Explore tagged Tumblr posts
studyiish · 7 years ago
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090918 ; 5/100 days of productivity
i feel like i’ve definitely gotten out of my slump over the past few days, and actually been productive! i sent some emails, read a really interesting paper, went to the gym, and finally, made my first ever (unfinished) mind map for my upcoming math exam. good luck for the upcoming week everyone!
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pinkmangostudies · 7 years ago
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tomorrow is the first day of exams!
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stuhde · 7 years ago
My summer goals are to learn how to take good studyblr pictures and edit them! Also i plan to improve my french! Wish me luck 🍀
your goals are so cute, good luck! for editing studyblr photos i recommend using the VSCO app on your phone! use the HB1 or 2 filter :D
url: meh | okay | good | YAAAS | perfect | um… may i have it pls?icon: meh | okay | good | YAAAS | amazing | GIVE IT TO ME !!theme: needs work | okay | good | YAAAS | send me the code?original content: meh | okay | good | SLAYS | can i be you?overall: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | following: no sorry, but you are still super cute! | i am now | yES. | uh… DUH? FOREVER AND ALWAYS
i couldn’t find your original content btw!
celebrating 25k with blog rates!!!
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ohmyeonie · 7 years ago
Hi, Lisa! I'm Lisa! 😂
No, I’m Lisa! You’re the imposter!
Haha, this is great. I laughed when I read it :DD 
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nomadstudies · 7 years ago
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hi everyone! my name is brook and I’m 17 this year ❨ 2017 ❩ . I’ve had this blog since early November and I’ve now just decided to finally make an introduction post! ♡
a little about me
my main blog is @aquatrance911 ! 😊
I’m a sagittarius born on the 23rd of November
I’m an enfp
I’m a mixed Chinese and Filipino with a little Spanish blood from Malaysia
I find it weird to type the first letter of a sentence in caps so that explains why most of the letters here are in small caps
I speak English, Chinese, Malay and I’m now learning how to speak in Spanish. I understand a few other languages when I hear people speak though I don’t really know how to speak them
wanderlust, outdoor enthusiast, nemophilist 「 one who is fond of forests or forest scenery 」, astrophile 「 one who is fond of star lore 」
current education status
I just finished high school so I’ll be starting college/university on the March of 2018
I’m planning to enroll in an American Degree Transfer Programme
can’t decide between philosophy, zoology or environmental science as a major
I really really love nature and animals. whenever I’m outdoors and around nature, I feel so free and relaxed like it’s the best feeling ever hahah
high cut shoes ❨ sk8 hi vans ♡ ❩
books and writing
ancient Greek, Roman and early civilisation history. like its really interesting hahah
astronomy ♐
astrology 🌌
volcanoes and mountains hah 🏔️🌋
I hope to get better grades in college and make my family and I proud
stop being so slow in everything lol
to get rid of my awkwardness and be more confident
happiness 『 bc it’s the most important thing right? 』
to one day be a part of saving nature and lives ❨ apart from doing simple things like not littering lol ❩
to grow up to do what I love and to not dread going to work every morning
to travel to all the places I wanna visit like the Northern lights and Thailand for the Sky Lantern festival 🏮
why a studyblr?
it gives me motivation and it inspires me seeing all the other studyblrs being so dedicated and passionate about their studies
some of my favourite studyblrs
↬ @studyign @emmastudies @pianoandstudy @whenstudyblooms @optomstudies @briellestudies @doctorderange @salutarystudies @studyoon @studyquill @fightostudy @marias-studyblr @ao-study @pennyfynotes @littlestudyblrblog @zeestudies @studyblr @goodgrades-goodcoffee @elkstudies @apricot-studies
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stvdyhoe · 7 years ago
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new studyblr :-)
Brian: Hi! We’re just two losers who are new to the studyblr community and this is our shared studyblr account. Our names are smol trash and brian :-))
Smoltrash: I’m pretty new to the whole aesthetic notes trend, so bear with my crappy calligraphy ;v; I don’t post that often so expect a lot more posts from brian. Anyways, here are a few things we’d like to share about ourselves!
why we made a studyblr (brian)
i mostly made a studyblr because i wanted to be a part of such a hardworking and inspiring community! I also really wanted to make some new friends through this account :-)) smol trash basically wanted to co-own a studyblr account so we agreed and here we are today.
