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fantasycorrupted-a · 2 years ago
Vida: *giggles like a madwoman as Savash carries her drunken as hell arse home*
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“Ha. Very funny.” Sav huffs. “I’ll have you know, you owe me a favor. Not sayin’ you weigh a lot or anythin’, but carrying you to safety’s not easy. At all. Okay?” Of course, she’s going to complain, snorting through her nostrils like a horse as she draws closer and closer to her place, gargoyle in arms.
“You do have a cute laugh, though, at least.”
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inkary · 2 years ago
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Dilara and mister Boopers (who is a mercenary, changing it's allegation to other dynasties at it's whim)
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redemptioninchaos · 2 years ago
“This isn’t the first curse I’ve cast.” (Savash, to Sergio)
Sergio had kept a gun on his hip for situations like this. You never knew what sort of unsavory people were lurking around the corner. Hell, Sergio was one of those unsavory people for a time. He wasn't proud of himself for having to see his old crime boss shift into her succubus form before realizing that a career change was prudent.
What Savash did was certainly more silent than a gunshot, even if said gunshot was suppressed, but the twitching and bubbling in his mouth was a bit of a culture shock. Savash had done something to the robber to make him behave that way, and the rest of his boys fled when they realized that they'd have to deal with a guy with a gun and a girl with some voodoo magic she could cast.
Sergio stuck the gun back in his waistband and said, "Let's go 'fore they get brave again." He urgently held onto her hand and led her out of the alley.
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444names · 1 year ago
Names derived from Bangladeshi, Indian, Nepalese, Roma and Sri Lankan names, including the letter combo "Sh"
Abaputish Abrashan Achdevash Achershage Actshaia Adrasha Akeshing Akshar Akshasnen Akshirawni Akshulwina Akshy Amshmuruna Andesh Anpraish Antshanya Apeshani Apurkeshni Arambhosh Arawash Arish Arishane Arsha Arshaul Arshiari Ashalla Ashant Ashather Ashoragamy Ashpreep Ashraone
Bacheshary Bajmuksher Baksha Bakshar Bakshra Bakshumita Baliyash Balkashi Bamishne Banasha Banghush Bashentend Bashi Befixesh Bershi Bhakshy Bhanishar Bhorishan Bhortyansh Bhukshand Bhumanshi Bishankeet Bishar Bishema Bishi Bishmita Bodrasha Branirsh Brashan Breeshmi Budarkash Budesharan Capadashi Chaksh Changshy Charisheli Chaush Chhikrisha Chieshavai Chosh Codastansh Daksh Dareshe Darishitha Dashingeep Dekhmishi Denshal Deshaksham Deshan Dhandrashi Dhowaraksh Dhwahishey Dhwathish Dinshvini Ditikshan Dukshe Dushet Dushnaban Dushoma Eatishem Eshan Eshar Eshisha Ficharisha Foragrash Forushi Frokshav Ganarushi Ganbishota Garmishobi Gaursholla Geshwada Gorshila Goshi Goshwa Goteshages Guneshal Gunishy Gunnishen Gurashirs Gushangai Guyash Halesh Hamshwar Hanishon Hanushani Harmisha Harushadhy Hathanash Haulashan Heranisha Heshoy Hrashi Ineshap Ishamruz Ishar Isheb Ishimarsh Ishoha Isholaswal Jaguarmesh Jahaksh Janarmish Jandesh Jarjesh Jashairia Jasish Jaskashen Jeshi Jotsh Kaksha Karmshekta Kashamy Kashes Keshib Khangshai Khashe Kheseshana Kheshoj Kirishan Kishandaru Kishanga Kishar Kishatna Kishili Kshanjot Kshathar Kshay Kshdeet Kshet Kshirlaka Kshri Kshum Kshungia Kshwan Kukrishaya Kuneshle Kurish Kurishar Lakishwah Laksh Lashar Latesh Lokotesh Lowlenshal Madanprish Makeshon Makhrish Mallish Mangoshmal Mansha Marabishet Marakeshar Marshna Mashani Mashi Mashia Mashne Mathisha Memsha Menksh Mesha Meshatipen Meshi Minishi Mishargle Muktasha Mutsh Nanishmila Narsh Nashautta Nashninga Nautrish Nayaksh Neshana Nieshahla Nikshe Nishi Olalaish Orshi Pagesheel Palaksh Pansharder Pashal Peishe Phoyarshe Pilakshar Pilalashe Pileshot