#sanji just kicking the men so they get ahead lmao
hauntingblue · 8 months
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clumsyexpression · 2 years
『+ Love Languages + 』
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Whether you're having a bad day or just a little reminder, this is how some One Piece men show that they love you, without having to say it ♡
Will make the obligatory tampon run for you and grab the right size absorbency level AND will grab a some snacks that he totally didn’t just think of last minute because of impulse buying to make you feel as comfortable as possible. If it's not that time of the month, he will gladly share the sketchy food he called dibs on in the refrigerator that somehow managed to exist as long as it did without him scarfing it up on sight. Okay, better yet, if he was bringing home some food, he would make sure it wasn't eaten on the way home and it actually makes it you... which he might still ask for some but gotta give him credit for getting it to you untouched lmao except if it's french fry oh especially if its a bag fry or whatever, those are fair game
it has to be a really, really, REALLY bad day for you, cause he actually allows you to honk his nose to make you feel better. Otherwise..otherwise he would definitely cuss you out lmao
When he asks you what’s wrong and you reply with ‘I’m fine’….he’ll make sure to ask again and catch the hint that you want him to ask 37 more times before finally telling him.
Would go back to the store at least 3 times in a day when you keep remembering you forgot something. Bonus points if he brings back two variations of the same item to make sure it’s the right thing.
You know when you go to a fast food joint and you ask for no pickles or mayonnaise on a burger but they still cake your sandwich full of it? He will take the bullet for you, he will take one for the team. If you’re still in the drive-thru line and refuse to go back and correct your order he will gladly eat the pickles off of your sandwich to prevent you from  tasting such an abomination of the tongue and to prove the lengths he will go to prove his love for you – especially since neither of you like them instead of like, just pulling them off and not eating them lmao
Both of yall just sat down to enjoy some TV time together, with some snacks and blankets – full nine yards of coziness – and right as you plopped down and got all snuggly, you realize that the remote is on the other side of the room and after a moment of both of you not moving to see who would get up and get it, it takes another moment or 3 before he finally relents. You know he loves you cause if he wanted to continue to be stubborn, he would have went ahead and kicked his feet up lmao
When you ask what’s going on in the middle of the movie and he actually answers - like, he turns down the snark by 70% and even goes into a little detail
His love language is annoying the shit out of you, soo …
Yall just got mad comfy in bed – I’m talking lights out, tucked in, feet are warm and toasty, snuggly cocooned into bed – you couldn’t leave the bed even if your life depended on it. But BAM! It happens, you remember something – something so vital, yet you allowed it to somehow slip your mind. You forgot to get yourself a glass of water for the night. Right as the thought hit you, it must of bounced off of you and hit Mihawk, too, cause there he is – equally as comfortable and secured into bed, but instead of returning the pleading pout you’re casting his way, he gives a knowing look and a slight smile. Before you can manage to speak a word, his feet are already slipping out of the cocoon onto the cold floor and treading down the hall. Nevermind this happens like every damn night or whatever but he still loves you and still doesn't mind
He doesn’t mind finishing the food you can’t eat. It’s almost like he’s part garbage disposal, but he truly doesn’t mind and also because he couldn’t bear the thought of food being wasted
He’ll gladly take the spider outside for you instead of you threatening to kill it by smashing it repeatedly with the closest item nearby, which almost always happens to be something of his, conveniently enough pfffft
X – Drake:
Even though you had every opportunity to go to the mailbox, you still kinda forgot, and now that the sun has set and you remembered something super important could have came today, he will gladly go out and check for you – barefoot and incredibly underdressed - and will risk the outdoors with all the vicious nocturnal creatures running amok out there to go get your mail only for it to be some phony offer from a dubious marketing company pfft
Before you even start to struggle with opening glass jars, he’s there to pop it open with a simple twist. I mean, he definitely does it out of love but also to keep you from breaking them when you SMASH THEM AGAINST THE COUNTER when youre trying to loosen the lid
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