tolik-pawlusz · 1 month
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Saraph 23 i drew some time ago.
Saraphs are creatures from the first reality (called Night Pomel). Like all the inhabitants of this layer of reality, they do not have a specific material body, they are more like an abstraction. But they understand the human psyche quite well and can imitate the appearance of a human being. But the reality of people (second reality, Day Pomel) is a world saturated with the energy of a dead ancient deity. This energy has no effect on people cause their souls consist of it, but for the inhabitants of the first reality it is something like poison. It slowly makes spirits, saraphs, and even gods from the first reality loose their minds. They stop controlling their imitation of human appearance, but at the same time they become more material. But deformed appearance is not the biggest danger. Creatures soaked in the concentrated pain of a murdered deity begin to strive to absorb as much of this energy as possible, because each dose of it is like a blow, which power drowning out all other pain. And the easiest source of that energy are humans of Pomel.
23 is one of the most ancient beings affected by Distortion (the so-called effect caused by the energy of a dead deity in beings from the first reality. They needed to stay in the reality of people for too long. And although they lasted longer than the others, the Distortion had to happen sometime. And 23 could only wait for it to be destroyed as too dangerous creature for the human world or do something that would kill them and set them free.
(Btw i have Boosty page now https://boosty.to/olivie_de_axel)
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goonsgospel · 7 months
I think saraph has reflective eyes like a cat
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alexplatypus · 2 years
I finished case study of Vanitas the other day! There were to many times when I cried though. I’m now starting to watch saraph of the end; going from one vampire anime to another. So far the military feel of saraph of the end is giving no opportunity to cry.
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preacherpollard · 2 years
Fiery Serpents?
Tuesday’s Column: Dale Mail Herodotus casually mentions that there were snakes that would fly from Egypt every year from the Sinai wilderness (Herodotus 2.75-76). This may strike fear in the heart of any snake-fearing person, but it sure is interesting. Marco Polo would also write in his travel log about flying venomous “birds” as well as snakes of gigantic proportions as he explored Asia.  The…
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daily-dragon-drawing · 6 months
not quite a dragon originally, but, in the hebrew tanakh the word saraph is used for both what is translated as "firey flying serpents", and also for seraphim, so may I request a seraph-like dragon?
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#71 - 熾天使 (chì tiānshǐ / seraph) - A creature imbued with the power of the divine 👼💛👁️🌟🤍
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 1 year
Fun facts for the "Crowley was a high-ranking angel" theory that's becoming less of a theory:
Seraphim, the highest order of angels, comes from the same root words in Hebrew as Saraph, which means "fiery serpent" or "fiery flying serpent." Seraphim is also the rank of angels alleged to have "the knowledge of God," aka be the ones who know all the laws of the universe (and maybe know enough to start the big bang?)
Also, I'm pretty sure that Aziraphale was a cherub and was demoted to principality after the Eden situation. Both because the video included it in their description of him when he watched the big bang and canonically (as in Genesis), the guardians of Eden and the Trees of Life/Knowledge were cherubim (and he's said he was on apple tree duty). And cherubim are the second-highest rank, so the thought that Crowley had to be above Aziraphale back then means he had to be a Seraph.
I also thought it was interesting that Gaiman differentiates between Archangels as in the four (or seven) main chief angels of heaven and the lower "archangels" of the third sphere. In some texts, the four main Archangels (Michael/Gabriel/Uriel/Raphael) are either seraphim or cherubim. (So really it's not even That surprising that Aziraphale got offered an Archangel position if he used to be a cherub).
