#sam winchester x eileen fanfiction
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Something Real

Pairing: Firefighter!Dean W. x F. Reader
Summary: Now that you and Dean are officially engaged, you take some much needed time off together for a family vacation. But even with the wedding set for next year, the two of you are still at odds when it comes to one key part of your future together…
AN: And we’re back in the world of Smoke Eater! I’ve been trying to figure out a way to come back to these two for a while now, and this idea finally struck me. I hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 6.3K
Tags/Warnings: 18+ only! Major fluff, angst, PTSD/mentions of sexual harassment (references to Smoke Eater Part 13), family feels, hurt/comfort, and smut.
Catch up on the SE-verse: ⤵️
🔥 Smoke Eater Masterlist
“Dean, are you okay?” you asked.
The man was white knuckling both armrests in his seat, taking pains to breathe in and out steadily. He nodded the slightest bit, humming to himself all the while. You bit your lip to hide your smile.
The plane had just taken off about ten minutes ago.
“Are you singing yourself a lullaby?” you asked.
“Metallica. Calms me down,” he replied.
This, from the man who storms burning buildings.
You couldn’t quite stifle your laugh, though you rubbed his arm. Somehow you managed to slip your hand into his, peeling it off the armrest.
“We’re almost up to altitude. You’re going to be just fine,” you told him.
It didn’t matter. The plane hit a bump of turbulence, which had him squeezing the shit out of your hand. You tried to brave through it for his sake, but eventually, you had to tap out.
“Babe, you’re gonna break my hand,” you hissed. With your free appendage, you squeezed his wrist to get his attention. Dean finally realized what he was doing to you, and he let you go.
“Sorry,” he said, his face contrite.
Your lips twitched. You leaned down to grab your purse and dig inside for your sunglasses. You handed them to him.
Dean glanced down at the brown Dolce & Gabbana shades with skepticism.
“I don’t need your girly sunglasses, thanks,” he said.
“Trust me,” you said. “It’ll help block out some light, so you can close your eyes and try to take a nap.”
“The only way I’m sleeping on this tin can is if you knock me the hell out,” Dean said, matter-of-fact. “Ask Sam if he’s got any Ambien.”
You glanced across the aisle and shared a wry look with Sam and Eileen. Sam shook his head, despite the knowing smile on his face. You turned back to Dean.
“No, not Ambien. Andréa sleepwalks when she takes that shit,” you said. You guided his head toward you so that he rested on your shoulder. You stroked his cheek. “Just relax.”
Dean let out a long, unsteady breath, but he tried to follow your lead. He took your hand again, not in a crushing way this time. He turned it over and admired the shining ring on your finger. The diamond on it was modest, but charming and unique in its setting.
“Hmm, who got you that rock?” he asked. His tone was teasing, making you smile.
“The smokin’ hot guy I’m living with,” you replied. “He finally decided to make a move.”
Dean hummed again, raising his brows.
“Good-looking, smart, and decisive. This guy sounds awesome,” he said.
You pressed a kiss to the side of his head.
“Mhmm, a sexy firefighter. And he’s a Captain now, so I guess that’ll make me his trophy wife,” you teased back. Dean’s shoulders shook with the effort of keeping his laughter quiet. Your smile deepened.
“But he saves lives too…including mine,” you added. “So I guess I can’t complain.”
Dean raised off your shoulder then, just to look at you with a softer smile of his own.
“Well, a pretty girl like you? He’d probably say he got really, really lucky.”
His lips closed in on yours, and you allowed him to draw you into a languid kiss while he laced his fingers with yours. His thumb brushed the engagement ring he gave you, just two weeks ago. His mother’s ring.
It’s the best gift you’ve ever been given.
Oh, hell yes, you thought, when you opened the door to the hotel room. It was beautiful. Stunning really, with a king-sized bed and a view of an enormous pool.
Dean was busy hefting his suitcase and one of your carry-on bags. He whistled in amazement when he saw the room.
“Damn, Sam sure knows how to find a quality Groupon.”
But he struggled to get in the door with all the luggage he was carrying. You held the door open for him.
“Careful with that one,” you said, pointing to your bag that kept knocking between his hip and the door as he shoved through.
“Why’s this thing so heavy? Did you bring Kansas with you? Goddamn,” he grumbled. He was all too happy to dump your bag on the bed.
You rolled your eyes with a smile. You parked your own suitcase on the side by the window. You already knew Dean was going to claim the side closest to the door.
“That bag is just makeup, skincare, and hair products,” you informed him, hefting your bigger suitcase onto the bed. “This is for clothes and shoes.”
Dean shook his head in bemusement. “You’re friggin’ crazy, woman.”
“I need options!” you said defensively. “I didn’t know for sure what I was going to want to wear on this trip. I haven’t been on vacation since I was a kid.”
“Oh yeah? Where’d you go?” he asked while unzipping his own suitcase.
“Disneyland with my grandparents, which was awesome. But I was like, eight at the time,” you said.
They were fond memories, even though no one was left to remember them but you. Still, you tried not to let that bittersweetness dim your good mood.
It was still hard to talk about your grandparents at times, especially because the loss of your grandfather was still so fresh. You didn’t feel like you had enough time to properly mourn him, thanks to everything else that was going on then. (Namely Nick and Daniel Savage, and everything in between.)
Getting over that time was getting easier though, as the months wore on. Sometimes it was hard to believe you’d been with Dean for almost a year. And yet, it felt like so much longer. Like you’d lived half a life with him already.
You went over to look out the window and held your hands on your hips. It was nighttime, but the streets of Miami, Florida were well-lit beyond the pool, and there was something beautiful about a bustling city at night.
“Now this is an adult vacation,” you said.
At that, Dean smiled and walked around the bed to you. He slipped his arms around your waist and held you from behind. You held him right back.
“Damn right it is,” he said. “What do you wanna do first? Dinner, and then check out some nightlife, or skip right to dessert?”
You smiled at the way his voice lowered with thinly veiled suggestiveness.
“Well, I know how much you love dessert,” you said slyly.
Dean’s smile deepened into a smirk.
“Yeah, that may be,” he said. “But don’t pretend you don’t love some hot lemon drizzle.”
You spluttered a laugh, beginning to blush at his hefty double meaning. He cradled your cheek and bowed his head, so he could catch your lips in a deep kiss. You made a sound of surprise, but you soon melted against him.
Already this was worth the several-hour plane ride of Dean bouncing his leg and steeling your iPad so he could distract himself. After the year you both had, all you wanted to do was spend the next few days with no responsibilities, no drama or worries—just your fiancé and your soon-to-be brother and sister-in-law…
Your newfound family.
The night was spent at a nice Cuban restaurant in Miami Beach. Afterwards, you, Dean, Sam, and Eileen explored the boardwalk, and later the downtown Bayside area where a number of shops and kiosks were bustling with life. This was technically Sam and Eileen’s bachelor and bachelorette trip, so you all weren’t wasting any time to explore and see the city.
By the end of the night, you only had enough energy to shower and hit the bed face-first. Dean was actually on board with that, as he was the first one to start snoring on his side of the bed.
The next day though, you felt rested and ready to chill by the pool. Miami Beach itself was a bit too crowded for your tastes, and the others agreed that hanging out at the hotel for a while would be more relaxing after all the travel the day before.
However, when you looked at yourself in one of the two-piece swimsuits you bought specifically for this trip, you couldn’t help but feel…self-conscious. The bikini and bottoms weren’t scandalous, really. You’d seen a lot of thongs, beads, and G-strings already on this trip.
It was just…you were a bit wary of showing this much skin in public.
You didn’t want to think about the reasons behind your unease, however, so you tried to push it out of your mind for now. You put on a long sundress over your swimsuit and finished up your makeup.
A few minutes later, a knock sounded at the bathroom door.
“You done in there, your majesty? I’m getting hungry,” Dean said through the door.
“One more minute. Doing my lipstick,” you replied. “You know we can order lunch by the pool, right?”
“Yeah, if we ever get there,” he said. You were amused when he opened the door. He was already dressed in a loose shirt and board shorts. His eyes swept over your white sundress and red lipstick, and he smiled.
“Lookin’ good, baby,” he said. Though he raised his brows and met your gaze in the mirror. “So can we go?”
You had to laugh.
“I guess we better, before your stomach eats itself,” you quipped.
You lightly smacked the back of your hand against said stomach before you slid past him out the door.
You and Dean ventured downstairs and out back to the pool, where Sam and Eileen had already saved a few deck chairs. While Sam and Dean went to order some food and cocktails, you started pulling out the sunscreen and towels from your beach bag.
“Eileen, you need some sunscreen?” you asked. Your friend was already taking off her shirt and little shorts, revealing a cute violet bikini and bottoms underneath. Her brown hair was loose around her shoulders. She shook her head at your question with a smile.
“No, I’m good. Wanna go in?” she asked, and signed, before she pointed over to the pool.
There were already a couple of families in there with their kids splashing around by the shallow end. That didn’t bother you. It was more the men of various ages milling about, either in the pool, flirting with girls, or by the tiki bar, drinking and likely waiting for opportunities.
You tugged the V-shaped collar of your sundress closer together.
“Not just yet. I think I’ll have something to eat first, try to tan a bit,” you said.
Eileen gave an “OK” sign and headed for the pool.
