#sally the most masculine woman in mobius
I love wuen he is drawn like a yaoi character
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knotholegazette · 2 years
some headcanons for my rewrite of mobius: 25/30 years later, starting with the royal 'twins', Princess Sonia and Prince Manik Acorn, children of King Sonic and Queen Sally (shown here in a recolor of their parents)
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sonia (she/her) is the firstborn and a trans woman
her womanhood put her off the list for succession of the throne, which lead to a screaming fight between her and her mother over fairness and gender equality in the modern monarchy
she won this argument and would be the first Acorn queen to be unmarried and still ascend to queen status (sally was secretly hoping sonia would win this fight, as she also disagrees with the traditional monarchy rules)
she's a chipmunk like sally, but her fur has a pink tint to it due to genes on sonic's side. she also took his green eyes, and his mother bernadette's blonde hair (which she styles short like her mother did in her youth)
she has her parent's strong sense of justice and revolution and is always striving to make the monarchy better and make life better for all people
while history has repeated itself with the daughter wanting power and the son not wanting the responsibility, she gets along very well with her sibling, despite their different trajectories in life
manik (they/them, he/him) is a year younger than their sister and is nonbinary
most citizens use they/them pronouns for them, but friends and family will sometimes use he/him. mostly sonic, who likes having a son (and manik likes to be his son, feeling most comfortable w masculinity when it relates to their father and their relationship)
they get their baby blues from their mother, and their quills are a deep purple, a mix of their mother's red hair and their father's blue quills. their fur is dark like chipmunk fur, one of the only traits they take from that species
sonia got all the braincells. while they also have a sense of justice and righteousness, they're much more adventurous and take after their father that way, preferring action over beaurocracy
they're extremely friendly and virtually everyone that lives around castle acorn is on a first-name basis with the prince and would have at least one story to tell about something that they did with them
plays drums like a champ
when they were little, they were inseparable, called things like the Dynamic Duo, Tiny Trouble, etc
sonia would come up with a dangerous, hair-brained plan and her brother would be the one to execute it. flawlessly, every time. mostly. exploded microwaves and melted quills not withstanding.
while sonia wants to be queen and manik doesnt want to be king, he has agreed to help co-rule with her if she's unmarried and does want the help. sonia trusts her brother to actually be a good help to her and has accepted this offer for the future, though she's pretty sure she'll be okay on her own
sonia insisted on going to public school as a teenager, while manik was fine with having a private tutor as it gave them more time to goof off (so they thought. turns out tutors have homework, too)
they BOTH inherited super speed, and while they're not as fast as sonic, they're still faster than the average speedy Mobian.
theyve only beat their father in a race (without him letting them win) ONCE, and it was by using a cunning plan and teamwork to propel themselves forward and slow sonic down
only manik has broken the sound barrier and created a sonic boom, though. sonia thinks she could do it if she really tried, but she's not as interested in using her powers as her sibling is
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