#sana tarot
theninthdoor · 6 months
Hello, can you do Twice members most to least similar to their on-screen personality? Thank you so much
Most Similar
Momo || ten of cups & Jihyo || two of cups: The exact same, pretty much. Even if at some point their on-screen and off-screen personalities were a bit different, that's not the case anymore - it's almost as if the 2 morphed into 1 as time went by.
Mina || seven of pentacles & Chaeyoung || three of wands: Same as with Momo and Jihyo, except they sometimes choose not to be so "real"/candid/transparent, whereas the previous 2 members either don't even think about it or simply can't help it.
Dahyun || the high priestess rx: This one is interesting because I just feel like Dahyun has so many sides to herself that it's hard to pin-point exactly what is for the cameras and what is her "irl self". It's all so random, honestly… lol.
Sana || the hanged man: 50/50. Sometimes we get a lot of irl Sana, other times we only get a little, but it's all pretty natural - meaning that she's not doing it intentionally; it depends on the moment, mood, etc.
Nayeon || the wheel of fortune rx: At times she is very transparent, easygoing, "real"; other times she's way more calculated and careful. The thing is, I feel like it has moreso to do with how she's feeling and how her personal life is going - meaning that, if she's going through a hard time, it's more likely for her to hide behind her "idol mask". It's all for the sake of doing a good job and being a good professional, I guess.
Jeongyeon || four of swords rx: Jeongyeon's case is similar to Tzuyu's. She's also very uncomfortable with fame, and all of the attention and criticism makes her not want to show so much of her real self to the public. However, in comparison to Tzuyu, I think she ends up showing a little bit more of her irl personality on-camera, either by choice or accident.
Tzuyu || the star rx: Tzuyu is a little different on & off screen, but I think that's because she really doesn't like how exposed she is, plus how the public always seems to have something to say about everything they (idols/celebs) say and do. She's just very uncomfortable with fame, I think, so having a "mask"/persona that is used only for work/public stuff, helps her feel more protected and at ease.
Least Similar
(Disclaimer: All is alleged and for entertainment purposes only. Based on current energies.)
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fxirybun · 2 days
hello can you do a reading on what sana and jungkook think of each other? thank you. <3
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ෆ⸒⸒ sana's thoughts about jungkook
high priestess 𖦹 six of wands 𖦹 ace of wands
the high priestess pops up again for jungkook i- similar to enhypen jake , sana doesn't know much about jungkook on a deeper level. they may have interactions with each other but it's leaning on the casual side. she thinks that jungkook knows "more" than what people may think of him. she may have an attraction towards him but it's something where the passion would die out faster , needing for it to be reignited again. similar of having a small crush on someone.
even so , she'd rather keep those feelings private. a lot of admiration going on here , she thinks highly of jungkook due to his accomplishments and how he has this boost of energy within him that makes sana feel drawn to him.
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ෆ⸒⸒ jungkook's thoughts about sana
queen of cups 𖦹 page of coins rx 𖦹 three of wands
jungkook may have seen potential in sana in terms of their dynamic with each other. he thinks that she's someone who cares deeply for those who hold dearly in her heart. in his eyes , he may have thought of the possibility of developing their connection yet it seems unlikely for him. it seems to me that other matters are holding him back from being able to do so. i don't get any feelings coming from jungkook when it comes to sana because there's no spark going on between him and her.
"no thrill ?" jungkook feels that sana hadn't realized the capabilities she has and how she's hesitant about grabbing the offers she's being presented. he may also think that she's not bringing something to the table and that there's no excitement. "nothings happening" jungkook may have felt bored of her because of it.
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lasi-nariyoyoreads · 7 months
Hello, it's me... A Twice stan hahaha
I wanted to ask for a reading for Sana's personality. If this is okay~~
I hope you're doing well. Wishing you well :)
Sana's personality according to tarots
Hi! I'm okay, how are you? Are you enjoying the comeback?
My readings are made for fun and you should read them for fun too. So don't take them seriously.
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Core aspect of her personality:
This card in the tarots is usually represented as a woman who pets a lion, so it doesn’t refer to brutal power, but to courage, determination, patience.
Sana might be a “strong” person, someone who is always positive even while facing hardships.
She might be someone that fights for what she wants, but also someone able to bring a positive influence to others, encourage them, even guide them.
