#samar syed
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kurung-kuring-aing · 6 months ago
- Rukun anu ka 5 (lima) nyaeta : “ Wal Yaomil Akhir”. - Tegesna percaya kana Poe Akhir.
- percanten yen Alam Semesta ieu bakal ruksak, nekanan poe akhir nyaeta Kiamat.
- sasaran paham eta mah kana Kiamat Jagat Kabir jigana mah moal kasorang ku anak incu.
- Ayeuna mah kedah ngalirik kana Jagat Shagir, nyaeta Jasad Urang, anu bakal ti heula nekanan poe akhir, nyaeta Pupus atawa Wafat.
- anu kudu dipikiran mah, sing gede kasieun.
- Kudu buru-buru nyiar elmu supaya katepi kana Ma’rifat ka Alloh, bisi kaburu maot ! kapan sieun ku Naraka ?
- Kedah ti ayeuna di aji eusina, dirasakeun, margi Rukun Iman teh Bibit rahayu Dunya Akherat.
- Keur di dunyana moal keuna ku hukum penjara, sabab laku nu goring dijaga, da nu Maha Suci ngayakeun Rukun Iman teh pikeun Pamageur Nafsu anu Awon.
- Atuh di akheratna baris pinanggih sareng Ka-Nikmatan.
- Rukun Iman anu ka 6 (genep), nyaeta : “ Wal Qodri Hoerihi”.
- Tegesna timbang-timbang papasten hade sareng goring.
- ari Alloh mah mung midamel Suci, anu sae-sae, da anu goreng mah eta ti Idajil tea,
- sakumaha anu parantos dijelaskeun ti payun.
- Kieu geura ngama’naan Rukun Iman anu ka 6 mah :
“ Urang kudu percaya sing tigin, upama jalma waktu hirupna teu aya kadaek, teu daek nyiar elmu, teu daek ibadah, teu daek ngabakti ka Nu Maha Suci,
- eta anu kitu dimana engke Maot/Wafat, nyawana bakal tigebrus ka Naraka (nempuh ka teu ngeunah) anu langgeung.
- Meunang siksa kubur, sakarat mah geus puguh”.
- Jadi nyorang 3 kali siksaan.
- Tapi sawangsulna, upami jalma anu hirupna suhud neangan elmu,  Sareatna, Tarekatna, Hakekatna, Ma’rifatna geus kasusul,
- bari kersa amal ibadah “Hablumminalloh Wa Hablumminannas”.
- Tah eta bakal meunang untung, benghar ku kanikmatan (Sawarga).
- Teu ngalaman siksa keur sakarat, siksa kubur, sareng siksa Naraka.
- babaran Rukun Iman anu ka 6 mah, mangrupa mungkas tina Rukun Iman.
- Sakali deui ari percaya teh kedah sareng Ma’rifatna.
- Sabab upama ngan semet percaya wungkul, bari teu jeung Ma’rifatna, disebatna teh Iman Taklid srg Idlal  tea, henteu dugi ka Iman Tahqiq.
- Sareng ari Iman teh aya 2 perkara
1. Iman kana Dzat Sifat-Na Alloh  bari sareng Ma’rifatna. - Ieu mah bagean elmu Hakekat.
2. Iman kana Parentahna Alloh, kedah ngalakonan Rukun-Rukun-Na.
- Ta ieu mah bagian elmu Sareat.
- Kitu oge upama nuju kaayaan jagjag waringkas.
- Kumaha upami jasadna parantos teu walakaya ? panginten moal tiasa ngalaksanakeun Rukun Islam sagemblengna, sapertos Sholat, Puasa, Munggah Haji ?
- Saleresna ari Iman mah ulah pegat, kedah teras Iman ka Nu Marentah-Na.
- da pikeun anu parantos Ma’rifat mah, sanaos jasadna parantos teu walakaya oge, pasti moal hilap, moal samar, da henteu kedah sareng praktek, malah teu lisan-lisan acan.
- Margi parantos ngaraos ngahiji, teu ngaraos papisah, nuju calik, leumpang, nangtung, ngarenghap, henteu weleh sasarengan (Akrob). Da ieu wajib sanes fardhu.
- naon dasarna pangna disebat Wajib ?
- Geuning sanggeum hadist oge : “ WA KHAWAIDUL IMANI WAJIBUL WAJIB AN’YALAMA”.
Anu hartosna :
Kabeh umat wajib pada weruh kana Iman. Nyaeta kana Iman Sajati.
- Tadi eta mah Wajib sanes Fardhu. Ari Fardhu anu kumaha ?
-  Ari Fardhu mah, tina parentah wajib anu parantos di olah deui ku Kanjeng Nabi Muhammad Rosululloh SAW miwarang ibadah ka Alloh.
- Kedah pisan rumasa tur tumarima, margi Asal Urang, Usik Malik Urang teh disareng ku Manten-Na.
- upami urang teu kersa ngabakti, teu ibadah ka Manten-Na, atuh jadi nyaruaan, papak henteu aya luhur handap.
- Fardhu mah dina ibadah Syareat . - Wajib sareng Fardhu teh, basana oge 2 rupa, tapi sing ngahiji sing ngagulung.
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A Raazi Fanfiction
Samar was Iqbal's splitting image. Sehmat couldn't help feeling overwhelmed any more than she could help a painful trip down the memory lane.
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He had been Iqbal’s spitting image since the day he was born. His every feature matched that of his father, and as Sehmat held him, she could not help but feel overwhelmed. 
The infant’s wide eyes were strikingly like Iqbal’s, looking at her in wonder, his little hands reaching for her—giving her a familiar sense of calm while also making her heart give a painful throb. It had not sunk in completely, not yet—She was his mother, Iqbal his father. She wondered for a second how he’d have felt if he had known.
 The little one was still looking at her, still trying to reach for her, and then, the most random thought crossed her mind. When had she last met Iqbal’s eyes? And then, For the first time since the last seven months, her mind went to the one moment she had locked away in the back of her mind. She exhaled sharply, averting her gaze from her son’s deep brown eyes. 
She did not want to think about it. Not now, not ever. It would haunt her for the rest of her life, how these familiar pools of brown had searched her own, how his eyes had exhibited the betrayal he had so clearly felt. She didn’t know how she would ever be able to look into her son’s eyes without seeing Iqbal, his accusing gaze upon her, asking her, “Was any of it true, Sehmat?"
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ilhamalifu · 5 years ago
Setelah lulus dari kampus dan setelah usai bermanah dalam lembaga dakwah saya merasa ada gap yang cukup besar antara aktivisme dakwah di kampus dengan kondisi realitas masyarakat diluar kampus. Saya merasa bahwa selama beramanah dikampus, beberapa dari kami seperti menjadi sosok yang terlalu mendewakan simbol dan samar pada substansi atau isi. Sehingga ketika lulus dari kampus terkesan gelagapan dalam memahami konsepsi tentang dakwah di masyarakat hingga akhirnya mudah menggelari dirinya “sudah bukan bagian dari dakwah”, “sudah rusak” dan yang lain yang semisal dengan itu
beberapa senior pernah cerita bahwa dulu ada adk yang militan banget namun memilih menjauh dari dakwah karena sudah tidak menggunakan simbol simbol yang biasa digunakan oleh aktivis dakwah kampus, karena tuntutan lingkungan pasca kampus. darisana saya cuman berfikir “kok gitu amat yaa, sy pun jd bertanya tanya, emang apa sih dakwah itu?”
Kalau aktivis dakwah hanya mereka yang mengganti panggilan “kamu” dengan “antum” atau “terimakasih” dengan “jazakumullah”, bukan berarti yang menggunakan kata ganti “awakmu” atau “kon” untuk kata “kamu”, dan “matursuwun” atau “thankyou” untuk mengungkapkan terimakasih adalah jauh dari dakwah kan?
lebih dari itu, ada kawan yang dulunya gapernah nampilin foto di sosmed, atawa pas nampilin sengaja di blur, kemudian berubah 180 derajat jadi sering banget nampilin foto karena tuntutan lingkungan. Eh lha kok di captionnya ada penegasan “aku udh bukan aktivis dakwah lagi” katanya
Kalau gini terus nnt yg berhak jadi ativis dakwah hanya mereka yang sedang dikampus atawa mereka yang berada pada lingkungan yang sudah terkondisikan. Lha terus yg lainnya? auto jadi jahat dong wkwkwk
Bagi saya dakwah itu sebuah kata yg punya dimensi luas. Gabisa kita memaknai dakwah hanya dari hal hal yg sifatnya surface gitu. “Apa yang kamu pahami tentang dakwah?” sepertinya menjadi pertanyaan yg harus terjawab habis di kalangan aktivis dakwah kampus hari ini. agar ketika mereka bertemu dengan masyarakat atau lingkungan yang standart islamnya gak setinggi ketika dikampus, mereka bisa mudah beradaptasi dan tetap menjadi aktivis dakwah walau bagaimanapun juga
Ulama kontemporer sekelas Dr Yusuf Qardhawiy pernah bilang, kalau islam itu adalah agama yang bisa digunakan dalam skala apapun. Dimanapun kamu berada baik ketika menjadi minoritas, ataupun mayoritas, menjadi individu atau kelompok baik dalam kondisi yang susah atau lapang kamu bakal tetep bisa menjadi muslim yang baik. Kamu masih bisa tetap menyandang titel sebagai aktivis dakwah!
at least ketika menjalani aktivisme di kampus hendaknya kita mempertajam pemahaman tentang dakwah itu sendiri, agar tidak mudah mendefinisikan dakwah hanya dari simbol simbol semata
wallahu a’lamu bisshowab
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tprolyrics · 4 years ago
धुंद दी खुशबू Dhund Di Khushboo Lyrics in Hindi - Kaka 2021
धुंद दी खुशबू Dhund Di Khushboo Lyrics in Hindi – Kaka 2021
धुंद दी खुशबू Dhund Di Khushboo lyrics song is sung by Kaka ft. Adaab kharoud is latest hindi song lyrics are written ✍🏻 by Kaka and director of photography by Farmer sons. This hd video full song is features by Kaka, Nikkesha, Samar Syed. The music of this new song is given by Gavin Beats and the video is directed by Sukh D 🎥. This most popular hindi song is Produced by Nikkesha and editing by…
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heresthalia · 4 years ago
scene 1 di rumah digigit ular peliharaan sp tauk dn ada binatang kek slimy yg akhirnya dikunciin di luar dn sy masuk kamar sis.
scene 2 baik sm penjaga trnyt dia ada kasih notes isinya dia prince pewaris smtg n dijalankan dgn sy. he adores but too young and naive, kinda boring but fun akhirnya nonton album.
scene 3 dandan pakai maybelin tdk pd ditelponkan mom ms pcr dtg dan malah dia ajarkan pakai alis, but he's cin dn christ but mom kinda love him n wants to make bakery with him.
ada scene cr jodoh dn cheating tp samar.
what i feel now is blessed and warm bcs it's nice to have husb yg diacc mom and he understand me.
