#sassatello does good work!
ladyfluffbutt · 3 years
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Some practice with more turts
Of course I had to draw the great Sassatello doing what he does best
Then we got my sona getting a hug from an upset Mikey. When Sonya is especially distressed she fully turns more beastly.
And the last one is a reference to the new turt I’m working at. She’s good an odd fascination with dead things. Nessa’s used her sister’s odd interests. Mikey....not so much.
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Ah! I got tagged by the awesome @tsubaki-prince ! Thank you so much! :D
1. Always post the rules
2. Answer the questions chosen by the person who tagged you
3. Write 11 questions if your own
4. Tag 11 people you’d like to know better
Alright, lets do this! :D
Questions I Was Asked...
1) What’s your favorite book? --- Ohhhh, this one’s tough. I’ve read a lot of really good books, but the only book I’ve re-read three times was “And Then There Were None” by Agatha Christie. It’s an older book but if you love murder mysteries, it’s soooo good!
2) What is a quote that has impacted your life, or means something to you? --- I’m just terrible at trying to identify only one. I’d pick a line from Virginia Satir, a super cool therapist, that goes, “We must not allow other people’s limited perceptions to define us”. A lot of her work is on self-esteem and self-worth, and she’s an awesome lady. Totally look her up if you need some uplifting support
3) If you could say anything to your 5-year-old self, what would you say? -- I’d probably give myself a hug, and just say it’s going to be okay. I’d tell her that she’s doing her best, and to believe that her best is enough. That she deserves love too, and know that even when it feels like she doesn’t
4) If your life were a tv show or film, what genre would it be? -- Ohhhh that’s tough. I’d like to think that if it was it’d be more of a “Parks and Rec” style, so maybe like an office comedy with a mix of drama? That sounds about right?
5) Do you have any ocs? -- I do! I have two but, really, only one true developed one? It’s very low-key and not that good but I’m trying!
6) What is one thing you are proud of? -- Getting through undergrad, honestly. A lot of rocky stuff happened in that time of my life, and it felt like I’d never get through. I took it one day at a time, and had to a lot of self-care to encourage myself to make it. But, even though all that, I still graduated and got my master’s after! Keep moving forward helped me, a lot!
7) Did you have a favorite childhood toy? Do you still have it? -- Ah. Blue Bear. He was in fact not blue, but brown with a blue bow. I don’t remember who gave him to me, but I used to take him with me everywhere. I’m pretty sure I still have him somewhere back at home...
8) Where do you want to be in the future? --- It’s so corny but I totally picture like in my own house that’s not too big, a cute puppy or two so they can be friends, a yard so they can run around in. Married, maybe later on having kids. Super lame, and corny. But, I guess just overall stability and feeling comfortable  with myself and everything!
9) Which celebrity would you wanna hug? ---Leonardo Di Caprio was my first real crush. If I could, I'd totally want a hug from him. 
10) Describe your aesthetic -- I never thought of this until now! I guess mine would be like prime fall weather with sweaters, maybe a little bit of sun but just pure fall season is the besttttt.
11) If you could have any other name, what would you call yourself? -- I hated my name growing up, and I have one specific memory of being little and never being able to spell it correctly. It grew on me now, but if I could ever choose another name...maybe Elena? I like that name!
My 11 questions!
If you woke up tomorrow and everything was perfect, what would it look like?
What was your favorite tv show, and/or movie, as a kid?
Name 5 things that make you happy!
What’s the best advice someone has given you?
What’s your dream job?
What does success mean to you?
What’s your favorite way to spend the weekend?
What’s on your bucket list?
If you could be any animal, what would you be?
Do you define more as an Introvert or Extrovert? Or both?
One thing that you’re really looking forward to!
I tag these amazing people! ::: @jackaydee , @star-lord-of-incendium , @asterblogz , @raphies , @polkadotsockz , @sassatello , @hamsterandturtlesoup , @a-somebody , @picklocks , @lulusoblue , @texasturtlefan
Thank you! I hope you guys enjoy!
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