#same reason I can’t use tampons. tried once and nearly vomited
nelfs · 8 months
on the same tangent, I’m glad that IUDs work for some women but I am absolutely and positively terrified of them. hearing about the procedure and how many women pass out/bleed for months afterwards/experience excruciating pain in general really makes me nauseous. the idea of having something forced thru my cervix (and strings hanging down!!) just really makes me feel sick …. Not in a “women shouldn’t do that” way but in the same way SAW movies make me feel ill. it is genuinely fucking barbaric not to sedate people beforehand or provide meaningful painkillers
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blissfulparker · 3 years
Wipeout⇔ Surfer!Dad!tom
Parings: surfer!dad!tom x surfer!reader
Summary; You and Tom spend your whole relationship in the water. Surfing under the summer sun and competing in summers biggest surf competition. To a surpise, you and Tom take on the biggest challenge nature could throw at you. A baby.
Wc: 9k
Warnings: mentions of insecurities durning pregnancy, fluff
A/n: I know this isn’t a birthday themed fic for Toms b-day but I hope you all enjoy! My little spin on a summer fic with dad!tom 🥰
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The summer breeze rose goosebumps to your skin. Your hands coming up to rub your arms as the water was only a bit colder today.
it was summer, the best part of the year when you lived with a beach in your backyard. Spending your whole life surfing you now prepared for the summer tournament that happened only weeks away from now. Surfers, fans, media come in from nearly all over the world just to compete.
To feel a wave under their boards and the adrenaline that rushes through your blood when you finally get on top. The same competition that lead you to Tom, Tom who was now your boyfriend of two years. At first, you laughed at the boy.
Pale, shy—yet so cocky and from London of all places. The most water they got is from the sky. You wanted to laugh with your friends for how confident he was acting, little rain boy wanted to have a chance in the big ocean and he did. To your shock, he scored better than you and scored to be in the top 10. Your laughs stopped after competition and maybe it was the slight momentary enemy thing or it was that deep blue bikini that made him find you after the games and get you out for a drink.
That drink was truly a shared basket of fish and chips as you talked more and more about each other. Pale, rainy London boy ended up being the best thing that ever happened to you.
“You wiped out twice!” He sits atop his board and your hands rub over your face.
“Maybe because I’m distracted!” You splash water in his direction. His toned abs always tanner during g this year and it was hard for the both of you to control yourself. “I’m just tired, stressed.” You shrugged it off truthfully.
“You fell asleep at 8:00 last night, grandma.” He teased and you rolled your eyes.
“Competition stress.” You point to him and he shrugs. If he’s honest, within the two years he’s known you, two years he’s loved and wondered where you had been all his life, he knew your stress. When you were stressed you oftentimes took long showers or wrote in your journal for hours on end but this time your stress was sleeping early/in late and a few times he’s caught you throwing up. All under the name of stress.
He didn’t push anything though, reminding you that he is there and you could tell him anything. But nonetheless, he left you be and just kissed your cheek and told you everything was okay.
“Race you to shore and whoever gets back inside first gets the leftover chicken from last night!” He starts to swim and you quickly flatten yourself on your board.
“What are we like five?” You call out but still push yourself to go faster. Pushing yourself to race him to shore.
Even though Toms board was definitely double his size, he still beat you into the house, already washed off and reheating the leftovers for lunch. After a morning swim you always had lunch before you went off to work where you would teach little kids how to surf. No matter what, you were always around the water.
“So I was checking the competition list this week, checking to see if there’s anyone new…” he trails off on a story. The two of you share the chicken and fries before you suddenly get a disgusted taste in your mouth. The chicken suddenly becomes sour in your mouth but you force yourself to swallow, Tom notices the change and he stops everything to make sure you’re okay.
“Darling, what is it?” He has a worried look but you shake your head.
“Nothing—it’s nothing. I-I just think this part of my chicken was a bit undercooked and it grossed me out. It’s nothing.” You smiled at him and he waited a second before continuing his story.
But that wasn’t the end of it, the next bite even more sour and this time you drop your fork and open the trash can to spit it out. The spitting then followed by spitting up all of your breakfast and lunch. Tom quickly coming to move any stray hair and rubbing your back as he tried to not throw up himself.
When you were done, he quickly closed the trash can lid and got you into the bathroom where he assembled the toothbrush for you.
“Peaches, I know that you told me not to worry but this is the third time this week.” He folded his arms as he leans against the wall.
“I’m fine.” You say through a mouth filled with toothpaste. Spitting into the sink and rinsing your mouth while also splashing some water over your face. When you look back up, just a bit, your eyes flicker to the untouched box of tampons.
One week late wasn’t so bad, one week late was just some built up stress and every women had been a week or two late before. But before tom can take notice in your distraction, you turn around to him who hands you a towel.
“But you’re not fine.” He argues a bit gently, not wanting to offend you.
“Tom, in school I would throw up during exam seasons all the time. It’s just stress okay? Better than losing hair or breaking out I guess.” You try and joke with him but he doesn’t exactly laugh. Just stares at you worried and you push back a few of his curls.
“Hey, look at me,” you tell him and his eyes meet yours. “I’m fine, seriously! Just a bit of stress and nothing the ocean water and you can’t fix.” You kiss his cheek and he finally smiles.
“Can you go see a doctor? For yourself and if not for yourself then for me, I want you to do good at competition and you know they won’t let you compete if you are sick in anyway.” He rubs up and down your sides and you sigh. Hating the doctors but you agree.
“Okay, okay. I’ll make an appointment but they will just tell me I just have butterflies.” You tell him and that’s when he grows a smirk.