She is good at relating with people, who look up to her and respect her a lot.
What does she think about herself?
rev magician , rev the world, 8 of swords
She might think she’s greedy or someone able to manipulate others. We know it’s easy for her to befriend others, so she might consider this as some sort of tool she can use when necessary?
She feels lacking. 
If it’s from a professional point of view, there might be a lot of things she wants to try or she isn’t satisfied with her current level of success/skills, so she wants “more”.
If it’s from a private point of view, she might feel something lacks in her relationships, either a real important union, or simply she feels she doesn’t have enough time to take care properly of her loved ones.
She might feel trapped in her current position, she would like to try new things maybe or she would like to express herself more freely.
Linking all these cards together, it feels as if she believes she should be happy and satisfied, but she isn’t and she considers this dissatisfaction as something negative, as “greed”.
What do they think about her?
ace of cups, rev ace of swords, rev lovers
Ace of cups is a very romantic card, so it can imply people might actually have romantic feelings for her or they generally have a soft spot for her or they might see her as a source of love and affection.
However, others consider her as someone who lacks ideas and originality, like “she’s always doing the same thing”, as if there’s no evolution or no clear plans about her future.
Others might think there’s an imbalance in her life, like her emotions might be a bit all over the place or they consider her as someone who lacks organization.
Positive traits:
rev 2 of swords, 8 of swords, 10 of swords
She’s cautious, even in the most stressful situations, you can trust her to not lose her mind.
She is someone who keeps looking for answers, solutions etc. She doesn’t give up.
You could say she’s a positive person, not just in a “yay I’m happy!” way, but above all in a “I believe it can go well”, an attitude that might be a good influence for the people around her.
Resilience is the right word to describe it. No matter what people say or think, no matter how bad the situation is, she has the type of mindset that doesn’t give up.
I think she also makes for a good friend that gives good advice. If a friend sees no ways out, she might probably be able to either find a solution or to give them hope.
Negative traits:
rev king of swords, rev page of pentacles, rev the sun
She might have a hard time to follow a routine and keep a regular schedule.
She might be the type who loses her sh1t when she’s angry, she might get very emotional.
She can be immature and childish, lazy, she might lack a real goal or miss opportunities.
She might have mood swings like feeling very enthusiastic about something or very negative about something else, or in general she might have very strong opinions and it's hard to make her change her mind. If you gave her a negative impression, it's hard for her to see you in a different light.
In general, I’d say she has a certain chaotic energy because she’s an emotional person.
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trolagygirl2022 · 4 months
Hello! Could you please do Twice Sana’s future spouse?
Sana future spouse
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Knight of Pentacles, 5 of Wands, 2 of Wands, 9 of Pentacles, The Hierophant, The Emperor, 8 of Cups, Queen of Cups, 2 of Swords.
Oh wow, this person is very very influential, like I'm seeing them having lots of power and being very rich. A very powerful male, someone that probably works with the government or something. This person is very masculine but they balance it and show her their soft and caring side. This person could be a foreigner? I see this strongly present here. I feel like they had to fight a lot for her love? Like she had lots of suitors but they were really pushing. This is a very generous person, they want to give her the world. They're ambitious and I see them meeting from connections and abroad. I don't know why but shows like Paris fashion week came to mind. So I see them meeting at some high profile event or something like that. They'll take care of her very well and she'll be feeling happy and pleased in the relationship.
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skylinesnsunshines · 5 months
Hello, can you make a reading about Twice's Sana personality?
yes i can! here it is, hope you like it!
