candyclexa · 2 months
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Sanctuary before things go kablewy!!
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mezzopieno-news · 6 days
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Negli Stati Uniti, in California, la tribù Chumash ha raggiunto un risultato importante dopo nove anni di grande impegno: sarà il co-gestore del Santuario Marino Nazionale, una riserva di quasi 12.000 chilometri quadrati di acque costiere e offshore che si estende lungo 187.000 chilometri della costa centrale della California. Mai nella storia degli Usa era successo che venisse concessa la gestione di un’area protetta a una tribù di nativi.
Un traguardo storico importante che ha le sue radici nel 1969, anno a partire dal quale i Chumash hanno iniziato a sostenere la conservazione di questo ecosistema costiero che da sempre li ha accolti all’interno di un delicato equilibrio di coralli, alghe, squali, delfini, balene e foche. Per i Chumash il santuario non è solo la loro casa ma rappresenta soprattutto il loro legame con la propria storia: “Per preservare qualcosa, per proteggere qualcosa, le persone devono amarlo – ha dichiarato Violet Walker Sage, capo del Northern Chumash Tribal Council – e questo traguardo vuol dire darci l’opportunità di condividere le nostre storie e la nostra storia”. Il valore aggiunto rappresentato da questa co-gestione è dato dal fatto che adesso vi sarà l’opportunità di proteggere, gestire e tutelare in modo collaborativo le ricche risorse ecologiche e culturali dell’area, attingendo dalla conoscenza ecologica tribale generazionale, dai diversi input della comunità, e dalla ricerca accademica innovativa.
Fonte: Chumash sancturay; foto di Pexels
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humbly request the letter S bc I'm simba <3
sancturay - utada hikaru
scaretale - nightwish
see who i am - within temptation
serenity - david newman
shadowshow - iamamiwhoami
send me a letter and i’ll tell give you a 5 song playlist!!
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hypegirl1 · 1 year
May the Evil rise again (part 3)
Part 1 Part2 AN: First of all,TYSM for the support,i love it,second,sorry for posting this late I'm so sorry
Summary:After Aurora finds out who and why the magic was destroyed,she wants to bring it back no matter what
Word count:2809
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I had to bring the magic back...
I was going to my room and think about a plan,until my mom stopped me
"Aurora,did you had lunch with your uncles?You weren't here at lunch time so I assumed you ate with them"
"Yeah,I had lunch with auntie Eclipsa uncle Globgor and Meteora,we had a lot of fun,sorry if I made you worry"
"No honey it's fine,you were with your family at the end"
I couldn't help but smile,my mom always was so nice with me,and I love that.I went to my room and layed on my bed thinking about my plan,how was I supposed to bring magic back?
"Alright Aurora,just...concentrate and think about it"
"Think about what honey?"
"Oh my god!"
I didn´t even realized that my dad was in my room,I could have spoken too much and probably get grounded for life.
"Dad!You scared me,what are you doing here?!"
"I was looking for my hoodie,have you seen it?"
"It´s in my closet,I took it from yours,why?It doesn´t fit you anymore why do you want it?Besides,you have like 20 more in your closet"
"Alright,you can have one,you´re my daughter at the end"
"Thanks,and next time,please knock before entering"
"Sorry hehe..."
My dad left,now actually leaving me alone
"Alright,think smarter,not harder...if my family destroyed the magic using the whispering spell on it,maybe if I use it again with what used to be magic it will get back?"
Was what I was saying making sense? I didn´t knew,I had to test it.
"But...how am I gonna find that sancturay?Auntie Eclipsa said it was close to the forest of Certain Death,but what is close to it??ughh,come on Aurora,think,think...oh,the lake!but I don´t remember seeing anything on that lake?or...maybe yes?"
I was confused,I didn´t had an exact location at all,didn´t knew if my plan was going to work or not,what was I supposed to do?
"I need to clear my head for a second,I´ll go wash my face"
And I did,I went to the bathroom in my room and washed my face,it relaxed me
"Much better"
Or so I thought...when I saw myself in the mirror I screamed in horror when I saw a tiny figure in it,it was a blue creature with a beige gown,it had a pink gem on its forehead
When I looked behind me there was,nothing?Did the figure just disappeared?Or was I hallucinating?