You shucked your sandals and moved your chair under a large umbrella, but you still had to fan yourself. It was hot as hell, and your dress had long, billowy sleeves.
Sam and Dean eventually returned with some drinks.
“Food’s gonna take a bit, so we probably have time for a dip,” Dean said, handing you a piña colada. He noticed you wiping sweat from your brow.
“Come on, you can cool off in the water,” he said.
You waved him off. “It’s okay. I’m good here for a while. Think I’ll work on my tan.”
Dean rose a brow and gestured at you with a hand.
“You’re gonna do that in the shade, dressed to the ankles?” he asked.
He made a good point, to which you didn’t have a good answer. You sipped at your sweet drink and hummed at the rummy, coconutty taste.
Dean could see there was something off with you, though.
“You okay?” he asked.
You nodded. “Yeah, I’m good. I guess I just don’t feel like swimming, that’s all.”
Dean quirked a brow. You bought three different swimsuits for this trip, but you didn’t want to swim? He pulled his deck chair closer and sat on the edge of it beside you.
One thing he’d come to know about you. When something was bothering you, you didn’t always want to tell him right away. Often when it was something you felt embarrassed about.
He nudged your thigh playfully. “Tell me you’re not gonna make me third wheel the married couple.”
You smiled. “They’re not married yet.”
Three months wasn’t a long time though. You were going to be the Maid of Honor, with Dean, of course, as the Best Man.
“Semantics,” Dean shrugged. He slipped a hand over your knee and squeezed. “Come on. Talk to me.”
After a moment in which you held his gaze, you sighed. You beckoned him closer. Dean leaned over so you could brace a hand on his shoulder and speak close to his ear.
“It’s kind of embarrassing. I just, um…after everything that happened last year, especially before Christmas, I just don’t feel comfortable showing so much skin,” you said. “I don’t want to…attract attention.”
Surprise hit Dean first. He pulled away and frowned at you. But then, his face soon dimmed with grim understanding.
Christmas. In other words, a Christmas party at your old job that had taken a turn for the worst.
Dean knew you had to be talking about Nick Savage.
That bastard was dead and gone, and still, the way he’d sexually harassed you for months was still affecting you, months later. Dean let out a heavy breath through his nose. He reached up to cup your cheek. Your eyes lowered.
“I’m sorry,” you said. “I knew what I was signing up for when we started planning a beach vacation. I guess it just didn’t really hit me until now.”
“Hey, it’s okay,” he said. “But you know I’m gonna be with you. Nothing’s going to happen.”
You nodded; you knew he would protect you in any circumstance, but it didn’t stop men from looking when they had the chance. You just didn’t feel totally comfortable with that kind of attention.
Sensing he hadn’t convinced you, Dean tried to think of a solution.
Then, he had it. He held a finger up in the air. “Ah, here.”
He pulled off his shirt by the back of his neck. You watched him in curiosity.
“This’ll cover you up. You can go ahead and jump in the pool with this,” he said, handing you the shirt.
Your brows knit together. “But you won’t be able to wear this later. It’ll be all wet.”
“That’s okay,” Dean said. “It’s hot as hell out here. And we’ll just be going back up to the hotel room anyway.”
You bit your lip. He made a good point. You were probably going to look weird jumping in the pool with a whole long-ass shirt on, but at least you’d be covered. His shirts tended to reach down to your thighs, where a pair of shorts might cut off.
You smiled and leaned in for a kiss. You stroked his scruffy cheek.
“Thanks,” you whispered.
He nodded with a smile. “Just call me the Problem Solver. No, the Solution.”
You smirked and twined your arms around his neck.
“I prefer Captain,” you said.
Dean’s smile deepened. “You really like that, huh?”
“I really do,” you replied cheekily.
After one more sweet kiss, you asked him to stand in front of you while you took off your long sundress and changed into his shirt over your swimsuit. Afterward, he pulled you in by your waist and spoke close to your ear.
“I like seeing you in my shirt anyway,” he said. You smiled and playfully shoved his arm.
You accepted his lingering hand on your lower back and followed him to the pool. You felt a bit awkward wearing a shirt that billowed in the water when you stepped in, but you decided to ignore the feeling and just try to enjoy being on vacation with your family.
Sam and Eileen welcomed you and Dean over. Eileen did question your state of dress with her eyes, but when you leaned over and explained in her ear, her eyes widened, and she understood. She gave you a look of sympathy and rubbed your arm.
You sighed, but again, you tried to let it go.
You two chatted for a while after claiming a corner of the pool, also watching Sam and Dean swim competitive laps back and forth.
You were engrossed in your conversation with Eileen about her new group of students, when Dean came up from under the water to splash you both. You shrieked with a laugh as you fended off the onslaught, but he hauled you into his arms.
Sam wisely pulled a laughing Eileen out of the orbit. Together they split off for some canoodling, and once he was done playfully trying to dunk you, you were happy to wrap your arms around Dean’s shoulders and float with him in the water.
Dean made way for a couple of kids as they splashed by. A younger girl and an older boy chased each other while swimming with little floaties on their arms. Their parents were keeping a watchful eye on them nearby. Dean smiled and laid a kiss just under your ear.
“That could be us pretty soon,” he said.
“Yeah? How soon are you thinking?” you said in bemusement.
“Hmm. How about next year?” he said, more serious than you expected him to be. You raised your brows at him.
“Dean, we’re not even getting married until next year,” you pointed out. He shrugged and held you a bit tighter. You felt his fingers drifting up and down your bare thigh.
“So we’ll get a head start on the family thing,” he said, grinning.
You couldn’t help but dim at that. You didn’t want to disappoint him, but you also felt you had to inject some reality here. You turned in his arms so that you could face him.
“Babe, I just started my catering business. If I get pregnant, at some point I’ll have to take time off, put everything on pause,” you reasoned. “And…I’m not making the same money I was before.”
At that, Dean began to frown. “I make decent money.”
You nodded, smoothing a hand down his arm.
“Yes, you do,” you agreed.
Aside from his usual hours at the firehouse, Dean had earned his mechanic’s certification a few months ago. So he’d started a side job at Bobby’s salvage yard. He was slowly but surely turning it into a more profitable mechanic’s shop, with Bobby’s blessing.
“But, I think having a baby is going to be a little more expensive than you realize,” you said. “I just want to be more stable with my business before we start a family.”
Dean was quiet for a beat.
“How long then?” he asked.
“I was thinking more like…a few years or so,” you said. Dean’s face fell further, though he tried not to show the true depths of his disappointment.
“Okay, well uh…” He wiped a hand over his mouth and chin. It was an anxious tick of his, you knew. “I guess we’ll talk about it later.”
The conversation settled with putting an implied “pin in it,” but an invisible thread of strain formed between you and Dean for the rest of the afternoon.
Hours later, you and Eileen broke off together to go shopping. You both were trying on clothes at a nearby mall, since she was toying with the idea of wearing something new for dinner tonight. She stepped out of the fitting room to show you a white form-fitting dress that slipped over her curves nicely.
“Oooh, that’s beautiful,” you said, with a little clap of your hands. “And oh! Thinking ahead, you could wear that for the wedding reception too, if you don’t want to deal with the whole wedding dress after the ceremony.”
You knew that her dress had a lot of tulle under the skirt, which might make it difficult to dance in. Eileen gave that idea some consideration, though something occurred to her with a certain smile.
“Well, this dress might not fit so well by then,” she said.
Your brows knitted together. “What? What do you mean?”
Eileen paused for a moment, but she seemed to come to a decision in her mind. She smiled and beckoned you over. You went to her, and she led you to a nearby chaise in the dressing room.
That was where she whispered the news that she was six weeks pregnant.
Your resulting squeal of excitement startled all the other women in the dressing room, including the store’s attendant. You covered your mouth with an embarrassed wave, but you turned back to Eileen and took her hands in yours.
“We were gonna tell you and Dean tonight at dinner,” Eileen said with a laugh. “We found out right before the trip.”
Huh. Now that you thought about it, you didn’t remember her drinking even one cocktail on this trip so far.
“Oh my God, I’m just…” you trailed, as emotion surged in your heart and made your eyes all misty. “I’m so happy for you.”
Eileen laughed and pulled you into a hug.
She explained to you that when she first told Sam on a Tuesday morning before work, he’d fallen into a haze of shock, to a point where it had kind of worried her. But then she showed you a picture on her phone of the first thing Sam bought when he got home that day: the tiniest pair of blue booties.
You laughed again, and cried again. So tiny…
“Of course he assumes it’s a boy, but we’ll see,” Eileen said, with a roll of her eyes. Her soft smile was telling though.
“How do you feel?” you asked, wiping under your eyes.
She paused at the question. She tilted her head, and she raised her gaze to meet yours.
“I’m happy,” she said. “Really happy.”
It was your turn to give her a big hug. And your tears fell anew as you came to another realization.
As usual, Dean was ready for dinner before you. He sat on the edge of the bed while putting on his watch. It was his father’s watch, which John gifted to him for his birthday. Though it had actually belonged to John’s father, Henry.
Dean blew out a breath. Despite his attempts to try and just have a good time tonight (Sam’s advice), he couldn’t forget his conversation with you earlier today in the pool. He didn’t want to move too fast for you, but at the same time, he couldn’t deny that he was still fighting his disappointment, and maybe some melancholy.
