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casapisicilor · 3 years ago
Anunt pentru adoptie // Bucuresti -Ilfov Fetita superbaa de circa 2-3 luni isi cauta familie! Singuratatea este grea oricum ... dar daca mai esti si mic si in camp... A fost gasita pe camp, unde a fost abandonata. Cei care au gasit-o se duc de 2 ori pe saptamana pe camp sa o hraneasca, nu au nicio solutie de cazare pentru ea, insa este in pericol acolo pentru ca se perinda caini prin zona. Acum pisica e la noi in foster(cazare temporare) Poate fi predata in Bucuresti -Ilfov unor oameni responsabili care stiu ce inseamna dragostea si grija fata de un animal, care nu o vor lasa pe strada (pentru ca inteleg pericolele) si care o va steriliza la varsta potrivita. Contact: 0736846913 Announcement for adoption // Bucharest -Ilfov This cute amazing 3 month old kitten is looking for a family! Loneliness is always hard ... especially if you're still small in a huge field ... She was found in the field, where she was abandoned. Those who found her have been going to the field twice a week to feed her, they have no accommodation solution for her, but she is in danger there because dogs are roaming the area. For now she is staying with us in foster. We are looking for a family located in Bucharest-Ilfov or surrounding area that is responsible and who knows what love and care for an animal means, who will not leave it on the street (because they understand the dangers) and who will sterilize it at the right age. Contact: 0736846913 #salvatipisicile #pisici #pisiciromania #pisicidebucuresti #pisicipecreier #pisicipeinstagram #casapisicilor #adoptdontshop #cautefamilie #pisicipentruadoptie https://www.instagram.com/p/CSbpXQTjQIj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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casapisicilor · 3 years ago
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Maine este ziua internationala a pisicilor🥳🥳🥳 Cum vei sarbatori?🥰🤔 Tomorrow its international cat day🥳🥳🥳 How will you celebrate? 🥰🤔 #pisici #pisicipentruadoptie #pisicile #pisica #internationalcatday #cat #kitten #ziuainternationalapisicilor #casapisicilor #salvatipisicile https://www.instagram.com/p/CSQv0hnjBkL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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casapisicilor · 3 years ago
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Anunt pentru adoptie // Bucuresti -Ilfov Fetita superbbbbaa de circa 2-3 luni isi cauta familie! Singuratatea este grea oricum si oricand... dar daca mai esti si mic si in camp... A fost gasita pe camp, unde a fost abandonata. Cei care au gasit-o se duc de 2 orie saptamana pe camp sa o hraneasca, nu au nicio solutie de cazare pentru ea, insa este in pericol acolo pentru ca se perinda caini prin zona. Acum pisica e la noi on foster(cazare temporare) Poate fi predata in Bucuresti -Ilfov unor oameni responsabili care stiu ce inseamna dragostea si grija fata de un animal, care nu o vor lasa pe strada (pentru ca inteleg pericolele) si care o va steriliza la varsta potrivita. Contact: 0736846913 Announcement for adoption // Bucharest -Ilfov This cute amazing 3 month old kitten is looking for a family! Loneliness is always hard ... especially if you're still small in a huge field ... She was found in the field, where she was abandoned. Those who found her have been going to the field twice a week to feed her, they have no accommodation solution for her, but she is in danger there because dogs are roaming the area. For now she is staying with us in foster. We are looking for a family located in Bucharest-Ilfov or surrounding area that is responsible and who knows what love and care for an animal means, who will not leave it on the street (because they understand the dangers) and who will sterilize it at the right age. Contact: 0736846913 #salvatipisicile #pisici #pisiciromania #pisicidebucuresti #pisicipecreier #pisicipeinstagram #casapisicilor #adoptdontshop #cautefamilie #pisicipentruadoptie (at Bucharest, Romania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSGaDgGjfpB/?utm_medium=tumblr
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casapisicilor · 3 years ago
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Freya are 3 luni, este foarte sănătoasă, nu are paraziți si este foarte iubitoare. Pisica perfecta pentru o familie cu copii. In prezent, ea rămâne cu noi în plasament și dorim să fie adoptată de o familie iubitoare. Dacă sunteți interesat să adoptați acest mic pisoi dulce, vă rugăm să ne lăsați un mesaj sau să ne contactați la numărul de telefon de mai jos.😻😻😻 Freya is 3 months old, is very healthy, has no parasites nor fleas , she is very loving. perfect for a family with kids. she is currently staying with us in foster and is looking to be adopted by a loving family. if you are interested in adopting this sweet little kitten, please leave us a message or contact us on the phone number below. 😻😻 #pisici #pisiciromania #pisicipeinstagram #pisica #foreverhome #savecats #cats #catsofinstagram #kitties #instacats #instakitty #kittens #cat #pets #catlovers #casapisicilor #adoptdontshop #salvatipisicile https://www.instagram.com/p/CR_uRE8DeC-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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casapisicilor · 4 years ago
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Pisica ta se topeste de caldura pe vremea aceasta foarte calde ?🌡🔥 Stiati ca o puteti ajuta sa nu ii mai fie atat cald?🌬 Aruncati o privire la fantanile noastre💧⛲ Is your cat melting over the couch with this hot weather?🌡🔥 Did you know you can help your cat stay cool?🌬 Have a look at our water fountains that will keep your cat's water cool and flowing💧⛲ #pisici #pisiciromania #pisicipeinstagram #pisica #foreverhome #savecats #cats #catsofinstagram #kitties #instacats #instakitty #adoptdontshop #salvatipisicile #casapisicilor #petsupplies #staycool https://www.instagram.com/p/CR3k07Mjc6k/?utm_medium=tumblr
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casapisicilor · 4 years ago
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Cand adopti o pisica, le schimb viata pentru totdeauna. 😻 Opresti comertul cu pisici ✋ Veti avea un prieten foarte recunoscator si iubitor 😻😻 Adoptati o pisica si salvati o viata❤❤ #casapisicilor #adoptdontshop #salvatipisicile #pisici #pisiciromania #pisicipeinstagram #pisica https://www.instagram.com/p/CRgOocnjbbA/?utm_medium=tumblr
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