#same w gabby from chicago fire
dreaminghelaena · 1 year
if i have one hobby it’s liking female characters that the fandom despises. alicent hightower, catelyn stark, cersei lannister, sansa stark, etc. sometimes i like female characters from shows like sakura from naruto that i haven’t even watched before just because they’re hated. i Love Women!
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The Crackship Sails to Molly’s
Sylvie Brett x Jay Halstead
written by @anotheronechicagobog​
Warnings: swearing, implied smut, Daswon sibling bashing, background manstead
A/N: Please comment :)
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Jay was on the floor, in pain. The area around his socket was throbbing in pain, and his lower back was definitely going to have a bruise. He didn’t have time to react before Antonio was back and punching him in the face again. “Oh my god, Antonio stop it!”
He wasn’t fighting it, he just didn’t have it in him to try and stop the man he called his friend, though Jay supposed they wouldn’t be friends much longer. 
Antonio had managed to get in a few more punches before he was hauled off of Jay by Voight and half of the members of 51. Jay exhaled and went to close his eyes, but was interrupted by her entering his line of vision.
Her mouth was moving, and Jay could vaguely hear her speaking over the shouting men and women. “Sylvie? Are you okay?”
“Me- What? Jay, I’m not the one who just got mauled by Antonio.”
“So you’re okay?”
“Alright get up, I’m taking you to med now. No arguments.”
“Oh pickles, you’re actually agreeing to go to the hospital, something must be really wrong with you.”
“As long as you’re okay.” His voice was so hoarse he almost didn’t recognize it. Sylvie sighed as he looked at her dazedly while she buckled him up in her car. “I’m okay, I promise. I just have to make sure that you’re okay too.”
It had been months since Erin left, and months since Sylvie had to dump Antonio because of his ex-wife. Jay and Sylvie ended up at a table together, neither one was feeling particularly happy at the moment and didn’t want to be around their romantically successful friends. So they sat together, nursed their drinks, and talked about Harry Potter. They’d bumbled around in discussion for a while, not having a whole lot in common, before finding out they were both Harry Potter fans. Will, the rest of the intelligence unit, and 51 weren’t big fans of the book series, sure they’d seen the movies but that was about it. They both found it relaxing to just talk about something that wasn’t about their important work or love. 
They started to spend more and more time together. It started because Sylvie mentioned how she hadn’t grown up in Chicago and was so busy she never got to see the sights, so Jay took it as a challenge and started showing her his favourite parts of the city. Restaurants, theatres, parks, museums, galleries, all of it. He even took her to a restaurant in Canaryville where everyone who worked there had known him his whole life. Sylvie was enthusiastically told stories from Jay’s childhood. Hiding behind curtains buck naked, exposing everyone on the street to his six-year-old butt while he and Will shook in giggles. Block-wide water gun fights. Years of ding dong ditch. Sylvie was in stitches before she even got her food.
There was a fire. A bad one. And after receiving a patient on a gurney, something in the basement exploded, Sylvie and the patient were thrown several metres away. No one else had been injured, but Sylvie wouldn’t wake up, was bleeding profusely out of a cut on her head, and she had shrapnel in her back. It didn’t look good.
“Alright everyone, gear up. 51 just responded to a fire at a suspected meth lab, it was confirmed five minutes ago by an explosion. A paramedic, Sylvie Brett, was critically injured and is currently fighting for her- Halstead? Halstead where do you think you’re going? Halstead get back here!” At the words ‘Sylvie Brett’ Jay’s blood ran cold. At ‘critically injured’ he went into autopilot. Just stood up and left. Didn’t even grab his jacket. He ignored his boss’s enraged screams. He just got in his truck and drove to Med.
He ignored the odd looks he got from those at 51. He ignored his coworkers and boss when they came by to talk to their witnesses/ask him what the actual fuck was going on. He ignored his brother and sister-in-law when they asked him why he was there. He just stayed sitting in the uncomfortable chair for hours, watching nurses and patients flitter between the doors to the ED. It had been six hours when Platt came by to yell at him too only to be interrupted by Dr. Rhodes. “Sylvie is awake and stable, I expect her to make a full recovery. We can only allow one visitor at a time, and she has been asking for Jay since she woke up, she’s pretty frantic, so you’ll have to come quick.” He stood up and almost ran past Rhodes into her room, ignoring the confused looks from everyone at firehouse 51 and Trudy Platt.
“Jay, Jay, Jay, Jay, Jay-”
“I’m here Syl, I am right here.” She sobbed as he wrapped her hands in his. “I am right here, and it’ll take an army to get me to move. Or you, but that’s basically the same thing if someone denies you chocolate.” The laugh that briefly interrupted her sobs made his day, releasing the tension he’d been holding all day. Jay sagged in relief, and just held one of her hands as he used the other to gently hug her, hold her as she cried, sobbed, hiccuped and, whimpered from the physical pain expressing her emotions was causing her. “I thought I- w- was goi-i-ing to-o die-e.”
“I know,” he choked, “I thought you were going to die too.”
Jay had refused to leave the hospital until Sylvie ordered him to. “At least shower and change, ooh, get something to eat too.”