"Aurora!What happened?!"
My dad entered the room kicking the door,my mom was by her side,they both look like they were ready to fight
"I-I saw something in my mirror,and it wasn´t me,there was a kind of blue creature next to me!But it´s gone now?"
Both my parents were surprised,their faces became white as snow.
"How did it looked like?"
My mom sat on my bed and made me sit with her
"It was blue and small,around my hand´s size,it was wearing like a beige gown and it had like a pink gem on its forehead..."
"It might have been an allucination sweetie,are you tired?"
"It might be that,rest some time,there is no one in the house except us 3"
My parents left the room leaving me sitting in my bed,speechless about what just happened.
"Star...do you think she was talking about...Glossaryck?"
"No!I mean,yeah! I don´t know Marco,she described him perfectly,but he disappeared with the magic years ago,remember?"
"Yeah I know...but he did the same thing when we thought Ludo killed him,you started having some kind of hallucinations about Glossaryck and he ended up being alive"
"Maybe Aurora is actually hallucinating,but she never met Glossaryck...do you think he might be?..."
"What was that thing I just saw...he looks kinda familiar"
And that´s when it clicked,that thing I just saw was the same creature I saw in all the paintings of the queens that were in the castle,but what was he?
"Was he a secretary of the queens?He was in every painting,so he might have been important.Wait,I´m forgetting my main plan,alright,what should I do then?I have to find the sanctuary and pronounce the spell on the magic,but what else?what I´m supposed to do when the magic gets back?"
That was the hard part,maybe if my plan worked I could actually bring the magic back,but what could I do?I never knew any spell other than the one auntie Eclipsa taught me.
"I should write the spell in case I forget it"
I took a notebook from one of my drawers and wrote the spell before I forgot it,maybe I could use this notebook as my spell book?That sounded kinda weird knowing I don´t know any spell,but maybe I could learn somehow? I took some markers and wrote on it "Aurora´s book of spells" and decorated it with some doodles.
"This might work,but I should hide it,if mom and dad find out this,I will get grounded for life"
I took the notebook and put it under a lose tile that was on my floor,my parents never knew about that so they will not find out.I put the tile back in and again,I saw it,on the reflection of the tile I saw that blue creature again.
"What the! What are you?!"
This time,the creature didn´t vanished when I saw it.
"I should take a picture"
I got up and took my phone,but when I got back the creature was gone
"What?...but it was here just now"
This was too much for me,I had to act fast,I was loosing time.
"What time is it?"
The clock said it was 8pm,still daytime knowing it was summer,perfect,I had time,I put my dad´s hoodie,took my backpack with me and put the notebook,a lantern and my phone.Went downstairs and outside,I was running I didn´t even saw my parents on the living room.
"Aurora,where are you going with your backpack?"
"Oh,I´m just going for a walk you know?"
"You just came home a few hours ago,you are leaving again?"
"Uhhh,yes,because I´m going to go get some apples that I saw on the way here"
"Alright then,have fun I guess"
I left the house running to the forest of Certain Death,was I making a mistake doing this?I don´t know at this point
"I am not entering here,she said it was close to the forest,so maybe I should go around"
And I did,it took me a few minutes,but I found a lake.
"It must be here,but I don´t see any kind of building around...oh my-!"
I startled myself when I realized that there was an alligator on the water,oh no,what was I supposed to do?That thing could eat me in seconds...
"Maybe it wasn´t a good idea to come here...no no,step back!"
The alligator started coming towards me,I got scared and climbed a rock that was behind me,but the alligator just looked at me and did nothing but a sound
"huh?did you say wa?"
"uhh,well,at least you´re not eating me"
"what do you want from me if it´s not to eat me?!"
I was confussed,the alligator didn´t hurt me at all,it just kept saying wa
"uhh,I´m lost"
"wa?is that what you want?"
The alligator went back to the water and disappeared
"That was weird...but I need to find the sanctuary"
I got up and was about to walk,when I heard a sound coming from the lake,I got close to the edge to see if there was something
"What is going on?"
