#salt spray corrosion chamber
effectivelabindia · 3 hours
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Top-notch salt spray test chambers from Effective Lab India are available for accurate and trustworthy corrosion testing. Materials and surface coatings are tested for corrosion resistance using a salt spray test chamber. The simulation aims to assess the material's ability to endure abrasive and severe conditions over an extended period. Our testing apparatus guarantees precise replication of severe weather scenarios, assisting manufacturers in assessing the robustness and quality of their goods. These test chambers offer reliable construction, sophisticated features, and repeatable and consistent results. Select Effective Lab India's top-notch salt spray chamber to satisfy demanding industry requirements, improve product performance, and guarantee enduring quality in various industrial uses.
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envisystechnologies · 4 months
Salt Spray Chambers | Envisys Technologies
Envisys Technologies is a leading manufacturer and supplier of salt spray fog test corrosion chambers, designed to simulate corrosive conditions and evaluate the performance of various materials and coatings. Our chambers are ruggedly constructed, and designed to meet international standards such as ASTM, DIN, GM, JIS, and MIL, ensuring accurate and reliable testing results. Our Chambers are available in basic and cyclic versions, with advanced temperature control systems for precise control. We also offer customization options with optional accessories and control consoles. Envisys Technologies offers a wide range of models, including cyclic corrosion chambers, walk-in chambers, and cyclic corrosion testing. Our chambers simulate various corrosive environments, allowing samples to be exposed to specific salt concentrations for predetermined durations. We also provide walk-in chambers for larger specimens or specialized testing requirements. Envisys Technologies is committed to providing high-quality salt spray chambers, undergoing rigorous testing to ensure flawless performance and reliability. They strive to deliver high-performance solutions that exceed expectations, making them a trusted partner for corrosion testing needs.
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saltspraytestchamber · 4 months
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pacorr · 4 months
The Future of Material Testing: Innovations in Salt Spray Chambers
The Salt Spray Chamber offers a controlled environment to test the corrosion resistance strength of materials. It's known for its precision and ability to deliver quantitative, reliable results. This type of testing is essential for predicting how materials will perform in corrosive environments, such as those exposed to seawater or industrial pollution. Moreover, it's relatively inexpensive, considering the valuable data it provides for improving product durability and compliance with industry standards​​.
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Salt Spray Chamber are expected to continue playing a pivotal role in the battle against corrosion. Advances in coating formulations and the development of customized, eco-friendly solutions are on the horizon. The integration of IoT technologies could also enhance the efficiency and accuracy of testing processes, offering real-time monitoring and data analysis to refine coatings and combat rust more effectively​​.
Salt Spray Chambers, also known as Salt Spray Chamber fog, are critical in simulating corrosive conditions to assess the corrosion resistance of various materials and coatings. They are pivotal for industries aiming to ensure their products can withstand harsh environments, especially those exposed to saltwater or coastal conditions​​​​.
What is a Salt Spray Chamber?
A Salt Spray Chamber is a sophisticated device that creates a highly corrosive environment through the atomization and spraying of a salt solution onto test specimens. This method is essential for predicting the long-term effects of salt exposure on materials, ensuring they are fit for use in environments prone to corrosion​​.
How Does a Salt Spray Chamber Work?
The chamber functions by maintaining a controlled environment with specific temperature, humidity, and pH levels to ensure consistent testing conditions. Test specimens are exposed to a salt mist for a predetermined duration, after which they are evaluated for signs of corrosion​​.
Applications of Salt Spray Chambers
Salt Spray Chamber find extensive applications across various industries such as automotive, aerospace, marine, and electronics. They are used to test the corrosion resistance of vehicle components, aircraft structures, marine equipment, and electronic devices, ensuring these products can endure corrosive environments​​.
Choosing the Right Salt Spray Chamber
Selecting an appropriate Salt Spray Chamber involves considering factors like size, capacity, construction materials, control features, and safety mechanisms. It's essential to choose a chamber that can accommodate the test specimens, provide accurate control of testing conditions, and ensure the safety of its operation​​​​.