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anisasarahutami · 4 years ago
Become a new mother
Mau cerita suka dukanya jd ibu baru tp banyak sukanya sih. Mengandung selama 36 minggu 5 hr. Maju dr hari perkiraan lahir yang harusnya anakku lahir tanggal 15 desember 2019 berubah jadi 25 november 2019. Tujuh bulan penantian menunggu hadirnya buah hati sebuah amanah terbesar dari Allah. Bahagiaaa speechless dan ga nyangka secepat itu waktu berlalu hehe. Entah berapa testpack yang sy abisin hahaha usaha yg dilakuin pun banyak dr minum madu makam kurma asam folat dan terakhir kita sadar kalo Allah lah yang maha pemberi cm ikhtiar aja baca surat maryam dan alhamdulillah ini waktunya Allah memberikan kami amanah.
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Diatas itu hasil testpack dr mulai yg samar smp jelas bgt hehehe. Check up pertama ga keliatan sm sekali kantung rahim nya blm ada cm dikasih vitamin disuruh balik lg 2 minggu kemudian dan taraaaaa akhirnya keliatan embrio calon anak kita kedip2 tanda jantumg sudah berdetak
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Sehappy itu dan alhamdulillah selama hamil bener2 ngerasa ga hamil krn ga ada mual sama sekali cm di trimester akhir aja kaki bengkak banget ga bisa sujud dan duduk dibawah smp sholat pun harus di kursi. Masih bisa naik motor ke stasiun buat jemput suami, ke bekasi naik kereta sendirian, kemana2 masih naik motor smp h min 1 lahiran pun sempet belanja bulanan dulu. Tgl 25 november 2019 jam 03.00 pecah ketuban krn emg aku ada infeksi saluran kemih berusaha tenang ganti baju bawa semua kebutuhan dan udah disiapin semua untungnya tas untuk bayi,tas untuk ibu, dan dokumen2 penting. Meluncur kita ke rs hermina pasteur dicek pembukaan baru pembukaan 1 dan dengan persetujuan dokter diusahakan dulu normal dengan diinduksi terlebih dahulu. Jujur deg2an banget takut kenapa2 udah nyiapin semua takutmya ada apa2 password tabungan anak,password atm, perjanjian foto baby kontaknya pokoknya semua udah disiapin ditaro di notes wkwkwk. Induksi di mulai jreenggggg jam 08.00 mulai di induksi tp jam 10an udah ngerasa sakit tp masih bisa ditahan di cek baru bukaan 2, lanjut lagi jam 12 bener2 sakit dicek baru bukaan 3 dan udah mulai muntah tiba2 udah ga fokus, karena sakit FYI sakit 2 kali lipat karena udah pecah ketuban jadi nggak ada penahan lagi, bener2 banyak air yg dikeluarin jg, kata orang2 cek bukaan itu bikin trauma kalo aku sih pgnnya cek bukaan terus karena ga kuat bgt sakitnya hahaha trs dokter visit jam 12 dia bilang kepala bayi masih jauh bgt jam 4 ga maju2 harus caesar. Duh gue dalem hati udah sih caesar aja ga kuattttt dan jam 4 tuh lama. Akhirnya dateng tuh jam 4 dan baru bgt masuk bukaan 4 dokter ga dateng, detak jantung anak masih normal tp geraknya udah kurang bener2 pikiran kemana2 bayangin dr jam 3 subuh smp jam 18.00 pembukaan msh di 4. Akhirnya mutusin caesar dan suami ga bisa dampingin kalo caesar krn emg peraturan dokter ga boleh takutnya suaminya pingsan. Di ruamg operasi bener2 gabisa diem meringis krn kontraksi terus ada. Dan akhirnya di caesarlah aku. Lahirlah rashiif jam 19.47 dengan selamat tapi sayangnya dia ga langsung nangis hrs ditepuk2 dulu dan dia jg hrs dirawat karena berat cm 2.2 kg dan kena bakteri jg dari kelamaan pecah ketuban itu. Dokter anaknya bilang hrsnya tindakan caesar dr awal. Rashiif dirawat di ruang perina selama 7 hr, hr ke 2 harus belajar jalan ke ruamg perina buat liat rashiif dan rasanya tuh duh pedih2 sedep wkwk. Total dirawat 4 hr an aku di rs. Tiap hr usaha jalan semdiri ke ruang perina buat ketemu dia.
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Masya Allah gantengnya anak aku hehehe. Si bayi yang ga pernah bikin ibunya mual. Waktu berlalu suka duka ngurus bayi selalu ada. Tp banyak sukanya karena aku orangmya enjoy ga ambil ribet hahahaha. Seminggu beres lahiran pun udah bisa mandiin bayi sendiri. Udah gt dia anaknya ga banyak rewel jg smp tetangga sebelah bilang ga pernah denger suara bayi nangis krn dia nangis cm ehek2 aja kalo minta nenen. Masya Allah amanah terindah dari Allah . Nih aku kasih foto2 dia dr baru lahir smp skrg yang udah mau masuk 8 bulan di next post ya 🤗
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crayonoflife · 5 years ago
Sore itu ponselku berdering. Satu pesan WA yang belum terbaca diantara puluhan pesan yang kuanggap tidak penting. Saat mencoba membuka, jantungku tiba tiba berdetak lebih cepat. Dalam pesan itu terkirim sebuah file, dan pertanyaan "han sudah dibuat belum?". Aku sengaja tidak langsung membalasnya, mencoba menenangkan diri dan berdamai dengan hati. Setelah kurasa hembusan nafas mulai stabil aku mengirimkan file yang telah kubuat setahun yang lalu. "Ok" balasanya.
Laki- laki yang baik untuk untuk perempuan yang baik dan laki - laki yang buruk untuk perempuan yang buruk. Begitulah penjelasan umum kitab suci Al quran tentang teman hidup seorang manusia. Ayat ini menjelaskan setiap insan akan mendapat teman hidup yang tak sebatas fisik yang sama. Lebih dari itu, ada hal yang terkadang tak bisa ditangkap oleh pandangan mata biasa, namun hanya bisa ditangkap oleh hati.
Pernah bertemu dengan sepasang suami istri yg berbeda karakter? Berbeda keadaan fisik bahkan usia ? Sy pernah beberapa kali bertemu, ketika ditanya kok bisa ? Sebagian menjawab bingung dan menjawab sekenanya "namanya juga jodoh". Yah kecondongan hati pada sesuatu yang sama membuat dua insan dapat menggenap. Kepercayaan setiap langkah yang kita tempuh untuk menemukan teman hidup pun akan mempengaruhi keberkahan. Kepercayaan bahwa Allah SWT lah adalah pembuat skenario terbaik di alam semesta ini. Dan keberkahan itu apabila kita bisa lebih dekat dengan Mu dalam membangun rumah tangga kelak . Jadi untuk memulai dan menjalankan rumah tangga itu, ku berharap bisa sama sama menghadirkn Allah dalam hati kita.
Dan kau tau, sampai detik ini pun. Ku belum berani membuka file itu. Akan kutunggu saat yang tepat.
Solear, 13 -April - 2020
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kerahlekung · 5 years ago
Game dah over kah...
Game dah over kah....
Muafakat Nasional petang ini mengubah pendirian dengan mencalonkan Presiden Bersatu Muhyiddin Yassin sebagai calon perdana menteri kelapan. Perkara itu dinyatakan dalam kenyataan bersama Setiausaha Agung Umno Annuar Musa dan Setiausaha Agung PAS Takiyuddin Hassan.
"Ini bermakna seramai 57 ahli parlimen Umno dan PAS memberi sokongan penuh kepada YB Tan Sri Muhyiddin Mohd Yasin," menurut kenyataan itu.
Kepupusan terbaru itu dibuat selepas Yang di-Pertuan Agung hari ini bertitah akan meminta pencalonan perdana menteri selepas tiada pihak mendapat majoriti jelas. Muafakat Nasional sebelum ini mahu parlimen dibubarkan.
Muhyiddin setakat ini turut memperoleh 36 sokongan - daripada anggota parlimen partinya (termasuk dipercayai kem Azmin Ali). Dalam perkembangan terkini, MCA dan MIC juga menyatakan sokongan pada Muhyiddin. MCA mempunyai dua anggota parlimen manakala MIC satu kerusi dalam Dewan Rakyat. Jika PBRS juga menyokongnya, Muhyiddin selamat dengan sokongan 97 anggota parlimen.
Anwar, pesaing terdekat Muhyiddin, kini hanya mendapat sokongan 92 wakil rakyat Pakatan Harapan.
Dengan keadaan sekarang Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) dengan 18 kerusi dilihat berpotensi menjadi kingmaker (penentu), sekali gus menamatkan krisis politik sekarang. Setakat ini, usaha Perdana Menteri Sementara Dr Mahathir Mohamad membentuk “kerajaan tanpa parti politik” juga dilihat telah menemui jalan buntu. - mk
Semuas jangan sedap sangat..
Malam ini kotak WhatsApp Udin anak Yassin penuh dan jem kerana terlalu banyak sangat ucapan tahniah dikirimkan kepadanya ekoran perkembangan politik menjelang petang ini. Sudah ada yang berjoget dan menari-nari kerana terlalu gembira dengan bayangan dan khabar beliau akan dilantik jadi PM.
Keadaan itu sama terjadi kepada sebelah penyokong PH sebelum ini. Apabila Anwar diperkirakan mendapat 92 undi berbanding dengan Mahathir atau cadangan membubarkan parlimen, sudah ada yang "gila-gila ingat" bergembira dengan keadaan itu.
Nah, petang ini bertukar jadi lain pula. Nak diingatkan kepada mereka yang terpesona dengan ramalan Udin anak Yassin akan jadi PM, hendaklah mengambil sikap sederhana jangan melampau. Tuhan marah kepada sikap melampau.
