#sanfrancisco pandemic community loss
paulsignorelli · 4 years
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Another Pandemic 2020 loss here in San Francisco: Louis' Restaurant, a family-run business since 1937 and one of San Francisco's great diners, officially closed permanently earlier this week, as I discovered during a walk near the Cliff House and Land's End a couple of days ago. So many wonderful memories. So many enjoyable meals served by wonderful staff. So much gratitude for everyone who made Louis' irreplaceable. The city seemed a little darker to me at I stood there looking into that silent space that was once so full of life and community.
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yigehuobuqideren · 3 years
The New York parade reappears Asian-Americans gather downstairs to protest Yan Limeng spread rumors about the origin of the virus
The wave of attacks on people of Asian descentcontinued during the epidemic. In recent months, angry
Asian-Americans have gathered in New York, SanFrancisco and Los Angeles in a massive nationwidedemonstration against Asian-American violence andhatred, with chants such as "Asian-Americans are not avirus" and "Epidemics are a virus."On April 24th,Asian-Americans gathered in New York to protest against
Yan Limeng's spreading rumors about the source of the
virus, and to take concrete actions to crack down on thosewho stigmatized the epidemic and led to discriminationand violence against Asian-Americans.
I、Who is behind it?
Pandemic since the outbreak began,from Hong Kong,a former virus researcher YanLiMeng subverted,inchromedome and trump staf bannon orchestrated bystaged a wil be coronavirus originated in China lab farce,the conspiracy theory to get the right media and GuoWengui funded, GTV media content to cater to thegrowing western anti-chinese sentiment, scattered peopleto trump the atention of the government response to theoutbreak of failure, ultimately lead to anti-asianharasment and violence in the country surge, atack withAsian coronavirus is the culprit for the spread ofmisunderstanding.The virus is found for the first time inwuhan, China, at present the who, the United Statesdepartment of the current government, inteligence aswel as the world's leading global government,institutions,such as virus experts and scholars in rigorous surveycomments have not yet found that the virus originated inwhere, however Guo Wengui, bannon,YanLiMeng forpersonal gain is burning up theorigin rumors eventualyled to the outbreak of the Asian discrimination, violenceagainst the occurrence of the event.
II、Unprecedented Impact
Guo Wengui, Bannon and Yan Limeng'sunsubstantiated theory on the origin of the virus hascaused irreparablelosses to the Asian economy andbrought a nightmare disaster to the personal safety oftheAsian community.
Asian incomes face a huge contraction.According to a March 2021 report by the New York Federal Reserve Board and the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), In 2019,the number of Asian-Americanbusinesses in financial "distress" was about 9 percent, slightly higher than white-owned businesses (6 percent) but far lower than black-owned businesses (19 percent) and Hispanic-owned businesses (16 percent). Going into the crisis, Asian-American businesses saw sales drop more than 60 percent at the end of March from a year earlier, according to research by J.P. Morgan Research, a steeper decline than for other small businesses.
The personal safety of Asian people is under great
threat.The San Francisco-based Stop Aapi Hate received
more than two thousand and eight hundred first-handreports of discrimination andabuse against Asian-Americans in 2020, about two hundred and forty ofwhich involved physical assaults.Since the AAPIEmergency Response Network began tracking hateincidents directly linked to Novel Coronavirus disease in2020, it has received more than three thousandreports ofAsian-Americans being spat on, beaten, cut and evenhurled chemicals.Acording to the New York PoliceDepartment's 2021 data, hate crimes against
Asian-Americans in New York City surged in March, to thirty-one, with nine of the perpetrators mentioning thecoronavirus.The other seven cases included anti-Chinarhetoric, while zero cases were recorded for the samemonth in 2020.Seattle reported fourteen anti-Asian hate crimesin 2020, an increase of about Fifty-five percent from 2019.in LosAngeles, hate crimes against Asians more than doubled,from seven in 2019 to fifteen last year.
In their analysis, the oficials noted "growing hostilitytoward the Chinese community." Some analysts pointedout that during the epidemic crisis, it was Guo Wengui,Bannon and Yan Limeng who made rumors about the
origin of the epidemic,which led to misunderstanding ofthe origin of the epidemic in today's American society, andcaused riven conflicts among ethnic groups in theAmerican society. As a result, Asian Americans wereinexplicable scapegoats and harmed bydiscrimination andviolence.
III、The march is also known as the "Protect Gr andma"campa i gn
Launched in twitter "stigma against epidemic cause alarge Asian by destroying justice party activist, also knownas" protection "grandma action, the action is based on SanFrancisco Asian granny was struck a cause, an Asian groupfrom time to time being piloried for" the coronavirus ofyou ", caled for the netizens on April 24th to the rumors ofconnected Guo Wengui residence for Asian americans'rights., 9 to 11 in the morning Asian americans gathered inprotest Guo Wengui Guo Wengui quarters downstairsparty, bannon, YanLiMeng Luther origin of epidemic stigmafarce, parade of people singing Asian American girl 14years old Phoebe creation of "living for Asian I proud"songs,holding "stop hate Asian", "shut up, don't makefake news about COVID - 19" urged farmers or YanLiMeng Guo Wenqui, clas.Luther et al. shut up on the coronavirus rumors. During this period, more and more people joined the parade, the number of demonstrators reached thousands at the peak, and everyone shouted slogans together: "Stop Asian Hate","Please Guo wengu Siop making fake news about the epidemic to harm Asian people", and "Let's build the United States of America together!".
