#salem plays mea
streetsofsalem · 16 days
The Play's the Thing
I’ve always been curious about the local impact of the various initiatives of the Works Progress Administration (WPA) in the 1930s, and when I first looked into Salem’s experience I didn’t find much. Then I found more WPA projects, and published a mea culpa post. And now I think that the WPA program which had the biggest impact on Salem was the ambitious Federal Theater Project (FTP), which ran…
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isaacapatow · 1 year
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* * #IKE'S APARTMENT CONVO WITH @salemcampbell
Salem Campbell: -knocks on the door a little bit harder than necessary, before crossing his arms, tapping his foot- 
Ike: -answers the door already groaning in irritation, hopping on one foot as he's getting his hightop converse sneakers on- What? What the hell is it that people need to come to my god damn doorstep for? I get like three hours of downtime a day, can't you respect that?
Salem Campbell: -let's out a short huff- respect? You wanna complain about respect? You?
Ike: -blinks at Salem, too disoriented to sort this out- Just tell me. I don't have the brainpower for twenty questions. -steps out, shutting the door behind him, an unspoken signal that he doesn't intend to be in this conversation long-
Salem Campbell: -let's out a mocking chuckle, shaking his head- Mind telling me where Ares is? It's about him, he should hear it.
Ike: -folds his arms, taking his time answering- He's around. Somewhere.
Salem Campbell: Oh yeah he's somewhere. Outside of Redwood. Without you.
Ike: -doesn't say anything. he smiles, instead, very slowly, and jerks his chin in Salem's direction: another unspoken challenge. Prove it.-
Salem Campbell: -stares back at him- Security saw him leave with Orion about an hour ago. I'll make sure security is gonna catch them when they come back through the main gate. Stop playing fucking games, Ike.
Ike: It's under control. -drops the smile, eyebrows level and heavy as he stares at Salem- I have it under control. It's my business, Salem, and if I decide that we need Ares working without being attached to my ass all the time, then that's my prerogative. Or did you forget I'm his fucking boss?
Salem Campbell: -straightens himself up- It isn't your prerogative. The council made the decision that you'd keep track of him through the ankle monitor, unless that conveniently slipped your mind. And if it did, maybe you shouldn't be the boss of anyone.
Ike: The Council made a decision to set one person's fears at ease. I made a decision about the manpower needed to keep everyone stocked with the things we need to survive. -holds his hands palms up like a scale, weighing and then dropping one hand much lower, widening his eyes with a grin- Oh, look at that! My reason's more important than Silvy's.
Salem Campbell: Jesus fucking- Isaac, you have absolutely zero right to decide that! The council made a decision. And you went against it all on your own! Tell me Ike, if you know so much better than everyone - what the fuck do you think we have a council for?
Ike: Don't you doubt me on that. You know I believe in what the Council does. But sometimes what we do is for appearances, Salem. You haven't figured that one out by now?
Salem Campbell: You know full damn well it isn't just for appearances. You know what that guy did. And you just wanna let him run around Redwood? And you can't even be bothered to get off your ass and talk to us about it?
Ike: -shrugs, throwing his hands up a bit- Whaddyou want from me? A mea culpa? You want me to rain ashes on my head and beat my breast for not getting a blessing from on high? Well, tough titty, pal. We make unilateral decisions sometimes. This is mine. I'm sticking by it.
Salem Campbell: You are not above the fucking rules Ike. I didn't want to even keep him here! But when the council agreed that we should, I didn't drag him out of Redwood because I felt it was the better fucking choice! You know what- takes a deep breath- you can stick by your unilateral choice. And I'll make the unilateral choice to put Ares in a cell in the precinct until we can ensure that someone actually does their job and watch him.
Ike: -steps forward, outright scowling now, but -- takes a breath and reins it in- Look. He's not dangerous. He was, once, but we all did desperate things to survive. -considers, looking Salem up and down- Or at least some of us had to. He's been peaceful while he's here. I beat the holy fucking stuffing out of him, Salem. He's cowed. He's obedient. I keep the monitor turned on while he's in the gates, and what's he gonna do out there, while he's with another raider? He can't do anything. He won't. He wouldn't dare. It's the people in here who you're worried about, well. Everyone in here is safe. I make sure of that.
