#same as rose got for the mater tho
foppishmuses · 2 years
Doing this quiz for some different muses under the cut
John Egbert
Your result: Bard
You’re a storyteller at heart and you may have a bit of a Thing about attention and validation. You’re a natural improviser and you’re great at adapting to situations at a moment’s notice using whatever resources you have at your disposal. You can’t stand being bored. You’re very creative and you probably have a great sense of style. You’re honestly just here for a good time, and you live for drama.
College of Valor
Bards of the College of Valor are daring skalds whose tales keep alive the memory of the great heroes of the past, and thereby inspire a new generation of heroes. These bards gather in mead halls or around great bonfires to sing the deeds of the mighty, both past and present. You think stories can be one of the most powerful things in the world and you’re especially inspired by stories of heroism, adventure, and the conflict of good vs. evil. You’re not just a bookworm, though, because you are also a physically-oriented person who enjoys expressing yourself with your body. You might be into dance, martial arts, sports, or outdoor adventuring. You’re a natural leader who finds meaning in being able to inspire others.
Dwight Fairfield
Your result: same as John because i have exactly one character type
Lena “Tracer” Oxton
Your result: Cleric
You’re dedicated, caring, and probably a sucker for happy endings. You spend so much time helping other people that you might forget to take care of yourself. You’re very idealistic and have a strong sense of faith in your beliefs, which may be actual religious beliefs or just your personal moral code. You like to be prepared for a variety of situations and you may have a bit of a protective side.
Domain of Peace
The gods of peace inspire people of all sorts to resolve conflict and to stand up against those forces that try to prevent peace from flourishing. You really just wish everyone could calm down and get along for once. You’re a gentle person who will do as much as humanly possible to avoid conflict, though others should be careful not to mistake your pacifism for passivity. When conflict does arise, you have a natural knack for guiding people to find compromise. Your calm and non-judgmental energy might draw people to seek advice from you and you’re pretty good at inspiring people when they need a little positivity boost.
Your result: Rogue
You’re a practical and unusually resourceful person with big dreams that may or may not involve copious amounts of money or treasure. You’re ambitious, you know what you want, and you’ll do whatever you can to get it. Some people might think you’re selfish, but you know it’s important to take care of yourself first. You thrive under pressure and you might have a bit of a mischievous or chaotic side.
You focus your training on the art of the blade, relying on speed, elegance, and charm in equal parts. While some warriors are brutes clad in heavy armor, your method of fighting looks almost like a performance. Duelists and pirates typically belong to this archetype. You’re a confident person with a charming personality. People often find you likeable or easy to get along with and you probably have a distinct sense of style. You know where your strengths lie and you’re not shy about demonstrating your talents. You’re a resilient person with a knack for easily bouncing back from difficult situations.
Your result: Warlock
You’re a charming and ambitious person who cares a lot about the people you are close to. Sometimes you might worry that you rely too much on the help of others, as if you’re not good enough on your own, but you have a knack for pulling out unexpected skills or solutions at just the right moment. You may have a bit of a lazy side at times. You have dreams for the future and you want to end up better off than where you began.
Pact of the Genie
You have made a pact with one of the rarest kinds of genie, a noble genie. Noble genies are varied in their motivations, but most are arrogant and wield power that rivals that of lesser deities. They delight in turning the table on mortals, who often bind genies into servitude, and readily enter into pacts that expand their reach. You’re an ambitious and resourceful person with big dreams, and you’re not above taking shortcuts to achieve your goals when needed. You have a certain taste for luxury and comfort. Sometimes you might find yourself running away from your problems instead of facing them head-on. Certain people in your life are really important to you and you might find yourself (consciously or unconsciously) modeling yourself after parts of them over time.
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the-realharleyquin · 5 years
all the flowers
DAISY: How old were you when you had your first kiss? 16 even tho it was more of a peck then a kiss
CARNATION: If I handed you a concert ticket right now, who would you want to be the performer? Queen, TWRP, or Ghost
JASMINE: What color looks best on you? idk i like wearing darker colors tho mostly black
FOXGLOVE: Name three facts about your family? 1)My uncle used to be a clown. 2) My dad got run over by a forklift and didn’t brake any of his bones. 3) I was the first girl born on my dad’s side of the family all his siblings before I was born only had boys.