Just lock it up, asshole, he told himself.
When you were done putting on the finishing touches on your makeup in the bathroom, you came out and stepped into his line of vision.
“What do you think?” you asked.
Dean’s head lifted, and his eyes widened. You were a sexy sight in black. The dress stopped at mid-thigh, paired with some of the tallest heels he’s seen you wear since his very first date with you.
“Damn,” he said lowly.
You smiled and stepped forward, not stopping until you were standing between his long legs. You took his face in your hands and gave a slow, lingering kiss to his lips. Dean breathed into it, and even needed a bit of a moment to recover when you pulled away.
“Hey, about what we talked about today—” you started. He cleared his throat, raising a hand.
“It’s okay. You’re probably right about all that. The timing’s not right,” he said.
You brushed your thumbs against his cheeks. “But that’s just it…maybe we don’t have to wait so long to start a family.”
Dean perked up, giving you a questioning look. You set your hands on his shoulders. He grasped your hips, almost on reflex.
“Maybe when we get home, we crunch some numbers and figure out how we can do this,” you said.
He shook his head with a frown. “I don’t want you to lose steam on your business. You’ve waited a long time to make that happen.”
You sighed. He was sweet for that, but you’d thought about that too.
“Like I said, we can figure out how to make it work. No matter what job I have, having kids was always our plan.” A smile raised the corners of your lips. “And you know, we have so many people in our lives that’ll want to help us, even if it means we have to work a bit harder.”
Dean’s eyes started to brighten, but he didn’t want to hope too hard.
“Sweetheart, you don’t have to tell me what I want to hear,” he said.
“I’m serious, Dean. I wouldn’t play about this,” you said, squeezing his shoulders. “This is worth it, and I want this with you.”
He started to soften then, and even smile. He got to his feet and wrapped you up in his arms. He held you close, pressing another kiss to the side of your head.
“What changed your mind?” he asked. You bit your lip on a smile.
“Well, if I tell you, you have to promise to act surprised when you hear it later.”
Dean’s brows shot up. “Okay. Color me intrigued.”
You leaned up to his ear and said, “Eileen’s already pregnant.”
And your man full-on malfunctioned. He held you tighter, more to brace himself.
“Holy shit! For real?” he asked. You laughed and nodded.
“Looks like they got a head start on the wedding,” you said.
“I’ll fucking say,” Dean replied, but his grin was so wide, it made you smile harder.
“They didn’t plan for it, but they’re going to make it work,” you said. “It made me realize…we can do the same thing. Just with a bit more planning.”
Dean laughed at that. He knew your anal brain all too well, but in this, he could understand. His hands moved down your lower back.
“Well, you know how we can get ahead of the game?” he said. You knew what he was suggesting with only his eyes, and his meaningful touch.
You would’ve loved to take him up on that, but you glanced pointedly at the digital clock on the nightstand.
“Sam and Eileen are probably waiting for us downstairs,” you said.
Dean sighed, rather dramatically in your opinion. He still bent down to kiss your neck, nipping a bit hard just under your ear. It made you jolt with a surprised yelp.
“We’re not done here,” he said. The depths of his voice made you shiver, but you smiled.
“I’m counting on it.”
You all got back from dinner late, after much celebrating for Sam and Elieen’s news. Dean even bought a bottle of champagne, which poor Eileen couldn’t partake in. (He ordered her a large piece of chocolate cake to make up for it.)
You and Dean returned to the hotel room, but tonight, thoughts of sleep were still far from your mind. You sat on the edge of the bed and slipped off your heels, followed by taking off your earrings. You also watched Dean remove his watch and undo the first few buttons of his dress shirt in the bathroom mirror.
He spied you watching him, and his lips quirked up at the corners.
“What’cha lookin’ at?” he asked in amusement.
Instead of answering him, you stood up and made your way over to him. You hugged him from behind.
“I really needed this,” you confessed. “Getting away from home for a while…I’m reminded that everything I need is right here.”
Dean turned in your arms and pulled you in close. He gave you a slow kiss that simmered with heat.
“Yeah, me too,” he agreed. He caught sight of your bikini and his swim trunks dry on a bathroom rail, and a smile grew on his face.
“Hey,” he said. “I’ve got an idea.”
“We’re so not allowed to do this,” you giggled quietly.
The pool and the surrounding cabanas were empty. Not only was it very late, but the pool was supposed to be closed. However, it did allow you to feel comfortable in taking off your sundress, remaining just in the vibrant green bikini you were wearing earlier today. Dean took you by the hand, and the two of you tried to keep quiet while stepping into the pool.
“Oh, God, it’s freezing,” you whisper-laughed. Dean’s jaw locked, but he was also smiling, trying not to shiver.
“Aw, shit!” he said, when the water got past his waist, hitting his more sensitive areas. “Why’s it so damn cold?”
You moved closer to him and slipped your arms around his middle, trying to steal his body heat. He welcomed you with an arm wrapping around your waist.
“I guess they count on the sun to warm it up,” you replied. “We are in the Sunshine State after all.”
“Know it all,” Dean playfully groused. “I’m freezing my tits off.”
You saw the goosebumps that had broken out across his arms, and yours too. You smirked and teased one of his hardened nips with your fingers.
“Yeah, you are,” you agreed. He laughed and looked down at your bikini top, raising his brows at the stiff peaks.
“So are you,” he said. If you two stayed in here much longer, his nads were going to pay the price. “Maybe this wasn’t one of my best ideas.”
“Nope,” you said, shaking your head and hugging him tighter. “Definitely one of your best. But maybe let’s hop in that jacuzzi over there.”
Dean twisted his head in the direction you were pointing, and sure enough, there was a nice hot tub a few yards from the pool. You both left the pool and braced the cool air on your skin long enough to run to the jacuzzi, quietly laughing all the while.
Dean turned the dial on the heat and cranked up the bubbling, and soon you two were able to relax together in the much warmer water. He held you to his chest, his fingers dragging up and down your arm, while you just took in some deep, relaxing breaths. You let go of every bit of stress that might’ve still been clinging to your psyche.
A few minutes in, you turned your head to press a sweet kiss under his jaw. His wet scruff prickled against your lips, but you didn’t mind.
“Ever think about letting this enter beard territory?” you asked.
“Eh,” Dean shrugged, still rubbing some warmth back into your arm. “Not really my look.”
“It could be,” you said. A smile curved your lips. You turned in his arms to straddle his lap, where you got the leverage to cup his face. You gently scratched your nails along his stubbly cheeks.
He raised a brow. “You want me to go full lumberjack, don’t you?”
“Maybe not full lumberjack,” you teased. “I’d settle for quarter-lumberjack.”
Dean chuckled loud enough that you had to shush him, with your mouth covering his. His heavy hands spanned your lower back as you treated him with progressively dirtier kisses. His hands lowered to grip your ass, encouraging you to grind down on him. You were more than willing to oblige him.
Even with the light of the moon, a large palm tree covered the jacuzzi in some shade. It made the empty courtyard feel a little more secluded. You felt just secure enough with him here to reach down below the water. You slipped your hand under the waistband of his shorts, where you began to stroke his hardening length to full mast.
He groaned into your mouth and squeezed your hips on reflex.
“Better be careful, baby. You’re playing with fire right now,” he said gruffly. He had no compunctions about finishing what you’d started, right here and now.
You smirked, but you did pull your hand out of his shorts and took his hand instead.
“Come on,” you whispered.
When you and Dean made it back to the hotel room, it was a quick stop to the bathroom.
He guided you back against the tile wall in the shower and stole your breath with a hard kiss. His hand flew to the shower knob and turned on the water.
Luckily this shower had a ledge for shampoo bottles and soap. You knocked all of that shit over when you hiked your foot up on it. You raked your nails through his hair and left his lips, just to suck harder on his neck.
In turn, Dean untied your bikini with a practiced hand and let it drop with a wet thwap on the floor. He kneaded your breasts and rolled his thumbs over hardened nipples. He actually rubbed some warmth back into your skin as his hands migrated down your body. And he helped you shimmy out of the bikini bottoms, just as you helped him with the shorts.
He took a healthy grip of your bare ass and again ground you against him, making you smile against his neck. But his fingers slipping between your legs disrupted your train of thought entirely. You felt his fingertips at your entrance, probing your depths, just testing the waters first. You gave a needy hum and clung to his arms.
He chuckled near your ear. “Already soaked, huh?”
“You didn’t exactly play fair,” you said, panting for breath. He hadn’t stopped touching you all the way from the jacuzzi to the elevator. You hadn’t even completely dried yourselves, leaving a trail of water from the scene of the crime, all the way up to the third floor where your room was.
Dean earned a wanton moan from you when his fingers roughly massaged your clit. Your head pressed back against the tile wall, your hands clasping on his shoulders tight as a shudder of pleasure rippled through your body. He stroked you right to the edge of pleasure, until he could start to feel you tighten on him. Then he withdrew his hand.
You whined at the empty feeling, giving him a look of annoyance. “Dean?”
“Patience,” he smirked. He used your wetness on his fingers to stroke himself back to painfully hard.
You scoffed at his words. This man didn’t often have a patient bone in his body.
But once he was ready for you, he took advantage of the way you’d hiked up your leg, and he held you open while he positioned himself at your entrance. He took your hand and moved it down to replace his fingers on your clit.
