#sasa kanako
justanothermultifan · 5 years
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Moodboard for Kanako Sasa from Hourou Musuko/Wandering Son!
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nerdy-nonbinary · 5 years
Friend Reunion!
Meet up for a night of drinks and reminiscing! See old friends, make new connections! See below for details.
Nitori calls for a friend group reunion five years after high school. But people change. Will old tensions still burn? Will former friends still connect? And what do you do when you have one night to erase years of mistakes?
I’m making an official post for my Wandering Son fic. This piece means a lot to me. I can’t promise fast updates, but unless I say otherwise, I will keep working on this piece until it is finished. I hope you enjoy!
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My last two brain cells trying to handle how depressed and anxious I am
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Takatsuki: Listen. Can I be frank with you guys?
Mako: I mean, I liked your name before, but okay.
Sasa: Can I still be called Sasa?
Sarashina: Shhhh, let Frank speak.
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liliumsmangacaps · 4 years
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dtjbsd · 5 years
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grimoireemil · 6 years
So like. Theory. Or “headcanon.” Probably wrong but like. Sasa is on hormone blockers.
Like idk whether that’d actually be an approach in Japan at that time period, but it makes a lot of sense. She never get’s taller or really hits puberty at all throughout middle school and into high school. She’s always kind of like the “Kid” throughout, and that’s kind of what happens with hormone blockers. Parents put their trans kids on them until they’re old enough to be sure, with the downside being that the kid will have a far delayed puberty (if you can call that a downside all things considered).
It’s just a theory with no supporting evidence, so it’s more like a headcanon, but in a manga about trans people, it feels like it really would be in place. I mean. Most of the friends in that group are LGBTQ+ in SOME way. And half are definitely trans in some way, shape, or form. It’s not out there to assume Sasa is potentially trans too, just another route a trans person might end up on.
As to why Sasa wouldn’t tell anyone, who knows. Maybe she’s protecting herself, or maybe she just has lived as a girl her whole life and doesn’t think about it. Just feels like it would’ve been an interesting direction considering the themes.
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shiromahou · 9 years
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procyonvulpecula · 12 years
Latest chapter of Hourou Musuko
Sasa Kanako is so adorable. :3
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nerdy-nonbinary · 6 years
Reunion Ch. 2: The Evening Prior
Mako arrived at the party much earlier than she had planned. Sure, she’d wanted to get there early to help set up and bring all the food. But then she thought the train’s might run late, and the weather had said there was a chance for rain, and she knew she would have to walk slow with all the food she was carrying. So she decided to leave a bit earlier just in case.
Now she was standing outside their grand apartment over an hour before she was supposed to be there. She considered texting Masami and asking her, but she decided it would be easier if she waited outside, in case Masami and Suehiro were busy with something. She found a bus stop nearby and, arms loaded with goodies, sat down to pass the time.
Mako had known Masami and Suehiro would be moving before she sent out the email, but she still didn’t believe it was true. But now that she was attending what was essentially their going away party, she was hit with the full weight of what it meant. Since middle school, Masami had been her closest friend. Even in their childhood, cut off from resources and outside support, they had had each other. And now, that was going to disappear. Sure, the two of them had found support groups as they were older, made themselves a community outside of their small, splintered friend circle. But nothing would replace that genuine connection they’d had, two young trans girls with no direction, no idea who they were, who had nothing but each other. It still hadn’t really sunk in yet.
She stared into the distance, the setting sun glowing just below the cloudline. The life she lived had always been uncertain. Transitioning, even at a relatively young age, had been terrifying. Even after nearly five years on hormones, she still got nervous glances in public, and she’d had slurs hurled at her more times than than she could bear to remember. She still had a small amount of money saved specifically for repairs to graffitti and attacks at the bakery. She hadn’t needed to use it yet, but she felt safer knowing she’d be able to fix whatever damage people like that could bring and keep on doing what she loves.
But now was no time to worry. This was meant to be a joyous occasion. Shamefully, Mako hadn’t talked to anyone besides Nitori, so she really was excited to see how everyone was doing. Even Chiba, whose relationship with all of them had been strained at the best of times. She needed to head back to help set up. If Nitori was going to leave, why was she sitting around and fretting, rather than enjoying what time they had left?
Mako hopped up and sprinted back to Nitori’s house.
“Ms. Sasa, where do you go when school is done?”