Hobbies and Interests (smoltrash)
everything cute
steven universe
extracurriculars (brian and smoltrash)
table tennis
math council
Science Club
Cardboard Boat Race
fav studyblrs 🌸💞
@emmastudies @studyquill @lotta-studies @hinodestudies @athenastudying @athenus @hufflepuffwannabe @studywithinspo @problematicprocrastinator @elkstudies @rhubarbstudies
our lovely mutuals 💕✨
@tsun-tsunderella @stubborn-studies @brai-nstem @tnt-squirrel @raven-studies @itscandyeyes @caffenotes @triestobeorganized @overworker @salutarystudies @mattystudies @5tudyin
sum notes 🌻🌟
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feel free to tag us in future posts using #live-n-studie !! we’ll follow anyone who likes or reblogs this post :-))
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studymotion · 7 years ago
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I’m really exited to announce my first studyblr challenge and competition, The 12 Days of Christmas study challenge!
I’ve been thinking for a while of ways to be productive during the holiday period and I’ve designed a new study challenge to be completed over the 12 days of Christmas! I’m really exited to give this challenge a try, and I really hope you’ll join me!
How it works
The challenge begins on Christmas day, 25th December and carries on until the 5th January. The challenge asks you to complete a number of productive tasks a day and will get progressively more difficult as the challenge goes on.
Day 1: a partridge in a pear tree - time to get started! Post a festive picture of your study space or supplies, something that really embodies your studyblr spirit. Feel free to be as creative as you want!
Day 2: two turtle doves -  post another study aesthetic photo AND drink 1.5 liters of water
Day 3: three french hens - post another study aesthetic photo AND drink 1.5 liters of water AND copy up a set of notes
Day 4: four calling birds  - post another study aesthetic photo AND drink 1.5 liters of water AND copy up a set of notes AND read a chapter of a book 
Day 5: five gold rings - cheat day! Its Christmas break after all so have five golden hours to yourself! Make sure to update on what you’ve gotten up to!
Day 6: six geese a laying - annnnd we’re back. Post another study aesthetic photo AND drink 1.5 liters of water AND copy up a set of notes AND read a chapter of a book AND have one hour off AND complete a practice paper or essay question
Day 7: seven swans a swimming - post another study aesthetic photo AND drink 1.5 liters of water AND copy up a set of notes AND read a chapter of a book AND have one hour off AND complete a practice paper or essay question AND watch a TED talk on a subject you’re studying
Day 8: eight maids a milking - post another study aesthetic photo AND drink 1.5 liters of water AND copy up a set of notes AND read a chapter of a book AND have one hour off AND complete a practice paper or essay question AND watch a TED talk on a subject you’re studying AND make a list of goals for the new year
Day 9: nine ladies dancing - post another study aesthetic photo AND drink 1.5 liters of water AND copy up a set of notes AND read a chapter of a book AND have one hour off AND complete a practice paper or essay question AND watch a TED talk on a subject you’re studying AND make a list of goals for the new year AND complete a workout
Day 10: ten lords a leaping  - post another study aesthetic photo AND drink 1.5 liters of water AND copy up a set of notes AND read a chapter of a book AND have one hour off AND complete a practice paper or essay question AND watch a TED talk on a subject you’re studying AND make a list of goals for the new year AND complete a workout AND re-organised your desk or binders/file-holders 
Day 11: eleven pipers piping - post another study aesthetic photo AND drink 1.5 liters of water AND copy up a set of notes AND read a chapter of a book AND have one hour off AND complete a practice paper or essay question AND watch a TED talk on a subject you’re studying AND make a list of goals for the new year AND complete a workout AND re-organised your desk or binders/file-holders AND practice a language 
Day 12: twelve drummers drumming  - post another study aesthetic photo AND drink 1.5 liters of water AND copy up a set of notes AND read a chapter of a book AND have one hour off AND complete a practice paper or essay question AND watch a TED talk on a subject you’re studying AND make a list of goals for the new year AND complete a workout AND re-organised your desk or binders/file-holders AND practice a language AND create a new study playlist
annndddd congratulate yourself!! You’ve reached the end of the challenge!