Hiya! Maybe - tho GO universe rules does not necessarily have to be same as ours.❤
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lambtuft · 4 months
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lamb/ram themed npts 🐏🐾
names :: angus , celest , sara , saraph , saraphim , angel , divine , purity , pure , chasity , hoove , harvs , evie , lacey , ram , ramhorn , cherub , cherubim , merino , shet , shetland , suffolk , innocent , mary , colt , saint, mutton , goatie , tuft , curl , lamb , lambie .
prns :: it/its , hy/hyms , shi/hir , lamb/lambs , we/we's , h*/h*ms , sh*/h*r , he/hems , shy/shys, fwu/fwus , ram/rams , pure/pures , tuft/tufts , saint/saintself , shet/shetland , divine/divineself , cherub/cherubim , god/gods , godess/goddesself [ im aware god/goddess prns are controversial , however im adding for irls/introjects of religious figures.] 🐑/🐑's , 🐾/🐾's , 🦴/🦴's , 🗝️/🗝️ , 🐏/🐏's , 🪽/🪽's , ❕/❕'s , ❔/❔'s , 🐁/🐁 🦷/🦷's , 🕊️/🕊️'s .
titles :: ' [prn] who bleets ' ,, ' the one with tufted fur ' ,, ' wolf in sheeps clothing ' ,, ' the pure creature ' ,, ' the holiest of symbols ' ,, ' the everlasting felt ' ,, ' [prn] is of holy decent' ' a horned puritan ' ,, ' sheltered lamb ' ,, 'pleet of clouds'
VERY self indulgent .... please rb + like to support a little lamb ^___^
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yellow-yarrow · 8 months
did you know that the Insulandian Phasmid quotes from the bible? I got curious if looking at the context of the bible quote would add anything to the interpretation of this scene, and maybe there are some parallels. Meeting the phasmid is like a revelation, just like how in that part of the bible god talks to Isaiah. (I can't belive im reading the bible out of all things for a video game lmao. god damn it.) yeah yeah maybe it's not supposed to mean anything other than the phasmid loves this world but it can be fun to look into it. maybe it is that deep
think of this as more of a web weaving post
You - I exist too. Insulindian Phasmid - Tell me what it's like for you. You - It's *wunderbar*. Insulindian Phasmid - Yes, holy is the lord of hosts. And all the Earth is filled with his glory.
Isaiah 6 BSB
In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord seated on a throne, high and exalted; and the train of His robea filled the temple.
Encyclopedia - (..)An Innocence is a continuous, compressed event, a sacred human being. It is an honour and a glory to live when one is in office. You - Is one in office now? Encyclopedia - No. We are alone.
Insulindian Phasmid - You are a violent and irrepressible miracle. The vacuum of cosmos and the stars burning in it are afraid of you. Given enough time you would wipe us all out and replace us with nothing -- just by accident. (...) You - Have I always thought this way? Insulindian Phasmid - No -- you're only thinking it *now*. This is a revelation.
Above Him stood seraphim, each having six wings: With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying. And they were calling out to one another: “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of Hosts; all the earth is full of His glory.” At the sound of their voices the doorposts and thresholds shook, and the temple was filled with smoke.
In Hebrew, the word saraph means "burning"
Insulindian Phasmid - Tell me what it's like for you. You - Fire, burning.
Insulindian Phasmid - You were right. Little bubbles form on the mouthparts of the creature -- on its segmented lower lip. It looks to be foaming, slowly. The foam is white, then yellowish... Perception (Smell) - The faintest smell, like you've never felt before. Like burnt roses.
Insulindian Phasmid - The foam slowly turns a darker shade, like burnt caramel -- as the insect moves its mouthparts, masticating. The little bubbles begin to burst, one by one... Perception (Smell) - Letting out that same smell, like summer burning.
Then I said: “Woe is me, for I am ruined, because I am a man of unclean lips dwelling among a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the LORD of Hosts.” (..)
The Deserter - "I've seen the *real world*. In '06. The flags unfolding. Young people marching, being kind to each other. They dreamt of a million years in the stars. This here..." He looks down at the ashes. "Is pale in waiting."
The Deserter - "Straight to Yekokataa for this old revisionist." He gives you a little nod. "At last -- atonement for my sins: revisionism, reactionary ideation, desertion..."
The Deserter - "The material base for an uprising has eroded." He nods and blinks his black eyes. "The working class has betrayed mankind and themselves..."
(? maybe? idk.)
Then one of the seraphim flew to me, and in his hand was a glowing coal that he had taken with tongs from the altar. And with it he touched my mouth and said: “Now that this has touched your lips, your iniquity is removed and your sin is atoned for.”
maybe this one is a stretch (like the others too lol)
You - Lick your finger. Interfacing - It tastes like... sugar. Very faint. The arthropod towers above you, tufts of reeds pointing from limb and head alike. Perception (Taste) - Odourless, mostly comprised of water.