Salem Campbell: -doesn't even flinch for a moment- Don't fucking patronize me. I know what people had to do. I've made my peace with the fact that I'm not gonna trust everybody here. But Ares is a different case than somebody like Orion, or somebody like you. And even if you think he won't hurt anyone, you can't just fucking go against the council like that. You agreed to the suggestion. You vouched for him and promised to keep an eye on him. And you didn't.
Ike: Okay, well. -falls back a step, ticking his bottom jaw side to side in thought before clicking his teeth together- Then it's my fault, not his. There's no reason to lock him up. -pauses for a moment before lifting his hands, wrists together- Take me away, officer.
Salem Campbell: Oh no. You're gonna be death with with the council. Renee and Ermano got a right to know about this. Just be glad I'm only locking Ares up, and not Orion too for going out with him.
Ike: Salem. Jesus, be reasonable! This isn't Law and fuckin' Order, this is the goddamn end of the world! -presses his hands against his chest- I'll 'fess up to the Council, if that's what you want. Leave Orion alone, he doesn't have anything to do with it. Ares agreed to be tethered and monitored. He agreed, I was the one who decided to take him off it. None of the raiders were gonna narc on me, is what you don't understand. You just don't. It's different for people who go out there all the time. You're gonna do more harm than good driving wedges between them.
Salem Campbell: I am fucking reasonable! -scoffs- You will fess up, or I'll tell them. Ares is gonna stay in the precinct until we figure out a new plan to keep track of him like we actually said we would. Did you ever fucking stop and think how Silvy would feel about this? Anyone else? Seeing us promise one thing and doing the opposite?
Ike: -shakes his head, rubbing his face- I didn't think anybody would be paying that close attention, to tell you the truth. And Silvy's ... there are things more important than one person's paranoia. -reaches out to grab Salem's arm, hanging on to him tight- Man, c'mon. Just let me fix it. I deserve that much, before you go blowing everything wide open.
Salem Campbell: -stares at Ike, shakes his head, but doesn't pull his arm away- I've seen what people like Ares can do. People who think the rules don't apply to them because this is the end of the world. This isn't anybody's paranoia, this is common sense Ike. -takes a deep breath- How do you want to fix this?
Ike: -a touch desperately now- I'll -- I'll tell the Council. So they know not to blame any of my raiders. And we can assign somebody to stick with Ares at all times, that would work. Not just out there doing raids, but in the perimeter, somebody'll be watching him twenty-four-seven. Not forever, I don't think that's fair to anybody, but for now. Until the Council decides Silvy's-- -catches himself, rephrases- ...until everyone's fear about him is gone. He deserves a chance. Out of all my raiders he's the one with the most -- think of his brother, Salem. He's got Lucien here. They both deserve that chance to move forward.
Salem Campbell: -stares at Ike with furrowed brows for a moment, quietly- He's the one with the most what, Ike? Why do you care about him?
Ike: I care about them all. -holds Salem's gaze- He has a brother. They love each other. It'll just make Lucien suffer to see his kid brother railroaded for something I did.
Salem Campbell: He isn't being railroaded. It's called consequences for his actions. I'm not saying lock him up in there forever, Ike. Lucien's gonna have to live with that. -let's out a sigh- Maybe he shouldn't have been a raider in the first place.
Ike: They weren't his actions, is what I'm saying. I turned the monitor off and sent him out. Just give me this one, Salem. Please.
Salem Campbell: -stares Ike down- Alright. I'm giving you one more chance. I'm letting this slide. But if try to pull anything like this again, I don't care what kind of excuses you have. Ike- takes a deep breath and seems to deflate a little- You can't keep doing shit like this. I gotta be able to trust you.
