#sam winchester x sister!reaser
avocadogirl216 · 4 years
Left Behind
Anon requested: Hey! Would you be willing to write something where the winchesters drop their sister who is in her younger teen years (13-14ish) off at bobby's when they go on a hunt and shes super upset about it so she wont talk to them when they call or even when they come to pick her up? And it ends up with her and Dean having some big argument and Sam having to calm the down?
AN: This story took a lot longer than I expected to write and I am so sorry that you had to wait, whoever you are,  I changed it up a little towards the end, sorry.  And sorry if this was crap.
Summary:  When Sam and Dean leave you behind for a hunt, you don’t take it very well.
Warnings:  Angst, Sibling Arguing, Language, Fluff at the end.
Pairings:  Dean x sister!reader, Sam x sister!reader, Bobby x reader
Word Count: 2252
You were currently in the backseat of the impala listening to your older bothers conversation.  Sam was talking about some hunt in Minnesota.  Dean was nodding his head along with the conversation, both paying attention to Sam and the road in front of him.  You listened with curiosity as you tried to put the pieces of the puzzle together in your head.  There were bite marks on all of the victims, they were all missing blood but they were also missing their hearts.
“Sounds like we’re dealing with a vamp and werewolf combo.”  You said as you leaned over the front seat between your brothers to be a part of the conversation.
“Or...”  Dean said.
“Or what?”  Sam asked as he started to scroll through the news articles to get more information on the case, not even bothering to look up from his iPad.
“Come on.  I know you want to say it.”  Dean said with a smile while looking over to the both of you.  “A were-pire.”  He said with a proud voice.
You and Sam both groaned in sync.
“Dude, just drop it already.  There is no such thing as a were-pire.”  Sam stated in a matter of faculty tone.
“Says you.”  Dean said, returning his attention to the road.
“Anyways... how far away are we from the case?”  You asked as you looked over Sam’s broad shoulder.
“Well lets see.  We’re in Cheyenne, Wyoming and the case is in Stillwater, Minnesota.  So we’re about 13 hours out.”  Dean said.
You groaned yet again to the thought of being in the car with your brothers for that long.  
“What are you groaning about over there Rugrat?”  Dean asked.
“Maybe the fact that I have to spend 13 hours with you two dumb nuts.” 
Sam looked up from his iPad and have you a weird look along with Dean.  “Umm, you’re not going to.”  Sam said.
You were now confused.  “What do you mean?  I’m gonna work the case with you two and in order for me to do that I have to get over there which involves me staying in the car with my brothers for 13 hours.”  You explained in a duh tone.
“Who said that you were coming along?” Dean asked, still looking at you like you just grew two heads.
“Umm... well... no one but I thought that I was going to work the case with you guys.  Right?”  You asked with a hint of insecurity.
Sam and Dean shared a look, having a silent conversation with each other.
“That wasn’t really the plan squirt.”  Sam said now turning in the seat to face you.
“Then what is the plan?”
“We were going to drop you off at Bobby’s and then Dean and I are going to work the case.”  Sam explained.
“What?  I thought that I was going to help you with the case.”  
“Not quite.  You’re not ready for hunting yet.”
“What do you mean?  I’ve worked my ass off with training every single day for the past 3 years and now I can’t go hunting with you two.  How is that fair?”  You said in a pissed off tone.
“Y/N I know that you want to come but your just not quite ready yet.”  Sam said in a patient tone, sensing your anger.
“The hell I’m not!  I-”  You were quickly cut off by Dean.
“Okay first of all, watch your language and second of all, your going to Bobby’s while me and Sam work the case.  End of discussion.”  Dean said in a tone that he used with you when you were starting to take things too far.
“But-”  You started.
“No ands, ifs, or buts about it.  I’ve already made up my mind and that is that, whether you like it or not.”
You sigh as you decided to go with the smart choice and keep your mouth shut.  You leaned back into your seat and start to fidget with the bracelet that you always wore on your wrist, hoping that it would help you cool off a bit.
After another couple of hours in the car, you pull up in front of Bobby’s house.  You grab your duffel from beside you and sling it over your shoulder.  As you start to open the backdoor to the impala, Sam starts to speak.  
“Love you kiddo.”  He said with a small, loving smile on his face.
You get out of the car, slam the door and walk towards the front porch all without saying a word to either of your older brothers.
Its been four days since your brothers left for the case without you.  You hated that you couldn’t be there with them, saving people and hunting things.  The family business that you were supposed to be a part of.  Sure you were only 14 but you knew all there was to hunting and you take care of yourself.
Whenever your brothers are away on a hunt, they call everyday to check in.  Usually you answer the phone happily, eager to talk to your brothers and see how the case was going, but this time it was different.  You’ve been ignoring their calls and texts.  They’ve even called Bobby to try to get a hold of you but you still declined.  You were a Winchester which meant that you were hot headed and stubborn.  
You were now scrolling through Youtube, trying to find an interesting video to pass the time.  You’ve already looked at all possible cases on the police radar but there was nothing other than the case that Sam and Dean were working.  You were about to lay down for a nap, hoping that it would kill a couple of hours but you were interrupted with a knock on the door.  
“Come in!”  You yelled as you turned off your phone and placed it onto the bed next to your thigh.
The door opened and Bobby walked in.  “Hey Y/N.  I was just letting you know that your brothers are back from the case.”  He said.
“Oh, okay.”  You said as you picked your phone back up, showing that you weren’t interested in going to see them.
