donjosealberto · 6 years
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Gypsy 83 trailer 
One of my absolutely favorite indie films. I don’t remember how I stumbled upon this film but it has a place in my heart. For me, it’s a reminder of what it was like to first discover the goth scene and trying to fit in with the scene but still being authentic of who I was as an individual. Most of the music I had was burned tapes from friends. Yes, cassette tapes and I still have them. Clothes from thrift stores. It was during the 90′s, so I had a grunge/industrial twist to my goth esthetic at the time. And going to NEO on saturday nite. Anyone from Chicago will tell what fun the original NEO nightclub was. Before it was turned into condos. Maybe someday I’ll do a post about NEO. But getting back to the point its a great film with a great soundtrack and will speak to a lot of goths within the scene. if you have time watch it HERE on youtube for $1.99. 
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