“You just want me to bring you mac and cheese don’t you?”
“You know me so well.”
“Alright, I’ll be back in an hour, don’t watch ‘Say Yes to the Dress’ without me.”
“You will take at least three hours to come back here.”
“You have been sitting and worrying for the past three days, take some time for yourself. Don’t make me get Maggie involved.”
“Okay, fine, I will be back in three hours. Can you still wait to watch ‘Say Yes to the Dress’ with me?”
“Okay, see you later.” He kissed her on the side of her forehead that wasn’t bandaged, and left, starting an alarm on his phone for three hours. He would be back on the dot.
The second he got to the lobby, however, he was met with all of firehouse 51 and the 21st district standing up, expecting news from him. “I’d love to stay and chat, but I have orders to shower and change from Syl. Apparently I smell.” Trying to use his charm to get out of a situation he didn’t feel like explaining. But, he knew everyone glaring at him well enough to know that they needed some kind of answer. “Sylvie has become a very important friend to me, that day was one of the worst I’ve had in a long time.” Fewer glares, more confusion, and a free Jay Halstead.
He returned to his favourite person on the planet exactly three hours later with two containers filled to the brim with homemade macaroni and cheese, his laptop, and a box set of the Harry Potter books. “You, are an absolute angel, Jay Halstead.”
“No more than you, Sylvie Brett. Here is your food.”
“Oh, it’s still warm. Okay, time for bridal drama and lots of carbs!”
Sylvie was still in the hospital with Jay at her side as much as possible for another week. When she was given the all-clear to leave, no one seemed satisfied with the answer that Jay was taking her home. “Gabby I’ll be fine! Jay is one of my best friends, okay? He’s gonna drive me home, insist he stay longer than he needs to, before eventually leaving me with Otis and Cruz.”
“Okay, seriously, when exactly did you become friends with Jay Halstead? And are you sure that’s all you are?”
“Three months ago, and yes, I am sure that we’re friends. I am gonna hang up now, because I really do not appreciate the third degree.”
“Oh, come on Sylvie, I’m just looking out for you and Antonio, I just want to make sure Jay’s not moving in on you guys.”
“Gabby, there is no me and Antonio. And there hasn’t been for a while. He was great, Eva and Diego were great, it was fun, but he in no way protected or prepared me for Laura. He kept from me how erratic and impulsive and rude her behaviour was. He told me that she knew about me and was fine with cause she’d dating a few guys since the divorce. But it turned out a lot of that wasn’t true. He lied to me, leaving me to fend for myself when she came barreling in on a warpath, and then yelled at me for reacting in a scared and shocked way. He was actually the one who suggested we break up. Whether he likes it or not, she is still a significant part of his and his children’s lives, as well as a significant hindrance. And please, don’t act like we’re getting back together. I loved him, but I’m done with him.” And she slammed her finger on the touch screen much harder than she needed to. “Gabby again?”
“Yes, I love her, and I know she means well, but she doesn’t know everything.”
“And she has a lot of audacity trying to tell you she does. It’ll be okay, I think that everyone is just really stressed out and confused. I think that if we just tell everyone that we bonded over Harry Potter they’ll understand and leave us alone pretty quick.”
Intelligence had set up a meet with a coke dealer to arrest him and get some intel. The buy wasn’t until 1 am and they didn’t have to start gathering equipment and double-checking everything for another three hours, so everyone was just going to eat and try to relax until then. But then Jay’s phone rang. Luna appeared on his screen with a picture of Sylvie staring at a tank of baby jellyfish with complete and utter fascination. “Hey Syl-”
“I need your help.”
“What’s wrong?”
“I know you’re working tonight, but- oh I probably shouldn’t have called-”
“Sylvie, what’s wrong?”
“The blind date I’m on right now? I- he was fine at first but I’m scared. There are red flags everywhere and I’m afraid I’ll end up in a ditch.”
“Marco’s Bistro, right?”
“I’ll be there in ten minutes, you’re hiding in the bathroom, right?”
“Good, stay there until I get there.”
“Of course.”
He nodded at Voight and ignored a livid Antonio. When he got to the restaurant, he told the hostess he was here to rescue his friend from a dangerous date and she didn’t even blink. “She’s still in the bathroom but you might wanna deal with her date after, he’s getting agitated.”
“Green dress shirt by the painting of the heron?”
“Got it, thanks.”
“Hey,” he knocked on the door, “Sylvie I’m here.”
She exited and before he could even make eye contact with her she wrapped him in a bone-crushing hug, despite her shaking body. “I am so scared. He picked me up, saying that I couldn’t refuse him, he knows where I live.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll handle it.” 
