auniverseforgotten · 2 months
Top 5 AUs of whatever you have cooking, whether they are in fics or just floating ideas :3c
HMMMMMMMM SOMEONE IS TRYING TO SNOOP I SEE UWU /j these are all FGO AUs because my Star Wars AU is honestly still killing me orz I have so many ideas but I can't get them arranged right for it [I wanna bring in Hondo IMMEDIATELY he is SO FUN but I have to make it make sense...] and Star Wars fans SCARY X'D
The Pursuit of Diarmuid and Grainne AU:
So this AU is one I don't honestly know if I'll ever finish all the way or publish. Mainly because while I've read several Pursuits now, there's a lot of other mythos knowledge I need and it's hard to find non-Anglicized sources for me??? Unless anyone has a resource to share dfxcghv it started from my love of Diarmuid from FGO and all of Tea's really good Diarmuid and Fionn headcanons and a specific fic of theirs, Oh, Darling, You Can Stop Drowning that got me realizing that yeah The Pursuit being portrayed as a tragic romance....when one party held all the power via magical curse and the other just. Was forced along. Yeah...BUT that's another reason I probably won't post it in the end; the entire thing is built up on Tea's headcanons, so it also feels like it's not really my right to write it or post it. I'm mostly writing it out to read myself because I just,,,,need the serotonin,,, dfgv
Anyway. Main differences in this AU:
-Fionn is not attending the engagement because he is engaged to Grainne, but because it would be an insult not to attend. I haven't decided if he simply didn't express interest or if Sadhbh is still alive in this AU [basically just making it an entire mythos au not just a pursuit one]. If it's the latter it adds another layer because uh yeah Sadhbh is also mad her husband's dearest friend got stolen away and she would like to know Grainne's location as well thank you Very much.
-Diarmuid leaves pretty clear signs that it wasn't a willing departure WHICH IT WASN'T IN THE FIRST PLACE he actually, in one version I found, tries to throw her off several times [and this is AFTER Grainne already tried and failed to make a pass at Oisin and maybe also Oscar in the version I saw, can't remember], but he pretty desperately tries to wake Fionn in this one, both out of concern for his friend and then realizing what is about to happen. Not a huge difference I'm just rambling now sdfxghcv
-When Fionn wakes up from the sleeping draught he sees that Diarmuid is gone and Immediately knows Grainne did something bcus Diarmuid mentioned her Attention earlier in the story. Following a HC of Tea's, this Pursuit is, rather than a "Dude that was MY fiance", a "RETURN. MY BEST FRIEND. TO ME. RIGHT. NOW." Pursuit.
-Undecided how I want it to end; if they make it the full seven years and somehow??? Diarmuid returns to Fionn after???? If Fionn catches up and Diarmuid can't calm him down and he kills Grainne,,,which is INSTANT POLITICAL RAMIFICATIONS bad ending,,,,if he catches up prior to the full seven years and somehow???? Breaks the geis???
ULTIMATELY doesn't matter since it'll prob just be for me to read BUT it's one that has consumed my brain sfdg
2. Vinyl Destination [named by Ye uwu] Avenger Agenda/Saliama AU! LESBIAN TRANS COMPOSERS T4T LESBIANS HELL YEAHHHHHHH LESBIAN POLYCULE IN GENERAL I've mentioned this one to you plenty I'm sure but, Salieri who leaves the classical world that will never accept her and she goes to purposefully try and make herself a laughingstock by starting a punk metal band, a failure, etc etc so that she can. Well. Feel justified let's put it that way. BUT INSTEAD they ROCKET up the charts and suddenly she has to keep living, has to keep going.
During all of this Mozart is still in the closet and doing her best to break free but still stay safe with her father constantly watching every move. It started as an au where Mozart is in classical and Salieri punk, covering each other's songs to annoy each other how did it end up like this HOW DID IT END UP LIKE THIS anyway it's Salieri/Dantes/Jalter [all ladies] with Salieri also dating Mozart [lady] and Jalter also dating Boudica [lady].