“Keep touchin’ yourself,” he ordered. His voice became laced with both grit and desire. You followed his directions and kept circling your fingers around that sensitive bundle of nerves, even though it forced a keening moan from your throat when he pressed his cock inside you.
“Fuck, don’t stop,” he muttered. Your inner walls were squeezing on him tightly, like you were already halfway there. Dean aimed to catch up with you as he grabbed your hips and set an almost punishing pace. He wrapped your thigh around his hip so he could get an even deeper angle to his thrusts. He grabbed onto the shower head when he felt his foot slipping a bit in the tub.
You hung onto him by the back of his neck as the coil in your lower belly became dangerously tight. “Oh, fuck. Dean…”
He knew you were close. He could feel it. He replaced your fingers with his own over your clit, searching for the spot he knew always made you come undone.
And he knew when he found it—you cried out at the warm pulsing in your core as it quivered around him.
“Let go, baby,” he said roughly in your ear. He gave you a few more hard thrusts, both to draw out your orgasm and to finally reach his own. His balls clenched and a ragged groan escaped him, along with his release coating your walls.
By now, the hot water from the shower head had turned lukewarm, but neither of you really cared, blinking drops of the spray out of your eyes as you each caught your breath. Dean brushed your wet hair away from your neck. You smiled, and you guided him by his cheek, back to your lips for a softer kiss.
“‘S a damn shame you’re still on the pill,” he remarked.
You blinked in response. When his words finally registered, you burst out laughing. You pressed your forehead against his. Jesus, did this man have baby fever.
“Let’s just get married first. Then we’ll work on it, I promise,” you told him. “Besides, we don’t want to steal your brother’s thunder.”
Dean grimaced and made a sound of disgust.
“For fuck’s sake, you mind not mentioning my brother at a time like this?” he said.
To be fair, he was still deep inside you. He slipped himself out and let the shower head begin to wash away the remnants.
“Sorry, sorry,” you laughed and drew him back in for another kiss.
Despite himself, Dean couldn’t help but smile against your lips. His left hand twined with yours, where your ring glistened under the florescent light.
A year ago, he never thought he would be here. A year ago, he didn’t plan any further than tonight, and how he was going to get back to his life tomorrow.
A year ago, while he did have his brother…Dean still felt alone.
Now, he had something real. He was on the cusp of sharing the rest of his life with someone who understood him, supported him, loved him, despite the demands of his job.
Now, he had an actual future to build with you.
And he was more than ready to get started.
AN: I so hope you guys enjoyed this addition to the SE-verse. Let me know what you think! 😘❤️🔥
Want to read this in podfic form? (Note: A "podcast" fic is a narrated version by my lovely friend Sandra, one of the hosts of the Idling in the Impala SPN podcast.)
🎙️ Listen to the episode by clicking the thumbnail below:
Ko-Fi Me ☕
Smoke Eater Series Masterlist
Dean Winchester Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Series Tag List (Part 1):
@hobby27 @kazsrm67 @letheatheodore @agothwithheavysetmakeup @jacklesbrainworms
@foxyjwls007 @wincastifer @iamsapphine @simpforbuckyb @roseblue373
@this-is-me19 @emily-winchester @spnexploration @deans-spinster-witch @deans-baby-momma
@iprobablyshipit91 @melancholictearz @nic-kolas @sleepyqueerenergy @wayward-lost-and-never-found
@thewritersaddictions @just-levyy @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @deanwanddamons @anticxrrupt
@lacilou @adoringanakin @theonlymaninthesky @teehxk @midnightmadwoman
@brianochka @branj19 @agalliasi @venicesem @chriszgirl92
@lyarr24 @ladysparkles78 @solariklees @xsophianicolex @deansbbyx
@candy-coated-misery0731 @curlycarley @sarahgracej @bagpussjocken @deanfreakingwinchester
@chernayawidow @beskarfilms @mimaria420 @illicithallways @fics-pics-andotherthings-i-like
#Something Real#Smoke Eater#dean winchester#Firefighter!Dean Winchester#dean winchester x reader#Dean Winchester x female reader#dean winchester x you#firefighter!Dean Winchester x Reader#firefighter AU#dean winchester smut#dean winchester AU#spn#supernatural#sam winchester#eileen leahy#dean winchester fanfiction#supernatural fanfiction#dean winchester au#jensen ackles#jensen ackles characters#SE-verse#dean x reader#dean x you#zepskies writes
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Sleep Without You
Title: Sleep Without You
Song Inspiration: Sleep Without You by Brett Young
Characters: Reader, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Eileen, Mary, Jody, Donna, Charlie
Word Count: 2,082
Warnings: Reader gets drunk, fluff
Author’s Note: This story is not canon compliant because I prefer my characters alive and happy.
“Do not make us come in there and take her, Dean,” Jody says through your bedroom door. You throw your head back and laugh from where you’re standing over the bathroom sink. Dean rolls his eyes from where he’d been watching you get ready. He walks over to the door and pulls it open with a dramatic huff.
“I’m not holding her hostage,” he tells the small group of women he finds waiting. Jody looks past him and you stick your head out of the bathroom.
“I’m almost ready. Sorry,” you apologize. Donna looks between the two of you suspiciously.
“There was definitely some hanky-panky going on here,” she says. Dean rolls his eyes again and walks back over to the bed, taking a seat on the edge. You laugh but blush despite yourself. She wasn’t wrong. The second Dean had seen you in the little red dress, he couldn’t keep his hands to himself.
“Honestly, I’ll meet you at the car in five minutes,” you tell them. Eileen laughs and nudges the two other women down the hall, sending a wink back at you before she disappears herself. You quickly slip into a strappy pair of matching red heels and can feel Dean’s eyes still on you. “Stop.”
“I’m not doing anything!!” He says, defensively.
“No, but you’re thinking about it,” you laugh. Standing to your full height, you hold your arms out and turn in a slow circle. “Alright. How do I look?”
“Too damn good,” he compliments. You smile as you step over to him, his hands coming to rest on your hips. “Don’t get to see you all dolled up like this too often. Without it being for a case at least.”
“I know. This is actually so…normal,” you say, shaking your head slightly. “A bachelorette party.”
“Can’t believe they’re actually getting married,” Dean muses.
“Little Sammy’s all grown up,” you tease, giving his shoulders a squeeze.
“Mmmm,” he hums. “Least this time he got my blessing.” You laugh and shake your head. “You should go before the search party comes back.” Leaning down, you give him a quick kiss.
“Don’t wait up,” you tell him. He laughs lightly and gives your hips a gentle squeeze.
“Don’t party too hard,” he says. You can’t help but laugh again.
“The party consists of the bride-to-be, myself, your mother, two officers of the law who might as well be your mother and your aunt, and a lesbian. I make no promises,” you say as you run a hand through his hair. He gives you a smile and shakes his head.
“Sammy and I will work on the bail money,” he jokes.
“Much appreciated,” you laugh and take a step back for him to stand. He takes your face in his hands and kisses you tenderly. The two of you stand there for a moment, enjoying each other’s presence.
“Y/N!” Mary calls your name as she comes down the hallway.
“Whoops! They sent the big guns this time,” you say, stepping away from Dean. He laughs as he follows you to the door and leans against the frame, crossing his arms.
“Be careful. Have fun,” he says as Mary takes you by the elbow. You wink back at Dean and give him a wave as you stumble along behind his mother.
“Don’t wait up.”
Those had been your instructions to Dean. He had tried to follow them. He knew you all would be out late so he made a valiant effort to turn in for the night around 12:30. The scent of your shampoo on the pillow next to him was too much to bear.
At 12:35, he made his way back to the library and poured himself a glass of whiskey. Sitting back in one of the chairs, he pulls his phone out and smiles at the picture of you grinning back at him.
At 12:40, Sam wanders back into the library. He pauses when he sees his older brother. Dean looks up at him and chuckles.
“Couldn’t sleep either?” He asks. Sam shakes his head as he walks over and sits across from Dean who pours a second glass. “What was it for you?” Sam swirls the glass slowly and cuts his eyes up at his brother.
“She usually plays with my hair while I go to sleep,” he admits, a bit embarrassed. Dean smiles and shakes his head, taking a drink. “You?”
“Pillow smelled too damn much like her,” he says, as though it were completely obvious. Now it’s Sam’s turn to shake his head.
“What happened to us?” He laughs. Dean shrugs, glancing back at his phone screen. “I mean…I’m getting married in a couple weeks. What?”
“Nah. I always saw that for you,” Dean says, looking at his younger brother. Sam gives him a skeptical look. Dean shrugs in response. “Hoped for it at least. You deserve it.”
“Just not with Becky?” Sam asks, trying not to smile.
“Eileen is a much better choice. Hands down,” Dean laughs. Sam laughs as well.
The two brothers sit in silence for a little while, each taking sips from their respective glasses. Sam watches his brother pour himself another glass before finally speaking again.
“You deserve it too, ya know,” Sam says simply. Dean looks at him curiously. “Your relationship with Y/N. Being happy and…and loved.”
“I haven’t done a thing to deserve Y/N loving me the way she does,” he says. Sam frowns but Dean gives him a smile. “And yet she keeps on doing it anyways.”
“I understand that,” Sam agrees, raising his glass slightly. Another silent moment passes as Sam gathers the courage to ask his next question. “Have you thought about it?”
