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aurantiifolias · 3 years ago
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Rat in a black kurta *jazz hands* ••• A doodle I got carried away on, then got frustrated with, so I posted it before I threw my phone. I still hate drawing her prosthetic, and I’m too lazy to color it :v
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galaxynova2189 · 6 years ago
This is just a zenyatta highlight from quickplay yesterday when I saved sym from mei #overwatch #playoverwatch #zenyatta #symmetra #satyavaswani #meilingzhou #onlinegaming #blizzardentertainment #xboxone #xbox #xboxshare https://www.instagram.com/p/BzyGh9Jn5Je/?igshid=3o4r7geama54
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fausto-giurescu · 6 years ago
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SYMMETRA @sweeetanj . . . . . . . #symmetra #satyavaswani #anjalibhimani #jeffkaplan #overwatch #vishkar #blizzard #anamari #hanasong #d.va #orisa #reinhartd #roadhog #wrekingball #winston #zarya #ashe #bastion #doomfist #genji #hanzo #junkrat #mccree #mei #pharah #reaper #soldier76 #sombra #symmetra #tobjorn #tracer #widowmaker #brigitte #lucio #moira #mercy #zenyatta (en Corrientes, Argentina) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bss2DzUh6Xq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6hoigxv1xwyj
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spearmasters · 7 years ago
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it's so hard. I think I will finish the look today. and another 1-2 days cavity for electricians #overwatch #cosplay #symmetra #magician #symmetramagician #props #prop #Косплей #3dmodel #satyavaswani #vishkar #3dprint #blizzard #blizzardcosplay
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aurantiifolias · 4 years ago
Hold on. Wow. This was beautifully written. I agree with every single thing you said. Lol to be completely honest, I only got interested in Overwatch BECAUSE of Symmetra. No, I am not Indian, but I adore the culture. My adopted mother is actually from Hyderabad just like Sym and I thought that was the coolest thing.
I read her fan fiction, liked her fan art, and watched gameplays of her even before I got the game. She appealed to me so much. I would tell people at school I was a Sym main when I never played her a day in my life, and I would get hate for it. Like what? I always wondered WHY. They told me because she was annoying. Some people would actually bring up her autism as if that was ANY kind of a valid reason, and I would argue them down fiercely. And just to be a little sh*t, I would draw Symmetra on the white board in my digital art class where I knew several Sym haters would pass through. Sometimes they would erase my stuff or leave stupid comments by my art, but one time someone actually complimented it. Either way, I would re-draw her every week when the white boards where cleaned by the custodial staff.
When I finally got the game, the first thing I did after the tutorial is go practice my Sym. I was SO freaking excited, you have no idea. For a while, I was a one trick at her because I just loved her so much, picking another hero felt like cheating lol. After a while, I learned how to play all of the POC on the game.
Anyway, since I first laid eyes on Satya Vaswani, I was a super fan. I make fan art of her and post it on all of my platforms, and I even recently started writing fanfics for her on AO3. I do all that I can because her character deserves more and SHOULD get more because 1) her design and lore are superb and 2) her voice actress is literally the sweetest person ever. I just... love Symmetra.
Thank you for posting your opinion. Know you’re not ever alone and I’m out here pumping out Sym content as soon as I can😂💖 I hardly ever reblog things and I’ve never written this much on here, but this was important.
Love, another Sym Main
Here from the archives trailer, to a place where some Symmetra sympathizers exist, so that I can salt my wounds. Atleast here I won't see comments like "Good, she doesn't deserve any skins", like the way comments are in the archives trailer video. Have you ever thought? I mean where it went wrong. From the day Overwatch started, Symmetra got unnecessary hate. A character with a kit that could have been be so interesting in lore, and Blizzard damaged her kit from the very start of this game. Players who mained her got so much of blood curdling hate, that if that hate was collected and turned into a weapon, it will literally cause mass destruction. Two times her kit was reworked and still Blizzard couldn't get it right. There are characters who are still Meta to this day. Sym went meta for what one week, before they brought the nerf hammer down. Since then it has been a downhill path for her, as Blizzard tried it hardest to condemn Symmetra and Sym players. In any of the patches, she literally doesn't get any beneficial buffs but only unnecessary nerfs. I mean check the recent experimental patch, that will give you the answer.