3. So this one has NOTHING written down about it anywhere at all, but Fairy Knight Bedivere AU. And by Fairy Knight I don't mean like the FGO ones I mean it in the sense of like. Magic Knight Rayearth. He has a pact with Fou [who can change sizes, sometimes he is Fou sizze sometimes he is mount size sometimes he is HUGE] and they just...travel together and help people. Low stakes, probably set after an apocalypse so I can get some fun post-apocalyptic shit in there, as Enrichment. Could possibly involve some BediTris because that's my main ship for him, but could also just be a gen little fic/series about Bedivere and Fou saving the world one person at a time.
4. Arguably my WEIRDEST most cracky AU is the Hatoful Boyfriend Salierik AU. This was originally started for the Dead Dove day of Rarepair week, bcus I legit started that week with FOUR PAIRINGS. Anyway I thought it would be funny to make a pun with Dead Dove bcus,,,Hatoful Boyfriend,,,Erik is a murderous Magpie and Salieri is a massive vulture constantly in pain bcus the virus didn't mutate his family right. The Dead Dove is also literal bcus it's hatoful boyfriend so you know it's got murder, teeeeeechnical cannibalism bcus one character is killed for her bones????, some fun little gaslighting, etc etc
Just an AU for me to lelt Erik be a funky freaky little murder birb [all for his darling Salieri ofc] this is like 50% because I thought it would be funny 50% I asked Wolfie enough questions that I Gotta do it now XD It's partly written but has a lot of gaps.
5. Unrequited Fionndiar hanahaki AU. ONCE AGAIN NO ONE IS SURPRISED this started with a Tea headcanon, linking it from when I reblogged it bcus some of my thoughts are spewed into the tags dfzsxvg anyway the whole reason why this is especially fun is, as it alludes to there, Diarmuid, in the myths where he DOES die, has one fated death at the hands of his brother who was turned into a boar. This is because Donn killed someone's kid btw so then that was just. Placed upon Diarmuid and his brother's heads.
SO ANYWAY he has to die that way, and any other deadly injury he just bounces back from. So he contracts lungflower [Tea's thought on an alt name], and he Immediately knows what it is and who it's for. Cue Diarmuid desperately trying to hide it, growing proficient at swallowing down petal and stem and thorn until he is alone and it forces its way back up, trying to keep Fionn from suspecting anything because Fionn would damn himself to unhappiness if it means saving Diarmuid pain.
And he learns how to hide it, how to manage it, everything he needs. but eventually he DOES die. And FIonn finds him, as he is dying, and Diarmuid is trying to desperately swallow flowers but Fionn forces his mouth open to pour water into and. Well. He knows who they're for, because Diarmuid never made his feelings secret. So like another layer of guilt onto the man about to lose his best friend
FLASH FORWARD TO CHALDEA and Diarmuid starts coughing up flowers again basically the Moment Fionn is summoned. He tries to hide it but the Second Fionn hears a cough he is on that shit. Considering??? Fionn wants to try a relationship with Diarmuid now at this point, but Diarmuid assumes he's only reaching out to spare him the flowers. LOTS OF ANGST.
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auniverseforgotten · 4 months
for ask game: Salieri because I like hearing you talk about him
Ask game here if anyone wants it/wants to send any in!
My NOTP for them 
Honestlyyyy most things I can think of that would be a NOTP are just things that honestly don't make sense? Like for example, B.B. or Kiara would be NOTPs from hell for them but also. Would not ever happen. XD
I guuueessss a realistic NOTP would be just Salieri/Marie; while Salieri/Mozart/Marie is alright as a poly ship I still don't fully. Get why Salieri is Like that with Marie, maybe it's his court manners kicking in, or the fact that she's his historical bestie's little sister? Either way, I don't really like their dynamic as just the two of them, I feel like it cuts away too much of Salieri's characterization.
My BROTP for them
I have a few!!
I think Salieri would get along reasonably well with Sanson and d'Eon, though they would be a lesser BROTP for me; they're friends but they don't seek each other out to vibe?