“Thought about what?” Dean asks, raising an eyebrow.
“Marriage,” Sam says, making some elaborate, grand gesture with his hands. Dean laughs at Sam’s awkwardness and looks into his glass again.
“I was about ready to ask Mom for her ring but, ugh…someone beat me to it,” he says, smiling at Sam now. Sam’s eyes widen quickly.
“Oh!! Dean, I’m sorry,” he rattles off quickly. Dean laughs and holds a hand up.
“It’s fine. You got to it first, fair and square,” he says, standing and walking across the library. He stops at a lockbox sitting on one of the shelves and quickly puts in a combination. Sam watches his brother, curiously, as Dean removes something from the box. “Had to hustle a hell of a lot of pool but…” He walks back to his seat and holds up a simple but beautiful diamond ring. Sam stares it for a moment before looking at his brother, wide eyed.
“How long have you had that?” He asks. Dean shrugs, examining the ring between his fingers.
“Bought it about two weeks after you asked Eileen,” Dean recounts. “I’d been thinking about it for a while. Almost asked Mom, like I said. I just wasn’t sure if Y/N would go for it. What we have now is one thing. Marriage is whole other one. Then when you asked Eileen…I could see it in her eyes.”
“That was months ago. Why haven’t you asked her yet?” Sam questions.
“Didn’t wanna feel like I was just copying you or trying to steal anyone’s thunder,” Dean explains, going back to the box. “I’ll give it a little time. Let you and Eileen have your moment. Then I’ll ask.”
“Neither of us would care. We’d be thrilled for you both,” Sam tells him. Dean smiles and shrugs, putting the ring away again. He closes the box and relocks it.
“I’ve waited this long. A few more weeks won’t hurt,” Dean says. Sam smiles a little and nods as Dean comes back to his seat. Dean stretches and looks at his phone again. “Now, the real question…is when are you two gonna make me an uncle?” Sam sputters on his drink, quickly setting the glass down. Dean roars with laughter as the door to the war room opens up.
“Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play…and the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate…but I’m just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake…shake it off, shake it off…” You, Eileen, and Charlie all come in singing together, arms around each other. You all three stumble through a few very uncoordinated hip shimmies.
“Dear God. They are wasted,” Dean laughs. Mary runs around in front of your small choir and heads you off at the stairs.
“A little help?” She calls down to her sons. The two brothers get up quickly and make their way up the stairs. Sam wraps an arm around Eileen’s waist and starts to help her down the stairs as she giggles. Mary assists Charlie who grips the handrail as the room starts to spin on her. You cross your arms as Dean comes over to you.
“I told you not to wait up,” you scold him. He laughs and shakes his head, hands coming to rest on your hips.
“I tried, promise. Turns out I just can’t sleep without my girl,” he says, pulling you closer quickly. You let out a squeal as you stumble and fall into him. Before you have a second to process what’s happening, Dean scoops you up into his arms and starts to carry you down the stairs.
“I could have walked,” you mumble, wrapping your arms around his neck. He rolls his eyes at your protest.
“You wouldn’t have made it two steps,” he teases. “I’ll put you down if you want.”
“No!!” You exclaim, tightening your arms slightly. He laughs and nods.
“That’s what I thought.”
“These three,” Mary says, pointing between all three of you. “Are not allowed to go out drinking again.”
“Herding cats?” Sam asks. Mary scoffs a laugh.
“Cats would have been easier,” she says. Dean looks down at you and smirks.
“Did you not behave for Mom?” He asks. Your shoulders bob up and down as you smile at him coyly.
“Why? You gonna punish me?” You ask with a wink.
“Oh my God,” Mary mutters, quickly leading a still dizzy Charlie towards the hall. Dean laughs wildly as he goes to follow.
“You’re gonna be so hungover tomorrow,” he says. He glances back at Sam and finds Eileen gently running her fingers through his hair. “Sleep tight, little brother.” Sam looks up at him and smiles.
“You too.”
Dean carries you down to your bedroom and tosses you on to the bed, eliciting another squeal from you. You kick off your heels as he goes through the dresser, finding one of his old t-shirts you’d claimed ages ago. He helps you change out of your dress and into the shirt with ease. You fall back onto the bed with a huff and close your eyes.
“Hold on,” Dean says, going into the bathroom. He comes back out a second later with a makeup wipe and sits next to you on the bed. You giggle as he gently and carefully wipes your makeup away. “What’s so funny?”
“Big, bad, monster-killing, Dean Winchester is taking my makeup off for me,” you tease. He rolls his eyes.
“You’d be pissed in the morning if you woke up with all this still on,” he says. He takes extra care around your eyes before finally finishing. “There.” He tosses the wipe into a nearby trash can.
Dean lays down on the bed next to you and you immediately roll over to face him, moving into his side. He lays an arm across your waist, pulling you even closer. Kissing your hair, he breathes in your scent and sighs. You giggle again.
“What now?” He asks.
“You love me,” you say. Dean laughs softly and nods, pushing your hair from your face.
“Yea, I do,” he agrees. You break into a wide grin as you close your eyes. “In fact, I’m gonna marry you, Y/N.” You giggle again and nod.
“I get to be the bachelorette next time,” you say. He laughs again and kisses your forehead.
“Mom’s gonna be thrilled.”
The next morning, Dean has aspirin and water ready by the bed for you when you wake up. You remember nothing from the majority of the night before, especially anything from when you all returned to the bunker. But when you catch the bouquet at Sam and Eileen’s wedding and see the look on Dean’s face, a fragment of a conversation comes back to you.
I’m gonna marry you, Y/N.
Forever Tags: @roseblue373
Jensen Tags: @call-me-mrs-winchester
#fanfic#fanfiction#supernatural#spn#dean winchester#reader insert#dean x reader#dean x y/n#dean x you#sam winchester#sam x eileen#Eileen#Donna#jody mills#mary winchester#song fic#Spotify
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I wrote a fic based on this post from @all6pistols bc it's such a good comic
read it here!
#destiel fic#destiel#deancas#dean x castiel#eileen leahy x sam winchester#dean winchester#castiel#sam winchester#eileen leahy#ao3#supernatural fanfiction#supernatural fanfic
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Don't Leave Me
Dean Winchester x Reader 🐞

Summary: Dean, did the unthinkable, and cheated on you, on your anniversary.
A/N: Oh yay, I'm so excited, not only my first one shot, but also my first one done for the bingo @jacklesversebingo 🐞❤️💕 I'm just so excited to hear what y'all think. Much love my bugsies 🐞
Line: I don't really hate you, but I hate what you have done to us!
Warnings: Angst, A Lot of Angst! 🤔 Sorry about that😱
Word Count: Honestly no idea😱 will check next time🤩
Cover Art: Done by me 🐞 and the pic's from Pinterest and Canva 💕
Characters: Dean Winchester, Mention of Sam, and you❤️

"No Dean" I screamed, tears streaming down my cheeks.
"You don't get to look at me like that" I sniffed
"How could you do this to us?" Anger and sadness visible on my face
"Baby Listen" his voice low
With my hands on his muscular chest I shove him backwards, screaming now, "I don't need too listen, dammit, nothing you say is going to change a thing"
His emerald green eyes, is welled up, "just listen please" barely audible

"I hate you Dean" I say while throwing the ring on the floor
Taking a suitcase from the closet, tossing in any clothes I can find.
"You're leaving babe?" the distraught look on his face, caught you off guard
"Don't look at me like that, its your fault" you shove him out of the way walking to the bathroom to grab your toiletries.
He grabs ahold of your arm, spinning you around, and into his chest, "let me go," making my hands into small fist's, hitting against him, though it's not really doing anything.
His eyes pleading "sweetheart, please just listen to me, it didn't mean anything"
Squinting your eyes, "it didn't mean anything? Don't lie to me, Dean"
"I'm sorry" he claimed
"Yeah, your sorry I found out" I sneered
His jaw clenches, "no, babe, I'm serious it didn't mean a damn thing"
"Great so you threw all of this away for nothing" I smirked
"I was drunk okay! I didn't know what I were doing" his face full of guilt
Laughing a little "that's a lame excuse if I ever heard one"
You can't stand to be this close to him, hearing his heart beating, the way he looks into your eyes, the way his arms is holding you, you always were so weak when it came to him, it always were like some sort of special gift he had, making you putty in his big hands. But not today, not know, not after what he's done.

Trying to get out of his tight grip, you try to shove him backwards again, but he just holds you tightly, his voice revealing the sadness "do you really hate me"
Searching his face, his emerald green eyes, now, almost hazel like. Your voice brittle, tears streaming down my face "No, I... I don't really hate you, but I hate what you have done to us"
He thumbs away some of the tears, letting out a whisper, "I'm so sorry sweetheart"
"Sorry, just sorry, it won't work" you whisper - scream
"Then what will, baby" he asks
"I don't know,! nothing! The day you slid that ring on my finger, you swore you'll never betray me, break my trust, or trash my heart, guess what you did" getting angry all over again now "how could you" and with that you get out of his grip
Realising what he did, he just stood there, not making a sound, just listening to the sound of her crying, crying he caused. "Dammit" he cursed underneath his breath.