Formula yang hendak diguna pakai oleh Agong untuk memilih PM masih lagi samar-samar. Kita belum mengetahui apakah cara dan kaedah baginda akan memanggil ketua-ketua parti itu. Apakah secara berseorangan atau berkumpulan, semuka ramai-ramai dengan semangat Malaysia?
Mungkin baginda ada formula lebih jilah dan harmoni demi menyelesaikan kemelut politik yang berdebu dan berkabut kini. Dan seperkara lagi apabila hanya ketua parti dipanggil untuk menyatakan sokongan kepada sesiapa, ia boleh mengatakan sokongan yang berbeza daripada apa yang partinya kehendaki itu. Kena ingat kuasa presiden parti adalah tertinggi. Tidak semestinya apa yang setiausaha kata sama dengan kehendak presiden. - mso
Muhyiddin tak dapat restu 
MPT Bersatu calon PM 8...
1. Kenyataan ringkas Bersatu mengatakan ahli Dewan Rakyat parti itu bersama feksyen Azmin Ali telah menamakan Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin sebagai calon Perdana Menteri.
2. Sebagai penjelasan, ini bukan keputusan Bersatu. Majlis Pimpinan Tertinggi Bersatu tidak dibawa berunding atau dimaklumkan mengenai hal ini.
3. Pendirian terakhir MPT yang dibuat dalam mesyuarat malam Isnin lalu ialah Tun Dr Mahathir kekal sebagai Perdana Menteri.
4. Dalam perkembangan berkaitan, Umno dan Pas menyatakan sokongan kepada Muhyiddin. Ini tidak menghairankan.
5. Tidak seperti Dr Mahathir yang hanya bersedia menerima pemimpin Umno sebagai individu, Muhyuddin sanggup menerima mereka sebagai parti.
6. Prinsip Tun adalah beliau menghormati keputusan rakyat jelata yang menolak penjenayah kleptokrasi dalam PRU 2018.
7. Perlu diingatkan semula bahawa Bersatu adalah cetusan daripada kempen Selamatkan Malaysia dan Deklarasi Rakyat tahun 2016.
8. Dr Mahathir berulang kali mengingatkan MPT bahawa Umno "desperate" untuk menubuhkan kerajaan campuran dengan Bersatu kerana hari penentuan bagi para pemimpinnya yang sedang dibicarakan semakin hampir.
9. Sementara itu jenayah baru telah ditemui termasuk jenayah berat.
10. Jadi tidak hairanlah kalau mereka menggunakan slogan agama, bangsa, negara, maruah dan seumpamanya sebagainya perisai. - A Kadir Jasin
Bagi aku bila Muhyiddin mengenepikan Tun Mahathir, sudah satu berita baik.. Bila Blok BN,UMNO dan PAS kembali sokong Muhyiddin juga satu berita baik.. Bila Azmin sertai Bersatu juga satu berita baik..
Sebabnya dalam Bersatu..UMNO itu sendiri bukan semua sokong Muhyiddin..sokong gabungan ini..Sokongan berdasarkan blok parti tidak akan kemana..ia hanya menggambarkan kerakusan Muhyidin nak jadi PM.. tidak akan kekal lama.. nak tengok reaksi bagaimana orang seperti Dr Maszlee, Syed Saddiq nak bersama dengan gerombolan UMNO dan PAS..
Hari ini salah satu gabungan yang paling solid adalah Pakatan Harapan.. Walaupun Azmin membawa keluar 11 Kerusi parlimen.. Pakatan masih ada 92 Kerusi.. Hanya Perlukan 20 kerusi lagi gabungan..Jika MP PKR tidak tinggal Parti..Hanya perlukan 10 lagi kerusi... Hakikatnya hari ini apapun terjadi Pakatan Harapan gabungan yang paling Solid..
Cuba lihat Parti Bersatu.. Asalnya depa hanya menang 13 Kerusi masa PRU 14.. Sekarang ada hanya 26 Kerusi dari sokongan MP UMNO yang lompat bukan sebab prinsip.. tapi sebab PH berkuasa...Bersatu 26 Kerusi.. Untuk bentuk Kerajaan, Perlukan sokongan dari Blok UMNO, blok Warisan, Blok GPS ,Blok PAS, BLOK Azmin.. Bersatu perlukan 5 Blok lagi.. untuk bentuk Kerajaan..
Mereka Bersatu..akan dibentuk dengan pelbagai idealogi politik dan pelbagai haluan dan matlamat yang tidak jelas.. Sedangkan PH matlamatnya jelas..Sebuah Malaysia baru.. dan aku yakin... ada MP Bersatu , Warisan dan GPS sendiri suatu masa nanti akan melompat kepada PH..
Bersatu terlalu bercita cita tinggi untuk jadi PM.. jadi teruskan lah... Jika Muhyiddin berjaya jadi PM pun.. Muhyiddin boleh jatuh pada bila bila masa dalam dewan rakyat...Bila bila masa PH akan boleh buat undi tidak percaya..
Gabungan dan Kerajaan begini tidak akan menyakinkan Pelabur dan Ekonomi...Jadi berfikirlah.. masih ada ruang semua ahli parlimen berfikir demi masa depan Ekonomi Negara. - Ipohmali
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Scenario 1 ini memang kira all stars aligned la, jadi depa akan jadi pakatan pengkhianat, pencuri dan penjual agama. Semua ada kat dalam sana
Sebab itu bersatu-shereton depa bergabung letak 36 kerusi, depa nak lawan UMNO 39 kerusi. Assuming yang UMNO boleh masuk secara en-bloc ( kira Najib, Zahid, H20, KJ, Ku LI) boleh terima Mahyudin jadi PM. PAS yang 18 kerusi pun kena terima bersatu jadi PM. GPS + Warisan pun kena setuju, off course they will request for all the Ministry in exchange for the vote.
But when this happen, penyokong akan marah sebab pakatan mereka ada pengkhianat. Ada chances yang mereka akan kena game dengan UMNO dan PAS sebab mereka memang nak bubar parlimen. Unless Mahyudin boleh janji gugurkan kes pemimpin UMNO. I just dont see how this going to work. Not sure who's manifesto that they will deliver. But economy will go down to the drain. PH can and should be able to survive this as opposition.
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For scenario 2, PH jadi kerajaan dan DSAI PM. bekerjasama dengan GPS secara en-bloc, lantik TPM dari GPS. Should be a solid simple majority government...
For scenario 3, Hanya UMNO H20 masuk ker kem Bersatu Shereton, masih boleh tubuh kerajaan. Tapi chances untuk undi tidak percaya tinggi.
Ini assuming yang semua bersetuju Bersatu Sherton lead kerajaan, kalau ada di kalangan UMNO nak jadi PM, akan masih jadi stalemate. Dan tengok juga GPS, sebab dulu mereka tak nak berkerjasama dengan UMNO.
Now everything hangs on the balance. - Mohd Mukhlis Mohd Sharif
Perlu diingat, GPS dan beberapa parti Borneo bersama dgn Tun atas dasar blok Tun tiada sokongan MN (yang memilih bubar sebelum ini)..
Now MN bersama blok Bersatu, dan mungkin Warisan.. Adakah depa yakin GPS akan bersama blok ini?
HARAPAN + GPS + beberapa serpihan = Simple Majority - f/bk
As at 9.30 pm 28/02/2020...
With backing from UMNO/PAS, 
Muhyiddin set to be next PM...
After retracting its support for Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad as Prime Minister candidate, the Muafakat Nasional coalition — comprising Umno and PAS — have now pledged their support for Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin for the top government post.
"Umno (with 39 MPs) and PAS (with 18 MPs) as the Muafakat Nasional coalition have agreed to nominate Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, Pagoh MP (Bersatu) as the 8th prime minister for the consideration of the Duli Yang Maha Mulia Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Di-Pertuan Agong," the two parties said in a joint statement this afternoon.
Coupled with the support of 36 lawmakers from Bersatu announced earlier today, this brings the number of MPs backing the former Home Minister to 93, which is just 19 seats short of the 112 simple majority.
The statement did not include other Barisan Nasional component parties namely MIC and MCA, each with one and two MPs respectively.
Gabungan Parti Sarawak, which holds 18 seats, is understood to be backing Muhyiddin and is expected to announce its support.
The Pakatan Harapan coalition meanwhile nominated PKR president Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim for the premiership. The coalition controls 92 seats in the Dewan Rakyat. - theedge
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The Triangle Power Struggle – Mahathir Trapped Himself By Announcing His Refusal To Work With UMNO...
Like the Chinese ancient Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Malaysia’s current political crisis has transformed into three major coalitions fighting for the throne. The triangle power struggle consists of Mahathir’s coalition (63 MPs), Anwar’s coalition (92 MPs) and BN-PAS’ coalition (61 MPs). None of them has the magic number of 112 MPs required to form a simple-majority government. The current situation is so fluid – and exciting – that any articles written could be obsolete by the time it’s published. Just when it was thought that Mahathir Mohamad, the 7th prime minister who suddenly resigned, but appointed by the Agong (King) as the interim prime minister, would be crowned again as the 8th prime minister, it’s now possible that the 94-year-old man could be jobless. And all that could happen within this week alone. The triangle power struggle emerges primarily because Mahathir wanted to create what is known as a “unity government”, an ideal government where all the good, bad and ugly politicians from both sides of the political divide have a chance to be included in the government. In short, it’s one big happy family without the Opposition. Unfortunately, there’s one huge problem. The country is plagued with racism, discrimination, extremism, xenophobia and all forms of bigotry that you can find in the dictionary, thanks to over 60 years of one-party rule. Coincidentally, Mahathir, the man who now wants a unity government is also the same man who had spent more than a third of those 60 years destroying the once harmony country. It’s not hard to understand why so many people distrust Mahathir to lead a unity government. He was the man who practised dictatorial-style leadership and gerrymandering and misused institutional tools to manipulate an electoral process to stay in power for 22 years (from 1981 to 2003). And now he expects people to give him a blank cheque to rule until his death like Peter the Great? Anwar’s Pakatan Harapan (PH) coalition refuses to work with BN-PAS coalition and vice-versa. Both coalitions accuse each other of being racist, extremist and whatnot. At the same time, Mahathir appeared in television yesterday (Feb 26) saying UMNO (a component party of BN) cannot join his unity government. The old man, however, welcome UMNO members but not UMNO party.