BUT THE AVENGERS. A massive BROTP with the avengers sorry not sorry I love the avengers of Chaldea just being friends and clowning on each other all the time. Especially close ones would be Jalter, Dantes, and Hessian and Lobo. BUT they should all be friends. Except maybe not Angra Mainyu sorry my guy I just don't like you unu
I do also think Salieri and Phantom could be a good BROTP once they. Sit down and have an Intense Discussion about their differing wavelengths. Composing operas together,,,,yessssssssss,,,,,
He also just Inherits a BROTP with Moriarty bcus he's already friends with three of the Shinjuku peeps so Moriarty's like aight ur chill wanna vibe and definitely not be evil together?
OH ALSO HAD TO COME BACK UP HERE but huuuuuuuge BROTP of him and Andersen being snarky bitchy besties. They spill SO MUCH TEA and they know EVERYTHING they can and WILL judge you.
My OTP for them 
Salieri/Mozart is one of the ships I developed prior to ever playing by my friend Wolfie pouring them and their story into my brain so that is the OG OTP I developed for him.
But ALSO before I played the game I found Sabu's art of Dantes, Jalter, and Salieri all just vibing together and I am always a multishipper AND a polyshipper so,,,,Avenger Agenda also. Like look at this, more Sabu art, fucking iconic.
My second choice pairing for them 
From out of fuckin NOWHERE my second level OTP for Salieri is probably Salieri/Erik, the Phantom of the Opera! A lot of this is Wolfie's fault I caught this from HER but anyway both of them being Innocent Monsters in REALLY similar ways [twisted by rumor vs model of a character], I feel like they could talk and help each other so much,,,,they do have to get past Salieri's vibe check but once they do. It works great.
My fluffy pairing for them
Probably Hessian/Salieri! I want Hessian to have soft nice things and Salieri to have soft nice things and they CAN GIVE EACH OTHER SOFT NICE THINGS and also there is a. GIANT PUPPY. THIS SHIP GIVES SALIERI. GIANT PUPPY ACCESS!!!!!!! "Lobo hates all humans" shh hush shut up I do not See it.
My angsty pairing for them 
HONESTLY. I can make fucking everything angsty for this man. Angst is my character love language I put this boy through the WRINGER just ask Sabu they're the one who gets all my unhinged Salieri thoughts now.
SO my angstiest ship for Salieri is Salieri/Mozart; the fact that Salieri canonically hates AND loves Mozart is juicy enough, but also I can make that so much worse, SO MUCH WORSE, I tear these two to SHREDS in my head and they try to put each other back together with tears and closeness and I am so mean and vicious to them but it is how I show LOVE. I've written. A lot of fics, some out but most WIPs of these two and my current long one. I inflict so much upon Mozart and Salieri just has to watch it happen and I. I love them.
My favorite poly ship for them 
AVENGER AGENDAAAAAA Salieri/Dantes/Jalter supremacyyyyyyyyyyy LOOK AT MORE ART SABU HAS DONE OF THEM they're just,,,so good,,,,my favorite setup for these three is Jalter and Dantes being together prior and meeting Salieri and Salieri just. Misses ALL of their hints and flirting until someone [usually a cackling Mozart] points it out.
My weirdest pairing for them
Hmmmmm well most ships I have with Salieri have been drawn and written about a fair amount, but Erik/Salieri hasn't much if at all dxcfvghb if we go into fanservant territory, Joseph II/Salieri would be interesting but I'm not sure if it would wind up weird or popular if the servant Actually existed.
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auniverseforgotten · 4 months
Flexible Asks for Salieri and Erik (or whoever you like if you choose to swap them out for any of the questions) to feed the brainrot perhaps uwu: ⏰️ 🖼 📍 🛡 😨 🤕 💖 💛 👍 🐜
Ask game is here if anyone wants it/wants to ask me anything else for anyone <3
So a run through again w/Erik bcus not everyone reads servant profiles: Erik in FGO is more akin to an actor playing the Phantom of the Opera than being the Phantom himself. He's the model for the character, which is where his Innocent Monster comes from; he grows the claws and has the disfigurement on his face bcus of it. [ps if that is not the right word pls pls pls tell me, I used this guide from the National Center on Disability and Journalism but it can still be Wrong]
Just wanted to stress that bcus this is FGO's Phantom, not the Phantom of the Opera's Phantom who needs. So so much therapy. Like FGO's does too BUT STILL
⏰️ Who starts off the morning routine? Who makes them late?