Taking her suitcase she walks out of their shared room, right to the door, glancing over the house she called home for the past five years, the memories they shared, the laughter, it's all gone now, in one night, he managed to erase five years of their lives together.
Dean runs towards her, "Baby wait, just stay, it's 3 in the morning, you can't drive like this" concern in his husky voice.
Glaring at him, "don't act like you care, if you did, you would have known, what yesterday was"
Dean, looks at her puzzled, following her eyes to the kitchen, he's jaw dropped when he saw the kitchen table, set and decorated for two, candles, placed with champagne flutes, and a bottle that was supposed to be on ice, a freshly baked pie in the middle.
"Babe, I'm"
"Don't finish that sentence, I'm so sick and tired of your sorries," I warned.
"I can't believe I was so naive, yesterday when you didn't show, I called Sam, he said as far as he knew you went for a drink, the case you worked on hit you hard, I was afraid you had to much to drink, and maybe gotten in a accident, but to my surprise, I found you with that... that, woman, her arms wrapped around you having a good time, how the hell could you do that to us, to me?" I screamed
"Babe, it meant nothing, I love you"
Tears flooded down my cheeks "no! Dean! You do not love me" you mumbled, "goodbye Dean"
"Please baby, don't go, don't leave me" he pleaded
He grabs a hold of your wrist, but you shake it loose, almost running towards your car, hearing him say something in the distance, but you reply with a shout "don't you follow me Dean Winchester" and with that you started the engine, put it in drive and drove off
In your rearview mirror, you see the man you loved, still love, standing there distraught look on his face, the blurriness of your glazed up eyes, makes it hard to focus on the road ahead, but you just drove further anyway, not wanting to stay there, the way he made you feel, the hurt, pain and betrayal is just to much.
Seeing taillights of her car, is just one too much, how is he going to fix this, why did he do what he did, "what am I gonna do" throwing a punch in the air.
He just stood there in the pouring rain, watching as the love of his life, went further and further out of his reach.

That's when he heard the tires screeching on the wet road, and then the heart wrecking loud noise, he just some how knew it was her. He ran, he ran as fast as his legs could carry him.

"Noooooo!" Screaming as he got closer, her car hanging over the road barrier, "Baby," he grabs ahold of her hand, her face bloodied, her legs pinned, her eyes, bloodshot from the crying, "Dean" she whispers with pain. "I'm here sweetheart, don't leave me, I love you" a half smile on his plum lips. With the closing of her eyes she whispers "I love you too Dean"

#spotify#jared padalecki#dean winchester fanfiction#dean winchester x reader#jensen ackles x reader#sam and dean#benny lafitte#castiel spn#dean winchester imagine#eileen leahy#bugsies#d nesca#oneshot#bingo#SoundCloud#jacklesversebingo23
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✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
★∻∹⋰⋰ ☆∻∹⋰⋰ ★∻∹⋰⋰ ☆∻∹⋰⋰★∻∹⋰⋰
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Complete 💯
Castiel/Dean Winchester
Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester
“So, what’re you actually proposing here, Dean?” Bobby asked, greying eyebrows raised.
“I’m suggesting we watch the preview before we buy the movie,” Dean snarked.
Castiel’s look of confusion only deepened and, for once, Sam was right there with him. “…You know, skip a few chapters in the book. Check out the dessert menu before ordering dinner. I mean, if Zachariah can show us where the future’s heading, why not Cas?”
Dean's not thrilled about Sam's plan to say, "Yes," to the Devil and spend an eternity in the pit, so he proposes taking a road trip 15 years in the future to see how it all works out in the aftermath of the Apocalypse.
Sam had thought he was prepared for what awaited him in the future, but a pregnant fiancé, a human Castiel, and a married Dean were more than he'd been expecting.
#fanfic#fanfiction#supernatural#dean winchester#castiel#destiel#Eileen Leahy#sam winchester#Eileen Leahy x Sam Winchester
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Castiel & Sam Winchester, Castiel & Jack Kline, Jack Kline & Dean Winchester, Castiel & Jack Kline & Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Castiel & Jack Kline & Dean Winchester, Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Sam Winchester, Jack Kline Additional Tags: Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Reunions, Future Fic, future dean/cas kid, Established Castiel/Dean Winchester, baby steps, her name is melissa because it means honeybee, you just know that Cas did that without Dean knowing, Castiel and Dean Winchester and Sam Winchester are Jack Kline's Parents Series: Part 5 of Destiel Pride Prompts by Sailorsallyart on tumblr Summary:
They had gotten each other rings and bickered over what types of cereal to get, or what types of fruit pouches to get because Mel likes the strawberry ones, but the banana ones are healthier for her, Dean.
Or Prompt 16 of Destiel Pride Prompts by @sailorsallyart on tumblr
#destiel#destiel fic#destiel fanfic#supernatural#jack kline#dean winchester#sam winchester#castiel winchester#dean x castiel#casdean#castiel#supernatural fanfiction#spn fanfic#spnfamily#destielpride#saph says#eileen mention#cas is jacks dad#dean is jacks dad#sam is jacks dad#jack is basically a winchester#no he IS a winchester#jack is god#destiel kid#deancas kid#casdean kid#cas deserved better
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A Second Grace
by sometimeswelose
Supernatural/Complete/Chapters: 2 Words: 26,988
Cas dies and Dean starts referring to himself as a widower. This is somewhat confusing for everyone involved.
(Inspired by *that* tumblr post; linked in notes)
(Canon MCD not tagged because it's temporary)
I’ve read and adored plenty of Post-Empty fics, New God Jack fics, etc, but this one blows them all away. I teared up several times reading this–the way sometimeswelose writes Dean’s feelings for Cas, how the confession affects his life, how he copes and changes, is wonderfully cathartic. The love in this is so tender yet powerful. I love the lives that he and Sam create for themselves. This fic feels like a perfect ending for Winchesters and Co., not a perfect world, where everything goes back to how it was, but a new one that they are building for themselves. Well written. This is one of those fics that is going to stick in my mind, I can already tell.
#fanfiction#fic rec#fanfic#spn#supernatural#dean winchester#destiel#castiel#Sam winchester#eileen leahy#samleen#Claire Novak#Jody mills#post canon#au#alternate ending#dean winchester x castiel#hurt/comfort#sam winchester x eileen leahy
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Hi! I've been writing this fic for almost a year now and I thought I may as well share it on here as well as ao3.
If you have any input or if there's anything wrong with the fic (in regards to warnings and offensive things etc) please don't hesitate to let me know. It isn't beta'd or anything, it's just me and spellcheck.
Updated monthly on the 1st (I was tempted to do an April Fools joke but that felt too mean).
Warnings are in the end notes of chapters when they are needed. Please read the tags too, there are some triggering topics.
It is Destiel and Saileen make an appearance as well as Claire/Kaia and Jody/Donna. I was very self-indulgent with the relationships...
Hope you enjoy!
#dean winchester#supernatural#destiel#spn#dean is bi#castiel#deancas#dean x castiel#sam winchester#jody mills#donna hanscum#claire novak#kaia nieves#eileen leahy#saileen#fanfiction#ao3 fanfic
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💐 once you receive this lovely bouquet of flowers you have to mention five things you love, publicly, and send it to 10 of your favorite followers if you want. SPREAD POSITIVITY! ⛅️
Awww thanks for asking bugsie 🐞💕
1. Lady bugs
2. Writing
3. Supernatural
4. Art
5. Music
Thank you💕🐞
@jackles010378 @deanwritings @impala-dreamer @zepskies @girls-alias @sammyhale @deanreaderreblog @deanscarlett
#spotify#benny lafitte#castiel spn#dean winchester fanfiction#dean winchester imagine#dean winchester x reader#eileen leahy#jared padalecki#jensen ackles x reader#sam and dean#bugsies#d nesca
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SCREAMING because we’re getting more Smoke Eater?!?!?!
I’M SO EXCITED!!!! 😍😍😍😍
LOL Yes!!! Thank you, lovely, I'm so glad you're excited!! 🥰 💕💕
Indeed it's true, I'm working on a new Smoke Eater one-shot that will take place a couple weeks after the last chapter of SE. I went ahead and updated the series masterlist, so I can drop the summary here too (when we get closer to when I'm ready to post, I'll drop a full announcement with a sneak peek):
Something Real
Summary: Now that you and Dean are officially engaged, you take some much needed time off together for a family vacation. But even with the wedding set for next year, the two of you are still at odds when it comes to one key part of your future together…
Coming soon...
#ask me stuff#new smoke eater story#coming soon!#smoke eater#firefighter!dean winchester#dean winchester AU#dean winchester#dean winchester x reader#dean winchester x female!reader#dean winchester x you#dean x reader#dean x you#dean winchester fanfic#dean winchester fic#dean winchester fanfiction#supernatural fanfiction#supernatural#spn#sam winchester#eileen leahy#zepskies answers
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Saileen Fic Collection
Link to the fic is in the title below.
This is Real (One Shot, Romance)
Set during Last Holiday. Sam and Eileen go out on a date.