“Aw, babe, I didn’t know after all these years I still gave you butterflies!” He teased and you rolled your eyes playfully nudging your body against him. Both leaving the bathroom, your eyes flicker over to the untouched box to tampons that just taunt you one last time before tom shuts the bathroom door. It was possible, you just didn’t want it to be possible just yet.
“I should’ve canceled, I should be there!” Tom speaks through the phone. You sat in an empty, cold doctors office waiting for blood results to get back.
Despite Toms over worrying, everything was fine. They couldn’t find anything physically wrong with you and agreed when you mentioned how it was just anxiety and nerves. Yet they still had to run a blood test to make sure it wasn’t anything they missed and couldn’t see with the naked eye.
Meanwhile tom had to be the most dramatic person out there. You always told him if he was not a surfer he would be an actor. It was impressive how every single night before bed he had a new condition to diagnose you with. Some so severe and outrageous you had to remind him that this wasn’t 1600s England and that you didn’t have the plague. That things were just from stress and if it was a stomach bug then let it run through.
Yet he would rant to you nearly every single night about how he’s always loved you and hated that this was the way to go. Always with that you would smack him with a pillow and tell him to go to sleep and with that he would kiss your cheek and hold you tight as he fell asleep.
“Tom, it’s fine. Seriously! They said they couldn’t find anything wrong, you’d be wasting your time to come here. The most you’d get out of this visit is maybe a sticker. Does Tommy want his girlfriend to bring him back a sticker?” You used a baby voice and you could practically hear him going red.
With a scoff he replies, “Ugh, no. What am I like five?” He pauses for a moment. “But what kind do they have? Were you able to check?” He asked in more of a quiet voice and you laugh.
“No clue. But the nurse told me the best thing I could do is just drink some tea and rest. Maybe they have some spiderman stickers or Sofia the first stickers.” You fiddle with the loose thread on your pants. Ending with a joke to calm both yours and Tom's nerves.
With a smirk, Tom Says, “you’ve been drinking some British tea for awhile—“ he jokes and you quickly cut him off.
“Tom!” You say and as if it was a sign, the nurse comes back in with a clipboard and a gentle smile. “Hey, I’ll call you back, the nurse has my results.”
“Wait! Before you go, ask them to check for tapeworms—“ before he could finish you hung up.
“He’s just dramatic.” You laughed a bit and the nurse laughed along before taking a seat across from you. She clicks her pen which makes you nervous for some reason.
“So your blood came back fine, everything is okay. I just have a few little things such as are you on any birth control?” She asked and you shook your head.
“Oh no, um...haven’t been for a while. But my boyfriend and I use protection and we’re safe. We only used planB once and that was a year ago.” You tell her but she looks up at you. Nodding as she purses her lips.
“Condoms only go so far sweetheart. We just have to ask patients who we find to be with a child incase of any birth control so we can remove it immediately, the birth control, I mean, remove that immediately.” With child. You were with a child. Pregnant. Your heart nearly falls out of your chest and the nurse says a few more things but they don’t register.
“Y-You mean there’s a baby inside of me?” You don’t know what color you look right now but you would assume pale, or green with the feeling of vomiting and this time not from slightly uncooked raw leftover chicken.
“Yup, about one month along it looks! We still will want to run more tests and…” she talks more and more but you don’t listen. Your brain foggy, you don’t know if you’re going to pass out or throw up or shit everywhere from how nervous you were. Hell, even all three seemed like an option as she talked. “So I’ll leave you to tell the important news?” She asked. This was apart of her regular day to day, she probably had hundreds of girls like you come in. Clueless and thinking of a stomach bug and then finding out they are pregnant.
“Y-Yeah.” You try to form a smile.
“Perfect, just meet me up at the desk whenever you’re ready. There’s a bathroom down the hall if you are feeling queasy and of course, help yourself to as many waters in the mini fridge in our waiting room. Congratulations!” She says before she turns out and all you hear is the door click shut. The white noise of the light and the taps of your fingernails against the cool metal bed.
You know it was professional and sweet of her to allow you space to call your significant other but you only stare at Tom's contact. Staring at the word ‘Tommy’ with almost all the heart emojis and his contact pictures of him with the biggest smile.
You have no guts to tell him right in the moment, but rather get off of the paper coated bed and grab your things to leave. Setting up a new appointment with your doctor to see more into the baby. Pregnant, with child, before competition. You and Tom were going to have a faimily.
Tom still hadn’t known the news. It had only been a week but the guilt still ate you alive.
You didn’t want to worry or stress him. You yourself still tried to wrap your brain around it. A baby, every breath you took, every bite of food you ate, every drink you swallowed and every step you took there was a baby you shared it with.
You think about how every time tom had wrapped his arms around your waist this week he gently touched over the baby. Kissing your lying lips, you hated yourself for it.
As for competition, your mind nearly forgot. Still getting in the waters everyday with Tom but this time a bit more cautious. Everytime Tom worried for you, you quickly would cover his worry up with either a joke or kisses.
As for the throwing up, morning sickness was something that came in and out. You started hating the smell of bacon tom cooked in the morning but just waved it off. He noticed your decline in caffeine and beers and wines but you just told him the best athletes only had what’s best for their body before performing.
Tom believed all of it. Every single white lie you told—even though you hated yourself for telling them— believed them.
“How ya feeling?” Toms lips met your forehead as you cuddled up on the couch today. Extra tired and almost positive the baby was screaming at you for rest. You cuddled a bowl of popcorn and a water bottle.
“Mmh, just fine.” You give him a smile as his lips come down to meet yours.
Stealing some popcorn from the bowl, he heads over to the kitchen to prepare dinner.
“I’m thinking we do shrimp tonight?” He looked over and you made a face.