Kanako turned to face Rina, her last straggler before she shut down her classroom for the day. She bent down to the girl’s level. “Well, where do you think I go?”
The girl put a serious look on her face as she thought, before replying “I don’t know. Maybe you have a bed in the school?”
Kanako couldn’t help but laugh. “No, Rina, Ms. Sasa doesn’t live in school. Usually, I go home and make myself dinner, and then get ready for tomorrow’s activity. But tonight, I’m actually doing something special.”
The girl bounced on the balls of her feet, impatient at her teacher’s vague answer. “What? What are you doing?”
“I’m going to see some friends that I haven’t seen in a long time.”
“How long?”
“Well, let’s see. How old are you, Rina?”
She stuck out one hand, her chubby thumb tucked in. “Four!”
“Wow!” She feigned surprise, and Rina let out a little giggle. “You’re so old! But the last time I saw my friends was so long ago, you weren’t even born yet!”
“What! Ms. Sasa, you gotta be like a million years old!”
Kanako pouted at the comment. “Hey, I’m not that old! Maybe just a thousand years old.”
Her ears caught the sound of heels on linoleum, and she stood up to see a disheveled businesswoman sprint into the doorway, holding the frame as she caught her breath. “Ms. Sasa, thank you so much,” She said, panting. “My meeting was late and my phone died, and-”
“Mrs. Okano, it’s no problem. Just doing my job.” She bent back down to Rina. “Bye, Rina! See you next week!”
The girl looked over her shoulder as she left, her mom’s hand holding hers. “Bye Ms. Sasa! Have fun with your friends!” Her voice drifted down the hallway, and soon the classroom was silent.
It was odd. Until then, recounting her plans to a toddler, the weight of the night hadn’t truly hit her. Now it collapsed upon her shoulders, weights dragging her deep into the earth. Most of her students weren’t even alive the last time she saw them. Sure, there was social media. She’d been a little startled when Ariga had come out immediately after graduation. It made sense, looking back, but she hadn’t been as vocal about it as Nitori had. Takatsuki identified as x-gender now, but there was a period from after graduation until just over a year ago where she’d heard nothing from them. Then they’d popped back up on social media, with a guy’s haircut and FtX on every bio page. They were a student teacher now, working towards a degree, but she couldn’t help but wonder what had made them fall off the map for so many years.
Sarashina was the opposite end of the spectrum, showering in the spotlight (or, as much spotlight as there was) of women’s basketball. The star player, Sarashina was becoming more famous than even some of the male players, despite almost nonexistent media coverage of women’s sports. Of course, there was a little twist.
Sarashina wasn’t a girl.
They’d come out as genderfluid about three years ago, a post on every piece of social media they had. A quick selfie with that signature smile of his, with the caption “btw I’m genderfluid. he/she/they.” Not even an explanation. Kanako knew enough to find accurate sites and definitions, but others would be lost. It seemed hasty and poorly planned, from her point of view.
But maybe that’s what Sarashina had been going for. Spontaneity, confusion, casual mention of their identity. That was the Chi-chan way.
Then, of course, there was Chiba. Chiba, who had been a part of their friend group all the way back in fifth grade. Chiba, who always had had a crush on Nitori, even in denial of her gender. Chiba, who became… Kanako hated to say it, but it was the truth: Chiba became an asshole.
Kanako hadn’t seen her much since high school, and Chiba wasn’t one for social media. After the text she’d sent her, she was willing to her the benefit of the doubt, but Kanako was still wary. Out of the whole group, she’d definitely been the most transphobic (excluding Shirai, who had only been a part of the group by being glued to Sarashina’s shoulder at all times). Everything she had said to Takatsuki, denying their identity when they thought they were a guy. Even Nitori, the object of her constant affections, was a target, as she was almost painfully straight, and wanted her to hold on her male identity, even when dressing her up in skirts and blouses. Sure, Kanako had been airheaded as a kid, and none of them knew much about any of this at the time, but even she could tell something had been up.
Still, Nitori was inviting her, and that had to count for something. Who knows? She may have changed, and Kanako was willing to give her a chance.
But past all the memories and afterthought, a childish sense of glee bloomed in her chest. Everyone, together again, a way they hadn’t been since the end of middle school. It was thrilling, in an odd way. A private high school reunion, without the distant acquaintances to weave through and drunk dancing. Well, drunk strangers dancing, anyway.
Kanako finished tidying up the classroom, and silently skipped her way out the door. She couldn’t wait to see her friends again.
