#samar & amélie
amescastaignede · 6 months
Texting Samar
Amélie: Sassy queen, I see you. 😂 Amélie: I assume we're going to get to see you in full form at the awards ceremony?
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mobscene-london · 10 months
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Your ‘Mistletoe’ nominations for 2023 are as follows: 
Adriana Amaro & Aviv Kasyanenko
Adriana Amaro & Henry García
Alexis Larsson & Hasan Demir
Alexis Larsson & Varden Lefebvre
Amélie Castaignède & Berat Yalaz
Amélie Castaignède & Vincenzo Vespucci
Ayda Demir & Kerem Doğulu
Ayda Demir & Maksim Kurylenko
Azra Yavuz & Kerem Doğulu
Catalina Rojas & Nicoleta Rădulescu
Elaina Halévy & Yves de Metz
Eleanor Shipley & Ayaz Ateş
Eleanor Shipley & Varden Lefebvre
Emilia Lefebvre & Théodore Chaussard
Emine Yalaz & Hasan Demir
Emine Yalaz & Olivier Fontaine
Giordana Rossi & Ayaz Ateş
Giordana Rossi & David Pavoncello
Giordana Rossi & Giorgio Pecatti
Giordana Rossi & Maksim Kurylenko
Giovanna Palazzolo & David Pavoncello
Giovanna Palazzolo & Maksim Kurylenko
Isla Hunt & Maksim Kurylenko
Kathleen Zhao & Francisco Vidal
Lara Rutherford & Anatoly Veselov
Lara Rutherford & Laurent St. Pierre
Leyla Yılmaz & Berat Yalaz
Leyla Yılmaz & Henry García
Lyudmila Korshunova & Konstantin Vorshevsky
Lyudmila Korshunova & Maksim Kurylenko
Lyudmila Korshunova & Mikhail Vorshevsky
Melissa Lin & Gideon Rutherford
Melissa Lin & Vincenzo Vespucci
Nevra Erdoğan & Berat Yalaz
Nevra Erdoğan & Kerem Doğulu
Olivia Coppola & Vincenzo Vespucci
Sofie Dekker & Viktoriya Kurylenko
Sofie Dekker & Théodore Chaussard
Valérie Dautremer & Jean Palfroix
Valérie Dautremer & Varden Lefebvre
Viktoriya Kurylenko & David Pavoncello
Viktoriya Kurylenko & Hasan Demir
Yvonne Rutherford & Ayaz Ateş
Yvonne Rutherford & Henry García
Yvonne Rutherford & Konstantin Vorshevsky
Yvonne Rutherford & Samar Sehgal
Yvonne Rutherford & Théodore Chaussard
Don't forget that if you didn't get a nomination for a character, or would just like a few more of them to have some fun, send me a message and I'll think up a few for you myself. It's not an issue. ♥
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drrutherford · 1 year
LOCATION — Outside Amélie’s workplace. DATE —  July 1st, 2023. STARTER — Closed for  @samar-sehgal​​
Since the tragic but over-sensationalized events that happened on the night of the Awards a few months ago, Gideon has had special cause to avoid any media person in his path. Rather successfully, he’d managed to avoid Samar Sehgal among them.
Others had tried to ask him questions, naturally, but most lacked that Sehgal level of persistence, and so he’d dodged questions, whenever he hadn’t been able to dodge journalists in their entirety. 
... Until now.
He’d known it was risky to approach the lion’s den, but Amélie had pleaded and as time goes on he’s found it harder and harder to deny her any request. But as Samar exits the building and claps eyes on him, Gideon fears it’ll come at a steep cost.
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“Not now.” The Rutherford hums under his breath, wary gaze darting over Samar’s shoulder to one of the doors of the London Advocate. Amélie could be exiting the building at any second. It really would be just his kind of luck.
“If you have a single merciful bone in your body — Not now, Samar.”
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samar-sehgal · 1 year
If Samar had to choose a favorite and least favorite family, who would they be?
I don't know if Samar would have a favorite family in London, and that probably includes his own considering how distasteful he finds playing the social status game to be. If he had to pick, it's probably the found family of journalists at the Advocate if anything. While he's as competitive as they come, he's also protective of those who work with him (case in point, Amélie).
As far as a least favorite family, it's the Rutherfords by a mile though he also doesn't have any particular love for the St. Clairs either.
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amescastaignede · 1 year
Texting: Samar.
Amélie: Hey, can you meet? I have some things I'd like to run by you regarding what's going on around London.
