#sanji discovers homosexuality
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syrupbitee · 4 months ago
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sanji's first days in the crew
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spiderp0nk22 · 1 year ago
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Stealing bfs shirt (sanji is never getting that shirt back)
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prismanga · 1 year ago
one piece chapter 42! i am emotionally invested! help me!
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don't like the taste of a little clownmeat, eh?
so now we're officially out on the sea! and
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it looks bad!
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hehe. love these guys
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ngl thats pretty based usopp. rare usopp w
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so everyone flops over for a second to relax besides luffy, of course, because he needs to do something silly or he'll immediately die.
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ok... i guess that settles that
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oh boy, i know what theyre alluding towards! exciting! except
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i think we *should* have a musician.
uh... unsure if this is a choice the editors made or if the original japanese did say something to this effect...
side note i have as of the moment because this has been on my mind anyway: i just discovered in the icarly episode where they go to japan, they have two actors play japanese people who, long story short, neither of them speak japanese, and the dialogue they have in the language is not only very clearly generated by 2007's google translate, but rather than use the word "baka" ("idiot") one of the characters calls the other what is basically the japanese version of the r slur, and in fact that episode can't air in japan uncensored for this reason. isn't that some shit?
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oh fuck dude, tommy braces-and-headgear is gonna absolutely wreck our shit with his very comically oversized and stupidly shaped knife!
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he has the kanji for "ocean" covering half of his face... okay, that's a choice
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like partner partner, or...?
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is this one of your buddies from the gay bar on homosexual island?
anyway, headgear mcOceanface explains that his buddy yosaku is sick and so he let him relax on top of a big rock.
you know. the one we just fired at?
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didn't you just threaten to kill us? i don't think you actually believe what you're saying, bro.
anyway, time for nami to be the only competent one here.
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so nami explains how scurvy works, and apparently in-universe this is also regarded as what should be common knowledge to anybody who wants to be a pirate
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aaaand yosaku is instantly healed all thanks to some limes, so, we've only got some mild basis in realism here, don't worry. lol
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oh my god, dad, put some damn pants on, my friends are over! you're embarrassing meeeeee!!!
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shit, just kidding, the realism hit him hard!!
so with that weird little experience, now we have...
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...a very clear set goal to... go get sanji. can i just be frank? now we have a reason to go get sanji.
this chapter ends off with a little q&a segment-- i only want to highlight this here
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holy shit. acknowledgement of the constant do---n!!
wow, i feel validated!
well that was a goofy but good chapter! the adventure just keeps ramping up!
closing thoughts:
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get your vitamin c, kids!
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brazilian-whalien52 · 2 years ago
Fanfic Rec Challenge
1. What is your comfort fic
- Petey and Wade and other being punched in the face things
Fandom: Marvel
Ship: Spiderpool
Following Peter and Wade through their relationship and their absolute failure to communicate literally anything important to people who are not each other. I swear, these guys need to learn to use words
2. What fanfic made you cry the most?
- The Only Moment We Were Alone
Fandom: Merlin
Couple: Merthur
In 1940s England, the son of a wealthy hospital benefactor and his manservant are separated when their love affair is discovered. When Merlin Emrys is committed to an experimental hospital ward to be cured of his deemed mental affliction of homosexuality, Arthur Pendragon will stop at nothing to get him back. Based on the psychological experiments of Dr. William Sargant.
3. Which fanfic is your guilty pleasure
- Revenge is Sweet
Fandom: HP
(please don't hate me for this)
A teenage Snape plots his revenge on James Potter for making his life hell, but little does he know that James has plans of his own that will send both their lives spiraling irrevocably out of control.
4. What is the funniest fanfic you ever read
- Petey and Wade and other being punched in the face things
Fandom: Marvel
Ship: SpiderPool
Following Peter and Wade through their relationship and their absolute failure to communicate literally anything important to people who are not each other. I swear, these guys need to learn to use words
- Operation Blue banana
Fandom: PJO
Couple: Jasico
If Jason had been using his brain, he would have called it off the second Percy called it 'Operation Blue Bananas'. In fact, if he had had any sense whatsoever, he wouldn't have asked for Percy's help in the first place. However, as certain love gods and goddesses will tell you, love tends to mess with your mind.