Saori was a bad person.
This wasn’t some huge revelation, any action or scenario that triggered the thought. Hell, she was sitting in the middle of a café, typing away at an essay when she realized it.
Saori was a bad person.
It was ironic, really, considering her area of study. How could she be a therapist if she couldn’t even help herself? But the position suited her. She’d always dealt with her problems by focusing on something else, some new project or plan separate from her mind. Writing a play, dressing up friends, going to church. Now she was going to do it for a living.
Saori was a bad person.
The room went silent, eye contact unbroken between the pair before she pulled her eyes away, staring at the floor. Dr. Yamada continued. “Ok. You’re a bad person. What are you going to do about it?”
Dr. Yamada sighed, shifting her notebook in her lap. “Do you want to be a person?”
Saori paused. “No, I don’t think so.”
“Ok. So let’s work on changing that.”
“But it’s not that simp-“
“It’s not. I know. But saying you’re a bad person doesn’t make you any less of one. It just makes you self aware. Nothing is going to change unless you put in a little effort.”
Saori let the clock echo through the silent room for the rest of the session. Her weekly therapy appointments often left her emotionally drained, but she’d asked to have a lighter session this week, as she was meeting old friends afterwards.
So much that did.
But it got her thinking. Why did she think she was a bad person?
Well, for one thing, she was attending a party hosted by a girl she bullied mercilessly for years under the guise of love. How many times had she given Nitori clothes to match her true self, only to deny her identity in the same breath? As Sasa had bluntly put it the last they had seen each other, her “distinctly oppressive heterosexuality” had not only blinded her from truly seeing Nitori for who she was, but also irreparably hurt their relationship. She still couldn’t believe she’d been invited, though the email had gone out months ago.
For another thing, she’d narrowly avoided again seeing someone who she had truly, deeply injured, even more than Nitori. She recalled the sigh of relief she’d breathed when Takatsuki had reluctantly declined the evite, and she still felt that stab of guilt. For all that she was right in saying Takatsuki wasn’t really a boy, she had actively dissuaded them from presenting the way they wanted to at the time, and she’s couldn’t help but wonder if their declining mental health during the last years of high school had been partly her fault, for denying their identity.
As she exited the office building, she questioned her decision to attend the party for the millionth time. None of them had genuinely enjoyed her presence by the end of school, really. Did she have any good reason to go, besides bringing up bad memories?
But Dr. Yamada said it took work to fix oneself. Maybe she needed to go. Maybe she needed to bring up the past in order to make herself a better future.
Saori was a bad person.
But tonight, she will take the first step to become a better one.
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Same deal as last time, if you use the icon-applicable ones as icons please reblog
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Chiba: I... don't really have any friends.
Sasa: Those are bold words for someone in hugging range.
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nerdy-nonbinary · 7 years
Reunion Ch. 1: Contact
You’ve received an Evite!
Friend Reunion!
Meet up for a night of drinks and reminiscing! See old friends, make new connections! See below for details.
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Confirm attendance?
Yes, I’ll be there!
Sorry, I won’t be able to make it.
Sasa Kanako: I will definitely be there! Can’t wait to see everyone! Also, who’s BiDemigod??
Nitori Masami: That’s Anna! She needed an email that wouldn’t be easy for any weird stalkers to find or anything.
Chiba Saori: I will also be attending.
Nitori Masami: Can’t wait to see you!
Sarashina Chi: I’m ready to get drunk and catch up! See you there, pals!!!!!!!
Nitori Masami: (Note to self: Count Chi’s drinks) So excited to see you, Chi!
Takatsuki Yoshino: I might have a meeting that night (The principal isn’t great at planning meetings), so I’m gonna play it safe and opt out. Sorry I can’t come, have a great time everyone!
Nitori Masami: Aw! We’ll be thinking of you! If you end up being able to make it, let me know!
Ariga Mako: Of course I’ll come! Everyone tell me your favorite sweets, I’ll make plenty for everyone!
Nitori Masami: How nice! See you there Mako!
Subject: Someone Else
Hey Nitori,
I’m really excited for this party! Thanks for organizing this. There is one person I didn’t see on the list, though. I know I was closer with Momo than anyone else, but I was a little bit surprised you didn’t send her an email. I haven’t talked to her in awhile, so I don’t know where she is. I’m sure you have a reason for not inviting her, but I just wanted to double check in case there was a mistake. Can’t wait to see you!