Amélie: Sorry for the out the blue text, would have sent an email but it's a little more urgent than that.
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amescastaignede · 1 year
FOR: @samar-sehgal​
WHEN: 28/06/2023
WHERE: London Advocate Office. 
Amélie found herself in the office at her desk, surrounded by the clamor of keyboards clacking and phones ringing. It was the heart of their journalistic world, the space brimming with energy and urgency. People rushed about, their faces etched with determination, deadlines looming.
Amidst the chaos, Amélie caught sight of Samar, a familiar face amidst the frenzy. Samar, in this cest pit, was a friend. Pushing up, she walked over with hesitant steps, navigating her way through the maze of desks and chairs, anxiety heightening with every passing second.
"Samar?" she said, her voice barely audible above the cacophony. "Um, hi! It's me, Amélie -- well, you knew that. You have...eyes." Awkward was her middle name, apparently. Her face flushed, fidgeting with the hem of her blouse. "You know," Words tumbling out in a rush. "It's so busy, isn't it? I mean, I'm always so anxious here, with all the noise and deadlines. But I guess it's a good thing, right? Being busy, I mean. It means we're doing something important, something that matters. At least, I hope so."
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amescastaignede · 18 days
FOR: @samar-sehgal WHERE: London Advocate. Post Shooting. LOCKDOWN.
Felicity would be furious that we weren't the first to get the story out.
In all honesty, nobody really cared.
"Have you heard from -- "
"Is there someone who knows anything?"
Eventually, the questions had stopped.
Every time the doors opened, her heart stopped. Was it someone coming in to deliver the bad news she was actively avoiding reading. Amélie was aware it was weird, considering her job. The need to know was ingrained into their very beings. But there seemed to be a general concesnus. The newsroom, for once, wasn't unbearingly loud, there was no sound of clacking keyboards, or printers warring. Instead, they stood. Sharing the odd word of comfort, or nod. Some scrolled endlessly on news outlets, while others, like Amélie nervously nibbled at her cuticles.
Felicity would be out here in a moment, to ream them for not trawling for news, reaching out, and finding the story...but shell shock had infected them all. Amélie had just been on her way out when she'd been ushered back into the building -- a hand on her back as they told her to "get back inside."
When the door opened this time, and she snook a glance at who was entering from her cubicle, she jumped up as her brows furrowed. "Samar."
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drrutherford · 1 year
Reaction @mobscene-awards​​
╰─▸ ❝Man of the Year❞ x
A slight frown creases his forehead as he hears his name called out for the award.
There’s some cosmic irony about winning two of the same awards as Delphine St. Clair – a woman he properly loathes – this year... Something at play he doesn’t like. The fact he’s won this award by a more significant landslide doesn’t sit well with him, either. It’s not that he wishes any of the other men had won this one in his stead, but rather that he can’t shake the feeling it all portends some sort of farce.
He isn’t a superstitious man (a recent conversation with Samar hitting with particular irony right now...), but winning this category last year hadn’t exactly brought him a boatload of luck, either. At the time, he’d hoped it would... Been naïve enough to think that maybe a page was finally turning in his life, and several years of being hated and heckled by the media and general public were finally coming to an end. Instead, the damage had turned inwards. Whatever his public reputation had apparently regained, his private relationships had suffered. And while Gideon isn’t stupid enough to think the award could be blamed for that, it had added salt not only to the wounds of his friends, but to his own resulting cocktail of misery as well.
He doesn’t move. Paralyzed in apprehension until Amélie jostles his arm, sweetly oblivious to every reason making him dread going up on that stage right now. With a sidelong glance at his family, the surgeon rises to his feet again, slowly, reluctantly.
The flash from the cameras seem more irritating this time, scattering his thoughts with every clic!, making it impossible for him to string two words together in hasty preparation for a speech. He doesn’t clock Diana’s expression this time as she hands him the trophy with a kiss to the cheek. He doesn’t clock much of anything except for the gnawing unease as he turns to face the crowd. Gideon takes a steadying breath.
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Half a minute later and he’s retreating down the steps of the stage, relieved to have it over and done with. He doesn’t remember much of what he’d said in his acceptance speech either – something horribly vague about hoping to spend the rest of 2023 in a pursuit becoming of the honour – but privately he isn’t so sure. Isn’t sure that he’s capable, even if he does try. Isn’t sure some of his loved ones want him to try, at all.
He wishes Yvonne had won the category, instead. He could’ve been uncomplicatedly proud of the award then... That would’ve been more than enough for him.
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