ALLIUM: What’s the best thing you can cook? hahaha i can’t cook
ORANGE BLOSSOM: If you could pick the gender and appearance of your child, would you? No, I would love my kid no matter what. But if I was forced to a girl auburn hair green eyes (like 1/4th of my fam not me sadly)
CALLA LILY: If you died right now, what song would you want to play at your funeral? Same as my Grandfather’s song “Yesterday” by the Beatles.
POINSETTIA: Favorite holiday dish? Turkey and Turkey stuffing so good 🤤🤤
OXLIP: Would you ever get into a long distance relationship? If we were both 100% on board with the relationship and the extra work that comes into keeping the relationship alive then yeah.
PRIMROSE: Favorite kind of soup? Chicken noodle soup but tomato soup with grilled cheese is a close 2nd.
DAFFODIL: What’s the most thoughtful present you’ve ever received? idk all the gifts i get are thoughtful because the person that got them for me thought about me when they thought it.
ROSE: Are you currently in love with someone? nope but i adore the idea of love
AMSONIA: Would you ever become a vegan? No i like meat to much but if i had a fried that was vegan i would be considerate and try not to eat meat when i am around them unless they say that it is ok.
PEONY: What’s your favorite hot beverage? Hot chocolate with whip cream a sprinkling of cinnamon and a peppermint stick/candy cane.
TULIP: For your birthday, what kind of cake do you ask for? Marble cake or Ice cream cake
MYRTLE: Do you like going on airplanes? No I am deathly afraid of heights. But i do want to visit another country some day so i have to get over this fear someday.
HIBISCUS: Did you ever play an instrument? If so what? I used to play clarinet but I wanted to switch to percussion but they wouldn’t let me so I quit and just stuck to choir.
ZINNIA: Who was your best friend when you were six years old? Besides my younger brother I didn’t have a best friend till around 7th grade.
POPPY: What color was your childhood home? Um we moved around a lot but my grans house was a tan color.
HYDRANGEA: Starbucks order? Pumpkin spice latte or just a mocha
VIOLET: Do you like where you’re from? Yeah my home town is ok
LOCUST: What was your favorite book as a child? Harry Potter or these books that idk what they were called but it was about this mad scientist girl.
RHODODENDRON: What’s the scariest dream you’ve ever had? Um I have a lot of dreams about the zombie apocalypse. But the worst one was like wolves chasing me in a forest that no mater how fast I ran they were always right behind me and the more I ran the darker the forest got.
QUEEN ANNE’S LACE: Would you rather carve pumpkins or wrap presents? Carve pumpkins I like the sound that you get when your scooping them; idk how to describe the sound but its a nice sound to me.
MAGNOLIA: Favorite kind of candy? Any thing minty so I get a lot of candy canes in December. I also love chocolate.
ASTER: Would you rather be cold or hot? Cold you can add an extra layer then. You can only do so much when your hot.
MARIGOLD: Do you listen to what’s on the radio? Nope i use Spotify, Soundcloud, and Youtube for my music.
HELICONIA: Do you like when it rains? Yes I do, thunderstorms are my fav tho
AZALEA: What’s a movie you cried while watching? “Marley and Me”, and “When Marney was there”
DANDELION: Do you think you’re important? Nope I tend to put everyone before me.
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eificopper · 7 years
Title: La chanson de mon cœur (alt: Miracle du Printemps) Series/Timeline: Twinkle - Shira’s Academia days / time-skip Characters: everyone tbh  Rocio - Shira - Tallo - James - Egumi - Enix - Farz - Larelop - Alby, Varo, Kendra, Lowell, Zavala (all mentioned) - Ewy - Kari - Siegard - Romy - Grey - Liese - Lilith - Seth- Juli - Dan - Rose - Nozomi Length: 1756w
basically this is almost a year old and I’ve wanted to do it since I first learned this song, ye. I can only imagine just how many emotions, up and downs it represents for Shira, truly best song <3 (english lyrics at the end going along with the story’s divisions, tho you can always see them here)
The Agehunt inhaled almost imperceptibly, closing her eyes and sitting straight. All the other people in the room looked over at her expectantly in full silence.
« Si un jour enfin~ Nous prenions le temps~ »
Her voice was beautiful... so pure, so soft and flowy yet so strong, carrying real feelings. Shira was entranced and stared with a big smile, eyes shining.