Ike: ...keep doing shit like this? What else-- -stops, remembering the fence, and subsides, unable to meet Salem's eyes anymore- Yeah. I get you. Thanks, man.
Salem Campbell: Alright. -runs a hand over his face- If I see Ares running around freely as if he's just like anyone else, you know what I'll do. -turns to leave-
Ike: -watches Salem go, chewing his lip. he considers going back inside, but instead heads for the main gate. his raiders will be back, soon.-
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crystal-grace · 6 years
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Reminder that Camille is still the cutest Ryder :3c
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satan-was-a-writer · 3 years
Per that one request where the reader and Daniela were playing in the kitchen and the reader burned their hand with fire and boiling water (Christ, Y/N) and Alcina gives them a stern talking to, can you write that out?🥺🥺
Please and thank you
Of course, bestie!
- Salem
Daniela's Talking To
"Daniela! You know what I said about playing in the kitchen!" "But-" "What happened last time?' "I-" "Show me what happened last time."
Daniela points to a crimson mark on the kitchen's stone floor. It still appears to be fresh. And it is...it is from the day before yesterday. Daniela had yet to clean it up.
"Daniela! Didn't I instruct you to tidy up this terrible mess?" "Oh, I forgot!"
Alcina sighs and raises her hand to lift Daniela's head. "Draga mea...You see why I warn you not to play in the kitchen." Daniela nods, feeling a bit guilty.
"I understand, but it's f-" "No. It's not fun to go against my word. It might do you or others harm." "But." "Grounded. To your quarters. No sickle." "But, mother!" "Don't 'But Mother' me."
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Y/N's Talking To
"Now it's your turn."
Alcina leads you to the lavatory by your unburned hand. She pulls bandages and burn cream from the cupboard. She speaks to you as she is tending to your burn.
"How could this have happened?" "Nothing happened! It just burned!" "Mhm?"
As Alcina applied the cream, you hissed. "Nothing at all." She says with a sigh and a roll of the eyes. You finally fess up. "So we were putting our hands towards the flames. We were competing to see who could keep their hand in place the longest." Her eyes widened before she abruptly stopped you. 
"How did you come up with the brilliant thought to play such a game?" "Well..." "Well?" "It sounded like fun at the time!" "It was enjoyable to go against my word at the time?" "Yeah?" "Wrong."
"Okay." You whisper, it comes out as a squeak. "You ought to know better." As she finishes tending to your wound, she mutters. "That was irresponsible and disrespectful to me and my word." Her voice demands you maintain eye contact with her as she speaks. "That is something you will never do again. Ever." She makes her way to the restroom door. "You are no longer permitted to enter the kitchen. Is that clear, mea draga?"
"Of course, Alcina."
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dorianpavus · 7 years
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blake ryder, pathfinder
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Soul Bond
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Seth Clearwater x Reader
Soul Bond
A Sequel to Soul Mark
Note: I’m kind of in love with the whole Seth x Witch!Reader thing, so forgive me for writing another part lmao.
Warnings: None??
Word Count: 1854
Ever since you and Seth found out that not only were you his imprint, but that he was also your soulmate, you had barely been apart. Seth treated you basically like a queen. Any time you needed literally anything, he was right there to get it for you. Hungry? He’d make snacks. Thirsty? He’d have a water bottle in your hand before you could say “Hocus Pocus”. Cold? Blanket around the two of you as you snuggled into his chest.
It was amazing to say the very least.
Every time you were even in slight discomfort, he was already running through a million ideas of how he could make it better. It was a wolf thing, he had told you. He didn’t want to smother you, but he literally couldn’t help himself. Every time you were close enough, he would wrap an arm or two around you and pull you close. You didn’t mind.
Getting used to Seth was easy. Getting used to the rest of the pack was a bit more of a challenge. There were a lot of them. They were loud and hyper, and apparently, they didn’t know what a shirt was. You understood it was because of phasing and really, they were just trying to save money on torn shirts, but still…
Not that you minded looking at Seth’s abs all that much because damn… You were a lucky, lucky girl.