How to take part
complete each task and make a post on your studyblr about your progress! make sure to tag all your posts #12doc. Feel free to tag #lunchboxliterature so I can see all your amazing work!
Do your best but don’t worry if you cant do every challenge every day. The important thing is to stay productive and happy xo You can be any age to take part and any level of qualification, all you need is a studyblr and determination!
at the end of the challenge on January 6th I’ll take a look at the 12doc tag and pick one studyblr who I’m really wowed by. That person will receive a special Christmas gift from me! (its a surprise, but you can bet its study related...) There will also be three runners up who will receive shout outs! To be eligible for the prize and shout outs you must: 
be following this blog
have a complete #12doc 
send me an ask via your studyblr telling me how you’ve gotten on with the challenge, and that you’d like to be considered, + one thing you love about the Christmas season!
Ultimately, this challenge is just about having fun over the winter break, so please don’t feel obliged to compete!
I’m going to go ahead and tag some of my beautiful followers and other stuydblrs which I love, who I officially challenge to take up 12doc. Please feel free to like/reblog this post to get the word around! If it gets less than 20 notes though we’ll just pretend the competition part never happened.. 
@mysticalrunnerstudyperson @lawschoolstudying @studypetals @studyblr @thestudynotes @obsidianstudy @studyign @studyrelief @studyquill @505studies @jrstudys @journalsanctuary @the-desi-desk @scinapses @schoolenthusiast @hypcthesis @problematicprocrastinator @ploverstudies @salutarystudies @nemooccasionallystudies @sleep-or-study @elkstudies @emmastudies @pharm--blr @justjasminestudying @procrastinstudy @pplstudy @madamwhynot @thefeministdinosaur @lawfulstudent
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astudyingbird · 7 years ago
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Hi everyone, I’m Birdy ( this is a nickname, not my real name😁). I’ve been wanting to make a studyblr for a while and today I actually made it. • About Me • - I’m starting university in the fall - I’m 17 -I’m Canadian - I’m slytherin - I’m a minor coffee addict • My Classes• - I’m majoring in Psychology I’m also going to be taking: -English - women and gender studies -sociology -history • Hobbies • - reading - drawing - mountain biking -cooking - skiing •Why I’m making a studyblr• -I’m making this blog because I want to be more motivated to study and I want a way to remain accountable to my goals - also the studyblr community seems to be very welcoming and I wanted to be a part of that positive environment • My Inspirations • @emmastudies | @salutarystudies @stuudywithme | @academiix | @eintsein | @elkstudies | @castillos-co | @kuroristudies | @septemberstudiesblog | @minimaliststudy | @succulentstudy | @astralistudies | @elkstudies |
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floweringstudies · 7 years ago
Hey there! 👋🏾 Once you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly, then send this on to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is super cool! and self-love is important!) 😊💛 Really like your blog!!
awe thank you so much!!!
My favorite things:
1. My sense of humor (I like to pretend I can be a comedian)
2. My eyes (they’re light brown)
3. My music taste (alternative + rock)
4. My obsession with plants + animals (if you ever want to talk about either of those, message me because I just LOVE them)
5. My Irish heritage (I’m very proud)
I think everyone should do this, honestly, and just take a moment to reflect on one’s self. so, please everyone partake!
