does not demand collateral or guarantee. The loan amounts offered by ATD are usually up to Rs. 1 lakh. The loan terms can vary from a few months to a year. However, it is important to remember that the amount of the loan must be repaid on time. If not, you may be charged additional interest and could even be placed on the blacklist of defaulters.
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clubdeals · 1 year
Benefits and Drawbacks of Online Shopping
Online shopping benefits
The main advantage of online shopping is this. Consumers can make purchases from the convenience of their homes or places of employment. Online shopping transactions can be easily cancelled. Internet shopping has made shopping simple because there are no queues to stand in and we can complete our purchases quickly. We can shop online whenever we want. Time and effort are saved by purchasing online. We may obtain comprehensive product information, as well as good deals and lower pricing when we purchase online.
Few crowds
It is typical to see crowds at stores during festivals, weekends, or holidays; purchasing goods in this kind of setting will be quite stressful. But, when we shop online, we avoid crowds and avoid having to engage in strange parking conflicts.
No Obligation
Shopkeepers will occasionally put pressure on us or use their persuasive abilities to get us to buy items we don't need. As a result, we end ourselves buying items that we don't need. But while shopping online, there is no compulsion to buy goods we don't need.
reduces time
Customers who shop online avoid having to wait in line to pay for the items they have already purchased. Internet buying allows consumers to shop from their homes or place of business, which reduces commute time. It also makes it easier for us to search for things using certain keywords or search engines.
reduces costs
Customers receive discounts from marketers or online retailers in exchange for their business. Because upkeep and real estate costs are eliminated when selling things online, retailers can offer products at tempting prices.
product evaluations
The majority of clients read product reviews online to gather fundamental information from those who have already used the product. Internet reviews enable us to learn more about a product's features and benefits. For instance, if we plan to buy clothing, we can read the reviews of that item and discover that some consumers have also uploaded images of themselves wearing the item. As a result, we can shop wisely. Future buyers are emboldened by reviews and can make wise purchases.
We may easily mail gifts.
We can send friends and family members unexpected gifts thanks to online buying services. Online retailers will package and deliver the present to the provided address. They'll even wrap the present. So, there is no need to cite distance as a justification for forgetting to send a present on special events like birthdays, marriages, anniversaries, and others.
Easily compare prices
It is simple to compare products and prices while buying online. When purchasing appliances, we can read reviews, compare products, and contrast pricing with various market possibilities.
online monitoring
Online tracking makes it easier for customers to shop online because they can easily check the progress of their orders and deliveries.
Online buying has several restrictions in addition to the aforementioned advantages. Let's now examine the restrictions placed on online shopping.
Online shopping's drawbacks
Fraud potential
During internet buying, there is a chance of fraud such as phishing, identity theft, hacking, and credit card scams.
Fraud cases have grown as a result of the pandemic. Many e-commerce websites that are offshoots have appeared. Because many fraudulent websites provide eye-catching discounts and deals, we must exercise caution when conducting online transactions.
Even telephone calls using the names of reputable businesses can be used to commit fraud to obtain the buyer's credit card or bank information.
fewer community interactions
Internet purchasing significantly reduces interaction with the neighbourhood. We won't ever need to leave the house to go shopping if we regularly purchase online. This may be beneficial for a while, but occasionally we should get outside to buy, interact with actual people, breathe clean air, take part in community activities, and perform other outdoor activities. A genuine connection between a computer and a human can never be made.
delivery is delayed
Customers occasionally have to deal with an unanticipated delay in receiving the ordered item. Order placement hardly ever takes more than five minutes, although delivery can occasionally be delayed by five to ten days. While we can receive our merchandise immediately if we purchase the items offline from the shop.
No contact with the objects
When purchasing online, it is impossible to physically inspect items to determine their quality. Only after we have ordered and received the merchandise is it possible.
Also, there is a potential for discrimination in the product's quality and look if it is not thoroughly inspected, particularly in the case of clothing.
shopping experience lacking
Online shopping eliminates the need for a market visit, which leaves out the market tour, showroom visits, and items from a real shopping experience.
Mistaken products
That is a significant disadvantage of online shopping. A product is taken from a packaging unit during the online purchase process, and it then travels via several other places. Sensitive goods have a possibility of being damaged or scratched while in transportation.
Also, there are instances where clients receive different products and empty boxes in their daily lives. After that, users could run into issues due to inconsistent return and refund procedures.
Returns might be challenging.
