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chefsdelight · 2 years ago
Connor had been on edge since the whole ordeal, kept looking down at his own hands and thinking about what they had been capable of doing. It made his stomach tighten up to the point that he wanted to be sick but instead he ran his hand through his hair and took in a deep breath of the cool air. Spring had been trying to break forward but it seemed winter just wouldn’t release its chilling grip. He thought diving into work would be the best way to bring some kind of sense or normalcy to things. Going to the marketplace was eerie given the last time he had been there he was attacked by Merlin, if that even really happened. The idea of it seemed too much for him, trying to push the memory away he went on to purchase things for the restaurant. The smell of fresh herbs, seafood, and mushrooms made him feel calmer at least, it was something he could understand at least. Taking his spoils back to the restaurant he rumbled with the keys in one hand when he noticed someone outside of it. “We don’t open tonight.” 
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fadedhvntr · 2 years ago
It’s a while before he goes back to the local gas ‘n go on the corner. There’s something about going out in public that makes him a little hesitant after everything that happened in the shadows. Like he’s not sure if something is gonna jump out from around the corner and go right for his ribs. He still could remember the shadows swallowing him up and then looking up, seeing gleaming plate armor and then - 
Richard is lost in his thoughts as he walks through the aisles looking for something to drink, maybe something later when he was walking the dogs for Feyrah. But there’s a bump at his shoulder and breath catches in his throat. For once he doesn’t reach out to try and help. Instead all he can think about is how quickly he can get to the knife at his thigh. Letting out a tense breath, he forces a smile.
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“Shit, I uh, sorry ‘bout that. Guess I got lost in my head.”
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ofkalea · 2 years ago
status: open to anyone
location: any park in the city
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If anyone knew the real reason as to why Kalea had enrolled in a beginner level kickboxing class, they’d probably send her to the nearest psych ward. Or why she’d decided to go for jogs for frequently. A mythical sword you were given by a Knight was helping to train you? Yea, that probably wouldn’t go over well in most circles. The exercise kept her mind off of…other issues in her life for the time being. It was a nice distraction. Which was why, as she finally took a break after her last lap, Kalea walked up to the nearest person with a warm smile. “Hi! This may come off as an odd question…but do you know of a good place for smoothies? I’d be happy to buy you one for the trouble of helping me out.” She offered, hands on her hips.
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agxsos · 2 years ago
Walking the streets of Los Santos felt surreal after being stuck underground for so long. He’s certain it’s because of magic that saw him being set adrift trapped in his tomb of knowledge. Little pleasures he never dreamed of indulging upon have him favoring the little shops throughout the Underground Marketplace and inevitably winding up at some place with a name that is painful to look at and feels like an egregious affront to some of the more clever business names.
But Love You A Latte inevitably becomes something of a guilty pleasure for the witch. Especially a caramel latte or two. Sitting there quietly and admiring the city from the table out on the curb, Ambrose can take in the little moments he’s been deprived for, well, centuries.
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A wary glance is given to the person that seems to look for a chair. Once he might’ve been callous but - a quiet sigh slips free and he makes a point of clearing his throat to draw their attention. “Here,” he says, gesturing to the chair across from him. “It’s a seat if you want it.”
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mirrormirrorhq · 2 years ago
“Oh, what’s this?” The slender woman mused curiously, turning to face the individual sitting on a bench in the conservatory of flowers. Aberash pushed a cup of hot  tea into their hands. A soft aroma of sweet flowers wafted int the steam welcomingly. “You’ve got a cloud over her head. Drink that. You’re making my flowers sad and I can’t have that.”
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moonglut · 2 years ago
Sander Ridgeway was not a morning person by any stretch of the imagination but when his job called with instructions for a pick up, you got up, got dressed, and answered the call. Somehow, that made him sound more important than he truly was, a driver that went all over the city to retrieve those who had passed on and prepare them for their final days before they moved on to whatever came next. It wasn’t always pretty. In a city such as Los Santos, he was almost always prepared for thing that would give normal folks nightmares. For him, it was just part of the job he loved so much and sometimes he was lucky and the call was just about someone slipping away peacefully in their sleep. It was certainly a crapshoot.
He stepped out the back door of the morgue and inhaled the fresh morning air. It was cold, crisp, a hint of winter still in the air as Spring barreled forward full speed ahead. He rubbed his arms and fought the urge to walk down the street and pick up some cigarettes. It was a nasty habit and, honestly, he didn’t want to pick it back up no matter how many times he desperately wanted something to steady his nerves. He leaned against the wall and watched the pale tint of morning creep into the edges of the dark, hinting at a sunrise that had been waiting patiently to make its appearance. Though he was tired, Sander could always appreciate the simple beauty in such simple things
He was about to go in when he heard a noise, making him smirk. It was too big to be an animal ferreting around in the trash cans a little bit down the way which meant it was probably someone (something) humanoid, looking for…. God knew what. “If you’re trying to be sneaky you definitely need some work,” he said, shoving his hands in his pockets. Are you ok?”