The pack kind of loved you. I mean, your witchy powers were pretty awesome. A simple matter moving spell looked like The Force, and they were constantly trying to get you to use your “Jedi Mind Tricks”. Not that you really could, but you performed little spells here and there to keep them entertained.
But with the witchy powers came witchy traditions, one of them being a Soul Celebration to mark the discovery of one’s soulmate.
“So who’s all coming to this party?” Seth asked. At the moment, your boyfriend was standing on a ladder, pinning up a big banner that read ‘Two Hearts - One Soul: (Y/N) and Seth’. It was cheesy, sure, but you kind of loved it. After all, the pack had thrown a party for Seth. He was glad the whole imprint/soulmate thing was a two-way street.
“I invited a bunch of my friends from Salem, so they should be flying in soon. And then, of course, the pack in invited and a bunch of my mom’s magic friends, and my grandma and aunts.”
“Sounds like fun.”
“They’re going to love you.” You told him. Seth stepped down from the ladder and stood in front of you, taking both of your hands in his own warm larger ones. He rested his forehead against yours. “Not as much as I love you, but they’re going to love you.”
“What else do we need to do before they get here?”
“Gotta hang up the fairy lights and arrange the table pieces, and then I’ve gotta get changed.”
“You look perfect like this,” he whispered, thumbs stroking your cheeks. You laughed softly, giving his firm chest a little shove.
“And I think your chest looks perfect, but you should probably put a shirt on before my grandma gets here.”
“Point taken.”
Seth was more than content helping you get everything else set up, and then he threw on a nice polo and khakis while you got changed into the lacy black dress your mother had helped you pick out.
Your makeup and hair were done so fast, it was like magic. And it was just in time too. Just as you got back outside to help Seth finish up the decorations as three of your witch friends from Salem flew in, touching down in the yard.
“Woah, when you said flying in-” Seth didn’t think witches actually flew on brooms. Apparently, the two of you still needed to play a little game of witches: fact or fiction?
“Is that him?!” Onyx was the first to lean her broom against the nearest tree and rush over. “Holy- when you said he was a- damn.”
“Girls, meet Seth Clearwater, The best soulmate in the entire world.” You wrapped an arm around his back and he tilted his head down to kiss your temple.
“Show us the mark!” Ivy reached forward, but was held back by Sage. You pulled aside the collar of your dress to show them Seth’s name in black. The girls squealed and jumped around. You were the first of them to actually get a Soul Mark and find the one who was meant for you.
“And so Wolves have soulmates too right?” Sage tucked a curly strand of hair behind an ear and looked up at Seth.
“Imprints.” he corrected with a smile, arm tightening around you. Even now, his heart rushed at the thought. He had an imprint. And he was head over heels in love with her. Onyx took a step forward and cupped a hand around your ear.
“Have you seen him turn yet?” You could tell she was smiling without even looking at her face. You shoved her playfully.
“That’s a no,” she laughed. Seth’s cheeks went red, and so did yours. He wasn’t all that eager to show you his party trick just yet. Didn’t want to scare you away after just having found you.
“Girls, you’re here!” Your mother walked out of the house with a few plates of food. “If you want to help me set up the food table, that’d be great.”
“Of course, Mrs. (L/N). We’d be glad to help.” Sage raced over to help your mother with moving the rest of the food from the kitchen to the long table outside. You lit the candles sitting on the tables with the tip of your finger, blowing out the flame when you finished. Seth looked at you with stars in his eyes.
“You are something else, you know that?” He took your hand in his, looking over each of your little magical fingers with care. You winked, earning a love-struck grin.
“I might have heard it once or twice.”
“You want some pop with that ice?” Seth asked quietly. Dark had fallen over the yard, which was now illuminated by fairy lights and fireflies, not to mention the countless stars glimmering up in the velvet sky. The moon was a thin little crescent, no more than a sliver of silver light.