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying: “Whom shall I send? Who will go for Us?” And I said: “Here am I. Send me!” And He replied: “Go and tell this people, ‘Be ever hearing, but never understanding; be ever seeing, but never perceiving.’ Make the hearts of this people calloused; deafen their ears and close their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts, and turn and be healed.” Then I asked: “How long, O Lord?” And He replied: “Until the cities lie ruined and without inhabitant, until the houses are left unoccupied and the land is desolate and ravaged, until the LORD has driven men far away and the land is utterly forsaken. And though a tenth remains in the land, it will be burned again. As the terebinth and oak leave stumps when felled, so the holy seed will be a stump in the land.”
Insulindian Phasmid - Everything your eyes touch goes back there -- behind the nerve mirror. What if you blink? Are we still here? (Please don't blink). What if you misplace us all one day -- or just forget? You - Have I always thought this way? Insulindian Phasmid - No -- you're only thinking it *now*. This is a revelation. You - This is the Gloaming I've been waiting for. Ever since I woke up in the hotel room.
Man with Sunglasses - "About *what?* You don't look like a cop..." He inspects you. "You know what you look like?" You - "Like a prophet?" Man with Sunglasses - "Not the prophet shit again..." He looks away.
Evrart Claire - "It says..." He looks in the folder. "Oh yes... very interesting. It says you're more like a mad prophet than a cop. Always rambling about the end of the world... I'm sure these stories are exaggerated."
Cop of the apocalypse (early version from the game files):
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or perhaps
Rhetoric - You -- against the atom, the charm and the spin. Where the whole world failed -- matter failed to bend to human will; human will failed to get out of bed and tie its laces -- you alone, single-handedly, will rebuild the dreams of the working class. You are The Last Communist.
well regardless, the quote is another instance of christian symbolism in elysium
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talonabraxas · 5 months
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"Then flew one of the seraphim unto me, having a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar: And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged." —Isaiah 6
Seraphim by Talon Abraxas
(Hebrew שרפים, plural of שרף) A word that comes from the Hebrew root Saraph meaning “to burn.” Seraphim literally means “the burning ones.” This word is used differently by various traditions. Manly P. Hall suggests the name is related to the Egyptian Serapis.
1. According to the Kabbalah, Seraphim is a very awakened, pure being related to the sephirah Geburah.
2. According to Christianity, a Seraphim is the highest type of angel, related to the sephirah Kether.
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ineffableducks · 1 year
yes like the seraphim. like the highest order of heaven. like. the angels who have six wings and eyes all over them.
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i understand that i probably need to provide evidence even though this is definitely just a headcanon currently. i'm very interested in mythology as a pagan, and i study demonic and angelic hierarchies in my spare time. so this is something i'm very interested in and i feel like i've cracked the case.
SO a couple things from the new season have been making me think that crowley was a rlly high ranking angel.
like we all knew that it was a little weird how he had the power to literally stop time in the first season. and then in this season, we see him literally manufacture star nurseries and nebulas. he's a lot more powerful than he lets on. as someone else described, he's incredibly powerful and being "just some guy" about it.
anyway we get some hints about what level of angel he's at. in the last episode, muriel tells him that only those ranked thrones or dominions or higher can access certain files in heaven. and crowley can.
now quickly, here are the ranks of the angels.
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now, higher orders don't necessarily mean they are more powerful. in the context of good omens alone, gabriel is the supreme archangel and the most powerful. and even though principalities (like aziraphale) are ranked closer to god, they are less powerful than archangels.
so yeah crowley totally could have been an archangel, except they're ranked below thrones and dominions which means he couldn't have accessed the files. it doesn't even seem like saraqael could have accessed them, as she just watched even though she is an archangel. so i think crowley once upon a time was a higher rank than an archangel.
so that leaves four candidates. dominions, thrones, cherubim and seraphim. and thanks to a little line in episode 201, i think i've worked it out.
when beelzebub warns crowley about heaven's extreme sanctions, crowley tells them that (paraphrasing), "extreme sanctions aren't a thing. we just made them up to scare the cherubs."