 Jay watched her until he could see her in safe his truck before he approached the man, and he knew that Sylvie had every right to be worried. Sharp eyes, nasty temper, tan line on his ring finger, and he looked one second away from just grabbing the next person and caving in their skull. “Excuse me-”
“And just who the fuck are you pal? I’m here on a date so leave before I kick your ass.” Jay pulled his badge out from underneath the collar of his shirt and sat down across from him. “Give me your driver’s licence, please.” The douche (as Jay would call him for the rest of his life) handed it over pretty damn quick, he waved the waitress over. “This man is going to need his bill immediately, please.” She nodded quickly and darted off, then Jay pulled out his phone. “Hey Burgess, I need you to run a name for me. Arthur Garrett. Two t’s. Okay, thanks. Can you send down a couple of officers for me?” He waited until the bill was paid and backup arrived before speaking again. “Mr. Garrett, stand up and turn around. You are under arrest for failure to pay child support and failure to attend court. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you.” After the handoff, he saw his least favourite thing in the entire world. Sylvie crying.
“He had an arrest warrant out, he’s being taken to detainment now. I’m sorry this happened to you Syl, you don’t deserve it.”
“I just feel so stupid.”
“Well don’t, you weren’t even the one who set up the date. Can I ask you a favour though? Let me do a check on everyone you go on a date with, please. I’ll worry a lot less.”
“After tonight? You have a deal.”
“Oh thank God, I was worried I’d have to try and convince you.” He leaned over the console to kiss her cheek, he looked into her expressive eyes and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ears. Neither of them realized how close their faces were until Jay went to speak and their lips brushed together, in a feather-light touch. “We, uh, we were going to order a bunch of pizzas for dinner. It doesn’t look like you got to eat, would you like to join us?”
“That sounds great.”
Sylvie had gone back to Fowlerton to spend the holidays with her parents and brother, and Jay stayed in Chicago to celebrate with his brother’s family. Will was in the kitchen with Helen, he and a very pregnant Natalie were watching the looney tunes version of ‘A Christmas Carol’ in the living room with Owen. It wasn’t until Jay thought, about ten minutes into the movie, that Sylvie would love to watch this and he’d have to add this to their movie marathon lost for when she got back that he realized just how much he missed her. Her demeanour, her personality, the way she made him feel warm and fuzzy without much effort. And then he had another, much more startling realization. “I’m in love with Sylvie.” Beside him, Natalie snorted and Helen called from the kitchen “congrats on being literally the last person to know.”
“What? How did my brother’s mother-in-law-in-law know before I did?”
“She follows you on Facebook, remember? Basically everything you post is Sylvie, about Sylvie, or Sylvie related. And vice versa, I see the way she looks at you, she’s into you too.”
“It’s only been a few months, how am I in this deep?” Jay completely ignored his brother’s observation, he could barely register his feelings, he didn’t want to get his hopes up about hers.
“Take it from me, Jay, when the right person shows up it doesn’t matter how long you’ve known them or had a bond with them. If it feels good, go with it. It will only cause you pain to move away from it.”
“I don’t know if either of us are ready for that. The timings just not right.”
Nat covered Owen’s ears, “timing is a bitch.” She released a confused Owen who immediately zoned out looking at the tv again with a kiss on his tiny head, “if you don’t think that you’re ready, that’s fine. But don’t put anything down for timing or the universe, they’ll just mess you up.”
“Yeah... I’ll think about it.”
Sylvie had been all set to go camping with Gabby and Stella, she’d been so excited and Jay had spent the last three days with her helping her pack and hanging on to her every word. Watching flit around in a flurry of excitement for a girls week. He was sitting on her bed rolling up her light blue sleeping bag with white polka dots when she got a call from Gabby and her face fell. Lines and bumps moved their way on to her face which was carefree and bright only seconds ago. “Okay, Gabby. I hope you and Matt and Stella and Kelly have fun.”
“She cancelled the trip? Or cancelled you out of the trip?”
”She decided to make it couples only. She also took the opportunity to tell me that Antonio’s single again.”
“You know what? You are not going to be sad. Because you have a week off of work, and so do I because we worked too much OT the past two months. Let’s go to Universal studios, I hear they expanded Harry Potter world.”
She smiled again. Bright and beaming and in a way that was just so, so her. “I’ll look at flights.”
Thanks to a bunch of last-minute deals, coupons, and first responder discounts they were on a plane bound for Florida in three hours. And when they got there, they went into prep mode for the next day, making sure that everything was ready to get up and go to the park, and they were so busy that neither of them noticed that there was only one bed until they were both drifting off to sleep, centimetres apart.
Waking up entangled in each other hadn’t been as awkward as either of them thought it would be. It was nice, warm. And it only got better as the week went on. They spent three days at Universal Studios, three at Universal Island Adventure, and one at Disney. Taking as much time as they could at each place. They went on every ride they could, multiple times, enjoyed all the themed food, took far more pictures than they had ever taken in their entire lives, and waited until the last day to buy any souvenirs because of how expensive everything was. They even held hands every day, Jay’s reasoning was so that Sylvie wouldn’t get separated from him but because of the time of year the population of the park was sparse compared to what it could have been. Sylvie knew this, knew that she didn’t have to hold his hand, but she wanted to. Badly. She didn’t care if it was only for while they were in Florida, she could pretend while they were there that they were more than friends. Because once they went home, she had to pretend that she didn’t love him with all her heart. But honestly, they had the time of their lives. Fun, food, and unresolved romantic tension. What could be better? It was their last day in Florida, their rental car was already loaded up with their stuff and after the fireworks display at Disney they were headed back to Chicago. 
