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the 11 questions tag!
i was tagged by teazily , blowkissed , just got tagged by aleaula , laliyta , faierly and implosia :)
Rule #1: Always post the rules
Rule #2: Answer the questions of the person who tagged you and write 11 new ones
Rule #3: tag 11 people and link them
Rule#4: Let them know you tagged them
1. favourite childhood memory? probably my first birthday party with my bffs
2. last good book you read? i hardly read omg uhm probably "13 reasons why"
3. if you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be? states of usa!
4. horoscope?? aries
5. one weird habit that hardly anyone knows about? i fidget a lot when i'm nervous
6. fav song atm? summertime sadness/video games by lana del rey
7. best memory you had in school? being the silly mascot guy for my class's booth during health week haha
8. a movie that you could keep watching and not get bored of? ITS KIND OF A FUNNY STORY
9. ice cream or frozen yoghurt? froyo babe
10. fav quote? "the boy that sung her demons to sleep but as soon as he left they woke up again"
11. a fact about yourself that people don’t already know? i can control my muscles very well (weird lol)
1) Where do you want to be in 10 years? somewhere that makes me happy
2) Do you want kids? If yes, have you thought of any names? If yes, what are the names? i think kids are cute, but i haven't thought of having one haha (i think elijah/titus is a nice name for boys, alexis for the girl)
3) Describe your idea of the perfect weekend no homework, music on the stereo, cooking, movie marathon
4) Do you still pee in swimming pools? omg haha no dude no
5) What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten? idk actually
6) If you could go anywhere right now, where would you go? nyc
7) Do you like horror movies? YES
8) fruit shakes or milkshakes? fruitshakes
9) What’s your all time favourite movie? answered
10) What’s the one tv show you wished would never end but did? no idea
1. If you could be any person in the world who would you be? cara
2. If you had to eat the same food your whole life, what food would you choose? PIZZA
3. What animal is like your spirit animal? the sea otter
4. snog marry avoid- alex pettyfer, james franco, zac efron: this is so hard *cries* uhm marry james franco, snog alex pettyfer and avoid z efron I'M SORRY
5. favourite person in the world? the guy i like hehe
6. if you had one wish what would it be for? no school please
7. do you believe in ghosts? kinda
8. have you been to any concerts, if so which was the last one you’ve been to? I ALMOST WENT TO A CONCERT BUT MY MUM DIDN'T ALLOW ME AT THE VERY LAST MINUTE
9. would you prefer to express your feelings through writing or drawing? drawing, probably doodle or angry painting
10. favourite movie of all time? finding nemo, its kind of a funny story and 500 days of summer
11. favourite ice cream flavour? mint chocolate!
1. What kind of superpowers would you like to have? being able to run into walls like kitty in x men!
2. heels or flats? flats definitely
3. how many piercings do you have? 1 on each ear, planning to get more
4. do you want a tattoo? if yes what would you want it to be/say? nah i'll probably chicken out
5. what’s your favourite word? mist, vulpine
6. what’s your favourite flower? daisies!
7. sweet or sour? sweeet
8. least favourite thing about tumblr? anon hate..
9. how is your day going? pretty good, its friday!
10. if you could invent something, what would it be? that thing in spy kids where you just put in 1 card in the microwave and bam there's food