#saileen#sam x eileen#fanfiction#one shot#fanfic#supernatural#supernatural fanfiction#angst#sam winchester#eileen leahy#romance
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Hi there 👋 hope you're doing good? I've been feeling a little down lately. And I were wondering if you could write a one shot or something about Dean/Sam comforting reader, I'd appreciate it so much.💕 Also just want to say I love all your stories. Anyway thanks❤️
💞... Awwww sweetheart, I hope this is what you had in mind, I hope this helps, and also thank you for the beautiful message, 🐞... Just also know, that you can always talk to me, and I sure do hope that this brings a little comfort. Thanks for requesting love...💞
A/N: Thank you all for the love, support and just overly all support 🐞 I love each and every comment and reblog... Also if you want, something written, you can send me requests it's open.
Warnings: None, just super comfort and Fluff 💞
Comforting Arms💞
Trying to hum, to one of your favorite songs, doesn't seem to be working, everyday your the one, who is always positive, always cheerful, always looking forward to a new day, but every now and then, there's this sense of darkness creeping up in your soul, you just can't shake, but of course you always try your best to hide it. But unfortunately today is one of those days, you just feel down, not really a reason too, but its just the way you feel, yeah of course you have a few problems here and there but who doesn't right?
Sam walks into the kitchen, interrupting your thoughts. ''Hey there, want to go for a jog?'' he smiles
Forcing a giggle, but he doesn't notice ''Uhmm no, not today thanks, its so cold'' you say, while rubbing across your arms.
He just laughs, as he runs out by the door. Since they saved you from Dick Roman, the three of you been friends, it's been five years now, and whenever your close by, you'll pay them a visit, making sure they take care of themselves. You and Sam become like besties, sharing the same interest's in reading and other stuff, as for you and Dean, well things, are good between you two, and your not going to lie, sometimes you can feel your heart flutter, while stealing glances at the older brother, but honestly, you know, he'd probably never feel the same, and even if he did, its a bad idea, too get romantically involved, there work is crazy.
Staring over the warm cup of coffee your holding, thinking about everything, trying to figure out why you feel so sad, but no luck, you can't seem too figure out why you feel this way.
His smoky voice, yanks you away from your deep thoughts, ''Morning Sweetheart'' something he called you from day one.
''Good Morning Dean'' a half smile forming on your lips.
You catch the way he looks at you, but just acts, like you didn't notice.
''I need some coffee, want some more'' he gestures to your cup
''Oh no, I'm good thanks'' taking a sip, of the coffee, hoping the little doze of caffeine will give you the energy for today, if it were up to you, you'd stay in bed, covers snugly pulled over you, but no! you've got stuff to do, it's Dean's birthday in a few days and you want to make it special.
Dean smiles at you, taking a sip, of his hot coffee, he starts walking back to his room, but suddenly stops in his tracks, glancing over at you, his voice low ''you okay''
Cocking your head towards him, ''yes of course'' you sound extra chipper.
He just nods, as he strides further down the hallway.
Glad you dodged that awkward conversation, you get up, walking over to the kitchen sink, to do some of the dishes. Realizing you've left your empty cup, on the table you head on over to take it, dragging it closer with your fingertips, not feeling like, walking to the other side, wishing now, you did that extra little bit, as the cup falls to the floor, splatting ceramic pieces across the white tiles.
Its not even that bad, but somehow, it was just enough to sent you over the exact same edge your trying to avoid, tears flooding now, plunging to the ground, cradling your knees, you just sit there, body trembling, the sadness washing over you. All of the sudden you feel muscular arms folding over you, glancing through your wet eyelashes, seeing those beautiful forest green eyes, ''Dean?''
Concern showing on his face ''Sweetheart are you hurt'' you just shake your head ''want to tell me why your crying'' shaking your head once again, a firm ''NO! ''
His voice filled with compassion, ''Everything will be okay, I promise'' he just holds you in his comforting arms.
Your voice brittle ''I'm so stupid..'' before you can let out any words, he gives you a scowled look, placing his finger on your lips, ''don't you ever say that, you hear me, you are perfectly imperfect'' him saying that, makes you cry even more. He thumbs away the tears, giving you a assuring smile ''what's wrong sweetheart?''
You sniffle ''I... I don't really know, I've been feeling a little down lately'' embarrassed you look down.
''Its okay, really, we all have days like those, sometimes we need to wash our eyes with tears in order to see, the beautiful things in front of us'' his voice is soft and low.
Surprised you look at him, your voice breaking now ''That's beautiful, but I'm always the strong one, comforting everyone else''
His hands gently resting on your shoulders now, ''I know and I love that about you, but sweetheart, let me be your strength for a while''
Smiling through the tears, you just nod, knowing that it be impossible to hear anything you say, through your shaky, trembling breaths, you just throw your arms around his torso, a sort of a little hug, to say thank you, knowing that maybe you just needed a little comfort after all, you can be strong tomorrow again.
He pulls you closer , to his chest, your head resting, hearing his steady heartbeat, stroking your hair, his smoky voice, filling your ears and heart, with more than just comfort, ''Sweetheart, I'll always be here for you, talk to me okay, I will never leave you, I care about you, deeply'' he stops speaking for a few seconds, his breath sending shivers down your spine, as he whispers ''I love you sweetheart'' and right there, on that cold winter's day, you found yourself in the loving embrace of Dean's comforting arms. The two of you stayed on the kitchen floor, sharing the moment that would change your lives forever.
#spotify#jared padalecki#dean winchester fanfiction#dean winchester x reader#jensen ackles x reader#sam and dean#benny lafitte#castiel spn#dean winchester imagine#eileen leahy#oneshot#requested#dnesca
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✍🏽 Writing Update
Okay, I teased this a few weeks back, and now that we've come to the end of Wake Me Up, I feel like it's a good time to announce this for real...
The sequel one-shot to the Smoke Eater series (Firefighter!Dean Winchester x F. Reader) is coming on May 29! ❤️🔥
Banner below was created by the awesome @heavenssexiestangel! (Thank you again, friend!)

Pairing: Firefighter!Dean W. x F. Reader
Summary: Now that you and Dean are officially engaged, you take some much needed time off together for a family vacation. But even with the wedding set for next year, the two of you are still at odds when it comes to one key part of your future together…
👀 Sneak Peek:
You went over to look out the window and held your hands on your hips. It was nighttime, but the streets of Miami were well-lit beyond the pool, and there was something beautiful about a bustling city at night.
“Now this is an adult vacation,” you said.
At that, Dean smiled and walked around the bed to you. He slipped his arms around your waist and held you from behind. You held him right back.
“Damn right it is,” he said. “What do you wanna do first? Dinner, and then check out some nightlife, or skip right to dessert?”
You smiled at the way his voice lowered with thinly veiled suggestiveness.
“Well, I know how much you love dessert,” you said slyly.
Dean's smile deepened into a smirk.
“Yeah, that may be,” he said. “But don’t pretend you don’t love some hot lemon drizzle.”
#Something Real#coming soon!#Smoke Eater#dean winchester#Firefighter!Dean Winchester#dean winchester x reader#Dean Winchester x female reader#firefighter!Dean Winchester x Reader#dean winchester x you#firefighter AU#dean winchester AU#spn#supernatural#sam winchester#eileen leahy#dean winchester fanfiction#supernatural fanfiction#dean winchester au#jensen ackles#jensen ackles characters#zepskies updates
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Paintbrushes And Romance 🥰🐞
Dean x Reader
Part 6 🐞🥰
A/N: I don't think my heart is going to make this! 🥰🙈🐞
Warnings: Violence, Swearing, Blood, Gore and Blood. 🙈
Here's your order, Julie said handing him, his coffee, not even smiling, he grabbed the warm cup and before heading out, Dean stole a quick glance to where your sitting, probably busy writing her new book he thought, going through the door , walking to the impala, running his hand over his face, his so damn tired, he thought to himself, eversince that day he got the note, he hasn't slept much, he wants to catch this bastard, and if he has to be honest with himself, its because his bed is empty without her, laying all tangled up, next to him.
Driving to his house with a CCR song playing on the radio, so that he can freshen up for another long night at the Sheriff's station, while humming to, bad moon rising, he's thoughts starts wandering of to the day he lost a piece of himself.
That morning, they made a breakthrough, gathering evidence over the past few months, from the victims, the biggest breakthrough came when they found beef yet again on one of the victims, cuts. Knowing there can't be to many butchers that closed down , and the predator will need a place where he can keep the victims for so long, they started doing some research on which butchers closed down, so after getting their gear together, they discussed that they will split up into three teams , he and deputy Jack (who was one of his best deputy's and a good friend) was one team that raided the one butchery on the farthest end of town.
Drawing his gun so that he'd be ready for anything but he weren't ready for what happened next, showing Jack some hand signs that'll he should go left and Dean will go right, entering through the two doors, the place has been closed for a while now, the moment he walked in, it hit him, the smell of iron hanging thick in the air, there's blood everywhere! He looks at the center of the room, a large steel table, the blood oozing off, he walks closer, a woman laying there, damnit he says, shock showing on his face. Her hand was cut of at her wrist, shaking his head in disbelief, looking around, is he still here, he wondered,
Excruciating screams filling the room, what she's alive, the sadistic bastard starts removing limbs, while their still breathing, quickly removing he's jacket, covering her wrist, trying to calm her down, hoping she can give them a description of this predator. By the time the ambulance got there, it was to damn late, she lost too much blood!
