#sarada vs buntan
kurosakis-world · 8 months
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Sarada vs Buntan. Test of Strength Fight.
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daydreamtt · 6 years
So at this point
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when Sarada sets a specific time
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She's not playing
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You're officially screwed
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kokushibe · 7 years
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Sarada Uchiha vs. Buntan Kurosuki
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notimeliketoday · 7 years
For the Make me choose game: Sarada vs Buntan or Sakura vs Shin
Sarada vs Buntan by a huge margin dear anon. Everything in that fight is what I always wished to be something Kishi should have had given Sakura ages ago.
Then again, everything about Sarada is what Sakura should’ve lived up to in the first place.
There is also the matter that I find the Sakura vs Shin to be inconsistent when it comes to Sakura’s inhuman strength and how she fought as a whole.
Ever since Sakura obtained her inhuman strength, we see her use it in combat EVERY TIME. The only exceptions were the times that she wasn’t able to fight at all because of chickification. From her fight with Sasori down to the punching of Kaguya, she was using her inhuman strength to defeat her enemies.
Even The Last shows this too and I hate that movie with the fury of a thousand suns.
We can also see her healing herself those times too. She’s using majority of what’s in her arsenal to keep up in the game.
So seeing how she fought against Shin is directly contradictory to how she actually fights and OOC in a way.
Let’s take a look:
Shippuden!Sakura have these:
Inhuman strength
Medical prowess
Byakugo seal 
Gaiden!Sakura have these:
Occasional inhuman strength
Paper explosive
That’s it.
Compare Sakura to her Gaiden self you can see that although she did get stronger, she is a downgrade in many ways.
She did not use her strength against Shin when punching him and instead merely exchanged blows when she can just as easily obliterate him like she did the first time. Her evasion scene is great and I have no complaint about that but then she suddenly resorts to using paper bombs as a consecutive attack?
That’s not her style at all. Shippuden!Sakura vastly prefers smashing things to the point that you don’t see anything else that is not related to her medical skills because that’s the core of her fighting style.
Yes, we see her punch Shin in a one-shot move to the point he needed surgery. We see her punch the floor in his hideout and we see her use her strength to throw a pillar. But that’s not enough. All of these things suddenly becomes a one-time thing.
Let’s also bring out her healing abilities. During her fight with Sasori, she’s already skillful enough to heal herself without using hand seals prior to obtaining the Byakugo when impaled by a poisoned sword. The only thing that made it fatal is the poison that she no longer had immunity to. That’s why Chiyo managed to heal Sakura without losing too much of her life force with the help of the antidote she gave her. Sakura already did the bulk of the healing on her own by preventing excessive bleeding.
When she finally obtains her seal, she was able to heal herself against Madara’s rod and punch him. The rod is stated to prevent movement entirely, and we see her struggling to raise her fist at first but still manage to throw a punch even if it’s not successful, and then come out unscathed afterwards.
Here comes Gaiden and suddenly she can’t do half the things she could as a teen? Despite possessing much larger reserves than she did back then? Suddenly, Shin is too much of a threat she can’t manage to heal from?
What kind of travesty is this?
Now, I’m not entirely blaming SP for this - at least for the healing part - because Kishi himself wrote her unable to move at all after getting impaled by the blades. It may be his way of showing how rusty Sakura is so I understand where the inability to heal come from, despite my dislike for it.
The difference however, is at the very least Kishi didn’t make Sakura “forget” her inhuman strength. Every scenes with Sakura displaying that strength are scenes he already wrote in the manga except for the throwing the pillar (which is still implied in the two panels showcasing the fight anyway). The inconsistency is purely SP.
Another reason why I hate that abominable studio.
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kinginthestar · 7 years
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chidoroki · 2 years
Boruto EP252
aka: team aqua vs team aqua
Of course there’s gonna be no one aside from Ikada’s old boss who is gonna assist team 7 with sailing a ship straight into the middle of a war.
With this large storm I’m half expecting to hear Kyogre’s Heavy Rain theme to start playing.. it would absolutely make this better at least.
I didn’t need to see Kagura’s body like that, thanks.
“Personally, losing Kagura has been very difficult for me.” Same dude.
After how long this arc has been dragged out I really don’t think this war is gonna end with a simple discussion between Boruto and Ikada so I can only bet this negotiation is gonna fail.
That wave suddenly split into two?
Honestly forgot team 5 were fighting with Buntan and Kyoho.
Not that I doubt Sarada’s abilities but how would she even know how to pilot this ship..?
Both sides getting some emotional pep talk right before the fight begins.
Preview thoughts:
All that chatter and now we finally get Boruto to talk with Ikada.
I feel like it would’ve been much safer to have this chat via radio instead of face to face in the middle of the entire Funato clan fleet, but ya know, gotta be dramatic and have some kind of excitement during this arc.
