#same with any convo about Camille Rowe
tim-hoe-wan · 2 years
I think Louis has matured. He became a dad,
Have you ever tried to know what his fans say about his 7 years old son? He clearly allowed it bc otherwise he would told then fuck of off. :)
I am not interested in that man to verify your theory. I am not interested in any proof or counterproof to your statement at all. I simply do not care about Louis Tomlinson and I can’t believe such an irrelevant man is causing so much discourse in my inbox and I have no interest in a prolonged conversation about him.
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riotqueenlarry-blog · 7 years
Camille and Harry rant
(DISCLAIMER: I CANNOT SPEAK FOR ALL LARRIES OR DIRECTIONERS!) Here we go again babes. So Harry has been "spotted" with Camille Rowe. First off, I never knew Camille Rowe and still technically do not so I will not down talk her, because she is honestly beautiful and I have no clue what her personality is like. From what I saw when Grimmy showed the picture during the heart rate challenge, I thought she was a plus size model because the shirt was flowy. Obviously that has nothing to do with the rant and I'm pretty sure she isn't a plus size model, but I just wanted to say that because I really had/have no clue what she's like at all. Second of all, people have made out Harry to be the "womanizer" so damn much that he can't be seen with a woman who he isn't dating. Like, there are ACTUAL articles of Harry being with Gemma or Anne or any other female he couldn't possibly date and the headlines are so crazy. So, the heart rate challenge is what really started this. During an interveiw with Nick Grimshaw Harry was shown pictures of people and things and his heart rate would go up, down, or stay the same. He was shown a picture of Camille Rowe, a model I assume, and his heart rate went down. That basically meant he didn't really mind her or whatever, I don't much care about that. But, Grimmy said something like, "How does she make you feel?" And Harry said something like, "I don't know because I don't know her." Harry then defended her over Grimmy making a comment like, "She looks nice though, yeah?" by saying something along the lines of, "I bet she's a lovely/wonderful person." Thats it. Thats basically the whole convo we get about her during that. He was shown a picture, nothing happened, then Grimmy was lowkey sexist, and Harry defended Camille. Thats it. Then out of no where they are spotted "grinding" on each other at a Fleetowood Mac concert. Honestly I want to strangle not only Harry (I know Harry didnt really do anything but I don't care), but his team. I laughed so damn hard. Harry is hardly the type to grind on anyone he just met (Ill hold my tounge a bit), let alone at someones concert which he has said many many many times he adores and respects. Harry is very respectable to women in general, and I highly doubt he would just start getting it on at one of his favorite bands concerts. And its hilarious and crazy that Harry said he has no clue who this girl is and know they are "dating"... Even antis and hets don't believe they're dating and a lot of antis and hets thought Harry was dating a 15 year old girl, for Christ sakes, they'd believe basically anything (not all of them though, I know, but A LOT of them thought that). Honestly, it's not getting harder to believe in Larry, I just think that Louis and Harry's teams are running out of ideas. For fucks sake, watch Harry say the fucking name "Michelle Obama" and they're dating the next day, I'm calling it right now, and I can't even believe I'm not joking.
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