Pakatan Harapan 
Therefore, all bets were off. The alliance of BN (Barisan Nasional) and PAS Islamist party immediately withdrew their support for Mahathir as the leader of the country. To make matters worse for Mahathir, Anwar’s PH coalition also made a stunning U-turn about supporting the old man after he refused to chair the Harapan presidential council meeting on Tuesday (Feb 25). Mahathir’s refusal to attend the meeting means he had no intention of restoring the previous PH-led government, which also means all the pre-election manifesto would be thrown into the trash bin. Mahathir only wants PH’s powerful bloc of 92 votes, but not the manifesto. He wanted the free hand to explore a new unprecedented political landscape that has not been tested. Hence, the remaining component parties of PH (Pakatan Harapan) – PKR, DAP and Amanah – were left with no choice but to nominate PKR president Anwar Ibrahim as the next prime minister. In what appears to be proof that the coup circus was orchestrated by Mahathir himself, the old fox has today decided to return back to his party Bersatu and resumes his chairmanship. Mahathir’s support came from Bersatu (25 MPs), Azmin Ali and his 10 PKR traitors (11 MPs), Sarawak-based GPS (18 MPs) and Sabah-based Warisan (9 MPs). Yes, despite whining and crying about being backstabbed by Azmin, astonishingly, the former deputy PKR president is about to join Bersatu, which would enlarge Mahathir’s party to 36 MPs, just 3 seats less than UMNO. One of the reasons Pakatan Harapan decided to nominate Anwar, instead of Mahathir as promised earlier, was that the former premier appeared to have trapped himself when he announced to the world that there’s no way he can work with the corrupt UMNO party. That would mean Mahathir will not be able to leverage on BN-PAS’ 61 MPs to achieve his ambitious unity government. That explains why Anwar’s coalition was incredibly happy when they went to see the King yesterday. Pakatan Harapan’s 92 MPs have a superior number than Mahathir’s 63 MPs. For Mahathir to go back to UMNO and beg for support would be extremely humiliating. Anwar probably was betting that Mahathir would be forced to rejoin PH coalition – quite a clever strategy.
In the eventuality that Mahathir abandons or modify his unity government concept to suit PH’s agenda, everything would be back to its previous configuration, allowing the PH coalition to rule again. Anwar’s camp was also betting that Mahathir would not dare go for a snap election, as doing so would certainly allow the return of BN – and Najib Razak – to the federal government. But it seems Anwar had chosen to count his chickens before they hatch – again. Mahathir, in his desperation, may go bonkers and work with UMNO after all. The state of Johor has already collapsed after Mahathir’s party decided to work with UMNO in forming a new state government – another betrayal. Without approval from the top, Bersatu Johor will not dare switch sides. After meeting with the King today, Mahathir pre-emptively revealed that a special Dewan Rakyat sitting will be convened on March 2 to see who will be the next prime minister. Mr. Mahathir has also confirmed that Bersatu (PPBM) president Muhyiddin Yassin will be one of the candidates to be offered as the prime minister in the Lower House of Representative. The biggest giveaway that Mahathir was the hidden hand behind the recent coup to topple his own Pakatan Harapan government is that he now says he can accept if Muhyiddin wants to work with UMNO en bloc. Exactly how could he return to his party after allegedly being betrayed by Muhyiddin, let alone endorsing his lieutenant’s plan to join forces with UMNO? Now that the King has told Mahathir to fly kite with his unity government, the old fox is tangled in his own web of deceit. If indeed he was betrayed by Muhyiddin and Azmin, he could easily ordered Sarawak-based GPS (18 MPs) and Sabah-based Warisan (9 MPs) to support Anwar’s coalition, instantly gives Pakatan Harapan a comfortable simple majority of 119 parliamentary seats.
Even the idea of going to the Dewan Rakyat to elect among its members a prime minister is unconstitutional. The King must first appoint a prime minister among the 222 MPs whom in his judgement is likely to command the confidence of the majority. The Lower House of Representative is just a place to test whether an “existing” premier enjoys the majority support.
Lim Guan Eng with Anwar Ibrahim and Mat Sabu
Obviously, Muhyiddin is the backup plan. The party’s bloc of 63 MPs, if combined with UMNO-PAS’ 61 MPs, will be sufficient to form a new government with a majority of 124 parliamentary seats. However, that depends on whether UMNO-PAS is ready to play ball. Based on UMNO’s current preparation for a snap election, it doesn’t seem so. The Johor move was a gift to impress upon UMNO-PAS to support Muhyiddin as the next prime minister, instead of Anwar Ibrahim. The wisdom behind that was that if Muhyiddin fails to win the beauty contest in the Dewan Rakyat, then a snap election will be called. If that happens, the state of Johor won’t matter because Bersatu on its own will be wiped out completely. Anwar’s Pakatan Harapan has until March 2 to swing kingmakers Sarawak-based GPS (18 MPs) and Sabah-based Warisan (9 MPs) to his camp. He could, for example, offer deputy prime minister posts for them. Anwar probably should call Mahathir’s bluff that he’s willing to let crooks like Najib Razak and Zahid Hamidi free after all the efforts he had done to prosecute them. When Mahathir decided to play the coup game, there’s no turning back. This is perhaps his final war for glory, or death. The 94-year-old fox will play all his trump cards to win the throne. However, there’s something that Mahathir can never possess – the awesome brotherhood and loyalty displayed by Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Guan Eng and Mat Sabu (all of them were once prisoners of Mahathir) – built since 1998. - FT
Story kat SINI dan SINI...
Agar berhati-hati dengan anasir ‘deep state’ yang  boleh mengganggu-gugat kestabilan kerajaan.
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Sumber asal: Game dah over kah... Baca selebihnya di Game dah over kah...
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If the Stars Align in Our Favour
Ch. 5 — The Result
“The path of life is twisted,
Fate, wickedly entwined,
Take hold of your intent,
The way ahead is clear.”
The one day that Iqbal is home and rested long enough for her to broach the topic is right before they leave. It is, coincidentally, also a rare occasion wherein he is in bed before her. Not sleeping, no—because sleep is hard to come by in such times for everyone—but resting all the same. 
Sehmat steals covert glances at him through the mirror she is sitting before, brushing and tying up her hair with trembling fingers, though whether they are trembling due to the secret she is about to reveal or something else is anyone's guess.
She sets her comb down but does not get up, looking at the tired, worried, and wary woman in the mirror for a long minute. She lets out a soft sigh before getting up and making her way to the bed, pulling back the covers and settling under them as softly as possible so as to not disturb Iqbal, but once she is under the covers he shifts over and turns off the night-lamp beside their bed. She watches as he resumes his previous position, lying on the bed but not closing his eyes. He stares at the ceiling, deep in thought. She wishes she could read his mind. Everything would be so much easier if she could read his mind. She sighs again, turning her own eyes towards the ceiling, listening to the sound of silence—only the fan rotating on its axis and the voice of the nightlife. The cantonment is quieter than usual. Somewhere in it all is the quiet sound of Iqbal breathing—a reassuring sound, though she doesn't know if she would be able to hear it again after tonight. The thought builds a painful lump in her throat.
Iqbal breaks the unnerving silence softly. “Sehmat?” 
She turns to see him looking at her, concern and a question in his voice. 
“Yes?” she asks in an equally soft voice, not missing the involuntary tremor in it.
“Are you alright? You seem distressed.”
“Oh,” Sehmat breathes out, “yes I’m—” Words die in her throat. 
Yes I’m fine. It’s nothing. 
She could say this. She should say this. Except she’d be lying. And Iqbal would see through it.
“I …” she tries again, still wondering what to say. She pauses, turning towards the ceiling again. She can feel Iqbal’s eyes on her. He puts a comforting hand on her own, and she decides to go with the truth.
She takes in a deep breath and asks, voice carefully devoid of anything but curiosity, “What do you think of– of children?”
She feels his hand tighten on hers, feels him get up from his reclining position to look at her, and feels the careful deliberation in his voice as he answers, “They’re … alright, I suppose?” He pauses, and Sehmat sighs. “But …” he continues, voice even more careful than before, as if he were treading on eggshells, “... I had always hoped to have a family … and now that I—we are married …” he trails off, looking at Sehmat with an unreadable expression. She is still looking at the ceiling, watching the light from outside dancing on it. She swallows, picking at a stray strand of thread at the edge of her blanket. 
“Sehmat?” Iqbal says again, and the urgency in his voice compels her to finally look at him, worry, confusion, and what she thinks is hope, on his face.
“I have to tell you something,” she whispers, and Iqbal squeezes her hand softly. She entwines her fingers with his. “I’m pregnant.” 
Her heart is pounding as she whispers the last part of the word, eyes on Iqbal’s face trying to discern his reaction. It is not on either ends of the spectrum. There is a glimmer of happiness, yes, and his lips turn up in an awed smile, but more than that there is concern, and his eyes are searching hers. 
When a few moments of silence have passed and Iqbal’s initial shock has worn off, he asks, a hint of hesitation on his voice, “This is a good news … isn't it?” 
“Yes,” Sehmat says, a little surprised, “yes, of course.”
“Then why do you sound so worried?” he asks tenderly, drawing closer and brushing her cheek with his hand, “why do you look so scared?” 
Sehmat looks at him, more surprised than before, lips parted to speak but at a loss of words. He has caught her off guard. And in that moment she cannot help but say all that has been bothering her ever since they announced the war. 
“I am happy,” she says in a shaky voice, still looking at him, “but this is not the best time to have a child, is it?” She shuts her eyes, turning away. “You’re going off to fight. In a war.” 
Beside her she hears Iqbal sigh. 
“Who knows if– if you’ll even be–” she stops, unable to go on. She opens her eyes, leaning against the headboard, and looks at her hands instead of at him.
“Sehmat,” Iqbal sighs softly, drawing her against himself the way he always does to comfort her, her head leaning against his chest, listening to his beating heart, and his arms around her, giving her a sense of protection—however false it may be. 
"It's going to be okay," he says, pulling her closer, rubbing comforting circles on her skin, with surety neither of them can possibly have, but it serves to comfort her all the same. "I'll be back before you know it. And I'll be here to meet our child." 
She certainly hopes so.
They go off to fight. 
She watches him approach the car from their bedroom window and her heart begins its descent to the pits of her stomach. It is barely dawn, the sky only now beginning to lighten, and the window pane pressed against her cheek is strikingly cold, but it helps in keeping away the waves of nausea which otherwise threaten to overpower her. 