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lazyenemygladiator · 3 years
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Sarada vs Buntan
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yuissamidare · 6 years
listen. Listen. the best boruto fight was sarada vs buntan you cant change my mind sp only grows braincells when sarada takes center stage
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lafenixrey · 7 years
Boruto ep. 30 Recap
“The Sharingan vs. The Lightning Blade, Kiba the Fang”
Biiih. Buntan’s daddy was a deadbeat!!! How you gonna have a legitimate child back home but you carrying some stranger kid on your back for years. Y’all remember him?! He liked to have funerals for people & shit. Damn. I mean, she ended up being somewhat like him. Bloodthirsty as shit.
I got so fuckin hype when Sarada started copying all those jutsus! YAAASSS! C’mon Kakashi the Copy Ninja! Don’t let up!
Chojuro, honestly, did that!!! He said the blade is only as good as the wielder & OOP! That was shade. I knew these new baby swordsmen weren’t about shit! Chojuro got all of them together with a rusty ass butter knife! I live. The Mizukage!
I wonder what’s on that scroll. Hmm.
Lol at Suigetsu being surprised that Mitsuki told him thank you. All my kids got manners! Exceptional manners!
Ok, Iwabe! He got some trick up his sleeves!!! That secret sword gagged me!
Sarada too smart! Idk what the hell she was talking about with that water, H2O, oxidation, ionization, but I was yelling, “That’s right! Give her a chemistry lesson! This bitch won’t learn any other way!”
The verdict on Buntan: indeed she is a top tier bad bitch all across the board. Her style is unmatched, impeccable: the hair, the fit & the shoes. & she is a very talented kunoichi.
Honestly, I hope Buntan & Sarada match-off again when they’re at their full bad bitch capacities.
Maaaaannn, Kagura needs his ass whooped. I know that he’ll come to his senses eventually but he’s getting on my nerves.
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eveneechan · 7 years
“Scarlet Spring’s Illusion” Another experiment of animated speed painting illustration. Inspired from Sarada vs Buntan’s fighting scene from Boruto: Naruto Next generation
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icestar0 · 7 years
So Buntan was basically confirmed as a one night Stand or a prostitute’s child and her mother is not pleased. poor kid, she was cute at least
her lil baby chomper teeth make me think those are def genetic
Buntan has the best eyelashes I have ever seen in the entire Naruto franchise and I support her modeling career
Buntan just because Sarada saw one jutsu doesnt mean you should immediately show her all your jutsus. That was just ridiculous, distract her with ur swords and find a better position
Tick Tock it’s I love Buntan o’ clock
I like that Sarada had to do something brainy to win, but honestly its p bullshit that an academy student was able to draw against and 18 year old of unknown rank, that explosion needed to be executed as a much more desperate move or someone needed to come help Sarada out.
Suigetsu is here for 5 seconds, is a great uncle and now watching over the 2 kids he threatened to murder who inexplicably are not joining Mizuki to go save Boruto. Such great friends. Anyways I wanna see that intel
I expected those 3 to llose against chojuro but i’m kind of sad the fight didn’t have more to it. I know the focus was on buntan vs Sarada this ep, but at least let those guys show of some more cool stuff to show why Shizuma though they were strong enough to join his rock band
Actually I’m kind of disappointed in Chojuro for needing to tank so many hits before he beat them up, even with his little lecture I’m not convinced that he just isn’t all that great without hiramekarei. If it was Mei they be unconscious or dead in 35 seconds
Still I can see why Suigetsu would have called them kids, they lose their cool way to easily. I wonder why Hebiichigo was particularly afraid of being cut, that seems odd, like she’s never seen battle at all.
Ichirouta did you just go full Deidara and blow yourself up. You acted all cool with your all according to Keikaku speech and immediately lost to iwabee I’m dissappointed and you better be alive you fool.
even in battle Shizuma can’t stop petting Kagura’s face
Also Samehada seems to have shrunk considerably, is this an animation error or is the sword being nice to Shizuma?
Shizuma’s face when Kagura puts his hand on his shoulder is <333 kouhai noticed him
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not-so-terrible · 7 years
Summaries for the next five Boruto episodes been translated, and so pumped for the next month!
- At least until episode 31 are still in the Kiri arc
- A kunoichi called Buntan Kurosuki wields Kiba, so looking like a Raiga descendant  the kiri descendants have playdates and try and takeover the world between snack and nap time
- Is Hassaku also a swordsman descendant?
- Shizuma trying to restore the Seven Swordsmen, so wondering if he’ll have a run in with Suigetsu
- Kagura either being lied to/put under a spell, so potential genjutsu use?
- Not sure if the Demon Swords are the name for the Seven Swords or something different
- Sarada playing a major role in the arc and seeming to meet Shizuma, so still have hope for her learning more about Itachi
-Choujurou becoming more involved in the plot, so......Shizuma vs Chojurou?
