#saluting dash and then opening league to play aram
agonizedembrace · 1 year
A rapt knock to Evelynn's door comes first, then an undsteady voice of: "Mr. Baudelaire said you requested my presence, Ma'am....?"
In enters none other than Chelsea, the intern who's been the sole cause of many headaches today. On the shorter side, with wide brown eyes and dark hair tied up into a neat bun. At first glance, none would suspect any mishaps to occur from her.
Yet it is Evelynn who clicks her tongue, the golden of her eyes narrowing immediately on the young woman. It would take a fool to miss the irritation she presents, a single clawed digit tapping against a crossed arm along her chest. Her blouse remains messy, hardly buttoned appropriately and her skirt haphazardly snug to her waist.
"I did," she hums, but nothing in her voice is soothing. It is cold as she continues to stare down the intern, nostrils flaring with a deep breath. "Do you know why I called you, darling?"
Chelsea turns, glancing to the door. Strange as it seems to have close on its own accord. "N... no ma'am."
"Of course not." Evelynn all but hisses, shifting her position. Her legs gradually uncross as she lowers her jaw. "Darling, do you think before making purchases?"
A moment of hurt flashes on the woman's face, yet Evelynn is quick to cut her off.
"The answer is no, you do not."
The demon's movements are slow, calculated as she stands, arms that begin to unfold and reach for the folder that resides on the very desk she'd been sitting on. Evelynn takes no note of the horrified expression her intern wears, instead idly skimming the paperwork Robin had worked so dedicatedly on. She does this only for a moment, the room remaining eerie silent before a bone chilling laugh escapes her lips.
Sharp eyes find their way to the woman once more. "Oh, and here I was under the impression you were a good girl, Chelsea." With a fluid movement she tosses the folder to the intern, letting it fall flat on the floor. "Kneel for me."
"W-.. what?!"
Without giving her a chance, Evelynn steps forward, a hand finding Chelsea's shoulder. There's a gasp, eyes that further widen as the inhumanity of Evelynn's strength shows and down goes the woman. The smile the vocalist wears is twisted, ever eerie as she shakes her head.
"Do you have any idea how much trouble you caused, darling?" Now with a lower tone, Evelynn shifts her hand to cup Chelsea's jaw, forcing her to look up at her. The young woman is granted a view, perhaps entirely sinful as it is terrifying. "Oh, not only did you create such a hassle for dear Robin..."
Trailing off, Evelynn sighs and squeezes her hand, finding delight in the slight trickle of blood. She then coos, slowly bending over and granting an eyeful of her own cleavage. One that she knows is not ignored.
"... which then interrupted my private time with Akali."
"With Akali--"
Chelsea's head meets the ground before she can even utter another word. There's an undeniable look of anger that resides in the golden hues of Evelynn's gaze. "That is Miss. Tethi to you." Her hiss echoes within the room, a twitch to her lip as she steps forward. Soon a heel resides on top of the intern's stomach, pressing down ever slightly.
There's a cry that escapes the woman's mouth, frail and desperate. One that Evelynn feeds off.
"Here's the thing darling; not only did you make an unauthorized purchase -- which, by the way, did daddy always just buy you what you wanted?" Each word is spoken with certain venom, dripping further into a tritone demonic voice that once ago she's been known for. "You crossed the wrong people."
Finally Chelsea breaks out of some trance, Evelynn's charm not taking to its full effect just yet. "I didn't know ma'am! I.. I had thought I was using my personal funds!"
Evelynn says nothing, only shaking her head before she presses her heel further into the human. The scream she receives is nothing short of pleasurable, wholly enjoying the tears that form at the corners of her eyes. "But you did, dear. Robin knows to inform all interns that card is not for online purchases."
Lifting her foot, she steps to the side and kneels on top of her. Her smile continues to grow, far past anything human. Far past for dear little Chelsea to register anything as terrifying.
"You've been a bad girl, darling."
No stranger to the trembling hands that take to her waist, Evelynn lets a wild laugh loose before letting a hand trail up. One that soon brushes past Cheslea's collar, and taking hold at her neck. Now starts the fun part.
Greedy hands that begin to snake up, desperate to slide underneath her blouse. Blissfully unaware does Chelsea become, to lashers that gather form as Evelynn tightens her grip around her throat. Because oh, all that's on her mind is EVELYNN. How beautiful and hot she looks on top of her.
"You need a punishment," Evelynn whispers as she leans forward, letting the human greed further consume the woman beneath her. The touch on her skin is nothing close to satisfying -- always eager, and never truly appreciative. "Beg for it."
Plump lips that part, brown eyes awestruck of the demon who has her in such a grip. Unknown to the claws that continue to sink into her neck, to the blood that begins to pool around her. WHAT A HIGH, to be granted such a meal so soon.
"Please.." a frail voice, PAINED even. Evelynn hisses in delight, the free meal dripping within her grasp. "Please punish... me.."
Normally Evelynn would further make her beg, to prolong such a feast, but her irritation has gotten the better of her. The canal desire to make home to her girlfriend after this bitch ruined her moment. Her lashers strike first, piercing right into Chelsea's chest and electing SUCH A SCREAM. ONE THAT IS ENTIRELY DELICIOUS.
It is then, that blood sprays. The crimson liquid that begins to stain everything: the walls, floor, her clothes. Oh, the files too. She'll apologize later to Robin. She cares about the NOW, the way the pathetic intern thrashes, so desperate to cling onto her life. It is the DELIGHT in how her hand further clenches, completely blocking airflow. How hands that were once so eager on the demon's body, now hopelessly making attempts to get relief for air.
Evelynn laughs at her own words, fully aware of how incapable the human is of doing so. Oh, she takes it all in. The way her lashers plunge further, piercing organs. How the pool of blood begins to run so deep. The frail attempts of reclaiming life, the UTTER AGONY this human gives. WHAT A TREAT.
She doesn't last much longer, between the literal chokehold and the fact Evelynn's pierced her lungs now, her air flow is gone. How her heart goes from such a rapid pace....
To a slow beat.
To nothing.
A silence soon falls over the room, an eerie calm as Evelynn gradually releases her grip. Lashers that twitch, appearing almost happy as she further create a mess for the sake of it all. It is finally then, that the demon releases a breath she wasn't aware she was holding as she begins to stand.
Her heels are the sole noise in the room now, echoing off the walls as she approaches her desk once more. Instead of ill attempts of cleaning herself, she simply takes her spot once more on her desk, one leg over the other, and lets out a content sigh.
Needless to say, she is not startled by the ever dark rumble from the far corner of the room. The deep purring that seeming grows in volume, before followed by an equally low voice of: "Well done."
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