Features and Benefits of Salt Spray Chambers
Key Features
Enclosed Chamber: Prevents salt spray from contaminating the environment.
Atomization System: Controls the size and intensity of the salt spray.
Temperature and Humidity Control: Essential for maintaining consistent test conditions.
pH Control: Ensures the salt solution remains within a specific range for consistent testing.
Safety Features: Include automatic shut-offs and ventilation systems for user safety.
Data Logging and Analysis: Facilitates the recording and analysis of test results, helping users identify trends in corrosion data​​.
Salt Spray Chambers offer numerous benefits, including the ability to simulate real-world corrosive conditions, thus helping manufacturers predict the durability and resistance of their products against corrosion. They also support compliance with international standards and help in the development of products capable of withstanding harsh environmental conditions​​.
Maintenance and Calibration
Regular maintenance and calibration are crucial for ensuring the accuracy and consistency of Salt Spray Chamber results. Maintenance tasks may include cleaning the chamber, checking solution concentration, and verifying temperature and humidity controls' accuracy. Proper maintenance ensures the chamber's longevity and reliability in delivering precise test outcomes​​.
Salt Spray Chamber are indispensable tools in the evaluation of materials' and coatings' corrosion resistance. By accurately simulating corrosive environments, they allow for the development of more durable and reliable products across various industries. Choosing the right chamber, along with regular maintenance and calibration, ensures the effective assessment of corrosion resistance, ultimately contributing to higher product quality and longevity.
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graysonworld · 11 months
Role of corrosion test chambers and salt test chambers
Are you familiar with the Corrosion test chamber and salt spray chamber? These specialized chambers are vital for testing the durability and corrosion resistance of materials and products.
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annie-tjc · 8 months
What is an environmental test chamber and what products does it include
#Environmental test chamber#Climatic test chamber#Temperature test chamber#Humidity test chamber
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An environmental test chamber is a device or system used to simulate and control specific environmental conditions. It is widely used in scientific research, engineering testing, product development and quality control.
The environmental test chamber can simulate various environmental conditions, such as temperature, humidity, air pressure, light, vibration, vibration, climate, etc. They usually consist of a closed box, and the environmental conditions inside the box can be precisely regulated and monitored by a control system. The environmental test chamber usually has functions and equipment such as temperature controller, humidity controller, sensor, data logger, etc.
By using environmental test chambers, researchers, engineers, and manufacturers can test and evaluate materials, products, or systems under controlled conditions. For example, they can use test chambers to simulate material properties under extreme temperature conditions, product stability under high humidity, and the reliability of electronic devices under different climatic conditions. These tests can help them understand how the material or product will behave in the context of actual use and make necessary improvements and optimizations.
Environmental test chambers have a wide range of applications, covering many industries, including aerospace, automotive, electronics, pharmaceuticals, food, environmental science, etc. They play an important role in product development, quality control and compliance testing to improve product reliability, stability and adaptability.
There are many different types of products on the market to meet the needs of different fields and applications. Here are some common environmental test chamber products:
Temperature test chamber: used to simulate the test environment under different temperature conditions, can provide low temperature, high temperature or temperature cycle functions.
Humidity test chamber: used to simulate the test environment under different humidity conditions, can achieve high humidity, low humidity or humidity cycle.
Thermal shock test chamber: A combination of temperature and humidity functions is used to simulate the environment of rapid temperature and humidity changes to test the heat and cold resistance of the product.
Vibration test chamber: used to simulate the test environment under different vibration conditions, which can realize sinusoidal vibration, random vibration or shock vibration.
Salt spray chamber: used to simulate the salt spray corrosion environment, often used to test the corrosion resistance of materials and coatings.
Dust test chamber: Used to simulate dust and particulate environments, often used to test the sealing performance of electronic devices and packages.
Climate test chamber: combined with temperature, humidity, light and other environmental factors, used to simulate the test environment under real climate conditions.