DISCLAIMER: this is all speculative and for entertainment purposes only, so take it with a grain of salt :)
(italicised is the card on the bottom of the tarot deck which is meant to represent the subconscious/blind spot of the situation + rx means reversed)
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the hierophant rx, 10 of cups, queen of wands, ace of wands rx | hawk, visionary, mercury: think, learn, network and communicate
with the hierophant in reverse as the first card, i see sana as a trailblazer who always wants to challenge the status quo. her thought process might be unique compared to her family, friends and peers, as she doesn't necessarily always seek out external approval when it comes to her personal beliefs. sana could be someone who is introspective and often questions the things she was taught throughout her life, whether that's with morals, values, or beliefs, among other things. she's unafraid to stand out from the crowd and speak up when necessary. she could also be seen as a rebellious figure but it doesn't come from malicious intent, rather that she just feels that many structures or hierarchies don't align with her beliefs which is why she questions it. 10 of cups tells me sana prioritises harmonious relationships, especially when it comes to her loved ones. she seems like a glass-half-full type of person. She reads as a serial optimist (to a fault) and that she really values her connections with others compared to her material things or worldly achievements. sana comes off as someone very genuine and authentic when it comes to living her truth. the queen of wands tells me sana's a social butterfly, and that she is very assertive as well as independent. she's someone who doesn't let setbacks hinder her from achieving her goals, and she has a go-getter attitude (typical capricorn). the sense of duality comes through with this card as well, as the queen of wands depicts someone with perseverance and courage as well as warm and sensitive. sana knows she is highly capable when it comes to achieving her goals, but never comes off as snobby as she carries herself with an air of grace. with the ace of wands rx at the bottom, sana might struggle with following through her ideas or plans. i see her as a sporadic person when it comes to her energy and her constant flow of ideas causes delays in what she wants to achieve. i think she could jump from one idea to another often which causes frustration with herself. i feel she also might struggle when it comes to creating plans as she does have the determination to follow through with it, but her sporadic energy causes her to be distracted easily.
i definitely get mercurial vibes from sana (she seems like a gemini rising to me), the level of duality she has and her love of communicating with others intrigues me. her energy comes off very vibrant and curious, which is why she loves communicating and learning new things. the mercury card also represents virgo energy, which is why i can see sana as a perfectionist and someone who's very detail-oriented. im hearing that she has a great ability to "read between the lines". the hawk card basically reiterates what i said, as well as the fact that sana is very intuitive and that she is always able to see the bigger picture. with the visionary card, it illustrates someone who can envision what is not yet conceivable to others with a willingness to proclaim a vision without the need for personal gain. i feel sana might be someone who gets prophetic dreams, and just has an innate feeling when it comes to making decisions or seeing others. if i'm not mistaken she's the only extrovert in twice, which makes sense as she feels rejuvenated when spending time with others. she could be someone who easily makes friends, as her bubbly personality comes off as very endearing and her presence is good energy to be around.
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so that’s it for the reading! let me know if you have any feedback, questions or requests! my askbox is always open for a chat as well <3 sending you love and light always :) hope you enjoyed!
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chanzies · 1 year
Hi! May i request twice J-Line when they have a crush on someone?
This is my first twice reading!
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Sana thinks very positively about love in general, she doesn’t shy away from feelings. If anything she’s the type of person to need intimacy in her life.
She doesn’t fall for people often, so when she has romantic feelings she knows it’s real.
I think she tries to incorporate this persons routine to match hers. Like they go get dinner at 7pm? If she’s not busy she will go with them.
Her job is very chaotic that’s why I think she would prefer someone also with a chaotic schedule so they can come down together and chill, relating to struggles. So she always messages her crush like, “can I come over? i brought some cake we can share!”
Little things matter for her, so she does what she would like but to her crush. So she’s already remembering little details to bring up to them because she knows if someone did that to her, she would fall even harder.
She gets crushes only on people she’s known for awhile. Like she doesn’t see them romantically but there’s times where she gets really close again with a old friend and then she starts seeing them in a romantic way. That’s how most of her crushes go I’m sure, either a old friend from Japan or someone she used to train with.
Another one who doesn’t shy away from their feelings, I think Mina will recognise she has a crush on them right now. She will either wait it out and see if it was just a silly thing or if this is REAL.
She will be very supportive, like more supportive then normal. SHE WILL BE THEIR CHEERLEADER. Even the little things they do she’s sending you cute little messages.
But Mina does have a lot of doubts, she enjoys the feeling of having a crush and the chase of it all but not that developing into a fully blown relationship freaks her out a bit. Because she doesn’t know if she’ll be able to be the best girlfriend to you; she doesn’t want to let you down or hurt you.
When her crush sends back the type of vibe that they like her back, she really backs up and then all the doubt piles on.
Momo wants to be this persons ideal type. Like she will scroll through his socials looking for anything, then she’ll try to impress them with that next time.
She’ll be so afraid to embarrass herself, I feel like she has so much to say but like stops herself from talking so it doesn’t drag on and make it awkward… SHE IS SO AFRAID OF MAKING THINGS AWKWARD.