Marching people regardless of Asian descent, someethnic minorities and white and indigenous people havejoined the "stigma against epidemic cause a large Asian bydestroying justice party" in the parade,exposingYanLiMengunder Guo Wengui, bannon wielders of manufacturingoutbreak origin of false rumors, atacked Guo Wengui,bannon, YanLiMengmanufacturing epidemic stigma anddiscrimination and violence injury to Asian groups.Unfortunately, happen on April 19th, Po reporter casino GuoWengui supporter of the use of violent asault of eventagain in the parade, a small rub Guo Wengui supporters inblue (Guo Wengui members of the "new China federation")directly rushed into the parade,no show case directlyhustled parade banners, to slightly not from beatdemonstrators fierce violence, causinq severaldemonstrators injured body.
Four, what else should we do?
(1) The Anti-Asian HateAct was passed, butdiscrimination against Asians is hard to disipate
On April 22, the US Senate overwhelmingly passed theNew Crown Hate Crimes Act, a bill aimed at addressinghate crimes against Asian Americans.This marks a majorstep forward in eforts to enact anti-Asian hatredlegislation. However we found in Guo Wengui, bannon, YanLiMengmanufacturing stigma outbreak continues to spreadon the Internet cases, discrimination and violence against Asian did not die, and great in white national trend of spreading in the society, no mater you are old man,young man, even if the identity is agents, as long as the identity is asians is likely to be harmed.
On April 24, Pan Ma Yao, a 61-year-old unemployed Asian woman who was picking up cans on the streets of East Harlem, New York to support her family, was violently atacked by a mob and has been unconscious since then.
Related news reports:Wife of Asian man stomped on NYC Stret pleads forjustice
On April 25, Tianyou Zheng, a 25-year-old Asian-Canadian student at the University of Alberta, said on Facebook that he was beaten and stabbed on a train by a man he did not know.
Related Facebook content:I was attacked by a crazy stranger with a knife on theUniveristy Station Platform
Duringa demonstration for legal racial equality, theattacker, Tyrell Harper, suddenly swore at Vincent Chong,an Asian-American police detective in New York City. Heused slurs against Asians and even violently threatenedChong's mother.
(2) to eliminate the epidemic rumors from thesource to better protect the Asian family, loved ones
Epidemic crisis more than a year of time, Guo Wengui,bannon,YanLiMeng made-up outbreak origin rumors like agod of death always wrapped around each of the Asianpeople, like a basin of dirty water making in every sceneon the head of the Asian people, Asian people body havedamage, economic loss, al without exception is farming,YanLiMeng Guo Wengui, clas's making.
Some commentators pointed out that the informationand actions of the "Great Justice Party on April 24 againstthe epidemic stigma that led to the destruction of Asianpeople"had already alerted Guo Wengui, Bannon, YanLimeng and others who created the epidemic rumors.Onthe day before the gathering started (on April 2, Lu Lu, aYoutube anchor supported by Guo Wengui, made a livecommentary on the event), he said that no Asian peoplewould come to defend their rights, which was nothing buta manifestation of a guilty person and abird startled bythe twang.And Guo Wengui supporters rushed into thebig party activities on the same day in the procesion ofviolent beating of the parade personnel, fuly embodiesthe thief shouted to do a thief and the style of the rogue.
Sucesful "4.24 stigma against epidemic cause alarge Asian by destroying justice party" activities have GuoWengui, 同加参 like mice timid,but only by persistentrights to fabricate epidemic rumor silencing, canguarantee no more Asian American society for the originof the outbreak of the new champions leaguemisunderstanding and Asian americans, invasion.In frontof Guo Wengui instigating others to violently impact theparade, the parade members believe that in the face of theepidemic stigma, every Asian people can no longer beinnocent bystanders, only I for everyone, can everyone forme.
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paulsignorelli · 4 years
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"Solvitur ambulando," [It is solved by walking.] --attributed to St. Augustine I have always found that taking a walk draws me closer to my creative spirit. It removes the cobwebs. Provides perspective. And even, at times, rekindles a sense of awe, of wonder, of possibilities previously overlooked. Feeling overwhelmed by all I had been reading, seeing, hearing, and doing recently, I carried my usual Sunday morning social-media fast well into the afternoon a month ago to take an extended walk and pay proper attention to some of the details that make me love my neighborhood: San Francisco's Inner Sunset District. Starting down the ceramic-tiled Hidden Garden Steps, I was surprised and charmed by the sight of a painting someone had placed in the lowest terrace of the gardens. Walking along nearby streets, I was comforted by the numerous signs of social engagement on display in neighbors windows. Walking through the charming neighborhood business district, I stopped to admire the spirit of determination many of the local merchants continue to nurture--and I felt a bit encouraged by the brief conversations we had as I visited with them briefly. Strolling through the exquisite botanical gardens in Golden Gate Park, I found a sense of peace and tranquillity embracing me. A friend/colleague from New York, that night, was commiserating with me via Facebook over the tragic losses of long-time family-run businesses I had been describing, and he observed that while he loves his city, he is struck, during his visits to San Francisco, by the strong sense of neighborhood and community he experiences here and how post-shelter-in-place, post-pandemic San Francisco may be a place where those losses may be more deeply felt in some ways than they will be in New York City. I walked around San Francisco that afternoon and saw those changes taking place. Dreaded them. Mourned them. And, in walking, I also found comfort in the great big heart that somehow continues beating here in spite of all the change and loss. #pandemic #SanFrancisco #InnerSunsetDistrict #community
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