ESS Chamber:ESS Chamber can simulate the operation of the product under various environmental stress conditions such as temperature, humidity, vibration and shock. It provides a fast and efficient method for screening products for possible failures and reliability issues during actual use
Uv Testing Chamber:UV testing chamber is a device used to simulate the UV radiation environment and test the weather resistance of materials. It is usually composed of ultraviolet light source, temperature control system, humidity control system, transparent sample rack, etc., which can simulate ultraviolet light exposure in the natural environment, high temperature and high humidity and other conditions for evaluating the weather resistance and durability of materials.
If you want to know more about the relevant products of environmental reliability testing equipment, you can visit Environmental test chamber manufacturer,JOEO ALI testing. They are a professional manufacturer and sales of environmental test chamber and vibration test system in China. Guangdong ALI Testing Equipment Co,. Ltd. specializes in temperature and humidity testing and mechanical vibration testing systems, and is a leader in the field of environmental and reliability testing.
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yathermscientific · 5 days
Salt Spray Corrosion Test Chamber Manufacturer
Cyclic Corrosion Test Chamber- Salt Spray Test Chamber/ASTM B117 Aging Approved Corrosion Fog Salt Spray Environment Test Chamber/Precision salt spray test chamber Corrosion Testing Machine Salt Spray Testing Machine..!!
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What is the use of Salt Spray Test Chamber?
A salt spray test chamber, also known as a salt fog chamber or salt mist chamber, is a laboratory apparatus used to simulate and evaluate the corrosion resistance of materials and coatings. It creates a controlled environment where materials can be subjected to corrosive conditions similar to those found in real-world environments, such as coastal areas or industrial settings.
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Uses of Salt Spray Test Chamber
Corrosion Testing: It exposes materials or coatings to a highly corrosive environment composed of a saltwater mist, typically containing sodium chloride (NaCl). This simulates the harsh conditions materials might encounter in real-world environments, such as coastal areas where saltwater exposure is common, or industrial environments with corrosive chemicals.
Accelerated Testing: The test accelerates the natural corrosion process, allowing researchers and manufacturers to evaluate the performance and durability of materials and coatings over a shorter period. This can help in predicting the long-term behavior of materials and products in real-world conditions.
Quality Control: It’s used in quality control processes to ensure that materials and coatings meet industry standards and specifications for corrosion resistance. Manufacturers can use the results of salt spray tests to improve product design, material selection, and manufacturing processes to enhance durability and reliability.
Research and Development: Researchers use salt spray test chambers to study the corrosion mechanisms of materials and coatings, develop new corrosion-resistant materials, and optimize existing ones.
How Salt Spray Test Chamber Works?
Here’s how a salt spray test chamber typically works:
Salt Solution: The chamber contains a reservoir of saltwater solution, usually composed of sodium chloride (NaCl) mixed with water. This solution is atomized or sprayed into the chamber to create a fine mist of saltwater.
Exposure: Specimens or test samples, such as metal parts, coatings, or painted surfaces, are placed inside the chamber. These samples are exposed to the saltwater mist for a specified period.
Temperature and Humidity Control: The chamber’s temperature and humidity levels are controlled to maintain consistent testing conditions. This helps ensure reproducible results and allows for comparison between different samples.
Observation and Evaluation: During and after exposure, researchers or technicians observe the samples for signs of corrosion, such as rust formation, blistering, or color changes. The duration of exposure and the severity of the conditions can vary depending on the specific testing standards or requirements.
Analysis: After the test is complete, the samples are often analyzed to quantify the extent of corrosion or degradation. This may involve measuring corrosion rates, analyzing surface morphology, or performing other analytical techniques to assess the performance of the materials or coatings.
Salt spray test chambers are commonly used in industries such as automotive, aerospace, marine, and construction, where materials are exposed to harsh environmental conditions. They play a crucial role in quality control, research, and development, helping manufacturers ensure that their products meet performance standards and regulatory requirements for corrosion resistance.
Overall, salt spray test chambers are valuable tools for assessing the corrosion resistance of materials and coatings, helping to ensure the reliability and longevity of products in various applications.
Salt Spray Test Chamber Manufacturer in India
If you are looking for Salt Spray Test Chamber Manufacturer and supplier in India, look no further than Ferrotek Equipments, We are a leading manufacturer and supplier of Salt Spray Test Chamber in India.