But she’s more of a talker then listener? When she’s comfortable with someone she vents without realising. So someone who has good guidance and advice for her MAKES HER FALL EVEN HARDER.
She’s a giver and receiver, so she will give a lot to her crush (gifts, affection) and will hope to receive it back. I think if she doesn’t get this back her mindset will kinda knock her down and she’ll feel upset that they still don’t see all that she does.
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lasi-nariyoyo · 1 year
Can you do twice future spouse like you did with straykids?
Twice's future spouse
What is this reading about? Hi! I used the same format as the skz reading. I didn't get a lot of happy marriage energy (?) from this reading honestly, some members got really ugly cards, others are a bit better, but I guess that's how life works? Relationships are never perfect. I wish I could get happier cards though since they're my ult gg and I wish the best for them :') Also, I think I wrote "balance" 75 times in this post lmao
My readings are made for fun and you should read them for fun too. So don't take them seriously. 
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rev devil, 5 of cups, 5 of wands
This is a terrible combination of cards for a relationship lmao
It doesn't begin as a genuine relationship, it might be something casual that develops in an unhealthy dependence on each other.
Probably a person looking at them might wonder "why are these two together?"
5 of cups has a variety of meanings that can be applied to this situation: in general I sense a lot of emptiness. But what is this emptiness linked to? It can be that Nayeon is in this relationship because she doesn't want to be alone (so she isn't really in love) or she might have real feelings but their relationship is so bad that she's suffering. Another option is that she loves someone else (an ex or someone she can't be with) and this current lover is just a very unhealthy way to move on from this unrequited love.
I see a lot of arguments too.
rev devil, rev 10 of wands, rev 2 of swords
Like Nayeon, her set begins with the same card. In this case I feel that one of them has genuine feelings, but for the other person it's a casual hook-up.
This might cause a lot of pain, but the other person will slowly develop some feelings, so I think there will be a more balanced relationship.
I feel there's a lot of thoughts and pros-cons done by these two.
The person who had feelings from the beginning might be wondering if it's worth to keep this relationship.
The person who is slowly falling is confused by their own emotions because they weren't expecting to be involved.
I sense a lot of openness and communication.
There might be an ultimatum as in "I like you, but if you don't like me back it's better to put an end to this because I'm in pain".
I have the impression that despite the shaky beginning, this might be a good pairing, I feel mature energy from both and they might find a good balance between them.
rev 7 of pentacles, rev 6 of pentacles, 7 of wands
It might be a stressful relationship.
There’s an imbalance in their relationship. One of them has more power, is richer, has more experience or stuff like that, at least at first. Knowing Momo, this card lowkey fit her because she used to date an older man who is a senior in the industry, so it might mean that she has a type, but of course there's also the possibility she's the older person in this case.
This might be the cause of stress, maybe they have a different view of the world or different priorities.
I think that the more they are together the more they find a balance though. It might be a harsh process, but I don't really feel like their relationship will end badly.
6 of wands, page of wands, rev ace of cups
It seems it’s a very happy relationship where they both support each other.
It’s probably a fun relationship too with a lot of flirting and laughs, like Sana herself.
There isn't only happiness though, rev ace of cups might imply some big negativity.
I don’t think this is related to one of them doing something negative though. It’s possible she’ll suffer a scandal related to her dating or maybe some of their plans end negatively? For example if they want to have a child, it will be complicated for them.
Or maybe someone around them isn’t happy about this couple, for example a parent that doesn’t approve of the partner. 
Or in general someone jealous like an ex or someone who wants to get between them.
I tend to believe this won’t disrupt their relationship since the previous cards had such a bright energy. 
rev 10 of wands, 7 of pentacles, ace of swords
Stress and responsibilities. It might be similar to Jeongyeon’s case, where she feels like she’s the only one putting effort in the relationship, or it might simply mean she’s too busy with her job to give her partner the attention they deserve.
Despite this, it’s a relationship that both parties want to cultivate and protect.
Ace of words is a particular card that opens to two outcomes: 1) they manage to build a more stress-free relationship and find a good life-work balance (and I tend to lean toward this interpretation since 7 of pentacles usually is a card that indicates rewards after the hardwork) 2) they understand they’re better off on their own and end their relationship peacefully.