The popularity of a character in Overwatch can be determined by six manners(as per me): the pick rate of the player, the no. of posts related to a character in Tumblr, the no. of fanfic they have on AO3, the no. of fanarts in DeviantArt, the amount of ***n they have on Rule34, the amount of good Reddit posts related to the character. AND Symmetra got the least in each department.
I know I am ranting because I sincerely hoped that maybe this time, Sym will get a new skin. Maybe Sym will get some new lore interactions. But nothing, literally nothing for the last two years. There are characters that are getting skin back to back, and yet Sym gets none. Does the Blizzard skin team really doesn't know to design any skin for Sym for the last two years? I am sorry I just can't seem to grasp their reasoning behind these actions. Its like Sym's history actually resembled what happens to a kid on Autism spectrum. Without awareness, they are bullied and ignored. The majority of fanbase and Overwatch dev team has consistently bullied and ignored Sym and Sym players.
I apologize for this long rant. As an Indian, I was glad when I found a Indian character designed in a multiplayer game. As I dived into her backstory, I saw the story of a poor girl who despite the odds succeeded in her life. As I learned about her powers in lore, she can be a protector and a destroyer. I highly doubt there are any characters in Overwatch that can protect and destroy at the same time, like Sym. But alas all of this was for vain. And today, after seeing the archives trailer. I am convinced, that Overwatch devs just don't like the very character they designed in the first place. I .. I don't know what else to say.
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kentaropjj · 7 years ago
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I thought about it and I want a cowgirl #Symmetra skin! Maybe her beam can be a lasso? • • • • • #overwatch #blizzardentertainment #blizzard #satyavaswani #cowboy #cowgirl #art #sketch #illustration #drawing #fanart #digitalart #kentaropjj #crewham
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poke-fairyfreak · 7 years ago
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Reminder that I have a Redbubble store! https://www.redbubble.com/people/poke-fairyfreak?asc=u #symmetra #overwatch #stickers #redbubbleartist #redbubbleshop #art #overwatchart #overwatchstickers #satyavaswani
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skittlesauce · 7 years ago
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New edit Scroll for looped versions Song: House of Ill Repute by Gutter Brothers Shakes by hybridnik Why is the quality being weird btw one minute it’s fine and then it looks awful, and then back to being fine again. #symmetra #pharah #overwatch #overwatchedits #omgpage #edits #edit #overwatchedit #aftereffects #aftereffectsedit #fareehaamari #satyavaswani #badassedit #plottwistedit
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aurantiifolias · 4 years ago
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Me @ everyone when I grace them with my presence in comp :)
Also @ Blizzard because we still don’t have a new skinnnn ARGHHA
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galaxynova2189 · 6 years ago
The tricky sym strategy ever as sym and it feels good #overwatch #playoverwatch #symmetra #satyavaswani #onlinegaming #blizzardentertainment #ps4 #PlayStation #ps4share https://www.instagram.com/p/B06gdmvHUJC/?igshid=1v166ft5m5spj
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chessxn · 7 years ago
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Satya Vaswani ♥️ #overwatch #sketchbook #Symmetra #satyavaswani
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sassy-symmetra · 7 years ago
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Symmetra being extra.
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cathchaan · 8 years ago
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#workinprocess #wip #workinprogress #satyavaswani #symmetra #overwatch
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nieniinque · 8 years ago
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«Order will be restored» #Sketch #watercolor #overwatch #Symmetra #SatyaVaswani #oasissymmetra #oasisskin #instart #instadraw
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poke-fairyfreak · 7 years ago
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Stickers and more available @redbubble Redbubble.com/people/poke-fairyfreak #feawakening #sumia #overwatch #symmetra #satyavaswani #ov #game #gaming
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darkelfslair · 8 years ago
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OMG!!!! 😍😍😍😍 She finally arrived. So freaking cute! #symmetra #overwatch #funkopop #overwatchfunkopop #vinilfigure #merchandise #blizzard #videogames #funkovinyls #pachimari #plush #satyavaswani
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