THE CHERUBS. now, the plural of cherub is cherubim, and a cherub is often depicted as a baby angel, with similar iconography to cupid. so it makes sense that he's describing making up a story to scare the baby angels but it ALSO implies that the cherubim were ranked beneath him.
what's the only order of angels above cherubim? seraphim. va-voom.
and in case i need to further prove my case, do you know what the base word for seraphim is? it's the hebrew saraph, which means "burning" and sometimes is used as a noun to denote... "serpent."
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i've never really been into the fan theory that crowley was raphael before the fall. and now i don't think i do, mainly because im convinced he was one of the seraphim and raphael is always described as an archangel.
we might never know crowley's angel name, if it was different to his demon one. but i think the main takeaway is that he was a lot more powerful than first impressions might serve.
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godsworstson · 1 year
going insane over my little headcanon about angel crowley so I need to share
Crowley was Seraphiel
1. Seraphiel is the protector of Metatron which would explain why he was the first to recognize him, even before the Archangels, and why the Metatron looked at him with so much disdain
2. Seraphiel means "Prince of the High Angelic Order" tying in nicely with Metatron saying "For one prince of Heaven to be cast into the outer darkness makes a good story. For it to happen twice makes it look like there is some kind of institutional problem" even though he's most likely talking about Lucifer but idc
3. I know a lot of people headcanon Crowley as an ex seraph and ooo baby do I have a lovely fact for you: Seraphiel is the chief of the seraphim, holding the highest rank of the seraphim though Neil Gaiman has said that is Michael's rank (maybe because the original holder fell ;))
4. Going off of my last point, the word saraph is used both as a word for burning and serpent on multiple occasions in the Old Testament, which makes sense with Crowley being a snake demon
5. Seraphiel is described as being extremely passionate about humanity and gives them messages of justice and compassion. Need I say more??
6. They're both usually depicted with fiery colors. Yeah.
there are so many things that make this unlikely but I adore it
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Has your Jewish background ever contributed to a snake's name (Hebrew terms such as Najash, Saraph/Seraphim, Leviathan, etc.? Brian Barczyk had a python named "Satan" at one point but that's just... mean.. keep it in a tiny tub and name it after the evil one is just adding insult to injury...)
Oh yeah, absolutely. Frequently. Hebrew is actually the language I speak at home, and when I bring snakes home their files are just labeled "נחש" (nachesh) which means, y'know...snake.
Fun fact! The word שרף (saraph), which most non-Jews know means angel, can also refer to snakes! It's one of three words used in biblical Hebrew to talk about snakes, and it comes from the root word meaning "burn," so it refers to snakes with venomous bites that cause burning pain.
Lots of my snakes have Hebrew/Yiddish names, too. I like giving my snakes regular people names, and they're just names I like. :)
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omina-vanitas · 1 year
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welp-im-doomed · 1 year
Some sketches from Hell Followed With Us I did in class of Benji and what I pictured in my head for Benji when he became Saraph. Should I have been taking notes? Idk probably but I had Teeth and dysphoria on the brain so
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markzari · 1 year
SARAPHIC | ᴍᴀʀᴋ ʟᴇᴇ
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PAIRING | Demon au! Mark lee x reader
SYNOPSIS | You find out that the person your falling in love with is the one you've been looking for since you were younger and you used to be childhood friends but... something is different about him...
WC | 1.6K
WARNINGS | suggestive, angst, depression, blood, action, violence, child abuse, some fluff moments
A.N | Finally updating..
Tuesday 8:43 am I looked over at the same boy again as I saw Renjun sit in his seat across from me. "How long are you going to stare at him?" I smacked his arm as I saw mark look over at us. I noticed that something was different about him. He looks away. I scoffed as I continued looking over at the board to see what the teacher was teaching.
"Today we will be having Partners! For this project you will be explaining this lesson so far as of as well as what you already knew before."