Sylvie’s hair was mussed from the long day, and while she looked tired, she couldn’t take her eyes off of the display. And Jay couldn’t take his eyes off Sylvie. The multi-coloured lights were reflected in her eyes and the wind was blowing her hair gently. Sylvie could feel him staring at her and when she turned to ask him was what wrong, she stopped, her words dying in her throat. Jay’s entire soul was playing through his eyes. It was as if there was a tether connecting the two of them. Neither of them could turn away or blink. And Jay just went for it. He leaned down and kissed her with all the emotion his body possessed. The kiss making Sylvie feel weak in her knees. She wrapped her arms around his neck in part to stabilize himself, and in part to pull him closer. They’d missed the rest of the display just holding each other, but neither of them could bring themselves to care.
Dr. Choi had been assigned to Jay. He raised an eyebrow at Sylvie seated on the bed beside him but made no comment, paying heed to the words of wisdom Maggie had just bestowed upon him, “she’s the only reason he’ll behave and accept treatment.”
“Alright, while I’m happy you’re not here with a bullet wound detective Halstead, coming back after a fight wasn’t exactly what I had in mind when I said ‘avoid lead’.”
“And deprive you of my charming personality?”
“Yeah, yeah. Now follow my finger, let’s hope you don’t have a concussion.”
It had only taken about twenty minutes to determine that Jay, miraculously, didn’t have a concussion or any broken bones. Just a lot of swelling and bruises. “Thanks, Choi.”
“No problem, while you are discharged and free to go, you can’t travel yourself, I’m actually you can see with how swollen the areas around your eyes are.”
“That’s no problem, I’ll drive him home.”
“Alright, good. Remember Jay, desk duty for a week.”
“Ugh, I’m already bored.”
“I’m sure you are, now let’s go. I want to leave before a Dawson comes barreling in here, cause I might start swinging punches too.”
The next week Jay avoided Antonio, not intentionally though. After hearing what happened Voight decided to keep Halstead in the basement as much as possible for his desk duty. While it was boring and agitating not being in the field, Sylvie made sure to send him as many hilarious snapchats as possible, many of which consisted of her hiding in ridiculous places to avoid Gabby. The photo that had offended the Dawsons so greatly sat framed on his temporary desk. Apparently, the people behind them at the fireworks display their last day there thought they were so cute that they took a couple of pics during and after their kiss, but the new couple had left before they could be asked for contact info for the pictures. Luckily, they’d overheard them before the fireworks display talking about how while they were sad to go back to Chicago that night, the fire and police departments desperately needed them to keep their partners in line. It had been an amusing joke to Sylvie and Jay, but a way to post the photos for the people behind them. The Dawsons were already pissed that Jay was ‘moving in on Antonio’s girl’, but when they saw the photos on Facebook, with that mother posting the, admittedly gorgeous, pictures with the tags for CPD and CFD, looking for them so that the ‘adorable couple’ could have pictures from their first kiss, they were both livid. Gabby unleashing all of her fury, most of which was for unrelated things, on Sylvie at Molly’s, while Antonio just started punching.
It all came to a head when Jay was picking up Sylvie from her shift after he had finally been cleared to drive and go back to work. “Hey, you.”
“Hello, gorgeous.” Their quick peck was stopped by Gabby darting in between them and physically pushing them apart.”How can the two of you do this to Antonio? He still loves you Sylvie, even after all this, how can you-”
“Okay, you know what Gabby? You need to shut the fuck up.”
“Uh-uh. I am talking now. Antonio screwed up. He lost his chance with me. So not only do you need to stop trying to meddle in my love life, but you need to stop feeling entitled to it. You have no say in who I do or do not date. End of discussion. No, ifs, ands, or buts. I am honestly at my wit’s end with you. I don’t even consider you a friend anymore because of how poorly you’ve been treating me.”
“And don’t pull any more of that ‘but you dated my brother’ crap. I only did so at your encouragement. And I seriously regret dating him because of how much trouble you two are causing for me now because I choose to have a life and not let the end of my relationship with Antonio be the end of me. You need to leave me alone. I’ve already reported you to HR. I had no other choice after you locked me in the ambo for hours today without my phone or radio and wouldn’t let me out unless I got back with your brother. Goodbye Dawson. I’ll see you next shift.”
Sylvie and Gabby were finally back on speaking terms, but took them a while to get there. Natalie and Hailey had become her best friends. They both understood how awful it was for someone to feel entitled to your love life, and how much gossipy coworkers who were closer than peas in a pod knew how to affect you more than anyone else. 51 had originally been avoiding taking sides, something that Sylvie was grateful for, and she made sure they knew she’d never ask them to choose. Everything, barring their relationships with Antonio and Gabby, went back to normal. Stella was asking for details about Jay, Cruz, Otis, Hermann, and Boden cornered him at Molly’s one night and threatened him, Upton told Sylvie plainly that she wasn’t allowed to hurt Jay, and the two made each other their emergency contacts. Jay also made stops by the firehouse with doughnuts from the place just around the corner from the 21st district. Sylvie, a secretly amazing cook, also dropped by the station with homemade food for the unit and Trudy on long nights.