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Sarada Vs Buntan
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BORUTO: NARUTO NEXT GENERATIONS - Episode 30 - The Sharingan vs. The Lightning Blade, Kiba the Fang!
BORUTO: NARUTO NEXT GENERATIONS – Episode 30 – The Sharingan vs. The Lightning Blade, Kiba the Fang!
Chojuro leads Boruto and Sarada to the location where Shizuma and his “New Seven Shinobi Swordsmen” are based. Shizuma uses his jutsu to create a fog that clouds the trio’s vision, and they end up getting separated. Sarada is forced into one-on-one combat with a kunoichi, Buntan Kurosuki, who wields the Lightning Blade, Kiba the Fang! In the thick fog, Sarada uses her Sharingan, but her enemy is…
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chidoroki · 6 years
Boruto EP60 preview thoughts
I won’t be doing this for every preview.. this one just made me think a lot since it’ll be all new to us.
Okay, so I am really happy that they’re continuing the exams and putting off the Momoshiki attack for just a bit longer. Am I happy that Boruto still cheats and moves onto the finals? No, of course not, but enough about him. Let’s chat about my other favorites from new Team 7.
Araya vs Sarada: Y’all know I’m beyond excited to see my girl fight more, but then the preview mentions how sneak attacks and genjutsu won’t work on Araya. I’d like to think that genjutsu won’t work just because of his mask? With Sharingan genjutsu, you need to make eye contact with the enemy for it to work, so there’s that problem. I’m sure one punch from Sarada could take care of the mask though, if she gets the chance to get close enough. I also saw a few people talking about the chance that maybe Araya could be blind, which would be pretty interesting, or that he may just focus his eyes elsewhere, like how Might Guy instructed the other jonin to do so during their encounter with Itachi in Naruto ep82. I can see Sarada trying some shurikenjutsu but having Araya just deflect everything with his sword like he did with Inojin’s birds. We don’t know too much Araya to begin with so I haven’t a clue on what kind of jutsu he even has, so I don’t know if Sarada will try to copy anything or not either. I’d love to see her use some of that lightning style jutsu she copied from Buntan during the School Trip arc. I would absolutely die of happiness if Sarada pulls out the Fireball jutsu though! I mean, come on! Your dad is home now! Let him teach it to you! Girl uses said jutsu a couple times in the manga a few arcs after this, so he would’ve had to teach you it at some point right? Especially if he said he was leaving after the exams.. but enough of my hopes there. Anyway, as for who wins this match, it’s a toss up. Of course I would be super proud and happy if Sarada won but I can also see Araya winning, just because we have no idea what he’s capable of. I think if the match draws out long enough, it could be troublesome for Sarada, especially if she has her Sharingan active for most of it. She became dizzy once while practicing it against Chocho at the very end of Gaiden arc and did eventually collapse after her fight with Buntan. I would like to think she trained enough by now that using so much chakra with the Sharingan won’t be a problem, but who knows.
Mitsuki vs Shinki: Man, I thought they were going to be pretty evenly matched but the preview has Mitsuki looking a bit hurt. The iron sand is just so good, I don’t know what Mitsuki could do against it. Yeah he has wind and lightning style to use, along with his snakes and wiggly arms, but is that enough? Honestly, if Mitsuki was able to use his sage mode, then I would easily say he would win, but without it and against Shinki, I can’t be too sure. I’m really looking forward to see how this fight plays out because I really have no other ideas on what could happen.
So who will be the final three? I think it’s highly unlikely for the final fight to just be of new Team 7. It would be fair to see either Sarada or Mitsuki lose their match and have it be 2 Leaf Ninja vs 1 Sand. Hell, it would still be fair even if both of them lost. Remember, in the movie & manga, the two of them are in the stands watching with the crowd when the Momoshiki attack starts. Granted, that was just after the Boruto vs Shikadai fight, but things changed. It would make sense for them to both be there in the anime right? Especially if they still plan to have Sasuke save Sarada and join up with Naruto and Boruto and everything else happens as it should. Even after this whole arc ends, the new Team 7 are still ranked as genin, or at least that’s what I gather from the manga, since they still go on missions with Konohamaru. Sure, just getting far enough into the Chunin exams and doing well can grant them a promotion, ex: Shikamaru, but I don’t think that’ll happen so soon.
A ton of thoughts aside, I’m going to love next week’s episode regardless of who wins and who loses. Sarada and Mitsuki are my two favorites in this series so far and I can’t wait to see what they come up with against these Sand shinobi.. as long as they don’t get too beat up, then I’ll cry.
Also, we saw a lot of the Akimichi & Nara families cheering for their kids today.. so I don’t doubt we’ll see Sakura cheering for her girl next time.. but if I ask to see Sasuke and/or Orochimaru watching the fights, then that’ll be too much right? Hey, one can only hope!
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