Bobby sighed while he ran a hand on his face.  “Look I get that your mad at them but at least acknowledge them.”
“I am acknowledging them.  I am acknowledging the fact that I am mad at them and therefore I do not want to make conversation with them.”  You said as you kept your attention on the small screen.
Bobby sighed yet again and walked out of the room while closing the door behind him.  There was a minute of silence then the door opened again.  You raised your head to see who walked in.  You were disappointed and pissed as you watched Sam and Dean walk into the room.  Sam came in first and leaned onto the wall opposite of you as Dean walked in and closed the door.  Dean then turned to face you as he crossed his arms across this broad chest as he stared you down.  You returned the gesture.  After a minute of silence between the three of you Dean finally spoke.
“So Y/N, anything to say.” 
“Nope.”  You replied as you returned your gaze to your phone.
Dean made it across the room in four steps and took the phone out of your hand in order for you to be focused on him.
“Oh so this is the reason why you didn’t answer us, you were too busy being on the internet to give five minutes to your brothers.”  Dean said as he held up your phone just out of reach.
You sighed as you leaned back into the headboard and crossed your arms, not even making a move to get the phone back.  “If you want to assume that.  Like you always do.”  You said in an icy tone.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”  Dean asked, anger flashing his eyes.
“Oh I don’t know, maybe the fact that I can’t hunt because I’m not good enough.”  
“Who ever said that?” 
“No one did.  I’m just saying what’s on everyone's mind.”  
“Now look at whose assuming things.”  Dean scoffed.
“I’m not assuming anything.  I’m just stating facts.”  You argued back.
“Well no one asked you to do that.”
“Yeah well, no one asked you to come talk to me.”  You said as you stood up and walked up to Dean.  “No one asked you to be here.”
“No one had to.  It’s my job to be here for you.”  Dean said as he looked down at you with a deadly glare.
“Yeah?  How can you be here for me when your on the other side of the fucking country?  How can you be here for me when you just dump me here and take off?  Huh?  Riddle me that!”  You said as tears start to form in your eyes.
“Y/N, its for your own good.  Its for your safety.”  Dean sighed as he drug his hand down his face.  “We’ve been over this.”
“Yeah I know Dean but its stupid.”  You huffed in frustration.  “I’ve trained over and over again for the past three years without complaint.  I’ve taken both of you down before and I know how to use just about every weapon known to man.  Not to mention that you two will be there with me for every step of the way, protecting me from getting hurt or worse.”
“That’s what I’m talking about Y/N!  I know that you can handle yourself, hell you’ve kicked my ass more times than I like to admit but there is always that possibility that something will go wrong.  There is always that possibility that you will get hurt or worse on a hunt.  We don’t take you with us because we’re scared of what will happen.”  Dean explained with some of his anger melting away.
“Don’t you think that I know that Dean?  Believe me, I know the risks of hunting.  Look at Dad, Ellen, Jo, Ash and Pamela, they were in this life and they suffered the consequences of it.  But one thing that I can trust is you two.”  You said as you looked between your brothers.  “I trust the fact that when you two are with me, that everything will be okay.  I trust the fact that you will keep me safe.”
“Then there is your first mistake.  Everyone that was in this life and knew us are now dead.  Dad, Ellen, Jo, Ash and Pamela are all dead because of us.  All we do is get the people that we are close to and love killed.  We can’t protect you anymore than we can protect them.”  Dean said as his voice broke.  “We can’t protect you.”
As you heard Dean say those words, anger started to boil in your veins.  The need to cry was replaced with the need to punch something, preferably your brother for thinking so low about himself and Sam.
You suddenly take a swing at your brother, catching him off guard.  “Don’t you say that!”  You cried as you punched him yet again in the face, making him take a step back.  “After everything that you have done for us, for them!  You cannot just throw that out there like it is true because its not!”  You yelled at him as tears spilled down your face.  You took a step so that you could punch him in the face again but a pair of strong arms wrapped around your waist from behind to stop you from going further.  You thrashed against Sam’s hold as much as you could.  You were practically bawling now.  “You don’t get to say that.”  You said as you finally stopped fighting Sam and you turned around and hugged his toned body.
Dean now had tears streaming down his face as he looked at you with both sadness and shock.  Sam was shushing you, trying to make you calm down a bit.  You had a death grip on his flannel as your tears started to make the material damp.  After a couple of seconds, you felt Dean start to take you into his arms.  You quickly turned and hugged Dean’s torso as tight as you could.  You felt tears start to fall onto your head as Dean silently cried.  After a minute of standing there you decided to speak.
“Don’t ever say that again.  It wasn’t your fault that they died.”  You said as you turned to look at Sam who also had tears in his eyes.  “Or yours.  Don’t ever think that.  You understand?” 
Dean sniffled and looked into your eyes.  “Yeah.”
“And don’t ever think that you can’t protect me.  I trust you two more than anyone.  I know for a fact that you two will be there when I need you the most.  And I’m sorry that I gave you such a hard time this past week.  You were just trying to keep me safe even though I was acting like a total super bitch.”  You explained.  “I trust that I will go on a hunt with you two when I’m ready.  And that doesn’t mean when I’m 30 either.”
Both Sam and Dean chuckled at that.
“Com´er.”  Dean said as he engulfed you in another bone crushing hug.  Sam joined in shortly after. 
You knew that you were going to be okay now that your brothers are there when you need them most.
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