#sam and max dream go whee
themlemever · 2 months
So I had a Sam and Max dream, and there was a fucking minigame in it.
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Basically, the plot is aliens. Alien invasion, again, except they're actually good at it so Sam and Max are like "Oh fuck wait-"
The rest of it is a bit of a blur but they ran through a newly abandoned mall and almost got pepper-sprayed. The aliens are smart but kinda dumb too cause they thought they could make pepper spray by using actual peppers. (It was fucking bell peppers bro, like-)
A lot of running away from alien soldiers and actual police officers that have joined their side because they don't want to fucking die.
The part I remember vividly is the ending segment. Max gets kidnapped, rightfully pissed that it keeps happening, and is brought to the surprisingly childish alien leader. It explained that it came to Earth out of boredom and viewed the planet and all the others it's invaded as toys. (It/it's pronouns alien go wee)
This is where the minigame I actually put thought into because I just woke up and was bored manifests. You know those plastic fake food toys for young children? The alien has those, but like, big ones. They can be stacked to the height of a person, and the baby-brained overlord forces Max to play with it.
Max has to humor the alien by playing along or he'll be shot dead, he isn't that concerned though because Sam is already in the building trying to find him. And bro is fucking pissed. Like, Noir Sam part 2 electric boogaloo, pissed. Max can call out to Sam or throw something to make a loud noise to draw him closer. It's just Max shouting his name and stuff like:
"Over here!" "Hurry up, dummy!"
Two meters will both fluctuate based on Max's actions, one shows how close Sam is to finding him, (if the meter is high then you'll hear him respond when Max calls him) the other is how suspicious the alien is of Max. Actually playing with it, which is just stacking the fake food to make a plastic burger, will make it less suspicious while alerting Sam will raise its suspicion. Max can only alert when the alien looks away, it has the attention span of an iPad kid. Sam's meter will slowly drain when he's not being alerted.
Filling the suspicion meter is a game over, filling Sam's meter is a win and will have him bust through the door.
Then they beat the shit out of the alien kid together and kiss afterward. The end ✨️
I literally only decided to write this down because I thought it was funny so wee
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