Late that afternoon, he returned to the station, finding the envelope addressed to him, curious he opened it, first came the photos, then the note ... _She's nearly perfect isn't she? Sheriff, you where very close to catching me today, just know this I can come just as close to her, are you willing to risk her life?_
He couldn't help it, how the hell did he come so close, anger boiling inside of him, putting his fist through the wall, damnit shaking his fist out, seeing the blood on his red, swollen knuckles, shoving the pictures and note off the table.
By the time Sam walked through the door, finding Dean on the floor, playing with what looks like a diamond ring and a nearly finished bottle of whiskey, papers and files scattered all over the floor. What the hell man, he said looking at Dean, while locking the door behind him, closing the blinds, and walking over, taking the bottle from him, Dean just looks up at Sammy, mumbling I'm going to kill that bastard! What? Who? Sam said confusing and concern in his voice, showing Sam the photos, the note. I will never forgive myself, if something happened to her Sammy.
He sobered up, and went to her house, trying to not break in front of her, he revisits the anger, and hardened his face, banging on the door, he had to convince himself and her, that what he said was true, knowing all he really wanted to do is pull her close to him and never let her leave the safety of his arms, she opened the door, her beautiful face filled with concern, big eyed she stood there, he could smell the freshly baked pie, flour still visible on her clothes, with every word he said he could see the heartbreak on her face, he couldn't take it anymore, turned around and walked away, afraid, that if he stood there any longer his eyes would betray him, all he wanted to do is protect her, and if the killer saw that the two of you weren't together anymore, he'll back off.
Grabbing the closest shirt he could find, throwing it on him, he could smell her, the vanilla and orchid scent still strongly on his shirt, she sure did love to wear his t-shirts he thought walking to the impala. Just then he saw a truck pulling at to his driveway, its Deputy Jack he recognized the truck, hey man, Dean says, while Jack gets out, what's wrong buddy, seeing Jack looks like he's seen a ghost, Sheriff, Jack said I'm so sorry!, Sorry for what deputy? Came Dean's question, he has my sister Julie, and he said that if I... Uhm he strutters don't do this, he's going to kill her. Dean's searching, Jacks eyes, for any clue to what he means, seeing, Jack pulling out his firearm, No Jack! wait, let's figure something out together!, I'm, I'm sorry said Jack shakily.
Then came the noise, the look on Dean's face when the bullet hit him in the chest, wasn't anger, but sadness, knowing he'll never get to spent his life, growing old with the one he loves. Sit-laying next to the impala, he hears the screeching sounds of tyres driving away.
Thinking if this is his last breath, he's going to make damn sure, that its worth it, saying how much he loved her, taking his phone out, of his pocket, feeling the vibration in his hand, seeing her name on the family chat, which included all of them, he didn't remove himself from the chat, it was his way of keeping in touch with her. The message broke him in more ways than one, ...Mom, I'm in trouble, I got into a cab, but something is wrong, I can feel it, its the serial killer!
The phone fell to the ground, a stray tear rolling down his cheek, whispering her name, it all went dark, despite the moon shining so brightly...
#Spotify#spotify#dean winchester fanfiction#dean winchester x reader#eileen leahy#jared padalecki#jensen ackles x reader#sam and dean#benny lafitte#castiel spn#dean winchester imagine
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One more! Because I’m a sap for happy endings and there were like... so many options.
On a personal note: I am completely floored by all the comments, tags, messages and additions to that other comic. I’ve read and cherished each and every single one. <3
#fanart#artists on tumblr#comic#supernatural#spn#castiel#dean winchester#destiel#dean x castiel#sam winchester#eileen leahy#jack kline#sam x eileen#saileen#deancas#Finale#fanfiction#the empty#kiss#fandom#15x20#jensen ackles#misha collins#destiel art#destiel comic#destiel fanart
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Pairing: Sam X Eileen
Word count: 1100-ish
Warning: Fluff… and ummm angst I guess?
Summary: Try as he might, Sam just couldn’t understand what that one feeling was…
A/N: This is written for @ilostmyshoe-79‘s Sweet emotions challenge. My prompt was: Longing. I hope y’all enjoy it :)
Feedback is really appreciated!
The first time that Sam saw her, he knew there was something different about her. Of all the staff at Old parks, she was the one who caught his eye. In hindsight, Sam should have known what it was that pulled him to her.
She was beautiful, but he was used to women being that. She was badass; he was used to that too. What he wasn’t used to was how unapologetic she was. She wasn’t scared admitting the things that scared her and Sam instantly loved that about her.
Sam hadn’t felt so at home with anyone in a long time. He felt like he could share his past, his emotions without feeling judged.
When she saved his brother, the one person who mattered most to him, he couldn’t find words to thank her, and when she nodded to let him know that she understood, he felt the weirdest sense of relief. Companionship. Maybe that was it.
She was really funny, Sam realized. When she said her good bye the next day, it was bittersweet. He tried to give her his number, but she turned it around on him saying he could try, but she wouldn’t pick up the call. He laughed with her, trying to dismiss the strange ache when the Impala drove away. Sam kept his eyes trained on the diminishing image of the girl in the green jacket till the image disappeared altogether.
It took him a couple of weeks before Sam gave in to his own restlessness and his brother’s relentless teasing and Emailed her. It felt good to type a couple of sentences asking her how she was and what she was up to. Sam felt better the moment he clicked send, but the relief lasted for all of 5 minutes before the panic set in. What if she didn’t answer? What if she didn’t wanna answer?
So was it desperation? He hoped not. Whatever the feeling was, it lasted for a couple of hours till she finally replied to his Email. Sam might have worn a hole in the floor of room in that while though.
It was a simple reply, maybe even simpler than his own generic questions, but it relieved Sam nevertheless, made it so much easier to breathe. It felt strange to be this nervous over talking to someone.
They made it a weekly thing after that. Whether he was on a hunt, or she was, they’d make it a point to Email each other.
One night, lying in a dusty motel room on a bed adjacent to his snoring brother’s, Sam couldn’t help but pick up the phone and make that video call. He wanted to see her again, he needed to see her again, because it had been too long. It was strange because he knew he was safe, he knew he was in no immediate danger, but yet Sam could feel that rush of adrenalin in his blood in the few minutes before she picked up the call.
And when she did pick up the phone, the bright happiness and wonder in her eyes gave way to this new emotion. Excitement.
Sam lost track of time that night as spoke in a hushed voice, but she picked up every word perfectly, telling him her own stories in reply to his own. There was something pure about the silent laughs they shared, even as his bed creaked under his body with every move.
Sam didn’t mind being woken up too early by Dean the next day morning, and even though it made his brother wonder, he couldn’t keep the smile off his face. The urge to see her face once more was too strong in that moment. He was craving it.
When she walked into bunker that day, Sam could swear his heart stopped for a second. He was staring and it was probably obviously, but he couldn’t look away from her rosy cheeks or the beautiful smile. Just like the other time, he tripped over his own words trying to tell her how badass she was. Dean could do it just fine, so why couldn’t he? Sam wanted to kick himself for that.
When they set out, it seemed like a win-win situation, but when they got back, it all seemed like a lost cause. Eileen had been quite all the way back towards the bunker, and when she finally turned to him, her eyes begging for him to understand that killing Renny was an honest mistake, he couldn’t help but pull her into his arms. It pained him to see her in so much pain.
Sam checked on her that night, long after she had retired to bed. She seemed so small in her sleep, somehow so helpless that Sam felt himself gravitate towards her, itching to pull back the covers and slip in beside her, yearning to pull her in his arms and never let go of her. But today was not the day, so he closed the door quietly and slipped back in his own room.
He couldn’t get much sleep that night, which worked well with his plan to find a solution to finding Dagon. When the illustrations in the books turned to stuff of his dreams Sam had no idea, but the warm hands pressing against his shoulders and rousing him gently from his nap in bunker library didn’t feel alien at all. They felt like home.
She was going back to Ireland for a while, she told him, and it felt like a punch in the gut to Sam. She gave him a tight hug and he could make out a whispered thank you, but he didn’t want to let her go. When she broke apart, Sam wanted to hold her hand and yank her right back into his chest. He made her promise that she’d ask for help if she needed it, that she’d come back soon. What he couldn’t convey was that he needed her. She had agreed to little request, smiling a small but genuine smile, before walking away from him.
Sam memorized it, committed the way her lips curved upwards to his mind. As the bunker door clanged behind her, for the first time Sam understood what that raw feeling was. The companionship, the desperation, the excitement, the wonder and the pain. It was none of those, but also all of them at the same time. What Sam truly felt deep in his heart, in the pit of his stomach was longing, so acutely intense that it drowned out every other feeling in that moment. The longing to hold, the longing to be held and the longing to be loved.
Sam swore it to himself then and there, that the next time he saw her, he wasn’t going to just stand there looking at her. She had to know how he felt. As bittersweet as this longing was, Sam knew he’d be damned if he didn’t act upon it. And act upon it he would.
I had no clue whom to tag so I’m taking a random shot at a couple folks here apart from those who asked:
@thing-you-do-with-that-thing @deanssweetheart23 @deaths-damn-fruit-basket @grace-for-sale @feelmyroarrrr @mrswhozeewhatsis @ilostmyshoe-79 @growningupgeek
#sweetemotionschallenge#sam x eileen#saileen#eileen x sam#saileen fanfic#sam winchester x eileen fanfiction#spn ships#spn fanfiction#ana writes saileen#anawritesspn#anawrites#q
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