You blinked a few times and looked down at the cup in your hand. You had filled it completely with ice, distracted by you weren’t exactly sure what. Maybe it was everything. Your head was buzzing and there were so many people here. Witches, Wolves, humans, even vampires. Jacob Black had shown up with his imprint Renesmee, who was apparently a human-vampire hybrid.
When had your life gotten so weird?
“Sorry, I’m just-”
“Distracted.” he nodded. “I know.” Seth held up his cup and you poured some of the ice into it before he filled each of your cups with pop. After setting down the bottle, his free hand roamed over the surface of your face, searching your eyes. “You can tell me anything, you know.”
“I know...I’m just tired. And nervous. There are a lot of people here, you know?” You curled into his chest, causing him to wrap his arms around you. “A Soul Mark is a big deal with witches. It’s a coming of age and the time when powers really start to come in and get stronger. I’m starting to get these wicked headaches, but I know it’s just growing pains. Kind of.”
“Well, I don’t know how magic feels, but being what I am isn’t always easy. It especially wasn’t easy when it all started. I was the youngest in the pack, and all of these changes were happening to me on top of puberty...Let’s just say it sucked.”
“Well, thankfully, I’ve got the puberty out of the way, huh?” you smirked. He kissed your forehead and rubbed your jaw with his thumb.
“Staying out of trouble, Seth?” Jacob walked over and nudged the younger wolf.
“Trying to,” he nudged Jacob back.
“So this is the infamous (Y/N). Nice to meet you.”
“Likewise.” You shook Jacob’s hand.
“It’s good to see you happy, Seth.”
“It’s good to be happy.”
There was a moment of quiet, and in it, you could hear the crickets chirping in the woods adjacent to the lawn. Your friends were currently dancing with the majority of the Wolfpack over in the open yard-turned-dancefloor. And then, in the quiet, your mother walked over.
“(Y/N), Seth, two minutes until midnight.” she reminded you. You nodded and grabbed Seth’s hand, leading him to the center of the tables. All of the eyes had fallen on you. A large leather book was sitting on a stand. The golden letter on its worn old cover read ‘Liber de Anima Mea’; the Book of the Soul.
“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” You asked. Sure, Seth was already linked to you, but this would seal the bond with unbreakable magic.
“More than okay.” Seth winked. Both of you stood over the book, hands linked. As soon as the clock struck midnight, the front cover of the book flipped open, the pages turning until it was opened to the right one. The candles on either side of it lit on their own. Goosebumps pricked your arms and legs, a chill running up your spine.
There was a voice, a whisper at first, but growing stronger. Swirling golden magic rose out of the center of the book, swirling around you and then swirling around Seth. A butterfly made of light fluttered around before perching on your joined hands. A few seconds later, it flew off towards the moon.
“(Y/N) (L/N), daughter of the Moon and Stars, do you take this Shapeshifter, Seth Clearwater, as the one true mate of your soul?”
“I do.” You looked him in the eye. He smiled and gave your hands a squeeze, one that he returned.
“Seth Clearwater, son of the Shapeshifters and protector of mankind, do you accept the soul bond with the witch, (Y/N) (L/N), hereby promising to be her protector, her guardian, or anything she needs you to be?”
“I do.” That part of the soul bond was easy enough. You were already his imprint. He was already all of those things for you.
“By the power of the sky and the will of the earth, with the strength of the flame and the depth of the sea, may the two of you be bound forevermore in the Magic of the Soul.”
The magic around you intensified, golden ribbons twisting through the night. A ring of light fastened around your wrist and his, and when the magic faded, the bands were still there, etched into your skin like your Soul Mark. The book slammed shut, the candles flickered out, and as the thin streams of smoke rose into the air, you took Seth’s face in your hands and pulled him in for a long-awaited kiss.
Part 3?
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Jan. 23, 2019: Obituaries
Doris Bare, 77
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Doris Elaine Bare, age 77, of Elkin, passed away Saturday, January 19, 2019 at Chatham Nursing Center. She was born October 12, 1941 in Locust, N.C. Ms. Bare was preceded in death by a brother, Junior Simpson and three daughters, Tammy Mastin, Janet Spark, Catherine Griffith.