Molly’s, in a bid to get more customers, started having trivia nights. Sylvie and Jay were practically vibrating in excitement because the trivia night that night was for Harry Potter.
“What did Draco steal from Neville during flying lessons in the first movie?”
“A remembrall!”
“What was the name of Hermione’s cat?”
“What was the device Hermione used to go back in time during the third movie?”
“A time turner!”
“Okay, and the winning pair is... Sylvie Brett and Jay Halstead! And can I just say that even though I work at 51 and not at the 21st district, I feel like I should have known that detective I-am-a-badass-army-ranger-and-can-kill-you-twelve-different-ways-with-a-pencil-eraser Halstead was such a nerd!” There was a roar of laughter from everyone including Jay. “Laugh all you want, being a nerd is how I got my amazing girlfriend.”
“Damn right it is.” A celebratory kiss was met with cheers from the tipsy group. “Alright, alright, stop making out with my honourary sister and come get your gift card to the aquarium.”
Jay was trying to be sensitive to Antonio, really, he was. He put his photos of Sylvie in his locker, not on his desk, he took calls from her in another room. He didn’t talk about her with anyone from the unit. Sylvie was like an entity of golden light, anyone would be a fool to mistreat her or let her go, and Jay knew that both of the Dawson siblings were beating themselves up over their mistakes. But now Jay was pissed. Did he really think that Jay was so stupid he wouldn’t spot him at the table three rows down from them? That he wouldn’t make sure to take a closer look at the man sitting alone in a restaurant designed for dates, wearing all black, with a baseball cap and shades? And that was seriously the worst disguise, too. He could see numerous other couples and the staff take notice of him and they all looked concerned. Hell, even Sylvie noticed him the second he walked in! So they had decided in a little bit of revenge. They normally wouldn’t display PDA above hand-holding or a quick kiss, but tonight they’d made an exception. They were going all out, even choosing to sit on the same side so not only did Antonio have a clear view of both of them, but Jay would lean down and nibble on Sylvie’s neck, Sylvie would lean close to his ear and whisper in his ear, far, far too much physical contact. Oh, and kisses with tongue, can’t forget those when trying to make someone immensely uncomfortable.
They kept it up all throughout dinner and dessert. At some point in between appetizers and receiving the dessert menu, the PDA stopped being an act. They started riling each other up, enjoying what they were doing to each other. They finished dessert incredibly aroused, and paid the bill as quickly as possible. Jay was vaguely aware of Antonio following them but he couldn’t bring himself to care.
They made it to Jay’s apartment in record time and started ripping off each other’s clothes the second the door was locked. Jay lofted Sylvie up and carried her into his bedroom with Sylvie distracting him, kissing and biting his neck. Once they made it there everything happened slow and steamy, with Sylvie screaming Jay’s name multiple times, Jay purring and growling in her ear. They were vaguely aware of someone pounding on the apartment door, whoever it was (Antonio) had been doing so since Jay and Sylvie locked the door. But they didn’t care. They only focused on each other. They let him knock.
*Brring, brring*
“Mhm, Halstead.”
“Halstead, we caught a case in Humble Park. Meet Upton there.”
“Sure thing Voight.” He hung up and stared at Sylvie for a moment, taking in her soft skin, mussed hair, and even breathing. He kissed her forehead and closed his eyes as he wrapped his arms around her. “I love you, Sylvie Brett.”
“Mmm, I love you more, Jay Halstead.”
“Did I wake you?”
“Your phone did. You want me to make you some breakfast while you get in the shower?”
“That would be great.” He kissed her, revelling in the feeling of his naked body against hers first thing in the morning.
Jay walked onto the scene with a spring in his step, homemade breakfast in his stomach, and a reusable take-out cup filled with amazing coffee. “You’re looking happy Halstead. How’s Sylvie?”
“She’s great. She made these egg muffins, they’re really good, she sent a few in a container for you if you want them.”
“I absolutely want them. Sylvie is so sweet.”
“She really is.”
“You are so smitten.”
“I am, I uh, I’m actually thinking about proposing.”
“Oh my god, that’s huge!”
“Do you think she’d say yes?”
“Oh, she definitely would.”
“I haven’t had a chance to talk to Nat yet, but would you come with me to help pick out a ring?”
“You got it.”
Jay was beyond nervous, but he was ready. He was ready for Sylvie to be his fiance, then his wife, then the mother of his children. Sylvie was just getting dressed and then they were heading to the park for an Irish festival, which would end in green fireworks. “Hey!” Sylvie jumped out from their bedroom in a deep green knee-length dress. “What do you think?”
“You look absolutely gorgeous. Seriously, I have absolutely no idea how I got lucky enough to date you.”
Later, just before the fireworks were about to begin, after they’d spent the whole day dancing and eating, Jay led Sylvie to a spot on a hill that two officers had been guarding for him, courtesy of Trudy. “This is an amazing spot, Jay. What did you have to bribe Trudy with to keep it?”