For more details, please contact us!
Website :- https://www.ferrotekequipments.com/
Contact No. :- +91–9811576010
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jollyclamps50 · 2 months
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The Oracle of Quality Testing: Salt-Spray Tests
The phrase “salt-spray test” describes an accelerated corrosion test that is applied to various products and materials to assess their performance in a salty environment.
Usually, a saline solution is sprayed on the material to be tested once it is placed inside a chamber.
It is significant to note that, given that the materials are exposed to a very high concentration of sodium chloride (typically 5% NaCl), many of the natural variables that cause corrosion are not taken into account in this test. The concentration of salt in this mixture is alarmingly high, as it is rarely found in outdoor applications.
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The following parameters are used when conducting salt-spray tests:
The test samples are placed into a chamber at a predetermined temperature (usually 35ºC) and misted or finely sprayed with a 5% sodium chloride saline solution.
The duration of the test can range from 24 to 1000 hours. Throughout the trial, the samples are maintained at a constant temperature and moisture content. To ensure that the saline solution covers the entire surface, each sample is also rotated at regular intervals.
Oxidation of the sample’s surface is the test’s outcome. The number of hours needed before the sample’s surface exhibits oxidation for the first time is measured. The numer of hours before 5% of the surface oxidizes is one of the other techniques.
Jolly Clamps come with a variety of surface treatments and are made of different materials. The article’s resistance to corrosion is determined by the combination of these two factors.
According to ASTM B117 (Standard Practice for Operating Salt Spray).
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simultechaustralia · 7 months
Use of Salt Spray Corrosion Test Chamber in Marine Industry
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Did you know? Nearly 90% of ship failures are due to corrosion. (https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/508/1/012143/pdf#:~:text=Statistics%20show%20that%20about%2090,salt%20concentration%20in%20the%20air.) It is no surprise that ships are exposed to rainfall, humidity, temperature, and more. As a result, the chances of corrosion are higher. Therefore, manufacturers of ship parts look for solutions to increase the resistance and durability of the products. That is where the salt spray corrosion test chamber comes into the picture. In this blog, you will explore the significance of this chamber in the marine industry. Let’s dive in!
Need for Conducting Corrosion Tests in the Marine Sector
The marine atmosphere is highly corrosive owing to the rising levels of humidity and salinity. As marine ships and machinery are usually built of metals like steel, they tend to degrade rapidly. With the weakening of the components, the risk of ship accidents increases. The accident of marine vessels carrying dangerous items like oil can lead to severe consequences on the water body. To prevent such accidents and ensure marine safety, conducting corrosion tests matters a lot. 
Benefits of Leveraging Salt Spray Corrosion Test Chamber
Are you still wondering why the salt spray corrosion test chamber matters for the marine sector? Take a look at the prominent benefits.
Corrosion Resistance Evaluation
The salt spray test chambers allow the manufacturers to effectively evaluate the resistance ability of the coating, material, or surface of the marine ships and machinery against corrosion. It helps ascertain their performance and durability in different challenging circumstances. 
Quality Control
Salt spray corrosion tests enable the manufacturers to check the quality of the materials and coatings of the ships. They make sure that the marine vessels meet all the necessary requirements.
Cost-effective Analysis
Previously, manufacturers had to test the products in a real-world environment to analyse the performance of the materials and surfaces of the marine ships. As a result, the cost of analysis was relatively higher. However, the salt spray chambers help manufacturers to save a lot on such costs. The chambers provide a controlled and realistic environment to evaluate the performance with ease.
Material Selection
Different materials are available for the ships and other machinery used in the marine sector. Salt spray corrosion test chambers help compare the ability of different materials to withstand harsh weather conditions and salt water. As a result, you can easily choose the most suitable material for the marine projects. 
Research and Development
To thrive in the competitive era, improving the products is the need of the hour. That is why manufacturers keep experimenting with new coatings and materials. It enables them to understand which compositions perform the best under corrosive conditions. 
Compliance with Standards
Every industry has to comply with specific regulations and standards. The marine industry is no different. Salt spray corrosion test helps improve the reliability and quality of the ships. As a result, complying with the industry standards becomes easy.