           Surviving are her son, Ricky C. Bare and wife Teresa of Hays; daughters, Samantha E. Branaman and husband Ken of Bloomington, Indiana, Lori Mastin and husband Keith of Ronda; and sister, Elaine Simpson of Locust, N.C.; grandchildren, Gage Branaman, Jesse Walker, Jonathan Walker, Cory Walker, Kayla Mastin, Matthew Mastin, Joshua Johnson, Lauren Johnson, Dustin Bare, Anthony Stone, Bobby Sprinkle, Shannon Arthur, Brent Couch, Megan Eggers; and thirteen great grandchildren.
           Memorial service will be held 11:00 a.m. Saturday, January 26, 2019 at Miller Funeral Chapel.    
 William Barnes, 51
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William Barnes, 51 William Edward "Chubby" Barnes, age 51, of Roaring River, passed away Saturday, January 19, 2019 at Curis Nursing Home in Wilkesboro. He was born January 25, 1967 to William Parker and Sarah Barnes Jackson. Mr. Barnes was a member of Mt. Valley Missionary Baptist Church in Ronda and employed with Tyson Foods for 28 years. He enjoyed hunting, fishing, the Pittsburg Steelers football and Duke basketball. Mr. Barnes was preceded in death by his parents.
           Surviving are his wife of 22 years, Angela Bailey Barnes; three sisters, Mea Rosetta Barnes of Taylorsville, Althea Howell of Boomer, Saretta Redmon of Wilkesboro; three brothers, Dale Barnes of North Wilkesboro, Pete Barnes and Vincent Barnes both of Wilkesboro; several aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews.
           Funeral service will be January 24,   at Miller Funeral Chapel with Pastor Casey Walker, Pastor John S. Bailey II and Rev. Ronald Howell officiating. Burial will  follow in Mt. Valley Missionary Baptist Church Cemetery in Ronda. The family will receive friends at Miller Funeral Service from 1:00 until 2:00 on Thursday, prior to the service. Flowers will be accepted. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  ralservice.com
   Herbert  Taylor,  89
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Mr. Herbert Curtis Taylor, age 89 passed away Thursday, January 17, 2019 at Wilkes Senior Village.
           Funeral services           were   January 20, at Stony Hill Baptist Church with Rev. Phillip Boyce and Rev. David Testerman officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery.  
           Mr. Taylor was born March 14, 1929 in Ashe County to John McKinley and Dorthy Payne Taylor.  He served in the United States Army. He was a member of Stony Hill Baptist Church and served as a deacon.
           In addition to his parents he was preceded in death by his wife; Wilma Whittington Taylor, a son; Mark E. Taylor, a grandson; Jeremy T. Taylor, two sisters; Della Faye Miller and Nora Mae Cathey and one brother; Ralph Taylor.
           He is survived by two sons; David Taylor and wife Teresa of Purlear and Scott Taylor and wife Jennifer of Alpharetta, GA, daughter-in-law Pauline Taylor of Purlear, seven grandchildren; Christopher D. Taylor, Amy T. Sidden, Sarah Taylor, Seth Taylor, Nora Taylor, and Benjamin Taylor, three great grandchildren; Zack Taylor, Megan Taylor and Josh Taylor.
           Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Stony Hill Baptist Church Cemetery Fund, PO Box 97, Purlear, NC 28665.
 Veatrice   Parsons, 90
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Mrs. Veatrice Elizabeth Anderson Parsons, age 90 of Wilkesboro passed away Thursday, January 17, 2019 at her home.
           Funeral services were January 21,   at Reins-Sturdivant Chapel with Rev. Allen Lunsford, and Rev. Pete Parrish officiating.  Burial was in Piney Creek Methodist Church Cemetery in Alleghany County.  
           Mrs. Parsons was born June 23, 1928 in Wilkes County  to Lawrence W. and Martha S. Shew Anderson. She was a member of Gordon Baptist Church.                          