Suddenly,a big building appeared out of nowhere
"Oh my! Did that thing came from underwater?how?"
I checked around to make sure nobody was looking or following me,I followed the rock paths into the building.
"Maybe this is the sanctuary,it is very well hidden"
I entered the building and I was amazed,a lot of images of that blue creature where everywhere,fountains everywhere,a big one on the center,where some kind of dark green mud was coming out of it,I was so distracted that I didn´t realized I accidentally stepped on it
"Eww,it must have been years since no one enters here,what´s this?A vending machine?"
It was,a vending machine that looked like it sold food and drinks only made out of corn,because it was empty and it was full of wrappers
"What is a vending machine doing in a place like this?Ugh,the mud got in my shoe...no,Aurora,concentrate,I have to do the spell on the magic,but how does magic look like now?I don´t even know what it looked like before,how am I gonna do this?"
I was stuck in the situation,I had a plan,but I didn´t knew how to execute it
"Uhhh,alright,auntie Eclipsa said the magic came from the fountains of the sanctuary,so,the magic might be this weird mud?I guess I could try...so,they pronounced the spell on the magic?I´ll have to put my hands in here then...ew..."
I could at least try,there was nothing to lose,because the magic was already lost,the only thing I could do was bring it back.I pulled out my notebook and chose the page with the spell,sat on the cold stone floor and put my hands in the mud.
"Alright,let´s try this thing...break the bond,tear the fabric,cleave the stone,stop the magic..."
Nothing happened...
"Ugh,this is stupid,do I really think I can bring the magic back just like it was nothing?!I´m so dum- WHAT THE?!"
He was here,again,that blue creature was here again,he was reflected on the mud
"What do you want from me?!I´m just trying to bring back the magic!Are you trying to stop me!"
It just looked at me straight in the face with a serious look
"Is this your...house?"
No answer
"What are you trying to say?!You just suddenly appeared when I said I wanted to bring the magic back,what even are you?!"
The creature looked at my notebook,I think it was actually trying to say something
"My notebook?What about it?"
That thing didn´t took its eyes out of the notebook,it looked like he was actually looking at the spell...
"The spell?...maybe I´m saying it wrong,I´ll try to change it,if they said this to destroy the magic,maybe if I change the last words it might get back.Alright let´s try again"
I sticked my hands on the mud and pronounced the spell again but with a twist
"Break the bond,tear the fabric,cleave the stone,revive the magic..."
No effect...
The blue thing didn´t took its eyes out of the notebook,maybe I was saying it wrong again
"Alrigh,I´ll try my last option,saying it reversed,uhh...alright I got it"
Saying it reversed was my last option,I didn´t knew what else to do at this point,if this spell had no effect,I would have failed my mission...
"Alright...cigam eht e pots,enots eht evaelc,cirbaf eht raet,dnob eht kaerb...what is?-"
I could see a little yellow spark under all the mud,my spell was...working?But it wasn´t enough,I had to say it again
"cigam eht e pots,enots eht evaelc,cirbaf eht raet,dnob eht kaerb,cigam eht e pots,enots eht evaelc,cirbaf eht raet,dnob eht kaerb...oh my-god,I-I have to continue,It´s working!"
The creature suddenly disappeared,I could see how the mud started to turn yellow,the spell was working,I was bringing back the magic...
"cigam eht e pots,enots eht evaelc,cirbaf eht raet,dnob eht kaerb!"
I could feel something in my cheeks,I didn´t knew what it was until I saw my reflection on the magic
"What are those marks...wait,I´ve seen them before..."
In the paintings at the castle,every queen had those cheekmarks,I guess they were magic cheekmarks?Mine looked like a yelowish sun,and they were shining a lot...I kept saying the spell until something started to make a sound from the main fountain,when it suddenly exploded,I was fine,but something had happened...
"The spell...worked?"
I still had those cheekmarks,and I could see that something was coming to the surface,I wasn´t wrong
"Ohhh my god!It´s hideous in there,thank god I´m back again"
"Yo-you are that creature"
That blue creature I kept seeing everywhere now was alive and speaking
"Who are you?!You´ve been following me everywhere!What do you want from me?!"