While some return and refund procedures are simpler than others, many merchants make the process challenging for the customer. A person may occasionally find it annoying to fill out several forms, such as those for labelling, shipping, packaging, and tracking, therefore they avoid it.
Hope you get to know about some of the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping
If you want to start your online shopping journey then don't forget to check out our website
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zandercomics · 2 years
You know what, fuck it, I’m going to make this a big thing now because you just don’t seem to get it.
TL;DR because I’m fairly certain you won’t read this, you aren’t helping anyone with all these comments. You are either stroking your own ego, are oblivious, or both. And it’s fucking disgusting.
I literally used it once, but go on I guess, maybe im taking the quote to literally.
You did say my “willful ignorance” was “hilarious”, which is both making fun of me assuming a lot about me. Also all throughout these interactions you’ve called me part of the problem and other things, implying that I am at least accidentally (though you lose the accidental benefit of the doubt by saying it’s willful) in the moral wrong, while you are saying you are in the mora right. If that isn’t implying you think you’re better than me then idk what would be. Just because it’s not directly stated doesn’t mean it’s not there.
But here let me clarify why I think you are just (again I hesitate to use the word because of how it’s been co opted but it’s so much quicker to type) virtue signaling.
First off this is clearly a joke. OP has made it clear that they are in no way suffering under the delusion that the boys will either come to the wedding, respond to the STD, or even open the letter (though I’d be willing to concede the last point given that they added jokes so at least the HOPE for that one is there). At most their interactions with NSP has been to offer a business transaction; be 99% turned down,but told to send info; and, clearly knowing that it’s a lost cause, send a piece of paper in the hopes of making them and some other people on reddit smile at a joke. Can it be misconstrued as serious after EVERYTHING? I guess, theoretically, someone with an incredible inability to read social queues (digitally or otherwise) and/or with serious mental illness saw this they COULD think that OP was being serious, though I’d question whether they would wait to see the answer before assuming that they see it as okay. I think only THE MOST delusional or oblivious would think that they could get a different result from the same tactic, but there is things like NPD, so maybe there’s a SHRED of a point there, but, and this is important, a stranger’s mental illness/state IS NOT OP’S RESPONSIBILITY! It is solely the responsibility of the person with said illness and (assuming it’s to the point of diminished accountability) their care network (be they family, friends, doctors, etc.) if you like quotes so much here’s one I always liked from a great podcast “your mental illness is not your fault, but it is your responsibility”. To believe anything else is both unfair and unrealistic.
Second, your original reply was a massive exercise in futility. If OP had said something to the effect of “sending NSP an STD for my wedding, I hope they actually come!” Or something to that effect your response would’ve been pertinent and I wouldn’t have said a fucking thing. But, as I said before, OP is under absolutely no delusion that, if they even read the letter, it’ll be seen as anything more than “haha save the date and sexually transmitted disease have the same acronym” plus a few other random jokes to make them laugh. If someone as delusional or oblivious as said above STILL thinks they could send it and NSP Will seriously show up, your post will hardly change their mind. If someone is either unwilling or unable to see that sending a serious STD is futile and unrealistic, a stranger being sardonic on the internet is definitely not gonna be what stops them. To think it will be is both delusional and self centered.
Third, if there was ONE benefit of the doubt I was willing to give you its that, in your original reply, it could be seen as saying “oh well if they are impressionable enough to be swayed by one person being okay trying this then one dissenting voice would be just as noticeable”. I can at least see a bit of logic there. But you lost that benefit with all your bad faith arguments and “caring” (will clarify this part) and hypocrisy (see the response about not making fun of or acting like you’re better.)
Fourth jokes like this are not direct causes of any of the danger of parasocial relationships . Except in potential fringe situations, they arent even indirect causes. There is no research I have found that anybody who has stalked and/or killed someone they were a “fan” of were pushed in that direction by obvious jokes. What I HAVE seen is Untreated Mental illness, lack of a good social and medical security network, and ignoring the causes of mental illnesses, the lack of said networks, and the warning signs that a person is dangerous leading DIRECTLY to atrocities.
This is why I think all your sentiments about caring about people being hurt are made in bad faith. Someone who generally wanted to help people wouldn’t waste their time on this non issue.