           In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband; Leff Parsons, two sisters; Oma Harrold and Stella King, a step-daughter; Cora Sue Wagoner and three step-sons; Leff Parsons, Jr., Jimmy Parsons and Tommy Parsons.
           She is survived by two daughters; Carolyn Clark and husband Ewel of Lexington, Judy Kay Parsons of Wilkesboro, two sons; Glenn Parsons and wife Deborah of Charlottesville, VA, Jack Parsons of the home, two step-sons; Billy Joe Parsons and wife Judy of Purlear, Jerry Parsons and wife Bobbie of Winston-Salem, eighteen grandchildren, nineteen great grandchildren and two great great grandchildren, five sisters; Ethel Beshears and husband Benny of Big Ivey, Myrtle Parsons of Lexington, Blanche Curtis and husband Gib of Wilkesboro, Rose Lunsford and husband Allen of Union Grove, Jewel Parsons of North Wilkesboro, four brothers; Russell Anderson and wife Nadine of Winston Salem, James Anderson of Rural Hall, Lawrence Anderson wife; Odell of Statesville and Earl Anderson of North Wilkesboro.
           Flowers will be accepted memorials may be made to Wake Forest Care At-Home Hospice, 126 Executive Drive, Suite 110, Wilkesboro, NC 28697.
   Owen Wagoner, 88
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Mr. Owen Wagoner, age 88 of Millers Creek passed away Tuesday, January 15, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist-Wilkes Medical Center.
           Funeral services were held January 18,   at Reins-Sturdivant Chapel with Mr. Steve Johnson, Rev. Michael Church and Rev. Ryan Penley officiating.  Burial was in Mountlawn Memorial Park.  
           Mr. Wagoner was born November 17, 1930 in Wilkes County to Con Monroe and Molley Cleary Wagoner.  He was self-employed as a logger.
           In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife; June Lane Wagoner and son-in-law; Larry Brown.
           He is survived by three daughters; Rosie L. Wagoner of the home, Mandy L. Brown of North Wilkesboro and Mary Jane Johnson and husband Steve of Millers Creek, two sons; Robert L. Wagoner and wife Loretta and Thomas G. Wagoner all of Wilkesboro, eight grandchildren; Dale Brown and wife Kristie, Robbie Brown and wife Jessica, Kristen Andrews and husband Matthew, Junior Wagoner and wife  Andrea, Heather Atkins, Lindsey York and husband Mitch, Olivia Wagoner and husband Ramon Valerio and Deana Broyhill, sixteen great grandchildren; Jesse, Jacob, Drew, Jonah, Addison, Luke, Abby Holden, Ismael, MacKenzie, Jackson, Jaxon and Luke Andrews, Turner Tate and baby York.
           Pallbearers:  Dale Brown, Robbie Brown, Junior Wagoner, Jesse Brown, Matthew Andrews, Mitch York, Tommy Spicer and Ramon Valerio, and Jacob Brown .
           Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Mountain Valley Hospice and Palliative Care, 401 Technology  Lane, Suite 200, Mount Airy, NC 27030 or Gideon's International South Camp, PO  Box 323, Wilkesboro, NC 28697
 William  Farrington, 84
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William "Bill" Canie Farrington, a loving husband, father, grandfather and step father, age 84, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Tuesday, January 15, 2019 at his home. He was born June 26, 1934 in Wilkes County to James A. and Artha Royal Farrington. He was a member of Oak Grove Baptist Church; member of the Lions Club; and retired as Chief Maintenance
           Engineer from Flavorich. Bill loved playing country music. Bill's favorite song, "Go Rest High" will be performed by special music guest, Lloyd Church. Mr. Farrington was preceded in death by his parents; and his first wife, Emogene Cardwell Farrington.
           Surviving are his wife, Evelyn Louise Blevins Farrington; sons, Garry Farrington and wife Glenda of Winston Salem, Michael Farrington and wife Diane of North Wilkesboro; grandchild, Kristen Farrington of North Wilkesboro; step-sons, Bob Cold of Atlantic, Virginia, Marty Cold and wife Lorri of Nacogdoches, Texas; and brother-in-law, Wayne Cardwell of North Wilkesboro.