Chi Sarashina
Subject: Re: Someone Else
Dear Sarashina,
I can’t wait to see you too! I was wondering if anyone would mention Momo. You are right, she was really only friends with you, but I did look her up to see if she was in the area. Unfortunately, based on her Facebook, she has some… less than kind thoughts about trans people. I really didn’t think she would appreciate being invited to a party hosted by a trans woman where half the guests are trans. I hope you understand. I’m sure the party will be great without her (probably better than if she were there). See you soon!
Masami Nitori
P.S. Love the pronoun signature!
Subject: Re: Re: Someone Else
You were right not to invite her. You mentioned her facebook, so I checked it, and I’m sorry you ever had to look at that. I bet you didn’t know, but when I came out to her, she kinda stopped talking to me. I didn’t think much of it at the time. I always knew she had a crush on me, but also that she was lesbian, so I thought she just needed some time to get over me. But when I messaged her, she sent me the rudest, most transphobic thing. I’m sorry I doubted you.
Chi Sarashina
Chiba Saori: Is this still the number of Sasa Kanako? If it is not, I’m sorry for the incorrect number. If it is, this is Chiba.
Sasa Kanako: Yes its me! Hi Chiba!
Chiba: Hello Sasa. I just wanted to check if you still used she and her pronouns before the party, so I don’t misgender anyone.
Sasa Kanako: Awww! That’s so nice of you! Yes, I still use she/her pronouns. I’m also bisexual, by the way.
Or should I say BI the way? Haha. Anyway, just thought you should know.
Chiba Saori: Thank you for trusting me with that.
Sasa Kanako: No probs!
It’s really kind of you to check on people’s pronouns. No offense, but you really weren’t the best at them back in school.
Chiba Saori: That is exactly why I am doing this. I want people to know that I have changed and I am genuinely sorry for the way I acted in my youth.
Sasa Kanako: I’m sure everyone knows, but that’s still a great thing to do.
My lunch break’s almost done, I gtg. See you next week!
Chiba Saori: See you then.
Hi Everyone!
I just wanted to double check to make sure I had everyone’s snack requests right!
Chiba: Strawberry shortcake
Sarashina: Chocolate cake
Nitori: Taiyaki
Sasa: Chichi dango
Suehiro: Sata andagi (I’d never made this before, but they’re easy and so good! I’m gonna add them to the shop, thank you for requesting these!)
See everyone soon!
Mako Ariga
Hi everyone!
I know I’m going to see you all tomorrow night, but I just wanted to tell you how happy it makes me that I’m going to see you all again. I’m sure you all know how middle school was a really rough time in my life, and even with our misunderstandings, you all helped me get through that difficult time and become the woman I am today. But there’s another reason I’m inviting everyone over.
Anna and I are going to be moving to America sometime in the next year. We’re not quite sure when, but once Anna’s agents are set up and finish their business, we’re going to get ready to go. I wanted to have everyone together one last time before we left. It sucks that Takatsuki can’t make it, but for the rest of us, this may be the last time we see all of each other together, so let’s make the best of this night! See you tomorrow!
Your friend,
Masami Nitori
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Lily: What's the hardest thing to say?
Mako: I was wrong.
Sasa: I need help.
Chiba: I'm sorry.
Sarashina: Worcestershire Sauce.
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Chiba: I lost friends the way everyone loses friends.
Sasa, nodding: In the Ikea.
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nerdy-nonbinary · 6 years
fanfic wip guessing game!!: weak, tears, and laugh?
Weak: ‘Midoriya gently led him over to the couch, and the moment he sat down, he was out like a light. The glass fell from his hands, and distantly, he heard it crack, but he was too weak to keep his eyes open. Amidst worried cries of his name, he drifted off into nothingness.’
Tears: ‘“Was this school mandated training? ”Shouto stayed silent, willing his tears away and his breath to stay even.“Shouto, answer me!” He felt the heat of flames rush against his back, the perfect temperature to send him into a panic, his shirt just beginning to smoke.’
Laugh ‘Kanako couldn’t help but laugh. “No, Rina, Ms. Sasa doesn’t live in school. Usually, I go home and make myself dinner, and then get ready for tomorrow’s activity. But tonight, I’m actually doing something special.”’
The first two are from bnha fics (both about Todoroki), the second is Reunion, and Wandering Son fic I am writing.
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