I blanked out hoping I would get Renjun or a random smart student but of course life was against me. "mark lee and __. Since you guys should've already got to know each other yesterday!" I gritted my teeth as Renjun laughed besides me. "Can I go use the bathroom.." the teacher nodded as I dashed out the class. I went outside to the roof as I wanted fresh air.
I sat at the edge of the roof I felt a force or air pushed me forward too much as someone grabbed my arm. "What are you doing?!" I turned and saw mark. "Did you not push me?.." he pulled me away from the edge as he looked at my arm. "I may not like you, but I wouldn't have a reason to push you. How did you get this bruise?" I looked at him in confusion as I looked at my arm and saw a big bruise.
He sighed and took me to the nurse as she just gave me some ointment to help it heal faster. "Thanks.." I said as we walked out the nurses office "yeah sure..." he said as he soon looked at me and walked away. I saw a guy come over to here and drag him outside.
I looked at him and he got dragged "what the fuck?.." - Here they were glaring into each others eyes. As his brother donghyuck shoved him into the wall outside of the school. Hands clawing into his neck, eyes beaming red. "I told you. You can't be around her. Do you not understand what our father could do to her? Are you really that dense?."
mark grips donghyuck's hand trying to get free. "How can I stay away from her when she doesn't remember? I will get her memories back and get her away from those demons. Our father is a pathetic monster. I won't let him near her. "
donghyuck lets him go as he fell to the ground and gasped for air. He snatched his face "If she gets hurt, don't say I didn't warn you."
donghyuck pushes him back to the wall and swung his bag over his body as his tongue fidgeted with his lip piercing out of habit and sighed as he walked away and he vanished.
Mark stayed on the ground, leaned up against the wall "You can't keep me away from her. She needs me just as much as I need her."
Time skip
I stayed at late after school finishing my project. Many students had already left and began packing up my bags to leave. I took my bag over my shoulder and walked out of the classroom. I was honestly surprised that they did not close the school yet.
I hurried through the door before I stayed the night there. As I was outside normally, I would go on the bus but of course since I stayed late working on my project alone, I missed it.  
"No, I'm going home now. Stop being so scared. Ren, I know. Blah blah bad people are out at night. Yeah yeah. I have to go now, bye!"
I hung up and scoffed to myself "Not him acting like he cares about me-" I heard a scream and crying. "GET OFF OF ME PLEASE!!" They yelled.
I was confused on who was screaming during this hour.
I turned a corner and saw blood everywhere and a man with red hair biting something. I heard him spit blood out and wipe his mouth "bitter shit." I stepped forward to peak but stepped on a leaf. He slowly turn his head with a tilt.
There was blood slightly leaking from his mouth as he looked a me. Another guy with beauty marks stepped forward. "Come on. We don't have time for this."
I stayed frozen. I couldn't see the guys face clearly but I added one and two together. Red hair... maybe I should stop overthinking...
I remembered mark had texted me saying that he was busy and couldn't work on the project tonight.
the redheaded guy pulled up his hood and shoved past the other
"You can't be out here this late. You should be glad it was us. Go home." the other guy said to me as he pushed through and turned the corner, leaving the bodies and blood for all to see.
I looked back to them and they were gone. A thin gust of black wind slowly faded away.
I rubbed my eyes and let out all the air I was holding in, Thinking about what renjun said. "I need to go home.. Maybe that dumb ass was right.."
I went home and unlocked the door and was greeted with my surprisingly calm and collected mom.
"oh my gosh sweetie! Are you ok?"
I wanted to roll my eyes at her obvious faking but I just slowly nodded and told her everything.
She gave me a hug that seemed to hold no emotion. "You can't go out alone anymore. Go with your friend."
"renjun? No way. He is annoying."
She held my face "remember what I told you. I can only protect you if you listen to me."
The little girl skipped down the side walk as the sun was slowly setting. She smiled and froze in her steps as she saw her friend.. Mark.. she was about to wave but he was with a tall man.. her smile slightly dropped and looked in confusion.
She quickly hid and listened to the conversation
"Who is that girl that you've been hanging around? Didn't I tell you to stay away from those annoying humans?" The man gripped the poor child's face and slapped him. The girl covered her mouth as hesitated to go help the boy that she could never admit she had a crush on but chose to stay hidden.