           Funeral service were January 19,   at Oak Grove Baptist Church off 268 East with Rev. Joel Blevins officiating. Entombment   followed in Mountlawn Memorial Park Mausoleum.   In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Wake Forest Baptist Health Care at Home Hospice, 126 Executive Drive, Suite 110, Wilkesboro, NC 28697. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
           Pallbearers: Thomas Payne, Danny Osborne, Gordon Vickers and Bud Church.
   Bob Wells, 80
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Mr. Bob Lee Wells, 80, of North Wilkesboro, passed away on Tuesday, January 15, 2019.Bob was born on March 18, 1938 in Dade County Florida to Sidney James Wells and Opal Williams Wells. Bob enjoyed exercising, weight lifting, 50's memorabilia, radio broadcast and reading his Bible.
           Bob is preceded in death by his parents; daughter, Brenda Joyce Wells; sister, Oma Johnson; brothers, James "Chick" Wells, Gene Wells, Jack Wells, Bill Wells, Kenny Wells and Richard Wells.
           Bob is survived by daughter Angela Wheeler and husband, Bill of Jonesville; sons, James Wells and wife, Tina of Hays, David Wells of Hays, Daniel Wells and wife Carey of Texas, Michael Wells and wife, Crystal also of Texas; sister, Darlene Coleman of North Wilkesboro; brother, Gary Wells and wife Pam of Leland NC; grandchildren, Daniel Holloway of Traphill, Jonathan Holloway of Cary, Justin Holloway of Hays, Rachel Carpenter of Dobson, Nikki Brammer, Journeyy Wells, Blake Wells, Aiden Wells, J.J. Dean, Madison Dean and 6 great grandchildren
           A memorial Service will be held at a later date.
           The family would like to thank Ginger Rhoades and the staff of Rose Glen Manor for there love and care.
           In addition to flowers memorial donations may be given to Gideon's International P.O. Box 140800, Nashville, TN 37214-0800
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plushchimera · 8 years
darth-salem-emperor-of-earth ответил(a) на ваш пост “So I’ve almost finished my 10 hours of Andromeda early access! And...”
This was very informative and helpful for me. I keep seeing all the animation and CC critiques but for mw, while that stinks, graphics don't make the game for me--the storytelling and characters do. So if Andromeda can give me a decent story and characters I'll won't forget, that will please me. Hope you had fun playing MEA! :D
Yup, I had fun! I guess that’s what most important for game. I’m glad my silly "review" was somewhat helpful for you! c:
I don't think this demo gave me enogh time to make a solid opinion about writing, but so far characters I met were quite likeable. 
As for graphics... Well, without talking about animation, I felt some "uncanny valley vibes", but I think you're getting used to it in time. And while I'm little bit envy of people who are posting all this beautiful screenshots tears tears tears, playing with low quality settings has it own advantages :D
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crystal-grace · 6 years
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First chance for downtime and she’s chatting about science and the divine with Suvi!
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crystal-grace · 6 years
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Diplomacy in the least formal thing she could probably be wearing but eh it works.
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crystal-grace · 6 years
The Tempest is such a pretty ship and Ryder’s adorable.
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crystal-grace · 6 years
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My laptop’s not playing nice to take MEA screenshots but say hi to Camille Ryder!
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crystal-grace · 6 years
👀 Jaal get back here so Cam can climb you.
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crystal-grace · 6 years
Uhhhh y’all can’t do this to Cam. Y’all not allowed to walk around near naked and naked on her ship like this.
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“At least we and the angaras can agree on one thing: the kett suck ass.” -Kirk Ryder, said to his squadmates.
He did not waste time flirting with the new species. At all.
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Liam: Let’s ask that guy. He might have champagne.
Kirk Ryder:
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*5 minutes later of bonding time together*
Kirk and Liam:
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