fairymint · 10 months
What are some things you are tired of seeing in the RPing community?
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Lack of nuance, and respect when it comes to conflict. mind you that anything past this first dot isn't recent rather than experience.
pseudo vagueblogging about "bad" people without context. seen with hate anons, "if you do [this issue]", and blocked people- this carryover shit makes it hard for some people to read community meta hour without wondering 'if something happened'. Be Clear. if you can't, that's a good sign to reconsider saying it. Especially if it's offsite or off blog, lest people mistake it for here (or worse, themselves.)
More "I" statements and less "you" and "we" statements if you have an actual conflict- it's where a lot of accusatory statements and rough edges lie. muns are people, not problems. Don't assign yourself as a problem and wonder in the dark, don't assign others' hurting your feelings as 'a problem' without clear basis. ask questions. people are often ignorant rather than malicious. malicious for a reason, etc.
shut the hell up about the people you've blocked; notsomuch the information and what they did. idk possible unpopular opinion here, but don't speculate, don't tease, etc. people can be so quick to tell perpetrators to fuck off without giving that same respect. Right or wrong, most people need some space to process that kinda shit, or might have moved on. similar case if you've been blocked, though there's a fine line between grieving it and doing the above. Like, if you must read up on them, be mindful of that. and re-enter their lives gracefully if you choose to do so. There's a reason that people can be so black and white about things like callouts, and this contributes to it. People have rights, friends, sometimes willingness to change, depending. tl;dr let people breathe ffs.
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peepingcreek · 8 months
Oliver head-cannons:
Oliver tracks down every girl and guy Felix ever hooked up with and sleeps with them too.
Right after his triumphant penis dance, he curls up on Felix's bed and cries hot, angry tears.
He makes Duncan do the weirdest and most absurd requests for his own freaky pleasure. "Duncan, decorate the front yard with plastic dildos, wont you?"
Farliegh Head-cannons
He admits defeat in the begining, slinking back to America, but vows revenge. Farliegh and Oliver meet for a passive aggressive esspreso date in Venice, which Oliver pays for.
Felix fingered him LOL
Venetia Head-canons
She's been in and out of ED treatment through high school and finished her education with a tutor.
She never had a good group of school mates, and mostly hangs out with Felix and who he brings around
Felix fufills his savior complex by trying to help her, feeling sorry for her.
Elspeth Head-cannon
She also had bulimia when she was modeling
She is a closeted lesbian and has 0 attraction to sr. James
huge lesbian crush on Oliver
Duncan Headcannons OHHH
His family has been serving the Cattons for generations
He and the servants were all privy to Olivers freaky little escapades, but have a strict no interference policy
Duncan loved Felix, and all the servants thought that Felix was the only decent one of the family, aside from maybe James but idk
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catinheadlights · 9 months
PSA: The pet game Sylestia uses AI generated "art".
Sylestia has been using AI generated assets for a long while now, and I decided to write this up because I'm not sure how well known this is among the remaining playerbase (not that I think many of them are gonna read this but I guess it's here now if they care to). Krinadon (site owner/admin) has explicitly said this in a mass PM before, screenshot and examples below context.
Context: This was a mass PM from late 2022 sent to a large section of the playerbase with a long list of allegations against different users. Some of the claims were blatantly petty and others were seemingly serious but in reality extremely shaky. Some players receiving the PM had no involvement in any of the perceived antagonism, and not everyone receiving it was in some kind of clique like the wording in the Glaselk section would suggest. Krin was largely complaining that people were criticizing him and Faiona (other owner/admin) in a private discord server, of which a handful of people sent him screenshots. For transparency, I committed two apparent crimes: one was assuming the AI assets were made by people, and in a private discord server, criticizing the decision to update them over focusing on more important parts of the site. The second was complaining about the shitty stereotypical "Pow Wow Costume" (since renamed but otherwise unaltered) and associated clothing items in its set, as well as the name of the "Wild Wendigo Morkko" theme. As far as Krin complaining that people think he was giving Glas special treatment... well, if you know, you know. No clue if they even play anymore, but you all know that harassment is bad already, so don't do that. I didn't edit that section out of the screenshot because idk if that'd be seen as suspicious or something.
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[Image ID: A screenshot of a private message from Krinadon on Sylestia titled "Official Player Conduct Warning (1 of 2)". The last section of the message says the following: Experience Orb and Magical Pie Art: No, no artist time was spent nor wasted on these assets. No, we did not divert any site resources to the specific creation of these assets. We were learning and testing with artwork created by AI and these were our initial test projects. The end results actually ended up being pretty decent, so we decided to use them. No, we are not going to replace any artists with AI artwork. However, we most definitely are looking to supplement where we can so that our artists can continue working full time on more important projects. I think that we are aware of how to properly budget our time and resources. We have been doing this for a decade now. And yes, our artists are aware that we are using AI artwork. /.End ID]
Now, I think the first thing I should point out is that the artists knowing the site uses AI doesn't necessarily mean that they like the decision. I don't know the artists personally, but I do know that at least one of them has, unsurprisingly, posted about not liking AI art.