Iqbal looks up towards her as if he had already known she was watching. It reminds her unnervingly of their wedding day. It hasn’t been too long since then, but that memory somehow feels as if it were of a different lifetime. He had known where to find her even then. They hold each other’s gaze for a moment, and Iqbal gives her a slight smile which she tries and fails to reciprocate. It is almost too much to take. Because this is it. This is war. This is war, and they are on opposite sides of it. There’s going to be a battle.  Her husband will be fighting in that battle. Iqbal might die. Countless others certainly will die—soldiers from her motherland and his. And however much she may want Iqbal to come back home, she wants her country to remain safe and sound more than anything. If she had been oblivious to the enormity of the situation before, she certainly isn’t now. The burden of the scene is beginning to settle around her like a blanket, one that is weighing her down unpleasantly.  
The world is grey, she decides, not black and white as she had once believed. She had been naive back then. There is no good side or bad side in war, there is your country, and your duty to your country. And that is what they’re all doing—serving a higher entity, a noble entity. Their countries. She had always known that she'd do anything, give up anything, for her country. And now she is. She doesn't regret her actions, no. Because regret and guilt are two separate emotions. The same way her duty and her conscience are separate. One always overpowers the other. No, Sehmat does not regret her actions, does not regret saving her country from being caught unawares, but watching her family members—because that is what they are. Family—climb into the vehicle does wrack her with guilt. If they were to get hurt or …  or die … 
He gets in and they set off. Her eyes stay on the vehicle until it is a tiny speck indiscernible from its surroundings, and she doesn't leave the window even after that—she hasn't got the strength, and there are too many things for her to brood about. 
It is Munira bhabhi who pulls her out of her brooding. Well, her, and the investigating officers who come to the Syed house to investigate. It's a regular investigation they say, a part of the head-count they've been conducting while they're looking into the fire. It's been a week since the men have been gone. Sehamt does not miss the way their eyes stay on her suspiciously once they find out she is Indian by birth. 
It is again Munira bhabhi who takes charge. Protecting Sehmat fiercely and glaring the officers down into submission. And it works. It works, because they are a part of the Syed Family. Probably the most powerful army family in the cantonment. They leave them alone soon enough, or, at least, pretend to. Sehmat sees them looking from inconspicuous nooks and crannies, her own spy's eyes finding them with practiced ease, and gliding over them as if they weren't ever there with the same practiced ease. 
She doesn't go to Saadiq anymore, nor to Imtiaz to buy flowers. The first time that she had set foot in Sarvar's store has also been her last. She keeps up the pretences until the number of spies keeping track of her lessen, and only then does she dare step into her own shop—not that there is anything other than business to look forward to over there. She has had no contact with South for a month. It worries her.
Two weeks since they've been gone later they hear news on the radio of Pakistan's aerial attacks on Indian Air fields. It's December the 4th. Sehmat's heart positively stops beating. 
A day later they hear of Indian attack on the harbour, something she knows is because of her information. The destruction is huge, positively crippling. At least one thing she is sure of: Pakistan will not win this war. Not with their Navy and Air Force in this state: crippled crafts and fuel and ammunition that is burning up the sea. 
The civilian lives are in danger too. Munira bhabhi's family—her mother and father and her brother's wife and children—were hard to contact, but they're okay. For the time being, at least. The guilt she is feeling grows as she sees Munira's eyes shining.
Four days later there is another attack—by India, on Pakistan—on the same Karachi harbour. The fire from the first one is still blazing. Shaken whispers around the cantonment tell of abandoned Naval plans and a PNS Ghazi. 
Sehmat notices the spies coming back, their eyes trained on her.
Perhaps, she thinks, it's time to visit Suraiya appa. 
One week, or less, later, there is news when Sehmat comes down for breakfast. Not of a victory or of a defeat, but of the end of the war. Of an Instrument of Surrender. Of a country called Bangladesh (so they won. Relief like nothing floods her soul). Of soldiers taken as prisoners of war—not in the west, no, but in the east. Her heart goes cold anyway—she doesn't know where they are. However she—and Munira bhabhi, going by how pale she looks—prefer not having to think about that. 
They go to the Mosque to pray instead. Spies don't follow Sehmat anymore, not after Suriya appa's unconditional and strongly worded order to the chief of the investigating agency—who owed to her and Colonel Siddiqi his position—about how to treat the wives of officers gone to war. There is still nervousness in her as she steps out of the house and towards the Main market. The only respite she has is the Sarvar Store still being open—so they don't know—and of Imtiaz giving her a not unintentional look. 
She looks pregnant now—she has gained the weight. She still hasn't told her superiors. A frightening thought settles into her mind that she pushes away. She doesn't know if Sarvar or Imtiaz or Saadiq would convey this piece of information to Mir sahab. On one hand, it's the logical thing to do. On the other hand, they wouldn't know if this was ever the part of a plan. She herself had been planning on waiting until at some opportune moment, in some celebration or other, she had the chance to meet Kabir sahab, or, more easily, his wife Pallavi. What other way does she have, that is not suspicious? The phones don't take calls from India yet. They won't for a sufficiently long time.
A month and half after they had left, the men come back. All three of them, each in one piece. They have scars—physical and mental ones—and they have a hardness behind their eyes. It is the humiliation of defeat and the unsettling truth of a battle. They don't look at her any differently though. They truly believe she is of here now. 
And they are happy—they had apparently already known when they had come back, she is told that Iqbal told them right before they entered the battlefield—for her and Iqbal. For the future that is to come. 
Iqbal is no less soft than before—she doesn't think she could see him in any other light, this side of him stands out so much—but he is less like himself. The same hardness behind his eyes too, though they soften considerably when they are trained on her. It makes her conscience heavy.
But her family is home now, and her Home—her country—is safe, and perhaps, perhaps, so is she. 
Read Chapter 1
Read Chapter 2 
Read Chapter 3 
Read Chapter 4 
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humanrightsupdates · 7 years ago
Pakistan: Pakistani defender forcibly disappeared
Human rights defender and Convenor of Voice for Missing Persons of Sindh, Punhal Sario, has been forcibly disappeared in Sindh Province, southern Pakistan. This is another example in a string of recent enforced disappearances by the security forces in Sindh. His fate and whereabouts remain unknown. He is at grave risk of torture, ill-treatment, and even death.
Punhal Sario, a human rights defender and Convener of the Voice for Missing Persons of Sindh, was subjected to enforced disappearance on the night of 3 August. His friend Dr. Haresh Kumar, who was with Punhal Sario at the time, witnessed the abduction. Dr. Haresh claims Punhal Sario was taken from his car by individuals in civilian clothing and police uniforms when he was coming out of Khanabadosh Writer’s Café, which is part of the Sindh Museum in Hyderabad, in the Sindh province of Pakistan. His fate and whereabouts remain unknown since then.
Mr. Punhal Sario had been part of a civil society effort to raise awareness of the growing trend of enforced disappearances of activists, writers, and political workers in Sindh under the newly established forum Voice for Missing Persons of Sindh. He was picked up a day before a large conference organised by the forum. This aimed at bringing together writers, journalists, activists, and intellectuals to awareness of the situation of missing persons in Sindh.
Local Sindhi activists claim that as many as 60 activists have been forcibly disappeared in the past few months from Sindh. This includes political workers Khadim Areejo, Hidayat Lohar, Sabir Chandio, and Bux Ali Mugheri belonging to Jeay Sindh Qaumi Mahaz.
Please write immediately in English, Urdu or Sindhi:
Urging the Pakistani authorities to order an immediate investigation into Punhal Sario’s fate and whereabouts, keeping his family fully informed and updated at all times;
Insisting that, if Punhal Sario is in the state’s custody, that he is immediately released, or, if credible evidence of a recognised offence exists, is transferred to an official place of detention charged promptly and remanded by an independent civilian court, in line with international human rights standards;
Urging them to ensure that Punhal Sario’s human rights are protected and respected at all time, including – if he is in custody – his right to life and freedom from torture and other ill-treatment, and that he is allowed access to his family, a lawyer of his choice and adequate medical care;
Urging them to order an immediate, impartial, independent and efficient investigation into this and all other enforced disappearances, publicly disclose the findings and bring those suspected of criminal responsibility to justice in fair trials without recourse to the death penalty.
President of Pakistan Honourable Mr Mamnoon Hussain President's Secretariat Islamabad, Pakistan Fax: +92 51 920 8479 Twitter: @Mamnoon_hussain Salutation: Your Excellency
Prime Minister of Pakistan Shahid Khaqan Abbassi Prime Minister’s House Secretariat, Constitution Avenue Islamabad, Pakistan Fax: +92 51 922 0404 (PM Secretariat) Twitter: @ shahidKAbbasi Salutation: Dear Prime Minister
Chief Minister of Sindh Murad Ali Shah Chief Minister Secretariat Dr. Zia ud Din Ahmed Road Karachi Fax: +92 21 992 02000 Twitter: @SayedMuradShah Salutation: Dear Chief Minister
Also send copies to diplomatic representatives accredited to your country. HIS EXCELLENCY MR SYED IBNE ABBAS, High Commission for the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 35-36 Lowndes Square SW1X 9JN tel: 020 7664 9284 Fax 020 7664 9224 or 020 7664 9227 (Ambassador’s office) email: [email protected] and [email protected] and [email protected] web: www.phclondon.org facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pakistanihighcommissionuk twitter: https://twitter.com/phclondon Salutation: Your Excellency
Please check with your section office if sending appeals after the above date. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The practice of enforced disappearances has been an ongoing phenomenon in Sindh since at least a decade, but local activists claim that since February 2017, the numbers of people that have gone missing has reached unprecedented heights. Political activists, writers, and human rights defenders have been picked up, allegedly by security agencies, from all over Sindh. According to local activists, as many as 60 individuals remain missing.
Enforced disappearances in Pakistan have been historically restricted to Balochistan, FATA (Federally Administered Tribal Areas), and parts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and urban Sindh, but are now taking place in Punjab province and the capital Islamabad as well. In August 2015, journalist Zeenat Shahzadi was abducted in Lahore, Punjab, by armed gunmen on her way to work. She is believed to be the first woman to have been subjected to an enforced disappearance in Pakistan. Before she was abducted, she had been reporting on the case of Hamid Ansari, an Indian national who had gone missing in 2012. Zeenat Shahzadi is still missing. In early January 2017, five human rights defenders were abducted from Islamabad and parts of the Punjab province. Four of the five – academic and poet Salman Haider, bloggers Asim Saeed, Ahmed Raza Naseer and Waqass Goraya – returned home between 27 and 29 January 2017. At the time of writing, one of them, Samar Abbas, is still missing.