Neither of these fuckers sleep lbr. 50% of the time they'll be up all night working on an opera, 50% of the time they are up bcus of The Demons. However if they DID ever sleep, Salieri would be up first and Erik would just refuse to get up, there are PEOPLE out there why would he GO
As for who makes them late, it switches between them both. When Erik is Not hiding in the basement he always puts a lot of effort into his costumes so it takes Time to get everything ready. And Salieri is cut from the same cloth, if you aren't going to look your best why even go???
Yes they do show up to Chaldea movie nights dressed to the nines yes everyone does lovingly tease Salieri about it [he made it very clear early on that he was fine with it but if Any of them do it to Erik he will have Words] but also it's endearing. There's Chaldea's resident dad and one of its resident basement creatures, dressed like they're going to a coronation.
🖼 Who has final say on the decor? What does their space look like?
Only when I typed it for this did I realize this is a painting and not a spider web XD ANYWAY decor is a Fight. Admittedly a low stakes one bcus imo they DO keep their own spaces, solely bcus Salieri is not going to live in a cave, Erik, sorry. And Erik isn't going to tell Salieri how to decorate because it's his room.
However if they DID have a shared space it would be a bit of a fight. Salieri enjoys gothic architecture just as much as Erik but they have different ideas of it. Salieri thinks arches and stained glass, maybe some wrought iron, and Erik thinks skulls and bronze statues looking horrified and in agony.
Salieri thinks that the normal Chaldea lighting is fine, actually, Erik would like five million candles around the entire room, but that is a FIRE HAZARD, ERIK. A chandelier is also brought up and Immediately denied bcus Salieri knows he would drop it on someone. If not to kill then at least to scare the shit out of.
Also the room isn't TALL enough but I like to believe they are an hour into a polite but intense discussion about Salieri not wanting Erik to have a murder chandelier and Erik being offended that he thinks he would ABSOLUTELY murder someone with it when Salieri finally goes "And how would it even hang? It would be an inch off the ground, bello." and Erik sits there like. Wait shit fuck you're right dammit
Not related to the question but Erik's little. Haunted mouse cave would be perfect for Halloween, Salieri talks him into it but doesn't have to convince him much bcus Erik has such a flair for the ✨drama✨and then they decorate it together <3
📍Who's the instigator? How does it usually go?
Honestlyyyy neither of them is really adventurous? Like. Erik literally hides in the basement all day. He might wander out if he hears exceptional music or singing which. Could be considered An adventure but they really aren't for him lmao
And while Salieri isn't As tucked away, he also seems like the type to just chill at home you know? If Ritsuka needs him he'll be there in a heartbeat, but he isn't one of the servants who hears "adventure" and goes racing off to meet it.
Ig you could see Salieri as a halfway instigator if you go with what I said in my other post [bottom], in that if he's chosen for a particularly dangerous reason Erik will slip through shadows and story to be by his side to try and protect him as best he can. And while Salieri does his best to make his partner not worry, there has been at least one case where they were in Big Trouble and Salieri lets himself be grabbed so Erik drops a chandelier on someone/slits their throat w/his claws.
They HAVE talked about this though, and the first time it happens Salieri is So apologetic and Erik is like ??? it's chill I would drop a thousand chandeliers on ppl bcus I love you <3 and then they have to talk about THAT bcus that's not what he was saying, Erik, he doesn't want you to feel used or like a tool and THAT gets into the basis of who he is bcus while he Is an actor stepping into the role of the Phantom of the Opera, there's still gonna be overlap and learned behaviors bcus of it. Like being a tool for other people bcus Erik thinks it's love. And it can be, in a way, Salieri isn't trying to CHANGE that he is just trying to stress that he loves him for many reasons and not just what he can do for him.
This is a very entertaining discussion to watch bcus they are both worried about the other and neither of them is grasping the other's points. Erik wants Salieri to know he will do anything and everything for him happily; Salieri wants Erik to know that he appreciates and loves his devotion but such strong devotion can be harmful to the person offering it and the last thing he wants is to hurt Erik somehow.