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somxthingfamiliar · 2 years ago
Location: Conservatory of Flowers When: Evening, (open to anyone)
The conservatory was usually filled with people during the day and she could certainly understand why, seeing the plant life and flowers through the windows of bright sunlight was always a breathtaking sight to be sure but Rikki was looking forward to seeing some sights that could only be seen during the night. On and off she had been going to check on the blooms, she was used to having the time on her own so when another set of footsteps caught her attention the familiar couldn’t help but put up her guard. “Late night stroll is it?” Taking a step back she couldn’t help but think about the missing around the city.
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lucxboyce · 2 years ago
Who: Lucas Boyce x OPEN Where: The Ugly Duckling What: Needing a night out, your muse and Lucas hit the Ugly Duckling for a night of booze, darts, pool, and general fun, and yes - the threat of Lucas making them sing on stage. If we haven’t plotted, feel free to assume connections!
“Okay,” The hellhound huffed out with a mild laugh, “that was such a lucky shot!” He defended as the dart his company had thrown hit bullseye. A feat he could accomplish if he wanted to but what was the fun in using his supernatural abilities all the time? The 80′s rock playlist he had paid to be played at The Ugly Duckling had Lu nodding his head along to the beat as he went to the board and collect their darts. “Don’t be such a damn show-off or I will sign us up for karaoke and unlike me, you can’t sing worth shit.” Lucas teased with an easy grin - he actually could sing and it had been briefly something he pursued many years ago when he resided in Nashville for a couple of years. 
Walling back up to his company, he handed the other their darts and gave them a playful shove. “Alright, the next one who wins buys the next round, deal?” He didn’t wait for an answer and took his spot, aiming for the dartboard and letting his dart fly. Perhaps....the dart was thrown with some of his supernatural skills for once...maybe.
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ameliaxalvarez · 2 years ago
Location: Wrench It! Who: Amelia and OPEN​ What: Mel is working late at the auto shop and someone stumbles in and refuses to leave. Can be a customer, friend, whoever! If we haven’t plotted, free to assume connections.
Amelia was the last one in the shop today, a treat that had not happened too often. Wrench It! was far too quiet and even though it was really late, that didn’t stop her from connecting her phone to the speaker in the corner and blasting her all-time favorite song. The rhythm of Selena had her dancing in no time, singing off-key as she tied her hair back in a messy bun. Grabbing her tools, Mel bent down under the car that was lifted in the air and began to work on it, losing herself in the job and in the sound of music. The sound of the bell jingling from the customer entrance is the only thing that pulled her from her thoughts. “We’re closed!” She yelled out, hoping the person would hightail out of there cause she didn’t want to deal with customers being moody right now due to be being turned away. However, the sound of the door closing and footsteps coming into the shop, alerted her that this person wasn’t going away. Popping from under the car, Amelia huffed a sigh. “Yo, I said we’re closed!”
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vindlcated · 2 years ago
for: everyone! where: love you a latte coffee alley  what: sabine is taking a massive risk by putting flyers out for a roomie all around the city. she just bumped into your character whilst doing so at the coffee shop. feel free to assume connections if we haven’t plotted!
now this... was something sabine didn’t want to do. but, it had to be done. she needed a roommate. rent was high, she had a crappy car to take care of, and student loans... she didn’t even want to think about those—and she was in her last year of vet school. so there she was, putting up fliers around the campus in greenhaven but also elsewhere—like the coffee shop in sunnyside. this was probably beyond stupid but her idea was that someone would contact her and they’d meet up in a public place... like the coffee shop, and talk it out if on first sight things were sketchy. she was desperate, and frankly without parents since she was eighteen so she really was all on her own with this stuff. 
sabine taped a flyer to a wall in the coffee shop and turned, bumping into someone. “oh, sorry,” she said, about to walk away, but stopped and looked back at the person with knit brows. “you’re not looking for a roommate are you? or... know someone who needs a roommate?”
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danielxwhitechapel · 2 years ago
Where: Some alleyway in Tsavo, towards the end of daylight Who: OPEN What: Danny is ever impatient for the sun to go down and will often wait on the outskirts for the final rays to disappear - that’s what he’s doing now and your muse runs into him. If we haven’t plotted, feel free to assume connections!
Los Santos wasn’t quite so different than other small towns he’s come across in his long - long- life. The only difference was the fact that the supernaturals ran rampant here instead of hiding under the shadows and guise of humanity and normalcy. Or at least, the way most did. What made it better? The whole mystery of disappearing supernaturals. Most in his case would ward off the city, but Danny couldn’t stay away from something so intriguing. He wanted to figure out what was going on while causing chaos to the shadows of his past. 