Pingsh Pishi Pishir Poonthesh Pooshank Poreshnar Poudesh Powalshiv Prahersh Prashwa Preshwan Prishano Prishmar Prisho Pursishar Pushi Qanish Rajmukshne Raksharino Ramalashin Ramiashali Ramsh Ramutsh Ranishi Ranshoj Rashwanu Ravanjash Rishon‎ Rodheshage Ronshi Rukkugesha Ruksh Rushi Sageshar Saianshy Saksha Sakshandee Sandeshi Sashalida Savash Sekangshay Senatnashi Sereksh Shabis Shada Shadash Shadda Shadoo Shakation Shakeshine Shakka Shaksh Shamangate Shammaddhi Shamse Shana Shanation Shandev Shandodd Shandowmik Shang Shani Shanja Shanjittan Shankarish Shanragh Shanrameer Shants Shanya Shaon Shaphi Shara Sharagadal Sharahu Sharasha Shargel Shari Sharista Shariyakar Sharl Sharpadeep Sharubid Sharullurt Sharuta Shash Shashakman Shasus Shaswan Shata Shattendeo Shaure Shavindal Shawati Shaweethy Shayan Shemara Shemboj Shenara Sheravali Sheri Shersindee Shetne Shikary Shilal Shimahna Shimramad Shimroonda Shini Shiraia Shiranke Shirat Shita Shitak Shitarunik Shiyakurs Shmadhula Shmenkaya Shminde Shmir Shmunset Shnabhund Shnai Shnair Shnan Shnapanse Shnasitin Shnay Shneollu Shoon Shosea Shoshatu Shoten Shpal Shpar Shpaul Shpiniah Shpri Shramag Shreet Shrindip Shugaro Shugh Shveep Shwagrandu Shwali Shwam Shwamah Shwanagane Shwar Shwara Shwari Shwarip Siashriyal Sikhesh Simbakshie Sishikiran Sohandrish Sokshvam Sookshatha Srashan Srishan Srishant Subbash Suboshaka Sudeshy Suffixesh Sukdeshing Sukhurisha Sukishaya Sunish Surdashy Surmash Surushan Surushayan Swarasha Syesh Tashro Teshar Thanigesh Theshi Theshwal Thetshana Toresh Trishana Tshal Tshan Tshathyer Tsher Tshikac Tshmit Tshok Tshpatnel Uggesh Ukhishana Upadmash Urishi Usanishto Ushamrooj Ushardarba Ushishi Vahmishati Vanksh Varjashani Vashan Vashanit Vedishara Vejeshik Verishe Vingshman Vinivansh Vishana Vishanjhu Vishnelis Vistishati Wanvishit Washavrel Wijayeshi Wijesh Yakshrikar Yasheep Yishai Yishna Yogroshi Yosha
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fantasycorrupted-a · 2 years ago
“...Among other things, yes.” A few other books had also proved problematic. One had cursed everyone who tried to read its blurb with a short-lasting but annoying effect of itchiness, another had grown teeth somehow and bitten people trying to pick it up. But if he wanted to know, he would have to ask. Savash did not wish to spread the infamy - in case that was where the place ended up from all the rumours - any further.
“I would imagine it would be best if we didn’t have it,” she nodded, letting her gaze trail away, tracing the backs of the aforementioned books from a distance. “Be warned however. I am no healer. I do not wish that you get hurt... but in the case that you do, I can only call upon assistance. Now, if you were to die, I would be able to resurrect you in minutes. But neither of us wants that.”
An expert, you say... Savash did not quite feel like one, but she was going to accept it as nice words. “I have sold books for a few years, and I sometimes work weekends here, or whenever the other lady is busy with her second job. I wouldn’t go as far as calling myself an expert. But I have been around books my whole life. Enough to learn a few useful things about ’em. Let’s go... See if I could be of any help to ya. I would be glad to be.”
Though it may not have been that obvious from her composed and calm behaviour, Samira loved getting tangled up in adventures - it just didn’t happen often with her. On one hand, that meant life was somewhat easier to get used to, at least now after she had moved and left behind her homeland’s troubled present and past…
On the other, she felt herself slipping into daydreams much more often and easier than she supposed some of the visitors that came in the library did. A lot of them were busy students; from their faces she could tell they had no time for such follies. Seeing the bored expressions that slipped on some of their faces, she knew she could relate to that.