In any case, I don’t feel ill feelings, not as many as the previous readings at least. A very mature and balance set, just like Jihyo.
rev king of swords, 7 of pentacles, rev 4 of cups, rev 9 of cups
It's a relationship that is unhealthy.
The other is too controlling or even straight up abusive.
My interpetation of the cards is that she manages to get out of this situation.
She might probably work hard on herself to heal and free herself from the negative energy of his partner.
Probably she might go to therapy.
I think she'll find a new stability and learn to appreciate more her own life, even if there isn't a significant other.
At the end of this process she might be able to welcome someone else as her lover.
rev 4 of pentacles, tower, rev knight of pentacles
This could be a relationship that begins pretty well. I think one of them or both were coming from a chaotic period, maybe after a break up.
The energy is positive at first, it's that of two people ready to open up again their heart, maybe even too much.
Then sh1t happens.
Sh1t might be anything. Someone might be cheating, maybe the they will trick them or betray them in a very dramatic way.
This happening will show the true colors of this partner.
4 of cups, queen of swords, rev the fool
I feel the people involved weren't really ready for a relationship because they were focused on the wrong things (like being interested in another person or missing an old lover).
Falling in love with each other wasn't really in their plans.
Probably thanks to their past experiences or because both partners are in a healthy state of mind, they're able to build a very solid relationship.
It's possible this person is a very structured and logical person, someone probably very different from Chaeyoung hence the surprise they both felt when they fell for each other.
The fool reversed when it comes to idols makes me think of some negligence when it comes to protecting their privacy.
Matching item scandal or a dispatch might be possible.
rev lovers, queen of cups, rev 6 of wands
It sounds like an imbalanced relationship, one is truly in love while the other is there just for sex or money or prestige.
The queen of cups is a beautiful card that represent femininity and kindness, I think it suits Tzuyu's personality very well.
Unfortunately I don't think the other person appreciates any of her qualities.
Reversed 6 of wands can indicate broken promises, so it's possible the other person made her believe they truly loved her.
But I consider it as a positive card in this case, because it means she's now aware of what type of person she has next to her.
It might be painful, but it's a necessary step to take to move on.
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venusoracle · 10 months
Hi can I request how Jihyo and Sana each view each other ? Thanks!
please let me know if this reading resonates, if there's anything aligns, if there's anything that can be improved or anything you found interesting from this.
sana and jihyo
so first of all, they really rely on each other a lot, especially when it comes to twice and career opportunities. they both have a similar idea of success so they inspire and encourage each other to go after what they want! they bring out each other's creativity and bravery. i believe that jihyo is the one who encourages sana to try writing lyrics, to try new things in general!! they also have a really nice stable bond, like they communicate a lot and feel comfortable expressing themselves to one another.
jihyo sees sana as family, something like "you're a perfect match for me" and someone she can trust with anything. she also sees sana as multi-talented and good at balancing things and making priorities. again, in terms of career, jihyo sees sana as someone clever and knows what to do to be successful.
awww, sana sees jihyo as someone who knows sana very well so when sana's sad but hides it, she knows that jihyo will be the one to know how sana's feeling intuitively. so she really thinks of jihyo as someone who's always there for her and someone who's also emotionally intelligent and intuitive. awww. she also seees jihyo as someone who's been through a lot, i bet that she's seen jihyo cry multiple times because of harsh words and bullying that she's received. but sana's also very proud of how jihyo has overcome that and become wiser and also much more peaceful, very much in tune with herself
their bond was really nice to read on :)
disclaimer: take with a grain of salt and i don't take responsibility if my readings start rumours, hurt delusional people, etc. any hate, aggressive comments or spam will be blocked. 9 of pentacles, knight of swords, page of swords, ace of swords, the fool, 4 of wands, 2 of coins, 5 of swords, the high priestess
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outsidereveries · 1 year
Can you pls do Twice's Sana ideal type?
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— sana’s ideal type
disclaimer: my readings might be inaccurate because of changing energies and misinterpretation.
the lovers, knight of wands, nine of cups • ten of pentacles
very romantic. lovey-dovey person. possibly knows how to take risks in hard times. someone who loves her, like they have real feelings for her to make sana feel really that special. her shining armor. someone who will make her dreams true.
i see she’s taking her career seriously and doesn’t have time for someone in her life.