Under international law, the right to life and freedom from torture and other ill-treatment are non-derogable, and apply in all circumstances. Pakistan is obliged to respect and protect these rights under several human rights treaties, including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. In addition, the prohibition of enforced disappearance is a rule of customary international law binding on all states and an international crime. Under Article 2 of the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders, each state has a duty to create the conditions necessary to defend human rights within their jurisdictions. However, human rights defenders in Pakistan continue to be arrested, detained, tortured and imprisoned simply for their involvement in peaceful activities. Human rights defenders in Pakistan also face intimidation and harassment. Amnesty International calls on the Government of Pakistan to ensure an environment in which it is possible to defend human rights as well as peacefully express political opinions without fear of reprisal or intimidation.
UA: 192/17 Index: ASA 33/6911/2017 Issue Date: 14 August 2017
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wafkarachi · 6 years ago
Sri Lanka urged not to violate fundamental rights in the name of combating terror
We the undersigned, who are from and live in the various nation-states of South Asia, express our deepest condolences to all those who have lost loved ones in the serial bomb blasts in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday. We express our solidarity with those working tirelessly to address the needs of the injured in the aftermath of this carnage and to sustain interfaith and community relationships. While we support all justice efforts that seek to hold the perpetrators of violence accountable, we also urge the Government of Sri Lanka to ensure that, in the name of combating terror and ensuring national security, fundamental human rights and dignity of all concerned are not violated.
We say this because in all our countries, investigations into terror and anti-terror legislation have been accompanied by consistent and continuing violation of civil and democratic rights. Furthermore, in the name of ensuring national security, successive governments in the region have sought to legitimise their various acts of impunity – directed against not only purported or possible suspects but entire sections of the civilian population. This has led to unaccountable loss of life and a steady erosion of democratic guarantees and institutions, including unaccounted for deaths and disappearances. We note with concern that media reports and remarks by state officials and political leaders in Sri Lanka have pointed to State inaction with respect to warnings by intelligence agencies about possible acts of terror. Such inaction and indifference, we regret to note, amounts to State complicity with the violence that subsequently unfolded.We are also concerned that the ‘owning up’ to these acts by the so-called ‘Islamic State’ (Daesh) might encourage Islamophobic attitudes and expressions, both on the part of the Sri Lankan Government and sections of civil society. Should this happen, Sri Lanka would be tragically drawn in to a familiar international discourse and practice to do with ‘Islamic terror’ with all the resultant tragedies, as we have witnessed across Asia. In a country that has barely recovered from decades of civil mistrust, war and violence, this cannot bode well for its sovereignty, civil peace and economic and social life. We wish to point out that the so-called war on ‘Islamic terror’ has resulted in large numbers of the Islamic faith being persecuted, both in their countries and across the world – and this sadly only enhances the appeal of those who seek to wage war in the name of Islam and what they perceive as Islamic concerns and interests. Thus is set in motion a cycle of violence that benefits no one but the arms trade and industries, and political powers that seek to establish their hegemony in the region at all costs. In this context: nWe support all struggles to ensure transparent and fair pursuit of justice for the victims of the blast. At the same time, we stand with those who are against undemocratic anti-terror laws in Sri Lanka, even if they are purportedly deployed for purposes of investigation and national security. nWe protest attempts to target or persecute those of the Islamic faith, in the name of countering terror, whether by the state or vigilante groups. nWe support Muslim communities in the region that have called for peace and are critical of voices from within that endorse extremist religious positions, which polarise everyday life and interactions, and vitiate meaningful dissent and dialogue. nWe affirm the resilience of diverse cultural and religious traditions in the region that have fostered longstanding habits of mutuality, trust and co-existence. We do not wish for the specificity of local beliefs and traditions, of all faiths, to be drawn into polarising global discourses of religious ‘unity’ and ‘singularity’ imposed from above. List of signatories: Afghanistan Massihullah, Kabul Afghanistan Sima Samar, Afghanistan Nepal Anju Kandel, Nepal Deepa Gurung, Nepal Hari Sharma, Kathmandu, Nepal Kaalo.101, Nepal Kanak Mani Dixit, Kathmandu Kunda Dixit, Kathmandu, Nepal NayanTara Gurung Kakshapati, Kathmandu, Nepal Niranjan Kunwar, Kathmandu, Nepal Sarita K.C, Nepal India Mangai, India Abha Bhaiya, India Abirami Jotheeswaran, India Amar Kanwar, New Delhi, India Anuradha Bhasin, Kashmir Times, India Anuradha Kapoor, India Arundathi V, India Ashish kumar Dey, India Bindu Doddahatti, India Deepti Sharma, New Delhi, India Dia Da Costa, India Dipta Bhog, India Farida Khan, India Forum Against Oppression of Women, India Geetha V, India Huma Ahmed-Ghosh, India Indu Vashist, India/Canada Iram Saeed, India Jinee Lokaneeta, India/USA K, Lalita, India Kamla Bhasin, India Khalida Saleem, India Madhu Mehra, India Mamta Singh, Women Right Activist, India Mary John, India Maya Sharma Vikalp (Women’s Group), India Meena Gopal, India Meera Velayudhan, India Mohan Rao, India Mrinalini R, India Nandini Manjrekar, India Nandita Shah, India Nastasia Paul Gera, India Neelanjana Mukhia, India Neeraj Malik, India Nupur Basu, India Pam Philipose, India Panchali Ray, New Delhi, India Ponni Arasu, India Poonam Batra, India Prathama Raghavan, Hyderabad, India Rafiul Alom Rahman, India Ramakant Agnohotri, India Rita Manchanda, India Ritu Dewan, India Ritu Menon, India Roshmi Goswami, India Sabeena Gadihoke, India Sahba Hussain, India Saheli Women’s Resource Centre, New Delhi, India Sameera Iyengar, India Sara Abraham, India Shohini Ghosh, India Shrimoyee N, Ghosh, India Snigdha Chakraborty, India Sujata Patel, India Svati Shah, India/USA Swarna Rajagopalan, India Tanvi Mishra, New Delhi, India The Queer Muslim Project, India Uma Chakravarty, India Vanita Nayak Mukherjee, India Veena Shatrughna, India Mamatha Karollil, India Afshana Bano, India Supriya Madangarli, India Pakistan Abeera Tanveer, Pakistan Ailya Khan, Pakistan Ajwah Nadeem, Pakistan Aminah Waheed Chaudhry, Pakistan Ammar Ali Jan, Pakistan Amna Durrani, Pakistan Amna Iqbal, Pakistan Amna Mawaz, Pakistan Anis Haroon, Pakistan Anoosha Shaigan, Pakistan Arooj Aurangzeb, Pakistan Asma Malik, Pakistan Awami Workers Party, Punjab Ayra Indrias, Pakistan Baila Anjum, Lahore, Pakistan Basmina, Pakistan-Afghan Border Beena Sarwar, Pakistan Beenish Muhammad Ali, Pakistan Bonnie Mende Candas Anjum, Pakistan Qasim Iqbal, NAZ Pakistan Faiz Younas, Pakistan Farida Batool, Pakistan Farida Shaheed, Pakistan Fatema Bhaiji, Pakistan Fatima A. Athar, Pakistan Fatima Butt, Pakistan FemSoc at LUMS, Pakistan Feroza Batool, Pakistan Fiza Khatri, Pakistan Furhan Hussain, Pakistan Ghausia Rashid Salam, Pakistan Ghazala Anwar, Pakistan Gwendolyn S. Kirk, USA/Pakistan Hadi Hussain, Pakistan Hameeda Hossain, Pakistan Have Only Positive Expectations – HOPE, Pakistan Hiba Akbar, Pakistan Hira Mohmand, Pakistan-Afghan Border Huma Fouladi, Pakistan Huma Majeed, Pakistan Humraz society, Karachi, Pakistan Jamaima Afridi, Pakistan-Afghan Border Jawad Anwar, Pakistan Kashmala Dilawar, Pakistan-Afghan Border Khawar Mumtaz, Pakistan Khushbakht Memon, Pakistan Kishwar Sultana, Pakistan Kyla Pasha, Pakistan Lubna Chaudhry Madiha Latif, Pakistan Maheen Asif Khan, Pakistan Malik Moeed, Pakistan Manal Yousuf, Pakistan Mani AQ, Pakistan Maria Rashid, Pakistan Maryam Hussain, Pakistan Maryum Orakzai, Pakistan-Afghan Border Masooma Fatima, Pakistan Mehlab Jameel, Pakistan Melanie D’souza, Pakistan Momina Jahan, Pakistan Momina Pasha, Pakistan Muaaz Ali, Pakistan Naazish Ata-Ullah, Pakistan Nabiha Meher Shaikh, Pakistan Nageen Hyat, Pakistan Naheed Aziz, Pakistan Naila Naz, Pakistan Nasim Begum, Pakistan-Afghan Border Nasreen Rahman, Pakistan Neelam Hussain, Pakistan Nighat Dad, Pakistan Nighat Said Khan, Pakistan Nimra Akram, Pakistan Noreen Naseer Pakistan O Collective, Pakistan Omer Arshad, Pakistan Outcast Magazine, Pakistan Palvashay Sethi, Pakistan Queer Karachi, Pakistan Quratulain Faraz, Pakistan Rafia Asim, Pakistan Rahma Muhammad Mian, Karachi Roohi Khan, Pakistan