“Ew, no.” You shake your head and he gives a furrowed brow look.
“What? You love shrimp!” He responds and you feel yourself growing hot. Hiding deeper in the Blanket and not wanting to show your face.
“Well, I’m just not in the mood for it tonight.” That was another thing, lots and lots of emotions. Luckily Tom had plenty of emotions to match.
“Okay...tuna?” He offers and you shook your head. “Steak?” Once again and no. “Chicken?” No. “Okay, love, you’ve gotta help me out. I know you’re not feeling well but I’m helpless in here.” He says and your eyes start to water. He notices and immediately comes over.
“Hey, hey, hey,” he comes in front of the couch and crouches down to you. “What’s wrong?” He stroked your cheek and you shook your head.
“Nothing, it’s nothing.” You sniffle. “Seriously, I’ll help you. I’m thinking pasta.” You smiled and he did too.
“Yeah that’s not too bad.”
And so you two made and ate dinner completely normally. No tears from you, no sickness from you. Tom only talked about the waves out today and how much you would’ve loved it. Now you two spent time washing up.
“You think that one girl with red hair will be there like last year? She was so annoying.” You laughed as you got excited again for competition. Tom grew tense as you mentioned it. You noticed that. How he didn’t talk much about competition anymore. It went from the only thing you two talked about to now nothing. You knew how excited he was, the both of you were but suddenly it was like that excitement was put in a box to rest.
“Yeah...she was.” He kinda laughed but then just washed harder at the dish.
“Everything okay? You’ve kinda stopped talking about competition.” You put down your plate and that's when he took a deep breath.
“It’s nothing, I promise.” He tells you, pressing his lips into a lying smile that you knew.
“Baby, you can tell me anything you know. I’m always here for—“ and with that, he cut you off and told you the words you hated to hear.
“I-I took you out of the competition,” Tom sighed, dropping the dish rag on the counter in defeat. He watches as your face goes from annoyed to shock. Anger builds behind the eyes he find peace in. “It was wrong me me to do so—“
“damn right it was wrong of you to do so!” You slam your hand on the counter. “W-why would you?”
“You were sick! You were so sick for so long and what was I going to let you do? just make yourself worse—“
“it was the stress! I told you it was the—“
The built up ignored tension between you both finally caused him to snap.
“Is your period being late stress too?” His words caused the room to be silent. You take a sharp breath as you stare at him with anger but not at him anymore, at the fear of your new life.
“I’m just late, it’s normal for a woman like me to be rhis stressed and late...” you trailed off and this time he had the red face.
“Bullshit. What happened at that doctors appointment.” He demanded. You didn’t say a word at first which only angered him more. “Damnit (y/n)—“
“I’m pregnant.” You finally cry out and he knew his thoughts could be true, he knew they had to be but the moment those words left your mouth his whole body froze. He went pale with fear and shock, his hand no longer gripping the counter out of anger but out of support in case he passes out. The tears that left your eyes were uncontrollable as you let out a sob, the first sob that snapped tom back into reality.
He didn’t think twice, his arms supportively wrap around you as he tells you sweet nothings to try and calm you and himself.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He mumbled into your hair. You swallowed hard as you pulled back, your face wet with tears and you sniffled. His thumbs come up to wipe away each tear and each trace of mascara.
“Because I wanted to be normal still! I wanted to compete, I wanted to surf! I can’t surf anymore tom, i'm going to be a mom and I won’t have time for surfing.” You sob more and he only pulls you back into his grasp.
“I’m so selfish and stupid to even think to compete but I just want to n-not—“ you can’t even spit it out anymore.
“Who said you can’t surf when you’re a mom?” He moved back to hold your face. You didn’t look at him, he wasn’t going to force you to either. This was your decisions right now, he just wanted to listen.
“When you’re a woman and a mother, everything is for your child. You will have time to surf because you’re a dad but no one wants a mom to do anything but take care of their kid and I’ll love this baby so much, I will, but don’t want to lose myself. I’m young, you’re young and you’re about to be the next big thing.” You punch his shoulder playfully trying to lighten things up. “I—i-W-we’ll—“ you start again and he shakes his head.
“Don’t even say it. Sweetheart, you’re having a baby, our baby. I will make sure you still surf, when it’s safe, Of course. I-I don’t even have the words right now, my heart is racing, feel it.” He placed your hand over his chest to feel his pounding heart. “You will be (y/n) Holland, the infamous surfer that beat Tom Holland twice last year and you will be the mother to our kid. Their badass mom.” He cracks a smile as his hand goes to your stomach.
A shared moment where he only touches the stomach as he learns about it. You look at him softly and he looks at you as if you were the entire world. As if he was a little kid at sea world for the first time, he looks at you with beauty and hope and a hint of thankfulness
“For a minute,” you speak again. “I thought you were completely calm about this.” You chuckle and he shakes his head.
“No, I actually think I’m going to throw up.” He held his breath for a moment before he moved to the trash can and emptied his worried stomach.
This time it was you rubbing his back and wiping his mouth. Maybe you wanted to roll your eyes at the Irony but you just knew he loved you.
Holland. He used the last name Holland on you for the first time you’d ever heard it. He said it so confidently as if you two were already married. Holland. You can get use to that.
Day of competition
there was this sort of shock in everyone’s face as they watched you walk in shorts and a tee. Joining the crowds of people instead of getting ready for the waves of water.
This year was no wetsuit with your board, slathering sunscreen on your face as you got ready but rather taking a seat in that sand just like everyone else. Carrying a baby no one knew about except you and Tom and a few friends and family.