Evaluation of coatings and materials of the marine ships and machinery is possible with the salt spray corrosion test chambers. Are you in search of the best chambers at competitive prices? If yes, Simultech can be the perfect choice.
Blog Source:https://simultechaustralia.wordpress.com/2023/12/16/use-of-salt-spray-corrosion-test-chamber-in-marine-industry/
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effectivelabindia · 16 days
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Introduction to Salt Spray Chamber: It’s Working & Features
The corrosion resistance of paint, powder-coated, and plated items is checked with the help of Effective Lab’s salt spray chamber. Salt spray testing can be employed to determine the life span of paint, coating, and plating, including but not limited to powder coating, zinc plating, nickel and chrome plating, CED coating, phosphate surfaces, alloy plating, electroplated chromium, copper, and tin, etc. Among the numerous manufacturers of salt spray chambers is Effective Lab India—our lab-testing corrosion chamber. Read more: https://effectivelabindia.com/salt-spray-test-chamber-india
Contact Information: Effective Lab India Website: https://saltspraychamber.com/ Email: [email protected] Phone: +91-95555-155-25
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libtest1 · 7 months
Walk-In Environmental Chamber
LIB walk-in environmental chamber is a large size test chamber. The walk-in test chamber can simulate a variety of environment conditions, providing a solution integrating design, production, delivery, installation and operation. Including  walk-in temperature and humidity chamber, walk-in salt spray chamber, walk-in dust chamber, walk-in rain chamber and walk-in special chamber.
Walk-In Environmental Chamber Features and Benefits
1. The walk-in environmental chamber is available in integrally formed and detachable models. The test chamber can simulate temperature, humidity, corrosion, low air pressure, sand, rain, toxic gas and other environmental conditions.
2. The walk in environmental chamber can be equipped with a variety of devices such as cart and stand. It is possible to test large size specimens and large number of them.
3. Engineers carry out on-site installation, commissioning, training and one-stop solution to customers.
4. LIB team responds quickly, has high work efficiency and can delivery the chamber as soon as possible.
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saltspraytestchamber · 3 months
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pacorr · 3 months
Navigating the World of Salt Spray Chamber for Superior Material Testing
A Salt Spray Chamber, like the one from Pacorr Testing Instruments, is a device used to simulate and measure the corrosion resistance of materials when exposed to a salt fog or salt spray environment. This type of testing is crucial for evaluating the protective coatings and materials used in various industries, including automotive, aerospace, construction, and marine, among others.
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In the world of material testing and quality assurance, understanding the durability and longevity of your products is paramount. That's where the Salt Spray Chamber taps in - an advanced solution designed to simulate the harshest environments and help you predict the lifespan of your materials. This blog dives deep into the workings, benefits, and maintenance of Salt Spray Chamber, providing you with essential insights to leverage this technology effectively.
Why Use a Salt Spray Chamber?
Salt Spray Chamber offer a controlled environment to assess the corrosion resistance of various materials and coatings. By replicating the conditions that lead to corrosion in a short period, these chambers allow researchers, developers, and quality assurance teams to:
Accelerate Testing Processes: Reduce the time it takes to evaluate corrosion resistance from years to just a few hours or days.
Enhance Product Quality: Identify and rectify potential weaknesses in materials before they reach the market.
Comply with International Standards: Meet industry and regulatory standards, ensuring your products are competitive and compliant.
How Does It Work?
At its core, a Salt Spray Chamber creates a saline fog environment, exposing materials to highly corrosive conditions that mimic real-world exposure to saltwater or coastal climates. The process involves:
Preparation of the Salt Solution: A precise mixture of salt and water is prepared, according to specific testing standards.
Fog Creation: The solution is atomized into a fine mist, uniformly distributing saltwater across the test samples.
Temperature and Humidity Control: Conditions within the chamber are precisely controlled to match the test requirements, ensuring consistent and reliable results.
Choosing the Right Chamber:
Selecting a Salt Spray Chamber that fits your needs is crucial. Consider the following factors:
Capacity: Ensure the chamber can accommodate the size and quantity of samples you plan to test.