In any case, she could not blame the man who was wandering in the direction of the forbidden section, as she and the repair people had started referring to it as a joke. She did have to keep him safe, though. “…Now, about that. The repair crew believed me… but I don’t expect you do.” She leaned back in her chair.
“When some of the books were first brought in, I got to find out no other library in the vicinity wanted them, because they bit people. Some of them could do other nasty things to readers.” Samira grimaced. “I can’t forbid ya from going there. Do beware the spot, though. Don’t want anyone coming in here to get hurt. It’s a library, for heaven’s sake…” the last few words were murmured to herself.
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“Bit people, you say?” That certainly got his attention; if his tail was visible right now, it’d probably be wagging. Perhaps this was none of his business, and he should let sleeping dogs lie… but he’d have a hard time sleeping knowing that there was trouble afoot–trouble he could put a stop to to make this library’s life a little bit easier.
Kairo grinned. “Well, we can’t have that, can we? Worry not, ma’am, I’m an expert with this sort of situation; if you’d like, I can handle this little book problem in a jiffy!” Fortunately, in his age, he was smart enough not to simply jump into the fray. He was pretty sure this young lass wouldn’t approve of destruction of any book, no matter how…. bitey.
“That being said…” he continued after a moment’s pause. “You, too, seem like a bit of an expert as well. In the interest of not destroying important documents, would you mind assisting me in this venture?”
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riwonregion · 3 months ago
Team Aura Bosses
Aura Scientist Kraven: A disgraced scientist cast out of the scientific community after his unethical experiments on pokemon were revealed. With nowhere else to go he was approached by Kiera who told him about her plan to reverse the Bio Boost. Intrigued by the prospect he accepted.
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Lineup: Lucario- Level 45 Telepite- Level 43 Alakazam- Level 47 Reuniclus- Level 42 Xatu- Level 43 Beheeyem- Level 44 Aura Brute Charan: The leader of an underground pokemon fighting network Charan was on the run from the law when Kiera approached her, giving her an opportunity to become just as strong as a pokemon. Charan accepted.
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Lineup: Lucario- Level 42 Savash- Level 44 Machamp- Level 48 Conkeldurr- Level 44 Pangoro- Level 45 Medicham- Level 45
(Designed using Hapuriainen’s pokemon trainer creator)
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fantasycorrupted-a · 1 year ago
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"Is it just me, or is drama being stirred up?... wow." She grimaces, turns off her phone and chucks it in her bag. Back to writing and ignoring people.
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trackmelodycom · 11 months ago
🎵 Listen And Download New Music By Savash Called Nemishe Rasman With 2 Quality 320 And 128 On TrackMelody Media 🎵 New Persian Music Savash – Nemishe Rasman 🎶 Download New Music By Savash Called Nemishe Rasman With Best Quality➕Play Online On TrackMelody Media📼 . . #TrackMelody #persian_music #Persian_music_download #Iranian_music_download #New_Persian_Music #New_Music #Arabic_music #Turkish_music #pop #rock #rap #jazz #download_music #trend_music
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inkary · 2 years ago
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Dilara of Savash (the one which is not like the others) and her cheerleaders, commissioned by Trix
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redemptioninchaos · 1 year ago
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"I can't drive, I don't get the theatre kid part, and unfortunately I'm average when it comes to boobs," the latter words are said with a sad sigh, "or physical strength... but I could enjoy you driving me fast. And, um... everything else." Savash tilts her head to the side. "Is... is this enough, though? I do like you a lot..."
"You cain't drive?"
Forget everything else she said. He immediately got the keys for his silver WRX and beckoned her to follow him.
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pinklocksoflove · 1 year ago
"So, who's trying to kill you, and how can I help?" (Savash, to Ilendra)
"A pair of witches. They're persistent to say the least. They want my power... as for how you can help, I can't say for certain at this moment. I very much appreciate the offer nonetheless."
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fantasycorrupted-a · 2 years ago
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“Hahaha! At least I don’t hide it.”
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“...So you’re telling me I’m the reason a zombie apocalypse starts? Cool, count me out.”