"Calm down Aurora,I´m not going to hurt you"
"How do you know my name?-"
"I know everything,and I know that you´re not that smart as your mom,it took you some time to understand that I wanted you to bring the magic back"
"I´m sorry?!You were trying to tell me that?How was I supposed to know?!"
"It doesn´t matter now,what matters is that I´m alive,the magic is alive,all thanks to you"
"But mom and dad said- MOM AND DAD OH MY GOD!How are they going to react when they realize that I brought the magic back?!"
"Ohh they will not be happy,I know it"
"Because they said the magic is dangerous!"
"No Aurora,ugh,this will be a long way,the magic is not dangerous,the person and the use they give it is what is dangerous"
"If you say so...but who are you?!"
"I´m Glossaryck,nice to meet you dear,you look a lot like your mom and dad wow,they did a great job"
"It´s not important,because look at that"
I saw in the direction that Glossaryck pointed,a big bubble of magic started floating,it exploded leaving what looked like a little sun with wings attached to a stick,well,maybe that wasn´t the best description of what that thing was...
"Take it"
I took that thing and the sun in the center of it started shining with my cheekmarks
"This is now your wand"
"Oh my god,it´s always the same thing,your wand,you can do magic with it,but be careful,you don´t know how to use it yet"
I was shocked,I brought the magic back,I had a wand now,I had those cheekmarks,some thing called Glossaryck knows everything about me and everyone and it was speaking,what did I just do?!
"Glossaryck...now what is gonna happen?"
"Look at the door"
They were my parents,they looked very mad,oh no,what have I done...
A few minutes ago,Star´s and Marco´s POV
"Star do you think Aurora is okay?"
"Yeah,why do you say so?"
"I don´t know I´m just worried abo-OH MY GOD"
"What?what is going on?is there a bug on my head?"
"No,worse...Star,your cheekmarks...they are...back"
Star searched for a mirror,she was horrorized when she realized that her heart cheekmarks where back,but things only got worse when she saw Marco,and he had his moon cheekmarks
"You-your cheekmarks Marco,you also have them..."
"What?No,no,this can´t be,who and-"
Star gasped at the sudden realization,Aurora,it must have been her,who else could it be?
"Aurora...all those questions,her going to Eclipsa´s castle,Marco,she brought the magic back..."
"We must find her,right now"
"Mom! I-I can explain it I swear!"
"Star!Marco!my favorite couple,I missed you a lot"
"Glossaryck?You´re...alive?So,all those visions Aurora had were real?"
"Yeah,I was guiding her to bring the magic back"
"You did WHAT?!Glossaryck please! You know what happened last time!"
"Star,you never realized right?"
"Realize what?"
"Mina was never invencible,neither your mom or her were the problem in that whole situation,Solaria was the problem since the beggining of her reign,if she didn´t had that mentality,nothing like that would have ever happened"
"Aurora...what did you do?..."
"I...brought back the magic,because that´s what I had to do..."
Part 4 coming soon...
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I'm so not ready for when more island sancturay drops but i'll do it...also helloooo ma'am 😳
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floaroma-sanctuary · 1 year
Hello Hello ~
I'm here to inquire about this adorable little pumpkaboo!
I think i would generally be suited to take care of him, and i would love to meet him! I have a pretty big garden with berry bushes, vegetables and a few flowers where he could be gardening to his hearts content. I also own a Haunter, so i have experience with ghost types.
There could be a few complications though, i think you can tell me more about if those are a dealbreaker for Jack:
I'm not too much of a night owl, but i do tend to get up very early in the morning, mostly when it's still dark outside.
I own a café so, so i'm not able to cuddle with him all of the time or something similar, but he would be allowed to spend time with me at the café. There would be people and strangers around though.
I own a lot of Pokémon. I know you said he is very sociable, i wanted to mention this, because shelter Pokémon sometimes don't do well with too many other Pokémon around once adopted.
I own a lot of poison types specifically. As a grass/ghost type this could be offputting for him.
I've sent my information to the sancturay so you can make a background check (look at my pinned post for like, a list of the pokémon and stuff). I'm looking forward to your response!
