#sara is sooooo a type of heroine i LOVE
mermaidsirennikita · 4 months
oh, derek and sarah! rookie mistake!
thanks for sharing those marcus lines, though. he's so starchy and turned on and so mad about it. love it.
maybe your fav derek moments next? :D i especially love when he realizes the woman he takes into his library as a stand-in for sarah, is /actually/ sarah, and she's all half undressed and trapped under this very around and angry derek craven. whew!
An easy mistake to make! Derek and Marcus are both done with that classic Stepback Man Hair.
And yes, I have SOME of my favorite Derek moments here lol. Not all. In the least. I left out the adult breastfeeding moment, for example, because I've posted that... multiple times.
(This is from my auxiliary "readable paperback" copy, because that first edition is not to be fucked with.)
The moment when he loses his shit on her and is like "ACTUALLY I'M OBSESSED WITH YOU" and has her feel his erection, which does not in fact scare Sara away because she matches his freak. She kills me. He does his big spiel about wanting to melt into her skin and she's like ".... I don't see the issue".
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Followed by this PLEASE SAY MY NAME JUST ONCE moment:
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And this isn't romantic but it typifies Derek's self worth issues so well. Also, I maintain that it's actually really important that people who read this book get that Derek is a former sex worker, and sees himself as one, and ALSO has a respect for and bond with the sex workers at his club that is undoubtedly influenced by that (additionally, it's absolutely not a coincidence that Sara writes about a sex worker who ~saves herself from sin~ before meeting these women who are sex workers and discovering how they're like, PEOPLE--and for that matter, falling in love with and marrying a former sex worker).
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Lol and then the scene you were talking about, which has some of the most VIVIDLY DESCRIPTIVE language I've ever read in a romance novel. YOU'VE HAD ME LIKE A DRAWN DOG!!!!
And Sara is like *slow blink* what's that
Also him not being able to stand her wriggling lmao there's nothing I love more than a romance hero who's like STOP. MOVING.
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Not a direct Derek quote, but when Tabitha describes him coming to have sex with her (because he absolutely did fuck Tabitha... I wanna be clear...... and I'm soooooo good with that interpretation). It's so pathetically brokenhearted and sweet. Also I love that she's like "don't worry he was very sad and gentle".
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This scene after he deflowers Sara and he's both very sweet and also wants to STAY INSIDE HER FOREVER!!!!!
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The scene where he deadass chases her former fiancee out of her parents' house like a rabid dog and then is like "WHAT THE FUCK DID HE MEAN INSATIABLE LUST" and she has to explain in front of her parents that she was horny and trying (fruitlessly) to recreate what Derek made her feel and her dad is like welp that's enough singlehood for you Sara.
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This increeeedibly erotic moment ("Sometimes I want to punish you a little" may be my favorite dialogue in the book). Derek's lines about wanting to live in Sara's pussy are my favorite things. He wants to like, build a small cottage in this woman's vagina and stay there forever. It's great. I I don't even care that it sounds like he hits her cervix sometimes because some people are into that and tbh if anyone's into that shit it's Sara
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And of course, the blubbering love confession. HE WOULD'VE GIVEN HIS LIFE TO HAVE ONE MORE DAY WITH HER AND TELL HER HE LOVES HER.
And Alex Raiford is in the background like "loser" lmao
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