Your body was warm with nerves, hundreds of cameras here usually captured the sea, interviewing the surfers afterwards. Although it was not like Hollywood, there was no TMZ or dailymail, but there was enough interest and news casters to tilt their heads for why they infamous (y/n) (y/l/n)—soon to be (y/n) Holland—took a seat with the friends and family. Cheering on from the sand.
“Hey.” Z snaps you out of your constant looking around, how your eyes never focused on one thing.
“Ease up a bit, babes, no one even knows.” She knew, you knew you had to explain to her when you were sitting out. Just as Tom explained to his brothers and the two of you both would explain to his mother after competition. For he knew the women would get so excited she would explode
“Right.” Was all you said as you started clapping with the rest of the crowd when the games begun. It would be a moment for them to get to tom, they always let the younger ones go first, you and Tom were in that fine middle where you had to wait just for the middle of the games.
“Do you want a boy or a girl?” Z asked with a hint of excitement to her voice. She kept it quite enough to where it was just you.
“I’m okay with either.” You didn’t ever care much for gender, although a girl would be nice to balance out the male testosterone you’re always around. “A girl would be nice though.” You smile at Z.
She gives a smile back, leans back on the towel as she soaks up the sun. “And Tom?” She asked and you shrugged.
He had talked about almost everything but a boy or girl, when you asked if he cared he told you,
“as long as they have two arms, two legs, a torso, a head, comes out of me with no trouble, then it’s a perfect surfing buddy.” You quote him exactly, smiling at his words from a few nights ago.
When he found out, his hands never left your stomach, even though you reminded him the baby was only the size of a grape. That well...it was just a bunch of cells forming up in the moment that couldn’t exactly kick for it had legs the size of your pinky nail. He still waited, he waited and waited, you didn’t even know what he was waiting for at one point for he would pause between his words at the baby or when he asked you a question he looked down at your stomach as if they would reply for you or before you.
“I know hes nervous as hell, but he’s so excited, I know it. The other day Harrison told me he cried when he told him. Tom, crying.” Z laughed a bit and you did too.
“If you think I’m the emotional one...turn on coco or inside out and see what happens to that man.” You chuckled as you turned your head back to the waters to watch tom with a smile on his face blow a kiss in your direction before getting on his board. Paddling out to the sea you watch him get ready to take the first wave, the crowd goes wild and your hand rests over your stomach.
This time, next year, you would sit on these sands with a smaller version of the two of you.
Being early in your pregnancy but far enough to show was not as glamorous as people made it be.
Your shorts no longer fit, shirts started to get loose at the top and tight at the bottom and for the love of heaven you slept so much. Tom liked the idea of endless naps, somedays you wondered if he was the pregnant one instead of you. As he slouched around, ate just as many snacks as you and started to even complain about some of the same things you did.
Maybe it was the impact your moods had on him or the fact he stopped drinking caffeine since you no longer could have it and he didn’t know what his life was before morning coffee was with you. He was almost the same as you were durning the pregnancy.
“What are you doing?” Putting on a bikini for the first time since you told Tom. For the first time in about a month. You didn’t like the fit much anymore, the bloation you constantly had and the extra weight you now carried in your thighs, arms and breasts made you insecure. The top that used to fit perfect now had you grunting to tie. But you had to wear what you had to wear to get you in the water.
“I’m coming with you to the beach.” You say innocently and he shakes his head.
“You’re not picking up a board, you know that. Besides, the waters have been rough lately, there’s that storm coming in and one hard wave can hit you and I don’t want that to happen.” He exaggerates and you look at him with a dead stare.
“Tom, I haven’t touched the water in over a month, I’m pretty sure my skin cells are changing because of it.” You exaggerate as well and he comes up to you.
“Well, I’m not letting you in the water. It’s too dangerous.” He was serious, at first you thought he was just being dramatic, he was still going to let you swim but he was 100% serious.
“Tom, you’re kidding.” You scoff a bit and he shakes his head.
“I’m sorry darling, I know a lot is happening—“ he starts and you move back.
“The doctor said I am healthy enough to be physically active and I—“ before you could finish he cut you off.
“The doctor said you could do some squats, leg workouts, lift a 5lb weight, that was the type of exercise he said. The waters are too dangerous, please don’t argue with me.” He pleads but your emotions get the best of you. Anger starting to build and your body heating up.
Tom had learnt one thing so far; don’t upset the pregnant women and that’s exactly what he did.
“You’re telling me to not argue with you when you are the one holding me hostage in my own home? God, Tom, I have a life still too! A month ago you said you understood what it was going to take and now you’re treating me the way I specifically asked not to! I’m getting in the water, I haven’t been in the water for months it feels like and that’s all I know—“ your rant continues but Tom isn’t looking at you anymore. He’s looking at your side view in the mirror.
Your bump is showing, the bump he swore he could kinda feel but not see was now showing. Almost like it grew overnight.
“Fuck, Tom! Look at me while I’m—“ you start to yell again but he steps closer.
“Look.” He stares at the mirror and comes closer to your bump.
“Oh my…” you see exactly what he’s seeing. The small curve outwards that is your swollen stomach. Your bump.
“May I?” He asked and your mood went from angry to overfilled with happiness. Your eyes starting to tear ss you nodded.
“Tom, it’s your child too, you can touch.” You told him and he did. Your hand even went to your stomach as you rubbed over the bump that was barely forming.
“It’s like it happened overnight.” He laughed a bit and you did too.
“I swear it wasn’t there last night when I got out of the shower. I swear.” You let a few tears fall and he peppers soft kisses.
“I’m sorry.” He gently stroked at the stomach and you sniffled.
“I’m sorry too. I know you just want what’s best for us but I’m just…” you sniffle some more not being able to finish.
“I know baby, I know.” He gets up and wraps his arms around your back. Pulling you in for a hug for you to cry on his chest. So emotional over everything but he was right there. Right there with you.
