#sarurn retrograde
somewhereinneptune · 2 months
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An intuitive message for those who need it 🖤
Welcome<3 I really did not know what to title this post,all I knew is I needed to post it.
Context : I was doing some automatic writing from spirit while getting some tarot cards about a decision I've been making several times, but never being able to fulfil due to my emotional side. I've been wanting to walk away from a situation that had started to bring me more pain than good, more confusion than clarity, and more waiting aimlessly than being present. I just never truly or fully walk away cause I have so much deep emotion and love for the person involved, and I keep clinging to the good parts of it, the healing or uplifting parts. Let's say the energy is healing, or is for sometime , yet the person's attitude and actions are harmful.
So today it was another moment of 'im done ' and I started jotting tips from spirit on how I can truly walk away without my emotions dragging me back, and it turned to automatic writing. Mid doing that, all I could see was me writing the tips on Tumblr and preparing it as a post, and when I was done I asked spirit about it,and they said many would be in need of the same message we provided, cause it's a collective time of karmic cleanse and leaving the old, stepping into the new (the last line came just now) and they highlighted or I remembered that Saturn has just gone retrograde, which makes so much sense. Any way, I hope this reaches whoever needs it,and I wish you healing from all that's not good for you<3
Tips from spirit about letting go from harmful and unhealthy situations:
1. Acknowledge and come to terms with your decision.Nothing can be done if you don't look it in the eye, be conscious of it fully, and say "I want to do it now. This ends NOW."
Acknowledge that you want to close the chapter and that that's your decisive action.
2. Be in the present,the flow of life amidst everything ; this will take time. When releasing anything,like going through a break up, transformations, or making any major change,it's important to acknowledge that it won't be done overnight, so take it slow,and let life go on. Don't drown in shame if some time passes and you're still releasing (don't feel like a failure or a fuck up/ unable to heal) it's okay , it's the natural process of life.
3. Expect that your ex will keep popping up , either through dreams, or physically trying to win you back, love bombing you, giving you promises and such. Don't fall for the old, for the tricks, for the crumbs. In fact, even if your ex is genuine about changing for the better, it is still your valid choice whether you want to take them back or not.
4. Leave with grace, and don't look back in anger. We either attain, or we learn. Acknowledge that this situation was a catalyst for you both, and that growth happens in harsh and painful environments. Growing is tough and raw, and it only requires a tough situation to do that for you. You learned a lot, set boundaries, and considered yourself in the end, that's a win. You gained something for yourself, otherwise this situation wouldn't have crossed your path. Adding to that, reflecting on how it was a catalyst and remembering or jotting down the things you've learned, the stuff this situation mirrored, or the way you've grown can help so much. It can help you to release it more lightly and less with anger and resentment.
"write it out" also kept coming to my head all day. It means write your emotions out, or they will suffocate you. Write the pain you feel, the tears, the betrayal, the everything. Let paper devour it all.
Also songs that came in my head :
Ocean eyes - Billie Eilish
Kiss it off me - cigarettes after sex
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loveemagicpeace · 1 year
☁️Astrology Weather☁️
🐚Venus in Leo- it will bring a lot of fun, joy, playfulness, childlike energy. A lot of nostalgia (you will remember things you used to do, childhood memories). You can see people from childhood, old love. Maybe you will start to miss the times that used to be or a certain period that was really close to your heart. But leo is also about pride, purpose, creative power, passion- which means that you will look for greater passion in the things you do. Finding the meaning of your life will be the key here. You will turn more to people who will bring you joy, light and optimism. Leo also represents hobbies - which means that you can start doing hobbies that you used to do again. It is also a gambling house -during this time you can play more games of chance or place bets. Be careful not to take too many risks.
🫧On the relationship front, set aside some time to think about how your love life could improve. Maybe you’ll decide that you’re finally ready to get into a serious relationship.
🪷Mars in Leo- there will be more invitations to fancy places, more exciting catch ups with friends and exes, and more personal achievements and awards. From best-dressed grocery store trips to triumphant blog postings, applause will spur you to play a bigger game everywhere you go. This is a time to chase down what you desire and pounce on opportunities to express your creativity.
🌙Cancer Season- This astrological season is all about craving comfort and feeling loved. Cancer season impacts all zodiac signs, but Cancer and Leo will feel it the most. You will spend as much time as possible enjoying the good things in life—like delicious food in beautiful places, preferably while lounging around with friends who feel like family. You will look for your comfort and where you feel the best. Emotionally, you will want to be with people who will make you feel at home. You can also decorate your room during this time.
🎾Mercury in Gemini- more fluent communication. You will be more motivated for more topics or things you want to talk about. This can also bring energy -gossiping about others or others gossiping about you.
🧘🏽‍♀️Sarurn retrograde in Pisces- saturn affects the events, a longer period (which means that saturn does not affect you emotionally or directly). Saturn governs thresholds and doorways, and government institutions. As a symbol of age and time it signifies clocks and watches, rulers and measures. Anywhere cold, dark, lonely, or isolated comes under Saturn. But saturn is also planet of limits, rules, authority, hard work, dignity, patinence, boundaries, good&bad karma. Saturn helping us to shape things appropriately. We must have Jupiter’s vision & Neptune’s dreams but Saturn brings out visions & dreams into real life. Saturn will help you realize your dreams. This will be a time when you can — and should, frankly — take the pressure off yourself.
☕️Pluto retrograde in Capricorn- Pluto suggests the presence of hidden power or wealth: plutocrats, archaeologists, psychotherapists, miners, and underworld crime. Spies, detectives, and secret services are happily embraced by this planet. Pluto is where we can become powerful, although it can also be a place where at times we feel disempowered, invisible, or persecuted. At the end of the tunnel, though, is the light of regeneration. Things from the past can now come to the surface and the truth can be seen. Now you will be able to really leave behind the things that have been holding you back for years. And you will become stronger and better from it. You will get your power.
💻Pluto in Aquarius in general will bring many changes in the field of technology and science. The world will begin to change in a technological direction (there will be more robots, devices, applications). Everything will become too computerized. There will be more emphasis on community and society. Who is the leader, who leads what and which group you will join. I know it's a long time coming, but I can't wait for pluto in pisces- then there will be more emphasis on romance, dreams, artistry. Perhaps bringing renewed interest in spirituality and religion.
🫧 In another post I will talk about NN in Aries & SN in Libra🫧
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