(this is a side blog so I gotta tag ya’ll) 
tags: @the-desi-desk @daisie-studies @my-aesthetic-is-studying @studyfajr @uriestudies @studyessie @salutarystudies @kinglystudies @onomato-priyaa @legallychic
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acaldemics · 7 years ago
10 years, 10 goals tag
rules: list 10 goals you have for the next 10 years, write it down or save it somewhere you can find it again, then tag 10 people.
thanks for tagging me @tournexsol !
in ten years i’ll be twenty-six :o crazy to think about... let’s do this! :)
in the next ten years, i hope to have achieved the following:
1. for my hard work in high school to pay off and lead to my acceptance into a university of my choice where i am happy, productive, and successful and am also able to study abroad... probably in france
2. to live in a city i love (i’m so excited to decorate my apartment)
3. to secure a job that i enjoy doing and pays well, possibly in journalism, biopsychology/neuroscience, or international relations but not necessarily
4. to learn to be happier and more carefree
5. to learn some spanish, mandarin, and arabic
6. to improve my health by going on runs regularly and making good food choices
7. to learn to cook... i can barely make toast HAHAHHA
8. to write stories, paint, and draw
9. to visit every country in europe as well as australia, israel, china, japan, the philippines, and the maldives (if the latter still exists by then... climate change is real) but basically i want to do a loooot of traveling!
10. to surround myself with people (and pets) who bring out the best in me
i tag: @hannybstudies @rosestudiies @sootudying @emmastudies @salutarystudies @studysnooze @collegemode @collegeandgreentea @studyign @educatier
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rosestudiies · 7 years ago
10 years, 10 goals tag
rules: list 10 goals you have for the next 10 years, write it down or save it somewhere you can find it again, then tag 10 people.
thanks for the tag @acaldemics !!! 
in 10 years i’ll be 26 years old, which is weird to think about but also rly exciting!!
here are my goals that i aim to achieve in the next 10 years:
1. to learn to play the piano
2. to learn some more italian and spanish, and also start learning dutch and arabic
3. to continue to read 30+ books every year
4. to get a job i’m passionate about (maybe in the field of environmental science or psychology... time will tell!)
5. to get accepted into and graduate from a college i love (and to study abroad while in college)
6. to travel as much as possible! the countries at the top of my list are italy, england, spain, the netherlands, morocco, south africa, china, india, and canada. i’d also love to go to hawaii and greenland!
7. to stay involved with community service and to always make time to volunteer/help others in whatever way i can
8. to maintain a steady vegan diet (i’ve been vegetarian for a while and have been trying to make the transition to veganism but it’s been tough)
9. to make it a habit to write in a journal everyday 
10. to surround myself with positive people who inspire me and push me to be the best possible version of myself
i tag: @salutarystudies @vivianastudies @studie-s @joystudyblr @thoughtfortress
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studysnooze · 7 years ago
Intro to Mandarin
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Thank you so much to @salutarystudies for suggesting this master post and giving me ideas on what to write about. She’s one of the awesome new friends I’ve been making lately
EQ: What is the importance of learning Mandarin or another language in general?
1. I believe that when you learn a language that is not the same as your mother tongue, you gain an open mindset because you are willing to immerse yourself into their culture, the way they speak, and most importantly the way they think.
2. It’s also really cool when you know a different language because now you can communicate with more people and you have more access to different resources. For example, I don’t need to find an English dub/sub for anime because I can pretty much understand the Mandarin subtitles and even some of the Japanese titles.
1. Tones are extremely important when pronouncing in Mandarin. You will not understand the rest of this master post if you do not know the basics of tones. Please watch this short video on tones to get yourself started.