“Permission to take pictures and a speech if you say yes.”
“Yes to what- oh my god.”
“Sylvie Brett. You are the light of my life, I have never been this happy before and it’s all because of you. I love you so much and I want you to be my everything for the rest of our lives. So please, Sylvie, will you marry me?”
“Yes, of course, YES!” Jay slid the ring Natalie and Hailey had help him choose onto her finger, then he jumped up, wrapped her in his arms and twirled her in the air. He stopped, still holding her, Sylvie caressed his face lovingly before leaning down and kissing the love of her life. Completely ignoring the fireworks behind them, and the camera shutters in front of them. They were getting their happy ending, and they were going to love every second of it.
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hailey-halstead · 8 years
hi guys! (this is from 4x13 but with brettonio together) i have all these uncompleted fics that i have been working on, all little by little. but this one i then seemed to focus on a lot these past two days, so here it is! Hope u all enjoy! i start my new semester in a few days (tuesday!) so hopefully i will be able to keep up writing fics regularly😁 ps: i was thinking about adding the end of 4x13 w/ the shooter in the building and whatnot but the boxing scene got too long! :-) i don't own anything! ———————— Sylvie has been stressed out from the whole Chili trying to get her fired fiasco, so when she heard that Herrmann, Gabby, and others were going down to Antonio's gym to help Jimmy box, she couldn't resist. After all, seeing her boyfriend could definitely help her mood go up. "Brett, remember whose side you're on!" Herrmann called out right before they were about to walk in the building. She rolled her eyes. He had been harping about this ever since 'the battle of the badges' was revealed. "I'm pretty sure we are all on the same side, Herrmann." She dryly told him, opening up the door. "Chicago's." Everyone laughed at her witty comeback, but Herrmann was not giving up. Especially since he was not the type who could take being made a fool of. "Not during this!" Was his reply. "During The Battle of the Badges, they are the enemy." His thrusted a finger towards Sylvie's face, with a serious look on his face. "And you are fraternizing with the enemy!" "What, it's not like I'm telling him secrets about how great Jimmy is!" Sylvie exclaimed. She was actually mostly amused by Herrmann's antics, but she couldn't deny that she was a little irritated. Probably because she was already dealing with the Chili drama. "Trust me, Herrmann, we have better things to discuss." And Herrmann wouldn't be Herrmann if he didn't get offended by this piece of information. "What could be better to discuss than this?" Sylvie ignored him, as the boxing ring came into view. She looked around, but sadly, she did not see Antonio. The disappointment was evident on her face because Gabby walked up behind her and said, "Don't worry, he said he would be here." Sylvie nodded, and decided to talk to Otis in the meantime. He was standing a few feet away from the others, so she decided to give him some company. "I'll try to ignore the fact that you are only hanging out with me because Antonio isn't here yet." Otis joked. Sylvie stuck her tongue out at him, but couldn't deny what he said. They had all known that she came to see her boyfriend. But that didn't mean she didn't like to spend time with everyone else! She told Otis this exactly. "Yeah, I know. Just teasing ya." He gave her a good-natured grin. He scooted closer to Sylvie. "How do you think Herrmann is doing as a mentor?" He whispered. "Not so good." Sylvie decided to go for a truthful answer. "But it's really amusing, so I'm enjoying it." She admitted to Otis with a snicker. "Wish he would have brought that steak." He also confessed, which led to Sylvie imagining the same scenario as earlier happening in the boxing ring. She laughed at the thought. "Antonio wouldn't have liked steak being on his ring." She informed him. "But picturing it is pretty amusing." "Steak?" A voice asked behind them, sounding confused. "Why the hell would there be steak on my ring?" Sylvie begun to smile. She knew exactly whose voice that was. "Herrmann's mentor tactics." She answered Antonio, who moved forward to stand at her side. "Don't worry, he didn't bring the steak today." She assured him, bumping her hip against his with a grin. Antonio reached for her when she made contact with his hip, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. "Thank God." Sylvie could practically feel the amusement coming off of him. "You think this is funny, don't you?" "Super satisfying." Was his reply. Sylvie couldn't hold back a giggle at his answer. When Jimmy mentioned that he had talked to Antonio, she was slightly suspicious at her boyfriend's intentions. Turns out, she had a right to be. He encouraged Jimmy to box for District 21's own advantage. "It's clear what you're doing, you know." Sylvie stood on her tip-toes to bring herself closer to Antonio's ear. "You scoundrel." Antonio smirked. It was obvious that the man knew exactly what he was doing. He opened his mouth to reply, but they were both distracted by what Herrmann said next. "Hey, do you know where we could get a chicken at this time of night?" The man asked Cruz. Sylvie looked up to Antonio, who had a look of horror on his face, probably imagining a chicken running around his beloved gym. That would be a sight to see, she thought to herself in amusement. Gabby finally realized her brother had arrived. Antonio stepped up to her side when she began to speak. "Did you know he couldn't box?" She seemed exasperated, giving her brother a typical sister look, the "what am I going to do with you" one. Sylvie inched forward to include herself in the conversation, placing herself to Gabby's other side. The woman didn't notice her new location, but Antonio certainly did. "It's