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theninthdoor · 11 months
Hi can i ask for twice J-line kissing style? J-line consists of Momo, sana and mina
Momo || two of wands, queen of wands: Very, very passionate, for sure! Momo likes to be held close; to have her partner's hands all over her. It's always a tangled mess of arms, hair, even tongues. It's an intense type of kiss, intimate, full of desire.
Sana || the chariot, the lovers: Sana often takes charge of the whole thing, and may actually enjoy when her partner is staying a little below her (or when they're literally under her), so she has more control over them. She's one to grab her partner's hair and pull them gently, sometimes even to guide them during the kiss.
Mina || queen of cups, five of wands: Mina is a little shy when it comes to skinship in general, so if she kisses someone first, it always means a lot. Her kisses her soft, full of affection and neediness. She definitely expects her partner to deepen it after a while, and may find ways to tease them into it - she won't do it herself, tho! She stays pretty composed and tamed through it all; or at least until they take it a step further.
(Disclaimer: Based on current energies. All is alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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fxirybun · 7 days
hello hello! i'd like to request a celeb reading: what is twice's Sana ideal type? Thank you
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ෆ⸒⸒ personality-wise
hermit 𖦹 ace of cups 𖦹 hierophant
i'm getting the phrase "older than her". she may prefer someone who has their own financial and emotional stability within themselves. a person who has more experience than her and is willing to teach sana about other topics that she may want to learn from. she may look for someone who thinks on a deeper level , an individual who's mature and wiser. it's also possible that she's attracted to a traditional person who has a solid foundation of values or philosophical viewpoints. a person who takes a practical approach because i'm sensing earth energy with this reading.
even though sana's ideal type may lean more on the introverted side , she would also look for someone emotionally expressive with their thoughts and actions. she's attracted to those that have a hidden soft side of them and how they aren't ashamed of showing it. i feel that sana desires to be in a loving relationship. someone who has some significant traits that are influential to others. she may prefer an individual who's going through profound changes in their life too.
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ෆ⸒⸒ physical traits
fxiry : i've been shuffling my deck and i still haven't gotten any cards regarding the appearance. i felt that her energy was kind of shy , it's like she doesn't want me to reveal it. i decided not to force her as a way to consider her feelings ^^
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lasi-nariyoyoreads · 4 days
Hey, How are you? I'm S.T, 20. Aries sun, she/her
The weather were i live is very unpredictable, but now is very cold
I choose option 1 with Sana from Twice
thank you 🙏
Hi, I'm fine, what about you? 😊
She feels you're someone that soothes her.
There's a nice energy overall.
You're a calm person, maybe a bit slow-paced. Maybe that's what she needs after her high-energy job, someone that can tell her to chill and rest.
You might some hobbies in common, there's fun involved.
She would also see you as someone resilient and inspiring in that sense.
You're like a comfortable corner where she can relax.
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midntarot · 2 years
[ pick a pile ]
the current energy that you're emitting
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disclaimer: this is a general reading. take what resonates, leave what doesn’t. tarot isn’t meant to dictate or predict, but rather to provide insight. 
how to choose your pile: intuitively choose the photo that you feel the most drawn to.
⋆。˚ ❀ pile one ⋆*・゚
[ the judge, ace of swords, queen of cups ]
sensing a strong energy that is being positively emitted. you stand up for yourself and help others in need. this is also a very forgiving energy; you forgive others rather than hold onto resentment. if you haven't, connect deeply with yourself and your surroundings. your intuition is high, let it guide you to where you want to be. you are coming from a place of truth and clarity when it comes to your feelings. being compassionate and understanding will come easy for you. the energy here is best during hard times.
connect with your feminine side. let yourself heal and don't allow external forces to influence you. only you get to decide things for yourself. manifestation is key, put your mind to what you want.
⋆。˚ ❀ pile two ⋆*・゚
[ the mother, the fool, 6 of cups ]
this is a contradicting energy that is being positively and negatively emitted at the same time. you're somewhat fine or content with where you're at, but in a way, you are sabotaging yourself by setting limits and clinging to what's comfortable. what's comfortable isn't always good for you. this is restriction. growth ends here when you're not allowing yourself to step into the anew. start by taking a leap of faith into a new journey even if you're afraid and don't turn back to look at what was before. there is no time for reminiscing memories. use this energy to move forward.
stay true to yourself. stand firm and make decisions from your heart. take responsibility for your happiness. stop living for others. no negativity. trust your intuition and dream big.