« De voir autrement~ La beauté des gens~ »
Shira looked around, Tallo, James and Egumi had all leaned forward, fully charmed by the girl’s singing. Enix had closed her eyes and her body relaxed, taking in the music. Farz and Larelop where in awe, eyebrows raised and mouths open. Everyone was fascinated by the song and her voice; they couldn’t have had a better start for sure!
The Meercle decided to snap everyone out of it by taking the initiative and joining Rocio. They were supposed to sing all together after all.
« D’apprécier la chance~ De pouvoir les côtoyer~ » Both girls harmonized, Rocio opened one eye and looked at Shira, smirking slightly. The grass-type only grinned back and then looked around at the rest, as if inciting them to join too.
« Et de vivre ses années~ Par miracle à leur côtés~ » Shira put her hand at her chest over her heart. This was the start of something new. A new school, new projects, new responsibilities, and above all, a new group of possible friends. That’s right, it would not be easy but… she was determined to leave the bad things behind.
And together with these marvelous people she had met in the last year, she was ready to make things count definitely.
----- She still couldn’t believe it.
It had all happened too quickly in her mind, way too rushed.
Yet here she was, standing straight with her hands behind her back, right hand gripping her left wrist almost too tense as The Elementario, truly her squad now, stood firm in front of her in the same position as her. Attentive, all heads turned front, all eyes fixed forward in her direction.
« Construisons tous ensemble » She heard Enix’s voice clearly among the crowd despite the anthem being basically muted down in her head. Just faint words in the background as her wide eyes stared at the front, unfocused.
How could a moment she had longed for so much turn out so wrong? This was supposed to be happy, an honor, character growth. And yet here she was, feeling quite petrified in more than one aspect.
Whose idea was it to make her leader of The Elementario now? She was not ready for this, she was in no state for this!
« Cette époque de nous rêves » She stared at Tallo a few meters away from her but he didn’t look at her, keeping a solemn expression while chanting. Did he know she was going to break if he dared to look at her? Did he know she was already breaking inside at this moment?
He probably did. And he probably was really nervous and still shaken by things as well.
« Saisissons notre chance » Even Farz was looking a bit down. They’ll all miss Alby and Varo. They haven’t recovered from what happened, heck, she’s not even recovered from what happened with Rocio…
But now it was all said and done, they weren’t around anymore, and soon not even Kendra, Lowell, Zavala and many others that would graduate and leave as well…
Maybe it seemed like it wasn’t the best moment but they had to step forward.
She had to…
« Et pensons à la partager »
She gulped hard as tears gathered in her eyes; she couldn’t wipe them away so she couldn’t let them out. Not now. Not in front of her team.
How come they always ended up singing the anthem? Was that song really so ingrained in their minds and subconscious? Shira chuckled internally at her own thoughts.
Regardless, the song was pretty much part for them by now. This is what happens when you listen to it all your life… and chant it practically every day during 6 years, she supposed.
« Gardon-nous de dérober ce qu’il faut laisser grandir » A chorus of voices raised for the next part, thought they couldn’t be that loud, lest they risk being found awake and all together at the girls’ room way past curfew.
Farz, who was sitting beside Enix on her bed, stole a glance at the window. The thick curtains didn’t allow even light to be noticed from outside, and besides the teachers should be sleeping.
Everyone in the room was relatively comfortable: Ewy and Kari were together with blankets on the latter’s bed, Shira was sitting between Tallo and James, huddling her ungulate legs together and blanketed by the Osubame’s right wing, even Siegard was lazily sitting on the floor with his back leaning on one of the bed’s sides.
The girls sang the next part in a higher note, adding a certain sweetness to the song. « Laissons donc s’épanouir les fleurs de la bonté~ » Enix even tried extending the last syllable and some chuckled.
Romy and Larelop were sitting on the floor, large tails draping behind themselves as the Tairenar waved her wand around as a mock baton while singing « Offrons tout jusqu’au jour où chacun pourra s’ouvrir » she slightly nudged Grey who was sitting beside her in silence with eyes closed, the guy wasn’t much of a talker but come on!
Surprisingly (or not?) even Liese, Lilith and Seth had joined them in, basically all current members of the 3 battle teams had come together at the far room in the cozy inn, this was their last trip (school-wise at least!) all together and since they had managed to sneak in a couple of Advanced II students… why not a couple more?