“We can call the doctor about you surfing, we can call him right now if you want. But I just can’t lose you.” He gives a smile and you nod as your lips meet with his.
“C-can you order the chicken from the place I like?” You finally regain your composure and he nods.
“Of course, anything else?” He looks down at the stomach and you shake your head.
“No, not for now.” You smile down at the small bump forming. “Wait!” You stop him as he’s leaving to grab the phone. He turns to face a guilty looking you, “and mozzarella sticks.” You rub your stomach and he nods. With a faint smile he goes,
“always.” As that was your constant craving. Leaving you in the room for a moment and coming back to see you dressed back ins sweats and a tee shirt, Tom smiled and gladly cuddled up next to you, rubbing and talking to the bump about the future. Maybe you couldn’t surf, but you had Tom right by your side.
Christmas cookies and sweetly salted popcorn occupied your side as you spent a snowy Christmas in London. No beach, no blazing sun even during the day, Tom took you home where you were now five months pregnant.
Heavily showing and to even think you wanted to go surfing months ago was laughable. You hated getting up to shower somedays for it was too much work.
“Darling, Angel, my pretty girl,” Tom sat next to you nervous with his next words. “I know you’re pregnant but there are only so many Christmas cookies.” He told you and you smacked his shoulder.
“Thomas, she’s pregnant! She’s allowed as many cookies as she wants besides there are more in the oven but pregnant women gets first pick as she is carrying my grandchild.” His mom immediately came to your defense. Taking so much good care of you while you were here, Tom doesn’t even think he got this much affection as a sick child.
“I wasn’t saying it’s a bad thing for her to eat cookies, I just want one!” Tom defended himself and you handed him a cookie and you felt your baby kick.
“See? They don't even want you stealing our cookies. I’m eating for two, I’m eating for your baby. You eat a lot by the way! Remember that summer you went through the whole fridge in a week? Yeah, now I’m eating for a tiny version of that! And myself! It’s hard out here for me and what did you do huh? Take two minutes!” You snatched the cookie back from him and rubbed your stomach. His brothers stifled a laugh and Tom grew red in embarrassment.
“I last longer than two minutes.” He says is a mumble.
Rolling your eyes, You rested your head on Toms shoulder and moved his hand over to the kicking stomach. “She says thank you.” You smile as you take a bite from the cookie.
“A she?” His mom perks up and the rest of the family does.
It was a mistake, you and Tom had a battle of the sexes. It seemed as if you didn’t want to know the gender right before your winter holiday. Or really the gender at all. The gender was available for you guys now but you both didn’t see it as a big deal. The baby’s room would be filled with ocean themed toys and a gentle blue wall Anyways. And besides, whatever they decide to be they would make the perfect surfing buddy. Although it was still fun to think of, You thought a girl and Tom swore a boy.
“No, mum, we still don’t know I promise. (Y/n) is just messing around.” He swore and the family relaxed again.
“He’s right, I am just joking. Tom is probably right with his assumption, thinking it may be a boy. With all this moving and eating, just like Tom.” You poke his cheek and Tom again flusters in embarrassment.
“Hey, I have a fast metabolism.” He told you and you kissed his temple.
“I know baby, I’m just teasing you. My man knows how to stay fit and sexy.” You playfully rub his stomach and suddenly the stifled laughs from the boys turn into disgusted noises.
There was everything to indicate a boy, well, mostly just a gut feeling. Tom's mother described her pregnancy with Tom to you and it was nearly the same. A baby boy, you could see that. You would need another fridge and a lot more paper towels assuming the babe will be like Tom and eat yet spill everything. You liked the idea of a boy. Plus, Tom had been playing a stupid game where he asked the baby questions making it kick for an answer. When Tom asked if it was a boy or girl, it kicked the moment he said boy.
The ding of the kitchen timer went off, more cookies fresh out of the oven and Tom was quick to jump up.
“Let me help m’lady up.” He grabs your hands and you grunt as you stand up. You walk with Tom at your side and once you are alone eating more cookies in the kitchen your hand rubs over your stomach as you feel the baby kick in excitement.
“Off the topic of gender, I think they miss the ocean. They kick so much just when I sit in the bath like they are having fun in the water.” You mention water and you feel a kick. They couldn’t understand, but they could hear and a smile rose to yours and Tom's face.
“Then they’re just like their mama.” He leans in and kisses your cheek.
“Who knows, maybe once we get back I’ll get in the—“ before you can finish your sentence about surfing, a sharp kick to your bladder causes you to hunch over with a pained face. Tom worried as he held you panicked but you got back up with a deep breath.
“Nevermind, little one didn’t like that idea.” You hold onto his arms tightly.
“Everything okay? Just a bladder kick?” He panicked and you just nodded.
“Yup.” Your face scrunches up again. “Just the bladder.” You suddenly have the urge to pee. “Now shoo, I’ve got to pee.” You tell him and he looks at you in confusion.
“You just peed like—“ you give him a look making him think about how he’s finishing his sentence. “Right, my darling.” He moved out of your way to let you go. Snatching one more cookie from the tray, he smiled as he thought how next year at this exact time, you would be holding a little baby.
One week. You were one week late and as any normal pregnant woman would be resting in bed and rubbing over her swollen belly and anticipating the child’s arrival. Although that was not what you were doing.
Against Tom's wishes, you went back to work to see the kids start up their surfing lessons. Although there would be no swimming for you, no waves for you just yet, seeing the kids happy to be there was something that sparked joy to your heart always. Helped ease your nerves and turn them into excitement.
