alit0my · 7 years
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I’ve been coerced into posting this.... rarepair plus ultimate rarepair ot3??
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morninggloryskye · 7 years
So in case all of ya’ll were wondering, yes I’m alive, and yes, I’m back on this site again.
(The, uh, drawings probably made that pretty damn clear...)
I’ve been busy while I was gone, and now I figure I should provide a little snippet of proof. 15 motherfucking k and still no end in sight.
But I digress. Here is approximately 300 words of my latest “definitely-not-a-one-shot-anymore” work Trouvaille.
Around them, the dome cracks and shatters, fading into nothing and the Behemoth leaps over the edge and vanishes into the darkness of a nearby cave system. Satt stumbles to his feet and cocks his medigun, hurrying over to the Support and pulling the trigger. The green light surrounds him, bathing him in a healing glow, and Satt watches as the Support lifebar in his viewfinder slowly increases. “He should be all right,” he informs the Trapper as she storms over to them. “Just let him get his balance. He most likely has a concussion.”
She snarls at him and sharply gestures towards the Assault. “Heal him, too, Medic.”
“I’m working on that, dammit.” Satt pushes past her and heads over, dousing the Assault’s burning armor with a glow of power, and then surrounds him in the familiar healing glow. “He just has burns, but he should be fine. He’ll be up shortly, probably with a minor concussion as well. Just don’t expect him to jump off of any cliffs anytime soon.”
The Trapper snorts. “He’ll do what I fucking say he’ll do, just get him up onto his feet.”
Satt sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose, but doesn’t argue. If she wants to get him killed, then it’ll be on her head.
Or not, he thinks only seconds later, when the bushes rustle and a massive Wraith leaps out of the shadows. Its claws rip into the Support, who is barely on his feet after the concussion the Behemoth gave him, and tear through the armor like it doesn’t exist, spraying blood everywhere. The Assault stumbles and screams, gun coming up in his fury and anger, and the Wraith whips around. Satt finds himself in the worst possible position, and he vaults over the Assault and straight into the path of the attack, gasping when the Wraith’s three tentacle-like tails catch him in the chest. They connect with such a force that he flies backwards and slams into the wall, sliding slowly down it as his vision goes black.
The last things Satt hears are the furious bellows of his two remaining teammates.
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cartoonzgiggle · 7 years
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@xxsilver-wraithxx @alitomy-ao3 Look who is going to be playing together…! I instantly thought of you two. 😋
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cuddlysmii7y · 7 years
As you all know by now, I have a shit ton of ships, aka a bunch of rarepairs. So I decided to compile them all together in the undercut below!
Duo Ships:
Basicallyido407 (Basicallyidowrk / FourZer0Seven)
Basicallyidojd (Basicallyidowrk / runJDrun)
Basicallyidomini (Basicallyidowrk / Mini Ladd)
Basicallyidomoo (Basicallyidowrk / Moo)
Basicallyidoohm (Basicallyidowrk / Ohmwrecker)
Basicallyidopanda (Basicallyidowrk / BigJigglyPanda)
Basicallyidosmii7y (Basicallyidowrk / Smii7y)
Basicallyidoterroriser (Basicallyidowrk / Terroriser)
Basicallyidowildcat (Basicallyidowrk / Wildcat)
Bigjigglyladd (BigJigglyPanda / Mini Ladd)
Bigjigglysmii7y (BigJigglyPanda / Smii7y)
Daithicat (Daithi De Nogla / Wildcat)
Daithiladd (Daithi De Nogla / Mini Ladd)
Daithiriser (Daithi De Nogla / Terroriser)
Delitoonz (Cartoonz / H2o Delirious)
Draculizer / Swagilzer (Sattelizer / Swag Dracula)
Fourzer0cat (FourZer0Seven / Wildcat)
Fourzer0ladd (FourZer0Seven / Mini Ladd)
Fourzer0ohm (FourZer0Seven / Ohmwrecker)
Fourzer0panda (FourZer0Seven / BigJigglyPanda)
Fourzer0Smii7y (FourZer0Seven / Smii7y)
Fitzii7y (Fitz / Smii7y)
Fitzgo (Fitz / Kugo The Mighty)
H2okryoz (Delirious / Kryoz)
Krii7y (Kryoz / Smii7y)
Kritz (Fitz / Kryoz)
Krycat (Kryoz / Wildcat)
Kryladd (Kryoz / Mini Ladd)
Kryohm (Kryoz / Ohmwrecker)
Kryzer0seven (FourZer0Seven / Kryoz)
Leohm (Legiqn / Ohmwrecker)
Maskedmexican (Gassy Mexican / Ohmwrecker)
Minicat (Mini Ladd / Wildcat)
Moocat (Moo / Wildcat)
Moohm (Moo / Ohmwrecker)
