#sauboh headcanons
shiruke-lightheart · 6 years
Faba body headcanons
- His eyes are pretty bad. His glasses are prescription and he’s practically blind without them. He also owns a pair of simple green rimmed glasses that he wears when he’s not on the job
- He’s very proud of his goatee and spends a lot of time making sure it looks good at all time
- He stays so thin and lanky cause he forgets to eat most of the time cause he keeps himself too occupied with work to take proper breaks and eats properly. Wicke always have to make sure he eats and takes his breaks. 
- He does however eat when he’s stressed, so everytime he’s working on a big project which causes him stress he gains a few pounds just from stress and suddenly eating a lot more (and not neccesarily healthy) When he got demoted, he went through so much stress that he actually felt his tailored coat getting a bit tight, which gave him a little mental breakdown and caused him to snap out of his unhealthy eating habits.
- He has a lot of pain in his back and shoulders since he sits for hours at work in the most unergonomic positions. Wicke often offers to give him a massage when she sees he’s in a lot of pain; most of the time he just denies that he’s in pain, but when it’s really bad he might take her up on that offer
 - He is very insecure about his height since he’s not very tall (he’s canonly shorter than professor Burnet and the same height as Wicke; so I think he might be 170 cms (5′6) max (personal headcanon is 168 cms (5′5)) This is also why he wears those boots with heels; they might not be very big heels but every little bit helps to make him feel a little more confident.
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shiruke-lightheart · 5 years
More random Faba headcanons
Cause it's been a while and why the fuck not?
- secretly owns a bunch of masked royal posters and merch that he has up in his room (which is one of the big reasons he doesn't want anyone coming over)
- babytalks to his Hypno all the time. Wicke once walked in on him scratching behind his Hypno's ears while saying "Oh aren't you the prettiest little guy I've ever seen. Yes you are!" while feeding him some pokebeans and she won't let him live it down
- His Hypno also always sleeps at the end of his bed. Faba's tried to keep the Pokémon out of bed multiple times without success as he always wakes up with the Pokémon sprawled out at the end of the bed.
- Faba is a really picky eater (which is the biggest cause of him staying so skinny). He'll eat almost nothing, especially if he doesn't know it. When he's over at someone's house or at a work lunch/dinner however, he'll always eat whatever is given to him without complaining; but he'll never to the same when he's alone.
- Even though he's really secretive about his private life and family, he loves his mother very much and is actually very close to her. She did a great job in consoling him when he got demoted and always makes sure that he eats and takes care of himself.
- He's actually a pretty decent cook despite being such a picky eater. His mom found it really important he could take care of himself when he went out to study at university, so she taught him everything she knew and he is surprisingly good at it
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shiruke-lightheart · 6 years
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A family of beans. Based off my headcanon
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shiruke-lightheart · 6 years
Faba sleep headcanons
- Starts working early and stops late, so he gets little sleep
- Needs a lot of sleep to be an actual somewhat enjoyable human being
- Coffee is his best friend
- It's only on the few days Wicke manages to get him to stop working early and he gets 8 hours of sleep that he isn't the grumpy old man everyone knows him as, but is an enjoyable person
- Falls asleep from the moment his head hits the pillow usually
- Sometimes he has periods of insomnia (mostly when he's under a lot of stress) and he calls out his hypno to help him get to sleep
- A very heavy Sleeper, will sleep through most things. He once fell asleep in the breakroom at the foundation after pulling a few all-nighters and the grunts were trying to see how much they could prank on him before he would wake up
- Always sleeps while cradling something in his arms. At first if was just a simple pillow, but ever since Wicke gave him a rather large Drowzee plush for his birthday, he uses that instead
- When sleeping with an s/o, he likes to feel their touch at night and especially likes to be in the little spoon position (even if his s/o is shorter than him)
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shiruke-lightheart · 6 years
Faba’s s/o would need to be very kind and forgiving and have a pretty thick skin to even be able to just handle him cause I can imagine Faba saying some very hurtful things to them every so often and being too stubborn/proud to say sorry to them. 
He’d realise he really fucked up when they go to bed that night and his s/o is sleeping at the very opposite side of the bed instead of cuddled up against him and he will feel truly bad for the things he has said. 
And although he’d still be too proud to actually say the word ‘sorry’, he’ll make it up to them in different ways like getting up earlier than normal and making them breakfast for when they wake up or bringing home flowers for them after work and those little gestures are more than enough for his s/o to know that he actually does care a lot more than he lets on.
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