Juli, who had been sitting with her twin Dan, got up and extended her hands to Rose, the Butterfree smirked an got up as well with her help as they both started dancing and twirling around in the small space. Soon enough Enix joined in with Larelop and even Shira shot up to waltz with Romy and then Tallo « À un monde où plus personne ne sera étranger » She held her friend’s hands and intertwined their fingers.
Laughter flowed and bloomed around the room, now this was a sense of peace and warmth, this is how a graduation was supposed to feel like…
The small group sat around the bonfire as they all covered and huddled together for warmth… and company. They were mourning after all, for their lycée and their beloved city.
Surprisingly it had started just as a small gathering for the major teams. Members of Multipass, The Elementario and Legemd had made an agreement to make this little ceremony but then other students showed up as well. More and more of them, united for the love to the place that was their home. Blankets spread in the ground and thick tallow candles resting everywhere.
«Là où nous chemins se croisaient par pure chance »
And what better homage to their alma mater and for Hiyoku itself than the Kalos National Anthem? That song that accompanied them every day in all these years.
It was not the first time they sang it with a heavy heart, and probably wouldn’t be the last but there was something particularly heartbreaking about this, not like when they intonated it after they lost Alby or when they heard it just days ago at the opening ceremony of their graduation.
Shira and Romy started crying, the first leaning towards Ros-Rocio, as the agehunt rubbed her arm comfortingly. Some others like Farz stopped singing as well, deep in their thoughts, the rest kept singing the best they could.
« Peut naître un monde qui fera toujours sens »
But Shira couldn’t, none of this made sense. One day they’re dancing, eating, taking pictures and celebrating a victory and now they’re sitting at the base of Hillcrest cliff (the closes they could get to the DZA grounds without actually going there since the zone was considered dangerous and thus off-limits by the police) wondering what would happen with them, their friends, their home place.
« Un monde où le chaleur » Shira stared at the dancing flames at these words, she pressed her palms on her face, drying away the tears and picked up the next line again.  « Nourrie par la gratitude »
There was nothing left to say or do, families where already getting prepared to move, some to other cities, some to other entire different regions. They’d try to keep contact and reassured themselves but... when has that ever worked?!
This event would forever scarr everyone, she thought.
It had destroyed everything they had worked for, everything they loved.
She clenched her fists.A certain bitterness and guilt creeping on her heart.
She would take back anything if it could have prevented this.
« Nous fera oublier »
She would do anything if she could take revenge for this.
« Les hivers le plus rudes »
Shira took air but her voice still broke « Où donner- »
«  -fera battre… » An older voice harmonized, letting the words hang in the silent air.
« …le cœur de l’humanité » A kid’s voice sang in a low hush, brilliant brown eyes staring at his mother along with a huge proud grin.
Shira smiled tenderly at Nozomi who was huddled up under his bed’s covers beside her. She kept rubbing at his back softly, lulling him to sleep as she sang the final part. She was genuinely happy he liked it so much; this song was part of her, of her life and her roots.
The Gogoat closed her eyes and rested her head back on the wall « Au fil des vies…. » It was amazing, all the things she had said and done and went through in all these years.
« Au fond des gens~ » She would have never guessed all the ups and downs and flips and spirals her life would make with all the people she’s met. But now she’s very much content with her life, and now her husband and her son meant the entire world for her.
Nozomi closed his eyes as well and adjusted to sleep, Shira lightly brushed at his hair and sprouting horns. « Dort un futur » « Miracle~ du~  printemps…~ »
If, finally, one day,we take the time To see differently the beauty of people. To appreciate the chance to be able to meet them And to live these years, by a miracle, at their sides. Lets build all together This age of our dreams Lets seize our chance And think about sharing it. Let us beware of stealing what must be left to grow Thus, let us allow the flowers of kindness to blossom. Let us offer all until the day where everyone can open themselves, To a world where no one will be a stranger anymore. There, where our paths crossed by pure chance A world can be born that will always make sense. A world where warmth Nourished by gratitude Will make us all forget The harshest of winters. Where giving- -will make... ...The heart of humanity. Over the course of lifetimes At the essence of people Sleeps a future The miracle of spring.
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