Rubina Saigol, Pakistan Rukhsana Rashid, Pakistan Saadia Haq, Pakistan Saadia Toor, USA/Pakistan Saba Gul Khattak, Pakistan-Afghan Border Sabeen Andleeb, Pakistan Sadaf Aziz, Pakistan Sadia Afridi, Pakistan-Afghan Border Sadia Khatri, Karachi, Pakistan Saima Jasam, Pakistan Saima Munir, Pakistan Saleha Rauf, Pakistan Saman Rizvi, Pakistan Samavia Malik, Pakistan Samina Orakzai, Pakistan Samina Orakzai, Pakistan-Afghan Border Sana Naeem, Pakistan Sarah Humayun, Pakistan Sarah Suhail, Pakistan Sarah Zaman, Pakistan Sehrish Tariq, Pakistan Shafeeq Gigyani, Peshawar Pakistan Shagufta Rehmat, Pakistan Shazia Shaheen, Pakistan Shirkat Gah – Women’s Resource Centre, Pakistan Shmyla Khan, Pakistan Shumaila Kausar, Pakistan Shumaila Shahani, Pakistan Syed Raza Haider, Pakistan Tabitha Spence, Pakistan Tahira Kaleem, Peshawar, Pakistan Tehreem Azeem, Pakistan The Enlight Lab, Pakistan Wafa Asher, Pakistan Women’s Action Forum, Pakistan Yusra, Pakistan-Afghan Border Zahra Durrani, Pakistan Zakia Majid, Pakistan Zeenat Afridi, Pakistan – Afghan Border Zeenia Shaukat, Pakistan Zehra Keshf, Pakistan Ambreen Ahmad, Pakistan Bangladesh Amena Mohsin, Dhaka Bangladesh Anusheh Anadil, Dhaka, Bangladesh Arup Rahee, Dhaka, Bangladesh Adilur Rahman Khan, Dhaka, Bangladesh Dr Asif Nazrul, Dhaka, Bangladesh Dr Hameeda Hossain, Dhaka, Bangladesh Dr Ridwanul Hoque, Dhaka, Bangladesh Dr Zafrullah Chowdhury, Dhaka, Bangladesh Faustina Pereira, Dhaka, Bangladesh Shahidul Alam, Dhaka, Bangladesh Shahnaz Huda, Dhaka, Bangladesh Fahmidul Haq, Dhaka, Bangladesh Firdous Azim, Dhaka, Bangladesh Galiba Rabbani, Bangladesh Gitiara Nasreen, Dhaka, Bangladesh Hana Shams Ahmed, Bangladesh/Canada Inclusive Bangladesh, Bangladesh Khushi Kabir, Bangladesh Nur Khan, Dhaka, Bangladesh Meghna Guhathakurta, Dhaka, Bangladesh Mirza Taslima Sultana, Dhaka, Bangladesh Mohammad Tanzimuddin Khan, Dhaka, Bangladesh Mohammed Iqbal Hossaion, Bangladesh Monika Biswas, Bangladesh Perween Hasan, Dhaka, Bangladesh Rahnuma Ahmed, Dhaka, Bangladesh Reetu Sattar, Dhaka, Bangladesh Rezaur Rahman Lenin, Dhaka, Bangladesh Rina Roy, Dhaka, Bangladesh Selima Sara Kabir, Bangladesh Shaheen Anam, Bangladesh Shamsul Huda, Bangladesh Sharnila Nuzhat Kabir, Bangladesh Shireen P Huq, Dhaka, Bangladesh Sultana Kamal, Dhaka, Bangladesh Zareen Mahmud Hosein, Bangladesh Others Aurangzaib Alizai, Thailand Kumkum Dey, New Jersey Rumah Pelangi Indonesia
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balsemgelingga · 8 years ago
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Perkara jodoh adalah hal yang paling unik sekaligus misterius. Ada yang begitu mudah bertemu, ada juga yang melewati jalan berliku untuk sampai tujuan. nah, terus kamu yang mana? Wkwk *kepo*
Pesan guru ngaji adalah lihatlah agamanya. Tapi tahukah maksud agamanya itu seperti apa? Tak jarang ada yang rajin shalat, alim, tilawah gak pernah ketinggalan tapi begitu ada masalah dalam pernikahan dia (maaf) malah keok.begitu mudah menjatuhkan kata cerai karena tidak sesuai. Jadi agamanya disini adalah hal yang kompleks. Perlu dipreteli satu persatu.
1. Bagaimana nemperlakukan perempuan (ibu atau kakak/adiknya) dan teman lelakinya. 2. Bagaimana konsep rezekinya 3. Bagaimana konsep amalnya
Agamapun mencerminkan akhlak seperti Fatimah (kalo ga salah) yang ditanya “bagaimana akhlak Rasulullah? ” yang dijawab “akhlak Rasulullah adalah Al-Qur'an”.
Akhlak seseorang menunjukan baik atau tidaknya manusia tapi ini harus diperjelas juga. Setiap manusia lahir dalam kebaikan. Lingkungan juga yang membentuk kebaikan seseorang.
Kan menurut hadis juga begitu
“sebaik-baiknya akhlak suami adalah yang memuliakan istri”.
(Memuliakannya seperti apa?. Nah, itu mesti dikaji. Ada yang bilang mendidik, lalu mendidiknya seperti apa. Nah lho? Makin banyak aja pertanyaan hehe)
Lalu ada penjelasan psikologis yang tanpa sadar sering luput diperhatikan (menurutku dan wapanpuri sih). Kesamaan suasana keluarga.
4. Suasana keluarga atau lingkup keluarga biasanya menjadi latar belakang terbentuknya pribadi seseorang. Orang yang dibesarkan dalam luapan cinta kasih keluarga akan menyukai seseorang yang penyayang dan penuh cinta kasih, meskipun teori ini ga begitu akurat sih cuman memang kadang kesamaan latar belakang jadi alasan kebersamaan kan.
Lagipula kalau bagi perempuan, Ayah adalah role model lelaki yang dikenal pertama. Alias daughter first love. Jadi ya ayah adalah lelaki pertama yang dia kenal ga beda jauhlah.
5. Karakter Disini gak akan bahas sanguinis, phlegmatis, koleris dan melankolis akan cocok dengan karakter seperti apa. Lagi-lagi secara ilmu psikologi yang terus berkembang, manusia juga terus mengalami perkembangan dan perubahan serta pergeseran gaya hidup kekinian.
Karakter dasar dibentuk dari keluarga, yang meluas menjadi karakter gender, karakter pendidikan, karakter gaya hidup, karakter penyelesaian masalah.
Mulai bingung? Mulai merasa ribet? Mulai malas baca?
Tulisan ini dibuat karena tergelitik dengan pertanyaan yang masuk ke redaksi, (cie gaya…wkwkwk). Ga deng banyak yang curhat.
Kenapa sih jaman Rasul ama jaman emak kita, gampang banget perempuan say YES tapi sekarang ribet amat yak!.
Sekarang kayaknya “opini nikah” gampang banget bikin baper dan laper (pengen cepet-cepet). Tapi lagi-lagi dipesankan sama guru ngaji.
shalat dan nikah sama-sama ibadah. Shalat ada wudhunya sedang nikah ada ilmunya. Orang yang shalat doang banyak tapi shalatnya jadi pencegah kemungkaran belum tentu. Nikah yang sekedar nikah doang gampang, ijab qobulnya 5 menit tapi ujiannya seumur hidup. Namanya juga ibadah, hadiahnya jannah perjalanannya kadang penuh duri dan bernanah.
Well, karena semakin banyaknya manusia, keberadaan mereka jadi samar-samar. Baik sih tapi…, cantik sih tapi…, ganteng sih tapi…, pekerja keras sih tapi….dan banyak tapi-tapi yang lainnya.
Rupanya Allah mengetahui kegundahan hamba-hambaNya. Lewat kisah Umar bin khattab diceritakan. Kamu bisa mengenal seseorang lewat 3 hal : (yang hafal silaken baca dalam hati dan luruskan kalau sy salah ya)
a. Ketika bersafar b. Ketika berniaga atau masalah utang piutang c. Ketika ada masalah
Sebentar, ini bukan maksudnya cari-cari jalan untuk safar bareng, bisnis bareng atau bikin masalah ya untuk kenal sang kecengan. Baiknya memang terjadi secara alami, atau kepalsuan yang akan terjadi. Ini hanya patokan.
Soalnya pernah dapat cerita sih si A taaruf sama B tapi malah jadinya sama C cuman gegara cara nyetir. Sederhana pan.
Terus apalagi? Hmmm… Ada satu yang paling penting sih, yaitu keinginan untuk saling menerima dan belajar jadi lebih baik. Coz nobody’s perfect yekan?!
Dan terakhir adalah kalau memang jodoh feelnya beda karena kedekatan kita dengan Allah terasa, istikharah yang benar, berdoa yang khusyu, berharap yang pasti sama Allah semata.
Last but not least, SELERA… Banyak orang lapar tapi menolak makanan yang tersaji di depannya karena selera (mario teguh).
Jadi kalau seleranya cem fatih seferagic bo ya anti juga gitu dong. Seleranya pengusaha muda, syukses, dermawan dan shaleh anti juga mesti tau diri gitu loh atau menyamakan frekuensi / sekufu. Lah, sekufu kayak gimana toh?
Apa yang S2 dengan S2? Apa yang pinter dengan yang pinter? Apa yang berada dengan yang ada?
Duh, masih ada ya bahasan lainnya.. 😁 baiknya dengar juga nasihat dari ust.khalid basalamah kalo gitu karena bakalan lebih lengkap. Apalah daya saya mah cuman tsurhat aja di layar biru ini.
Buat yang berkali-kali gagal ta'aruf jangan lantas patah semangat dan bilang cara kayak gini ribet. Kisah cinta kalian sudah ditulis oleh penulis terhebat, yaitu Allah. He knows the best.
Yuk dekati dia Utarakan apa yang kamu inginkan Jangan lelah berdo'a
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media-zoon · 7 years ago
Mediazoon: India has captured the occupied Kashmir for the last 70 years.
 The Indian Army, who has been there, has been breaking the mountain of tyrannical violence on the innocent and innocent people of the past for the past seventy years.
Speakers on the occasion of the 70th Day of Black Kashmir demand the world powers of the world to take notice of recent cruelty in Kashmir.
The passion of…
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phgq · 4 years ago
Pregnant NPA surrenderee to get E-CLIP benefits
#PHinfo: Pregnant NPA surrenderee to get E-CLIP benefits
SAN FERNANDO CITY, La Union, Mar. 5 (PIA) - - A pregnant member of the New People’s Army (NPA), who surrendered recently to the officials of the army’s 702nd Brigade, was validated as a qualified recipient of the benefits from the Enhanced- Comprehensive Livelihood Integration Program (E-CLIP).
  Major Rogelio Dumbrigue, Jr., the chief of the civil-military operations of the army’s 702nd Infantry Brigade, said that  the Joint AFP-PNP Intelligence Committee (JAPIC) certified Sherry May Ibao, 22, as eligible to receive at least P65,000.00 livelihood assistance from E-CLIP.
  Ibao, AKA Jerry/Laila, an active member of the Komiteng Larangang Guerilya - Southern Ilocos Sur of the Ilocos Cordillera Regional Committee (KLG -SIS, ICRC) of the NPA from 2015 to 2020, was six-month pregnant when she surrendered to authorities on January 4, 2021 in Bangued, Abra through the assistance of her parents from Eastern Samar Province.