Secondly, it wouldn't be fine even if the site artists loved AI, because as it is, it's unethical to use regardless. The training data is artwork scraped from the internet without consent from the creators. No amount of promising that you won't replace human artists will erase that. Informing the site artists that you're using AI won't erase that.
Here are the confirmed AI official assets (descriptions in alt text):
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(The orb pic is comically large because they kept it at >500x500 for a while and I saved it)
Additionally, there are background items that are almost definitely AI generated:
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Some have glaring issues while others may be less obvious, but when comparing them to the art styles in other items, the difference is apparent, and is not explained by having multiple artists and the seeming lack of a style guide.
There were also several coloring contests with obviously AI generated lineart:
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And also official threads where players were to design pets based off of AI generated images. These ones were from the faelora design raffle during the 2023 spring festival:
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If you're not convinced they're AI, the images on the thread were hosted by Sylestia's server's and reverse image searching didn't turn up any matches. They would never commission these, and they didn't just take them from another site. They were generated for the raffle.
Do not support this site. The are so, so many games made by people that actually respect artists.
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retroactivebakeries · 2 years
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lorwolfdrama · 2 years
For all of your salt and frustrations. Hate fishing? Annoyed by staff or a user? Don’t know why the heck anyone would spend $$ on the game? This is the blog for you.
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There is a false narrative being pushed
TLDR; Santae had 4 salt blogs made for it in the span of 4 weeks, all of which seem to interact with each others posts, boosting engagement and pushing the narrative that Santae has a negative online reputation. santaesecrets also posted their first callout post on September 1st, one day after Santae's Kickstarter launched which is suspicious since the site has been up since May 2024 and the information they had was received well before the Kickstarter was launched. The timing is suspicious at the very least.
It has been confirmed by anonymous asks that sanpose is not associated with the other blogs listed here as their archive goes back several years, as such the sanpose section of this post has been removed to avoid spreading false information. As of September 26th, all blogs listed claim to not have any involvement with the santaesecrets blog. --- Currently, when looking at the santae tag, there are more "salt blogs" spamming the tag then actual posts about santae. Considering Santae is a new petsite that is barely out of Alpha, it seems very odd that all of these salt blogs would show up so quickly one after the other when the site itself hasn't even been established enough to cultivate a following that would warrant the amount of displeasure and venting happening. I have a theory that there are one or two people behind these multiple salt blogs trying to flood the santae tag with conjecture and false information made to look like real staff making anonymous complaints. Here is my proof. @santaesecrets posted their first post on September 1st, 2024 showing the cropped comment section of a Youtube video where two unverified sources claim to have been previous team members.
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Another saltblog is @santaespeaks.
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Their first post was on August 20th 2024, 2 weeks before santaesecrets made their first post.
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@sassyav0cado is yet another fresh tumblr account who's only interactions and posts consist of commenting on posts and reblogging santaesecrets posts.
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Going to santaesecrets likes you can see sassyav0cado has also liked multiple of the posts which leads me to the newest blog to throw their hat into the ring, @santae-salt with their first ever post being September 17th 2024.
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Now, this could all be coincidental and unrelated information. I would agree with anyone that would say that however I would like to make an even further case for this theory. Santae has a kickstarter, of which was launched on August 31st 2024. The kickstarter was funded in 28 minutes and has since been accumulating more support. However I would like to point out that @santaesecrets first blog post was made on September 1st 2024. I would like to call attention to the very odd timing of a blog claiming to be a source for information posting their very first post the day after the Kickstarter launched. It would seem to me that it was a targeted effort to draw negative attention towards Santae on a very specific day where all eyes would be on them. Mind you, santaesecrets was capable of posting before September 1st as well, they have many other posts that include screenshots of what they claim is stolen artwork that was created 8+ years ago, and yet they chose to post on that day? I would also like to point out that all of the afformentioned accounts were created within the span of 4 weeks, the earlier being @santaespeaks on August 20th and the latest being @santae-salt on September 17th. Please consider that Santae has been open to Alpha Testers since May 12th 2024.
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There has been plenty of time before August and September to foster harsh feelings for this site and a truly poorly run, poorly managed website would have had a salt blog made for it at least by July 2024, at the very least the beginning of August. However, reader, I would hope you would find it hard to deny that it is very odd that 5 blogs would be created with the span of 4 weeks all centered around spreading the communities distaste for this site with no inciting incident to be heard of that isn't linked to santaesecrets themselves starting a fire on the one day it would be most convenient for them to do so. I hold the belief that a truly concerned source, a person actually concerned with the wellbeing and informing of the general public would make these issues known well before this sites kickstarter has started. After all, CJ announced the kickstarter in June 2024.
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I do wonder if choosing not to post sometime in July or August was the best choice for everyone especially when santaesecrets wants to push the narrative that CJ is in fact the former scamming, abusive owner of Lurapets. He could have very well run off with all of their backers money and yet this very important information was saved, until September 1st but the proof for that accusation wasn't posted in full until September 19th.