all in good fun, sis." Antonio shrugged, sending a wink Sylvie's way. Gabby noticed this movement, rolling her eyes with a groan when she finally noticed the blonde to her left. "Stop showing off to your girlfriend." Gabby reprimanded her brother. The corners of her mouth kept on curling up, it was clear that she wasn't as annoyed as she was portraying herself to be. To both of the women's amusement, Antonio became flustered. "I'm not showing off!" His face was telling a different story than his words, as it was turning a visible pink. Sylvie was delighted by the sight, since she began seeing Antonio, she realized that him being flustered was a rare occurrence. "It's fine, Antonio." Sylvie reached over Gabby to pat her boyfriend's blushing cheek. "I'll keep you." Nothing was said back to Sylvie in reply. So she was then surprised when a hand reached out to jab against her side, catching her completely off guard. "Ah!" She shrieked, grabbing the attention of the whole gym. Now she was the one who was blushing, as she watched both Dawson siblings cackling over her reaction. After they regained their composure, Antonio turned back to Gabby, confused. "Why aren't you in there?" He pointed towards the ring. Gabby rolled her eyes. "I was about to volunteer, but apparently boxing is a man's sport!" She directed her sarcasm at Herrmann. To Sylvie's annoyance, Antonio began to speak Spanish. Only Gabby and Cruz could contribute to the conversation. Even with her limited Spanish knowledge from watching Spanish soap operas with Gabby, Sylvie was unable to pick up on their conversation. Herrmann was more willing to voice his displeasure. "What are you guys talking about?" They ignored him. Surprisingly, it was Jimmy who spoke up next, able to understand some of what they were saying. "Did I hear that right? You were a silver glove?" Now Sylvie had no idea what a "silver glove" meant, but she assumed it was a good thing. She looked at Gabby in amazement, wondering what else about her friend she didn't know. One thing for sure, she was glad that she had both of the Dawsons on her side. "Yeah, in high school." Gabby responded. Sylvie caught a proud look on Antonio's face as he viewed his sister. She couldn't hold back a smile, their relationship was certainly strong, which wasn't new knowledge to her. "What do you say?" Jimmy was offering for Gabby to help him, which Sylvie thought was a good idea. She wouldn't dare tell Herrmann, but his teaching tactics were certainly questionable. The wide smile on Gabby's face gave the clear answer to Jimmy's question. She immediately jumped up on the ring, putting on the gloves that the other man was wearing before. With Gabby now gone, Sylvie filled her empty space by scooting closer to Antonio. She didn't reach out to him, but made sure she was close enough to brush shoulders with him. This didn't go unnoticed by her Antonio, as he looked down to her and smirked. Sylvie held back the urge to make a face at him. Sue her for wanting to be close to her boyfriend. Plus she knew that if it wasn't her that moved over, it would have been Antonio. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Otis coming up to her other side, it was apparent that he was curious about what was going to happen in the ring. Herrmann apparently couldn't be left out. He got into the ring too, adamant that he had to continue teaching Jimmy as well. Sylvie watched as Gabby began giving instructions to Jimmy. From her ease at putting on the gloves and directing him how to position himself, it was clear that Antonio wasn't the only boxer in his family. "Alright, the first thing is you gotta open up, man!" She began to hop back and forth on her legs. "Too rigid!" In the corner of the ring, Herrmann was getting gloves put on, and he was not liking what he was hearing. "No no no, if he stands like that he'll open himself up." Next to her, Antonio scoffed. Apparently, Herrmann's advice wasn't as good as he thought it was. "I'll show ya, come over here, Jimmy." Herrmann gestured Jimmy to move to the side of the ring, taking his place in front of Gabby. "Is he going to fight Gabby?" Sylvie spoke her thoughts, looking up at Antonio in amazement. She only just learned about Gabby's boxing past, but she knew what Herrmann was planning on doing was not a smart decision. "I hope so." She gaped at him, wondering why he would say such a thing. But he shrugged, watching both Gabby and Herrmann with avid interest. "What? He needs to get his head out of his ass." She couldn't deny that truth. "Yeah." But immediately turned to poke a finger into Antonio's chest. "Don't say a word about me agreeing with you! Herrmann is already up my ass with the 'fraternizing with enemy' shit." At those words, Antonio wrapped his arm around Sylvie's waist, as he lowered his head to her ear to whisper "fraternizing with the enemy, huh", making the hair on the back of her neck stand straight up. His voice got low and husky, which he knew Sylvie liked. But she certainly did not appreciate him using it with an audience. He was totally messing with her. However, she had forgotten that they had nearby company. "I'm right here, guys." Otis reminded them. Sylvie quickly removed herself from Antonio. And when her flushed face looked at Otis, his face was red as well, showing how uncomfortable he was feeling. "Sorry," She apologized. "I, uh, forgot you were right there." "Yep. Realized that." Was his response. The three of them returned their attention back to the ring, not knowing what else to say. "See if you stand like this, less exposed." Herrmann instructed Jimmy, looking back and forth between him and Gabby. Gabby then brought her arm back and got Herrmann square in the face, showing him that she knows her stuff more than he does. Sylvie gasped, bringing her hands up over her mouth in shock. She really was not expecting that. Beside her, Antonio was laughing. Gabby's eyes widened, Sylvie could tell that