11. have you ever peed in the pool? mehehehehe yeah woops
1. Scariest moment of your life? when i rode the cylon in uss holy shit man
2. Favourite book? answered
3. Favourite person in the world? answered
4. Do you prefer skittles or M&M’s? answered
5. What’s your top most played song on itunes? i don't use itunes
6. Proudest moment? when my coach had faith in me to be teh vice captain of my fabulous team
7. Cats or dogs? CATS!
8. Favourite line from a song? idk D:
9. What do you wanna be when you grow up? forensic scientist woohoo
10. Do you prefer curtains or blinds? :/ aha: blinds
11. Whose your favourite blog? answered :)
1. Whats the worst thing you’ve ever done? hurt myself
2. Classical Music or Dance/Hip Hop? pop punk m8
3. Are you a fan of jazz? nope
4. Whats your favourite original disney movie? does wendy wu:homecoming queen count?
5. What is the absolute BEST book you’ve ever read? answered
6. Favourite famous painting? nah not into that
7. Have you enjoyed most of summer 2013? there's no summer in singapore ;~;
8. Favourite thing in your wardrobe? MY BAND SHIRTS
9. Whats your favourite smell? a&f perfume mmhmm
10. QUICK! Whats the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of the sea? SHARKS
11. Your biggest turn off? bad english, too much cockiness, overprotective
fave clothing store?
the best dish you can cook?
ideal first date?
fave coffee from starbucks?
jack or finn harries?
would you rather eat a table spoonful of wasabi or drink 1 full cup of tomato slushie?
ever gone skinny dipping?
what colour do you want your hair to be?
what's something unusual in your bedroom?
5 countries you would love to explore?
who do you want to meet so badly?
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Rule 1 - Post the rules.
Rule 2 - Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then make 11 new ones.
Rule 3 - Tag 11 people and link them to your post.
Rule 4 - Let them know that you’ve tagged them.
I was tagged by satsuuma!
Questions for meeeeeee!
1. What do you want to do when you leave school? I'm not sure!! I'm kinda all over the place, I really want to do music but I think psychology is really interesting and I also love biology and I'm good at math so idk we'll see
2. What’s your star sign? Do you think it fits your personality? Libra! And I guess it kinda does, I'm not really sure
3. Celebrity crush? Josh Hutcherson and Dave Franco
4. What Fandoms are you a part of? I'm not really suuuuper into any fandoms but I love Harry Potter and I got big into the Hunger Games for a while and I love How I Met Your Mother probably more than is acceptable but I'm not really one to obsess over shows and characters and things
6. Most embarrassing moment? I never get embarrassed! But I guess what should have been the most embarrassing was when I was performing at a restaurant with this girl and she forgot her part of the song we were doing and we had to start over like three times :P
7. Do you have any guilty pleasures? Yesssss! I love reality TV shows :)
8. Have you ever been in love? Yep, am now. It's awful.
9. Favourite book? I'm kinda ashamed to admit I haven't read a book in so long :( I never had time with schoolwork and I just don't have the patience anymore. I used to read all the time but I could never pick a favorite!
10. Favourite blog on Tumblr? I have no idea ahhhhh there are so many fab ones :) But pizza (I've never talked to her but man she's funny) and wildflowher (omg she's so sweet and just lovely and I just I love her) are my top Tumblr crushes :)
11. Who do you admire most? I admire my friend Charlie the most. He used to be one of the leaders in my youth group and he is just an amazing and inspirational person. He is the one that brought me to Jesus and I am so grateful to have him in my life.
My questions (y'all ready for this)
1) Tell me about the town you live in.
2) What makes you nervous?
3) What song do you listen to when you're sad?
4) What do you do when you have insomnia?
5) Have you ever had a conversation with a stranger? What did you talk about?
6) Do you think your name fits you? Why?
7) If you could have any question answered, what would it be?
8) If you could have any question asked to you, what would you want it to be and who would you want to ask it?
9) Where'd you get your shoes?
10) Tell me the story of your first kiss. If you've never had it, tell me how you picture it to be.
11) If you were a serial killer, what type of cereal would you kill and why?
Pretty pretty pleeeeaseeee tag me in your answers, I would love to read them :)
I tag the last 11 people I followed!
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omg mine was actually perfect! thank you! :D xx
yay im glad it matched you! for all i know im doing these completely wrong hehe
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satsuuma :)
satsuuma thinks pluto should still be a planet and loves animals more than people. She wants a fat ginger cat named ron weasley. satsuuma is very punctual and neat and everything has to be in it's place or she will get stressed
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