"Your brother listens to me better than you ever will. Your a brat and a cry baby. Grow up. Your older than your brother but you cry like a little girl."
The man scoffed and crouched down to the boy and grabbed his face again. The boy sniffs and stutters out a sentence "B-but she not human... I know she's not. She d-different.." The little girl looked in confusion but continued to stay silent.
The man chuckles and he tightens his grip on the boys face "This is my last warning. Next time ill go get her head myself. This is a promise"
The girl quickly ran back home to her mom and cried and told her everything. She hugged her and held her head. "its okay.. You need to stay away from that boy.. Okay? If you listen to me, I can always protect you.."
End of flashback
I nodded as I felt her grip on my face slightly tighten. She soon let go as I brushed past her to go to my room "goodnight."
I fell on my bed and prepared myself for another nightmare
I arrived at school and then my same boring routine as every other day. I walked into the school building and put my stuff away in my locker. from the corner of my eye, I saw that same cold redheaded boy, mark.
he was by himself putting your stuff away with the same bag, but I noticed something.. he had a type of charm...
it looked like mine but instead of an Angel it was a demon. I was going to squint to try to get a better look at it, but I soon saw him turning around.  
So, I quickly close my locker grabbed my stuff and went to my first class, brushing past him in the hallway and I thought to myself “why is that charm so familiar?”
I sighed and pushed away my thoughts and sat down at my desk being greeted by the same annoying face.
“Hey. What took you so long? You walk like a sloth...” The same two shaded toned hair guy laughed “Renjun. I will smack you with this book.”
I huffed as I fell into the seat beside him. I promised myself that one day, I will change seats. 
A few minutes later the teacher finally came in and began the lesson. Once again, mark was late. He soon walked to the back of the class and took a seat.
The teacher glanced but kept her mouth shut now if that were me, I would have detention especially if this were the 50th time week like him.  
I sighed and continued to focus on the lesson. 
Class finally ended and I made sure I was the first out the door I did not want to have to bump into anyone that I did not want to bump into.
However, at least that is what I wanted and of course you can never get what you want. As I was going out the door, I bumped into the one person I was not in the mood to see, Mark.
I groaned as I saw him about to walk away until I grabbed his arm “We need to work on our project. I have been doing most of it.” He looks back at me with a cold face and sighs
“Fine. Come over to my house later. I will send you the address. Also, you should stop staying at school late... It is not safe” If breaks out of the grip from my hand and walks back down the hallway.
“What? How does he know that I stay at the school late?..” 
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nomadicism · 4 months
Blood of Zeus season 2 is so lush with design detail. I really enjoyed it and was such an annoying Greek literature-and-myth nerd to my partner the entire time we watched it.
Yeah, short post. Maybe I’ll find the time praise all the things I loved about it.
One thing though (Seraphim spoilers)…
Seraphim—while I fully appreciate his place in the narrative and how his story is going—feels out of place. Nothing else and no one else feels out of place in the show. At first it was his name that bothered me (just…why?), and then in season 2, his punishment in Tartarus was a reference (or homage) to Loki’s punishment in Norse mythology (I laughed so damn hard at that scene). Weird out of Greek mythology context choices got me thinking there is some additional meaning going on.
The etymology and origin of the word seraphim goes back to saraph: associated with “burning one”, “burning snake” or “venomous snake”. Also, in the plural, the order of angels (keeping this brief so not gonna get into that). In Tartarus, a venomous snake is dripping poison into Seraphim’s eyes, echoing Loki’s punishment. In Norse mythology, Loki is the son of the jötunn Fárbauti. When Seraphim eats the giant’s flesh, he becomes part giant. Being part giant is important to getting into the hidden realm on the sly. Seraphim tricking the Curates by pulling an Odysseus is some peak Trickster performance. If I were to rewatch both seasons with these things in mind, I’m sure I’ll notice more parallels.
I don’t want to read too much into it, but I don’t think these things are a coincidence. Especially since Seraphim is the only character that feels out of place. Nothing else in the show feels haphazard or only done because of Rule of Cool. Whatever is going on with Seraphim has got to be more than “hot blue Loki in barbarian rags”.
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