Ohmcat (Ohmwrecker / Wildcat)
Ohmtoonz (Cartoonz / Ohmwrecker)
Ohmii7y (Ohmwrecker / Smii7y)
Ohmladd (Mini Ladd / Ohmwrecker)
Ohmlirious (H2o Delirious / Ohmwrecker)
Ohmlizer (Ohmwrecker / Sattelizer)
Ohmnanners (Ohmwrecker / Seananners)
Pandacat (BigJigglyPanda / Wildcat)
Pandawrecker (BigJigglyPanda / Ohmwrecker)
Sattoonz (Cartoonz / Sattelizer)
Smii7aayy (Smii7y / Qwerty Jaayy)
Smii7ycat (Smii7y / Wildcat)
Smii7yladd (Mini Ladd / Smii7y)
Terrorcat (Terroriser / Wildcat)
Terrorladd (Mini Ladd / Terroriser)
Terrormexican (Gassy Mexican / Terroriser)
Terrornoss (Terroriser / Vanoss)
Terrornuckle (Moo / Terroriser)
Terrorohm (Ohmwrecker / Terroriser)
Vancat (Vanoss / Wildcat)
Vanogla (Daithi De Nogla /Vanoss)
Vanoo (Moo / Vanoss)
Trio Ships:
Basicallyidofourzer0ii7y (Basicallyidowrk / FourZer0Seven / Smii7y)
Basicallyidoohmii7y (Basicallyidowrk / Ohmwrecker / Smii7y)
Basicallyidopandawrecker (Basicallyidowrk / BigJigglyPanda / Ohmwrecker)
Bigjiggyfourzer0cat (BigJigglyPanda / FourZer0Seven / Wildcat)
Bryswagilzer (Bryce / Sattelizer / Swag Dracula)
Deliohmtoonz (Cartoonz / H2o Delirious / Ohmwrecker)
Fourzer0Krii7y (FourZer0Seven / Kryoz / Smii7y)
Fourzer0smii7ladd (FourZer0Seven / Mini Ladd / Smii7y)
Lepandawrecker (BigJigglyPanda / Legiqn / Ohmwrecker)
Smiinicat (Smii7y / Mini Ladd / Wildcat)
Krii7yladd (Kryoz / Mini Ladd / Smii7y)
Kryohmladd (Kryoz / Mini Ladd / Ohmwrecker )
Ohminicat (Mini Ladd / Ohmwrecker / Wildcat)
Smiiniaayy (Mini Ladd / Smii7y / Qwerty Jaayy)
Smiitzoz (Fitz / Kryoz / Smii7y)
Smiiniohm (Mini Ladd / Ohmwrecker / Smii7y)
Terrorohmexican (Gassy Mexican / Ohmwrecker / Terroriser)
Quad+ Ships:
Basicallyidosmiiniohm (Basicallyidowrk / Mini Ladd / Smii7y / Ohmwrecker)
Fourzer0krii7yladd (FourZer0Seven / Kryoz / Mini Ladd / Smii7y)
Kriinicat (Smii7y / Kryoz / Mini Ladd/ Wildcat)
Kriiniohm (Kryoz / Mini Ladd / Ohmwrecker / Smii7y)
Krypandawreckerladd (BigJigglyPanda / Kryoz / Mini Ladd / Ohmwrecker)
Ohmkriinicat (Kryoz / Mini Ladd / Ohmwrecker / Smii7y / Wildcat )
Ohmsmiinicat (Mini Ladd / Ohmwrecker / Smii7y / Wildcat)
Poly!bbs (everyone)
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hella-slow-writer · 7 years
Request thing
Hello, since i see some people starts asking me to write a fic/drabble based on a prompt or such, i want to give you guys some information about what pairing and type of stories i refuse to write (aka my NOTP). Keep in my mind that this is my opinion, and if you ship this pairing then cool! But i personally wouldn’t want to do it, thank you :)
Please read this if you want to request a fic/drabble/such for me. AND BY THE WAY, MY INBOX IS ALWAYS OPEN FOR REQUEST! But keep in my mind, i’m a really slow writer and i have exam this week so please forgive me if i haven’t doing your request yet.
1. SatToonz
2. BrOhm
3. Anything with Ohm, Scotty, and Nogla as a top.
4. Anything with Cartoonz as a bottom.
B. List of pairing that i can’t do because i don’t know them enough to write them:
1. Krii7y
2. Anything with smii7y or Kryoz.
C. List of pairing I LOVE TO DO! (which means if you request this i will write it with pleasure)
1. OhmToonz
2. Daithi de Wildcat
3. H2OVanoss
4. Basically407
5. Leginda (Legiqn/JigglyPanda)
6, Terrornuckel
7. MiniCat
Thank you for your attention! Since i’m a new writer at this fandom, i would love to give more of my writing in here but i also afraid that people would force me to write something that i can’t write or i don’t want to write. Hope you understand.
And again, if you want to request something or get to know me better go ahead! My inbox (aka please dont be mean) is always open, but yeah. I’m a slow writer, so i’m sorry if i haven’t do your request yet but i promise i will do it.
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alit0my · 7 years
‘Luke forgets that Mike is streaming.’
Go show it some love peeps.
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alit0my · 7 years
Mike learns that love doesn’t always happen at first sight. 
In his case, it came wearing a flannel shirt.
(collab with @xxsilver-wraithxx and it was mostly his idea so enjoy :-D)
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cuddlysmii7y · 7 years
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alit0my · 7 years
I've worked more on my SatToonz collab with @xxsilver-wraithxx more in the last few days than I've worked on my Ohmtoonz UFC fic in like, 2 weeks.... haylp
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