she did not plan on hitting him so hard. "Herrmann, I'm sorry!" She took a few steps towards him. "Herrmann, you okay?" He ignored her, his pride was bruised. He said nothing as he began to exit the ring. "Do you still need that chicken?" Cruz called out, Capp cackling away at his side. Sylvie tried to hold back a laugh at her ex-boyfriend's comment, but by attempting to, it came out as a snort. A hand tugged on her sweater. Knowing it was Antonio, Sylvie gave him a questioning look, wondering what he wanted. He gestured his chin to the back of the gym. She realized that he wanted to have a private conversation. She followed him to the back, but he grabbed on her sleeve to take her even further into the gym, now heading down into the locker rooms. She scrunched her nose, the smell of sweat was even more prevalent in here. "You're not going to murder me and shove my dead body into one of these lockers, are you?" She asked once he turned around to face her, raising an eyebrow. "Of course not!" His shocked face turned into a teasing grin as he said his next words. "I don't want to lose my job." They both laughed, but Antonio quickly sobered up, now having a serious look on his face. The light-hearted aura that had taken over the room disappeared, as Sylvie waited for Antonio to talk, sensing something was bothering him. "How has everything been going with Chili?" He asked, leaning against the old red lockers. The last time they had talked about Chili, it was when yet again her and Gabby had found Chili excessively drinking at Molly's. But it had taken an even more rapid turn when Chili stabbed her in the back and went to Chief Boden to try to get her fired. Knowing that Antonio's reaction to this wouldn't be calm, Sylvie wanted to carefully choose the words she was about to say. "We had a disagreement today when on a call." She began, not wanting to dive into the huge drama right away. Her silence was mistaken by Antonio for being done telling her story. "Is that it?" Sylvie rolled her eyes. This would be a lot simpler if the only thing that happened was a simple disagreement. "I wish that was it." Antonio didn't say anything else, waiting for her to finish telling him all that had happened. She continued on. "I thought it was a simple disagreement, but then I learned that she went to Boden behind my back to request for a different partner." Sylvie flinched when Antonio's hand slammed against the locker. Maybe no matter how she could have worded it, he was going to be angry. "What?" He asked incredulously, shock and disgust shining brightly in his eyes. "Yep." "You're joking." "I wish I was." Sylvie sighed, finally feeling the overall stress from the whole situation. Not only did her partner have an alcohol problem, but she was trying to get her fired. She slid down against the lockers, leaning her head back once her butt touched the ground. "I really do." Antonio joined her on the ground, wrapping his hand into hers. "What did Boden say?" He demanded. "Well, he told me about Chili wanting a new partner, and then he asked for my side of the story." She explained. She was comforted by the fact that he was right beside her providing support. "And?" "I think he wants us to sort this out." She admitted, bringing their clasped hands into her lap. "He doesn't want either of us to go...but we'll see." Everything was so confusing. Before finding out about Chili's drinking problem and her past issues at other firehouses, they were getting along great. Now, Sylvie was pretty sure their relationship is completely tarnished. How can she trust her partner when she stabbed her in the back and tried to get her fired? "Want me to dig up more information on Chili?" Antonio offered, which made Sylvie's heart only fill with more affection for the man. How much he cares for others was one of the many things she loved and admired about him. But she shook her head, dismissing his tempting offer. She wanted to potentially mend her relationship with Chili, and getting her boyfriend involved would not be good. Just imagining Chili's reaction to finding out made Sylvie shudder. "No, you shouldn't. Thank you, though." "Always." He replied, running his hands through her hair. Sylvie couldn't help but close her eyes and lay her head down on his shoulder. One of her favorite things was having her hair played with, and Antonio knew that. She had momentarily forgotten that Antonio was still speaking, and was brought back into reality a few seconds later to catch the last of the words. "—always here for you, Sylvie." The intensity of his voice made Sylvie lift her head to make eye contact with him. "That's what this relationship is about, being there for each other. And God knows that you've been there countless times for me, so I just want to let you know that I have your back." Sylvie didn't know quite what to say, so she decided to show what she was feeling by an action. She leaned in to press a brief kiss against his lips, whispering a grateful thank you. Antonio seemed like he wanted to continue their kiss, but then a conflicted look appeared on his face. Sylvie assumed that he was worried about what the members of Firehouse 51 were doing out in his ring. Gabby probably had a tight rein on maintaining control, but she knew that Antonio wouldn't want to take any chances. "I think we should go back." He said, to no surprise to Sylvie. She wasn't disappointed, because she didn't even expect this alone time that she got to have with him. So she was fine with going back. "Let's go then." She began to get up off of the floor, offering a hand to Antonio. He took it gratefully. They walked in silence through the long locker room, only taking comfort in each other's physical presence. And it was what they needed, they had already spoken the words that needed to be said. No matter what, they were always going to support be there for the other person.
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