⋆。˚ ❀ pile three ⋆*・゚
[ the hunter, 7 of swords, 8 of wands ]
the energy here is neither positive or negative, but instead dependent on how you're projecting it. you are focus and have an immense drive to strive far, but for what and why? is this for you? for others? you may be impulsive with your energy and rash when making decisions due to a situation that causes you to move fast. however, despite this, take the time to re-accessed what you're doing and be wise with how much energy you're using. conserve your energy to prevent burnout and you'll be better thought out on your endeavors. time goes fast, but follow it with your mind leveled.
be willing to listen and learn. find what's familiar to you. seek wisdom and bring it's attention to aspects in your life that need acknowledgment, exploration, or change.
「source and credits: all photos were found on pinterest, therefore we do not own any of them. credits goes to the rightful owner of these photos」
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bellestarot · 2 months
BTS's Jungkook & TWICE's Sana Reading
August 04, 2024
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Right Now
They had something in the past, but the ending was quite painful because there was a third person involved in the story, and it was always very confusing because it was never clear if they would be together or not. There were also other people who didn’t agree with this connection, so the situations between them were very unexpected.
They didn’t know what to choose or what they really wanted, so it didn’t give a feeling of confidence or that it was something they would like to develop further in the future.
Jungkook feelings towards Sana
He feels that in the past he couldn't really talk and express what he truly felt or what he really liked at that time, so I think he had some unhealthy habits that made him repress himself more and more in his own thoughts and emotions. He feels that he had a huge difficulty in expressing himself.
He also thinks that the distance affected this connection in a very powerful way, and from time to time, he creates conversations and dialogues between him and her in his head to see what they would have been if things had worked out because he feels she might have been the right person for him. He thinks she would be a great mother and a great wife too.
Sana feelings towards Jungkook
Sometimes she misses him. I think they used to visit each other or lived far apart, and she would go to meet him.
She feels they had a very strong chemistry, especially sexually, but there was a lot of conflict around her because of this connection. People always had something to say about it, and she felt like her hands were tied, not knowing what to do to really solve this problem.
She feels very hurt that it didn't work out because at some point, they talked about having a family together, or she wanted to introduce him to her family, or he wanted to introduce her to his family, and unfortunately, it didn't move forward.
Near future to hem
I don’t see them getting back together romantically, nor do I see them even being friends. I think that she definitely will start a family and get married in the not-too-distant future. I see that she wants this for her life, and I see him maturing emotionally.
I think he will go through experiences that will make him mature more and learn to balance his emotions in a healthier way, but I don’t see them together."
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ribesballtarot · 3 months
Update on readings that are scheduled to come this week, just so you guys know which ones are in the works and don't requests the same thing when you could be asking for something else.
Aurelien Tchouameni's Ideal Type
Kylian Mbappe Behind the Scenes
Kylian Mbappe and his trajectory in Real Madrid
Jude Bellingham's ideal type
Trent Alexander Arnold Behind the Scenes
Trent Alexander Arnold's ideal Type
Rubén Dias Ideal Type
Charles Leclerc's Future Spouse
Minatozaki Sana's Ideal Type
Jeon Jungkook's Future Wife
These are so far the requests that I have gotten for the upcoming two days, I will add to the queue as you guys request more.
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chanzies · 2 years
Hi funnza. Can you do a reading on Sana and Chan's friendship?
Remember to take this lightly!
These two talk about the past and trainee days a lot; things they regret, miss. They both feeling nostalgic around each other.
We all know Chan is a overworker and Sana saw that a lot more then anyone, whenever she comes to jyp hes always there working or something. She encourages him to take a break and she tries to distract him from work? She feels very sad for Chan at times as she saw how he went from a cheerful teenager to a workaholic.
Chan and Sana regret a lot from their past.
Chan asks Sana for advice; what action should I take? Should I be calm about this? Sana always tries to give him her best advice - really thinking the situation through before telling him what she thinks. I don’t think Sana asks for advice that often.
Overall their relationship really depends on the past. They have a bond which they both try to maintain, a friendship like theirs is something you don’t want to lose.
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