“Mrs. (Y/l/n)-Holland, look what I learnt how to do!” One of the kids calls out. You had a smile for not only did they call you by both yours and Tom's name, but that they had always been excited to show you new things.
“That was amazing Ryder!” You clapped at the boy who did a handstand. He had a big smile with teeth missing. Your hand went over your stomach again, an aching pain that was noting but a false labor.
The doctor said it was fine. Women always experienced this right before birth and just take a deep breath but don’t waste your time rushing to the hospital just for them to send you home.
It was normal to be late and that you had a stressful year so it was okay. The doctor mentioned that you still felt contractions which meant you were close. But when it was Tom, every slight indicator of pain you felt meant a freak out where he rushed around the house to get the baby bag and try and get you in the car when in reality, you just had to pee. 
“T-That’s really cool.” You wince and the boys face goes from excitement to worry. Within the luck, Tom comes jogging from the parking lot with lunch for the two of you. Hoping to get in the water with the kids and keep an eye on you.
“Hey Angel.” He kissed your cheek but noticed your pain. “Everything okay?” He panicked and you nodded.
“Yeah, yeah, Ryder here was just showing me how he can do a handstand now—“ you can’t even finish as the pain was strong.
“(Y/n)?” Tom needed to be calm, your face scrunched up as you held your swollen stomach. “Darling, Angel, pretty girl, look at me.” He used all the pet names you liked and you looked up at him with worry in your eyes. “I think it’s time for us to meet the little one.” He nods with a trying smile and you feel an even sharper pain.
“Mmh, I can’t do this.” You breath heavily as you hold onto the stomach. “Yes you can, if you can surf a wave that is 12 feet with no wipeout then you can birth our baby.” He promised and also got the little boy who was so excited to show you his new moves a moment ago to run and get another adult.
“Tom, I-I can’t.” You felt yourself tearing up and he shakes his head. Your heart pounding and mind swarming with worried.
“You can, you will. You are the strongest women I—“ before he can start his motivational speech you cry out in pain.
“Get me in the goddamn car!” You cry and he nods and gets you up before anything worse. He rushes to the hospital as quick as he can, holding your hand and trying to not crash as you hold your stomach and scream.
When he gets to the hospital, he’s still in a wetsuit. They take immediate action into getting you into a room where you are laying with your legs up waiting for a doctor. Holding Tom's hand as you cry.
“Uh sir?” The doctor walks in and looks at the man in the wetsuit. “We’re going to have to ask you to put on scrubs...helps prevent any ourside clothing germs getting on the baby...are you wearing anything under that?” She asked and he immediately started unzipping.
“Jesus tom, not here, she wants you to get changed in the bathroom.” You shake your head as you run your hands over your face. In pain but want to laugh at your worried boyfriend for how he was acting in the moment.
“Right! Right!” He quickly changes from the wetsuit into the scrubs. The doctors look at him funny but let it go as you’re clearly in pain and needing the baby to be out.
“You got this love, you’re doing so good—“ he starts again but you don’t even want to hear it.
“was this really worth two minutes! I’m getting my fucking tubes tied!” You scream at him and he flushes a deep shade of red as one of the nurses giggles.
After one more big push you heard the sound of a cry filled the room. For just a second, all the pain you felt went away as you see the body of your baby, baby boy. You both were right, a beautiful little boy.
“A boy.” Tom breathes out in awe.
“Dad you wanna come cut the cord?” He looked at you for approval and you nodded. He cut the cord with shaky hands, couldn’t focus for the life of him as he just stared at the boy. You only got to hold him for a second before he’s taken off to a bath. Tom following them before they bring him back in a bundle of blankets.
“Oh my…” you hold the beautiful boy. His little lips open just a bit to make a sound while his eyes flutter to adjust to the light. “Look at him tom.” You feel yourself cry and Tom does too.
“Wow, look at you.” He touched the boy's cheek who immediately tried to take the finger into his mouth. “You did that.” He tells you as the two of you admire it.
“We did that.” You tell him and he smiles a bit. “Although yeah, it was mostly me.” The boy stares hard at Tom, Tom who was still in just swim trunks and scrubs.
“Hey, I ate a lot with you during this pregnancy. Even had my own morning sickness.” He teased and you only laughed.
The room going silent for a moment. Hearing the little cooes of your boy as you held him. Toms finger tracing over his cheek when you finally spoke, “Caspian.”
Tom had mentioned how he liked the name for a boy, more than once. It had connections to the water and to Europe so the child would have a bit of both. You had to admit to yourself that you liked it but just wanted to stick with a more casual name. But looking at how he looked at you the moment you said that name, you knew it was the one.
“Caspian?” He repeated and you nodded.
“Caspian Holland.” You told.
He smiled as he kissed your forehead. “Holland? Just that?” He asked as well and you nodded.
“Yeah, yeah just like that.” You smiled. A perfect moment in the perfect situation was interrupted by a small nurse who held a tee shirt.
“Uh sir?” The nurse looked at the two of you and both of your attentions were caught. “So unfortunately we have to ask you to wear a shirt, we got one from the lost and found for you hoping that it would fit.” The shirt read “I’m not as fun as mom” and Tom's face dropped. A proud smirk rises to your face as you look at Tom who’s flared his nostrils just a bit to show his embarrassment.
“Yeah Tom, put on the shirt.” You encouraged and he looked at you. His eyes telling you that you’re going to regret that but you can’t wait 15 years into the future to tell your son.
Sighing as he took the shirt from the poor nurse and sat back down on the chair in a huff.
“You’re never letting me live this one down are you?” Shaking your head you look back down at the boy,
“no, I don’t think we will.” You brought your dry cracked lips down to the boys forehead, you had no water within the past hour and screaming with crying seemed to make you as dead as possible. “Caspian. Caspian Holland.” He whispers again. “Thank you.” He looked at you and you furrowed your brows.