2. Note: since I cannot type the tone markings (if you watch the video you know what I mean), I will use the tone number which is another way to write the tone markings
How to introduce yourself
1. To say “hello, hey, or hi” you say “ni3 hao3”
a. 你好
2. To ask what someone’s name is, you say “ni3 jiao4 shen2me ming2 zi?”
a. 你叫什么名字
3. To say “my name is ___” you say “wo3 jiao4 (your name)”
a. Ex: 我叫 Nonso
4. To say “How about you? Or what about you?” you say “ni3 ne?”
a. 你呢?
Family members
1. Mom: ma1 ma1 (妈妈)
2. Dad: ba4 ba (爸爸)
3. Older brother: ge1 ge1 (哥哥)
4. Little brother: di4 di4 (弟弟)
5. Older sister: jie3jie3 (姐姐)
6. Younger sister: mei4 mei (妹妹)
7. Grandpa: ye2 ye2 (爷爷)
8. Grandma: nai3 nai (奶奶)
9. Parents (both of them together): fu4 mu3 (父母)
One: yi1 (一)
Two: er4 (二)
Three: san1 (三)
Four: si4 (四)
Five: wu3 (五)
Six: liu4 (六)
Seven: qi1 (七)
Eight: ba1 (八)
Nine: jiu3 (九)
Ten: shi4 (十)
Red: hong2 (黄)
Orange: cheng2 (橙)
Yellow: huang2 (黄)
Green: lv4 (绿) (the ‘v’ letter makes a deep ‘u’ sound)
Blue: lan2 (蓝)
Purple: zi3 (紫)
“Colorful”: wu3 yan2 liu4 se4 (五颜六色)
This is my first master post so please send me a message or comment if you think I should make any edits to this post or if I made something seem unclear. I really want to share my knowledge as effectively as possible. Also, reblog or let me know if you liked it too! That way, I know that I should spend more time making these. Lastly, I need more ideas on what to make next so message me with any suggestions xx
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oreo-studies · 7 years ago
30 questions tag
rules // answer thirty questions and tag twenty blogs you would like to get to know better!
tagged by // @jasperstudies and @goldenotes
tagging // @nerdybun @gloomstudy @fightostudy @lawandlanguages @studying-blues @thegrangersapprentice @architstudy @girlwithastethoscope @salutarystudies @alinaetude and anyone else who wants to participate!!
1. name: aurelia
2. gender: female
3. star sign: taurus
4. height: probably shorter than you think
5. time: 6.44pm
6. birthday: sometime in may!!
7. favourite bands: bts and pentatonix
8. favourite solo artists: lauv, sam smith and ed sheeran
9. song stuck in my head: off the record by will jay
10. last movie i watched: the social network
11. last show i watched: cutthroat kitchen, S1 EP1 (out of curiosity)
12. when did i create my blog: late august this year
13. what do i post: studyspo, my bujo and once in a blue moon a positivity post
14. last thing i googled: whats that movie about zuckerberg called
15. do i have any other blogs: yes and i will say that my studyblr is the most active hehe
16. do i get asks: not often
17. why i chose my url: oreo’s a nickname!!
18. following: 72
19. followers: 818
20. average hours of sleep: 4-7 on school days and at least 8 on weekends and holidays
21. lucky number: 7
22. instruments: does the recorder from primary 3 count 
23. what am i wearing: my outward bound shirt and shorts
24. dream job: architect wOO
25. dream trip: around the world
26. favourite food: i love most salmon dishes but recently i’ve been eating a lot of banana bread??
27. nationality: malaysian, but singaporean pr
28. favourite song: easy love by lauv
29. last book I read: mao’s last dancer by li cunxin
30. top three fictional universes i’d want to join: 
harry potter universe obvs
shadowhunters universe uhm idk if thats what this is called but its from the mortal instruments series
percy jackson universe or the kane chronicles universe basically any book written by rick riordan
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justjasminestudying · 7 years ago
shoutout to @salutarystudies for bscly filling up my notifications :))
I'll be sure to return the favour!