Hi, Tix!
Jack has been doing well matching my schedule of being up early in the morning, so I'm sure he'd also be alright with matching your schedule. I'm sure he'd love being able to spend time with you at the café and helping you out. He hasn't met a person or Pokémon he doesn't like that I've found, and he does better if he has someone familiar to him where he can see them, whether that be people or other Pokémon. He is very helpful and praise driven, so having him around the café might be one of the best things for him. He gets along the best with our other Ghost-types and Poison-types, namely our resident Gengar, Jester, and Skorupi, Ambrosia. He's also not as much of a troublemaker as an average Ghost-type, but it could be a different story once he is out of the Sanctuary. If you're nervous, we can go over the questions more in-depth in DMs and maybe set up a weekend sleepover as a trial/short-term foster?
Just let me know!! I'm willing to make anything work if it means Jack goes to an experienced, loving home!
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the-ultimate-muses · 6 months
This was a situation Gundham was well accustomed to by now, it's most likely date being marked in his own calander each month, along with a reminder to ping when it neared. It was that time he ensured there were snacks and medicine avaliable, as well as Naya's preferred...product.
Now came the worst part: weathering the storm. Entering their room after the animals in his sancturay had been cared for, he was sure to keep quiet as the door clicked shut behind him. "How are you faring, my heart?"
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rachelwild · 7 months
Is there any interest on here for Essential Oils UK and 100% Natural Skincare?
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brigadesanctuarys · 1 year
Brigade Sanctuary Location
It is one of the elite locales in the eastern suburb of Whitefield Bengaluru, Brigade Sanctuary enjoys proximity to key IT hubs and business parks. This makes it an attractive option for professionals working in the IT sector.
Apartment Variety: The project features luxury flats available in 1, 2, and 3 BHK configurations, catering to the diverse housing needs of potential residents.
Urban Living: Emphasizing a life of comfort and ease, Brigade Sanctuary aims to provide a modern and convenient living experience, with a focus on amenities and facilities that enhance the quality of life.
Strategic Location: Being situated in Whitefield, which is known for its growth and development, ensures residents have access to various services and amenities.
Brigade Sanctuary appears to be a promising choice for those seeking upscale urban living in Bangalore's eastern suburb, particularly for professionals working in the nearby IT hubs. It's important to conduct thorough research, visit the site, and consult with the developer for detailed information on pricing, availability, and specific amenities before making a decision.
Brigade Sancturay Blog
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sylviasengupta · 1 year
Goa# Goa part -11
Bondle Wildlife Sancturay , Ancestral Goa, Museum of Christion Art ,Mayem lake.
This is the video which will help you to make your travel easy and comfortable.
Tell me my friends what types of place to visit are you looking for? SO that I may solved your problem immediately if any.
#travel #tourist#tourism
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duskforged · 2 years
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chapter 2
Five years they'd been dead, and the estate never felt more silent. Her family's spirits did not linger in the house, not like the rest of her ancestors'. Once, she had hoped that they would still be there by the time she returned. But perhaps it was better - that they did not linger in a place wrought with the agony and grief of their final moments. 
Sometimes, Alessa could still taste the ashes.
Chapter 2 isn't finished, but this is one of my favorite bits of it so far. Thought it would be fun to share.
tag list: @bodoramzap (react to the WIP intro post to be added!) credits: image from aisvri on Unsplash, edits made by me font: Sunroll
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kasperlundsfryd · 2 years
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Here is a poster I have made in honor of the good work they do at Ellis Park Wildlife Sanctuary. Pictured is Rina, one of the inhabitants of the park. Read about what they do at: ellispark.org
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anayaresortblog · 3 years
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(Created by myself:)
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art-by-poyam · 5 years
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Game illustration- Sanctuary of the headless goddess and heroes.
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himluv · 6 years
Last Line
I was tagged a bajillion years ago by @obvidalous. I honestly can’t remember if I did this already or not, but thank you for the tag!
“He won’t tell anyone what he’s doing and it’s obvious to all of us that the work is killing him.”
Just a little snippet of dialogue for y’all. Keep things enigmatic for now, muahahaha!
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