Given That, let’s go down a rabbit hole, if you’ll indulge me. If you REALLY wanted to combat that you would be working to address those issues. But maybe you don’t have the time, but when you see something dangerous you call it out. That’s fair, life is busy! But, as I said before, clearly labeled jokes are not a danger that needs to be called out. Maybe you got mixed up, that’s fine, it happens. But wait, you’re doubling down even when you’ve been shown why you’re wrong? maybe you weren’t convinced? But there were direct points where flaws in your argument were shown, why didn’t you address these? If they didn’t convince you surely you can explain why? Oh wait you address them by saying they’re irrelevant or implying the other person is a bad person. Well that doesn’t make a lot of sense, why would you call flaws in your argument irrelevant? Why would you attack my moral character without explaining why you weren’t convinced? I’m sure there’s some other benefit of the doubt I could give you, but honestly it’s getting hard to keep doing so.
So what am I left to think? The most likely, in my opinion, is That you’re just trying to show how awesome and great you are for caring so much about people that you are willing to even call out simple things to strangers OR you derive some enjoyment out of publicly showing people online they’re wrong when you GENUINELY believe they are. Tbh the first one is at least partially true to me, so that’s fine, but, as I said before, you haven’t really shown you were worth giving the benefit of the doubt to and that you are willing to use bad faith arguments.
THAT is why you “explaining the dangers of parasocial relationships” in THIS Thread the way you have been is actually you acting “Holier than thou”. Admittedly it might not be 100% the best phrase to use, but that’s more because I try not to use “virtue signaling” (the actual best phase imo) because it has been co opted by alt right shitheads and now has the connotation of a buzzword to dismiss ANY form of giving a shit. Does that answer your fucking question?
Honestly you’re probably gonna make fun of me for this big explanation and not even look at the TL;DR, and that’s fine, I probably should’ve tried to find a way to let this conversation go, but you really pissed me off. It’s not a good look to use a real societal problem to boost your own ego, but it’s fucking disgusting to do that, go in places where it’s not even an issue, and THEN act like you give a fuck and are trying to help just to make yourself look good. That is far more damaging to the people who this issue affects because it not only DOESNT ACTUALLY ADDRESS THE ISSUE, but it in fact MAKES PEOPLE THINK THE ISSUE IS TRIVIAL. People will be more likely to dismiss this issue because of people calling out things that aren’t part of the issue and THAT is far far FAR more damaging than a fucking sex joke.
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rainbowywitch · 2 months
Thank you so much 🍉🍉for being generous and supporting for my family that is now undergoing to all forms of pain, torture 😞😞and hardship. Please don't hesitate to help the miserable, hopeless and jobless 😢😢people of Gaza in such hard and dire time We need your kind help 😍😍through donating whatever you can to enable us to cover some of our daily basic necessities or through sharing my posts to other. Your contribution will be highly valued. ❤❤❤
Hello my supporting friends ! ❤ I am Ehab Ayyad , 22 yrs , a Palestinian youngman, from Gaza, seeking to save my 20 _ member family from the hell of the war by moving to a safe place till the gruesome war ends. Our suffering and hardship started on 14th October, 2004 when my family was forcibly displaced from the north to the south under a life-threatening situation. As a result, our houses were completely destroyed and demolished, and our business accordingly went with the wind. Nothing has been left to be a source of livelihood. No shelters to house us nor a livelihood source to live on. The two houses were completely destroyed and nothing has been left for the family to live in. We have been living miserably in tents since the early days of the war. Life had become very hard and tough. No means of life still exists. Getting the least level of life is now hard and impossible. All our hope is to secure the daily basic necessities but this seems more often impossible that is why we are suffering the hardship of life. You can't imagine how hard it is to get food, drink water, medicine and other facilities. Life has become dire and sad in addition to the hot weather inside the hot tents that adds to our pain and unbelievable sufferings. Words can't show the miserable situations and circumstances we are experiencing nowadays due to the unfair war. A part of our daily sufferings to get the least of what we need. Imagine how you feel when you wait for at least four hours in queue Things are the worst one has ever experienced. That is why I am asking for you generous contribution to help me secure the least of what we daily need and to find safety and peace for the twenty-member family who are now tasting all forms of torture and sorrow. Every day we wake up to find things move from bad to worse. No sign is there for the war to end and this add to our unhappiness and miserable life. Despair and hopelessness have become new forms of our life as we are now homeless , displaced and jobless. Please don't spare this moment of helping a family in bad need. You add happiness and hope to people who lost every single thing in their life. You can help us by donating whatever you can or by sharing my link to other generous donors. Thank you so much for supporting us in these dire times.❤
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