Mozart composes a scene about it, probably, meaning to be teasing Salieri bcus he doesn't get as much ATTENTION now that his friend has a boyfriend what the FUCK but instead it makes each of their points clear to the other lmao
🛡 Who's the best fighter? How do they fight together? How do they protect each other?
I would say that they're both effective fighters. I know in-game they're a bronze 2* and a silver 3* but given all the other fate IPs we've seen where servants who are bronze/silver in FGO are super fuckin OP, this doesn't rlly impact things. They do have different specialties though.
So Salieri I think tends to fight head on, he does have ranged capabilities but he's much more effective when he can also stab people. He is pretty fast because of it, BUT if he's quick enough he can pull up the Wailing Facade to tank hits as well. He isn't BUILT to tank hits, not like Mash is, but he has the ability to do so. He does require a good amount of support if he's taking hit after hit, but I hc him as another servant who just. Will not stop getting back up. "Isn't that every servant" YES but I mean it more in a his spirit origin could be reading as Destroyed and he'd still force himself back up out of rage alone. Yes this does lead to dramatic collapses on the battlefield hehehe
Erik meanwhile has two fighting styles: sneak attacks and silent assassinations, and all out berserker rage mode. This is mainly because he's a berserker in Shinjuku and HONESTLY given how they write him in fate he rlly should be a berserker in general- I know he's an assassin due to source material, but berserker honestly makes more sense. So his typical attacks are in the shadows, appears before anyone knows he exists and disappears before people even realize they've died. Howeverrrrrr if Salieri takes a really bad hit or goes down and doesn't get back up...my god this man goes feral. He has those claws and he will USE THEM. Also like the idea bcus of how often he appears with the skeleghosts that he can just. Generate those, sing them back to life maybe?
So to use them effectively they don't often fight Together; they have different roles and they understand it well. However when they have to, when one of them is overwhelmed the other is There immediately [so long as it doesn't leave Ritsuka in danger] and then it's back to back "failure is not an option because I am NOT losing you" full-on slaughter. I like to think that Mozart tries to keep an eye on Salieri to follow him to provide support, and an eye on Erik bcus that's his bestie's partner, for better or for worse [he has mixed feelings about Erik]. Conversely, Moriarty also keeps an eye on them bcus Erik is his Bro and he also is canonically fond of Salieri as well, so they have been in a Desperate situation before when Crime Gramps comes rocketing from fucking nowhere and takes out like ten people in one sweep. And then complains about his back lmao
I kinda already went over how they protect each other but idk this could be my small brain thinking when I play FGO but I think their NPs kinda compliment each other; Salieri deals heavy damage+lowers arts resist, Erik deals heavy defense ignoring damage+lowers debuff resist. They aren't perfectly matched like some but. It works imo so there have been times where Salieri will just burst into his NP to give Erik a boost for his, and vice versa. BUT ALSO ERIK DROPS CHANDELIERS ON PPL and other heavy things lmao. After they discuss it, Salieri does consent to it being A strategy they can use if they Have to, and Erik agrees even though he doesn't like his partner being in that much danger. His fave part of that strategy though is that he gets to shadow Salieri Heavily, he enjoys having his partner in line of sight for once.
😨 What do they each fear? Do the other's know?
Erik by being the model for the Phantom shares his appearance and some of the same headspace; because of this one of his biggest fears is people seeing him without his mask or glamor of some sort. Bcus imo even when Erik has his mask off in my stories at least his face isn't magically fixed, and he has some sort of glamor or magic hiding it. An illusion, mirrors, idk how he just Does.
Now Salieri is very good at boundaries and as such never touches his mask or asks; what he learns comes willingly from Erik. He always makes sure to be Very physically affectionate with him because of it, pressing kisses to his forehead, cheek, lips, hands, his mask if it wouldn't make him uncomfortable.
Eventually they're in a fight in some singularity and Erik loses not only his mask but also his glamour, and he is. Terrified horrified anxious scared. Salieri fights his way through to him, gives him his own mask, and helps him fight off the enemies. After the battle Erik returns the mask bcus the gesture is Too Much at once, Salieri takes it and asks if he can kiss him four times, each at a different place. The fourth is on his now unmasked face and my god Erik is a mess about it, about what he thinks is the worst part of himself being loved.