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Very odd indeed.
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saltminerising · 8 months
friendly reminder to some users here that your disability does not automatically make you immune to being ableist, nor are your experiences universal. this is a saltblog to be complain-y and i do the same thing but geez the whole "i have ___ but i did NOT do the thing and was completely fine blah blah blah whats your excuse" shit really makes me pissed off haha. yall are coming out of the woodwork for this one i think. thanks for the blocklist..?
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lionews · 6 months
"Apparently a new Wolvden saltblog was made, but I cant see it going too well. The admins tendency to involve themselves in the drama instead of posting as a neutral party is gonna be a recipe for disaster."
Judging by how they're responding to reasonable concerns people were pointing out, the blog is going to spiral into a hellhole if the mod is already somewhat toxic or incapable of at least listening to and considering their concerns. I have a slight feeling that the main conflicts are going to be caused by the mod rather than users fighting with each other... 😅
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santaespeaks · 5 days
the puffin thing is really nothing to me like i think art is dead if that's considered copyright infringement and an immoral offense. like literally that's nothing. that being said i think the nail in the coffin for me is ... $6 for a complicated header illustration. one which looks like to have taken anywhere from 3-10 hours depending on skill. out of EVERYTHING thats been talked about, that's so fucked. i cant even support this project in jest anymore cuz like sure we can wag our fingers at fomo or silly moderation decisions and thats all just saltblog discourse. but these rates are so much more serious you're not even paying the lowest minimum wage in the US which id at LEAST be slightly more okay with. like that's so serious in comparison.
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zaerog-infinity · 8 months
i gotta unfollow that saltblog man some of these people drive me up the wall and back LMAOO
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fairymint · 2 years
4. What are some things you are tired of seeing in the RPing community?
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the most definitive and simple thing i can think of atm is if I ever make a promo again, I'll probably straight-up just put 'do not like, reblog only'. i'm just simply gettin tired of the passive shit. do not get the point. is it not 'pretty' enough? honestly, i get more followers from either following first, or some sort of wacky interaction- or, association. popular/liked writer like me, therefore me good to new people. might never make a promo post again, what's the point when i got mooties' blogs. i've shitty luck with promos and opens from anyone who isn't immaculately friendly and adaptable. (this might just be a me problem or community problem, but it gets exhausting feeling like i have to prove myself over and over, and i simply do not know 'how' to do so. i get urges to rewrite bios and rules all the time, but ig it just comes down to me making ppl feel special by saying hi sometimes. idk idk-)
otherwise just stuff like vagueblogging, conflating self-insert characters with bad writing/muns, the entire initial concept of 'mary sue', and my personal pet peeve the 'tumblr police'.
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dragon-salt · 2 months
Sincerely, fuck off if you think your Oh So High And Mighty Elder Veteran status gives you the right to be such a cunt to other players for having differing opinions about a *checks notes* online pixel collecting game for children. Log off, go look at a sunset and stop waving your dick in the wind before you get piss in your eye.
I'm trying so hard to figure out which of my recent saltblog interactions would have warranted calling me a cunt and I can only assume it's over my response to that "light sprite is ugly" ask? But also I find it very hard to believe that it alone would have pissed someone off bad enough drop this in my inbox. What is happening. Why are people so valiantly defending Lightsprites Ugly anon as if I threatened to kill their family.
(unless this is about something else after all, but I really haven't got a clue what)
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swamphaunt · 7 months
every now n then i remember when some of yall on the saltblogs were talkin shit about some player that happened to be out and open about their objectumsexuality.
fuck yall for that.
i need to be more open about it on my end. we need more visibility so yall dont make the same fuckin mistakes.
that being said if anyone has any questions, my inbox is open. just dont be a cunt.
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saltboroughs · 10 months
I guess I knew what I was getting into going onto a saltblog but it feels like no one can do fucking anything without getting torn to shreds on here. A user can’t make funny catchy lore without someone calling them annoying. Staff can’t post a funny picture without being called unprofessional. New update can’t be posted without being picked apart.
You guys just make the community look very unwelcoming, and I feel like you’re making your own experience quite negative while looking at everything like that :/ It’s a fuckin kitty game
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lorwolfdrama · 1 year
Signed up earlier. Good overall, lot of the same things as FR, whatever. I am so confused tho. Like one, my quest is already fucked up because ?? idk. Just keeps sending me back to the river. Idk how to get more water at a sustainable rate. What the hell is the pageant. Also, a pageant? I sound like a boomer but like I've been doing pet sites since 2007 and I have never just been so "ok cool but ??" to like half the features
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saltminerising · 4 months
I am only on the gasp pinglist for one (1) breed that doesn't get many skins. and i am not on any new breed pings. and i keep getting pings for new skins that are not related to that breed at all. like i get its probably not intentional but im salty and this is a saltblog. if you dont even bother to check what breed you're pinging for i hope ur skin gets rejected for having 1 red pixel and you have to edit it and its really annoying 4 u <3
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