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caffenotes · 7 years ago
This looks fun, thanks for tagging me @cafedetude 💕
1. Drink: hot chocolate
2. Phone call: my mum
3. Text message: my friend
4. Song you listened to: Keep Holding On (Glee Cast Version)
5. Time you cried: last night cause of a really sad song
6. Dated someone twice: no
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: never kissed anyone
8. Been cheated on: no
9. Lost someone special: yes, a friend
10. Been depressed: just really down but not depressed
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: no
12-14: blue, nature greens, purple
15. Made new friends: yes
16. Fallen out of love: no. i don't even know the feeling
17. Laughed until you cried: yes, often
18. Found out someone was talking about you: yes
19. Met someone who changed you: not really
20. Found out who your friends are: yess
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: heck no
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: almost all except for a few close internet friends
23. Do you have any pets: yes. Four dogs: two adorable puppies and their parents
24. Do you want to change your name: not really
25. What did you do for your last birthday: i actually don't remember 😂
26. What time did you wake up: 3 am. Early bird here
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping
28. Name something you can’t wait for: high school to end
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: five hours ago before I left for school
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: wish I had clear skin and more confidence
31. What are you listening to right now: Cross My Mind Pt 2 (feat. Kiiara) - A R I Z O N A
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: i met maybe four Toms in my lifetime
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: my procrastination habits!!
34. Most visited websites: tumblr, ao3 and fanfiction.net
35. Mole/s: none that I know of
36. Mark/s: a scar on my knee from when I climbed our gate cause my key wouldn't work
37. Childhood dream: I wanted to be an archaeologist cause of reading so many encyclopedias
38. Hair colour: black
39. Long or short hair: short, shoulder-length
40. Do you have a crush on someone: never have
41. What do you like about yourself: my smile and eyes
42. Piercings: none. The piercings on my ears healed
43. Blood type: A negative (i think?)
44. Nickname: Eliz is a nickname I gave myself for online reasons. Irl though, some people call me Kiars or Kirara from my first name Kiara
45. Relationship status: single
46. Zodiac: Dragon 🐉
47. Pronouns: she/her
48. Favourite TV Show: iZombie
49. Tattoos: none
50. Right or left hand: left for writing, right for a majority of things
51. Surgery: no
52. Hair dyed in different colour: no, wish I could
53. Sport: badminton
55. Vacation: went to London years back. It was amazing
56. Pair of trainers: Adidas. They're really comfy
57. Eating: not eating rn.
58. Drinking: not drinking either
59. I’m about to: post this on Tumblr 😜
61. Waiting for: lunch time. I'm famished
62. Want: a new iPhone with a huge memory
63. Get married: not really unless I somehow fall in love in the future
64. Career: I'm a student but I want to be a stock broker someday
65. Hugs or kisses: hugs
66. Lips or eyes: eyes
67. Shorter or taller: taller
68. Older or younger: eh... Not picky as long as they're mature
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: idk. both please
71. Sensitive or loud: sensitive
72. Hook up or relationship: relationship
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
74. Kissed a stranger: no
75. Drank hard liquor: no
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: yes. I was blind for two months lol
77. Turned someone down: yeah. My younger brother's friend stalked me for my entire fifth grade. I turned him down
78. Sex on the first date: no
79. Broken someone’s heart: i think? My first boyfriend found out I hadn't developed feelings for him so he broke it off even if I still wanted to try. We're friends now though
80. Had your heart broken: no
81. Been arrested: no
82. Cried when someone died: yes
83. Fallen for a friend: no
84. Yourself: nope... :(
85. Miracles: maybe
86. Love at first sight: yes
87. Santa Claus: i never did. I caught my parents placing gifts under a tree when I was very young
88. Kiss on the first date: yes
90. Current best friend name: Marian
91. Eye colour: really dark brown
92. Favourite movie: Fast and Furious series
I'm tagging @morgancoulson @salutarystudies @2ndcourser plus anyone else who wants to try this
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