The sun was setting - it was taking too long, in Danny’s opinion, and he was itching to be able to freely travel the streets. The abandoned apartments only offered so much entertainment during the day. He could have used the sewer system, but it reeked horrendously and even if he held his breath, the stench always clung to his clothing. The last thing he needed was for that putrid smell to cling to Syd’s old leather jacket. Ever impatient, Danny waited in an alley for the final rays to disappear over the town. His blue eyes analyzed the last stream of light and he let his fingers dance along the edge, ignoring the burn that came from his fingertips when the sun burned him. It wasn’t until he saw the smoke arise that Danny pulled away and inspected the damage. It’d heal rather quickly - perks of immortality.
“Pesky thing,” Danny sighed, well aware that he hadn’t been alone even if he had acted like he had been. For a moment, he let himself miss the days he could walk in the sun and enjoy its warmth. It had been centuries since he’d been able to do that. “Well, the sun’s got about five minutes till it’s gone so that’s how long you have to explain why you’re just standing there like an idiot staring at me.” It was only then that he turned to look at the intruder of his momentary solitude.
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chefsdelight · 2 years ago
The events of the week prior lead Connor to the bar, not a place he usually found himself simply because he saw what a waste his father turned into when it came to drinking but damn. There was some tickle at the back of his throat that he just couldn’t get rid of, he tried smoothies, some coffee and handfuls of snacks but nothing took the edge of. His last resort was trying to burn it away with alcohol or at least put himself in a stupor that took his mind off of it. Taking a long chug from his mug he gave a soft cough and shook his head, it wasn’t working fast enough and if anything made his mouth cotton dry. “This is just not cutting it.” He sets the mug down with a thud looking around for the bartender. Hell maybe he wasn’t drinking enough water through out his day.
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nvghtborn · 2 years ago
location: the love you a latte cafe who: anyone !
it's overcast today which usually meant an influx of orders. not that jonas was hurting for cash or work but it was a good gig running orders from the local cafe to people's places when the weather got too bad. standing round at the front of the cafe, there's a smile given by one of the baristas when they place a cup of coffee in front of him. something to help with the wait, they'd said.
"thanks again for this, our usual guy is out with a cold or something."
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jonas offers that practiced service smile. "no problem at all. I've been meaning to get a hold of your boss and see about making this a full-time arrangement. could be beneficial if she's thinking about expanding to delivery and all on more than the stormy days."
the barista chuckles, offers up a good luck with that he's heard more times than he can count and leaves him to wait. it's only when the door chimes does he look away and over his shoulder with a slight step to the side.
"ah - here let me get our of your way."
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lilmisslili · 2 years ago
Open Starter Where: Outside the glass slipper, day time.
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Lilianna emerged from the nightclub in workout attire and her usual smile, sweating. Daytime practices have to be her favorite part of the day, she loved having the club to herself; aside from the bartenders or cleaning staff setting up for the night ahead.
Settling though, Lili was waiting for the bus now. "Maybe I need to teach a class or something, here. During the day. Bring business in? I wonder if the boss would be interested."
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bittersweetcaramel · 2 years ago
alanis morrissette is playing over the speakers in the record store while he walks down the aisles looking over thousands of records and cds all neatly organized. victor still has a foul taste in his mouth from his shift that morning. breaking up a pair of vampires from all but ripping each other apart over what? a blood bag. a stupid fucking blood bag. at least the city had some kind of outreach program for its supernatural residents.
hey vic, this shit is laced.
of course the universe couldn’t just let him have a calm week. so he’d watched his partner test the o negative and bag it as evidence. and what had he done? he’d slapped cuffs on both the vampires and said that it was above their pay-grade to deal with it. victor couldn’t help thinking about it as alanis is crooning about how oh isn’t it ironic...don’t you think?
he lets his feet wander and nearly collides with a person as he turns the aisle. instincts kick in and victor is steadying them with an arm wrapped round the person’s waist. an apology is on his tongue and it takes him a minute to stop thinking about the vamps that seized up in the back of his cruiser. a fleeting half-smile surfaces and once the person is on their feet he finds his voice, hushed and polite.
“i uh, think you dropped something? sorry about that.”
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fadedhvntr · 2 years ago
he wasn’t used to things being so quiet.
not in the traditional sense so much as he couldn’t find a reason to listen to those worries and doubts. raff knew he was alive so he had nothing keeping him tip-toeing around like he was walking a minefield. still, it felt like he ought to hold his breath. everything was too good to be true. richard isn’t used to being able to just kiss and make up. there was always some other shoe about to drop.
maybe that was why he was hanging around his old haunt watching the wolf at the other end of the bar work.
the ugly duckling isn’t particularly busy most nights but it’s always tuesday he finds himself here now. trivia night holds an odd sentimentality now. it’s hard to forget old habits and harder still to keep from staring now that he’s got nothing to hide. guess that’s why he doesn’t notice when a figure takes the seat at his elbow until the movement draws his gaze away from skimming the rest of the bar. quiet a moment, he looks them over, tips his beer to take a sip, and shifts a little to make room. maybe it wouldn’t hurt to be sociable.
“long day?”
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