 And when the others are making their way over, Salieri just steps in front of him and doesn't let anyone else see him. Maybe Lobo brings the mask, he is the Goodest Boy. Or one of Salieri's firing squad.
Salieri for his part is mostly afraid of 1. losing himself and 2. never being himself in the first place. He can't ever fully shake the idea that he doesn't belong in his own body due to the nature of his spirit origin, and it gives him a lot of anxiety and depression that he works hard to hide. Erik sees all of it before they're even really friends, ngl, he kinda. Sees everything. So when they become friends he does tell Salieri he Knows he isn't okay when he says he is, not in an accusatory way, just like "hey I want you to know that I know" way.
Which is part of what helps lead into their relationship [it's a slow build from friends to lovers [after being strangers] that they don't even notice] because Salieri doesn't feel like he has to hide with him.
🤕 Have they shared with each other what hurt them the most? How do they care for each other?
Alright I kinda already did this with Erik above whOOPS but. I would say what hurts Erik the most is the mockery and hate people hold for him solely because of his appearance. Because if you READ THE BOOK overall it ends like. Hey this guy was, at the start of this, a human like anyone else. And maybe if people had looked below skin deep, none of this would have Even happened. Like. The Phantom absolutely did fucked up shit but who he became was at the hands of the abuse, mockery, and awful parts of humanity that were hurled at him.
So Erik really, really cannot handle being Perceived in anyway, it always feels as if people are watching him, mocking him behind his back, calling him a demon, etc. Now as mentioned above Salieri helps mostly in that he wholeheartedly embraces every part of who Erik is. He fucking loves his partner, okay? They adore each other, he loves him. He doesn't care about his face or his claws he cares about who Erik is. And admittedly he ADORES his voice oml does he love his man's voice he has made SO MANY OPERAS FOR HIM NOW.
For Salieri's part, what has hurt him most are the rumors that he killed Mozart. Both because it literally. Gave him the most incorrect spirit origin IMAGINABLE for how he actually was in life, and because it led him to such dark points in his life.
Now Erik approached this in a way Salieri Probably would not approve of in that he first makes sure fuckin No One is talking badly about Salieri in Chaldea at all and if they are. They get a visit. <3 And then he seeks out Mozart who at first thinks his bestie's boyf is here to throw hands but no he actually wants to know more about Salieri in life but from an outside perspective, as much of what Salieri says about himself is negative.
So he learns who his partner actually was and it eases things into conversations which also helps Salieri when he feels like he's losing himself again. For all that everyone in Chaldea is a little worried they'll be bad for each other, they are remarkably well suited.
💖 Who acts the most loving? And are they the most attached?
I feel like they both act equally loving because they both know the other needs it. While Salieri is uncomfortable with PDA, when Erik wanders up out of the basement for the first time in months he knows he needs support, so he's very physically affectionate. So from an outside perspective, Salieri would look the most loving due to not only being physically affectionate in front of others but also engaging in behaviors he usually wouldn't for the comfort of his partner.
Meanwhile Erik is often there for Salieri in his darker moments, times where he is overwhelmed and feeling isolated and Erik just. Comes in through his mirror. While they do Technically wreck each other's sleeping schedules, it's most often to support each other. Once Salieri has seen his face Erik also puts a lot of trust in him by leaving his mask off at times, a layer of extreme vulnerability showing that he trusts and loves him more than anything.
Idk they just LOVE EACH OTHER OKAY and they're both fully head over heels for each other, composing each other music and Salieri finds Erik's voice to be absolutely Divine, but when Erik hears Salieri's voice. He is just in the thrall of it. They sing TOGETHER and all of Chaldea is down bad LMAOOO Mozart is prying at the walls like LET ME DOWN THERE I HAVE TO C O M P O S E
💛 What do other's think about their bond? Family, friends, society?
Okay so I'll break it into chunks. Starting from Ritsuka! They love both of these servants dearly and once they determine that while they may be encouraging some bad health strategies, they are mostly helping each other, they are totally okay with it. Makes them happy to see.