Now Jason just has to try to make sure it doesn't make him completely lose it.
(In which Jason is lovesick, Percy is his wingman, and Nico is just plain confusing.)
5. Which fanfic made you obsessed with a random ship
- Highway of Love (Or: How Sam Winchester Learned to Stop Worrying and Relax Already)
Fandom Spn
Couple: Sabriel
AU. Sam noticed a few things weren't quite right after they killed the Trickster. After going back to check things out, his life will never be the same.
- Finding GoM Matching Partners
Fandom: Knb
Fandom: Multi-ship
Compilation of one-shot, two-shots and or multichaptered stories, featuring Kuroko no Basuke characters Generation of Miracles finding their own matching partners after they entered high school.
6. Which is the hottest fanfic you ever read
- Don't Think Twice
Fandom: HP
Couple: Drarry
But do not take my word for it, i hardly save this kinda of fic
7. Which fanfic is totally contrary to your taste but somehow you loved it?
- A Cheap Imitation
Fandom: Drrr!
Couple: Shizaya
“Attached to your neck is a collar that will inject a poison into your jugular vein two days from now. Forcibly removing the device will also trigger the poison. Somewhere on this island is the antidote.”
His hands reached up to his neck and he felt the cool metal of the collar.
“Live or die. Make your choice.”
8. Which fanfic made you impressed with the author ability to compliment canon
- Fly a Little Faster
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Couple: Sterek
Everyone knows when you go back in time, you shouldn't step on an ant, just in case you accidentally kill your own grandparent or something. But what happens when you go back in time and, uh, accidentally interrupt the one event that apparently made the Grumpiest Alpha in Town into a ball of mindless manpain?
Well, if Marty McFly can do it, so can Stiles Stilinski. All he has to do is get Derek and Paige to fall in love before he gets pulled back to his own time. And before he makes anything worse. That's easy as pie, right? Right?
9. A fanfic that come just at the right time you needed it
- The Last Straw
Fandom: One piece
Couple: Zosan
Sanji is a perfectionist. Zeff has told him it's a good thing. It takes a perfectionist to run a restaurant kitchen, or any good kitchen really.
But lately he hasn't been living up to the title of a perfectionist.
10. The fluffiest fanfic you ever read
I don't have any to recommend, like smut I hardly save one that is just pure fluffy 😭
11. Favorite gen fanfic:
Again nothing, sorry guys
12. A fanfic you believe deserve to become a book
- Rivals
Fandom: Yuri on Ice
Couple: Victuuri
An altered universe where a single event changes the course of both Yuuri and Viktor's lives, a rivalry is formed that spans across many years and both of them tell a very different side to the story
13. A fanfic you just want to rec because what the hell
- Turn
Fandom: Harry Potter
Couple: Drarry
One good turn always deserves another. Apparently.
14. A fanfic from your home country
- Noiva em Fuga
País: Brasil
Língua: Português
Fandom: Drrr!
Casal: Shizaya
15. A fanfic you have written
Izaya vai descobrir o quanto é difícil fugir usando um vestido de noiva.
- Mercadinho
Fandom: Marvel
Couple: Spiderpool
Peter só quer comprar sua janta e voltar para sua vida agitada. Porém um encontro inesperado acontece.
* não recomendo a leitura da minha fanfic
I challenge @bangtanger @gloster @babyshouyou @lostwithnointernet @rhomaa2 @pieceomono
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bearxclaws-archive-blog · 7 years ago
Name: Anita
Nickname:  Annie, ‘Nita, Bear Girl
Gender: CIS Female
Romantic Orientation:  Bisexual ( stronger preference for men )
Preferred pet names:  She doesn’t get called pet names often, so she has yet to discover which she likes most. But I have a feeling she’d like being called ‘babe’ a lot.
Relationship status: Verse dependent / selective shipping!
Opinion on true love:
She believes in it 100%!