“For everything.” After months of no surfing, months of pain and aches, instead of saying anything back you looked at him and said
“sushi.” Was all you said and he furrowed his brows.
“W-what?” He questioned.
“I need sushi, please.” You sigh and he smiled. Months of being unable to eat any fish that was all you wanted in the moment.
“One California roll coming up.” He kissed your cheek and then the boy's cheek. Calling in the nurse, sending for a California roll and tuna.
Caspian was sleeping soundly in Tom's arms while you ate and rested. Everything was worth it, from the moment he stepped on a plane one summer to Hawaii he knew it was worth it for he found a family in the end.
Once again the sand was squishing under your toes. Feeling each and every grain as you held your baby boy tightly bundled in blankets against your chest as you walked out to the beach. He was freshly bathed, you and Tom took turns. You were so eager the moment you were cleared to get back in the water after birth that the day the doctor cleared you for physical activity, you did it.
But tonight wasn’t you getting in the water, it was you greeting Tom and telling him to come back inside.
“Dinner is done.” You call out to him as he jogs back to the two of you. The baby boy cooing as he sees the ocean and his fathers dripping wet figure coming towards them.
“Hey, look who’s out.” He immediately leans in and kisses all over the pretty baby boy's face. “My sweet boy is so fresh and clean.”
You and Tom had argued about who he had looked more like,You or Tom. he had Tom's nose for sure and his big brown eyes that you knew were going to be trouble. If you had a hard time saying no to Tom when he batted his lashes and gave a glossy look, it was going to be impossible to say no to your beautiful boy.
“He just took a bath. But it wasn’t the ocean.” You smiled and Tom pressed a kiss to your face too.
“Mmh, did you?” He looks at the boy who was yawning in his mother’s arms. “Want to swim a bit?” He asked and you shook your head.
After birth, Tom did a lot of the work. He loved it too. He claimed you needed rest, in which you did, but you would often find him just sitting in the nursery staring at the baby boy. Telling him stories to sleep and kissing his face. He would let you surf, bathe, sleep, all while he took care of your beloved boy.
“No, I’m so tired I think if I use my legs any longer they will snap.” You give a pout and Tom immediately kisses it away.
Tom started to gather his stuff, the beach towel and the bag he normally carried and the moment he started to pack up your baby boy let out a wail.
Within the two months of his birth, you were able to identify each cry. When he was hungry it was more of a gurgle, when he was sleepy it was more strained and forced, when he craved touch it was a whimper sounding cry and then there was this. He was simply upset something did not go his way. May you or Tom stepped away for a moment, the bottle gone too early, but now it was his father packing up his stuff that makes him scream a cry that makes heads turn.
“What’s the matter bubs?” Tom pouts as he sets the stuff down and comes over to him.
Once the stuff is set down the cries settle just a bit, settle enough until tom takes him out of your arms and presses him up against his body.
Still wet from the surf, you both think the baby liked it. While Tom occupied little Caspian, you picked up the towels and his bag for him and once again the boy let out a wail cry which made you and Tom furrow your brows.
“I-I don’t know what it is. I-I changed him and I bathed him and he was perfectly fine and—“ you start to panic and as you panic you drop the stuff which calms his cries. Tom immediately took notice and grew a smile that made his heart flutter in his chest.
“(Y/n),” he stops you and you look up at him with a worried look as if you’ve done something wrong. “He wants to stay. He wants to stay on the beach.” Tom says in a calm voice and the boy was now only cooing in Tom's arms. He bounced gently but mostly cooed as his daddy smiled at him.
“H-He knows we’re leaving the beach.” You sigh and come over to the boys. Petting your sons head as he relaxes in his fathers arms.
“Like I’ve always said, just like his mama.” Tom smiled up at you and you caught his lips for a kiss. “Well…” you rub your hands on your thigh, wiping off the sand you got stuck all over your hands. “Since Caspian always gets his way, I better bring dinner out here.” You smile as you poke at the sweet boys face and Tom moves and has a serious face.
“(Y/n), no, you can’t just whip out your boob in front of—OW! I’m kidding!” You smacked his arm for the stupid comment he made that at first had you worried.
“I hate you. I’m bringing out the dinner.” You start to walk off and he smiles.
“You love us!” He shouts back.
“Just Caspian! You? Not much you. remember...you’re not as fun as mom!” You call out to him, sending him a wink and he wants to say something back but he holds his tounge.
Looking down at the baby boy he says, “when I teach you how to surf I need you to beat mums ass a few times while you’re out there. Just for her little comments.” Tom spoke to the boy and he cooes. “Atta boy.” With that he plots down on the sand towel.
Setting caspian down on the towel for just a moment so he can strip from his wetsuit and be closer to him. You come back out balancing the plates of food for you and Tom as you seat next to them and eat. Leaning your head on Toms shoulder and kissing at it.
You never knew that one competition, one amateur British boy and one shared basket of fish and chips could lead you to the best moments of your life. Could lead you to the best family you’ve ever had.
Please leave feedback! It helps me grow as a writer and lets me know what more you want to see!
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harrysgoldenline · 5 years
Hi!! Is it alright if I request a blurb please? Something abt Y/N getting her period at H's place and she panics bc she accidentally bled through his sheets and she's embarassed and her cramps hurt. How would H feel/react? THANK YOU LOVIE!!! (Secret admirer of your works here hehe! Keep on writing!!!)