Standards Compliance: Verify that the chamber meets the specific testing standards relevant to your industry.
Automation and Control Features: Look for chambers with advanced control systems for temperature, humidity, and spray duration to streamline your testing processes.
Maintenance Tips:
To ensure your Salt Spray Chamber operates at peak efficiency, regular maintenance is essential. This includes:
Routine Cleaning: Prevent salt accumulation and blockages by cleaning the nozzle and interior surfaces regularly.
Solution Monitoring: Keep an eye on the salt solution concentration and quality to ensure consistent testing conditions.
Inspection and Calibration: Regularly inspect and calibrate the chamber to maintain accuracy and compliance with testing standards.
Q: How long does a typical salt spray test last?
A: Test durations can vary widely, from a few hours to several days, depending on the material and the standards being adhered to.
Q: Can I test any material in a Salt Spray Chamber?
A: While salt spray testing is versatile, it's primarily used for metals and coatings. It's essential to consult with experts to determine if your material is suitable for this type of testing.
Q: How do I interpret the results of a salt spray test?
A: Results typically involve assessing the degree of corrosion or coating integrity after exposure. It's advisable to work with experienced analysts to accurately interpret these outcomes.
Salt Spray Chamber are invaluable tools in the realm of material testing, offering insights into the durability and resilience of products under corrosive conditions. By understanding how to effectively use and maintain these chambers, you can significantly enhance your product development process, ensuring your materials stand the test of time.
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graysonworld · 1 year
All You Should know about Testronix CASS Cum Salt Spray Chamber
When corrosion occurs, it deteriorates the strength and integrity of the material because of chemical reaction to its environment. In the presence of corrosion material can become brittle, flaky, and perforated. So, regular transparency checking is very important to find out the areas of corrosion and to keep maintaining the quality of the materials.
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lizseyi · 7 months
In What Ways Is High Humidity Damaging To Electronic Products - Cranage
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Most of us are well aware that electronics and water do not mix (or certainly not easily), but not everyone always pays quite so much attention to humidity.
And given that the term “humidity” literally refers to the amount of water vapour in the air, those responsible for the design, development, and manufacture of electronic products certainly should care about humidity.
Moisture in the air can cause a variety of adverse effects.
Humans generally prefer humidity levels indoors to be around 30% to 50%, and this is also the optimal humidity level for electronic devices. In a setting in which humidity is above 50%, however, there can be a chance of electronics beginning to sustain damage.
Condensation – which forms as a consequence of warm air coming into contact with a cold surface – is a key sign to look out for. The formation of condensation on electronic products can bring about rust and corrosion, preceding effects that prevent the given device from working altogether.
A humid environment is a setting in which the air is full of moisture. And when electronic products become damp as a result, it is not merely rusting and corrosion to the exterior that might occur – if the moisture manages to penetrate the device’s outer casing, the interior can also be affected.
Even a relatively small amount of water inside an electronic device can conduct electricity and bring about shortages. The malfunctioning of electronics arising from high humidity might be especially likely in products that are not necessarily designed with the expectation that they will operate in such conditions, such as certain smartphones and earbuds.
However, even some electronic products that are designed and built with the idea of being used in especially humid spaces – such as kitchens and bathrooms – could be vulnerable when they are subject to a particularly high degree of humidity.
Turn to Cranage EMC and Safety for the environmental test services that guard against humidity risks.
Naturally, humidity is far from the only climactic factor that you will need to plan for when you are looking to develop and bring to market an electronic product. This is why our own environmental test services at Cranage EMC and Safety also encompass such forms of testing as solar radiation, dust ingress, salt spray, and temperature cycling, as well as shock and vibration testing.
What our climactic chambers are also able to do, however, is provide humidity testing from 20%, right up to 98%. This service will help ensure your electronic product really can stand up to the environmental pressures that you need it to stand up to.
Would you like to have a more in-depth conversation with our team at Cranage EMC and Safety in relation to the environmental test services we can make available? If so, please do not hesitate to call our team in Market Drayton, Shropshire, today on +44(1630) 658568.
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