  In an interview, she revealed her ordeal while hiding in the different areas in Northern Luzon before she decided to surrender to authorities early this year.
  Upon realizing that she wasted her efforts in an organization she thought was the solution to the country’s problems, she determined to return to the fold of the government to live a normal life.
  “In joining the NPA group, you are futile of what you are fighting for; even how hard your effort you give to the group there are no changes at all, but over and over again it is goes to nothing,” she said.
  “You can help other people through other means without involving other people and sacrificing other people’s lives,” she added.
  Ibao, who is about to give birth to her child this March, narrated that before she enrolled her Bachelor of Science in History at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) in 2010, she firstly joined a rally in front of the school.
  With her curiosity as a student to explore the life of an activist, she actively joined the demonstrations initiated by the Anakbayan in 2012 until she became a full-fledged member of the said militant youth group in 2013.
  Upon graduation in 2015, she joined the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) – NPA operating in Mountain Province and was transferred to the areas in the Ilocos region in 2016.   
  “In my five years of stay as NPA member, I have experienced more hardships while hiding, until I reached the point that I miss my family in Eastern Samar province; and to the point that my friend AKA Maymay died in an encounter during the focused military operations in Barangay Suagayan, Sta. Lucia, Ilocos Sur on August 8, 2020. I asked myself, do I have a direction of what I’m doing? I’m already tired and yet what I’m doing were all wasted,” she said.
  “When I learned that I’m pregnant since July, I decided to give-up my NPA membership to have a chance with my child to live a normal life; and there are no other people who would help me to realize my plan but my parents,” she said.
  Upon learning the location of their daughter and her request to fetch her in Bangued, Abra; couple Rodrigo and Teresita Ibao sought assistance on December 29, 2020, from Eastern Samar Governor Ben Evardone, the chairperson of the Regional Peace and Order Council (RPOC) in Region 8.
  Governor Evardone asked immediately the help from the different units of the Philippine Army.
  The highest field command of the army in Northern Luzon coordinated with Brigadier General Audrey L. Pasia, the commander of the army’s 702nd Infantry Brigade, to assist Mr. & Mrs. Ibao for the recovery of their daughter in Abra.
  “Finally, the more than five painful years of waiting, anxiety, and fear of the Ibao couple was finally over as they already found their daughter,” said Pasia.
  Pasia confirmed that before the recovery and surrender of Sherry May, the government forces were already closing in on him and her group particularly to her party boyfriend, Jerry Loreto AKA Dindo, who is also an active NPA member in Ilocos Sur.
  “To Sherry May and her parents and all of us, to the parents whose children are still missing, the Ibao story is proof that indeed there is still hope, just keep on praying,” Pasia said.
  In a press briefing, Sherry May told to the parents, who are looking for their missing children, not to lose their hope believing there will be a time that their children will call them asking for help.  
Sherry May Ibao, 22, AKA Jerry/Laila, an active member of the KLG -SIS of the NPA from 2015 to 2020, attends a recent press briefing at the National Press Club (NPC), Manila presided by PCOO Undersecretary Joel Sy Egco. (Photo by FGL)
  “Sa mga magulang na nawalan ng anak na namundok, talagang mahirap silang ikumbinsi na sumuko. Pero huwag po kayong sumuko, sila rin ang kusang baba at hihingi ng tulong sa inyo. Hindi po mali and ginagawa nyo, ginagawa nyong lang ang inyong tungkulin bilang magulang  sa kanila,” said Sherry May. (JCR/FGL, PIA 1)
* Philippine Information Agency. "Pregnant NPA surrenderee to get E-CLIP benefits." Philippine Information Agency. https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1068650 (accessed March 05, 2021 at 08:42PM UTC+08).
* Philippine Infornation Agency. "Pregnant NPA surrenderee to get E-CLIP benefits." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1068650 (archived).
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irctv · 5 years ago
Dunyawi Koshishe Kab Samar Awar - Fruitful Hoti Hai By Adv. Faiz Syed - https://youtu.be/tHJ-4ABgv6M
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wincatcherses · 5 years ago
Samar Banerjee: el hombre que dirigió la India en los Juegos Olímpicos de 1956
Samar Banerjee tiene la distinción de ganar el trofeo Santosh como jugador y como entrenador … Las grandes historias a menudo tienen un comienzo muy humilde. Samar, alias Badru, el cuento de Banerjee también camina en la misma línea. Nacido en Sasanka Sekhar Banerjee en Bali, distrito de Howrah, el 30 de enero de 1930, creció en un hogar donde el fútbol era una forma de vida. Casi todas las noches, una sesión informal de 'adda' se llevaría a cabo en el patio de su casa y un joven Badru escucharía con asombro las diversas historias del Kolkata Maidan. "Mi padre era muy estricto. Me regañaba mucho por ignorar mis estudios, pero a pesar de eso, iba allí y escuchaba a los ancianos hablar sobre Mohun Bagan, Bengala Oriental, Mohammedan Sporting y varios otros clubes del Maidan. "Me expulsaron muchas veces, pero mi atención siempre estaría allí", relató Banerjee hace casi un año en una entrevista al sitio web de Mohun Bagan. Destacados Desde una edad muy tierna, fue a los terrenos del Bali Hindu Sporting Club y, a veces, al Bali Wellington Club para jugar al fútbol por la tarde después de regresar de la escuela. "Esas sesiones de la tarde fueron muy importantes. Aprendí a jugar con botas durante este tiempo. Por lo tanto, más adelante en mi carrera, cuando algunos de mis compañeros de equipo indios se sentirían incómodos jugando con botas, no tuve muchos problemas".
En 1948, se unió a un club profesional en Bali Prativa Club y comenzó a jugar en la división tres de la Calcutta Football League (CFL). En su primera temporada, captó la imaginación de algunos clubes de las divisiones superiores. La próxima temporada, salió de su entorno familiar de Bali para jugar en el Bengal Nagpur Railway Club (BNR) en el Maidan. También continuó con sus prolíficas actuaciones para BNR y pronto ganó el Campeonato de la División Inferior para despedir el club de la oficina a la División Premier. Fue acorralado por Mohun Bagan, donde jugaría durante ocho temporadas y ganaría casi todos los trofeos importantes con el club. Mientras tanto, también se registró como estudiante de medicina en el RG Kar Medical College. Su familia subrayó la importancia de la educación formal y Banerjee tendría que hacer malabarismos entre el fútbol y la medicina. Pero pronto tuvo que elegir y el legendario delantero eligió el fútbol antes que la educación. "Me encantaba la pelota de cuero redonda y mientras estudiaba medicina, debuté en India. Tuve que recorrer el mundo como una alondra. Por lo tanto, dejé los estudios de medicina después del tercer año. Esta generación deja el fútbol para una mejor carrera". "
En su primera temporada en Bagan, levantaron el escudo IFA junto con el Rajashthan Club. Después de un empate sin goles en el primer partido, ambos equipos quedaron bloqueados 2-2 en la repetición. En la próxima temporada de 1953, la brigada verde y marrón ganaría su primera Copa Durand y Banerjee jugó un papel clave en las etapas eliminatorias. En las semifinales, Bagan venció a un poderoso equipo de la Policía de Hyderabad por 2-1 y Banerjee anotó el ganador. Mientras que, en la final, encontró la red una vez más para derrotar a la Academia de Defensa Nacional por 4-0. En 1954, Mohun Bagan consiguió su primer doble: Calcuta Football League e IFA Shield. Y Banerjee una vez se robó el centro de atención después de anotar contra la Policía de Hyderabad en la final del Escudo. En este momento, también se había convertido en un habitual en el equipo nacional indio bajo Syed Abdul Rahim. En su cuarta temporada con los gigantes de Kolkata, creó otro hito al ayudar a Bagan a ganar su primera Copa Rovers. Una vez más anotaría en la final y esta vez en una victoria por 2-0 sobre los rivales locales Mohammedan Sporting. Incluso ganó el trofeo Santosh esa temporada, por segunda vez en tres años, con Bengala. Banerjee alcanzó el cenit de su éxito en 1956. Le dieron el brazalete para el equipo nacional y fue bajo su liderazgo que India tomaría el terreno de juego en los Juegos Olímpicos de Melbourne en Australia. Después de ganarle a Hungría, India derrotó a Australia por 4-2 en los cuartos de final para reservar un lugar en las semifinales donde eventualmente perderían ante Yugoslavia. "Fuimos realmente rápidos y Australia no pudo hacer nada en la primera mitad. Jugué como delantero derecho en ese partido. Mi combinación con Neville (Neville D'Souza, quien anotó un hat-trick) funcionó de maravilla. Rahim Saab era un estricto disciplinario. Entrenamos por la mañana y por la tarde como esclavos. Él podía entender nuestra psicología muy bien. Fuimos soldados leales de Rahim Saab ", expresó Banerjee. A nivel del club, Mohun Bagan ganó su segundo doble y el delantero estaba en el meollo de las cosas. Fue el segundo máximo anotador en esa temporada, mientras que Kesto Pal encabezó las listas de puntuación.
En 1958, se convirtió en el capitán del club, pero desafortunadamente, Bagan terminó como subcampeón en tres competiciones. Se perdieron la CFL por un par de puntos y perdieron en la final de Shield y la final de Rovers Cup. Durante su período de ocho años con Mohun Bagan, Badru Banerjee anotó cuatro y cinco goles contra Bengala Oriental y Mahometano, respectivamente. En 1959, le ofrecieron un trabajo con Burma Shell Company y lo publicaron en Siliguri. Tal era su pasión por el juego, comenzó a volar a Calcuta para entrenar en el club, pero por razones obvias no pudo continuar por mucho tiempo. Finalmente decidió colgar sus botas al final de la temporada de 1959. Después de retirarse del fútbol, ​​comenzó a entrenar a Barisha SC y luego al equipo de fútbol de Bengala en Santosh Trophy. En 1961 ganó el campeonato nacional y luego se desempeñó como seleccionador durante algunas temporadas. El 30 de enero de 2020, se reveló un sello postal en las instalaciones del club en reconocimiento a su contribución al fútbol indio. Todavía es un 'Mohun Bagani' e incluso a los 90, visita un campo de fútbol siempre que sea posible para inspirar a los futbolistas en ciernes en Howrah.
from Noticias Wincatchers https://noticias.wincatchers.com/2020/05/14/samar-banerjee-el-hombre-que-dirigio-la-india-en-los-juegos-olimpicos-de-1956/
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