She’s just also convinced at the same time that she’s not meant to find it. Her parents aren’t happily in love and she’s never had a successful relationship, but she sees other people ( a good example being Rosa and Ace ) that are completely and totally in love and wants something like that so badly. She wants to fall hard and dedicate herself to one person, and to have someone truly love her just as much as she loves them. Even if, when it actually happens, the idea of falling in love scares her.
She believes so hard, but she can’t see herself ever obtaining it because she can’t even stand herself. She thinks if she hates herself, everyone else does too.
Opinion on love at first sight:  
THAT she feels is utter bullshit. She’s not fallen victim to it because ‘love at first sight’ is base entirely on appearance and not who the person is. She thinks it’s shallow and stupid. She does feel it’s possible to get to know someone after a day or two and feel something, but that’s based on personality and not how good someone looks.
How ‘romantic’ are they?
Not very, sadly. She’s not used to being in relationships, so she doesn’t know the first thing about being romantic. To her, showing someone she loves them is being herself; teasing, picking, physically touching. Something roughly. She needs to learn, and it also depends entirely on her partner. Not to compare my ships, but what Sahar ( @miseriicxrs​ ) finds romantic will be different than what Sanji finds romantic, so she can only learn while in a relationship.
Ideal physical traits:  
Honestly, she’s not too picky. As long as they’re hygienic and not extremely unhealthy. She doesn’t want to be seen as shallow, but she’s an active and fairly healthy person. She appreciates people that can be active with her or aren’t grossly lazy because she doesn’t want to feel like she has to take care of someone that doesn’t want to move around. So even if she is willing to give just about an physical type a chance, she does tend to lean towards people that are lean or muscular for health purposes. THERE ARE EXCEPTIONS; she has seen some chubbier people that are 100% healthy and would date them. Because, again, it’s more of a health thing than aesthetic.
Ideal personality traits:  
Selflessness, kindness, generosity and sincerity. She is weak for people that are the epitome of kindness. Those kinds of people are the opposite of her, and she gravitates towards anyone that can shine brighter than her. Plus, she hopes they’ll rub off on her.
Smugness and confidence, too. Doesn’t matter what they’re confident in, as long as it’s something they love doing.
Unattractive physical traits:  
Whoops, sort of answered this one above, but unhealthiness in general. She can understand if someone has a condition, but she finds the generally unkempt and slobby appearances unattractive.
Unattractive personality traits:
Selfishness, greed, general coldness towards life. She is two of those things and that’s why she doesn’t like herself. Also dishonesty and fickleness. 
Do they have a type?
She doesn’t realize she does, but kind and soft people that have a small mean streak. 
Average relationship length:  
No matter the verse, she hasn’t had a relationship. She had attempted to date Dominic, her act partner, but she found out too late that he wasn’t interested in woman and was leading her on because he enjoys playing with people ( and she made it easy. )
Preferred non-sexual intimacy:
Sharing food, snuggling, hair touching and hand holding. Anything that’s soft and shows her partner doesn’t think she’s physically gross.
Commitment level:
Anita loves hard and completely, and she can only love one person at a time. She’s extremely committed and loyal, and it takes quite a bit to shake off her feelings. Once she’s sworn herself to someone, the idea of another doesn’t cross her mind even once. Her partner is all she needs or wants.
Opinion on public affection:  
As bad as it sounds, it depends entirely on her partner.
If they’re male, she’s open about it. Kissing, hand holding and all that good, mushy stuff. She doesn’t mind it at all, even if she’ll act like she’s embarrassed. It feels like showing off, but she likes it.
If they’re female, she’s hesitant. Her mother’s verbally and emotionally beaten it into her that being interested in the same sex is disgusting. So she feels like if she holds a girl’s hand in public or even tries to kiss her, they’ll be judged and seen as wrong. It takes some convincing and reassurance before she gets used to the idea.
Past relationships:
Dominic was the closest thing she had to a boyfriend, if he could even be considered that. He’s homosexual and has no interest in woman what-so-ever, but he felt a great deal of cruel joy leading Anita on because she made it easy. She fawned over him, did as he asked and is / was unable to blame him for the accident that caused her burns.
But they didn’t actually date. So, technically none.
Tagged. @xsear ( thank you, dee!! ) Tagging. anyone that hasn’t been tagged and wants to!!
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