Hi everyone! Sorry for taking a short little break, I’ve been feeling a little better but I missed writing too much so I had to come back. I really hope you like how this turned out! I hope this is good, i wrote it super fast because strangely enough I was planning on writing something like this and I got the request so it was meant to be!!! Thank you for requesting and thank you for all your kind messages. It really means a lot. 💕💕
Y/N stirred awake, the sunlight peaking through the blinds. Stirring a bit and smiling as she sees him, his long eyelashes resting against the tops of his cheeks. This along with his freshly shaved face made him appear much younger, his chocolate colored hair a messy mop on his forehead, pointing in all different directions.
As she scooted closer to him, she felt it, that dreaded familiar feeling and her eyes widen, heart stopping its beating a moment before pounding rapidly in her chest. Her eyes fluttering close as she let out a shaky sigh, peaking one eye opening and gently lifting the covers to end up seeing the stain, heart plummeting.
“Fuck.” She whispered, sitting up and her eyes scan Harry’s bedroom, trying to think of anything she could do to not have to deal with this situation.
She slowly peels the covers off, remembering back when Harry and her were eating a pizza they ordered in his bed and he ended up dropping a slice and finding a stain remover in his bathroom that got it out after letting it sit and rubbing at it with a wet washcloth.
She just was just praying the tool that removed pizza sauce could work the same on period blood.
She entered his bathroom and groaned at the blood stain that accompanied her on her pair of sweatpants. The girl kneels down, searching quickly for the stain remover and any leftover pads or tampons that she had left at Harry’s in the past.
Of course she couldn’t find either.
She began whispering profanities to herself, wishing she could have planned better and could have packed more extra clothes instead of just the dress she wore the night before and the pajamas she was in now.
She sneaks back into the bedroom, seeing Harry still laying peacefully as she nearly cartoon like tiptoes thought the room, checking the bedside table on his side quietly before dashing over to the other, desperate to find the stain stick anywhere.
After failing, she feels like giving up all together. Running away, changing her name and never looking back in stead of having to deal with the embarrassment of-
“Baby?” Harry lovely graveled, eyes slowly opening and watching her rummage through the nightstand, a deep chuckle coming from his chest, “what are you looking for? Come back to bed, need cuddles.”
“No!” She shrieked, watching him reach to pull back the blankets, the light sheets coming into view but coming to a sudden stop as the sound escapes her.
He gives her a confused look, sitting up a bit and resting his weight on his arm, a hand rubbing though his hair with his free one, “are you alright? Did something happen?”
She shakes her head, biting her bottom lips hard as she tries not to let her voice crack as that will lead to tears. But she can’t not tell him. There’s no way he won’t find out.
“I’m sorry.” She whispers, “I-It was an accident and I’m sorry because I should’ve known it was coming but I totally forgot and I’m not prepared and I’m sorry... I’ll clean everything or-or I’ll buy you new ones! Yeah I’ll buy you new ones!”
The girl kept rambling on and Harry slowly peeled away the covers, seeing the reason behind her tears and he slowly slid out of bed, arms going around the incoherent girl, making her stop her word vomit and lean into him, now wiping her eyes and burying her face in his chest.
He kisses the girls forehead a few times before pulling away, taking her hand and leading into the bathroom. He gestured for her to sit, but she decided against it, standing close to him and gripping his arm as he leaned down and filled up the large bathtub with water.
“I’ve got some bath bombs and bubble bath under the sink.” He began, facing the girl and softly pressing her lips, “I’ll throw the sheets and your clothes in the washer and go get you some stuff... do you like pads or tampons better? Can you just text me what you use?”
“I’m sorry. I feel horrible. I can can wash everything, or-or but you knew sheets-.”
“Nonesense!” He suddenly exclaimed, making her jump and let out a soft giggle as he continued, “It’s normal darling, nothing gross and nothing to be embarrassed about, okay? Besides, if I had to go through this I wouldn’t leave bed all week. Let me take care of you, okay?”
She nodded, kissing him softly and thanking him before he dismissed himself to get the sheets and for her to get herself in the bath comfortably as she recovered from her frazzled state.
As the girl cleaned herself a bit, she dropped in the prettiest pink bath bomb, watching it color the tub before her entering, feeling her mind body and souls relax as she laid down.
Harry reentered after softly knocking on the door, smiling as he saw his girl with her hair tied up and relaxed in the pink bath water. He gave her smile and collected her things, laying out a pair of boxer shorts and a large sweatshirt before telling her he will return shortly, leaving his girl in the tub and the washer running and telling the girl he loved her and promising her he’ll be back soon.
He did indeed keep his promise, arriving home around 25 minutes later and greeting the tranquil girl in his bathroom, leaving behind all of the products he picked out for her as he moved to replace the bed with an extra pair of sheets he threw in the drier, just so they were warm.
When Y/N emerges back into Harry’s room, dressed in his clothes and feeling fresh, her heart flutters more than ever before. There sat Harry with all of her favorite snacks and pint of ice cream for them, Disney Plus pulled up with Harry cuddled up under a mound of blankets.
She rushed over to the bed, sliding under the covers and wrapping herself tight around the man, pressing rapid kisses all over her face as he chucked, pulling her warm body into his own.
“Feel better, my love?” He smirked, happy to see her returned to her normal self, “or do ya cramps still hurt? Heard Gem say once bath helps but I also picked up a heating pad if you want me to grab it.”
“I’m so in love with you and I’m so so lucky..” She whispered, kissing him softly, feeling their heartbeats syncing as they laid together, “thank you for everything, Harry. You’re truly an angel from heaven. Don’t know how I got to be so lucky.”
“I’m the lucky one, sweetheart. And I love you, more than you could ever imagine, don’t ever forget it.” He whispered, kissing her again before pulling away and snuggling her into his chest, legs tangling together, “what first, Tangled or Beauty and the Beast?”
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