NOW FOR ERIK I like to think the Shinjuku servants all kinda vibe together to some degree after what Moriarty put them all through LMAO minus Saber Artoria Alter and Jalter bcus they hate each other BUT LIKE THEY LOVE TO HATE EACH OTHER SO-
So like. Jalter and Hessian already love Salieri and they aren't concerned about him and Erik. They are a Little concerned about Erik being who he is but more on that later. But Moriarty already is fond of Salieri so he's 100% onboard, prob was Erik's hype man like "Salieri shows up to my bar sometimes and he's never with anyone I am 100% positive that you have a chance JUST MENTION IT YOU ALREADY SPEND ALL THIS TIME TOGETHER" and I feel like Yan Qing would try and be a hype person too. Saber Artoria doesn't rlly gaf and while Shakespeare's roll in Shinjuku prob would've made him Less willing to hang out with them he is ALWAYS down for the tea so-
BUT FOR SALIERI'S PART. Man a lot of people are Very concerned. Usually a servant = was that person, not so much where they're a model for the character. Other Innocent Monster types would prob grasp it easier but.
So Jalter and Hessian accept it faster than the other avengers due to knowing Erik better and being able to observe him closer. Lobo is angy for a while longer tho bcus Puppy. Dantes is Very suspicious of it for a Very long time until Erik sits down with him like "okay I hate people but we are going to Talk because this is upsetting Salieri"
Marie, Sanson, and d'Eon are supportive but cautious, though as they see them interact they're like "oh they're great okay <3"
AND THEN MOZART. Mozart who happens to stumble upon them and then they disappear themselves into Chaldea bcus they are NOT ready to talk about this yet, sits his ass outside Salieri's room for HOURS or maybe even days until his friend comes out. BUT rather than be a huge explosive argument Mozart is just like.
"Him? Why??"
And Salieri steels himself and starts talking and Mozart who doesn't GET it or see what he sees in Erik is like. Okay...okay okay okay I don't. I don't GET it. But he makes you happy. He does make you happy?? Okay he makes you happy. So Mozart actually has the quickest come around to Erik bcus he has that talk with Salieri bcus they are BESTIES.
👍 What do you like about this dynamic?
I like a lot of things, some more surface level than others. I like that they both canonically/historically have wonderful voices, and that they both greatly enjoy opera. I like feral overprotective partners. But also I really feel like they could understand each other better with how their Innocent Monster traits present, which is why it drives me NUTS that typemoon says Salieri doesn't like Erik sdzfxcg
Just. A person cast to play a role who then has that role inflicted upon himself. A person twisted into a murderer because of public belief and perception. LIKE Y'ALL SEE IT RIGHT??? I mean i know you do Wolfie but EVERYONE ELSE AS WELL-
🐜 What's your smallest headcanon for them?
I think they would both enjoy the Looney Tunes opera cartoons even though they're both serious about opera bcus they're just fun little things and it expands opera's audience.
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auniverseforgotten · 1 month
🐻 (carnival prize) for avenger agenda
🌉 (warm nights) for edsali
🗣 (yelling at you) for saying you don't write them well when u write them GODLY stfu ilu
Sorry this took me so looooooooong thanks so much for requesting <3
Carnival Prize
Carnival games are rigged, everyone knows that. You know that, your family knows that, the little old lady down the street knows that. And if Salieri wins one more game Jalter's going to have to kick his ass.
Warm Nights
Warm nights are a summer delight...unless of course you're surrounded by the ocean and reminders of your past life full of betrayal, trauma, torture, and vengeance.
With that here is my bingo atm!!
Tumblr media
So if anybody else had any they would like [doesn't have to actually get me bingo lmao], feel free to send an ask in! Keeping it Fate this time around! Base meme is here.
Main ships for me are: [happy to write more for already asked ones too!!]
Salieri/Mozart, Avenger Agenda, EdSali, SaliErik, Hessian/Salieri
BediTris, BediBerserkerlot, maybe BediArtoria but she's hard for me to write dfcghv
Other ships I like but think I would struggle to write BUT HEY I AN TRY are MeRoVinci, Scarmilla [okay idk if I could write this one well dxfvg], DiarCu, WaveSkandar, and I'm sure I'm forgetting some
I'M ALSO TOTALLY DOWN!!! To write friendships or solo pieces too :D
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