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“I got almost everything, do I get a prize?” Hella rolls her eyes.
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“...About accurate.” Now Sav truly has everything.
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“Reality couldn’t be more different. Baby? Ha.” Lovisa agrees about the stupid part, though. Not even librarians are spared from being stupid.
Stupid - 100
Horny - 85
Baby - 0
Cursed - 93
Clown - 95
Feral - 75
“...Funny, nearly all the people I’ve ever talked with seem to see in me the one thing that this test says I am the least.”
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musaevaguni · 2 years ago
insan aid olduğu yeri tapınca fırtına sakitləshir , savash bitir. sonra bir bahar bashlayır )
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redemptioninchaos · 2 years ago
“Shh. You’re okay” (Sergio and Savash)
The nightmare started off with an unforgettable memory. He had fallen for the wiles of his old crime boss, a former Soviet spy named Ariadna Pavlov. She laughed after "turning him into a real man," and Sergio may have laughed with her if he wasn't catching his breath. It was a 1:1 recreation of what happened in reality...until she sprouted horns right in front of him. Her fingers grew into long claws that tore into him everywhere from the waist up. His strength spent, he couldn't do anything to repel the succubus's attack, succumbing to his fate.
He saw his torn body from a third person perspective. Was he...floating? He became a spirit witnessing a bunch of cops investigating his dead body. The one leading the investigation was a somewhat tall woman of Swedish(?) descent with blonde hair. Lovisa...While it was clear that Ariadna would be a one night stand, for whatever reason he assumed that Lovisa could have been "the one." Sure, Lovisa had some years on him, but the age gap wasn't as large as the one between him and Ariadna was.
And yet, while he was dead in dreamland, what Lovisa said about him still hurt: "It's surprising that any woman would have found any use for him."
"Nonsense," said a third woman's voice, her tone dark and chilling. A woman in black robes and a hood covering her face suddenly appeared to the left of Sergio's body. She walked towards the body and waved a hand, a green light crackling through her fingers. Sergio felt himself being pulled back into his body, gasping for breath as he came back to life...in a general sense. By the time Lovisa's investigation team had gotten there, his body was already starting to decay, flies buzzing around his eyes. All he felt was sharp pain, as if a sunburn covered his entire body. He shoved the covers off of himself. Flesh peeled off of his bones in real-time, drooping in a sickly combination of red and yellow onto the bed.
Sergio looked towards the woman in black and said, "What are you doin'? Jest let me be dead!"
The woman cackled before pulling her hood back. It was Savash, her eyes glowing with the same shade of green as her spell did. "You are dead, honey. This is where the fun truly begins!" With a flex of her fingers, she burned away the rest of his flesh, the agony excruciating for Sergio as he underwent a dark transformation. His eyes felt as if they melted away as heat filled every crevice in his body.
Sergio gasped loudly as he shot up from his side of the bed, the real(?) Savash to the left of him. At first, he scooted away from her, asking her, "Are you real?!"
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kelpieguise · 6 years ago
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vignettes of daily life in fel insolitam
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fantasycorrupted-a · 2 years ago
I enjoy funerals. I’ve been crashing them since I was old enough to read the obituary section.
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Anyone else might have been shocked to hear such words; death was no topic you could discuss freely with people, especially if they had experienced the end of their loved ones. Savash wasn’t like that, though. While it did still scare her a little that she would die someday, the thought about it had become normal over time. People died. Animals died, too. Every living thing would be gone someday. And that was normal.
And then, a death came with so many things. Feelings. A preparation to send away the departed beloved. It was sad, but Sav found funerals to be strangely reassuring. The living hurt - but the dead were in peace now, and just like they had received respect in life, it was right for them to get it one last time. As such, the man’s words did not shock her; on the contrary. “I would not say I enjoy them, but... there is certainly something about them that touches you. Death is like life. Of course, it’s best when life does not end too early... yet sometimes that also happens.”
“It’s fascinating, isn’t it, how people celebrate both in their own ways?” She paused, thoughtful. “We fear death, and with reason... yet I like to think it ought to be treated... a bit more lightly. Perhaps a celebration of it would sound a bit grim, yet it’s just an end. And all that we know has one, us too. I’m glad people all over the world have their own traditions of handling the departed. You can’t agree with everyone or even like them... though even those people deserve to be sent away kindly.”
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